Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

I agree. The older I get the more rational anarchy becomes. Of course it will never happen because it requires rational people. Clearly, the world has very few of those.

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It's a sad state of affairs when "order" is so bad that anarchy becomes more and more attractive. Thanks, Suzan.

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You seem to suggest that anarchy somehow implies disorder. I don't believe that to be the case.

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I get your point Horace, but I know he knows that the actual definition of Anarchy is "Absence of Rulers" ... not the "disorder, chaos, turmoil, etc", that we are all taught to believe from day one.

Here's some debunking of anarchy lies by folks smarter than I am ...


Best of luck,

~~ j ~~

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I'm just waiting for the unwashed masses to wake up and catch up to what's going on.

To be clear, this is not the superiority attitude that the globalists have.

You either get it or you don't, and eventually everyone will, if we last that long.

The globalists and us are both trying to wake the unwashed masses up for their side, so we will see which side wins before the end of this scam.

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Waiting for the unwashed masses to wake up? You might as well wait for a pack of timber wolves to intone the Te Deum, or the Dies Irae. The Unwashed Masses love owning nothing and fondling their dumphones- scratch that, Lithium Smart Bombs. (This Wolf would like to thank the Mossad for giving the whole game away, just like Trudeau did with the Truckers in 2021.)

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Agreed, and this wolf is waiting for the parasites and predators to eat each other, as is inevitable.

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(liked). not as long as they have a host. and that host is us, with no signs among the masses we are being parasitically fed upon.

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"It's a sad state of affairs when "order" is so bad that anarchy becomes more and more attractive."


""Societies exist under three forms, sufficiently distinguishable: 1) without government, as among our Indians...

It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the first condition is not the best."

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 1787


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I think I made myself pretty clear, Geoff. At this point, what authority should anyone respect? They are all corrupt, incompetent, or both.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

What don't you understand about Donald's statement, Goeff? And what are the other two of the "three forms" of society acc. to Jefferson? You reference only one.

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

Anarchy seems to run aground on our imprinted desire for a good king. The best that we can hope for is a government that’s only supported by politicians and government employees—where everyone else knows it’s on the take. That’s the reality here in Mexico and it works pretty well.

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You may be right, G. Alan. At least in Mexico, it's clear that everyone has a price. Here, these tyrants still try to posture as guardians of "democracy." Thanks!

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Better the devils you know than the ones you don't... That is the Mexican advantage.

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Make Anarchy Great Again.

trouble is the jews will be in the mix, ala Russia a hundred plus years ago, making way for the new order, theirs. this.

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Common sense is not so common anymore, and Horse Sense seems to be extinct. We can thank the "education system", which teaches children to parrot lies and not use their critical thinking. Mission Accomplished!

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thank you for the shoutout, Don.

I do wonder what, if anything, is "the tipping point." If a hacker leaks the Epstein client list to a few indie publications, would that do it? If a disgruntled FBI guy duplicates then drops that alleged Diddy-Obama sex tape on the 'chans, would that do it? If somebody (GOD FORBID) gets third time lucky with President Orange? If the November election is the most blatant in-your-face theft yet? If they tell you a new virus necessitates killing your pets? How about your kids? Is there any abominable demand to which people will finally say "ENOUGH!" ? Maybe the demoralization scheme has been fully successful and the country's going down without a fight because it already has. Sobering thought.

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I appreciate the good work you're doing, Tom. Great examples of what would unfortunately probably not be tipping points to most Americans. I joked about giving up the first born because I couldn't think of a more extreme example. I'm not sure that would be the tipping point for many Americans. Maybe once they're in the FEMA camps, they might reflect upon how stupid and gullible they were. Maybe not, if they let them play with their "smart" phones. Thanks!

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Huxley got it right. Once spiritual bankruptcy is in place, humans will only desire comfort. Freedom isn't even in the game. Comfortable slavery. That's where we are. The success of the germ terror psy op made this crystal clear.

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Over the Target.

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It sounds like 15 minute cities are going to be like FEMA camps, stupid Americans, they just fall into step following the herd

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Oct 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

I read an article about a year ago that the tyrants in the UK toyed with the idea of having all cat owners turn in their cats for euthanasia (for allegedly spreading the fake virus) ...as an obedience test...but they didn't do it because they thought it would spark rebellion. If anyone comes for my cats, they will have to kill me first.

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Oct 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yes, that is absolutely correct about U.K. freaks and pedos wanting the populace to kill their cats:


Other nations had similar anti-animal insanities. As the TIME ragazine story notes: "Some countries pursued the mass culling of animals or pets in a bid to contain the virus. Hong Kong euthanized some 2,000 hamsters in January 2022. Earlier in November 2020, Denmark killed 17 million minks over fears that a mutation could be transferred from minks to humans...Denmark's decision was found to have no legal justification, and the fallout forced Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen to call a snap election."

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I did not know the UK had that many Crazy Cat Ladies. Not that I have anything against cats, but those cat ladies are a forced to be reckoned with. The Local Municipality tried to raise revenue by requiring everybody to licence their cats. Epic fail.

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Every time a municipality tries to license cats, it always fails.

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What if there is no "tipping point"?

Just yesterday, I read John Water's article on Michel Houellebecq, which had this prominently displayed as a subtitle:

"‘I don't believe for a half-second... that “nothing will be like it was before”. We will not wake up after the lockdown in a new world. It will be the same, just a bit worse.'—Michel Houellebecq, 2020"



Of course, he was writing about the Covid scam, which, as anyone who has their eyes open, appears to have played out exactly as Houellebecq predicted. While I believe that people, in general, are more aware of what the State is doing to them, they do not seem to exhibit any desire or willingness to do anything about it. Except vote. Vote! Vote harder than ever before.

