Another excellent, fact filled article Donald. I will argue with your contention the majority of the American public is lethargic, for I believe the majority are ignorant. Until I was in my fifties, I too was ignorant. I attended public schools and was taught (brainwashed?) all the lies the government wanted me to learn. Then, so late in life, a nagging question started me on my path to the seek the truth. That question was: If the Civil War was fought over slavery, why did it start at Fort Sumter? There wasn't any slavery at Fort Sumter, hell, they were selling slaves a mile away in Charleston that very day. So my eyes were opened when I found the Civil War wasn't fought over slavery, and I started to question everything I was taught in school. I found out Pearl Harbor wasn't a surprise attack, the Lusitania was carrying ammunition, Hitler never said to kill all the Jews, there weren't any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. etc. The list of lies the government has taught us in public schools are endless. Keep speaking the truth and pointing out the hypocrisy Donald, I appreciate what you're doing.

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Galileo was wrong. So was Isaac Newton, and Johannes Kepler. So was Louie Pasteur. So was Chuck Darwin.

But I would contest that the majority of Americans are, at this point, ignorant. Not after 2020. Not after the most stupid, visible, persistent, and insipid psychological warfare project in human history.

No, the American people are a bunch of epicurian materialists too afraid and too venal to get off their cushions and carry their cross.

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White Wolf, I assume your first five sentences are sarcasm? Doesn’t appear to be a complete thought. I won’t argue that some Americans are materialistic but I would argue most Americans (middle class/flyover country) were propagandized in the federal government dominated school system. What I was taught was wrong. I’m not lazy. I’m searching for a way to correct the problem, and I think other people are searching for the same thing.

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No, the first five sentences are statements of fact. The earth- be it flat or round- is the center of the universe. Germ theory is a fraud- "viruses" are not pathogenic organisms, and neither are bacteria. They are just doing their job. It is when your immune system does not do its job that bad things happen. And you most certainly did not evolve from a Green Monkey. (Piltdown Man was a hoax- start there.)

You are certainly correct AMericans are propagandized- but not just in the Public Schools. I went to Catholic School, where Abraham Lincoln was practically added to the Litany of the Saints.

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White Wolf: Poisonous bacteria are real. I've experienced enough of them. Antibiotics save lives. Viruses are another matter entirely. Perhaps you've never seen guys with VD. I've heard stories of soldiers who had such a violent strain of Gonorrhea that they practically bent steel pipes while pissing.

Galileo and Kepler and Newton discovered truths on the way to more truths about the physical world. Newton's Laws of Gravity still hold up. Galileo did see the other planets and their orbits. Kepler learned more about those orbiting planets.

But no one can explain why the Earth has such a large moon or why it is where it is.

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Some have explained why Earth's moon is disproportionately large relative to Earth's size and is in a fixed orbit without rotation, but you're not going to like it - very outlandish, but the science works.

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JP: The moon doesn't rotate due to tidal (gravity) friction. None of the moons in the solar system rotate that I am aware of. I have yet to see the physics/mathematics for why the moon is there and so large.

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It's not the bacteria that are the problem- it is the toxins they produce. Yes, antibiotics do save lives, but only because that usually, the "disease" was the result of assaulting the immune system to the degree it just waved the white flag and let the bacteria invade in the first place.

I submit that the vast majority of cases where people needed antibiotics are cases where they overloaded on toxins- AKA candy bars and beer- and/or contracted varying degrees of sepsis through degenerate sodomy.

I concede there are probably a few cases where a contaminated rusty nail punctured the skin, or a sewer worker imbibed contaminants, where antibiotics were most helpful.

Galileo and Newton and Kepler did not discover any truths- for the most part, they relied on the research of Tycho Brahe- but rather concocted ever more zany theories to try and explain a "heliocentric model".

When Newton clearly realized that the Galilean model could not predict astronomical events the way the "geocentric" model could, he reasoned that "gravity" was knocking the whole system out of whack by the tugging of the various celestial bodies on each other, while the sun struggled to keep everything in place as a stabilizing influence.

Then Kepler realized that Newton's heliocentric radii did not explain the erratic motions of the planets, and postulated that the planets had elliptical orbits. In other words, the planets were gravitationally influenced by the sun at one foci while the other was... absolutely nothing. Get that... nothing is tugging on the earth and keeping it merrily in its elliptical orbit. That's some physics.

In the modern age, it has only gotten better. We have the Oort Cloud to keep us supplied with comets and meteors, even though the Oort Cloud has never been observed either directly or as to its effects. We have the asteroid field... same thing.

At this point, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny have nothing on NASA, which must stand for Never A Straight Answer.

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White Wolf: If my in-laws produce horrible farts, are the in-laws the problem or the farts? You are splitting hairs.

If not for gravity, then why don't we all just fly off of the orbiting Earth due to Centrifugal Force? Gravity may be the "weak force" but it exists.

I agree that NASA can't explain shit e.g. why the Earth's moon is so large or where it is. There are forces at work in the universe that humans haven't a clue about. It was only 110 years ago that humans figured out controlled flight in heavier than air aircraft.

