Apr 17, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Happy Easter Donald!

A little more than 31 years ago I had a spontaneous religious experience that changed me to my core. I did a 180 overnight. I never joined a church, so maintaining my faith and submission to God over these last, extremely challenging, 31 years has been a difficult road. I could never have retained my new life, if I had not dropped out of the culture of America. I don't mean going to live in a cabin in the woods (although I did do that) rather, I mean no consumption of pop-culture...getting rid of the idiot box. At that time in 1990, I had already stopped going to the cinema ten years prior, so it's been 42 years since I've been in a cinema. I do enjoy pre-1960 films on dvd.

After 31 years of spreading the Good News of Christ Jesus, and spreading the bad news of "conspiracy theories", and talking to hundreds of folk, I can only count four people who I had influenced enough, so that when the vax was rolled out, they believed me when I told them it is planned genocide...and did not take it. If I only ever reach four people... that's ok. I know I did my best all these years...and never held back any effort or took the easy way out. I have come to believe that maybe, for us in this "work", we will only ever reach one or two others...and that was the plan from the get-go. I remember well, my overwhelming optimism some 31 years ago. It worked out differently...but that's ok.

Donald, you have reached far more than four people...you'll never know how many. Better to remain faithful to God and reach only one other person...than to sell-out and have a following of millions. I know that for myself, I always feel better after listening to you on Monday evenings. May the Lord bless and keep you and your family.

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Apr 17, 2022ยทedited Apr 17, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don... Well said. We ARE in a spiritual war and always have been. The Good News is that God still reigns and He has already paid the price of our salvation. The sad thing is to see how man has corrupted religion in his vain attempts to control everything and everyone. If there is no Grace - if there is nothing beyond the physical - then we are in a dark place, indeed.

We are all here and gone in the blink of an eye - no matter how much gold or how many WMDs one has at his command. No one has ever taken any of their riches with them (though they have certainly tried over the centuries). Humans have been playing at being "as gods" since the beginning and we never seem to learn... "There is nothing new under the Sun..."

The sheer complexity of life and the physical world around us proclaims the existence of a Creator. The absurdity of our authoritarian, technocratic, "scientific" Elites believing that THEY understand how life and Universe works and that they CAN now morph into gods via their transhumanist plans would be laughable if it were not so ANTI-Human...

On another note, some of the most godly people I have met in my lifetime have been Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim believers. Some of the worst specimens have been fellow Christians. When you look at the war-mongering, cheating. immorality, flag-waving-fascist tendencies of some who profess faith in Christ, you cannot help but be ashamed and appalled.

Happy Easter!

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don't be afraid to name the jew. Because, let's not kid ourselves, that's what's behind the evil we see today. Here's an article that illustrates the "Kosher-controlled conspiracy".

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Lets put a different spin on the matter. Between Urban folks and rural folks. The Liberal city and the conservitive rural. Compare, compare. Just recent they claim that first time in history more people live in cities than rural. This affect our out look on life. Just a thought.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Hi Don & Happy Easter to you too :-) Actually, Jesus called the religious Pharisees sons of the devil because they were hypocritical religious leaders. More involved with their own prestige & honor than honoring the God of Abraham. But there certainly were Jews who gave up everything to follow Him in the early days of the church, and these He didn't call sons of the devil. Also, Jesus did say that it was impossible for a rich man to enter heaven & used the camel/needle analogy to illustrate the problem. This was before His death & resurrection. But as He said, all things are possible with God. At the cross, Christ died so that fallen man could find forgiveness for sins - even the sin of being rich. (Wish that were my sin, ha ha ha). And He rose to show us that His sacrifice paid our debt in full. So now God appears to be setting the world up for the final conflict, which will end with the return of Christ to rule us. And that is about the only way I can ever imagine this evil old world becoming what we want it to be. Meantime, God bless you - Paula

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Happy Easter!

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Recently you said that you wouldn't censor anyone. Since I was recently censored by an old acquaintance who was a free speech absolutist, I have my doubts about that, and this is a good opportunity to test you.

In this piece, after you quoted Forrestal, you made a couple of dubious claims, the latter one looking like a big untruth.

The first one isn't so problematic:

........ Expanding that a bit, if the dark force didnโ€™t have a firm grip on our world, once in a while some goodness would slip through. Some honest leaders would attain power...... ...

Upon reading that, a name came to my mind: Magufuli.

But, determining the honesty of anyone is difficult. The second problematic claim looks more clearly wrong.

A few days before I read the above article, I was satisfying my curiosity by looking at the long-term demographic data in countries that are most associated with mass democides and grave injustices : Indonesia. Chile. China. Nicaragua. . And, what the official data show are ... steady rises of life expectancy, steady declines of mortality rates at birth, and with nothing in the graphs to indicate : "at this point in time, a cruel and bloodthirsty regime took over...."

That surprised me. But, it was also my feeling of surprise that caused me an additional surprise. ... Because, why should anyone feel startled by what is common, public knowledge, that is hardly ever contested?

Well, it's been always true that the ruling class is _not_ your friend.

So, how can the ruling class be your enemy, and allow these improvements?

Did they happen across decades and across the world though "nothing is ever done to eradicate poverty"?

Or, if they are to be dismissed as misleading, in what way are they misleading, exactly?

It's bad for anyone's learning to provide ready answers, so, I should better stop around here, though I have come to my own theory that was pretty much validated by the turn of events since early 2020.


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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Donald Jeffries

Well written but I will be a little more direct.

I became disenfranchised with organized religion when I was 23. The "awful questions" of where we came from, why we are here and where we are going were never addressed. So, I just decided to stay home, read the good book and pray for guidance. I know you and many of your readers probably still feel the same. Ironically, 34 years on, I am a very happy person in a VERY organized religion, living in Salt Lake :).

Having confessed that however, I am astounded at the lack of spiritual fortitude in all corners, especially in our Churches. It is painfully obvious that the rulers of darkness have given themselves over to the dark side. They may claim to be atheist or agnostic but the reality is they are being led by a sinister, ruthless entity which renders them as tools of Satan. I can only trust that the Lord knows best when he describes them as "not know[ing] what they do". I still think that many DO know what they are doing.

This plandemic has exposed all aspects of a fallen world and thankfully many are awakening as a result. The veil which has covered our minds is falling. The scales covering our eyes are beginning to depart. When we pass to the other side, we will be astounded at the love of our God and recognize that despite the satanic deceptions that have persisted throughout the centuries, and despite our own sinful natures, we were truly provided with a wonderful life. At the risk of being too preachy... thanks be to Jesus Christ who overcame all. Happy Easter friends.

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