The new, “Woke” Left has entirely taken over my old party, the Democrats. There literally isn’t a single Democratic Party elected official who is redeemable in the least. They are all irrational devotees of Identity Politics, where emotion rules instead of reason. They are authoritarians in pink gloves, tattoos, and multi-colored hair.
In 1975, at about the time of my political awakening, there were a lot of younger Democrats in Congress, elected in a post-Watergate tidal wave. The Freedom of Information Act was passed, and the hearings chaired by Senator Frank Church first shone light on the CIA’s nefarious activities, including their often comical attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. I wore the label “liberal” proudly, knowing that it indicated tolerance, compassion, and a desire to reform wrongs. Most of these “reformers” would show their true colors within a few years, during the time the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) conducted their bogus “investigation.” They didn’t legalize, or even decriminalize marijuana, as most of us on the Left hoped they would. They had no more interest in the plethora of UFO sightings than conservative Republicans did. And, of course, they largely upheld the discredited Warren Report.
There were also conspiracy theorists on the Left in those days. I don’t mean ridiculous “Russiagate” types, probably financed by USAID. I mean the likes of Mae Brussell, whose renegade radio show blazed the path for podcasters, long before the internet. Mae tended to see Nazi connections everywhere, but she was the first to question who and what Charles Manson really was, and also was very vocal about a conspiracy taking the life of former Beatle John Lennon. Then there was Dr. Peter Beter, who was deliciously ridiculous. Dr. Beter claimed that new President Jimmy Carter had been replaced by a clone, or a duplicate. His evidence for this was that Carter suddenly changed the side he parted his hair on shortly after the election. He was a real trailblazer here, as in the years to come, other conspiracy theorists would claim pretty much every president had been replaced by a clone/duplicate. I think the Biden theory goes that the clone/duplicate was several inches taller or something.
All of the high profile, original JFK assassination researchers came from the far Left. Where I was, with my long hair, untucked shirt, smoking cigarettes wherever I wanted without any respect for authority. Mark Lane. Sylvia Meagher, apparently a practicing witch, who nevertheless produced one of the best books on the subject, Accessories After the Fact. Vincent Salandria, a Philadelphia lawyer who was the best out there, in my view, but oddly never wrote a book on the subject. In the RFK assassination, the first one to draw my attention was Rep. Allard Lowenstein, again a very radical leftist, who would later be assassinated himself by a supposed admirer. You only assassinate the ones you love. Ramparts magazine was as Left at it got in the 1960s-1970s, and they published countless articles on the assassinations. In my young mind, true investigative journalists were all liberals, who basically supported the Democrats.
During the presidency of Gerald Ford, pressure from the radical Left forced this former Warren Commission member to sign an executive order forbidding assassination as a political weapon. Less than forty years later, a new kind of Leftist, Barack Obama, would brag about assassinating an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, because he was suspected of being a “terrorist.” Then he killed Awlaki’s sixteen year old son the next month, for good measure. You can’t kill enough “terrorists.” In 2011, Hillary Clinton would gleefully boast that “We came. We saw. He died,” in reference to Muammar Qaddafi. Interestingly, the stories reporting this at the time used the “Q” at the beginning of his name. Now it’s always Gaddafi. I knew I wasn’t as crazy as some may believe. The Left now is fully in support of assassination. To be fair, so is the Right. But in 1975, polls showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans would have opposed assassinating Hitler. What a shifting moral compass.
High profile 1970s CIA whistleblowers Philip Agee and Victor Marchetti came from the Left. Agee in particular was called both a “traitor” and Soviet stooge. The same labels would later be unfairly affixed to Edward Snowden, although instead of Soviet stooge he was a Russian bot, or Putin’s puppet. The CIA was still so bitter at Agee that after he died in Cuba in 2008, they seized his papers when they were donated to a New York library, and confiscated some of them. Marchetti wound up on the Board of Directors for Liberty Lobby, the populist outfit that published the feisty weekly newspaper The Spotlight, which was the only periodical that treated him fairly. When Liberty Lobby was driven into bankruptcy by the ADL, they reemerged with the American Free Press, a fine biweekly newspaper that regularly publishes articles by Thought Criminals like me. It bears repeating that it’s never a good career move to become a whistleblower.
During this era, you had the last great novelist, Kurt Vonnegut, who definitely was a Leftist. He wrote the kind of fiction no “Woke” Leftist would today. I wonder if he ever found the asshole of the universe. I felt sorry for him, though, having to endure Geraldo Rivera as a son-in-law. I believe that Vonnegut and Gore Vidal were the last great writers to attract huge audiences. There were still millions of Americans in those days who appreciated literary fiction. Now there is only a fraction of that potential readership for humble and lovable writers like me, who have written literary novels inspired by the likes of Vonnegut. And even fewer publishers who will consider publishing it. It’s very frustrating for me to accept that my best work may never see the light of day, or be anything more than one of my many Microsoft Word files.
