Glad to see the rage I feel over this issue, so eloquently expressed. I need not pull any punches, and antecedents are required:

1) Who owns the media and advertising agencies that have this clearly anti-white agenda?

2) Who pushed for welfare in the 1950's and 1960's?

3) Who owns the sports teams, that have nearly ablated white athletes?

4) Who benefits from demoralized whites, miscegenation and white replacement? Who owns the bulk of the NGO's, such as HIAS, bringing murderers and invaders to European shores?

5) Who owned the preponderance of the slaving ships that brought this violent, far lower IQ, expired farm equipment here?

6) Who created Communism, the first assholes to begin to spew "racism" and attempt to forge an authoritarian leftist nation of 13 very dissimilar regional entities?

7) Who is the most expelled group in human history, and seems to be begging for another?

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Thanks, Anti Communist!

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Anti Communist: "... ablated white athletes."

Kudos to you for using "ablated". Well said.

As for the owners of the slaving ships who brought Africans to the New World. I think they were mostly British (their mansions in Bristol, UK still stand) and Yankees in New England. Those damned Yankees cause a lot of trouble.

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I have researched this subject extensively. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was a Jewish industry. From Atil on the Caspian Sea, to Kaffa (largest slave market to ever exist) on the Black Sea...the main slavers were always the same group. Sugar cane plantations began in the Madeira Islands. Guess who married the governor's ( the main plantation owner in Madeira) daughter? The marano, Christopher Columbus. He was NOT of Italian blood...but he did introduce plantation slavery to the New World. Also, you might research who brought slavery to Brazil. It really irks me that White Europeans get blamed for slavery...when they were mostly the victims, taken in coastal slave raids. Entire European villages were wiped out.

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Kris, perhaps most surreal is the persistence of these marriage tactics. Trump and Biden's kids are almost exclusively married to jews. Kamala Harris is married to an extra nasty one, so is Chelsea. Kushner subverted the already soggy Presidency of Drumpf, and all of his major donors were jewish. Wilbur Ross bailed him out in the 1980's, when 'Ol Wilburrrrrrrr" ran Bank of Rothschild.

But, the Scofield bible and a cadre of crooked National Council of Churches Ministers have been preaching about the "sanctity" not the perfidy of the jew, and so most chubby, casserole eating, GMO gardening Christians go meekly to their death, never once suspecting "their greatest ally" has been killing them, and their Lord, for at least 2023 years.

Which places this now Pagan and Aryan man in a bit of a dilemma, as I am no longer certain which disgusts me more, the jews who have made my own people gelatinous and weak, or my people, for becoming so.

Hail victory. I will not be around much longer, it would be THE GIFT, to wake up one morning at 4 am, to hear my tony neighborhood has erupted in gunfire, and #110 had begun in earnest.

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I don't know about gunfire...but partition is coming for sure...probably next year.

Trump's father Fred donated the land for the Beach Haven Jewish Center, and refered to Rabbi Israel Wagner as "my rabbi". Trump's grandfather was a well known Jewish real estate developer in the Pacific NW. Trump is a crypto-Jew, as is Hillary. I believe Chelsea was married by an orthodox rabbi, which indicates this...they will not marry a couple in which one is a non-Jew.

As a Christian, it pains me to admit most Christians are pitifully ignorant, which is why I practice my faith alone. I'm burnt out on stupid people... they're not worth the trouble they cause, and their stupidity can get other folks killed. Zionist Christians are scum...and Jesus will say to them: "Depart from me, I never knew you."

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Thank you Kris. I do believe I will one day hold hands with Christian men, as we charge at the enemy. They will be off to Heaven, and I will remember them warmly, from Valhalla.

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Kris: Americans are slaves to the State. When my daughter was born in Seattle around 1980, she came down her mother's birth canal. As soon as the infant appeared, the doctor (resident) cut the umbilical cord. The nurse took my daughter immediately to another table where the nurse footprinted, fingerprinted, and took a blood sample from my daughter.

Paperwork was filled out and my daughter was given her Social Security Slave Number the next day.

My son had been born a few years earlier at the same hospital. There was no footprinting, fingerprinting, or blood sample taken. My son didn't get a Social Security Slave Number until he applied for one.

Do you see?

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yes columbus was a mix of black eskimo and mongolian. do you work for netflix and making a columbus movie starring a negro as columbus? I dont know what is going on. some people are saying Romans were not Italian?? just because they lived in Italy for 1500 years doesnt make them Italian???. netflix will have a movie now with denzel washingtom play Julius Caeser

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Columbus used cabbalistic cipher in some of his communications.

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Yes, I have read this. Funny thing how some egomaniacal folks with scant knowledge will challenge someone else who has spent years doing the real work. They only end up looking foolish.

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Kris: I've also done a lot of research on slavery through history. The word "slavery" itself comes from "Slav". This was the term Middle Eastern slave traders used for slaves they'd stolen from Europe. These traders were Muslims, not Jews.

I've been to Bristol, UK and seen the mansions of the slave traders. They weren't Jews. Britain is a very anti-semitic culture in the upper classes.

As for Brazil, they received 9 African slaves for every one sent to North America. Who owned the plantations? Portuguese. The Jews were kicked out of the Iberian Peninsula long ago during the Inquisition.

Columbus had plenty of faults and supported slavery I'm sure. Most people did back then.

Cromwell sent tens of thousands of Irish Catholic slaves to the British colonies in America. The African slaves were more durable.

Cromwell was no Jew.

I'm tired of all this tribal BS. Some people are good and some are bad. Slavery is bad. Right now everyone in the USA is a slave to the IRS and the State. The State is still run by WASPs last I checked. Sure, the Jews are in finance and media, but do they really run the show?