During the Covid years, I, along with a few others, took a very public stand on city sidewalks and venues against the "pandemic", urging people to get up out of their easy chairs and resist the push. My experience was that, unless they were personally threatened by it (loss of jobs, etc.), they couldn't be bothered. If ignorance is bliss, then ignorance mixed with inertia must equate to Heaven.

I have "worked" some local university football games since then, including a few this autumn, with the same result. Most people simply walk by with their eyes averted. They do not want to hear that, "If we don't end the wars, the wars will end us." Instead, they refuse to engage, preferring instead to participate in the modern version of "bread and circuses".

Give them beer and football. They will never revolt.

Yet, in spite of it all, I keep going back. I continue to push. I do what I can to spark small fires. Why? Because I would not be able to live with myself if I kept quiet. Maybe, just maybe, someone, somewhere, will actually take my words (or yours) to heart and begin to "stack sandbags" of their own in their own local "flood zone".

This I believe. I have to. I have no other options.

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I live in a flood zone and hauled over 50 loads of mulch into my backyard which less than a year later was the only piece of waterfront property in my neighborhood. Everyone else's back yard was under water. The entire front of my property has a few hundred sandbags as well which are now permanently in place and concealed by the vegetation which is kept neat enough to conceal from complaints by the neighbors to code enforcement. Even so, I'm probably going to sell the place and escape a neighborhood that is rapidly declining into a zombie culture.

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(liked). the tipping point might be if they told people to kill their pets. but it would have to be if they were instructed to personally shoot them. they'd sadly acquiesce to government removal of their pets if told they would have a gentle ending. they'd cry but they'd give in for sure. they are completely incapable of realizing their government does evil to them, and will never realize it no matter what scenario we think would wake them up. this denial of the evil of government is what upholds the State. loss Big Brother would drive people utterly insane, it must be upheld at all costs. and that is the answer to the tipping point question. let us all read our Orwell.

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*loss of Big Brother…

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At this point, I truly doubt it. Roman Catholics should know by now that Pope Frantic is a Satanic Pederast, but they just keep smoking the Hopium and contributing to the collection plate at the local operation on SUnday.

Between Gary Webb and Alisha Owen, the pieces are out there and easy to put together.

But waking up means getting off the Gravy Train, and coming to grips with a very hard reality.

The Salve Regina calls this world a Valley of Tears, but the Sheeple prefer DisneyWorld Delusions.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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deletedOct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries
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Comment as much as you like, Alex. The more comments the better. Thanks!

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

"The modern nation-state, in whatever guise, is a dangerous and unmanageable institution, presenting itself on the one hand as a bureaucratic supplier of goods and services, which is always about to, but never actually does, give its clients value for money -- and on the other as a repository of sacred values, which from time to time invites one to lay down one’s life on its behalf. . . . it is like being asked to die for the telephone company."

- Scottish-American philosopher Alasdair Macintyre

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Great quote, Gwyneth. Thanks.

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The Modern Nation State runs on the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto, and is a clever disguise for Total Tyranny. Ronald reagan was right about one thing- the ten most terrible words are "I'm from the Government and I'm going to help you..."

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good news. There was an important update. The zog humiliation ritual known as President Biden announced yesterday that the real president (still just a figurehead but closer to reality) of the United States - Bibi Netenyahu, was coming over to help out with the storm.

If you think I'm joking, you are mistaken.

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How is Bibi planning to help- use some of the money we gave him? Thanks, Jody.

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"Helping" is just a pretext, as usual. He'll no doubt be helping himself to as much as he can wring outta the grovelling traitors called congress.

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Unfortunately, I am not aware of revenue flows ever being a two way street between the United States of zog and its greatest ally.

No, he'll come with a contingent of some of his most capable IDF shooters, the ones that are best at double tapping the Pali toddlers with head and heart shots. They will continue the thinning out of the Appalachian deplorable types that stubbornly haven't died of dehydration or starvation yet.

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Jody has built a skate park between its ears for the Jews to grind away daily 😭😂🤣


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Your post is an example of the need for a "dislike" button under each comment.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

All 11 Tordadoes gave a standing ovation for Bibi. As twisted as the Talmud, but standing nonetheless. All politics sucks these days.

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Many Christians believe that America is being punished for the way it has treated Israel

I was stunned to hear the theories 20 years ago when the US pushed Oslo on Israel

Francisco Gil White explains

Israel is persevering and surpassing all expectations, many in the Middle East are cheering as Obama's proxy Iran is being taken down finally.

The US embassy in Lebanon has 15,000 employees and couldn't find two wanted terrorists for 40 years with 12 million rewards on their head but Israel gets it done


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I'm Guessing that Baby NuttyYahoo is going to send some IDF FemiNazis to shoot the mothers and rape the babies still alive in Chimney Rock and Lake Lure, and the Maggie Valley. I would love to see the IDF mess with Sevier County. I don't know if they could handle Hillbillies that can nail a cat on the run from 60 yards with a .22.

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

I was traveling back to Texas. On the night of April 31st to June 1st we stayed in the Town Place Suites by Marriott in Seguine Tx.

At breakfast we saw in the dining room 8 (EIGHT) military age oriental men. (Chinese)

Along with 4 (FOUR) F E M A employees. Guessing that this was no coincidence.

