I lived in Palm Springs when Arnold was still around and we all were customers of his great restaurant. I was first shocked and then appalled at DJT reference to AP's privates. Why men are so fixated on penis size is just beyond my comprehension. Whatever good DJT did that day, as usual, his unchecked comments kind of made me cringe. FOR heaven's sake, why doesn't he stop while he is ahead??? His mouth is his own worst enemy. Don't men get that women don't want to hear about genitals?

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Those kind of comments are why I call him Trumpenstein. I just don't think a 78 year old, who has been in the public eye for decades, could naturally be so crude, or egotistical, or thin skinned, or boastful, etc. Thanks, Vicki.

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So he said it. Big deal! In the countless overwhelming statements, comments and plans for the future of USA, it is an error but nor as such as you are making it. Nobody is perfect neither you are. I do not understand, what is going ion in your head. You think that the Kamala option is something you are wishing for to be the President? Give me a break!

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He didn't say Kamrade was an option. HE stated the same thing I and many others stated. Talking about genitalia is crude and kind of dopey so why men think anyone else, meaning women or the less endowed males, want to hear that kind of talk has got a screw loose. It's a big deal when you are a big deal, this isn't the local bar.

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I don’t think so anymore to answer the question posed in your last sentence. It’s why I wear a “Bring Wholesome Back” T-shirt and matching hat fairly often. I remember being completely disgusted by Howard Stern years ago....it seems the culture now is to emulate the shock-jock type of thing. There was an old song entitled Let It All Hang Out...I wish people wouldn’t, frankly.

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Agree about Howard and the hanging out...where is class and dignity? Sometimes I wish I were back in the "good old days" of Miss Manners, Emily Post and the like. I used to give etiquette books to graduates thinking I was keeping it alive. Then we go hip hop music and such.

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I actually own the Emily Post books so I am right there with you on the sentiment. I’m hoping to stumble upon some hidden portal that can transport me to a more genteel time haha! I definitely do NOT fit in in this current culture.

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It's all very fitting and appropriate really.

After all Trumpenstein has had some great moments with Howard Stern. I remember one in particular where they both waxed nostalgic about how they would like to have sex with Trump's daughter, Ivanka. To his credit though, Trump did acknowledge he couldn't, because it was his daughter.

Vote harder please.

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I don’t vote at all as all it has ever done is get us exactly where we are at. I will continue to govern myself, thanks.

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You are, of course, correct. I operate on the assumption that the shots are really called by people with enough money to donate millions to political campaigns.

Nevertheless, I will participate in this process on November 5th as I enjoy the ritual of voting. I don't believe it wiill change much, though.

Plus, it's the candidates. Trump is, well, Trump and Harris is too close to the warmonger extraordinaire Cheneys for my comfort. If she is elected and keeps her promise to add a Republican to her cabinet, I hope it's not LIz Cheney, but it sure looks like it might be.

Can you imagine Ms Cheney as Secretary of State.

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Oct 29
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Yes. Cheney seemed to shun publicity as SecDef and VP and yet wielded enormous power.

He also lined his own pockets. As SecDef, he steered money to Kellogg Brown and Root--connected to Halliburton--and then was given a very nice job with them afterwards.


And this: https://www.tampabay.com/archive/2009/05/05/cheney-s-financial-worth/

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Good on you, Elizabeth. Voting is nothing more than choosing whose hand holds the club with which you are beaten. It does nothing to stop the beatings.

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I just wish that we could all talk about the fact that we are all literally being poisoned rather than political theater. I used to determine the overhead rate for federally sponsored research, often entering labs suited up like an astronaut, sprayed with chemical in an anteroom on the way in and out. I see so many children who are ill, parents who struggle in every conceivable way to take care of them. Our elderly are dying off and we actually need them for their wisdom. It’s all so sad. We used science to do horrible things to humanity at large. But politicians will not openly talk about the injections honestly. I know from that job I had how data is manufactured…turned into lies. It’s all unacceptable. My heart is with regular people who struggle now and not any oligarchs or super wealthy class. Those are who I care about now. I don’t have room for much more anymore. Thanks for the support. It is much appreciated.

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All right, so let's talk about it. Actually, there is a lot you can do. Write a blog, a Substack, an email campaign, etc. Since the politicians won't "openly" talk about these things, then you should. Go ahead, get started, send me a link. I'll take a look.

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I don't want us to give into "them" so I keep on but what you say is absolutely true, it will get worse if we don't TRY to fight it is my thought.