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Yes, in finance and media, the jews do indeed run the show, and in government, particularly Congress, their presence is out of proportion to their number as a percentage to our population. Their influence, wherever they appear, is far out of proportion to their numbers, as in law and medicine.

You'll start to see once you begin to look for it.

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rabbi Trump..... jews control congress and rightfully so

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They also donate the majority of campaign finance. And the top donors it's the overwhelming majority to both parties.

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Ed: I know the influence of Jews. The Jews were also a major part of the Communist Revolution in Russia. The movie producer and the upper echelon in the film company I worked for were Jews. The caterers I worked for were Jews. The wealthy in San Francisco I catered to were Jews.

Jews are smart and hard-working. They get ahead.

I wonder how much of the anti-Jewish feelings by people is based upon envy?

I found Jews to be cheap but they always pay. That's more than can be said for many Gentiles I worked for.

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Envy? Hardly. When I became a conspiracy theorist 33 years ago, was I possessed by an agenda to blame Jews? Hardly. I thought, just like other newbies, it was the rich elite of all stripes. But as anyone who knows me will tell you, when I search for the truth, I am obsessed to get answers. After decades of research, a very clear picture emerged of a plan that goes back 2000 years. People who have never done a deep dive into the subject, foolishly challenge those of us who have worked like **** to discover the truth. My Jewdar (their word, not mine) is so finely tuned, that I can read an article, and after a few paragraphs I can spot the origin (I check).

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All the Portuguese plantation owners from the Azores, to Brazil and beyond, were maranos, Jews secretly practicing their sorcery...oops...faith up until the twentieth century ...including being behind the Freemasonic take-over of Portugal in the late 1800s. The Jews who fled Spain settled in Portugal. There was a thriving underground Jewish community there for centuries. Maybe someday you will do real research from genuine historical documents, and if you do, you may actually come to realize how you've swallowed all the propaganda. Sorry, the truth is painful to normies. It's the last big hurdle you folks just can't clear. By the way, the British aristocracy has been inbred with Jews going back centuries. ALL the blueblood families...entire films and novels have been devoted to rich American Jewesses going to England to marry poor but aristocratic titleholders. And Cromwell made a deal with the Jews to let them back into England.

If you're tired of the "BS", perhaps you shouldn't read the comments here. You'll just upset yourself.

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Absolutely over the target. The Inquisition was a farce- Jews using Jews to persecute the Jews they did not like and as a cover for the Jews to flee to Brussels and set up a bank.

I would love to see the crown jewels of your research.

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Well said White Wolf! Truth, has been Bolshevized. Made illegal in at least 18 nations. The replacements of whites is jews once more, building the perfect slaves again. This time, both white and black are the slaves, and the Semites the ruler.

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There is a reason why Our Lady of Fatima chose Portugal.

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Kris: How many Jews do you know personally? How many Jews have you worked for? How many Jews have you socialized with?

I've done all of the above many times. I even had a Jewish girlfriend.

You are blaming all the world's troubles on a religious sect.

Individuals make decisions. Individuals are good or bad (usually both).

So yeah, I'm tired of this tribal BS.

You deal in groups. That is the way of communism and the collective.

Your way is not the way to liberty.

If you want to hate Jews and avoid them. Fine. That's your business. But there is plenty of sin to go around for every group if you want to put people in groups.

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Yep, its my business. If my comments offend you... don't read them. Donald provides a rare free speach zone. I appreciate that.

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yes the amish have a billion times more power then jews

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It's clear that you have done a vast amount of research, Kris, and that is to be commended.

I am sure you will find my comment naive, but in my view history is less "conspiracy" than a series of rungs in an ever-expanding ladder. No one at the bottom of the ladder can possibly see to the top. And nobody at the top can possibly stare down through the ladder of time, without being colored by assumptions that are very much a product of today. No doubt, those at the bottom of the ladder had little conception for how their actions would shape the arc of history. (Until relatively recently in human history, even understanding what was happening elsewhere within one's same country would have been difficult without the aid of modern communication tools, the ability for average people to read and write, etc.)

If it hadn't been Jews doing X, Y, Z, it would have been another group. In fact, those "others" exist throughout history and must be largely excluded/ignored to make a Jew-centric take work.

In the era of DNA testing, it has come to light that 1-in-every-200 men are related to Genghis Khan. The Mongul empire was the largest continuous land empire in history, with Khan and his sons spreading their genetic legacy well into Europe.

How we identify is a product of what our parents and grandparents told us about our origins — and what we see in the mirror. However, the field of genetics has blown the doors off those limited "origin stories". For example, one may say that Mom was Cuban and Dad was Jamaican but, in fact, that doesn't mean their offspring are a 50/50 split. (In my own family, one sibling is mostly Norwegian, another mostly English, another mostly German and I am mostly Irish — all of us from the same set of parents!)

If one looks to history with an eye for a given narrative, all history will look like it is driven by these characteristics because one will selectively remember what is relevant to that particular emphasis and discard the rest. While this way of making sense of vast amounts of historical information is not "wrong" per se, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that the broader story of humanity is the struggle between good and evil. I don't care who you are, where you came from or what point in time you live: The only constant besides death and taxes is this: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Discussions centering around hot-button issues such as race and religion fall into a similar basket. More often than not, the divide between differing ethnic/cultural/religious groups is mutual.

Even if we set aside the interracial component of human hatred, ethnically homogenous societies tend to appoint an "out group", which gives rise to conflicts that are every bit as deep-seated (i.e. in Midevil Europe there were epic battles between Celtic tribes, in the Mideast between Sunni vs. Shiite Muslim, in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics, in the Americas between indigenous tribes, etc.). As such, even if all outside threats/conspiracies are eliminated, it in no way assures that intrigue and civil war will not arise from within.