Couldn't find anyone that gave a damn. Your F E M A $$$ at work.

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I appreciate you sharing that, Jerry. Thanks.

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Always great to hear news from the ground. Four FEMA Employees escorting eight Chinese at a motel in Texas, right close to San Antonio, a big military town, where I did my time in the Chair Force. While at that base, I saw troops from every Latin America country and half the countries in Afrika. We be globalists for a long time now...

It makes you wonder...

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Oct 11·edited Oct 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

Well said, Donald. It should be crystal clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, what is going on here. Lahaina, Tampa/St. Petersburg (my sister's home in St. Petersburg was flooded by Helene) and Acapulco last October, that was almost destroyed by a tropical depression that morphed into cat. 5 Otis in less than 24 hours. What do these cities have in common? All are slated to become model (early bird) 15 Minute Cities. Build Back Better. Also, rural tourist areas are getting taken out. Out west they use energy-beam "wildfires". Four years ago the recreational corridor along the Santiam River (OR) was wiped out by a raging inferno that erupted so fast the residents had to stand in the river to survive. Entire small tourist towns gone in hours. Got to herd those rural folk into the cities, don't cha' know?

I feel the need to vent. To all those folks who called me a conspiracy nut, 30 odd years ago...told you so ...told you so ...told you so... I want to hear you admit that you were too damn dumb to comprehend the wise warnings from someone who had the critical thinking skills you so sorely lacked. I'm not holding my breath. Most people would rather die than admit they were wrong. I've been saying for a year that I think the the globalists will install Trumpenstein. I'm starting to think they will then fake an assassination, for maximum chaos. Lately Trumpenstein seems to be a getting a bit tired of his roll. The acting is lackluster.

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I don't think they will ever admit how wrong they were, or more importantly, that we were right, Kris. Thanks!

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Acapulco got hit again with a cat 5 while Helene was ravaging the southeast. If Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante hadn't posted about it I wouldn't have known.

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Acapulco does not like Mexico's new Jooish Queen and the Lords of the South. The HAARP/Chemtrail Boyz have to keep 'dem in line.

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Haha. It is true Kris. The acting really is lackluster. He's been phoning it in the last months. Funny to watch. Appropriate too. We've already got the zog humiliation ritual formerly known as Brandon in the seat of glory. Maybe Trumpenstein can also develop full blown dementia in time for his next stint of playing presidential fake wrestling champion, to compliment his 6th grade level vocabulary. We proud Americans must demand continuity in our sacred house!

8 consecutive years of tired, demented acting seems like a reasonable ask.

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Ok Finkelshimer 🤣😂😭

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A fake Trump assassination? I hadn’t thought of that. It’s rumored that Trump’s buddy, Jeff Epstein, was not really suicided. I remember seeing footage from a private drone that flew over Epstein’s island shortly after the “suicide" and it actually came upon what looked like Jeff Epstein walking down a path with another man or two. Epstein looked up towards the drone and then quickly retreated into the shadows. Of course, that drone footage is not to be found again.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

I saw that, as well. Of course Epstein is still alive. Mossad doesn't kill their own. When Chiam Topol died recently, it came out that he was a Mossad agent, and while he was touring the world playing Tevye (live on stage) he was engaged in spying for Israel.

I forgot to add that Jasper National Park in Alberta was hit by a energy beam last July. A third of the town of Jasper was destroyed. When the locals tried to use local equipment to fight the fire, the feds stopped them. Parts of the park are still closed.

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Yes, Epstein is lounging in a Jacuzzi somewhere south of Morocco still doing Brownstoning operations. He's got to be the Grand Master. He's definitely the center.

I don't think they are going to stage a Trump Assassination. Trump is all set to lead HymieTown to the Promised Land.

Next stop for the Trump Train- the 15 Minutes City (AKA FEMA CAMP) All aboard...

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jews kill their own if they have to Kris. mossad kills its own if it has to. if one of their own becomes a liability, they kill him. they're a mafia. epstein was due to stand trial, he had nothing to worry about, like all psychopaths he figured he would get off, or lightly sentenced. mossad didn't want that to happen. neither did the US government.

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liked. one thing naive about you Kris is thinking they will ever admit you were right. other than that, keep it up. best, K.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

I don't really believe those I know personally will ever admit to anything. I wrote that because I believe many of the commenters here, were not that long ago among the sheep...scolding us who really knew what was going on. I feel they need to be reminded to stay humble. However, I'm pretty sure they "remember" a very different past for themselves.

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9-1-1 saw the closing of the American Mind, and also gave the Satanic Pederasts confidence that any opposition was going to be too trivial to foil their plans. I have been watching them roll out the reservation since 1978. Everybody wants to get on board- more money, less work. Who wants responsibility and work when you can just be a tollgate operator and then watch movies all evening after a sumptuous meal. Back then the grid had it all. But, ever so slowly, the walls were closing in. I did try to warn them. All I got was disowned by the entire family, to where today my name is, to paraphrase Jeremiah, a hissing.

But not to worry, Judgment Day is coming...

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Since US CENTCOM is located at MacDill AFB in Tampa, I thought that would keep Tampa off of the weather target list. Apparently not!

Although, it definitely makes Tampa a possible nuclear target!


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Since Nuclear War is fake and ghey, the guys and gals at CENTCOM are doing nothing but playing army. All that being said, "HUrricane Milton", in the final analysis, was more media hype than weather warfare.

