Very good article....Women need or they must stand up against allowing mentally ill men to participate in women's sports. Why are women willing to participate in this clown circus...bow out gracefully and make a statement..."I will not compete with a man." Then start your own sports event for XX chromosome only...
This whole olympic event is a TV spectacle for the brain dead...
$$$$ That's why, money is God in a world dominated by a global capitalist hegemony. Attack on normalcy is only to the benefit of the governements/corporations. The conversion of people into commodities. And no this is not coming from a Marxist/Communist perspective.
I highly recommend checking out CJ Hopkins on Sub stack and his three works, Trumpapocalypse, War on Populism, and The Rise of the New Normal Reich.
You are right, money will buy you any fantasy or escape you want at this point, so long as you support and comply.
Over the last 100 years, they have built the Empire of the Antichrist while we slept.
During the '70's, I always wondered what they were discussing at those closed-session Bilderberger Meetings which they insisted did not exist, and were only wild conspiracy theories in the minds of "survivalists". (That was what "preppers" were called back then.)
I think one either has a conscience or they don’t now. I wear a Non-compliant t-shirt on a regular basis…I have a plethora of them. I’ve also learned to live on a lot less money than when I was hanging out with owners of private jets and such. Money is not God…not to everyone. Certainly not to me. I’ve read CJ Hopkins. I’d rather read than lend my consciousness to whatever the hell the Olympics has devolved into.
Or practice soldering, or do some gardening….about anything other than watching the boob-tube. I gave up tv many years ago because I refuse to be propagandized. Gave up a smart phone, too.
You have a point with alternative ideas...anything but TV...TV=GIGO
Garbage in Garbage out...
But lets take it a step further...why are women boxing to begin with...I sure as shit don't want a woman to be like a man or competing in men's and women are different and are not the same at all. Why are they even competing? There is no point to it...are they just following an agenda created by someone else? Women have nothing to prove to anyone...
I do not understand the whole pronoun thing, either. It is insane. I finally learned the lyrics to a really old song entitled I Enjoy Being A Girl. Doris Day sang it before I was born, probably. When asked what my pronouns are, which is a “thing” now, I just sing it because an absurd question deserves an equally absurd response. I refuse to work in a place that fosters that nonsense so I work for a private endeavor so as to not be a part of it. I do not want to compete against men…or trannies…or whatever. We live in an insane asylum.
Exactly. Why are women boxing to begin with? That was actually the first thought that came to mind. I do not understand it, that’s for sure. I’m in Colorado and we have a county commissioner who stated to the press that there is no difference between men wearing dresses and women wearing pants. I have not worn pants since I read that!
Because they want their time to shine. They are cowards. This could of been stopped at Penn State! But no. The women played with the men anyways. Why? Why didn’t they take one for team women? Greed is probably why?
Right on target! That's how they get the people to continue this farce, through the narcissism of postmodern culture and constant attention seeking insanity.
I blame *some*-- not all-- of this on the "special snowflake" situation in schools, along with the adjacent "there are no losers, and everyone gets a trophy" mindset.
Lots of mentally ill people out there right now, and society is enabling them.
This I agree with. I’m not buying into the whole men can have babies/chest feeding thing, either. If I “identify” as a freaking unicorn, that would not make it so. I actually learned what a “Furry” is…someone who identifies as an animal. There are people who actually believe that. I met one…and quickly departed. We used to have places for delusional people.
If you look at Meyers Briggs personality theory, most women base their life on emotions. Emotions mean you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So... you become a 'go along to get along' person. Plus... you don't want to disagree with your friends, because that's uncomfortable, so really, you just become a brainless liberal tribe member.
That just sounds weak to me. I worked in engineering to avoid emotion. Now I just end up handing tissues out to dudes in skinny jeans at my current place of employment so I am rather over “emotion”.
Despite the many failings of Roman Catholicism - very, very many - at least there is one prominent man alive among them today that still has the faith, courage and discernment to speak truthfully. Carlo Maria Vigano. He describes all this accurately. The antiChrist agenda. The owners and operators of our world are animated by the spirit of the antiChrist. That is the tie that binds them.
It is the common thread in all their actions and policies. Humans are the crown jewel of God's creation. Anything that accomplishes the entrapment, enslavement, debasement and destruction of humanity is promoted. Anything that maintains a whiff of God's order, rules or design for mankind is met with apoplexia by the Luciferians and their soldiers.
Isn't it ironic that as Western Civilization considers itself to have moved beyond the primitive metaphysical construct of the spirit realm, overt public worship of dark spirituality becomes more and more prevalent.
The "Great Vigano Excommunication" was a total clown show. Chuckie Vigano was right there partying with Teddy McCarrick and Cardinal Whirl (Wuerl) in the DC Swamp back in 2013 when Pope Frantic was selected by the Satanic Pederasts to head the Seat of the Antichrist. They brought him out for some massive damage control as the long hot summer of 2018 was threatening to spin out of control. After getting all the muck concerning The American Pope, Cardinal Francis Spellman, back under the hood, Chuckie Vigano went on to become Donald's Trumps Biggest Fan- he actually called Trump the Katechon from Ephesians. So Chuckie, is Kamala the Antichrist?
Archbishop Vigano is a Satanic Pederast, just like all the rest of them are. He knows where even more bodies are than Alisha Owens and all the Franklin Scandal Testimony combined. I'm sure Chuckie has those pictures of Papa and Junior Shrub having an orgy with underage children filmed by Epstein on his Caribbean Island that us goyim never get to see....
I only know that he states loudly and plainly that the people that run this world serve an antiChrist agenda. I see no other Christian figure with his prominence and reach doing so.
You are correct. Vigano does speak a lot of truth. Too bad the man is a clown, and not a real reformer. He is the Catholic equivalent of Alex Jones.