If anyone opposed a war in the 1970s and 1980s, it was the Left. We all felt strongly that the defense budget needed to be cut dramatically. I even wrote one of my many songs about that. I had lots of protest songs, which is fitting for a guy whose Substack, and podcast, are called I Protest. We opposed capital punishment, and demanded prison reform. We knew the system was corrupt. I was concerned, even then, with the poorest Americans, not the poor in other countries. Charity begins at home. I wanted the truth revealed, not only about the Kennedy assassinations, but UFOs, and the slew of strange disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. I don’t think any conservative back then was interested in any of these subjects. Early right-wing “conspiracy theorists” tended to concentrate on communism, and the impending One World Government. They pored over the memberships lists of the CFR and the Trilaterals.
Flash forward to the mess that is 2025, in the land bastardized into America 2.0. Instead of an ACLU fighting to defend the rights of those they vehemently disagree with, we have the entire modern Left absolutely devoted to restricting the rights of others. To censoring speech they don’t like. And they don’t like a lot. Instead of the “communist” inspired Free Speech Committee, the Left now pushes “hate speech.” An impossible concept that cannot be quantified or defined in any legal sense. And yet, most people have bought it. They actually believe the First Amendment doesn’t protect “hate speech,” whatever that is. It’s a Thought Crime thing, you wouldn’t understand. Very simply, the Left has gone from trying to extend rights to those who were denied them, to taking away rights because of petty partisanship. Instead of opposing capital punishment, they fantasize about executing their political enemies.
Tolerance is absent on the Left now. Unless you are Black. Or transgender. Or a nosy Karen. Or a submissive soy boy. They are the kings, queens, and gender fluids of intolerance. And for a group that is so obsessed with the alleged hate of others, boy do they have a lot of hatred in them. Their hate is venomous. You can see it in the wild, bug eyed looks, and hear it in the incomprehensible screeching. It is impossible to have a conversation with them, unless perhaps you are confessing that you want to change your pronouns. They have become toxic feminists who hate all men, but prefer transwomen- men pretending to be women- over actual biological women. Nothing excites today’s Left more than a transgender athlete destroying hapless young female athletes in competition. And they treat this blatant insanity and unfairness as if they were conducting new sit-ins at lunch counters.
With the emergence of Donald Trump in 2016, the Left rapidly became insane. And I do mean all of the Left, with a few sterling exceptions like my friends Cindy Sheehan, Naomi Wolf, and Cynthia McKinney. The ACLU announced that it was no longer concerning itself with civil liberties, as their name suggests, but was now working to fight “racism.” Boy, that’s filling a void. Nobody else is doing that. Transgenderism came out of the closet and made Queer Nation look like the Daughters of the Confederacy. Every Leftist now firmly believes that there are fifty seven or how ever many genders. They respect lunatics who want to be called “they” and “them.” They take their young children to watch half naked men dressed in drag dance and writhe about in front of them. They created Transgender Story Hour in elementary schools. And their subservience to Black women is such that they maintain you cannot contradict them. This has created a whole lot of Black female monsters.
While the Left in my youth listened to George Carlin talking about the seven words you can’t say on television, today’s Left has more words than that they don’t want allowed on television. Or social media. At least the forbidden words Carlin talked about were considered profanity. The “Woke” Left has become unhinged over very common words in the English language. “Woman” and “Man” for instance. And they really don’t like the word “girl.” I don’t know, maybe female infants can still be girls, but even seven and eight year olds are now referred to as “young women.” Any man can still be a “boy,” of course, especially if he’s White. There are lots of very old “White boys” out there. The Language Police is not the Grammar Police, however, Texting abbreviations and Ebonics have created a new illiteracy of their own. And correct grammar is “racist,” anyway. The “Woke” Left fights against speech, not for it.
Today’s Left is enamored with war. No more peaceniks. All the leading Democratic Party figures are distraught at the prospect of Trump perhaps triggering an end to the disastrous Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Right called the Philip Agees of the world “commies” fifty years ago. Now the Left calls anyone who expresses a desire for peace a “Russian propagandist,” who “threatens democracy.” Radical Left figures once threatened “the American way of life,” and were deemed to be “unamerican.” Today’s Left has far more names for their ideological enemies. Racist. Anti-Semite. Transphobe. Xenophobe. Fascist. Nazi. Traitor. Insurrectionist. White Supremacist. In fact, any discussion with a “Woke” Leftist now will invariably revolve around this kind of juvenile name calling. It is impossible for them to make their point without irrationally smearing people. Because they have no logical point.