Conflict is the state of human affairs.

Human nature being what it is, religion, ethnicity and race are but straw men standing in the way of a greater philosophical appreciation that the nature of mankind is "sin" (imperfection) and that that evil doesn't need an excuse to wreak its havoc upon the world.

Am I shooting down the idea of any/all conspiracy throughout history? No. Rather, human nature IS the conspiracy. We are pitted against one another so that, like the biblical Tower of Babel, we can never truly achieve anything before the house of cards crumbles and the pieces of our civilization must be picked up again and built anew.

Does that mean we should abandon all efforts to get along? No. But when we fail, it is reductionist to imagine that it is a "White" problem. An "Arab" problem. A "Black" problem. Or a "Jew" problem.

The human ancestral line is so vast at this point that if we were to know just how many ethnicities, religions and cultures went into the eventual making of us, it would no doubt be about as humbling as looking out over the vast blanket of stars in the night sky. We may be inclined to emphasize our immediate differences, but if the genetic curtain is swept back far enough, the realization that we all originate from a surprisingly small line of common ancestors soon becomes apparent.

There is no point in blaming the "Other" because the Other is us.

See: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3088004/The-three-forefathers-Europe-Two-thirds-modern-European-men-descended-just-trio-Bronze-Age-leaders.html

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Aye Timmy. Was recently in Bristol, Rhode Island, where a large mansion sits overlooking the vast ocean. That man was the wealthiest man in the city, in the 1700's, and he was jewish. Many of the "British" in Bristol, England were as well.


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He ... wasn't Jewish. If you read the essay you linked to, you'll see he was Episcopalian.

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http://guweb2.gonzaga.edu/~dewolf/perry/chapter3.htm James, DeWolff donated pretty graciously, and did a few other common Marrano/Crypto jewish maneuvers in his day, but he is jewish. It's funny, you have to go pretty deep on google (founded by two jews) to find it, and they have worked rather assiduously to cover it up. Google's algoirithms are pretty anti white. Google "Happy White woman" and then click to see the images. Most show white women with black men. Yandex, on the other hand, returns white women with white men, children, and a lot more truth on Dewolff.

also, these flyers are heavily vetted. Rewards have been offered to find errors: https://www.gtvflyers.com/slavery-is-jewish/

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No one knows where James DeWolf's family name came from -- there are many theories. So a book that claims other DeWolfs are Jewish doesn't say anything. Especially when we know so much about his actual life. (Are you really saying a U.S. senator was secretly Jewish and not Episcopalian?) And yes, those flyers contain obvious falsehoods.

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We have jewish Senators today, who are dual Israeli citizens. Dewolf aside, as I am not a forensic Marrano/Sabbatean/Crypto jew hunter, that flyer offers a reward for those who can prove it wrong, I would suggest you contact the people who created and distribute it, if the veracity is questionable.

Are you saying jews were not a very considerable component of the early, African slave trade in to the US?

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Anti Communist: No doubt some of the slave traders were Jewish. They are good businessmen. But the Jews didn't go into the African villages and kidnap people. The slave traders were middlemen. Those are the ones who really make the money, eh?

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I am often incredulous at the levels of defense thrown up by white people, for jews and blacks. The most common refrain, "Not all jews! I happen to know a nice one!" Or, "blacks were mistreated." Thing is, they are the most violent stripe in every once white nation, a fact that when stated, gives howls of indignation and outrage from people who otherwise "trust the science," as they genetically modify themselves for nothing. This world, and its hypocrisy, has begun to sicken me. Virtue signaling, and passivity, are worse than pederasty, and that is pretty bad. I don't hate the world, loathing is far worse.

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do not waste time on timmy who is probably a fat graybeard diabetic boomer the type that destroyed every foundation of the US and raising mulatto grandkids. I see them all over. he will NEVER defend white people. he is like a monkey tied to an organ grinder dancing to the jews tune. in fact the little monkey is smarter

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Aye. My responses to these sorts are more akin to puppy training. Rubbing their stupid noses in shit.

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Anti Communist: Oh, another Jew hater and black hater. Another tribalist who lumps people into groups. How sad.

I admire your writing skills. You are intelligent and yet, you keep putting people into groups based upon this and that.

You might as well join the Big Boys or be one of there "Useful Idiots".

Very sad indeed.

We are all individuals. We are all unique. We all have free will and make our choices.

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Blacks commit 40-60x more interracial violent crime than the obverse. Anyone who does NOT lump them in to a group, is frankly, a moron. I can not think of any mental gyration or dissonant maneovor my mind could ever make, to think otherwise.

I find the Green Mojave Rattlesnake a gorgeous creature. In late April of 2021, hiking in "Ice Box Canyon," all alone at 1-2 PM in the afternoon (it was over 112 degrees), a 4 ft green mojave did not like me rutting around near it's den, and it hit my right leg with so much ferocity, I actually though it was some crazed Negro football player with a baseball bat. I went down, pulled my carry Sig, and hit the snake 6 times, until it stopped writhing.

I met the ranger after I hiked back out, limping horribly. Had the snake with me, bleeding in my hands. The ranger, after informing me guns were not allowed in the park, tossed the snake in a large metal trash bin, asked me if I wanted anti-venom (ballistic nylon hiking shorts, I had some fang scrapes, but not a clean hit), and told me to hike in pairs next time. he did not report me.

I did not HATE the snake. I have never been back to Ice Box Canyon, I can see it from a ridge I hike, but I have never been back. Beautiful creature, but I prefer white humans.

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We are all products of our ancestry, and we are not at all equal. Humans have massive standard deviations, in a host of key attributes. At the epigenetic level, things like culture and toxic loads vary extraordinarily so. I used to kill Cuban regulars in Angola, back in 1977. Spent a wee bit of time there, and 100 of us, sheep-dipped and cherubic, killed thousands of them. They did not choose to fight at 15 years old, I chose to kill them because I hate communists.

