The most frightening part of 9/11 to me was seeing how much control they have over public perception. Not logic, nor even the evidence of their own eyes could break through the spell. Watching the cognitive dissonance around me was terrifying. I knew then we had no real chance to turn back the horrible future which was settling down all around and globally. When reality itself no longer mattered, only whatever the program was running at that time. How can we resist this? The cowardice and cravenness of those in authority, and so-called experts. The lack of scientific curiosity and refusal to apply logic or scientific understanding by experts in their fields, made me feel alone. As if I lived among the walking dead. Once we arrived at the COVID hoax, I'd become used to it and so already in January 2020 I knew where this was going, and why no amount of reason, logic, truth or evidence would sway the narrative. Now here we are. God only knows what's coming, but that it will be inescapable and unbearable for anyone with a functioning mind is a given.
The comparisons between 9/11 and COVID beg to be explored. Americans who accepted the Patriot Act and free speech zones were probably never going to balk at mask mandates and societal closedown. You are so right about "the lack of scientific curiosity and refusal to apply logic. " Thanks!
Excellent article and writing, Don. Aside from all of the blood money these deracinated, demonic ghouls made from the wars and police state that the 9/11 false flag spawned, I truly think that one of its purposes was to set the stage for the even more monstrous, in its effects and implications, Covid-19 hoax. If they could pull off such an obvious inside job, contrived catastrophe such as 9/11 without triggering a backlash uprising (and they did) they could pull off anything. Bear in mind the Cryptocracy plans its "events" well in advance. It was around the 10th anniversary of 9/11 or about 2011 as I recall. At that time, the NY Times, flagship publication of the Ruling Class, published an article in its commemoration section. Therein, the author actually praised the formerly vilified "Conspiracy Theorists" saying in no uncertain terms that their contentions of an "inside job" were valid and backed by evidence and facts. Simply put, the same Beast that planned and caused 9/11 was slyly admitting it openly in one of its main propaganda organs. This is known esoterically as, "Freeze-Thaw" and is a form of Cryptocratic mockery. For a long time after the occurrence they freeze all inculpatory information and protest. Then they very gradually let the truth out leaving the denizens under their control in stupefied awe at their power and in abject fear of it. Confident that the dumbed down, demoralized, effete, apathetic herd would just docilely accept it with no discernible reaction, and there was none, it greatly enhanced their death grip over the minds and souls of the masses.
You make an excellent point, Hereticdrummer. The clampdown on civil liberties following 9/11 did indeed pave the way for the unconstitutional lockdowns and mask mandates. Thanks.
I've never come across this "Freeze-Thaw" tactic but it sure as hell applies to what is going on now. Very good explanation behind this repetitive cycle of the 'crime', the 'reaction' and the the 'solution' that they seem to play on a loop of varying degrees of fear and terror. You would think more would wake up to the game and stop watching or listening to their propaganda machine.
It has been proved by several experts, that there were no planes in the 9/11 " attacks", it was all a controlled demolition. The " planes" the were not real, they were projections from the blue beam project, holograms. All was done to create the war with Irak,and make billions or trillions in profit. War is all about busisness. Let people belive in presidents, queens and all type of criminals, they are not ready for the truth. Thanks God some of us are awake.
Because we cannot trust the corrupt authorities to investigate themselves, people will naturally speculate, in the wake of such an absurd official narrative. I'm aware that many believe this. I have no theory in regards to any of the historical incidents I write about. I simply know we're being ruled by utter evil, and have been lied to about everything. Thanks.
I suspect a fly-behind plane was real, then CGI'd into both "impacting" planes. Much easier than Blue Beam. (At least 1 video shows the undamaged and unslowed nosecone of a plane protruding out the other side of the building for a single frame, then backing back into the tower. These guys are careless.) Though a friend of a heroin/meth abusing acquaintance claimed he saw a plane hit a tower.
Being a conspiracy theorist, I didn't believe the official story for one second...although it took years for what really happened to dribble out. I do remember a BBC article (I was still clipping articles back then, I was late coming to the internet) with some Middle Eastern dignitary saying that he had heard the Afghan war being planned for years prior. Of course the BBC, being the mouthpiece of the NWO, had to start revealing the truth right away.