I am surprised that Homo Sapiens made it this far in science considering its emotional nature and love of war.

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Why should the corruption overload we're now reaching (after several uncontrolled decades) imply that huge swaths of the science since the Enlightenment should be thrown out?

The campaigns to do so smell far more like psy-ops to me than rational arguments. They seem to have come out of nowhere in the last decade or so ... curiously soon after the 2013 NDAA authorized domestic propaganda.

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The "Enlightenment" was not what you think it was.

Most of the "Science" is theories, not data.

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But *anything* conjured up by a human (or a group of humans) -- including, I should add, any claims about any God -- is a theory. Meanwhile, data is only perception. It's inescapable. It's *all* belief. Humans are limited and fallible, unalterably so, and therefore utterly incapable of absolute knowledge. When they get together and agree on perceptions and theories, however, they tend to think they're "knowing truth". But that's a Siren song.

Therefore, the utmost humility about claims about the external world is always required. Humility is the basis of modern democracies and sciences, which, unless I'm misunderstanding you, you appear to throw away wholesale. Ironically, you're doing that on the basis that, you, too, are exercising your own right to question claims and theorize alternatives.

On a practical level, sciences have been pretty helpful these last few hundred years, despite your (and any intelligent person's) ability to poke holes in them. After all, poking holes is one reason research and academic journals still exist.

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The Revelation of God is absolute knowledge, because God is Truth, who deceives not nor can be deceived.

Humility is, ultimately, submission to Truth, as opposed to pride, which wishes to make one's own truth.

Modern "science" is full of fairy tales: Darwinian Evolution, The Big Bang Theory, Germ Theory, Modern Astronomical Cosmology- all lies, fabrications, falsehoods, and fables. No data supports them, only distorted explanations make them credible to the unwary.

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"Humility is, ultimately, submission to Truth, as opposed to pride, which wishes to make one's own truth."

To claim truth, when truth is unknowable, is the ultimate act of pride.

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"The Revelation of God is absolute knowledge, because God is Truth, who deceives not nor can be deceived."

How can you (or anyone) *know* this? You can't. You're a human. End of story. No matter how powerful the illusion otherwise.

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I appreciate the kind words, David. Thank you!

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My Revelation came about similar to yours. The propagada is astounding.

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Could this be true, that the majority is ignorant as it is lethargic?

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Dec 22, 2023
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Sure, I realize that, Kent. But I still hold out a smidgeon of hope. Too many Frank Capra movies. Maybe someday, a few other awake people will be in that post office line. It would only take a handful to make a statement, and force them to respond. Thanks!

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Don't be so humble and fold easily--WORDS with PASSION are indispensable in getting your needs met in an aggressive world. One man can prepare the force that will move a mountain, but he needs at least one more strong-hearted person to help him "push" the obstacle over the cliff. This one-helps-the-other-unexpectedly carries such an immense force, it is unstoppable (a lone voice is too often overpowered). I have seen this occur in interpersonal squabbles where ill-behavior is stopped in its tracks, imagine the power if (used-to-be bystanders) others get involved. Berlin Wall anyone?

The real tragedy is that the intellectually awoke complainers of the country are also apathetic. The rulers cannot exist without the other. Period. Calmness is the antithetical force to activity in healthy homeostasis, but in the mental disease state of apathy where inactivity predominates, Totalitarianism ensues.

A beautifully written article providing the internal/external human dimensions.

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Thanks, guest1.6!

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I beg to differ (below) and we must hold their feet to the fire like was done before. How many monumentous and smaller but significant victories of Truth have occurred in the last century? Perhaps not enough compared to the deceit, but still enough to keep the hope of Life burning.

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Kent, I, too, am searching for what action I can do to correct the injustices, and I haven't found the answer yet. (Which is demoralizing and depressing) I've read a thousands of articles that list the tens of thousands of obvious miscarriages of justice and none of the articles have a solution. Personally I think the bloated Federal budget is a main source of the problem and a Balanced Budget amendment might start us down the right path. I'm planning to volunteer at the Convention of States effort to impose an Article V convention. I agree yelling at a low level postal employee is not effective but I think Donald's premise that we need to start speaking up is correct. It's only been in the last couple of months that I've started commenting on articles such as this. Before, I was the "leave me the hell alone" person, but I'm changing that.

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The sheeple Don, you expect them to wake up anytime soon? The only thing that solves this problem is an EMP and the return to tribes. Let them solve all the problems while people of faith (not religion) and true historians prepare a written how-not-to for the non-insane. The only way is to begin again. Hoping people wake up is how this all began, having hope in our government is truly mad.

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Our Lady of Fatima did say that "various nations will be annihilated". I suppose that the swamp-infested cesspool that the North American Continent has become is at the top of that list.

Little Jacinta of Fatima saw "All those roads and fields full of people, crying because they had nothing to eat..."

You might want to rethink that application to Burger King. Soon they are going to burn the place to the ground.