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Timmy, you are truly disgusting. Weak. Unable to muster up an iota of strength. The type of self-loathing white who needs a savior, because you are entirely flaccid. You probably watch the mountain of jewish made videos of cucked white men loaning their wives to blacks. The revulsion I feel for you, exceeds being dipped in a barrel of maggots, and having cow shit dumped on my head. When whites in your nation are a tiny minority, all as weak as you, it will be fun to watch you run, hide and shit yourself when you need to go outdoors.


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Don't be too hard on Jews. Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew. His real name was Yashua.

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Amen. Couldn't have said it better.

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Thanks, Kris!

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I will go out on a limb and make a wild assumption. I say the people responsible for your list ARE THE JEWS

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You, sir, are a winner!

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The Icelandic? 🤔

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One of the happiest nations on the planet, Iceland is not only 100% white, they have renounced billions in jewish debt, and banned circumcision. Paradise!

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I was kidding. I know which group you were referring to.

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In 2015 when Norway was working on the act dealing with ritual circumcision, the Jews went into a frenzy. The act did become law, but did not ban the foul practice. In 2022, Save The Children petitioned the Norwegian Health Minister (crazed female leftist...like almost all Scandinavian leaders) to look into human rights violations in the 2015 act. She vowed she would not do it. Why is female circumcision of female children in Muslim countries a horrible human rights violation...yet male child circumcision is practiced worldwide without a peep from the leftists. If that doesn't show one who is really in control, I don't know what would convince someone.

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Kris, well stated. White men have abrogated the title, they are now just "white," but the "man" is questionable. Weakest bunch of pansies and faggots ever. The double and triple standards (especially Scandinavian men) they will allow so they are not called mean names like "misogynist" or "racist" is surreal. One of the reasons I am in such a hurry to die, is to escape this faggotry and self-immolation/emasculation.

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hahahah! I know you were joking, we always say "the Amish," in places that despise the truth! I thought Iceland was a fun alternative!

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I always joke with my Chicago cop friends when they tell me about some blacks having committed yet another horrific crime. I say, "Oh, it was the Lithuanians again?"

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Who is the one group God promises to curse you for oppressing?

By the way, you are wrong anyway.

The Crown is beyond a shadow of a doubt the Mystery Puppetmaster of All and has been, openly in front of God and everybody for a thousand years.

This far down the line it is historical fact, and disputing it's obvious reality is absurd.

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Why would God pick the most expelled, slimiest, most corrupt, and physically repulsive group to protect? Is he trying to cover up his mistakes as well?

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Excellent link. Thank you.

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jews have tried very hard to paint DeWolf as an Episcopalian, but he was Ashkenazim. Like many cryptos, he was just smart enough to donate to Churches.

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This is simply false. DeWolf was married in his local Episcopal Church. His family has worshiped there for more than 200 years. There's no evidence in the historical record that he was Jewish.

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Fuck it Don - I agreed with every damn thing you said here. Deion's a vile punk and most modern black music is awful. Wow that felt good. Yeah, I'm sick of it all as well. This culture war is creating racists on all sides. I have no idea what to do about it...

Thank you as usual Don 👍😊🐿️

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It is cathartic, Smoke. Thank you!

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Its doing what it is meant to do. The entire "culture" is a weaponized psy-op, utilized to destroy national unity. It is a repeat, a rewash, of the same program that was used in the past to make people disgusted with each other and thus not united. Meanwhile the banks get looted. Rinse and repeat.

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Divide and conquer has always been the primary motto of tyrants. Thanks!

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Can't disagree with you at all my friend...👍

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What it is "meant to do" is to fracture us along identity and gender lines so that we are unable to form a consensus across those lines to effectively put up any resistance.

Globalization was made possible only because anti-trust law fell by the wayside. The resultant bigger-than-life scale of everything — including 2008's "too big to fail banks" — arguably is a driver behind climate change. But instead of acknowledging that it's unwise to offshore all manner of everything, the billionaire class uses their spare change to buy off the political establishment, both right and left, and to fund institutions of higher learning to pursue self-harm. (You know you are in trouble when an escaped North Korean enrolls at Columbia and writes a book about how Americans are subject to NK-style propaganda tactics in university settings!)

Having become sufficently "woke", we can then go on ignoring that our iPhones are built by people who were committing suicide at such a great rate that netting was installed around China's Foxconn factory to prevent jumpers — or that our electric vehicle "transition" is largely made possible by slave and child labor.

American auto workers and their unions are demanding better pay and compensation, while fundamentally ignoring that the Democratic Party establishment is not fundamentally different, on the topic of globalization, from their Republican counterparts.

We could perhaps agree that term limits are needed to prevent the phenomena whereby politicians are desperate to make a career out of "public service" and therefore are overwhelmingly "owned" by special interests by the time they leave office. But media, too, is so bifurcated that never the two sides of the political divide shall meet on the nature of political service and the means by which a member of Congress initially comes into office as representative of their districts, only to leave a long career in Washington a multi-millionaire.

In truth, China is pushing to import their own auto workers to install Chinese-built EV batteries in U.S. auto factories — but the long-term plan is to export the bulk of the auto vehicle industry TO China. Few pause to consider that beside American job losses, we can expect C02 increases caused by producing durable goods thousands of miles away from where they are ultimately marketed and sold. (The massive cargo ships that keep America's shelves stocked with goods and American car lots stuffed with EVs in the coming year are diesel dependent and that won't change anytime soon.)