I have been watching them seed the info of jerking QE II off the world stage for about two years now. Because she pledged she would never abdicate, her death had to be faked. They need to hussle Charles onto, and then off the throne, because William has huge job to perform for the NWO. Little by little, they seeded the news stories about her declining health...but the big "tell" was her official birthday pic (April 21st). That's when I started telling folks, they'll fake her death this year. It was an odd, awkward photo of the queen standing between two of her pure white Fell ponies. A white horse is the symbol of death in Celtic mythology. Bingo! Less then five months later she was "dead". Being a horse enthusiast, those white Fells shocked me. I knew the royal stables breed Fells for years, for the queen's husband's competitive carriage racing. However, the breed standard has always been pure black. I didn't even know white Fell ponies existed.
How convenient she died at Balmoral. Now she can live out her days in the Scottish Highlands. She will never be taken to task for her part in the Jonestown jab genocide. She was in much better shape than her mother, who lived until the age of 101. She was publicly riding up until the last few years, and probably still riding in secret. The last photo of her with the new PM, taken alledgelly two days before she passed, does not look like someone at death's door.
I find no reason to argue with anything you said, Kris. For all we know, the queen is hanging out on a tropical island with her son's friend Jeffrey Epstein. Thanks.
The American public's interest in the queen's death mirrors the interest we saw back in 1981, when Charles married Diana. I think a majority of Americans would be just fine with having a royal family of our own. Thanks.
Well, Donald, as corrupt as the UK's Parliament has become - the House of Commons in particular, it can't hold a candle to the US Congress. The one advantage of the Monarchy in the UK, which has no power aside from preventing a power grab, is that they are spared a quadrennial freak show where narcissistic, cult creating, megalomaniacs, catering to the highest bidder, vie to be Head of State, aka (((Leader of the Free World))) aka Israel's bitch.
Are you bragging? Take a look Northward, where we have managed to construct the "best" of the US and UK systems. We're giving you a run for your money - unfortunately.
William is the one pegged to be King of the world. Charles does not have the correct ethnic bloodline. Diana had that ethnic bloodline from both her father and mother. Sir James Goldsmith was the real father of Diana. Compare the famous picture of Diana in her shalwar kameez , to Jemima Goldsmith in her shalwar kameez...they could be twins. Compare a photo of a young Zac Goldsmith to a photo of a young Prince William...they could be twins. The NWO is not going to let anyone onto the world throne who does not have their ethnic bloodline.
How can we keep in touch when the internet goes down? Cell phones? Mail?
According to this our efforts to end the Covid tyranny are futile. The tyranny will appear to end, but it will be a fake end and it will continue on with a different cast of players. What do you all think? That may mean that this platform of free speech is tolerated as part of the ongoing deception. In that event it seems that we may need to start thinking about organizing locally instead of online. Right?
Good question, Len. We have become so dependent upon the internet- I've mentioned many times that all my best friends are ones I've "met" online. Maybe that idea I've been proposing about forming local John Doe Clubs might be perfect at this point. We need to interact personally. But I'm as plugged into the Matrix as anyone else. Thanks!
I fell for the official 9/11 story hook, line, and sinker. A couple of years later, I was eating dinner at a friend's house. He was a retired Special Forces officer who had worked with the CIA on some operations, and he told me 9/11 was an inside job. "Get out of here!" was my surprised reply. "Don't believe me, just do the research yourself," he calmly answered. I was so angry that I decided to do the research just to prove him wrong. Three weeks later, I returned to my friend's house to tell him he was absolutely right! It was not the result I was expecting, but with continued research over the next 19 years, all the real evidence (much of which has been censored) still supports that 9/11 was a massive criminal psy-op against the American public.
Your experience should have been shared my millions, Chico. That's all I would ask anyone to do- look at the evidence. Most people aren't willing to do that. Thanks.