In 1970 Pope Paul VI gave Catholics the Abomination of Desolation, also called the "New Mass" which transformed the Eternal Sacrifice into a Happy Meal. And that started the long slide to Covid Clown World. If my Great-Grandmother was alive today, she would be on a boat to Italy with everything she needed to burn the Vatican To the Ground.
If Vigano was for real, he would have exposed every last Satanic Pederast in the Vatican, and started forming Traditional Seminaries where he could form an army of Traditional Priests- and canon law can just be damned. But all Vigano did was write his missives from his "hiding place", as if the Vatican does not have the CIA and the Mossad at its disposal, to ferret him out.
You know the term "synagogue of Satan?" It's actually in the bible. Technically in Revelation. Might be in other places, but that's where I located it.
As non Catholic non sectarian Christians we like much of the pre Vatican 2 theology..not all..we absolutely agree on Vigano ...**,certainly** God bless.Cheers.
If it weren't for your amazing gift for satirical wit I might cry for the apparent futility of trying to be a voice of reason. Your reference to tiddlywinks made me smile. You have to be of a certain age to even know what that was. Like jacks, marbles, pick-up sticks and hopscotch. I barely remember myself. Everything changes and nothing can stop it. The younger generations will either get tougher and smarter or die off likely long before their time. Such are the cycles of life.
If you love Donald Jeffries writing style I also would recommend CJ Hopkins. He is on Sub stack too but he has three really good books that collect essays on what was happening between 2016-2022. Going back on those years through his writing I learned many things I would never have even thought of. He is a satirical writer as well.
CJ is a gifted writer and has his moments, but he's married to a Jewish woman and is very quick to spit out the antisemite insult, and often. Beware DJ
I have to respectfully interject on Toxiccanadian, I am totally aware of the term "anti-Semitism" being just another bludgeon to shut down critical thinking. While Toxiccanadian has every right to be suspicious of Hopkins' wife this does not take away Hopkins' overall writing and what he has contributed. I am only aware of one article CJ wrote being critical of the Israeli Palestine issue but he barely touches that.
CJ refers to Caitlin Johnstone in a friendly light, specifically mentioned in his book "War on Populism" in one chapter. If you read her work she is very good at exposing the lies of Israel and the "empire". So there is a contradiction and a flaw in this kind of thinking. Thanks!
Just because she is Jewish it does not follow that she is Zionist. There is a huge difference. The Zionist movement has subverted Western governments for years and put a dark stain on Judaism as well. We are all people and worthy of respect but it appears Zionism runs contrary to this. While they may not be the only evil organization in this world today they are certainly one of the leading movements in the march to Satanism and Armageddon. Love your neighbours. It is our only chance.
Agree! So much truth here! The average Jew is just a person trying to survive every day and to feed and clothe his loved ones, Safeguard his or her family, and finish out this human race appropriately. It is only their Global Elite or zionists as they call them, and there are various flavors of zionists from Evil to good, who have besmirched their name and the name of their God. God himself says," my name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you". People often quote that verse where Jesus refers to the Jews as the synagogue of Satan but he was speaking very specifically to the individuals around him that he knew were plotting and conspiring to kill him. He was not speaking to your everyday Jew. In fact, he was greatly loved and popular among the Jews of his day. It is written that when they heard that he had died on the cross that they beat their breasts and lamented and wailed. They are being betrayed daily just as we are by our government which has been taken over by the global Elite of the Gentile flavor.
If only human beings were so simple that we can so easily paint them as black or white, good or evil. Overall, I find CJ to be an intelligent, thoughtful and insightful commentator on the current situation.
I responded with a similar answer. In his book "War on Populism" CJ refers to Caitlin Johnstone in a friendly light, and she is strongly against Israel. She is also a good writer. So what if his wife is Jewish, she may have some influence on him but that does not take away his message to me.
He’s being persecuted by the German authorities for his anti mask stance. One of his books shows a mask superimposed on a swat-sticker. He’s a writer and a playwright and political commentator. They’re making his life a living hell.
Already a subscriber to CJ Hopkins' Substack and just read his latest update about his persecution by the "new normal" German "justice" system after already having been acquitted once by a lower court for wrong think. I don't know why he doesn't flee the new normal German nazi regime since he is a US citizen. But I guess it's like he says, there's really nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, because the "new normal" regime is pretty much global now. All we can do is stand our ground and fight wherever we may find ourselves in the world. Or roll over and take it, which many will do.
Exactly, he is doing what many of us may have to face in our own smaller versions. Or some of you may have gone through such trials already especially in the last few years!
Somehow you were a jock if you could shoot marbles but tiddlywinks had a stigma- only sissies played that game. But at least you could stack tiddlywinks. Marbles were not much good for anything.
Very well said. My wife asked me after the Olympic boxing debacle, "where are the feminist"? Where are the real women who understand the struggles previous generations undertook to get them where they are today? I just don't know anymore. Men need to return to being men with all their imperfections. It is truly how things get done. We built ... everything. And guess what? It was 98% all white men of European descent. Period. No BIPOC help required regardless of what Hollywood keeps portraying. Talk about misinformation. Hard times are coming and the timeline is speeding up fast. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST. Thanks for what you do Donald. Appreciate you.
This..your cogent comment .is true excellence*It is not the confabulated neutered honey pot entrainment..entrancement. entrapment we have come to despise..known as...the internet echo chamber garbage...**Thanks .
Great article! However, I think the success of Kamala Harris proves that it doesn’t matter who the president is. The people in charge will get want they want regardless, while people fight over social issues of relatively little consequence.