China is building on the order of 10 new coal power plants per week, to keep up with Western demands — and the mother lode of those demands are now all things "Green" thanks to political incentives and outright mandates (i.e. forced conversion to electric appliances in NYC and EVs in CA by 2030). As for the world's lead supplier of "clean energy", they themselves are overwhelmingly exempt as the world's manufacturing hub — along with India! Meanwhile, we are to believe that we here in the West can slap some solar panels on the roof, park an all-electric car in the driveway, down some bug protein in lieu of meat and dairy and in so doing "solve" climate crisis!

The real boogyman is not race but greed. The billionaire class has never wavered from their priority on cheap overseas labor. This labor is bound by fewer restrictions on labor practices, whether worker safety or pollution standards. Today the billionaire class are reaping big public relations dividends for backing all things "renewable" and "green". In truth, the strip mining practices necessary to create wind, solar and EV batteries are every bit as destructive as coal mining ever was. The elite can count on us, if nothing more, for one thing: myopia. If we can clean up our own air, maybe we will forget that the air quality in China and India worsens by the day — and in so doing remain oblivious to the fact that ultimately this pollution will travel the globe!

Clearly, "we the people" need to have enough agreement among ourselves to reemphasize localism: local food production and local politics as opposed to this push to globalize and internationalize everything under the sun — including government. As long as they keep balkanizing us along political and racial lines with a little help from Big Tech and Big Media, we will never develop the political clout to truly threaten their march toward global domination.

A world in which antitrust enforcement is again enforced would return not only jobs to our communities but narrow the massive gap between 97 percent of the population and the ~800 or so billionaires who are leveraging their ownership of everything — including social/media — to pit us against one another in such a way that we fritter our time and money away even as Central Bank Digital Currency, global Digital ID systems and similar surveillance-enabled "smart" technologies throw a net over the whole of humanity.

As a people and indeed a civilization, we really need to get a handle on this while we still can, otherwise the day will come where everyone is chipped on the forehead or the right hand, unable to buy, sell or survive without submitting to our digital overlords. While the great impoverished masses "agree" to limit our travel and to give up priced-out-of-consumption meat for the sake of rising inflation, if not also climate crisis, Western elite will be laughing all the way to the bank as we watch our democracies die — not because of white supremacy, Islamic terrorism or whatever other boogyman they cook up — but because global governance ushered in by "stakeholder Capitalists", in turn enabled by global institutions such as the World Economic Forum, is every bit the logical end result of 20th Century style offshoring in the name of "free trade".

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Hear, hear!

Well said Don.

If an alien from another planet tuned into humanity via watching the TV here they'd think America was one half Negro and the other half gay.

Thank you,

Your (fatigued) Half Breed Redskin Subscriber

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Thanks, Lyle!

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In 2020 I spent two months in hotel rooms. Not having an idiot box for many years, it had been a long, long time since I had watched tv. I could only stand a few minutes of tv each evening. In that short time watching, I was shocked to learn that black actors had totally taken over tv ads. The alien-watching-the-boob -tube idea you mentioned, came to my mind also

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Yes, that analogy about aliens is used often by those who are awake racially, Kris. It's so in your face, and yet no one dares mention it. Thanks!

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It's really weird how eagerly white people embrace the BS.

Though I went to school in the city with Blacks and after belonged for years to the Y, and saw hundreds of naked black men, people refuse to accept two facts:

1) I have personally seen great big 6 foot five Black Males with teeny tiny button dicks, and....

2) By far, the most prodigiously hung guy at the Y was maybe18 or 20, about 5'7" as white as white could be, and carrying a literal foot long.

The above us pure truth, but no one I ever shared it with could shake off their programming enough to accept that I have no reason to lie about it .

And the same with the rest of it.

I still live in the same heavily Black town I went to school in, and I am tired of hearing how Blacks need my generational wealth, which doesn't exist, while I see their expensive cognac bottles and Newport Cigarettes packages all over the roadsides leading in and out of their neighborhoods, I see them in the stores with their designer clothes and getting in to their BMWs and Mercedes and Escalades and Navigators with the neon lights on the painted undercarriage and the gold plated chrome, and the giant clown wheels with the ridiculously expensive low profile tires and $5K sound systems and somehow I think they will get by without my non existent generational wealth.

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Be careful, John. Your comments would be considered "hateful," and not ready for prime time television. You must not stereotype, except about White people. But only negative stereotypes are permitted there. And you can stereotype all you want about Blacks, as long as they are positive (penis size, natural rhythm, athletic ability, physical power, etc.). Thanks!

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That hasn't been my experience. I have been upbraided for noting Black athletic success as somehow racist, and especially for noting that statistically Blacks have longer limbs and larger lungs, which contribute strongly to athletic ability.

Anyway, People of Color being A OK woke and Colored People being a horrific slur was a bridge too far for me and I no longer have concern for any of it.

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This is getting really annoying. Substack keeps cutting off my posts. If they want a word limit, they should install a counter.

Cutting off posts randomly is not a plan.

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I didn't have any idea they're doing that, John. I have no idea why. Thanks.

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Substack posting works best for me using Firefox on a Win7 o/s. It isn't cooperative with the other o/s and browser combos that I've used, and is terrible with the linux version of FF.

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But you are "looking"with your eyes and emotions. Mission accomplished. Think about it. People follow "indoctrinated programming." What "programming" is being displayed? Was that the programming from a fatherless home? Self destruction it is. Newports, cars and Liquor. Is that something society or you is missing? It is an illusion, a matrix projection, designed to keep you "stuck right there." Everyone needs back their generational wealth, not just so called, "Blacks." p.s. The vehicles you describe as wealth, are actually foreign tools of enslavement, big rims and all. Pride and show, the genre of the hollow souls. You ARE rich already!