I hate 9/11 remembrances. They remind me what a sucker I was back in the day. I really wanted to believe the official story, but the holes are just so glaring. (unintended pun, but I'll go with it). Even in the backwards era of 2001, I was asking where's the video showing the Pentagon "explosion"?. The behavior just reeks "coverup", even if I can't exactly explain why I have that feeling. It's just weird how many people I know who refuse to even entertain the idea that something hinky went on that day. Even suggesting that police or first responders or the military can screw up drives some people mental. It's freaky to watch that happen in real time. It's also freaky to realize that this used to be something I did. Thank God, I got out of that trap. But it's just sick how our government preys on people's emotions. Now I know what was going on back in the day because a lot of people can't seem to bring themselves to be critical of what the government says over the "vaccines" or "COVID". It's the same game. Once you accept that government lies to people, you aren't especially shocked when a politician (named Trump or not) or their officials lie to you. It's just not the huge shocker brainwashed people think that it is. Screaming about it just makes these people seem even dumber. It's not like they really particularly care about honesty or truth. We've learned that because of how they behaved reporting on 9/11 and Iraq. Dan Rather and his fake GWB papers.....OMG.
Nicely put. Identity Politics revolves around emotion, not reason. It has infected all parts of our society. America now runs exclusively on emotion, not reason. Thanks.
I wasn't talking about speculation Jeffrey, I was saying what experts said after carefully studying the supposed "attacks". The intention, beside profiting billions and trillions of dollars in bogus wars, is as usual , to create fear and a wound in people psiquis, so they become easily manipulated. Benjamin Franklin said " the first responsability of every citizen, is to question authority". I don't recognize any government, I'm self sovereign, I don't give my power to anybody. Only God Almighty, is my guidance. A revolution is coming, and is very much needed, it's the revolution of Spirit. Freedom is our birth right. Period.
I don't discount anything. As Mark Lane wrote in the Introduction to "Rush to Judgment," by failing to investigate the assassination of JFK, the Warren Commission was "providing fertile grounds for speculation." That's all we can do. Thanks.
That is how I remember it........Another marker in Americans false history! Today, I mourn the innocent citizens who paid too dearly. I lost my sister as a result of this wickedness. She was not in the buildings but killed in a car crash during the chaotic aftermath. Like so many folks she never knew what hit her!
I'm sorry to hear about your sister, Joyce. There is a lot of collateral damage associated with these orchestrated events, which I explore fully in my history books. Thanks.
Great article, Mike! I need to jazz my stuff up with graphics like you. I urge all my readers to read it. One minor correction; Kate Smith wasn't Jewish. I don't shy away from noting all the disproportionate numbers of Jews in prominent positions, for whatever reason, but both her parents were affiliated with the Catholic and Presbyterian churches. Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks Donald. I researched Kate and Israel in Feb 2019. At the time I found nothing on her parents being Catholic and Presbyterian. I know it's all over the net now but it wasn't then so I went with my earlier research I did back then. These THINGS constantly delete, hide, move and conceal from us making our job exposing them a real challenge. I've got a lot more on GOD BLESS AMERICA that I might write on later. Keep up the great writing.
🔥 Just, wow. As you may recall from my intro to you, being 19 when 9/11 happened, and a new mom- something about it didn't sit well with me and I fell down a rabbit hole at such an early age. Thankful to be a free and critical thinker, and to have discovered you from a fellow Substack writer I also just discovered, (and who is also most remarkable), Mike Huggins.
Side note: I started "Bullyocracy" a few nights ago, heavy reading considering part of the reason my child died in 2020 was from Bullycide. I think I'm at a stopping point until after the exceptionally grief-stricken holidays have passed. I've already been recommending the book to my spouse, parenting friends- this should be required reading for every parent and school administrator. Thank you.
I very much appreciate your kind words, SunnyRai. Yes, you probably should take a break from "Bullyocracy" until after the holidays. It isn't light reading. Mike Huggins is indeed remarkable. I thank you so much for reading and recommending my book to others.
The old democrats smoked weed (now with much higher THC and not so much CBD, though THCV is better at countering it) for too long. They're diabolically possessed. If you don't have a pass to the underground bases you should move.
Someone mentioned Jews here. I said on another substack recently that I think most people may be partly Jewish. Most celebrities, aristocrats and people in power seem to be partly Jewish. Most of the ruling class seem to be partly Jewish. But most Jews are not part of the ruling class. This site has a lot of papers on conspiracy and fraud and they often find that most people involved seem to be partly Jewish. But they usually go back farther and say the ruling class is Phoenician, another Semitic people who apparently went into hiding long ago.
