Earlier this week, they tell us that another of the endless school shootings took place in Tennessee. This time, the narrative was quite different. A self-identified transgender shot up a Christian school. So, logically, the victims here should perhaps be Christian children? And the focus should maybe be on damaged “transgenders?”
Think again. No one outside of Fox News in the mainstream media has paid the least bit of attention to the adult and child victims. And no one outside of Fox News has even hinted that the psychological issues that force someone to declare they are “transitioning” might possibly be to blame here. No, instead, everyone from Joe Biden to the usual suspects in Hollyweird are doubling down on their support for transgender “rights.” Will this now include a right to murder people, if you’re just not in the proper trans mood? It really is astonishing to see how these utterly evil forces transform villains into victims. Transform. Transition. Whatever.
In America 2.0, it is not a mental illness to “identify” as something you clearly aren’t, and can never be. And the logical result of all this “transitioning” would be for the poor to wise up and “identify” as One Percenters. Please, please do that, unwashed masses. Or for Asians and Hispanics to “identify” as oppressed Black people. Who deserve reparations. And 80 percent of the high paying jobs in professional sports. What if some enterprising young man wants to identify as Scarlett Johansson’s pillow? Or Natalie Portman’s recliner? They would have to accede to this “transition,” wouldn’t they? It’s no more insane than mothers “transitioning” their four year old.
I read somewhere recently that a guy just had his third child. With his sex doll. It wasn’t clear which one was the “birthing parent.” Well, if a biological male can have a baby, why not a sex doll? With the fascination many low-birth rate Americans now have for their pets, will there soon be dog and human, or cat and human marriages? Even though I am strangely fascinated by hippos, it would be suicidal to marry one. We know that the dead are energetic voters. Can they “identify” as living? Can someone “identify” as being physically disabled, and get Social Security disability? Shouldn’t the imprisoned be able to “identify” as being free?
In one of our already buffoonishly corrupt courtrooms, why can’t the defendant “identify” as the judge? Or perhaps the jury, what with his pronouns being “They/Them.” That’s probably his best chance for some semblance of justice. If I “identity” as an airline pilot, do they have to let me fly a plane? After all, they’re committed to Affirmative Action at the airlines, and have recently lowered the standards for pilot heart health, what with their vaccine mandates and everything. If I “identify” as a bank president, I can give myself a sweetheart deal of a loan. It’s all legalized counterfeiting, anyhow. You get the idea here?
The possibilities are endless in the world of “transitioning” and “identity.” Can incels identify as “players” who score with lots of hot chicks? Wouldn’t hot chicks have to honor how they “identify?” Maybe female athletes can turn the tables on the Lia Thomases of the world, and “identify” as gold medal winning male sprinters. It’s really not that much different, even if they failed to win any races, which would certainly be the case. I once wanted to be a rock star. Why can’t aspiring musicians “identify” as rock stars, and be granted all the trappings that go with that? I also wanted to be a Major League Baseball player. Why can’t I “identify” as one?
Why shouldn’t all prospective writers be able to have their works automatically published by Random House, once they announce that they “identify” as a New York Times best-selling author? Why can’t some homeless person “identify” as Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey, and be granted access to their estates, and their billions? Is it any more ludicrous than human youngsters “identifying” as cats? Is giving the poor the millions they “identify” as having, more ridiculous than the schools installing litter boxes to accommodate their madness, as several have? Or the sanitary napkin containers installed in boys’ bathrooms by some schools, to satisfy “transgenders?”
You can find recent congressional hearings where adults, all college educated and with better paying and more powerful positions than any of us will ever have, seriously maintained that biological males can give birth. It doesn’t get more insane than that. Corporate America, and all the medical and law schools, push this madness as well. Doctors who utter “pregnant women” can get into trouble. So I don’t want to hear that my Huey Long-inspired notion about the poor “identifying” as wealthy has no merit. It’s arguably a lot more reasonable than any of the examples I’ve cited, all of them happening with the full endorsement of every powerful force in society.
I won’t comment on any of the dubious aspects of the alleged Tennessee incident. The Sandy Hook-like conga line of students being marched out. The well-rehearsed woman who instantly complained to the press about guns. The odd positioning of the alleged shooter’s alleged body in a photograph. I draw no conclusions, but I’ve learned to be skeptical. But my comments here take the narrative being presented at face value. Does anyone think if the shooter had been wearing a MAGA hat, and left a right-wing “manifesto” behind, that the reporting would be a bit different? What about the transgender’s “manifesto,” by the way? Will the public be able to see it?
Transitioning, pun intended, to the other big story- the announcement that a grand jury has indicted (or “indicated,” as the Giant Orange actor spelled it in an irate post on his social media platform) Donald Trump. The charges aren’t public, but presumably revolve around an alleged payment to former porn star Stormy Daniels seven years ago. If this is anything, it’s a misdemeanor, for which the statue of limitations has already expired. But D.A. Alvin Bragg, with a history of bragging (so many puns) that he would “get” Trump, is apparently elevating this to a felony. After famously lowering real felonies (like rape) to misdemeanors in New York City.