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They may be playing army, but they're also doing some preps that most people are woefully unaware of. The military knows that there's going to be a complete grid down failure which is why they're installing mobile nuclear reactors on all of their bases. A good friend of mine was just notified by his union that they need him to come out of retirement to help facilitate the military's new plan to keep the lights on after the zombie apocalypse.

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That is most interesting. So will the recruits be getting three squares a day, or will they have to subsist on Quaker Oats and Ramen Noodles?

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From what I've been told, the boilermakers make pretty good money. The government also pays quite well so they're all going to be putting on quite a bit of weight in the next few months.

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

Once again, you nailed it! I am surrounded by neighbors who continue to turn on MSDNC and the Communist News Network nightly to be told by Marxist lunatic stooges what they must believe, regardless of what they see with their own eyes! Project Orange Man Bad has been a stunning success. Mass formation psychosis is real.

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Thanks, YellowRose!

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Yes, the Lamestream Media was hyping Hurricane Milton to the skies, with the local politicians claiming the storm was Apocalypse now, and shouting that Armageddon was coming. Most of the locals seemed to ride out Armageddon just fine.

And the Hillbilly Sheriffs Department did a great job faking the rescue of a five foot lad drowning in four feet of standing water (and that at the deepest point in the middle of the street). Well done.

I will admit the reporters are getting better at acting- only losing their hats rather than getting bowled over by "wind gusts". (I guess too many videos of reporters clinging to street poles while people in the background were walking by got out...)

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but we all knew at once that Milton was overhyped like immediately and exaggerated. it was given a jewish name, that was the tip off. let's play close attention to names. best, k.

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I know weather manipulation is going on because I've been watching them since before 3/11 (Fukushima) and see how they have made the pixels larger to make it harder to see their work. I turned off my TV 10yrs ago am satisfied with the honest reporting , though scant, and am ashamed at my peers for their inability to live without drams and sports. I do enjoy movies and such but stay away from the narratives. Something about Helene, Lahaina, Katrina, Milton and weather changes that aren't natural. I see a future of Hunger Games. Idiocracy and Red Dawn coming...maybe we're still waiting for Red Dawn if any one gets away from the narratives. I'll bet the Salvation Army is there somewhere, the only ones giving true charity and not working for the Government.

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Yes, James, the Salvation Army is the only decent big charity. All the rest have huge executive salaries, advertising costs, etc. Thanks.

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Yes, the Salvation Army. My great uncle was in WWII in Belgium. The Red Cross charged the infantrymen for "kits" of food, nylon, cigs, candy bars, etc. The Salvation Army gave them the same thing and charged them NOTHING!

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liked. speaking of a christian org, I wonder why Trump has the tune YMCA played at all his rallies.

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The first great giveaway for the weather modification was the Joplin Tornadoes in 2011. A very observant weatherman showed how the storm was steered by three Nexrad installations and how bursts of "doppler radar" corresponded with curious movements of storm cells. And, of course, 2011 was when the Chemtrails were really ramped up. There were days when the view from the La Sals looked like an artists conception of the weather on Neptune.

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great piece Don. I live in Central Florida and we were all quite nervous about Milton. It’s bark seems to have been worse than it’s bite, at least in my neck of the woods anyhow. I don’t have TV and am uncertain if other places got hit hard.

I want to take a moment to dispel the biggest psyop ever perpetrated on conservative rural whites. To the “My Vote Doesn’t Matter” crowd, let me assure you that it does. I was infinitely more confident Ron DeSantis runs the state of Florida. That’s not because I’m some bleeding heart Republican, I am not. But in these types of situations the last person you want anywhere near you is goddman leftist, let alone one running your state/nation.

They hate you with intense passion. Over the years I believe this psyop has done insurmountable damage. I use the term insurmountable because it could very well be the case at this point. I guess that all sounds kind of contradictory I suppose.

This brings me to Trump. I saw the photo ops the other day with his beanie on. Turned my stomach I readily admit. Still there’s no evidence that I have seen that DT hates this country or the people in it.

Take a gander at that totally tone deaf Tweet from Harris the other day about sending money to Lebanon after our greatest ally wrecked it on purpose. That’s what you call Hating the country and the people in it. Honestly it gave me the chills because I cannot seem to find a legitimate reason she put out that statement. You know it had to have been run up the flagpole.

It’s gets frustrating that people seem so complacent but we must remember that is human nature. People still have too much to lose at this juncture. Once you finally snap your old life is over; dead, as you may soon become. There’s no going back the way you came in.

Between now and Feb 2025 there is a window for opportunity. It will take something like what could happen to not only shake people hard enough, but to also do it in numbers that could make a difference. This probably cannot happen without a guy like Trump calling the shots. Frankly it’s why they want him dead. He has the ability to rally a very large swath of people very quickly and that makes him understandably dangerous.

Love him/hate him Trump has lead us back to the breaking point once again. The odds against that happening in Feb 2021 had to have been astronomical. If it’s going to happen then let it be NOW!!

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I appreciate your perspective, Luke. It does appear that Milton may have been overhyped, something they are famous for doing. You can't have Fear Porn without it. Thanks!

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Interesting point, Donald. The better to make De Santis look as a "good governor"?

Peggy Hall of Orange Cty CA is currently in FL with her hubby and described how well DeSantis did the prepping of govt for Milton, and contrasted that with how poorly CA gov Newsom did for the CA fires.

Some were saying it's all just part of their national "good cop-bad cop" psyop routine. Remember how "good" De Santis was, too, during most of the 'COVID' lockdown and masking and threats to health care workers for not masking and jabbing? And so it's just the luck of the draw for all residents whether you have a "good cop" or a "bad cop" nominally in charge. (Too bad there are so few of the former!)