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not sure if it is helpful, but MacDonalds in Lahaina (Hawaii) did not burn to the ground in that event.. and Opera's orphan free mansion. Then again, I don't think God did that one.

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Peter, you can edit your comment by clicking on the three dots at the far right of the line that has the like reply share buttons. Just a heads up.

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ahh also delete, that might come in handy one of these days, lol

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thanks, that was needed. any option for guest commenter to not have email notifications for each and every 'like'? I feel *like* a dopamine junkie.

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Where did you get your fictional understanding of EMPs?

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Always the pimple on the ugliest ass. Nice to hear from you

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Proper personal hygiene would solve the problem.

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It is beyond me how some people are such retards that they cannot see the clear path we are on, at worst civil war and, at best, splitting up. The left side of politics is in such a desperate state that they are willing to go to the extremes of stopping a man from running based on an accusation only. They know if Trump is President again heads will roll, including theirs. The rule of law is what creates a stable government and country. We no longer have ANY rule of law. The United States will not last much longer; we have reached the end; just as Rome fell in a few years, so too will the US.

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We certainly don't have a meaningful system of laws, Phil. Too many laws, all of them applied inconsistently. A government of men, not laws, as we used to be warned about. Thanks!

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I agree with that, Phil. But who's going to charge them? Who's willing to charge any of the Deep State criminals? Thanks!

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No one will change. There is no Savior. That's what Martin's Economic Confidence Model is all about. The rise and fall of governments goes through cycles. The US is at its end and something new will begin to emerge post 2032. This means a crash and burn. More than likely we split in pieces, which should have happened in the 1860s. The country was held together by force via Lincoln. It won't work this time, it is just time for a change. I urge you to follow Martin. There's a learning curve to the model but it is uncanny in it's accuracy. I can help you speed up the education on what Martin discovered.

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I'd like to believe that some kind of secession like that, even a forced one, would be possible, Phil. I just don't think our masters will let us go peacefully. They need us around, to enforce all their Orwellian tyranny. They need us. We obviously don't need or want them. Thanks.

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I must agree DJ, there will be no "peacefully" to be had in this one. Either way, it's a five alarm dumpster fire breakneck on a trip through hell. On a lighter note, Texans signed the petition in sufficient numbers to get a vote for secession on the primary in March. Looks like they figured out that the price of staying is higher than the price of leaving. Immeasurable Thanks to the Oracle of Rant for yet another masterpiece.

Keep firing Brother ~~ j ~~

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Donald Jeffries: Will Californians fight Texans if Texas secedes? LOL. Our masters will have to bring in UN troops to keep their union together.

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Been reading Martin's blog for years now. Appreciate his knowledge and views. Probably "should have" jumped into letting Socrates steer some of my financials but haven't. If you're at all interested in post '32 (or so), try Suspicious0bservers(dot)org for earfuls of scientific evidence of the magnetic excursion well underway. It helps explain so much of the otherwise inexplicable crazy going on today.

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Second comment on your question. Lots of lawyers follow Martin worldwide. He makes these suggestions to perhaps mitigate the damage, but the future will not change. It's a question if we can smooth out the process, that all.

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The rule of law is disappearing from states, especially blue states. We have a situation in Oregon where the state health athority illegally took control (from the state contractor) of the records regarding if probationers are actually doing their probation (showing up for drug tests, etc.) Twice a Washington County judge has demanded they turn over the records to him, because he wants to know if the people he sentenced are complying with his sentence. For more than eight months, the state has refused. The judge has publicly accused the administrator of lying. I have a feeling that Oregonians are about to be told that probation compliance is "racist", and therefore Oregon will no longer have drug tests for probationers. As I told a friend recently, once the rule of law is gone...we have no government.

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So True. Yet they claim Trump will be a dictator. The projections are breathtaking; the hypocrisy is unreal.

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Phil Davis: The USA is too big, too corrupt, and two diverse to be one big nation state. Best if it splits up. Abe Lincoln is the worst President in US history. The South had the right to secede from the union.

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It astounds me that deep state (left) is doing absolutely everything that they accuse Donald Trump (and the right) of doing or being and that 30-40% of people just accept it as true. They want to incite violence to "prove" their point. Hard to hold positivity about it. I think decisions have been made over the past decades that at this point have us relatively locked into our near future. Prep in common sense ways of expecting harder times ahead.

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A Trump Presidency 2.0 will have Obama sending in the Marines... or Nutandyahoo. Take your pick.

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Don is always over the target.

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Thanks, WW!

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Thanks, ursel!

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I agree with your observations. However, you, too, will soon lose hope. But don't feel bad - many of us already have. I've been a voice in the wilderness for 30 years; few ever listen, and most are so brainwashed by politics and religion that there is virtually zero chance of ever getting them to see reality - and if perchance they did, they would deny it as an illusion and us as candidates for padded rooms.