I have tried to get Miles Mathis to come on my "I Protest" show, but he says he doesn't do interviews. With so much intermarriage in society now, I'm not sure what it means to be Jewish. Thanks.
There is an article up on today that you might want to see and uses an element of your title "Inside Job." The French intel guy you quoted was spot on...the CIA came up with the name Al Qaida circa 1985 and later would trot this out to the public. The literal translation is "the base" which is regional slang for the toilet. I once pointed this out to a low-level deep state operator that was trying to act as a handler (good luck with that) and the guy went ballistic...funny stuff. There is about 5 sec of grainy security camera footage showing the Pentagon strike (which was actually on you tube) and it looks like a missile strike. You might be able to find this using the Yandex search engine. Lastly: I got a kick out of you using the Wizard of Oz reference because I just published a paper on substack using
the political allegory of this story as a motif...we are no longer in Kansas.
Where there is smoke there is fire. In published magazine copies across earth, following 911, pictures of several people standing in the gaping holes created by the attacking planes, while looking out, seemingly towards the cameras filming them, those images will burn in infamy. Why? This is the smoking gun. As this article states in the beginning, steel melts at 1535 degrees Celsius.
Cheers America, you got the terrorist sitting in a cave that day.
I went into the 9/11 jumpers a bit in "Hidden History," but will examine that in more detail in the upcoming "Hidden History 3." To cite just one tidbit, the first jumper, according to the government, to leap from the Towers did so FOUR minutes after the plane hit the building. How does that make any kind of sense? Thanks.
There is always speculation, but when you have proofs of truth, the speculation should end, unless you like to have ur mind always spiraling and don't want to accept the facts. Take care.
The most frightening part of 9/11 to me was seeing how much control they have over public perception. Not logic, nor even the evidence of their own eyes could break through the spell. Watching the cognitive dissonance around me was terrifying. I knew then we had no real chance to turn back the horrible future which was settling down all around and globally. When reality itself no longer mattered, only whatever the program was running at that time. How can we resist this? The cowardice and cravenness of those in authority, and so-called experts. The lack of scientific curiosity and refusal to apply logic or scientific understanding by experts in their fields, made me feel alone. As if I lived among the walking dead. Once we arrived at the COVID hoax, I'd become used to it and so already in January 2020 I knew where this was going, and why no amount of reason, logic, truth or evidence would sway the narrative. Now here we are. God only knows what's coming, but that it will be inescapable and unbearable for anyone with a functioning mind is a given.
The comparisons between 9/11 and COVID beg to be explored. Americans who accepted the Patriot Act and free speech zones were probably never going to balk at mask mandates and societal closedown. You are so right about "the lack of scientific curiosity and refusal to apply logic. " Thanks!
Excellent article and writing, Don. Aside from all of the blood money these deracinated, demonic ghouls made from the wars and police state that the 9/11 false flag spawned, I truly think that one of its purposes was to set the stage for the even more monstrous, in its effects and implications, Covid-19 hoax. If they could pull off such an obvious inside job, contrived catastrophe such as 9/11 without triggering a backlash uprising (and they did) they could pull off anything. Bear in mind the Cryptocracy plans its "events" well in advance. It was around the 10th anniversary of 9/11 or about 2011 as I recall. At that time, the NY Times, flagship publication of the Ruling Class, published an article in its commemoration section. Therein, the author actually praised the formerly vilified "Conspiracy Theorists" saying in no uncertain terms that their contentions of an "inside job" were valid and backed by evidence and facts. Simply put, the same Beast that planned and caused 9/11 was slyly admitting it openly in one of its main propaganda organs. This is known esoterically as, "Freeze-Thaw" and is a form of Cryptocratic mockery. For a long time after the occurrence they freeze all inculpatory information and protest. Then they very gradually let the truth out leaving the denizens under their control in stupefied awe at their power and in abject fear of it. Confident that the dumbed down, demoralized, effete, apathetic herd would just docilely accept it with no discernible reaction, and there was none, it greatly enhanced their death grip over the minds and souls of the masses.
You make an excellent point, Hereticdrummer. The clampdown on civil liberties following 9/11 did indeed pave the way for the unconstitutional lockdowns and mask mandates. Thanks.