Thank you for a masterful piece, once again! Bravo!

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DeSantis is doing a great job acting like a politician that has integrity. Did DeSantis call out FEMA in Florida for not allowing residents of flooded homes to promptly get rid of debris, rather than let it sit in rat infested piles? No, he did not. HMMMMMMMM...

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

They're all lying scum...but one's life is easier under a good cop.

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Thanks Donald, I have a real concern that if there is not some sort of black swan event our population will continue to be slow boiled until it’s too late. I suspect over the next several years we will see minor skirmishes as Beasts continues its campaign against conservative Americans. I believe that’s exactly what they’re playing for as each one will be used to further isolate them into exile.

I find this window of time to potentially be the breaking point we need for action. That’s not a prediction as I simply do not know anything will happen. There’s certainly nothing that gives me confidence that Trump would be willing to lead a revolt of sorts.

Kunstler laid out a pretty good piece this morning. He was exploring the possibilities.


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with a name like Milton, it had to be a hype.

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True. After all, Moishe or Herschel would have been too obvious.

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Luke you are aware of no evidence that Trump hates you?

Ever hear of Operation Warp Speed? You know, that thing where a lethal bioweapon was created and foisted on the world as the only solution to escape real imprisonment and imagined death? You know, that maiming and killing, globally coerced gene therapy that Trump takes such delight in creating? Still gives him an ear to ear grin to this day? No? How about the Covid 19 germ terror psy op? You know, the one where arbitrary nationwide house arrest was normalized, lives and businesses were destroyed, huge sectors of the middle class erased, unknown trillions of dollars fraudulently created and passed around amongst the money changers, to the effect of the long term crushing of yours and my purchasing power? No? Ever hear of January 6, a protest rally where Trump's most sincere and dedicated supporters went to be entrapped and ultimately caged, and promptly forgotten by Trump, never mentioned by him, no indication he knows they exist? Of course, it is fake selections grand championship wrestling show season right now. He's probably mentioning them of late.

Trump openly mocks maga and America first when he unashamedly and honestly describes how he prostitutes himself, and by extension all of us, to the beanie people. I'm glad to hear it sickens you. Betrayal and Treason are sickening.

Ironically at the end of the day, you are correct. Trump doesn't hate you. He doesn't know you exist, except as a mark. I'm quite sure he is entirely dispassionate about you, as any good con man will be, as he plies his trade.

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Trump is so much worse than just ruining our economy with the shutdowns and killing Americans with remdesivir, ventilators and Operation Warp Speed. It was his administration (Pompeo) who plotted to kill journalist Julian Assange and then, in Trump's last days in office, he refused to pardon JA and gave Fauci and Birx Presidential Commendations. Let’s not forget that Trump was Jeffery Epstein’s best buddy for many years. Trump would do anything to conceal what he and that Mossad agent did together. Trump seems eager to get us in a war with Iran for Israel’s sake. With all of the evidence pointing to the Secret Service and the CIA, Trump said that he thinks that Iran was behind his ear nick “assassination attempt”. Setting the stage for war support from the MAGA people? Ultimately, our votes don’t matter and the selection process will play out as it must, so there is no real reason to agonize over which of the lesser of two evils we should vote for. There are no Good Guys here.

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Right Cat.

Trump will again be able to do so much more for our owners than a d teamer can. I don't think the germ terror psy op could have been implemented during a Clinton or any other d team presidency. I think the guns may have come out. But because Trump was an r teamer, the well meaning but ever deluded r teamers went along, and took their covid abuse and enslavement lying down.

The same will be done again during Trumps next 4 years. Extremely dangerous, harmful and expensive Greater Israel Project war is a guarantee. That alone may finish off what remains of this parasitized zog zombie of a nation. The human entrapment and enslavement project will warp speed ahead again, in its various forms. It goes ahead regardless. But I'm of the opinion they get more done globally with r teamers in the puppet seat. Look at the 8 years of Bush. Huge destruction, death and trillions grifted away for the Greater Israel project, normalization of existing under a full spectrum dominance surveillance and police state, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, gigantic wealth transfer from middle class to the money changer class via the great recession and ensuing schemes.

It's a one two punch. The r team gets the op started and the d team fleshes it out. Or vice versa.

But I blame you Cat. You haven't been voting hard enough.

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(liked). America is owned lock stock and barrel by the jews. trump is their chief puppet. we live in ZOG, or if we want to be totally accurate, JOG. sooner we grasp that the better. even though most won't.

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Israel's handling it just fine

America set on its hands for decades empowering Iran like when Joe Biden gave them $600 billion dollars last year

5785 is shaping up nicely


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they're all in the same Club. Iran, Israel, the US. we're their playthings.

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(liked) he must have some hate or will soon have, he just prayed to that psychopath Rebbe Schneerson who hated all gentiles (goy) and wanted us all dead.

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I suppose the bullet to the ear was a fake too. Watch the 3rd video clip down because I assume that I am probably talking to someone who does. Starts off with an older lady talking about the flag.

It’s people like you who have elevated DT to a Godlike status. The Q people making him out to be a saint incapable of sin. And you make him into Satan.

Put him aside and focus on you for a moment. I can tell you if shit goes down you are going to be in a much better position if he is in there instead of a leftist stooge. I have been paying attention now for 25 years. I have seen numerous hurricanes come through my state and the surrounding ones. The odds of things fucking going awry when leftists run the show are exponentially greater. These fools break just about anything they touch. You can lie to yourself but not to me, it absolutely does matter who is in office.