Well written as always and a joy to see my photo-shopping work with the nail-in-the-back photo was useable for this article. So much of what goes on today could be deemed to be "Repressive Desublimation" (to forcefully dissemble the reverent significance of all things cultural, traditional, holy, sacrosanct etc. so that the populace will become jittery about almost every topic (sex, religion, holidays, pronouns, how to dress, eye contact, cleavage in wardrobe you name it.) Enduring that, over time may cause some to go into Amygdala Hijack, where the Amygdala gland(s) secrete cortisol and epinephrine (the proper word for natural "adrenaline") and causes fight or flight syndrome to set in. This makes people scared and ready to run away, or at minimum Shut the Hell Up. And Amygdala Hijack can make people aggressive, warlike, combative, physical and potentially dangerous. Once it is see what is transpiring, the best remedy is to do RIGHT BRAIN activities.....aesthetic things like art, music, poetry, gardening, playing with pets and children, hiking, swimming .....anything that is not logical, strategic, political, religious* or rule-based.
By exercising the sensitive, creative side some of the cortisol and epinephrine subside and one may become more normal and relaxed once again.
* Some see Buddhist mediation and Yoga to be "religious." That is subjective. The point is to relax and enjoy something wonderful, instead of grinding away against urges to inflict pain or run for the hills.
I appreciate the kind words, Peter. I had no idea you did the photoshop on the boxing photo! I just found it online- would have given you credit, my friend! Thanks again!
Because the global elite are now acting out in the open, even people who have been happily unaware of what had been going on around the them, are now catching on to the fact that their hopes and dreams for their future (a future they will never live to see) are in jeopardy. They tune into alt-media, but they are hopelessly lost, and easily mislead by controlled opposition. They totally lack the background research to perceive the truth.
In 70 AD the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Jews dispersed, most settling in the Baghdad area. They were familiar with the area (now Iraq) from being willing captives there. It was during their "captivity" there that they learned all the filthy black magic they later wrote down in the Kabbalah. It was also during that BC time that they picked up the stories they would later write down as the first five books of the Old Testament, and also the Book of Job. Hebrew did not become a written language until very late. Abraham was from Ur, a city in Mesopotamia (moden day Iraq), NOT the Holy Land.
Once booted out of Jerusalem, the Jews wrote down their former oral laws into the Talmud...what Jesus called "traditions of men", just as he called these Jews, sons of Satan. The name is : The Babylonian Talmud BECAUSE it was written in Babylonia, based on concepts from the civilization called : BABYLON. I know this fact is way too difficult for 50 IQ Zionist Christians to grasp... but tell me, what other religion features a leader of said religion sucking on an infant's penis, and calling that a sacred rite?
This exile was when their 2000-year-old plan for world domination began. We are now seeing the end-game fruits of this plan, shoved in our faces...and many folks are horrified...yet CLUELESS. They plan to rebuild the Third Temple and install a world king ...the Antichrist. They will probably blow up the Dome of the Rock to do this. Last year five red heifers were flown to Israhell from Texas. We do not know if they have been sacrificed yet...but I'm betting it has already happened. People protest: "But Jesus was a Jew!" This is how spiritual warfare works. The most holy actually enter into the most evil areas to do battle. It makes sense that the Son of God would incarnate into the most satanic race on earth. We know from many written Greek accounts, that Greek travelers to the Holy Land were being kidnapped and sacrificed in the Jerusalem Temple.There were actually guides for Greek travelers on how not to end up as a temple sacrifice.
Few people know about the 363 AD earthquake in Jerusalem. Julian the Apostate rejected Christianity, and wanted to return the Roman Empire to paganism. In 363AD he sent funds to the few remaining Jews in Jerusalem to rebuild the Third Temple. Jews, both men and women, went to work. During the excavation a mighty earthquake destroyed their work. Flames shot from the earth, burning to death many workers. Being Jews, the still living went to their quarters for the night, only to have the roof collapse on them, killing most of the survivors of the earthquake. A brilliant light appeared in the heavens. Some say it was a cross. The remaining Jews threw in the towel. There are three written accounts of this from that actual time period...only one was written by a Christian. No matter how the Jews tried to rush their plan...the time, as God ordained, is now. Spoiler: God wins in the end, and Christ Jesus returns for His 1000 year earthy reign.
NBA = national bastards association. And we all know it’s the Jews who produce this anti Christian satanic rituals on display. You can sit back and do noting and be called racist or an antisemite (ironic Ashkenazis are not semites) or you can stand up and do something and take back your country and still be called racist. Seems the obvious choice to me but you all have been conditioned and indoctrinated to believe the 6 million lies so you’re afraid.
NBA- Nothing But Assholes. Even back in the '70's I never liked the NBA. Nothing but a collection of seven foot ghettobusters who could not compete on a court with mediocre athletes if they were 8 inches shorter. I remember watching, from time to time, (my brothers were big Philly 76'rs fans), the retarded buffalo stampede up and down the court, with everybody cheering when "Dr J" sunk another slam dunk. (Bonus points for shattering the backboard.) It was probably as rigged as Professional Wrestling, just not quite as obvious.
Looking back, I think everything was rigged. The last desperate attempt was an utterly braindead call by the umpires/referees that left the stadium dumbfounded. SOmebody should make a collection on JooToob.
Oh, what a great pen-in-hand rant. Unfortunately, I missed the Olympics Opening Ceremony, just like I missed the 2012 Opening Ceremony, and all those Superbowl Halftime Shows with Madonna Cicone prancing about on a scarlet beast in imagery right out of the Apocalypse. I also missed the re-dedication ceremony in Switzerland for the Great Hadron Particle Accellerator where all those naked hairy trannies were dancing in a glass cage being hauled by Bengal Tigers or something like that. I suppose the only thing they can do at this point to top all this is to have Alisha Owen being stabbed with twisted daggers while hogtied to a Satanic Altar with a pentagram where the corporal should be. Maybe they will be doing that in 2028.