If Trump paid off a woman, this would be standard operating procedure for rich and famous males throughout history. NDAs, I believe they call them. Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000. No one suggested that he be prosecuted. And if any D.A. had dared to bring charges against him, Clinton and his Dream Team of lawyers would have scoffed at the notion and probably ignored it. He would certainly not have turned himself in willingly to the authorities, as Trumpenstein is apparently going to do. For a seemingly wildly arrogant and egotistical fighter, Trump sure gives in easy. We saw this throughout his contentious, scripted presidency.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has spoken out against this criminally politicized prosecution, and vowed that Trump will have safe harbor in his state. A Florida resident, Trump has no reason to go to New York, and submit to a kangaroo “legal” proceeding. DeSantis has said he won’t extradite him. But Trump’s newest crack team of lawyers is advising him to surrender, and “force the court to look him in the eye.” Yeah, that’s real Dream Team advice there. How can a billionaire have such consistently putrid attorneys? A court-appointed attorney could do a better job.
Does anyone doubt that the Giant Orange actor will listen to his incompetent legal team? If he had one ounce of sincerity in him, Trump would recognize this as potentially a seminal moment in American history. By refusing to submit to such injustice, Trump would effectively be putting up the first defense the Stupid Party has since the reign of “Woke” terror began. It would be a Fort Sumter moment. I think it’s safe to predict that Trump will go to New York, and forego the perfect opportunity to make a bold statement against judicial overreach and outright tyranny. That’s because he’s a part of the production. In fact, he’s the star.
This isn’t about Trump, who is an actor. A crisis actor, if you will. It’s about what he represents, however illogically. Trump has become, in the minds of millions of well intentioned Americans, the face of the opposition. The only alternative to massive official crime and corruption. He may not believe a thing he says, but his loyal supporters do. Prosecuting him for possibly paying off a stripper is a crime in and of itself, given the kinds of monstrous offenses that have been committed by other chief executives, like the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, just in recent years.
The Stupid Party is doing what the Stupid Party does. They are already predicting that Trump’s mugshot will hang proudly in college dormitories as some sort of rebellious art. They think that this ensures Trump’s reelection to the presidency. Somehow, the same corrupt electoral process that robbed him in 2020, and the Republicans in 2022, will be honest this time. Just vote harder, as they say on conspiracy forums. Lindsay Graham, epitomizing the loyal “opposition,” assures us this will happen. Trust the polls. Trust the plan. After all, Republican voters inexplicably keep electing him. You can only push the American people so far. We are the world’s greatest democracy.
And the Evil Party is doing what they do nowadays. Constantly pushing, the nonstop aggressor. Landing countless blows while the “opposition” occasionally lands a weak counterpunch. A disturbed female who thinks she’s a man shoots up a school? Let’s support her kind. Give their madness even more validation. And the fact it was a Christian school just shows that it’s Christianity that is dangerous, not transgenderism. It’s much more acceptable and “normal” to pretend that biology isn’t real than it is to worship your magical being in the sky. Science! Booster up!
Trannies and Trumpenstein. Kind of flows together naturally, doesn’t it? After all, a younger Trump did star in that curious video with Rudy Giuliani in drag. He certainly looked like he was enjoying himself. He has ratcheted up the anti-trans rhetoric recently, vowing to end “gender affirming” care in schools, etc. But we’ve heard his bold promises before. He didn’t keep any of them. It’s just part of the show, an essential ingredient of the Trumpenstein Project. American politics revolves around this now, and nothing else. Can we even imagine a political world without Trump?
Who knows? Maybe the next act in the Trumpenstein Project will feature the Giant Orange Man “transitioning” to a woman himself- Donna Trump. Joe Biden would be forced to give him some prestigious award- after all, in America 2.0, the best “woman’s” awards go to biological males. Perhaps he’d sniff his ridiculous hair. If Bruce Jenner, a manly man if ever there was one, can do it, why not Trump? Oh, the irony of the great misogynist becoming just another pussy to be grabbed. Will he sexually harass himself? Suddenly become a sympathetic figure? A new co-host on The View? This is what we’ve come to, in the once greatest nation on earth.
Scumerica, the Freemasonic fun-house, the world's largest open air lunatic asylum. The sub-humans behind the never ending rash of alleged shootings stage many of them. Simply put, they are fake for communist, gun outlawing, propaganda purposes. However, these monsters are the same ones that send Americans overseas to kill and maim, and be killed and maimed, so that their coffers of ill gotten gains overflow. They have no compunction about capping innocent people. It is very difficult to tell which is real and which is contrived. Maybe they flip a coin. They most certainly employ gematria in their sinister and depraved machinations. The Trump worshipping bipeds are so stupid and brain dead that if the orange actor suddenly came out of the closet in full drag and revealed he is a transsexual, androgyne, they would still go hoarse cheering him while waving their red, white, and blue masonic dish rags. Too stupid to realize that anyone elevated to the top of the American political dung heap is bought and sold more times than a cracked out street hooker. Over the abyss we merrily go. Thanks for a kick ass article, Don.
If I identify as Zeus or Jupiter, could I call fire and brimstone down from the sky on Washington, London, and Rome? That would be a good start.
More, seriously, the recent events in Tennessee appear to be a Beta Test to see how quickly the alternative media can identify the massive plot holes in this farce, and how quickly the algorythms and the switchboards can stop posts from going "viral" and leaving the mainstream media singularity and streaming past the event horizon.
I heard this person had two assault rifles and a heavy calibre pistol. I don't care if they identify as Rambo. That is a lot of metal to be lugging around, especially when you factor in additional clips. (Have any of these clowns even ever held an a lightweight "assault rifle"? They are not light, and they are not compact. They don't seem to have figured out why the stereotype mafiosies wielded violin cases.)
But you are right. America 2.0 has been a dog-and-pony show since the 2008 Bush bailouts and then the Obamination. But since 2020, a full three-ring circus has broken out.
I suppose the antics hide all the plundering and pillaging transpiring in the background, from the Pentagon right down to local "law enforcement" agencies.