All we can do is prepare for the inevitable civil war. As you've aptly shown, it's already taking place in its adolescence stage. Sadly, this is all that's left. The whole system either crashes and burns in a fiery demise that their quantum computers haven't factored in or we enter a draconian tyrannical dictatorship. I've relegated myself to accepting the latter. We lost our country on November 22, 1963 (four years before I was born). The only way this goes in the people's favor and a constitutional republic is regained on the foundation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights is if the "gods" return from their lofty perch in the heavens and set it all straight. The odds of this happening are about as likely as trying to convince a tiger if it just thinks and prays hard enough, it can change its stripes into pink polka dots.

But hey! Maybe we live in a simulation, and quantum mechanics is viable - in that case, anything is possible, right?

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I still retain some hope in spite of myself, JP. As I have mentioned many times, I absorbed the populist optimism in all those Frank Capra films. Thanks!

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While Hollywood gets a bum wrap at times, as Tinseltown has a lot of creative genius, I'm not so optimistic despite Frank's excellent features. He was leaving a lot out, perhaps out of ignorance. Let us envision the latest tech we can think of in the public realm, then try to comprehend that beyond black budget ops are a couple of centuries ahead of the mainstream in their technology.- not much hope for populism, sir, as it would be abruptly squashed in our present time as we're witness to now.

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Capra's films certainly were unrealistic in many ways, JP. I am sometimes shockingly naive, and the populist in me believes the people can rise up together in a common cause, despite all the obvious evidence (and history) to the contrary. Thanks!

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You lost your country in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve

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You lost your country at Lexington and Concord on April 19th, 1775.

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I’ve never liked or truly understood the phrase, “the rule of law.” Both the right and the left use it to accuse the other of not following it. The only rule of law that needs to be followed by those who rule over us is the one they try to avoid following at all costs; the constitution. As a boy in civics class, I wondered if Congress just sat around thinking of new laws to pass. The answer of course was yes. Six decades later it’s only become worse. The majority of laws are designed to keep citizens from interfering with their game.

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"The rule of Law" refers to written legislation, as opposed to rule by a sovereign. "Law", properly understood, has five degrees-

God's Law

Natural Law

Customary Law- governing a province or city

Canonical Law- governing the jurisdiction of the church

Civil Law- the body of laws adapting people to "progress" or, traditionally, common law.

A lower law that contravenes a higher law is no law at all, but rather an act of violence.

The majority of modern laws have three objectives:

1: Subvert the Divine order.

2: Consolidate all authority to the state.

3: Penalize those who wish to remain independent.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Could you elaborate that comment please

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I am Australian by the way

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An Australian, eh? You lost your country when your government grabbed all of your guns. There. Now run and tell that. ;-)

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Ha ha. Guns have done nothing to save your country. Open borders

Homeless people everywhere. Ordinary people locked out of the housing market. 3rd world dangerous cities. A “government “ that locks up people for walking into the Capitol building etc etc

I do however think it’s important to keep your 1st and 2nd ammendments - they are a positive for the good guys overall

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I did not know you were Australian. At any rate, see my last Substack Post- "How and Why the Jews Created America.

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Thanks Wolf. Yes just read it 👍

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Yes, one must admit the Central Bank was one of the last nails in the coffin of the United States; however, had Woodrow Wilson and FDR been more statesman than elitist, it might have been a different story. Central Banks are powerful, but they are not as powerful as people credit them to be - it's the Intelligence Community that runs this world and has since it blatantly took out a U.S. President in 1963 that threatened to splinter them into a thousand pieces. If the CIA could be obliterated, central banks wouldn't have an army to enforce their dictates.

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without funding these entities could not function. I agree with much of what you say.

Wilson was able to be blackmailed due to his love affair. The "advisors" around him and FDR wielded a lot of power. I think FDR was a closet commie anyway

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The difficulty most face with losing hope and seeing what you cannot unsee is that it would break most. None of the SHTF events anyone has dreamt up will come to fruition, the latter as you say is purely just miserable to think about, but highly likely. Thanks to as Don pointed out last week, the sheeple yearn for their masters in gub’mint and the church to control their thought and actions…. That’s the most damned-able thing about it. There is a quote using a damned-able phrase from a movie I can’t think of it…. Ugh

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I'd add that some SHTF scenarios will happen in a controlled and localized operation. Similar to 9/11. It was TEOTWAWKI for those in Manhattan but not for those across the river. Such will be the 'false flags' about to occur—fully controlled chaos.

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"In the End My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and a period of Peace will be given to Mankind."- Our Lady of Fatima.

There will be life after the demise of the United States.

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Well, I have as much confidence in "Our Lady of Fatima" as I do in Biden returning the united States of America to a constitutional republic in the next 12 months and dismissing British Maritime Law of the corporation centered in Washington D.C.

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Very sad. You should read about the great miracle that occurred in October 1917 and then about the impressive series of subsequent events. God is in his Heaven, even though Pope Frantic be squatting on the Chair of Peter.

This was all foretold in the Apocalypse and the Book of Daniel.