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I believe Jody's comment, 'Vote harder please,' was meant to be facetious.

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I have voted in every election for a long time. Every election things are worse. Besides the uni party elections are selections idea, I have always had sympathy for the idea that voting means you buy into the system and are bound by the results. Because you voted.

Every election cycle the candidates are worse. Greedy, stupid, venal, corrupt and base.

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I’m waiting for a potential leader to discuss the 21 trillion dollars that went missing beginning in 1998, why both houses passed FASAB 56 while people were distracted during the Kavanaugh hearings which took the entire budget black and off the books. Until such a person steps forward, I will presume that the ginormous government will continue to implode and I will opt out and focus on making my tiny corner of the world a more wholesome place. I adore wholesome and sincerely wish I had given that word and ideal much more consideration when I was much younger. I don’t think the cream has risen to the top in terms of political leadership in decades with few exceptions, such as Thomas Massey, perhaps. The honest people are often literally killed or imprisoned or their lives are made to be a living hell. I think the only way one can be in positions of great power is to be severely compromised and blackmailed. I’m pretty cynical now. No one will ever convince me that Joe-Mentia has been running this country the last 4 years, either.

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It’s all theater as far as I am concerned. Nothing more than a giant diversion to keep us distracted from the real issues at hand. And real criminal activity and a looming control grid that will put everyone in a digital gulag system if CBDCs come to fruition. Norway is finally pushing cash as opposed to digital currencies. I would hope Americans would push for the same. Those dependent upon digital systems in NC would concur, I’d imagine. Who is talking about CBDCs? Um, that would be neither “side”.

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I agree with every word of your comment except you call yourself cynical. It isn't cynicism to be honest. Seeing reality for what it is and stating it out loud should not be conflated with cynicism. I think courageous and principled are better descriptors for you than cynical.

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You are right...we don't know who is running the country but we all have ideas who it could be but no proof.

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I'm sorry but I see that as a cop out and lame excuse, we NEED you to hope to keep our country from going into the gutter. "We are woman, hear us roar" as women fought for our rights to be part of the government.

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Your no vote is nothing but an invitation for totalitarian government to become a reality. Will done. Such a high moral level is guiding you. You will pay dearly for your non vote!

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And…gross. Glad I missed that interview!

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Oct 27
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The "F" word is thrown around casually now by everyone, Aelred. Just another indication of a collapsing culture. Thanks.

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“Like”. Sorry, my like button does not work. Agreed regarding collapsing culture. Remember beautiful music, stunning architecture, high art such as the Impressionists, craftsmen, quality and high standards, excellent manners? I mourn the loss of those things. I pretty much live under a rock these days to avoid trashy culture. No TV, no current music and I hang out with as many dogs and horses as I can in my free time because nothing gross or shocking comes out of their mouths.

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I couldn't agree with you more. I told my daughter recently, "I never thought I'd say I wish we were back in the '50s again" when everyone dressed up or properly for the occasion and had elegance and charm or tried to. There are some words I can just never get used to hearing in everyday conversation like the F and the A...bodily functions have proper names, cringe cringe. No dignity and no one seems to care. Tennis shoes should be worn for tennis and some sports but should not be day wear. And so much more we could list......

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My parents' generation would never have used the "F" word, Vicki, let alone MFer. Their profanity was kindler and gentler. Thanks!

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I actually miss dressing for dinner and dressing up for flights. I live in the sweatpants Capitol of the world, I think. I was literally shocked and amazed by what people showed up in in terms of attire in my many Night Court appearance days. I literally chewed a judge out for permitting her staff to wander around her offices without shoes, in yoga pants and chatting mindlessly about smoking weed here in Colorado. I told her I come from a world where I’d have been rightfully fired for such. I think I am a throwback from a different era. A guy at work told me I am a misfit. I have to truly wonder who actually wants to fit in with this, though. I honestly believe that so many around me remain unfazed because they are on a ton of pharmaceuticals that numb them out to how low things have become. I am 59 but I often feel as though I am 159 years old.

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Oct 29
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Why? trump does not hold back with the dirty language.

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In it's last days, Pompeii was a phallus culture. The United States is Pompeii 2.0. Sadly, this means women as well. I try very hard to avoid media directed at women, because I find it so patronizing and demeaning. However, I've seen enough of it to know this is true.

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interesting, about Pompeii. will research this Kris. good comment.

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In Japan and India genitals are sacred. Japan have a penis festival. In India they have Shiva lingam it's Shiva's penis festival and Yoni's festival it's sacred vulva /vagina festival . Puritan americans are pathetic.