Several potential civilization game changers are swirling about. That’s not a joke and it’s not being hyperbolic. You will not get another opportunity as Musk has explained. It’s rather simple if Trump gets in we live to fight another day. If that fails that will be the final nail in our coffin. Quite possibly the fate of humanity in it’s entirety. Idk maybe Russia or China at that point it’s hard to say. I can see the Israelis nuking the planet if they don’t get their way.

As for me every online profile I have is getting nuked. This time the elites and their leftist minions will be coming after disinformation spreaders. In case you haven’t been paying attention they’re making it abundantly clear.

Personally I don’t exactly trust Trump. The assassination attempt on him did help my confidence I must say. Now we need to do our part to force the enemy’s hand. I understand the concept of my enemy’s enemy being an ally. That’s all DT is at this point. He is probably the greatest weapon we have in our arsenal at the current moment. We need to pull the hammer back and fire him into the beasts mouth. We might even get lucky. But sitting back and complaining about our rights is going to bring us nothing.

This really is an amazing video of what happened that day in Butler. Many different camera angles. This girl used to be a member of the #metoo movement. It was DT who snapped her out of it. Ditto for my mom, again it was DT who shook her out of it. He’s not all bad!


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Luke, do you really think your vote counts? Do you remember the 2020 election? Do we still have mail in ballots with no signature validation required? Do we still have illegal aliens being automatically registered to vote? Most importantly, do we still have electronic voting machines that are connected to the internet? It’s a waste of time and energy to chose sides. The powers that be will choose and use whichever candidate they want this time around, like they have for decades.

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Yes Cat I do. You know who else does, Kyle Rittenhouse. He did everything by the book and he was still critically close to spending life in prison. I also think he is VERY lucky not have been charged federally by the Biden DOJ in a DC Courtroom. I think the only reason he wasn’t is because too many people were learning that he actually shot 2 white pedos and the “he killed people at a BLM narrative” was at risk.

I live in a still very conservative enclave. Met a guy who is of Indian (India) descent. He was from Spokane and then Ft Lauderdale his whole life. He is so happy he found this place for the reasons you might expect. Same reasons in reverse why people are leaving California.

I know what happened in 2020. From Nov 2020-Jan 2021 their mask was completely off. They basically said “Yes we stole the election and there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it.” We need to get back there again. This was the biggest clue of Trump’s intentions imo. Blame his ego if you like but he never shut up about the rigged election. I would have expected him to help memory hole that story if he was a nefarious character.

The narrative that the US is a moral nation is imperative for TPTB to keep up the freak show. Most people will be watching closely now and it should be an interesting experiment. We are indeed at a breaking point here and we must crash through now. If not now when? Barring some black swan event I will tell it will never come. Obama was not completely off base with his Bitter Clinger comment. Rural whites have a tendency to do just that. Aside from minor skirmishes and standoffs that will be the end of it.

One must also understand the score and the time left on the clock. Our betters are no longer playing the long game. They want their new system squarely in place by 2030. I have the pdf of the 2030 agenda straight from the WEF. At that point you will be eating NO meat but a quarter pound a week is a acceptable. I’m thoroughly convinced they are Not joking around. Neither of us will have assets unless they have completely failed.

I can see the next crisis being one of a cyber attack nature. You will know it’s them if certain internet communications remain active. They will be turned back on based on their level of disinformation. They will probably wipe out all of the debt to schmooze the masses into accepting what comes next.

These are their words/goals not me making it up. You don’t get from where we are now to 2030 omelette without breaking a few eggs. I don’t believe they can allow Trump back in office. He’s too unpredictable for their taste. He is a tool at our disposal.

I promise you anyone with any sense in any disaster area knows you are better off with R leaders in most cases. DeSantis has been a fabulous governor when it came down to brass tax. So yes, in that sense, voting does matter.

You have nothing to lose. Roll the bones and pray.

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the rittenhouse thing is suspicious, and he's jewish. then he kills supposedly two jewish pedos. i don't know about this rittenhouse story. then tucker carlson moves in on the story and it's about that Lin Wood character. and then that crazy Lin Wood rightfully demanded he should get to tell his side but was totally ignored. weird, all of it.

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Luke, I've never seen a nickel's worth of evidence that Trump's ear was nicked by a bullet. Neither have you, but you seem convinced anyway. At least Trump hasn't given in to the urge to wear an ear patch for the rest of the "campaign". I'll give him two cents worth of credit for that little forebearance.

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Watch 3rd video down. Starts with an old lady talking about a flag. All the different angles line up by listening to his speech in the background. FFS this is not a game lol. Look what they did to remove him in 2020. I had my doubts about the possibility he might be some sort of plant. The first assassination attempt dispelled that notion. I understand how firearms work to a great deal. This was not an act for Christ sake. You think the big orange ego would stand up there and turn his head at the last second knowing someone was shooting at him from 150yrd away. A man literally died from an errant round and a couple others wounded.

But some people suck at strategy. This has NOTHING to do with what Trump May or May not do while he’s president. I haven’t even got there yet. There’s no need and will worry about that later.

The MOST IMPORTANT aspect of the current moment is to force the hand of the really dark forces. We must make them act NOW.