Yes, I am familiar with what they did to Jim Thorpe, which was the most disgusting display of virtue-signalling by the Olympic Committee ever. The league he was in was not even "semi-professional". (What the hell is semi-professional anyway? That is right up there with the Traditional Catholics who "are not in full communion with Rome". You mean there is such a thing as half communion? Is there such a thing as Half-Republican or Half-Democrat? Can you be a "Semi-Washington-Senators Fan"?) But at any rate Jim Thorpe got a whopping $15 from divvying the proceeds for donations to the team to cover travel expenses. (They did not even charge admission prices to the games, if I recall. The games were sponsored by local business mostly as an advertising gimmick, if I recall. And yes, what happened to Jim Thorpe was tragic. But Thorpe was way behind the curve. Why shed a tear because you lost your medals? The proper reaction was that of that black track runner after the 1950 Olympics. He tossed his Bronze Medal in the Ohio River after a polite waitress in Louisville told him that "we don't serve Niggars here." Meanwhile the Austrian Painter at least shook the hand of Jesse Owens. Roosevelt completely snubbed him at the White House because he did not boycott "Dem Evil Nazis".
Thank God even back in my Sheeple Days I had a very jaded view of "The Olympics". Even in the '70's it was a Political Orgy. And in the 1980's when the US Hockey Team beat the Russians and won the gold... well, you would have thought we won the Cold War. Yup, by that time every plank of the Communist Manifesto was on full display in the Good Ol' USA but we won the Cold War because.... well, Reagan and Maggie Thatcher and JP2... it's a Trickle down thing... only Argentina and the Falkland Islands' pigeons understand.
I do think Trump is going to beat Harris in the Coming Selection, unless they are planning on having the United States partitioned right after the "Votes" are counted. I have been bombarded with videos of Kamala asking Americans to donate to her campaign, because after all she does not have two dimes to rub together, and George Soros and Billy Bob Gates are apparently supporting Trump this year. But don't worry. Jeff Bezos is on our side. He said so.
At any rate, I am looking forward to the Second Coming. Something about all those vultures gorging on the Flesh of the New Sodom. I heard there are going to be lots of vultures. (I think I can see some of them circling in anticipation already.) (Is that a racist statement?)
Money is not a problem for any of these politicians in prominent positions, as they are all actors in a charade "funded" by their ((puppet masters)), who have all the money in the world. The "rise" to the nomination of fake candidates like KH (and Biden, Trump, HRC, Obama before them) is all part of the plan and thus not "organic" in any way, shape, or form, so money is essentially moot. They don't need any kind of independent funding for their "campaign" because whatever campaign occurs is purely for show and is set up and "paid for" (and, of course, scripted) by the masters in charge. Case in point: Biden didn't campaign at all and yet he "won" the presidential election with the most votes ever (!), revealing perhaps like never before that the whole (s)election is a charade.
Thus, KH asking for donations is nothing more than a con, equivalent to the scam that is taxation. The purpose is not to obtain necessary funding, it's to TAKE money from the gullible celebrity-worshipping half-wits who could otherwise use it for everyday living. These less-than-intelligent types are those who think KH, or any other "actor" to whose campaign they might "donate," is a real and viable candidate. Just like taxpayers, they are preyed on for the fools that they are, their money essentially "stolen" from them via a long-established deceptive scheme known as "fundraising" for a presidential candidate. (She's already received $81 million in donations.)
a semi professional is a guy that needs a regular job while playing his sport. in the early 60's the NFL kickoff teams were called taxi squads cause most drove taxis in the off season
I guess what you are saying is a semi-professional is a guy who gets paid to play a game he is not particularly good at. But that does not describe Jim Thorpe's situation.
no it means before TV and multi billion dollar deals paid to teams to broadcast the games meant idiotic players could make millions didnt need a second job. there are many QB's and baseball players that are shit and still making millions. there was hardly any money in sports up till the early 60's
Yep. That's the big issue here- why do they have to advertise their sex lives? I still have enough libertarian in me to not care about what people do in private. But this is obviously part of a grooming agenda, as witnessed by Transgender Story Hour, "Family friendly" drag shows, and the presence of children at "pride" parades. Thanks, Unsteady!
It's pathetic all of it! All the past civilizations didn't fall in such a demeaning stupid way as we are. There's no logic, its just insanity and psychopaths grasping for what little power remains if any.
Plus more info has been coming out on JD Vance and his ties with Thiel, Palantier, CIA and more. It is not a coincidence and yet he will be sold as a "populist" and a regular guy. He is a seedy venture capitalist beholden to Peter Thiel. The mainstream bullshit has been saying that Vance is dragging down Trump's chances to win (like I care anyway they are all in the Club).
I believe they are just setting up rational stories to build up the national (S)election to make it all seem like the people do have a say by voting. It will be stolen to use shorthand, but at this point those of us of the "conspiratum" no it is all WWE.
I have been trying to take breaks from politics because it is all just so stupid, I watched a great film directed by Werner Herzog called "Aguirre: The Wrath of God". Even though it is set in 1560 when the conquistadors were exploring the Americas, this movie spoke to me on a brutal level and made me realize all these games and pseudo-Machiavellian plots of today will fail miserably or just continue more suffering. As Aguirre learned at the end, God laughs at men who believe themselves to be gods.
Remember historically, children were castrated by the rulers and men were fed to lions as entertainment for the masses. And not to long ago in my lifetime, crowds gathered to gleefully witness ritual hangings of black folks. I’ve been reading the autobiography of Emma Goldman and she describes nearly everything that’s happening today exactly as it happened in the early 1900s. Dirty cops, crooked politicos, lots of greedy bastards, no freedom of speech, imprisoned for nothing much, rampant killing of innocents. It seems history does keep repeating itself in a constant loop.
There's no question that at least in the case of the police, body cams and the internet have made their awful behavior far more visible, Nancy. Thanks!