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One point that I would make is that generational wealth was taken by the banks, using the federal government to force the swindle on those of us with the least wealth. Making the claim that "white people" owe blacks their generational wealth is just the latest push of that same old swindle.

If that claim for blacks is valid, then where's the same claim for the indigenous people in the western hemisphere? Black people have been treated better than any other race here and still, demands from them and for them for still more keep increasing. I don't think that it's the place of any level of government to take from one and give to another. In fact, the older I get, the less I think that there's any place for government of any kind anywhere.

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See, the issue is the "argument." The social controllers have everyone spinning in circles believing that one group would be deprived, or has been deprived to enrich another, when the reality is both groups are being robbed equally while they squabble amongst themselves. No one wants to see bums get a free ride, agreed? But who, or what gets the biggest free ride? Race has to leave the equation. Imagine if we all looked the same? Then race would not matter, it could not be utilized as a wedge. Then it would be all red heads or all brunettes vs. blonds. Meanwhile the salon owner would be making off like a bandit.

“Race! Do not speak to us of race- we care nothing for breed or color. What we contend for is, that slavery whether black or white, is a normal, a proper institution in society. The blood of orators, generals, statesmen, even the President of the Republic runs in the veins of men who are bought and sold like horses and mules. Slavery, white or black, is right and necessary.”

George Fitzhugh. Sociology for the South or The Failure of Free Society p. 225 1854

Get it?

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Yes, I get it completely. The beneficiaries are never revealed to the vast demographic being fleeced. The beneficiaries have to try to keep the fleeced millions focused on squabbling, red, yellow, black and white all against each other over unreal "differences" to distract from the big difference between the elites and the rest of us, which is: we work and they don't.

That's a simplistic way of saying it, but it's accurate as far as it applies.

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Those " tools of enslavement" are inanimate objects offering their allure to every race, not just Blacks.

And the wealth is hardly limited to such portable "Bling".

There are Blacks in every neighborhood as well as the one all Black neighborhood, which is above the rest of the town and which homes were originally built by the founding fathers of the town and run 5-7 thousand sq ft.

Although they threatened to riot if a historic neighborhood designation was given requiring appropriate maintenance, Habitat for Humanity and Neighborhoods Inc have managed to save some, though the neighborhood as a while looks like a gap toothed bum's smile due to demolished homes.

Adjacent to that neighborhood is a neighborhood of 4 and 5 bedroom mid century modern executive homes directly across from the college and overlooking a beautiful park with spring fed lakes. This neighborhood too is all Black.

In a unique development planned and built as an exclusive sub division in the 1920's, Black ownership is at least 15 percent.

I remain confident that they don't need anyone else's generational wealth, which is the issue and " Everyone needing their generational wealth " is irrelevant obfuscation and not intelligent conversation.

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See, first of all you have the wrong concept of how the economic mechanics of this society really works, and until you grasp that, you are "stuck right there" in the dumb ass "Black-White/Rich-Poor Paradigm. Its quite childish actually and exemplifies a feeble, emotional, troubled mind. Your comments manifest your ignorance of such economical mechanics, and maybe that's why you are having financial deficits? Everyone has generational wealth that has been stolen, period. Its not a "Black or White" issue, its an issue of estates, trusts, land, heirs, descendable title, certificates of birth and blood standing on this land. You stay stuck right there, in fact wallow in it, and I will let reality show "intelligent conversation." You are the one struggling in your way, in your mind, in your perception of others..........I ain't. Narrow minds withdraw.

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You can dress your bullshit in all the self righteous condescension you can muster, it is still irrelevant Bullshit however you disguise it.

There is no question a major policy trumpeted throughout the media is that Blacks should be given white people's generational wealth for " equity".

If you were open minded enough to get even the very basics of the essay, you would realize nonsense like this is generated by pea brain Lefties such as yourself.

Designed as they are, to appeal to unsuccessful Blacks and the brain dead liberals who endorse them.

That has no bearing whatsoever on the completely unrelated issue of historic theft of familial wealth.

A subject I am intimately acquainted with, my own family having lost 600 thousand acres through attainder and various other manipulations by The Crown.

That doesn't mean I should have someone's wealth who had no part in stealing my generational wealth.

It's not complicated in the least, it's very simple, and if you can't grasp something that simple, you yourself are simple.

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You Yankees are a trip. You scalawags and your fixation on wealth is an unquenchable thirst. 600 thousand acres where? In the states united? That's a lot of killing to get that. Or was it the 'ole "homestead fraud?" By any rate, Your intellect is evidenced by your insults and conclusory allegations. Not a "lefty or liberal," that is political. Politics (secular religion) is for chumps. Never registered, never voted. My family fought, ON THIS LAND, in EVERY war from 1779 at Baton Rouge against the British, the Battle of New Orleans 1815 against the British, Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. ("Negro" Indians) Wheres my equity, my restitution? I'm not whining about it. My point : Whites are being "triggered," such as you, wrongfully believing that any "wealth" given to other groups would be taken from them. NOT TRUE. The money, for ALL CITIZENS WITH A BIRTH CERTIFICATE, already exists, it is being held "in trust" negotiorum gestio by others in power. Your anxiety and bitterness is misplaced, and a perfect example of how "divide and rule" works.

The whole race premise is a non-starter in the real mechanics, and only serves as a diversion. I don't write to fight, or insult, as a civilized man I say, "I disagree," and I make my counter argument. That's what grown ups do.

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Just to clarify. I started substack so MY REAL FAMILY and I would not have to argue with each other. They read my post daily. We have conversations offline and I post accordingly. I am not here to fight with anyone. I respect the opinions and positions of everyone, although I may not agree with them.


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Do you even listen to your own oral diarrhea?

You are going to condemn me for insults when your whole shtick is insult And condescension.