If status quo remains not only will the Palestinians be fucked but ditto for all of us in the West. Your best chance at that point will be to move to China or Russia perhaps. The West has been targeted for a certain type of future. Within 2 years we will NOT be having this conversation. Look at all the D talking heads (Kerry, Clinton, etc) coming out now OPENLY complaining about needing to stifle 1st amendment. They are probably upset because that was supposed to have been done already. They didn’t count on the poison pill called Elon. He joked that he is fucked if they get in….yeah he will be.

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i liked the emotion here. that said, if the left gets in things will accelerate all the more quickly, we can collapse and then stay collapsed. it's what we deserve for not paying attention, and think jews were our friends. that includes the zionist Trump.

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I know you are a well meaning guy Luke. You are well meaning, but self deluded. You have a lot of company. Reality is very had to come to grips with these days. Not everyone is up for it. I get it.

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lol. (but not in a mean way).

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Would you mind enlightening me as to what your plan is Jody. Maybe you can help us deluded people understand. I got a feeling it’s just bitch on the internet.

Well I have been doing that for 4 years (since covid). Also became a half assed prepper of sorts. We bitch and complain now but we ain’t seen nothing yet.

I even got myself fired for this very moment. Not shitting you one bit. I did feel like a career change was in order however. This is the moment where either nothing happens and never does or the entire fate of humanity is altered.

Some of you guys shortsightedly make this all about Trump. He’s about the closest things we have to a nuke or F15 we have. He comes with an expiration date tho. We either play that card or we keep complaining on the internet.

No no no if somehow he does slide in the back door we are not done. Mistake I made in 2017 hindsight being 2020. Then the real fun begins because the right will need to watch him like a Hawk. Hint: not everything he does you are going to like.

All he is an opportunity to throw sand into the machine. A machine that says you will own nothing by 2030. You will also be eating no meat by then. I know it’s hard to believe but I promise you our betters are deadly serious about these boasts. They have a plan to take us there. One must understand their agenda 2030 is a very steep change of lifestyle over the next 5 years. You don’t get from here to there without some extreme drama.

They cannot afford to let DT back in there or it’s completely toast. I suspect something is coming at us very soon (next couple of months). And whatever it is you are not going to like it. I’m more prepared for it than 99.99% of the people. We should try and avoid it all costs. However it’s coming at us regardless and we are best served if it happens now.

I want to see the mask come off the empire of lies once and for all!!

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State level politics have some validity, as you rightly allude to. Not much. And less every day. But a little.

And of course having local administrators that are not satanic lunatics is preferable at any time, and even more so during a crisis.

Since you asked the question, I'll spend time answering. The solution lies in decentralizing. Start with your soul. Your relationship with God. Then it goes to your family. Then it goes to your community. That is where you put your energy. Where you can have an effect. Stop empowering the seat of evil, which is the federal government. Stop participating in its entrapment schemes, aka voting for the lesser evil of two pre selected criminals that could never have gotten there except that they are soulless criminals. Stop giving your time, energy, attention, money, any support at all, to the vile cartoon characters that are presented to you as leaders. Stop debasing yourself. To the extent it is humanly possible, ignore them. If you can't do that, expose them as the demoniacs that they are. And as much as we support any of them, we deserve the harm they do to us. And we are complicit in the evil they do throughout the world.

We no longer have an excuse at this point. The mask is off. it has been for a long time. If you don't know the mask is off you are iether a political neophyte, deluded or a simpleton. Being a neophyte or a simpleton is excusable. But this is not the case for most. Most are deluded. Self deluded. Powerfully deluded. Imagining a lifelong democrat NYC real estate conman is some weapon in the hands of the people. And this after 4 years of him as president already demonstrating who and what he is. It's magical thinking. Embarrassing. And the d team does the same. Imagining an invalid that doesn't know who or where he is is running anything. Or that Harris is where she is because she is capable or that democracy put her there. Childish. Absurd.

Focusing your energy locally works in concert with withdrawing your participation and support from the centralized federal and soon to be globalized beast system. That is how change may begin to be made. Imagine if millions of us in our thousands of local communities just started tuning out Washington D.C.. Stopped participating. Stopped complying.

Do you think things might change? Of course martyrdom may be what we end up with. But if we end up caged or martyred in the attempt, at least we go with clear consciences, knowing we did not live or finish our lives as willing participants in our own destruction. To me, that is more valuable and appealing than debasing myself in the humiliation ritual of running after some slimy grifter zog presidential candidate.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Very well said, Jody. I would add...never stop speaking up. Use any opening to speak TRUTH (chatting with the store clerk etc.) but never argue or debate...it will not change any minds. Christ Jesus said it much better than I can, when He sent His disciples out into the world to save souls...in a word, don't waste time on those who refuse to hear you. Also, nothing will stop this plan set into motion 2000 years ago. This is about saving your eternal soul...forget about the rest.

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An opportunity to throw sand in the machine? He is a cog in the machine. He is a crypto-Jew. Don't worry. ZOG will install him.

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A vote for either Trump or Commie-la will be a vote for a mass murderer, making you an accessory to his/her crimes against humanity. I voted twice for Trump - as the "lesser evil" in 2020, not yet having completely realized who he is. Best we can do is on the state or local level. DC is occupied territory and must be defied. DeSantis recently rebuked Commie-la's comments about hurricane damage, plus he defied the feds by sending FL National Guard personnel to NC. That's the ticket: nullification and/or defiance of unconstitutional federal agencies and their "laws", unconstitutional POTUS EO dictates, unconstitutional "laws" passed by Congress, etc.

We don't have real elections for POTUS.

See http://issuesoutline.org/#2024

Reasons Not to Support Trump


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you stand more of a chance of getting hit by a car coming home from the voting booth then your vote counting for anything.