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"FOR heaven's sake, why doesn't he stop while he is ahead???"

Because he is a goofy bastard.

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Or, as Mr. Jeffries has explained, ad nauseam by now, he's Trumpenstein.

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He an actor

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With all due respect, that is a dopey comment, kind of goofy actually.

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"With all due respect, that is a dopey comment, kind of goofy actually."

You asked a question, then complain about the answer. That's goofy!

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I was making a comment, not asking a question....and your response is still "goofy" to use your words. HAND.

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"I was making a comment, not asking a question....and your response is still "goofy" to use your words. HAND."

Bullshit! I copied your question verbatim, even the three dumbass question marks. They are called question marks for a reason. Don't drink and send comments!

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stop your whining and get a job. It was a comment, duh. Get a life, quit trying to be a bully behind a screen.

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Trumpstein is trailer trash but has a nicer, more expensive trailer than the rest of us!

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And you are? It's not nice to call people names, especially ones you do not know personally.....this page is deteriorating by the minute. I won't be back so you and Realist can go crazy with insults. Have a good evening!

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Vicki, I value your input here. There will always be people commenting whom you don't agree with.

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Anytime most Democrat women on social media want to belittle a man they talk about his small penis. thus, as Donald notes, there is a lot of talk about Orange Hitler's supposedly small penis.

There is no escaping the high level discourse concerning American politics.

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Narcissists never stop if they are getting positive reinforcement from their audience.

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It's a humiliation ritual.

Fundamental to the effectiveness of the ritual is that the participant willfully debase themself. They voluntarily participate. The purpose of the ritual is to further demoralize, debase, spiritually break the subject.

Nothing does this more effectively than when one participates in their own enslavement.

But please, do vote harder.

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Yes, there seem to be regular humiliation rituals, Jody. For the most part, they are required of men only. Thanks.

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Indeed...a humiliation ritual...as are the Freemasonic rituals for members. Somehow I missed that tidbit about Arnold Palmer...but I'm not surprised because this is the level of discourse of the Sheeple. The average American functions at a kindergarten level. They are getting exactly what they want and deserve. I say "they" because I dropped out and became merely an observer 34 years ago. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how this movie plays out. I've been prepped and ready for years. I went to Costco yesterday, just to top off my toilet paper stock...and was a bit surprised that they were completely out of toilet paper...so maybe the realization has finally trickled down to the normies that we are never going to "return to normal".

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Brilliant and funny. Thanks for the chuckle, and for summarizing my current, tired perspective on this clown show.

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Thanks, Leara!

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If Trump is only "an actor", perhaps you can explain his consequential policy decisions that gave us low inflation, deregulation, lower taxes, low unemployment, reduced illegal immigration, America as an oil exporter nation, and, as a result, prosperity. Compared to the mess we now have, I'll take Trump anytime. And so will the millions of Americans who will vote him into office again on November 5th.

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Trump did not give us "the strongest economy" we ever had. I was fired during his years, for helping out a handicapped co-worker in a "Right to Work" state. He actually deported fewer illegals than Obama, and the tax cuts, as they were under Reagan, were focused on the higher income earners. It certainly looks better in comparison to the Biden mess, but it was not the paradise MAGA people claim it was. He didn't keep any of his promises to deport millions, end birth right citizenship, end the foreign visa worker program, bring the troops home, rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, etc. I have said I am going to vote for him, if I vote, merely because I think it will be entertaining. Thanks, Liberator.

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I’m certainly not in the upper income bracket by anyone’s definition, but I clearly remember paying significantly less income taxes under Trump. More importantly if he keeps us out of wars, keeps the people’s tax money at home helping our own people instead of giving it to the merchants of death that would be a big improvement. Given the aforementioned, I could deal with the school boy humor. What’s more he could even hire Howard Stern, who I detest, as his Press Secretary.

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apparently you believe what you read in your local edition of Pravda, or what the shills in the "alternative media" are saying. For the record, I recall, in 2019, the shrinkflation of Donald Trump's presidency, enshrined in my bottles of dish detergent, which went from 20 to twelve ounces in a matter of months.

Trump has nothing to do with an "economy" that is completely massaged by the banksters. Did Trump eliminate farm subsidies, or windmill subsidies, or transportation subsidies? No. Trump signed some of the biggest spending bills in history. So Puh-lease reconsider just spouting talking points.