I understand your BS full we'll. It's what drives smash and grab and all the other horrors of big out of control lefty cities.

The CIA doesn't make Blacks send four and five year old kids out struggling with 40 gallon garbage bags to spill all over the grounds to feed the ever burgeoning insect infestation rampant in public housing.

Their own sick culture dies that.

Insofar as divide and conquer, nothing the NWOvdies compels Black folks to throw their Newport Packs out the window,and I don't need government influence to be disgusted by it.

I guess you have chosen to present yourself as a numbskull

nothing else explains your continued pretense that the concept of white generational wealth being shared with Blacks wasn't discussed heavily in the media.

You have tried your best to obfuscate this reality throughout, and I tell you now, I am done. Post all the insincere BA you want, U will delete it unread.

You are an ass.

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Actually, there are more poor whites in America than blacks, both in total numbers and percentage wise. I only watch Talmudvision (TV) to see the latest spin and lies but I have noticed more and more Hispanics and Asians on the Tube. The gooks have the brains and money. Believe me, when their numbers effectuate a take over, the free ride for blacks will be terminated with extreme prejudice. Blacks are not better athletes than whites. Oscar Robertson, the black NBA Hall of Famer, said that for every black that is a natural athlete, there are ten that cannot walk without tripping over their own feet. In 1960 my Little League baseball team, which was all white, literally massacred an all black team from the neighboring city. We simply would not be intimidated by them and focused on our game. White Supremacy is a sick, Hebraic fantasy. It is psychological warfare against whites to mentally disarm them from fighting back against their oppressors and exterminators. There is not a single, racially conscious white person who would put the interests of his race first, anywhere remotely near the reigns of state power in the U.S. Democracy is a euphemism for communism. Here are some great movie titles: "Red Men Can't Drink", "Yellow Men Can't Drive", "Black Men Can't Think." Aryan Productions. Racism is ill defined yet it is considered by the ruling scum and their sycophants to be a worse crime than any violent felony. Again, psychological warfare. If an alien from outer space were to land here and watch television for a few hours, he would undoubtedly conclude that the U.S. is at least 80% black. This is a depressing piece, albeit an excellent one, Don, thank you.

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There are also many accounts of all White high school football teams winning state championships, using beating majority Black, sometimes all Black, opponents along the way. Yet the White stars of those teams often don't get D1 college scholarships, while many of the Blacks they dominate do. Sports are as rigged as everything else in America 2.0. Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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Very true, Don. Everything is fixed. For a good look at what happens when insouciant whites allow blacks free, uncontrolled reign and privileges in their societies, check out what happened to the French in Haiti. Every French man, woman, and child was brutally massacred, most in unspeakable ways. Then they turned on the mixed blood or mulatto blacks and did the same to them. If anyone thinks that the American blacks are too "civilized" to do that here, I suggest that person take a midnight stroll through any black urban ghetto in the U.S. If they come out in one piece, I'll join the Democratic party. You're welcome Don, and thanks again.

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All too true Sir.

I submit that it all began with Obama and now that he has all his old staff installed onto Biden we really are into Obama's third term. All this "Diversity Equity Inclusion" propaganda is anti Whitey to NOT lift the lower tier of the population up, but to bring the upper tier, Whitey, down to take the power away.

Obama is also responsible for the LGBT*** propaganda push, perfectly exemplified by Biden's press mouthpiece who got the job with ZERO knowledge experience or skills, but ticked all the requirements of being a black female Lesbian.

For sure the push to have black folks in the majority of all advertising, including mixed race couples if the advert is about a family.

Obama also pushed the effort to defund the police, and the hugely foolish and stupid California law that if you shoplift under $950 began their destruction of their retail stores, as the shoplifters went into the stores with calculators to stay under the $950,but that is now out the window and they just grab all they can carry and run. Frequently with feral packs of looters.

We are truly down the rabbit hole with all the illegal's invasion, shoplifting, etc, and it is all by design to destroy the country pushed by George Soros who owns Obama and Kamala Harris, who he selected to be be the V.P.

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Can't disagree with anything you say, ursel. Thanks!

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This all began long before Barrack Obama came to town. But Obama certainly did ramp up the stupidity to a whole new level until we got Donald Trump, when things kicked into the "LudicraSpeed" setting a la Spaceballs. Obama's major contribution was he introduced us to the land of the cronies. All the politically incorrect went out of business after the collapse of '08. So long as you voted correct, you got the gov't payola and stayed on the train. Under Obama, we definitley became a Banana Republic.

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I can't help but wonder whether the assault on retail stores is intended to boost Amazon's market share.

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Grew up on the south side of Chicago. Was fastest sprinter and they called me Wheels. Never lost a 100 yard or later 100 meter, ever. Ran against black guys. This was back in the 70s and early 80s. Got a scholarship to run track, and used it to get an electrical engineering degree so I could earn a good salary. Continued to run at local meets, and got gold. Love your article since guys like Ricky Proehl and Don Beebe etc were fastest receivers for their teams in the NFL and yet no one focused on their ability. Media definitely has an agenda.

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I appreciate hearing your personal story, Steshu. If I write that sports book, I will recount how so many Whites- especially now- are screwed over by a system that is committed to promoting only Blacks front and center. Taysom Hill is probably not only the best football player on the New Orleans Saints, he may be the best player in the entire watered down league. And yet he's lucky to get a handful of touches per game, and is derided like a mascot by the talking heads who drool over every single Black player. Thanks!

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Yes Donald I noticed that about the NFL. You need to watch more hockey. NHL second week in October! Being of Russian, Polish, and German descent, I appreciate sports that acknowledge all nationalities.