Except when they turn the cameras off … and after reading Whitney Webbs piece on Vance and Thiel I’m certain every time I post something here I get higher on their watch list. I’m too old to care ! I don’t believe anything is truly incripted or private.
Bring on the Black Helicopters. I always picture myself going out just like the Cristero in that scene "For Greater Glory" where his house is surrounded by Federalies and he plugs every last one. It is 110% total Spaghetti Western but I watch it at least once a year for a lift.
Yes, but not even the Old South in their wildest wet nightmares could imagine the Trannies on Parade that we have today. These "gals" are the shock troops for the Seat of the Antichrist.
While much of that is true, there are forms of universal truth that most ancient civilizations or people' would agree on if put into one room. To note, sure castration happened under Commodus' rule for example, and many other cultures practiced this with eunuchs. However this was most likely not the majority of children. Slavery was common among all peoples, barbarity even in the most "civilized" groups existed in some form or another. It is hard to judge our ancestors however because they were under harder circumstances and quite frankly there was no softening the harsh realities of nature before technological progress.
Even in the most barbaric cultures that would do ritual sacrifice on their enemies like the Aztecs or Mayans, most of Mesoamerican culture you will find a strong belief in the roles of men and women. An easy example of "universal truth". Only on rare occasions like in Africa existed a elite warrior group of women called the Dahomey, or a less extreme example would be how the Spartans would train their woman in war so they could defend themselves while the men were off to war.
Nonetheless the overall themes of masculinity, femininity, nature, life and death remained objective truths all cultures had to face honestly. History doesn't repeat it rhymes, but I also believe that forms of tyranny evolve in darker, more complex forms harder to grasp as technological innovation and governmental/corporate/scientific means of human control increasingly become more efficient.
Have to think on this. I guess I’m simple, cruelty is cruelty. It may be getting darker maybe not. It’s all dark to me. It’s like when parents beat their children “for their own good”…. No matter the methods or practices, it’s barbaric.
The America I grew up in and loved is no more and will never return. But as I study it’s past there has always been a pernicious evil hidden behind a facade of red white and blue. This evilness used our love of county and patriotism to lead us by the nose wherever they needed us to go.
I now hate everything this disgusting fat bloated, fake and evil monstrosity we call the United States of America represents. When I see the Trump rallies burst into the chant USA, USA, I want to shout “you brain dead fools”. I do fly a flag of this nation but it’s the original “Betsy Ross”, which I’m told puts me on a suspicious list of the alphabet agencies. How fucked up is that? It is so sad what has happened. Mr. Global is gearing up for the big take down now. Bring it on. Maybe something good, decent and true will rise out of the ashes.
And all those dead soldiers believing in the good old USA, and they've been fighting for oligarchs, royalty and other assorted antichrists of the money powers. The patriotic siren songs of Lee Greenwood and Kate Smith are repulsive. The same as it's been for some time, "The Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming," "Over there, Over there."
I used to be one of them, I'm ashamed I was so naive.
It is a rare individual who will admit they were wrong. It denotes spiritual maturity.
As much as I hate the fake, unnecessary world wars...for some odd reason I have always found those WWI propaganda songs catchy. I had: A Long, Long Way To Tipperary as my phone ringtone, until I switched it to the theme from Route 66.
There is a guy who is on Rense on Monday's named Mitchell Henderson. He worked as a vice-cop and was involved in criminal psychology. He said that one thing that was consistent about trannies is that they bitterly hate women. That's strange, I thought they wanted to be women? Everybody saw that hatred and snarling contempt by the boxer as he gazed at her then grabbed a boob. It explains why I saw a tranny walk off of a sport event a couple years ago, celebrating, saying, "I beat all those fkn bitches." That's mental illness.
I always wondered why, if women preferred women, they dressed and tried to act like a man. Or men who preferred men, dressing and acting like a woman. If a woman is attracted to another women, why choose a woman pretending to be a man. Or a man, attracted to men, choosing a man who dresses and acts like a woman. Call me “huh”.
( my vehicles number plates are Sydney 2000 Olympics ' feel the spirit' , my freemason late Uncles car , no thanks, like Mellencamp's song, it may not be the end of the world, but you can see it from here, and that is enough.)
Very good article....Women need or they must stand up against allowing mentally ill men to participate in women's sports. Why are women willing to participate in this clown circus...bow out gracefully and make a statement..."I will not compete with a man." Then start your own sports event for XX chromosome only...
This whole olympic event is a TV spectacle for the brain dead...
Thanks, liam!
“Why are women willing to participate in this clown circus?” An excellent question.
$$$$ That's why, money is God in a world dominated by a global capitalist hegemony. Attack on normalcy is only to the benefit of the governements/corporations. The conversion of people into commodities. And no this is not coming from a Marxist/Communist perspective.
I highly recommend checking out CJ Hopkins on Sub stack and his three works, Trumpapocalypse, War on Populism, and The Rise of the New Normal Reich.
You are right, money will buy you any fantasy or escape you want at this point, so long as you support and comply.
Over the last 100 years, they have built the Empire of the Antichrist while we slept.
During the '70's, I always wondered what they were discussing at those closed-session Bilderberger Meetings which they insisted did not exist, and were only wild conspiracy theories in the minds of "survivalists". (That was what "preppers" were called back then.)
Now I know.
I think one either has a conscience or they don’t now. I wear a Non-compliant t-shirt on a regular basis…I have a plethora of them. I’ve also learned to live on a lot less money than when I was hanging out with owners of private jets and such. Money is not God…not to everyone. Certainly not to me. I’ve read CJ Hopkins. I’d rather read than lend my consciousness to whatever the hell the Olympics has devolved into.
Or practice soldering, or do some gardening….about anything other than watching the boob-tube. I gave up tv many years ago because I refuse to be propagandized. Gave up a smart phone, too.
I don’t follow “orders” real well. I hope I never do.