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maybe penises shrunk to, when Trump was President. Operation Warp Sperm https://rense.com/general97/spike-replacing-sperm-burkhardt.php?EdNo=002

aka OWS!!!!

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You can thank Trump for the clot shot. His "beautiful" vaccine. LOL

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Cumela at a press conference said...trump did mc donalds... tomorrow I will do Five Guys.

Rabbi "little dobber" trump has jared "kosher" kushner selecting his staff including cabinet picks so kushner is running for president for the third time

imagine people thinking elon musk the greatest african american will cut millions of govt workers the way he cut the staff at X. you cant even fire a cop that shoots an unarmed 18 year old girl and if it happens after 2 years he gets hired again with all the back pay.

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" As I’ve noted, this is for the entertainment value alone. With the massive corruption, and the rigged, orchestrated electoral process, that is really the best we can hope for."

Yes, voting is superfluous

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hi don, i think i remember when it started. trump was calling Rubio, "little Marco" in his 2016 campaign and Marco returned the insult by saying that Trump had "little hands" which surprised Trump who defended his hands as not little. and then one night referring to his not little hands he outright said there were no complaints in the "other department" either, which totally shocked a lot of people. tbh, somewhat before that squalid exchange took place i had observed that as Trump would walk up to the podium or whatever it looked like he wasn't lying, unless he faked that too. i am sorry i observed this but things can't be helped sometime. I am glad Trump didn't go any further with the Arnold Palmer story since he's very competitive and might have made comparisons or something.

Anyway, we have deteriorated as a country, swearing, F wording, and generally sinking deeper into classless behavior. this is due to jewish influence and jewish influence upon blacks who both influenced the rest of the country. once you rob a nation of its Christian values even if people are not church goers, but once you take those Christian values away, you get what we have, complete degeneracy. and it's never coming back. best—k.

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Yes, Trump set a new standard with that clear reference to the size of his penis, in a presidential debate. I've suggested, not entirely in jest, that he would perhaps just whip it out on stage. It wouldn't surprise very many people if he did that. Thanks, Kyra!

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thanks Don

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We’re in a state of residual Christianity at best.

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thanks Joe

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I also prefer Trump to the cackling thing. God help us all.

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The Cackling Camel is definitely sexier than DQ Chump. She has my vote (if I were voting). At this point, that is the sole qualification between the two.

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But how big is her clitoris. and how does that compare to Trump's penis. this needs a debate, if not show and tell. / sarcasm

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Does anyone remember before Dump assumed the mantle of r team fake wrestling show top champion, how he was universally loved by the d team?

It's funny. I remember that. Loved by all of Hollywood. At all the shows, all the events. Nothing but hugs and smiles and adoration all around. Clinton family friend. Proud d team guy. Big d team donor. Loved abortion. (His wife just dropped a book extolling abortion as a fundamental right) NYC billionaire real estate con man in tight with with all the right members of the big money changing club you and me ain't in, getting bailed out of his many bankruptcies, as needed?

Then one day he comes out and announces he's r team now. Like a skit out of WWE when the wrestlers switch allegiance mid act. And just like in fake wrestling, (the real one) instantly the crowds also switch sides and go bananas. And now the d teamers gnaw their tongues in rage and the r teamers fly into ecstasy at every sophomoric statement out of Dumps always weirdly contorted mouth.

The guy is literally in the fake wrestling (the real one) hall of fame.

You can't make it up. You really can't.

This is idiocracy defined.

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Great points, Jody. That's why I call it the Trumpenstein Project. Thanks!

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If only Trump, like the President in Idiocracy, would play the guitar. perhaps with his penis like Zelensky the Piano. They could team up (Team Zion) and form a band. maybe The Cackler Sisters if they can get Kamala to do vocals. Just brainstorming it. whilst brains last.

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Yes, you are over the target, and this is so apropos for defining the current stupidity of the American Sheeple- and many abroad as well. These people see nothing but images. The substance of anything eludes them.

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Fraid so

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It seems to me that politicians have always been this way. It's just thoroughly obvious now for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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Thanks to the internet. I was always amazed the reptilians didn't make more efforts to control the internet. Maybe they thought that since they already had the entire MSM, schools, and most governments and bureaucracies they didn't have to. Or maybe they couldn't. At least now.

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They couldn't, wilson, until they succeeded in making society depend upon the giant social media platforms. Then they began cancelling dissenting voices, and the rest is history. Thanks.