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Actually, you're conversing with a scriptural expert in biblical eschatology and I can assure you your dispensational premillennialism is easily discredited. I produced a 2 hour documentary on the subject almost 10 years ago - you can check it out here: https://www.preterismtoday.com/. And I'm not anti-Roman Catholic but if your eschatology is based on three kids from Portugal and their vision, well, you're in for a few surprises.

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Since it so easily discredited I'm sure you point to the city of Babylon that was destroyed in One Hour, the site of the Second Coming, tell me who the Antichrist was, and describe how the whole world was subject to him. Nah, don't bother.

Meanwhile, I can tell you that Protestantism was the 1st Woe and the plague of Locusts described by St John in the first woe fifth Trumpet. (Want to guess what the Star Wormwood was?)

I can tell you that Our Lady of Fatima was the Signum Magnum that opens Chapter 12 of my version of the Apocalypse, and you might want to consult chapters 13 and 14 for what happens next.

You might want to carefully rethink your position because I would not want one of those surprises in store for you to be utterly irrevocable.

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I appreciate your tenacity, but unlike yourself, my response has always been, no, please DO bother. I want to understand your position. I understand your position very well. In contrast, you're at a loss to understand the one I present. Should you avail yourself of other views, you'll find it was the Roman Catholic Church and, specifically, a Spanish priest named Francisco Ribera that developed the futurist view of eschatology to which you adhere as a direct response to Protestantism's amillennialism. In other words, it was fabricated. And with the adulteration of the Gk. Text in 1881 by Wescott & Hort, dispensational premillennialism began to be cemented into the minds of American Evangelicalism, both Roman Catholic and Protestant. So, I need to argue minutiae with you relative to eschatology when we're on equal footing. I understand your position thoroughly, yet you know very little about mine; how fair is that?

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this is a gigantic victory for the coward cucked right who have been puking out for 40 years they want more cops laws jails etc. well now they got it good and hard. they were to dumb to see ALL LE and courts work for white hating communists.

I am really sick of hearing about rabbi trump he didnt do shit in 4 years and if you listen to him you would never think he was president for 4 years

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I have made that point repeatedly about Trump, SPQR70AD. Millions hate him for things he never did, and millions more love him for things he never did. You are right- conservatives are getting that law and order, tough on "crime" system they wanted. Not for violent criminals- they are often set free right away. Thought criminals. Maybe they understand now. Thanks.

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they dont understand. I am on many gun forums with old baby boomer/bombers and they will take their stupidity to the grave

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Trump is the American equivalent of Pius XII. Few people have been more misunderstood.

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Trump was a shill from the start. My only hope in 2016 was that his constituency would hold his feet to the fire when he reneged on his campaign promises...

It was fun while it lasted.

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I told my friends when he got elected that all that would happen is the white hating communists would go insane. he wouldnt do shit except for jews and negros. now with biden they are getting revenge tenfold

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Yes, the judges must be put into place before the criminalization of Christianity can take place, before the elimination of the 2nd amendment and gun confiscation can occur, before a lot of things happen, and you're right, the average lemming couldn't care less. Really. Most of the population is lost. Willingly. Revelation says people will be clamoring for peace and safety before their sudden destruction comes upon them, and that's what you're seeing today. They'll give up whatever they think they have to give up in order to get that peace and safety, which they won't get, anyway, but they think they will.

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Hard to argue with you, tuco22. Thanks.

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The North American open Air Prison- construction is nearly complete!

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I’m a lawyer with 37 years of practice and I have never seen a time when our justice system was so broken - prosecutors and judges taking sides openly against people they don’t like or agree with - nothing more.

I will also always remember the day after the 2020 election - Trump was well ahead in Pennsylvania election night, then they stopped counting - the very next morning Trump was still well ahead when they interviewed the Pennsylvania Attorney General, who stated “when all the votes are counted Biden will win” - after counting ballots for another week Biden won. He basically admitted the fix was in without even realizing what he was saying - how brazen.

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It was that brazen, Sherm. But to say so now may be a criminal offense. Thanks.

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Yes, our country is in a mess, since the civil war to the present. We have had men speak up and try, but somehow their history is not heard because the history was rewritten, lost or forgotten. I mean, when these people who want to rule us captured our money (Federal Reserve), our schools, and created institutions that you think are for the people, but they are not, they are created to divide us, we are in a mess. It is so deep in our environment, that all I can do is be pleasant with everyone that comes across my path. I pray and mediate, which I am sure many think its a copout, but it is all can do for my own sanity.

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I obviously agree, Betsy. Yes, we have to keep our faith. Thanks!

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Correct. All we can do is be the light so to speak. Lead by example and don't give in to or participate in all the wickedness.

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Betsy Veatch: I feel and do the same way as you. Sigh. Many people are still kind and pleasant and that gives me faith.