You have a point with alternative ideas...anything but TV...TV=GIGO
Garbage in Garbage out...
But lets take it a step further...why are women boxing to begin with...I sure as shit don't want a woman to be like a man or competing in men's and women are different and are not the same at all. Why are they even competing? There is no point to it...are they just following an agenda created by someone else? Women have nothing to prove to anyone...
I do not understand the whole pronoun thing, either. It is insane. I finally learned the lyrics to a really old song entitled I Enjoy Being A Girl. Doris Day sang it before I was born, probably. When asked what my pronouns are, which is a “thing” now, I just sing it because an absurd question deserves an equally absurd response. I refuse to work in a place that fosters that nonsense so I work for a private endeavor so as to not be a part of it. I do not want to compete against men…or trannies…or whatever. We live in an insane asylum.
Exactly. Why are women boxing to begin with? That was actually the first thought that came to mind. I do not understand it, that’s for sure. I’m in Colorado and we have a county commissioner who stated to the press that there is no difference between men wearing dresses and women wearing pants. I have not worn pants since I read that!
Because they want their time to shine. They are cowards. This could of been stopped at Penn State! But no. The women played with the men anyways. Why? Why didn’t they take one for team women? Greed is probably why?
Right on target! That's how they get the people to continue this farce, through the narcissism of postmodern culture and constant attention seeking insanity.
I blame *some*-- not all-- of this on the "special snowflake" situation in schools, along with the adjacent "there are no losers, and everyone gets a trophy" mindset.
Lots of mentally ill people out there right now, and society is enabling them.
This I agree with. I’m not buying into the whole men can have babies/chest feeding thing, either. If I “identify” as a freaking unicorn, that would not make it so. I actually learned what a “Furry” is…someone who identifies as an animal. There are people who actually believe that. I met one…and quickly departed. We used to have places for delusional people.
If you look at Meyers Briggs personality theory, most women base their life on emotions. Emotions mean you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So... you become a 'go along to get along' person. Plus... you don't want to disagree with your friends, because that's uncomfortable, so really, you just become a brainless liberal tribe member.
That just sounds weak to me. I worked in engineering to avoid emotion. Now I just end up handing tissues out to dudes in skinny jeans at my current place of employment so I am rather over “emotion”.
It's because you're a thinking dominant woman, not an feeling dominant woman.
The whole wide world- except the most remote parts as yet untouched by falling chemtrails- is a TV Spectacle for the Zombies.
Correct. They are the only ones who can stop this. Simply refuse to participate whenever a pervert is present.
Despite the many failings of Roman Catholicism - very, very many - at least there is one prominent man alive among them today that still has the faith, courage and discernment to speak truthfully. Carlo Maria Vigano. He describes all this accurately. The antiChrist agenda. The owners and operators of our world are animated by the spirit of the antiChrist. That is the tie that binds them.
It is the common thread in all their actions and policies. Humans are the crown jewel of God's creation. Anything that accomplishes the entrapment, enslavement, debasement and destruction of humanity is promoted. Anything that maintains a whiff of God's order, rules or design for mankind is met with apoplexia by the Luciferians and their soldiers.
Isn't it ironic that as Western Civilization considers itself to have moved beyond the primitive metaphysical construct of the spirit realm, overt public worship of dark spirituality becomes more and more prevalent.
And of course he gets excommunicated, Jody. That tells you all you need to know. Thanks!
The "Great Vigano Excommunication" was a total clown show. Chuckie Vigano was right there partying with Teddy McCarrick and Cardinal Whirl (Wuerl) in the DC Swamp back in 2013 when Pope Frantic was selected by the Satanic Pederasts to head the Seat of the Antichrist. They brought him out for some massive damage control as the long hot summer of 2018 was threatening to spin out of control. After getting all the muck concerning The American Pope, Cardinal Francis Spellman, back under the hood, Chuckie Vigano went on to become Donald's Trumps Biggest Fan- he actually called Trump the Katechon from Ephesians. So Chuckie, is Kamala the Antichrist?
Archbishop Vigano is a Satanic Pederast, just like all the rest of them are. He knows where even more bodies are than Alisha Owens and all the Franklin Scandal Testimony combined. I'm sure Chuckie has those pictures of Papa and Junior Shrub having an orgy with underage children filmed by Epstein on his Caribbean Island that us goyim never get to see....
I only know that he states loudly and plainly that the people that run this world serve an antiChrist agenda. I see no other Christian figure with his prominence and reach doing so.
You are correct. Vigano does speak a lot of truth. Too bad the man is a clown, and not a real reformer. He is the Catholic equivalent of Alex Jones.
In 1970 Pope Paul VI gave Catholics the Abomination of Desolation, also called the "New Mass" which transformed the Eternal Sacrifice into a Happy Meal. And that started the long slide to Covid Clown World. If my Great-Grandmother was alive today, she would be on a boat to Italy with everything she needed to burn the Vatican To the Ground.
The New Mass isn't a Happy Meal, it's more like a religious lecture with singing and a bit with the priest as the guest star.
If you really want to experience Catholicism, find a Traditional Latin Mass in your area. It's... very different.
...and Catholic.
Well, I fell for Vigano at first...but the bottom line is...NO ONE receives a worldwide platform, unless they work for the agenda.
If Vigano was for real, he would have exposed every last Satanic Pederast in the Vatican, and started forming Traditional Seminaries where he could form an army of Traditional Priests- and canon law can just be damned. But all Vigano did was write his missives from his "hiding place", as if the Vatican does not have the CIA and the Mossad at its disposal, to ferret him out.
Nah, it was just more entertainment for the goys.
We live in a world of shills.
and no one can make , and keep (like Jefferson said about the republic, if you can keep it) without their own army.