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The plan all along was for social media mind control. The few who used the internet to spread the genuine Truth... are miniscule compared to the billions around the world enslaved by their egos to destructive fads, "likes", and online virtue signaling. Total capture of the masses. Also the invasion of Third Worlders has been turned over to social media. The word of free stuff, and how to get it, spreads like wildfire on social media.

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Well said, Kris. That's why from the get-go they flooded the internet with pornography. It is truly, the inter-NET.

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I can see that. the internet was part of the plan. the lizards did get control of twitter and facebook and there are numerous other sites and more that I don't know about. So maybe the internet isn't as big a threat to the globohomos as I thought.

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Bank on this type of discourse we are having here right now being gone by the end of Dumps next session. The internet will not be allowed to exist in its current form. This will be the function that Thiel, Bowman, Musk and the other assorted globohomo geeks will serve. I hate to say it, but start mentally preparing for that reality now. As someone else stated it will literally be transitioned into a net. Guess who the fish are.

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good post.

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Like I think it was Twain said, if democracy really worked,they would not allow it. If the internet really worked, 80% of USA and more elsewhere would not have got the jabs. Maybe Trump's jewish doctor Zelensky is going to be selling mrna viagra or something. https://rense.com/general97/spike-replacing-sperm-burkhardt.php?EdNo=002

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I am aware of that and the deaths and injuries from the injections. The final outcome of the injections has yet to play out.

I wouldn't know any of this if I only listened to the TV or read WaPo or virtually any other newspaper. But I don't have a TV or read those magazines and newspapers and haven't for twenty years. I gave up MSM when I realized what they were.

On a flight a few days ago I made some relatively mild remarks to my seatmate, I knew right away he was a globohomo leftist when I sat down. I wanted to see what would trigger him and throw him into a rage. It didn't take much. As the conversation progressed, he finally made the standard sneering remark, "you just watch Fox news" . It was funny.

So there is some hope, there is at least a remnant. Remnant used to be a resistance magazine to the dominant narrative in pre internet days. Now the internet has made them obsolete. But there is still a remnant. Maybe larger than ever.

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And, they don't bother to hide it anymore. The society is debased enough that they don't need to. For this society, criminality and degeneracy are selling points, not detractors.

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Right, Jody. Once they required us to wear masks, their figurative masks came off. No more pretenses. Open calls for reigning in the First Amendment. Thanks!

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U.S. Presidents and members of Congress have become progressively titular since November 23, 1963. We now live in a plutocratic oligarchy.

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Yes. The democracy narrative has worn thinner than grade 10 cheesecloth.

I mean the d team fake wrestling presidential finalist was just flat out installed one day. Not even the pretense of a fake vote by anyone anywhere needed.

Again, I can only describe our presidential politics as one big satanic humiliation ritual at this point. No other explanation makes sense.

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"Not even the pretense of a fake vote by anyone anywhere needed."

This is nirvana for the Deep State. This is what they have fought for for decades. Absolute control is within grasp.

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If all this were not so sad, it might be funny. Where are the strong, silent men who when they do speak, have something to say worth hearing? I am your age (68) and fondly remember John Wayne and other cultural heroes from our entertainment side. On the real life side, I revered the legacy of JFK and thought we had wasted generations of opportunity when he was murdered. I had come home from the Navy and was standing in the college library checking out books (remember that?) when I heard John Lennon was murdered. We are nation of fools. But back to your writing. Trump is a fool yet he is far superior to todays leftist Jacobins that will see white, male conservative Christians brought under the razor for what? Building the world as it is. We will not stand for it. I take heart in maybe, just maybe Trump exist to bring along J. D. Vance who maybe, just maybe is finally a strong silent type who when he speaks, has something to say worth hearing.

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I hope you're right, Big. I'd be delighted to see Trump and Vance match their rhetoric with action. If Trump merely deported millions of illegals, and did nothing else good, that alone would make him a great president. Thanks!

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No need for painful memories about John Lennon...his death was a psy-op. To quote the wise and witty Tony Arterburn: "If it rocks it's Tavistock" Dave McGowan outed the manufactured music industry fantastically. What is incredibly sad is that there were ACTUAL suicides at the time due to the fake murder. I'm incredulous that people could be that weak-minded. I was living in Key West at the time I got that "news" and didn't feel anything... because I never liked the Beatles.

It's pretty clear that Yoko was his handler. According to the book written by his Chinese mistress, Lennon was beating on her...no doubt he was frustrated with the act by then, and wanted out. However, 91-year-old Willie Nelson certainly has shown his loyalty to his handlers. Despite cultivating his reputation as an "outlaw" he was playing for a Kamala ralley last week...and pushed the Jonestown jabs...which killed his band mate sister.