I've never come across this "Freeze-Thaw" tactic but it sure as hell applies to what is going on now. Very good explanation behind this repetitive cycle of the 'crime', the 'reaction' and the the 'solution' that they seem to play on a loop of varying degrees of fear and terror. You would think more would wake up to the game and stop watching or listening to their propaganda machine.
You would think indeed. Thanks.
It has been proved by several experts, that there were no planes in the 9/11 " attacks", it was all a controlled demolition. The " planes" the were not real, they were projections from the blue beam project, holograms. All was done to create the war with Irak,and make billions or trillions in profit. War is all about busisness. Let people belive in presidents, queens and all type of criminals, they are not ready for the truth. Thanks God some of us are awake.
Because we cannot trust the corrupt authorities to investigate themselves, people will naturally speculate, in the wake of such an absurd official narrative. I'm aware that many believe this. I have no theory in regards to any of the historical incidents I write about. I simply know we're being ruled by utter evil, and have been lied to about everything. Thanks.
I suspect a fly-behind plane was real, then CGI'd into both "impacting" planes. Much easier than Blue Beam. (At least 1 video shows the undamaged and unslowed nosecone of a plane protruding out the other side of the building for a single frame, then backing back into the tower. These guys are careless.) Though a friend of a heroin/meth abusing acquaintance claimed he saw a plane hit a tower.
Wow dude, yours is a freaky nonsense comment.
Splain? You got anything besides vague ad hominems? Did you even read Don's article? Are you an escaped Bluecheck?
Being a conspiracy theorist, I didn't believe the official story for one second...although it took years for what really happened to dribble out. I do remember a BBC article (I was still clipping articles back then, I was late coming to the internet) with some Middle Eastern dignitary saying that he had heard the Afghan war being planned for years prior. Of course the BBC, being the mouthpiece of the NWO, had to start revealing the truth right away.
I have been watching them seed the info of jerking QE II off the world stage for about two years now. Because she pledged she would never abdicate, her death had to be faked. They need to hussle Charles onto, and then off the throne, because William has huge job to perform for the NWO. Little by little, they seeded the news stories about her declining health...but the big "tell" was her official birthday pic (April 21st). That's when I started telling folks, they'll fake her death this year. It was an odd, awkward photo of the queen standing between two of her pure white Fell ponies. A white horse is the symbol of death in Celtic mythology. Bingo! Less then five months later she was "dead". Being a horse enthusiast, those white Fells shocked me. I knew the royal stables breed Fells for years, for the queen's husband's competitive carriage racing. However, the breed standard has always been pure black. I didn't even know white Fell ponies existed.
How convenient she died at Balmoral. Now she can live out her days in the Scottish Highlands. She will never be taken to task for her part in the Jonestown jab genocide. She was in much better shape than her mother, who lived until the age of 101. She was publicly riding up until the last few years, and probably still riding in secret. The last photo of her with the new PM, taken alledgelly two days before she passed, does not look like someone at death's door.
I find no reason to argue with anything you said, Kris. For all we know, the queen is hanging out on a tropical island with her son's friend Jeffrey Epstein. Thanks.
King Charles will be the ruler of the world
Prince Harry will rule the USA.
The USA has been Britains lap dog even after the Revolutionary War.
Good bye US of A
The American public's interest in the queen's death mirrors the interest we saw back in 1981, when Charles married Diana. I think a majority of Americans would be just fine with having a royal family of our own. Thanks.
Well, Donald, as corrupt as the UK's Parliament has become - the House of Commons in particular, it can't hold a candle to the US Congress. The one advantage of the Monarchy in the UK, which has no power aside from preventing a power grab, is that they are spared a quadrennial freak show where narcissistic, cult creating, megalomaniacs, catering to the highest bidder, vie to be Head of State, aka (((Leader of the Free World))) aka Israel's bitch.
Yes, I don't think any "representative" body can compare to our illustrious Congress. Thanks, Curmudgeon!
Are you bragging? Take a look Northward, where we have managed to construct the "best" of the US and UK systems. We're giving you a run for your money - unfortunately.
I am forced to "brag" in this manner all too often about my country.