While establishment Republicans- the lovable RINOs- provide some kind of skewered “ balance” to the MAGA faithful, there is no intellectual diversity in today’s Democratic Party. Well, there is the Squad, which are permitted to blast Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians. But this is only because their primary issue is a visceral hatred of all White people. That’s crucial to the Great Replacement, which everyone on the Left now- especially Whites- are pushing relentlessly. But try being a White public official who talks critically about Zionism. Ask Thomas Massie, or Matt Gaetz, how that worked out. There are no more elected Democrats like James Trafficant, Cynthia McKinney, or Dennis Kucinich. If you watched the RFK, Jr. nomination hearings, you know what I mean. That was the worst display imaginable, by compromised figures who’ve grown even wealthier from Big Pharma contributions.
Green Party leader Jill Stein sometimes makes some good points. It’s always a plus to be called a “puppet” of Putin. That means you desire peace. However, she’s affiliated with Cornel West, who has been embraced by some in the alt media, but has a long history of anti-White bigotry. Bernie Sanders was once so enamored with Russia that he honeymooned there. But that was during the height of the Soviet Union. You know, when they were busy taking over half the world. Now Bernie feels differently. He recently blasted Trump for his very accurate assessment of Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a “dictator without elections.” Former Soviet fanboy Bernie explained that "This Putin-Trump alliance means abandoning our allies, supporting authoritarianism and undermining our democratic traditions." The Wikileaks emails from the DNC showed convincingly that the Democrats stole the 2016 nomination from Bernie. But Bernie still joined Deep State Queen Hillary Clinton in chanting “Russia! Russia! Russia!”
So the Left is never coming back, to any semblance of what it was when I gravitated to it. Where once the Left welcomed and promoted questioning of authority, today they are the authority and want to confront any dissent with an iron fist. Punch a “Nazi” in the face. Looking at the list of supposed “front runners” for the 2028 Democratic presidential nomination, one finds the name Stephen A. Smith at number four. Number four. Smith is one of the biggest blowhards the mainstream media has ever produced. He comes from the “Woke” land of ESPN, and he is a full time racial idolater. He is very, very loud, uses big words incorrectly, and wears his Blackness on his sleeve. He is being “groomed” to make the transition from sports talking head to respectable politician. As Jason Whitlock and others have shown, Smith literally knows nothing even about sports, let alone politics. Someone is anointing him.
The Republicans are certainly not my idea of good guys, although I am applauding what Trump 2.0 is attempting to do thus far domestically. The Trumpenstein Project killed any independent Third Party movement. It’s the Republicans or the Democrats at this point. And the Democrats are, to a man, woman, and nonbinary, repulsive to the core. Elizabeth Warren, Jasmine Crockett, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer- these are the most despicable people in the world. They have zero redeeming values. They are wrong on every issue. None of them believe in free speech, which is the foundation of any free society, and certainly the foundation of this country. They are characterizing public disclosure of how tax dollars are spent to be a “threat to democracy.” They have called many laudable things a “threat to democracy.” Like exercising the constitutional right to assembly in protesting an election result.
I sometimes think back to those days when I was a rabble rousing youth. To forgotten concepts like victimless crimes, or groups like the Catholic League of Decency. It seems to me that there is a great distinction between protesting military aggression and marching for transgender rights. Between Civil Rights marches and Black Lives Matter protests. Between defending gays from Marines beating them up for no reason, to cheering on a swimmer with a penis who is shattering records as a “woman.” Between objecting to inconsistent statutory rape laws and “minor attracted adults.” Much as it did when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, and the band played “The World Turned Upside Down,” our society has turned upside down. “Liberal” no longer means anything good. So we swim against a mad tide, in perhaps a futile effort to fight for truth, justice, and fairness.
Your depiction of the modern left is spot on. However, there has always been a false narrative when it comes to the left being on the side of peace. Progressive leftists ( Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, LBJ ) have embroiled US into the 4 major wars of the 20th century, along with the progressive/ leftist congresses. For good measure, Truman also dropped two mass murdering bombs on civilian populations. Up to 800,000 Americans perished in a dispicable war initiated by the filthy, leftist Abe Lincoln and his merry band of borderline communist Radical Republicans!
Thanks Don
I think that Jewish control of our major propaganda machine, tv, is what has brought us to this point. TV is the perfect medium for people to get the facts we need to know in order that we may govern ourselves and the only medium for working class and other people to get the facts.
Jews couldn't have dragged us into the middle east wars if they didn't control tv and they couldn't have pulled off 9/11. They couldn't choose candidates or even have a Jew babysitter for every elected official in congress because an actual media would alert the public. They create our culture and make it impossible for us to move the masses in a positive direction or get somebody who would make a good leader elected.
The major problems for us now are not having control of our military and it's new technology and not controlling tv.
Democracy is just tyranny of the numbers and especially with jews in control. We'd be better off choosing leaders thur a lottery but I forget what that's called.