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Thank you for making this point Mark.

I also must confess. I voted for W Bush. Even would have voted for him twice except for not registering properly or something the second time. I also have been a lesser of two evils tool in zog's hands.

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Good news though.

Repentance works.

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I just sent to Wolf. It’s from Alexander Dugin who supposedly has the ear of Putin. He is a theologian and philosopher. I suspect he also gets knowledge from the Kremlin. The pieces of the puzzle fit like a hand and the glove. This makes sense and may help you understand why and how we ended up like we did….it sure did me. Just found it yesterday


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Over the target and I totally agree. People need to wake up. If nobody was supporting any of the clowns the Satanic Pederasts would have a huge message sent to them- the masses see through the con.

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First off, Ron DeSantis is one of them. If you think that any legitimate politicians are running this country, you are dreaming. Any man with an ounce of integrity would calling out the Satanic Pederasts and shouting from the rooftops what a dire state this country is in, and how close to the brink of utter annihilation.

I was hoping that the Trump Supporters would hold his feet to the fire when he did not fulfill the promises of the 2016 camapign. Those hopes were dashed.

I never had any hope for the "Stop the Steal" campaign. That was just a collassal trap.

I have no hope for 2025.

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Understand who Alexander Dugin is. I believe he has ties to the Kremlin. I read this yesterday and it all makes sense.

Here is the Beast and how it evolved.


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The window of opportunity that Joe Biden presented to Netanyahu to take down the Obama connected Iranian crime Network is bringing me joy. For decades the US malignantly tolerated jihadis and funded them while surrounding Israel with them. Waiting for the 12 million reward ceremony for the two Hezbollah who were wondering about Lebanon for 40 years while 15,000 employees at the American embassy which sits on 40 acres and extends five floors below ground could not find them.

Valerie Jarrett and Obama are squirming

5785 is turning out to be a great year


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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

This year has been brutal. I take refuge in Halloween and in what it represents---that the rational and the accepted can be turned upside down in an instant. America might even be under siege by something beyond the rational. Way back in the late sixties, a "Jesus Freak" told me about a vision that someone had, and the telling of it was spreading like wildfire. It was a vision of all the demons that infested the old countries of Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East and Old Europe. . . all flowing into America. Take it as symbolic; take it as literal---something weird is, and has been afoot for a long while.

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I wouldn't discount anything, James. We live in "interesting" times. Thanks.

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America just might be the Harlot riding the Scarlet Beast in the Apocalypse. I have my hunches. Time will tell.

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

it is amazing that they want to get rid of tens of millions of useless eaters but at the same time bring in 50 million of the most useless eaters on earth in the last decades. Cumela was wearing a belt a few days ago that was worth $750. the guy showed the ad for it with the price.

I wonder if the people in order to get any money have to sign a pledge saying they would never boycott pissrael cause in the giant disaster in houston tex-ass they had to sign such a document

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I guess it's dueling agendas, SPQR70AD. The Great Replacement vs. eugenics. Thanks.

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this is a good answer and i might try it on my friend who says what SPQR70AD just said. knowing him, he'll have a frustrating response. he argues with everything. he's jewish.

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I think it’s because the Jews behind the mass immigration know that’s partly how you destroy a nation. Notice how none of them are ever allowed in Israel.

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WHat the Satanic Pederasts want to see is misery, despair, destruction, and death. What the Demons want to see is us roasting in Hell.

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liked. (button that likes not working).

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Oct 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

Right on Don! They lied about the Ohio Derailment, the Hawaii Fires and now the Hurricanes. They are the worst lying slimy bastards in history. When God punishes them, I hope they suffer beyond all comprehension.

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Thanks, Brian!

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They are lying about a heck of a lot more...

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U R Right!

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Oct 12Liked by Donald Jeffries

If I was a eugenicist I wouldn't purposefully target the most hard working, reliable and creative demographic groups in my country, but then again, I'm not a demon. What a time to be alive, where disgenics is the platform to not just implemented behind the scenes but effectively run on.

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It's impossible to understand that kind of evil, Konrad. Thanks.

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they're white and mostly christian albeit weakly. It's about White Replacement, and ending christianity for good.

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What do we expect when FEMA’s first goal of its 2022–2026 Strategic Plan is to “Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management”?


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Yep, disaster equity, Ringmaster. Thanks.

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opportunity there to sell white people water proof blackface paint, just in case.

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Equity yes. Essential vs. Non-Essential. Hey wasn't that in the movie "Schindler's List"?

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Go ahead......rub it in. Might as well take the bitter medicine now, while there is a small window left to prepare in ways that you can. Nobody is coming to save you and the ones who read this post better take heed.

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Oct 11Liked by Donald Jeffries

Unfortunately the jig is up - climate engineering is real and the excess energy and direction of these storms is likely the October surprise to suppress/remove the vote in Trump strongholds.

Another conspiracy theory? Perhaps, but funny how many of those end up being true.

The only fly in the ointment is that Kamala is an empty suit - the ballot stuffing and election manipulation will be off the charts.

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deletedOct 11
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I think it would look like some of the extreme weather we've been seeing over the past few decades, Alex. Which just happens to correspond with all the secret work being done by HAARP. Thanks.

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Climate Change...yeah right!

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Something I found odd with both storms was how they were tracking “unsettled weather” for days that “could turn a major destructive hurricane” with paths which seemed to be known well in advance.

Could me a complete coincidence, but our government seems capable of creating whatever event they want.

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