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The debasing of our culture has been on overdrive since the 90's, and there seems to be no letup in sight. Massivve, obscene floats of a nude Trump have hovered over some American cities over the last decade or so. Unfortunately, Trump's own childish vulgarity is met with too many cheers from his ardent supporters ( many who should know better ).

Even otherwise solid conservative/ libertarian hosts ( male and female,alike) speak in a profane manner throughout the alt media universe. It appears that almost no one ever considers that an impressionable child may be within earshot of their unnecessary obscenities.

I agree with you, Don, that Trump is still the better option - for no greater reason than who his enemies are. As much as it's true that we basically have a uniparty, the unhinged left is a clear and present danger..,... especially for the young ones. Thanks Don

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Thanks, Robert!

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Oct 28Edited

I haven't paid a damn bit of attention to things and was shocked when I realized that the Selection is next week. It's much better when you simply ignore it all.

In fact, the biggest statement that could ever be made is if no one voted. ... Of course there'd still be a "record number of voters turning out," just sayin'.

At this point I wake up every day, look to see if there are any events on the horizon that are likely to become PSYOP-19 2.0 Real Death Version, and if not, consider it to be a good day. Can't wait for it to be over, all but the crying that is. I'll vote the locals, that's it. It's doubtful that in our area that even makes a difference as they typically don't do as they say either, they stick their finger in the air, see which way the pop-culture and societal winds are blowing, then make their decisions aligned with that. Pussy cowards!

I suspect that when whatever's coming actually occurs that it'll be sudden, a societal "shock and awe" of sorts. The satanic symbolism and coming out of the closet by the satanic/Talmudic elites should be a whole lot more concerning than Trump's preoccupation with his own and others' dick sizes. But hey, that's where our society is today, 90% of what we do in this world, as a people, if not more, is either worthless or contributes to our own demise.

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And if no one voted, they’re so corrupt that they’d still cheat.

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Indeed. But also keep in mind that they've been manipulating (s)elections for decades, and electronic voting machines have helped them pre-program whatever results they've wanted. One of the people that worked for a company that manufactures them, a few decades ago, 80s I think, testified before Congress that they could be rigged, without anyone knowing before or after, to yield whatever results they'd want.

Does it matter though, as all candidates are on the same team ultimately. In fact, it shouldn't be unforeseeable that Trump's going to be ushered in to get Patriot Act 2.0 put into place, which will essentially be martial law.

But we'll see, at the end of the day it's not the POTUS or US politicians that actually run our country, at all over the past half century. It's the Global Government with all of its shadow NGOs and Corporate control, all under the purview of the Central Banking Talmudists.

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Not sure I want to comment so I probably should with this. Do any of you take anything seriously? Don makes a goofy reference about a weenie from DJT and you all go apeshit. It’s all you can talk about. In the meantime thousands are dead in NC and the media is silent. We’re on the brink of economic collapse. There’s an invasion at both borders. The left is frantically trying to steal another election….. Whether you think these elections are a farce or not, Kamala Harris?? Really?? Are there any adults in the room here?

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I probably attract that with my attempts at humor, Dennis. I just think we have to laugh at it, lest we cry, as they say. Thanks.

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I must say Donald I am excited. I remember about this time 4 years ago I got all my shit together including my rifles went to DEFCON 1. I didn’t know where I was going but by God I was ready for something. Looking back that might have been a bit overkill lol.

Still it must be said with gratitude that the Orange Mad Hatter has brought us back here once again. For the ones who have no appreciation for this I have zero respect for you. Fortunately there’s not many of you out there at this point. And those who still are have gone back under their rocks.

Donald I have heard you lament, “What is it going to take for the average American to wake the fuck up.” Well sir here’s your answer. This the ONLY way it happens and if it fails the next time Americans wake up will be when they find themselves without food and water. Tis the nature of mankind. I learned long ago not to fight nature. That’s what the left/elite has been doing and it seems nature is starting to prepare her assault on those tyrants.

We should all be concerned and prepared. I will not avert my eyes to what was done in 2020. Watching the genocide of the Palestinians I know what TPTB are capable of. You should all be ready for anything. If it is to happen let it happen NOW!!

Love your work!

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Thanks, Luke!

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At this point it's almost cartoonish. I mean, the level of pandering and jiving. It just seems childish. Meaningless speeches, and another facet of the same ole soup warmed over.

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