Notice worthy and very little defending of God's truth. Where are God's people? Americans are a very tolerant people.
gods people are killing women and little girls in Gaza by the tens of thousands
"gods people are killing women and little girls in Gaza by the tens of thousands"
And anal-raping Palestinian men with electrified metal rods.
they are the god of this worlds people
satan is the jews god and many thru the years have admitted it. Jesus in John 8:44 told the pharisees the devil is your father
This entire world lies in the hands of satan, the individual chooses whom they will serve. God help us all.
You know the term "synagogue of Satan?" It's actually in the bible. Technically in Revelation. Might be in other places, but that's where I located it.
Well said jean.
A comforting verse from Psalms 82:
“... ‘You are “gods”;
you are all sons of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals;
you will fall like every other ruler.”
Their Destiny is known.
As non Catholic non sectarian Christians we like much of the pre Vatican 2 theology..not all..we absolutely agree on Vigano ...**,certainly** God bless.Cheers.
There's a spiritual vacuum that needs filling. The question is by what?
If it weren't for your amazing gift for satirical wit I might cry for the apparent futility of trying to be a voice of reason. Your reference to tiddlywinks made me smile. You have to be of a certain age to even know what that was. Like jacks, marbles, pick-up sticks and hopscotch. I barely remember myself. Everything changes and nothing can stop it. The younger generations will either get tougher and smarter or die off likely long before their time. Such are the cycles of life.
That's very nice to hear, Annette. I think we have to laugh at it. Thanks!
If you love Donald Jeffries writing style I also would recommend CJ Hopkins. He is on Sub stack too but he has three really good books that collect essays on what was happening between 2016-2022. Going back on those years through his writing I learned many things I would never have even thought of. He is a satirical writer as well.
I will check CJ out, Gio. Thanks!
CJ is a gifted writer and has his moments, but he's married to a Jewish woman and is very quick to spit out the antisemite insult, and often. Beware DJ
Ah, thanks for the warning, Toxicanadian.
I have to respectfully interject on Toxiccanadian, I am totally aware of the term "anti-Semitism" being just another bludgeon to shut down critical thinking. While Toxiccanadian has every right to be suspicious of Hopkins' wife this does not take away Hopkins' overall writing and what he has contributed. I am only aware of one article CJ wrote being critical of the Israeli Palestine issue but he barely touches that.
CJ refers to Caitlin Johnstone in a friendly light, specifically mentioned in his book "War on Populism" in one chapter. If you read her work she is very good at exposing the lies of Israel and the "empire". So there is a contradiction and a flaw in this kind of thinking. Thanks!
Just because she is Jewish it does not follow that she is Zionist. There is a huge difference. The Zionist movement has subverted Western governments for years and put a dark stain on Judaism as well. We are all people and worthy of respect but it appears Zionism runs contrary to this. While they may not be the only evil organization in this world today they are certainly one of the leading movements in the march to Satanism and Armageddon. Love your neighbours. It is our only chance.
Agree! So much truth here! The average Jew is just a person trying to survive every day and to feed and clothe his loved ones, Safeguard his or her family, and finish out this human race appropriately. It is only their Global Elite or zionists as they call them, and there are various flavors of zionists from Evil to good, who have besmirched their name and the name of their God. God himself says," my name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you". People often quote that verse where Jesus refers to the Jews as the synagogue of Satan but he was speaking very specifically to the individuals around him that he knew were plotting and conspiring to kill him. He was not speaking to your everyday Jew. In fact, he was greatly loved and popular among the Jews of his day. It is written that when they heard that he had died on the cross that they beat their breasts and lamented and wailed. They are being betrayed daily just as we are by our government which has been taken over by the global Elite of the Gentile flavor.
Lots of bad people out there who are Jewish.
Lots of good people out there who are Jewish as well.
We simply have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
If only human beings were so simple that we can so easily paint them as black or white, good or evil. Overall, I find CJ to be an intelligent, thoughtful and insightful commentator on the current situation.
I responded with a similar answer. In his book "War on Populism" CJ refers to Caitlin Johnstone in a friendly light, and she is strongly against Israel. She is also a good writer. So what if his wife is Jewish, she may have some influence on him but that does not take away his message to me.
He’s being persecuted by the German authorities for his anti mask stance. One of his books shows a mask superimposed on a swat-sticker. He’s a writer and a playwright and political commentator. They’re making his life a living hell.
Exactly, many people should be talking about these anti-war sch Orwellian trials.
Already a subscriber to CJ Hopkins' Substack and just read his latest update about his persecution by the "new normal" German "justice" system after already having been acquitted once by a lower court for wrong think. I don't know why he doesn't flee the new normal German nazi regime since he is a US citizen. But I guess it's like he says, there's really nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, because the "new normal" regime is pretty much global now. All we can do is stand our ground and fight wherever we may find ourselves in the world. Or roll over and take it, which many will do.
Exactly, he is doing what many of us may have to face in our own smaller versions. Or some of you may have gone through such trials already especially in the last few years!
Somehow you were a jock if you could shoot marbles but tiddlywinks had a stigma- only sissies played that game. But at least you could stack tiddlywinks. Marbles were not much good for anything.
Except sling shot ammo 😜
Very well said. My wife asked me after the Olympic boxing debacle, "where are the feminist"? Where are the real women who understand the struggles previous generations undertook to get them where they are today? I just don't know anymore. Men need to return to being men with all their imperfections. It is truly how things get done. We built ... everything. And guess what? It was 98% all white men of European descent. Period. No BIPOC help required regardless of what Hollywood keeps portraying. Talk about misinformation. Hard times are coming and the timeline is speeding up fast. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST. Thanks for what you do Donald. Appreciate you.
Thanks, Big!
Where are the feminists? Right where they have always been; standing in your face and doing anything to tear down western society.
This..your cogent comment .is true excellence*It is not the confabulated neutered honey pot entrainment..entrancement. entrapment we have come to despise..known as...the internet echo chamber garbage...**Thanks .
