Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

“Either they aren’t counting our votes, or the majority of our fellow Americans are incomprehensibly stupid."

It’s both.

“They can legally pay their servers well below the already ludicrous minimum wage, and customers are obligated to make up the difference with tips.”

Tipping is and always has been a terribly inefficient and confusing method of paying waiters/waitresses and other occupations that expect it (cab drivers, hair dressers, etc.). It would be much simpler if employers just raised the price of their products by the equivalent amount of the average tip, and then increased the wages of their employees correspondingly. Tips should be reserved for those rare cases of truly exceptional service, as they once were, instead of just being unconditionally expected. However that will never happen because we are too culturally conditioned to tipping, and because most people aren’t smart enough to realize that there is little or no fundamental difference between most of the occupations where tipping is customary, and similar occupations where tipping is usually not done or expected, for example employees at fast food restaurants, or bus drivers. Of course that is to be expected, since the majority of our fellow Americans are incomprehensibly stupid, as noted above. In fact, most of the issues that you rant about in this and other posts will never be fixed, precisely because most people are so stupid. That is why I don’t bother trying to change or fix any of these problems. It is hopeless, so I just sit back and watch. If you look at these things more objectively they can actually be humorous sometimes. So I am just going along for the ride, and waiting to see what will be possible to salvage from the wreckage when the whole system eventually collapses.

P.S. Looking forward to listening to Rense tonight at 6:00 PM (Pacific Time). I seldom miss you and Jeff on Monday nights.

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How does the government get away with holding the 6 Jan protesters indefinitely?

It must be the Patriot Act which abrogated Habeas Corpus. Isn't that still in effect?

In any event, the populace doesn't seem to care--- never mind the politicians and the bureaucrats.

The crooked and stupid police think US 2.0 is going to go on forever and they will get their pensions.

That last laugh will be on them.

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Most people are happy slaves. They have the attitude of slaves. They are happy because they can get instant gratification getting things they want by way of 'credit'. Just like members of Congress they can get anything they want with 'credit'.

I'll bet that no one can tell me how much 'credit' weighs, or what color it is or how much space it takes up.

Your 'government' is made up of criminals and yet criminals cannot represent 'government'. They are masters of deception. You believe that 'government' exists. You believe that 'credit' exists. However, you cannot begin to define either.

The people are morally bankrupt/ corrupt. They cannot differentiate between right and wrong, and quite frankly they don't give a damn.

That's how communism/ Satanism works. You have all been deceived by the master counterfeiter; the Devil himself and his children.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

Dog catchers' (assuming they still exist) contributions to society are far easier to measure, than those of Congressmen, Senators, and all members of the Executive Branch (assuming a current Chief Executive actually exists). Keep on keepin' on, Donald!

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Yes, Whitmer is a die hard leftist in democrat clothing.

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Sadly, right on. Thank you Donald!

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I could not agree more Donald, but people need to understand that the White House is not controlled by the user friendly term NEO-CONS, they are in actual fact, NEO-FASCISTS.

Which is why they have no problems sending billions of tax payers dollars in financial aid, and

huge amounts of state of the art military hardware to their fellow FASCISTS, who now control the

Ukrainian government, curtesy of the then under secretary of state, the U.S. Ambassador, and of course, those busy little bees in the CIA.

The biggest threat to world democracy and peace, are the governments of the U.S.A. and their

pet dog, the British government.

The truth of their actions now revealed over the last thirty years, and more, convicts them. U.S. and British special forces sent into north west Cambodia, to reorganize and retrain and supply the Khymer

Rouge, using Al Qaeda when it suits them, to help facilitate their actions in the middle east nightmare which they unleashed as a result of their illegal invasion of Iraq. All hidden behind a false narrative, just as their criminal activities in Ukraine are being hidden with the cooperation of a servile corporate media.

Anyone who has even the slightest idea of what organizing a genuine coup would require, would know that having the military, the police, specific set buildings and infrastructure already pre-targeted which would all need to be taken over, and occupied. Anyone with even one active brain cell would know that what actually happened was no more than civil disobedience.

We are talking about Washington D.C. capital of the USA, not some third world banana republic, and even then you would need a lot more than an angry mob of people. One can only conclude that those who are calling what happened a coup attempt, must surely be on a course of dumbing down medication.

If there has been a coup attempt, it has already taken place, it happened when the NEO-FASCISTS assumed control of the White House, and took control of the country.

These are the people that have the absolute affront to call Vladimir Putin a threat to world peace, they obviously have a real problem in thinking that they are some sort of an elite, superior to all. But in fact, they should not be allowed out, not without a grown up holding their pathetic little hands.

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I'm not sure what good it would do if we all didn't buy gas for a week - and some of us do have to drive to work, etc. But, how about this: Maybe we could all boycott the 2022 elections! It won't make any difference to the outcomes of these fraudulent elections (as we all now know all too well....). But some in the federal, state, and local governments might begin to get a little nervous if they see that the American people are so done with them that they refuse to vote or participate in their election pageantry anymore. It might cause them to wonder what we'll do next, now that we have turned our backs on them. I wonder what would happen :-)

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