The Bidens are American royalty
The Bushes as well as the Trumps
William is the one pegged to be King of the world. Charles does not have the correct ethnic bloodline. Diana had that ethnic bloodline from both her father and mother. Sir James Goldsmith was the real father of Diana. Compare the famous picture of Diana in her shalwar kameez , to Jemima Goldsmith in her shalwar kameez...they could be twins. Compare a photo of a young Zac Goldsmith to a photo of a young Prince William...they could be twins. The NWO is not going to let anyone onto the world throne who does not have their ethnic bloodline.
How can we keep in touch when the internet goes down? Cell phones? Mail?
According to this our efforts to end the Covid tyranny are futile. The tyranny will appear to end, but it will be a fake end and it will continue on with a different cast of players. What do you all think? That may mean that this platform of free speech is tolerated as part of the ongoing deception. In that event it seems that we may need to start thinking about organizing locally instead of online. Right?
Good question, Len. We have become so dependent upon the internet- I've mentioned many times that all my best friends are ones I've "met" online. Maybe that idea I've been proposing about forming local John Doe Clubs might be perfect at this point. We need to interact personally. But I'm as plugged into the Matrix as anyone else. Thanks!
I fell for the official 9/11 story hook, line, and sinker. A couple of years later, I was eating dinner at a friend's house. He was a retired Special Forces officer who had worked with the CIA on some operations, and he told me 9/11 was an inside job. "Get out of here!" was my surprised reply. "Don't believe me, just do the research yourself," he calmly answered. I was so angry that I decided to do the research just to prove him wrong. Three weeks later, I returned to my friend's house to tell him he was absolutely right! It was not the result I was expecting, but with continued research over the next 19 years, all the real evidence (much of which has been censored) still supports that 9/11 was a massive criminal psy-op against the American public.
Your experience should have been shared my millions, Chico. That's all I would ask anyone to do- look at the evidence. Most people aren't willing to do that. Thanks.
I hate 9/11 remembrances. They remind me what a sucker I was back in the day. I really wanted to believe the official story, but the holes are just so glaring. (unintended pun, but I'll go with it). Even in the backwards era of 2001, I was asking where's the video showing the Pentagon "explosion"?. The behavior just reeks "coverup", even if I can't exactly explain why I have that feeling. It's just weird how many people I know who refuse to even entertain the idea that something hinky went on that day. Even suggesting that police or first responders or the military can screw up drives some people mental. It's freaky to watch that happen in real time. It's also freaky to realize that this used to be something I did. Thank God, I got out of that trap. But it's just sick how our government preys on people's emotions. Now I know what was going on back in the day because a lot of people can't seem to bring themselves to be critical of what the government says over the "vaccines" or "COVID". It's the same game. Once you accept that government lies to people, you aren't especially shocked when a politician (named Trump or not) or their officials lie to you. It's just not the huge shocker brainwashed people think that it is. Screaming about it just makes these people seem even dumber. It's not like they really particularly care about honesty or truth. We've learned that because of how they behaved reporting on 9/11 and Iraq. Dan Rather and his fake GWB papers.....OMG.
Nicely put. Identity Politics revolves around emotion, not reason. It has infected all parts of our society. America now runs exclusively on emotion, not reason. Thanks.
I could have written the same thing that you did ,but now my eyes are wide open and it's so obvious.
I wasn't talking about speculation Jeffrey, I was saying what experts said after carefully studying the supposed "attacks". The intention, beside profiting billions and trillions of dollars in bogus wars, is as usual , to create fear and a wound in people psiquis, so they become easily manipulated. Benjamin Franklin said " the first responsability of every citizen, is to question authority". I don't recognize any government, I'm self sovereign, I don't give my power to anybody. Only God Almighty, is my guidance. A revolution is coming, and is very much needed, it's the revolution of Spirit. Freedom is our birth right. Period.
I don't discount anything. As Mark Lane wrote in the Introduction to "Rush to Judgment," by failing to investigate the assassination of JFK, the Warren Commission was "providing fertile grounds for speculation." That's all we can do. Thanks.
That is how I remember it........Another marker in Americans false history! Today, I mourn the innocent citizens who paid too dearly. I lost my sister as a result of this wickedness. She was not in the buildings but killed in a car crash during the chaotic aftermath. Like so many folks she never knew what hit her!
according to the SSDI no more people died in NY state that day than any other day.
Good point, Fakeologist. I have explored this anomaly in the SS records in my books. Thanks.