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Alice in Wonderland: Sentence her, demanded the prosecutor. Alice's defense barrister protested that she had not even been formally charged yet. We can deal with those trifles later, said the judge. I will sentence her now. Thus is American criminal jurisprudence. In reality, you are guilty until proven innocent, regardless of what the, "Constitution of No Authority" says. However, it is important to keep in mind that Trump's legal persecutions are all theater, part of the System's great game. Trump can legally exaggerate his assets, in court that is construed as, "Evidence of Value", whether it is accurate or not. But that is meaningless as well. The U.S. has more people incarcerated per capita than did the USSR at the peak of its gulag system and Red China has today. In the memoirs of a white prisoner I read years ago, he said there was a young black guy locked up there with a 10 year bid. His crime? Stealing a loaf of bread because he was starving. That was the kid's prison handle, "Loaf of Bread." The rich man makes the laws, the poor man breaks the laws. Ain't democracy wonderful? Governments create criminal syndicates and empires. It's easy, all they have to do is make something the masses really want illegal, like drugs, guns, or pussy, and presto! There it is. The vast majority of judges, who are nothing but politically appointed hacks and lawyers in black Halloween costumes, are not fit to judge a baking contest or elementary school talent show. Owney Madden was the most notorious gangster to ever come out of New York City. He's been called, "The Irish Godfather." He came up during the late 1800s into the early 20th century when street gangs ruled NYC and the corrupt Tammany Hall ran the city with an iron fist in league with them. At the end of his life, Madden observed that things had gone full circle. Originally, the politicians controlled the gangsters. Then with Prohibition and the enormous fortunes the criminals made because of it, the gangsters controlled the politicians. Finally, the politicians became the gangsters themselves. Madden was a true visionary as that is more true now than ever before. Thanks for another brilliant piece, Don. I greatly look forward to your book on the, "Just-Us" System here that has us by the tender parts.

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Wow, that's the plot line from "Les Miserables," Hereticdrummer. Maybe the court never read the book or saw the movie. I appreciate the kind words, my friend. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don. I didn't think you would come out with an article again before Christmas but I'm glad you did. So again, I wish you and yours a Happy Yule.

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I may crank out yet another one before Christmas, Hereticdrummer. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

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Looking forward to it, Don. Merry Christmas & thanks again.

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Merry Christmas to you, too, my friend!

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Thank you, Don. My best to you and yours always.

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In 1790 it was a roll of silk that got my 15 year old 6g Grandmother transported to Sydney colony. And that was only for 7 years, 7 years served as my 6g Grandfather's defacto/concubine/maid/breeding sow. I can only hope the future is the past. I might need to eat one day.

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At least she got to eat in Sydney.

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her husband (de facto) brought Merino sheep into Australia before MacArthur (no American (or jewish Maranno , unless they were crypto sheep, like Democrats) references there at all. He was coy to the DOOMSDAY (Norman survey style) survey on exactly how many sheep he had. Disgusting in retrospect soldiers , as prison guards and settlers themselves, given large estates (of stolen ) land and at first free 'work for the dole' laborers (convicts).. but it did get the settlement going. Back in England it was 'let them eat silk'.

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But England and Australia eventually ended in the same place. The Merino sheep are probably smarter.

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new Zealand but a good cartoon on sheep business... I tell you trevor, the man and the dog are working together. had that goat lady and her goatsheep dog running around my place today... I think goats are smarter. https://twistedsifter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/trevor-man-and-dog-working-together-sheep-comic.jpg

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Yes, goats are definitely smarter than sheep. I have been rear-ended by goats more times than I can count, but the rams give themselves away every time.

Australia needs its version of St Francis. He would turn all those dingoes into sheep herders.

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I agree Hereticdrummer, that Trump's legal persecutions are theater: a diversion from his crimes against humanity for the murder of millions around the planet with the C19 bio weapon, financially incentivizing it with billions to the states, other results of the lock downs, and a way to gain sympathy from his supporters. All the governors, public hell-th workers and others who helped implement it would be implicated if heads of that snake -Trump, Fauci, et al - were to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Can't have that now, can we?

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All of those motherfucking, criminal swine should be impaled on pikes while still breathing and then have sacks filled with hungry rats tied securely over their heads. This should be visually displayed for all to see. It will make any future sycophant for the murderous Cryptocracy think real hard before doing their bidding for status and filthy lucre.

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I’d settle for Nuremberg 2.0 and pubic hangings. What about all accomplices-after-the-fact who, while aware of and outraged about the Trump shot bioweapon, still support that murderer? This is why we need a public Nuremberg 2.0 to hopefully shock them out of their love for that lying braggart.

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I think you are too merciful as these murdering vermin need to die a thousand deaths before their filthy flesh actually expires but as long as they're "capped" I'll go along with it. It is truly astonishing that Trump's legions of followers are so brain dead, stupid, and incapable of critical thinking that they cannot or will not see him for the lying, charlatan, criminal, System tool/actor, piece of slime that he is. "You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

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TWO CHALLENGES: Can anyone prove there are ANY J6ers languishing in prison? Can anyone prove that Ashli Babbitt is dead? In these days we are swamped with fake trials, fake news, false flags,deep fakes, phony elections and a controlled media and legal system. Essentially we live in a Potemkin World. You can reply on this site with all the proofs. Thanks

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Well, I have had J6 defendants on my "I Protest" show, striketheroot. A woman who faced 30 years in prison for getting beaten severely by police. She struck a plea deal. This Friday, I will have more of them, and/or their families, on the show. I had Ashli Babbitt's mom on my show. I am open to everything, and trust nothing about this rotten system. But I have to believe they are part of something real until proven otherwise. Thanks.

