Very well written, so I thank you. With the influx of all these illegal invaders, another large stampede is here. This country may be turning into one huge shooting gallery; its going on now with cops gunning down anyone they think is a threat along with all the gangbangers. But one doesn't dare say anything because you just may be elimi…
Very well written, so I thank you. With the influx of all these illegal invaders, another large stampede is here. This country may be turning into one huge shooting gallery; its going on now with cops gunning down anyone they think is a threat along with all the gangbangers. But one doesn't dare say anything because you just may be eliminated. They force upon us all these Smart appliances which I do not want in my home. Agent wrote a very good article about Smart meters; I would have never thought, but it made perfect sense to me. So in the end, they'll try and take us out, one way or another. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. But you're correct. It all has to go down before a new beginning can happen. History just keeps repeating itself. The records are removed or burned, we have nothing to learn from as they change those records to suit their needs. And nothing truthful is taught to the young in our schools either.
"And nothing truthful is taught to the young in our schools either." The profundity of that statement -- because it's absolutely true and has been going on for ages, it seems.
What does it mean for our own understanding of the world? Our frame of reference for the past and its impact on our conduct today? "Policy" built on fraud? Historical lies framing out behavior toward and belief about others? Based on a set up??
The implications are profound. It's why I hang a question mark on everything.
Very well written, so I thank you. With the influx of all these illegal invaders, another large stampede is here. This country may be turning into one huge shooting gallery; its going on now with cops gunning down anyone they think is a threat along with all the gangbangers. But one doesn't dare say anything because you just may be eliminated. They force upon us all these Smart appliances which I do not want in my home. Agent wrote a very good article about Smart meters; I would have never thought, but it made perfect sense to me. So in the end, they'll try and take us out, one way or another. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. But you're correct. It all has to go down before a new beginning can happen. History just keeps repeating itself. The records are removed or burned, we have nothing to learn from as they change those records to suit their needs. And nothing truthful is taught to the young in our schools either.
Thank you, Fran.
"And nothing truthful is taught to the young in our schools either." The profundity of that statement -- because it's absolutely true and has been going on for ages, it seems.
What does it mean for our own understanding of the world? Our frame of reference for the past and its impact on our conduct today? "Policy" built on fraud? Historical lies framing out behavior toward and belief about others? Based on a set up??
The implications are profound. It's why I hang a question mark on everything.