I'm sorry to hear about your sister, Joyce. There is a lot of collateral damage associated with these orchestrated events, which I explore fully in my history books. Thanks.
Love this. I too wrote on this. I published it at 9:11am. I hope more writers write on this hoax.
Great article, Mike! I need to jazz my stuff up with graphics like you. I urge all my readers to read it. One minor correction; Kate Smith wasn't Jewish. I don't shy away from noting all the disproportionate numbers of Jews in prominent positions, for whatever reason, but both her parents were affiliated with the Catholic and Presbyterian churches. Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks Donald. I researched Kate and Israel in Feb 2019. At the time I found nothing on her parents being Catholic and Presbyterian. I know it's all over the net now but it wasn't then so I went with my earlier research I did back then. These THINGS constantly delete, hide, move and conceal from us making our job exposing them a real challenge. I've got a lot more on GOD BLESS AMERICA that I might write on later. Keep up the great writing.
🔥 Just, wow. As you may recall from my intro to you, being 19 when 9/11 happened, and a new mom- something about it didn't sit well with me and I fell down a rabbit hole at such an early age. Thankful to be a free and critical thinker, and to have discovered you from a fellow Substack writer I also just discovered, (and who is also most remarkable), Mike Huggins.
Side note: I started "Bullyocracy" a few nights ago, heavy reading considering part of the reason my child died in 2020 was from Bullycide. I think I'm at a stopping point until after the exceptionally grief-stricken holidays have passed. I've already been recommending the book to my spouse, parenting friends- this should be required reading for every parent and school administrator. Thank you.
I very much appreciate your kind words, SunnyRai. Yes, you probably should take a break from "Bullyocracy" until after the holidays. It isn't light reading. Mike Huggins is indeed remarkable. I thank you so much for reading and recommending my book to others.
The old democrats smoked weed (now with much higher THC and not so much CBD, though THCV is better at countering it) for too long. They're diabolically possessed. If you don't have a pass to the underground bases you should move.
I'm surprised that no one seems to have mentioned this new Bitchute video
Someone mentioned Jews here. I said on another substack recently that I think most people may be partly Jewish. Most celebrities, aristocrats and people in power seem to be partly Jewish. Most of the ruling class seem to be partly Jewish. But most Jews are not part of the ruling class. This site has a lot of papers on conspiracy and fraud and they often find that most people involved seem to be partly Jewish. But they usually go back farther and say the ruling class is Phoenician, another Semitic people who apparently went into hiding long ago.
I have tried to get Miles Mathis to come on my "I Protest" show, but he says he doesn't do interviews. With so much intermarriage in society now, I'm not sure what it means to be Jewish. Thanks.
There is an article up on today that you might want to see and uses an element of your title "Inside Job." The French intel guy you quoted was spot on...the CIA came up with the name Al Qaida circa 1985 and later would trot this out to the public. The literal translation is "the base" which is regional slang for the toilet. I once pointed this out to a low-level deep state operator that was trying to act as a handler (good luck with that) and the guy went ballistic...funny stuff. There is about 5 sec of grainy security camera footage showing the Pentagon strike (which was actually on you tube) and it looks like a missile strike. You might be able to find this using the Yandex search engine. Lastly: I got a kick out of you using the Wizard of Oz reference because I just published a paper on substack using
the political allegory of this story as a motif...we are no longer in Kansas.
I appreciate you sharing that anecdote, DL. Thanks!
Where there is smoke there is fire. In published magazine copies across earth, following 911, pictures of several people standing in the gaping holes created by the attacking planes, while looking out, seemingly towards the cameras filming them, those images will burn in infamy. Why? This is the smoking gun. As this article states in the beginning, steel melts at 1535 degrees Celsius.
Cheers America, you got the terrorist sitting in a cave that day.
I went into the 9/11 jumpers a bit in "Hidden History," but will examine that in more detail in the upcoming "Hidden History 3." To cite just one tidbit, the first jumper, according to the government, to leap from the Towers did so FOUR minutes after the plane hit the building. How does that make any kind of sense? Thanks.
There is always speculation, but when you have proofs of truth, the speculation should end, unless you like to have ur mind always spiraling and don't want to accept the facts. Take care.