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I was going to refrain from resorting to linking Miles Mathis , but http://mileswmathis.com/jan6.pdf ( or eating those chocolate peanuts before Christmas)

and whilst I am at it (I will be watching the 1951 A Christmas Carol regardless)... mileswmathis.com/dickens.pdf - or as I put it, taking the dickens out of Dickens.

as an Australian, I couldn't not care less, pardon my grandma. (it always urks me to hear yanks say 'could care less'.... well, then go for it, read some more miles mathis and care less, for all I care). less we forget. Lloyd Pye, 'everything you know is wrong'. still hope, even if foolish, springs eternal and one hope's there is a God, so 'God help us' makes sense after all.

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I apologize to the world for the atrocious grammar of the average 'Murrican, Peter. And it seems like Miles Mathis is being linked to here pretty often. Maybe he'll become a subscriber. Thanks.

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I think he only subscribers to his cats, IMHO cats are the Purrfect Tyranny.

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WTF? You've been reading my mail:-) Although you missed the video of Ashli's "murder", pretty sure that's been scrubbed by now G'day mate

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Cui Bono. It’s no skin off TPTB’s nose to put people in jail or shoot them so I would be inclined to believe these particular events are real

Otherwise your point is well taken

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Well, there are reasonable questions about many events, Stefatanus. But if we believe everything is fake, like the Miles Mathises of the world, then it all becomes pointless. We're just living in a Truman Show. Thanks.

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striketheroot: Ashli Babbit's mother was arrested by DC Police when the mother was protesting her daughter's death in DC. A mother would know if her daughter was dead.

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Yes, I had my "Post Office" moment, in the first week of April 2020, at the Farmers' Market. The day was wonderfully sunny, but the market was desolate because the Plandemic was raging. Seeing a group of about 20 people lined up to buy some hot dogs- they were still under $3 in those days- I said to them all. "Why don't you take off those masks? If there was a virus, they would not help you. But there is no virus. You are being lied to. This is all a fraud."

And you know what? Five of those people actually took off their masks. I think they knew the same thing I did. They were just waiting for some support- maybe even just a little, tiny support. All that morning, I was an anti-mask apostle. I ignored the signs and went in the buildings without a mask. One guy on "mask patrol" was absolutely astonished at my non-compliance. I asked the constable who was over looking at dog treats: "Do you realize you work for a crime syndicate?" He just looked at me. "Just remember," I continued, "Every day, we are one day closer... to Judgment Day."

Gerald Celente often says that "When people lose everything, they lose it." Well, I am one of those people. I have lost everything. My pope and my religion has become a cosmic joke. My family has disowned me. I cannot hold a job because I don't use the right pronouns. My skies, my food, and my water has been poisoned. The chemtrails are killing the trees- any buffoon can see that. They might also explain the five dead moles I saw the other day. Maybe some day bullion will reset to its proper value. In the meantime, one silver coin barely gets two meals under the Golden Arches.

The criminals run the government, the churches, and the corporations. Those with any moral compass left cringe in fear, for the most part.

I'm done cringing in fear. My favorite part of the movie "For Greater Glory" about the Mexican Cristeros- somebody said it was a work of fiction... no, Moron, Schlinder's List is a Work of Fiction- is the part where the Partisan, hunkered in his farmhouse, blows the brains out of 20 or so Federalies and then walks outside to join the rebellion against Calles.

I only have about 12 or so bullets. Any takers, you in the Washington Swamp?

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Great anecdote, WW. You must be more persuasive than me, my friend. I get only blank looks or glares when I tell people not to use the self-checkout, things like that. I'm sorry you've lost everything because of your principles. You certainly aren't alone. As the saying goes, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Thanks.

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Well, you are, after all, in close proximity to the Swamp.

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I can smell it from here, WW. Thanks.

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in a time of mind control, voice to brain, internet of things, thinking the truth is a revolutionary act, but only if they hear you.

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You reminded me of around that same time, probably March '20. I'm inland Maine. Visited a Walmart then when masks were pushed but not yet required. MOST of the elderly I saw (along with myself) were the ones without masks and the younger people embraced them. I was in a sense proud of being a 'knowing elder.' Well holy shite, did that change after enough propaganda. Still occasionally see the younger and elders wearing them.

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Maine has a lot of smart older people.

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White Wolf: Great story! Oh, if you'd tried to pull that take off your mask act here in Healdsburg, CA you would have been hounded away by the mob. I've had people yell at me at the Farmer's Market in the summer of 2020 because I wasn't wearing a mask. It was 85F and full sunshine!