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Every year, I say that I'll start following the NHL again. It was once my favorite sport, during Gretzy's era. But they lost me when Bettman- perhaps the worst of all the bad sports commissioners- cancelled an entire season because of a strike. I don't think they ever regained their audience after that. It's a beautiful sport- I was a Caps season ticket holder from 1978-1981. Thanks!

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I was at the fight one day when a Hockey Game broke out.

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That's the joke I've heard for decades. The NHL curiously never looked to expand its loyal, hard core base of fans, until recently when they jumped on the "Woke" bandwagon like the rest of the corporate world. If they banned fighting, they would displease many hardcore fans, but possibly attract new fans. But then again, hockey just doesn't have enough "diversity" to attract the average Drunk White Fan. Thanks, White Wolf!

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It's just that black athletes can't or won't learn to skate. The diversity in hockey was always limited to whites and indians. The fighting was a draw for some fans, sure, but it was never anything like "pro-wrestling" in that it wasn't staged and faked with predeterrmined winners and losers. At the NHL level, fighting was the exception at games, never the rule. Bush league games were where you'd go if you wanted to see more fights.

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Sadly, the NHL was just one or two steps above "professional wrestling" never even tried to pretend to be a serious sport. I used to immensely enjoy the hockey of the Olympic Winter Games. (Now, in retrospect, I do wonder if the scrappy American team that beat the Russians in 1980 wasn't rigged. But boy that was fun. You would have though we won WW3. I think that was the beginning of Glasnost and Peristroikia.) When the USA upset Czechoslavokia that was more than good enough for me. Just PLAYING the Russians was breathtaking- actually scoring goals even more so...) The NHL could have had games of the same calibre. They probably would have attracted a lot of the White Boys who were becoming disenfranchised with both baseball and football. (This was right around the time Pete Rose signed with the Phillies, which disgusted lots of people, and the Oakland Raiders were pulling the NFL into the fever swamps of the Black Slums...) (Basketball was something you only watched when there was nothing else on, and March Madness was way more popular than the NBA-who??? But then they introduced NBA rules into college basketball, turned it into a buffalo stampede up and down the court, and the finesse and stratagems of the "whities" got tossed into the dustbin of history...) But, as I learned in retrospect, the "Jews" have always controlled all aspects of the "entertainment industry"... I guess they just didn't want those white boys south of the (Canadian) border taking up a new pasttime. (Street hockey used to popular in the big cities back in the '70's, as there was no room to play anything else.)

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The Bruins were once my favorite team until the jews took over the sport and pussified it. The 70’s and 80’s had no helmets, bench clearing brawls, fights in the playoffs. I liked the playmakers too, but when things got pacified I stopped following the game.

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Mr Jeffries, you nailed it....and, yes, Deion Sanders was an overrated player (couldn't tackle in the open field at all), and as soon as the 'honeymoon' is over at Colorado, he will be known as an overrated coach. It was amusing to read highlights of his press conference after his first game a Colorado. "Y'all don't like the fact this black man is sitting here with his 75% black team talking to y'all!" "I know what some of you wrote, and I'm keepin' receipts!" What a whiner! I stopped watching college and NFL football several years ago.....I have better ways to spend all those weekend hours for 12 or 13 weeks.

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Great point, Robert. Yes, even the announcers used to joke about Deion not being able to tackle, or being afraid to tackle. How do you possibly make the NFL as a defensive player, without being a great tackler? He was fast, and a great returner. That's it. Teams didn't even try to throw at him, because he was "Prime Time." If I'd coached against him, I would have thrown at him constantly, and he'd probably wind up getting thrown out of the game. Thanks!

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Deion is a piece of work. I don't like grinning coons, famous or not. I guess money does that to those of weaker minds.

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Yikes my man, that's a lot to unpack. Yep, everyone is sick and disgusted with the entire race game if they have any sense. Its all inverted madness anyhow. According to 1826 Websters "Black" means to bleach, make with or pale. "Africa" is not a country, is a continent. Where exactly on said continent? What jurisdiction? Africa has no state. "African-AMERICAN?" Can't be both. Either you are from "Africa," which makes you stateless, with no standing on THIS land, or you are an American?

AMER'ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.


Free White Persons- “...means all persons belonging to the european races...It includes the mixed latin...it DOES NOT MEAN CAUCASIAN RACE, ARYAN, OR INDO-EUROPEAN RACES, NOR THE MIXED RACE INDO-EUROPEAN...”

White Persons- In the popular meaning, “white persons” refers to immigrants from the British isles and northwestern Europe who comprised most of the population when the Naturalization Act was adopted...” (Adopted March 26, 1790)

Blacks Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition pp. 1844

Blacks Law Dictionary 3rd Edition 1933 pp 817.

See, its doing just what it is meant to do...fatigue you, beat you down and confuse you. With regards to "Indians" and reservations, it is true to a point, however, it is not a given. As with my family we are registered Choctaws the BIA, we live off reservation and have done so for by choice for decades. So yes the poverty on Indian lands is undisputed. Learn the power of "ignoring nothingness." People don't know who they are, or where they stand, so they can be "African" or whatever makes them whole in their delusional fairy tale. Sane people just don't accept it, they never will.

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Great points, Jean-Baptiste. Thanks!

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JB, since you mentioned a reservation, I assume that you're Mississippi Band. I had a small business selling beads at powwows before the covid hoax shut down powwows for two years around here. I was always meeting indians from further west of here (Virginia). One of the prettiest women I've ever met at a powow was Mississippi Band Choctaw. 'Course, that's apropos to nothing you wrote, but anyway...

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Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. (Current Home) Long before the Chahta were split into "bands" we were one people in the "Louisiana Territory" which was all of the South to West Florida. Our specific area was what is now Southern Louisiana before being "Trail of Teared" to Oklahoma Territory.

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