I haven't been back to the market since.

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I was wondering if the Stazis would not be called in eventually. But I figured that we were way over the top at that point so might as well go down swinging. There were some places where I was hounded by the Mask Patrol. I had the local grocery store under interdict for about 6 months because they told me I HAD to wear a mask. Later, even though the "mask mandates" were still in effect, I would violate them with impunity, and nobody dared say anything. (I think they did not want to be reminded of the epic fail of the propaganda and the fact that they had stupidly gone along with it even when it was evident everything was a fraud.

But toward the end, the few people still wearing masks were very militant. They were all versions of Greta Thunberg.., "HOW DARE YOU question the sacrosanct medical mafia, you perfidious heretic..."

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It was probably spring of 2021 that I tired of wearing "the Mask."

I ordered a Lone Ranger mask and wore it everywhere with not one soul daring to even mention the mask. I was prepared to reply to any that mentioned my "mask" that the sign says "Face Covering Required." Bank, hospital, grocery store, auto dealership, not one complaint. Guess they figured I was crazy enough to be dangerous.

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Very original, and humorous.

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White Wolf: I bought one of those "Medical Exemption" badges online and wore that around my neck on a lanyard when I went to the grocery store. One clerk at the store confronted me:

"Oh, he has a badge!"

I said nothing in response but did write an email to the owners of the store complaining about my treatment by a member of their staff.

I never saw that clerk in the store again.

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In my neck of the woods, they just assumed you had a "medical exemption". Nobody ever had to produce any proof.

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White Wolf: C'mon down to the SF Bay Area and feel the madness. The leftist busybodies here assume everyone is a Trump supporter or worse, a Libertarian!

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I thought the Leftists were the Libertarians? How times have changed.

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We are getting to live through a time where the confidence in the government under which we live is collapsing. The political platitudes of the past now come across as hollow to most who hear them. My favorite platitude right now is "without fear or favor" the courts and prosecutors love that one.

Every violation of the rule of law is now done "without fear or favor!"

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And don't forget, "No one is above the law." Perhaps the most unintentionally funny line ever uttered. Thanks, Greg.

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What does the "Rule of Law" mean? Just who are the Rulers of the Law? We are Natural Lawful Individual Sovereigns In Fact.

Government = Mind Control.

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This is a good question. Often the rule of law is whatever those in position of authority say it is. For my comment I was referring to the rules established by the constitution in the US even though I know that those in power have ignored them whenever they find it prudent to do so.

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I'm totally with you. I was meaning to expand a little more on that comment but was being rushed.

I think the most important thing is to be "willing" to ask the questions that few people feel able to.

There's no question that the constitution has been usurped, using different types of legal frameworks.

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by Pharisaic types.. everything that St Paul said about them back then, being rule bound (or hypocritical rule binders) without the spirit.

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Greg Moore: "Without fear or favor" sounds likes something a pimp would tell his whores.

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Well Donald you’ve touched on so many infuriating issues I could go off on. Like my brother and I were just discussing earlier, the sheeple people are fed just enough to stay quiet and keep their head down. Your example of the poor, no make that horrible service at the USPS is typical. It takes a little courage and gumption to make a valid complaint today. Most people put their blinders on and just suck it up which is part of the reason we are now in America 2.0.

We are going to need a lot more testicular fortitude out there though to get out of this.

It is my view that those currently running this corrupt system are never ever going to relinquish control no matter what happens in November. I think they’re poised to flip the chessboard over sometime soon. Then we’ll see who has any courage and gumption.

All the Best

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Thanks, Dennis!

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They are watching the credit numbers and the tickers. The moment the whole enchilada becomes unsustainable, the moment they can no longer play "let's pretend"- that is when they pull the plug.

My guess: Sometime around Pentecost Sunday, 2021.

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Ripples become waves. As far as making a comment at the Post Office, perhaps many couldn't even speak English. It used to be our Native language. Why aren't 90% of these criminal politicians in prison for insider trading? That always floors me. Another useless alphabet soup agency, the SEC. All I can add to your article is Do Not Give Up Your Firearms! I still want my wood chipper.

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That is often true, Fran. But this crowd, as it usually is, was mostly White oldsters. The ones who really let all this happen. They aren't going to change now, unless they get rid of Social Security. The employees at the post office, on the other hand, are all nonwhite. Thanks.

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Mostly nowadays, yes, I can agree. And they want more money, so better purchase your Forever Stamps now. Postage is going up again. I guess they're still in "the red". lol

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Return To Sender for the employees? or Rubber Stamp some repatriation alternatives for them?

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Fran: Congress passed a law that makes insider trading legal for politicians. Personally, I think the insider trading laws should be abolished. Most countries don't have them. Wall Street is a casino. Enter with caution.

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torches and pitchforks time

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Do they even still make pitchforks? Or tar and feather? Thanks, Carl-david!

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:Carl-david: : Aren't we just supposed to light candles, bring flowers, and sing?

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