Great article! However, I think the success of Kamala Harris proves that it doesn’t matter who the president is. The people in charge will get want they want regardless, while people fight over social issues of relatively little consequence.
Thanks, J. David!
Well written as always and a joy to see my photo-shopping work with the nail-in-the-back photo was useable for this article. So much of what goes on today could be deemed to be "Repressive Desublimation" (to forcefully dissemble the reverent significance of all things cultural, traditional, holy, sacrosanct etc. so that the populace will become jittery about almost every topic (sex, religion, holidays, pronouns, how to dress, eye contact, cleavage in wardrobe you name it.) Enduring that, over time may cause some to go into Amygdala Hijack, where the Amygdala gland(s) secrete cortisol and epinephrine (the proper word for natural "adrenaline") and causes fight or flight syndrome to set in. This makes people scared and ready to run away, or at minimum Shut the Hell Up. And Amygdala Hijack can make people aggressive, warlike, combative, physical and potentially dangerous. Once it is see what is transpiring, the best remedy is to do RIGHT BRAIN activities.....aesthetic things like art, music, poetry, gardening, playing with pets and children, hiking, swimming .....anything that is not logical, strategic, political, religious* or rule-based.
By exercising the sensitive, creative side some of the cortisol and epinephrine subside and one may become more normal and relaxed once again.
* Some see Buddhist mediation and Yoga to be "religious." That is subjective. The point is to relax and enjoy something wonderful, instead of grinding away against urges to inflict pain or run for the hills.
Great Job Mr. Jeffries!
I appreciate the kind words, Peter. I had no idea you did the photoshop on the boxing photo! I just found it online- would have given you credit, my friend! Thanks again!
I had no idea any of the pictures were photoshopped. Impressive. (And I worked with photoshop for years back in the '90's.
Because the global elite are now acting out in the open, even people who have been happily unaware of what had been going on around the them, are now catching on to the fact that their hopes and dreams for their future (a future they will never live to see) are in jeopardy. They tune into alt-media, but they are hopelessly lost, and easily mislead by controlled opposition. They totally lack the background research to perceive the truth.
In 70 AD the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Jews dispersed, most settling in the Baghdad area. They were familiar with the area (now Iraq) from being willing captives there. It was during their "captivity" there that they learned all the filthy black magic they later wrote down in the Kabbalah. It was also during that BC time that they picked up the stories they would later write down as the first five books of the Old Testament, and also the Book of Job. Hebrew did not become a written language until very late. Abraham was from Ur, a city in Mesopotamia (moden day Iraq), NOT the Holy Land.
Once booted out of Jerusalem, the Jews wrote down their former oral laws into the Talmud...what Jesus called "traditions of men", just as he called these Jews, sons of Satan. The name is : The Babylonian Talmud BECAUSE it was written in Babylonia, based on concepts from the civilization called : BABYLON. I know this fact is way too difficult for 50 IQ Zionist Christians to grasp... but tell me, what other religion features a leader of said religion sucking on an infant's penis, and calling that a sacred rite?
This exile was when their 2000-year-old plan for world domination began. We are now seeing the end-game fruits of this plan, shoved in our faces...and many folks are horrified...yet CLUELESS. They plan to rebuild the Third Temple and install a world king ...the Antichrist. They will probably blow up the Dome of the Rock to do this. Last year five red heifers were flown to Israhell from Texas. We do not know if they have been sacrificed yet...but I'm betting it has already happened. People protest: "But Jesus was a Jew!" This is how spiritual warfare works. The most holy actually enter into the most evil areas to do battle. It makes sense that the Son of God would incarnate into the most satanic race on earth. We know from many written Greek accounts, that Greek travelers to the Holy Land were being kidnapped and sacrificed in the Jerusalem Temple.There were actually guides for Greek travelers on how not to end up as a temple sacrifice.
Few people know about the 363 AD earthquake in Jerusalem. Julian the Apostate rejected Christianity, and wanted to return the Roman Empire to paganism. In 363AD he sent funds to the few remaining Jews in Jerusalem to rebuild the Third Temple. Jews, both men and women, went to work. During the excavation a mighty earthquake destroyed their work. Flames shot from the earth, burning to death many workers. Being Jews, the still living went to their quarters for the night, only to have the roof collapse on them, killing most of the survivors of the earthquake. A brilliant light appeared in the heavens. Some say it was a cross. The remaining Jews threw in the towel. There are three written accounts of this from that actual time period...only one was written by a Christian. No matter how the Jews tried to rush their plan...the time, as God ordained, is now. Spoiler: God wins in the end, and Christ Jesus returns for His 1000 year earthy reign.
NBA = national bastards association. And we all know it’s the Jews who produce this anti Christian satanic rituals on display. You can sit back and do noting and be called racist or an antisemite (ironic Ashkenazis are not semites) or you can stand up and do something and take back your country and still be called racist. Seems the obvious choice to me but you all have been conditioned and indoctrinated to believe the 6 million lies so you’re afraid.
I'm doing what I can, Right. I don't shy away from talking about anything, including disproportionate Jewish power. Thanks.
NBA- Nothing But Assholes. Even back in the '70's I never liked the NBA. Nothing but a collection of seven foot ghettobusters who could not compete on a court with mediocre athletes if they were 8 inches shorter. I remember watching, from time to time, (my brothers were big Philly 76'rs fans), the retarded buffalo stampede up and down the court, with everybody cheering when "Dr J" sunk another slam dunk. (Bonus points for shattering the backboard.) It was probably as rigged as Professional Wrestling, just not quite as obvious.
Looking back, I think everything was rigged. The last desperate attempt was an utterly braindead call by the umpires/referees that left the stadium dumbfounded. SOmebody should make a collection on JooToob.
Check out the website called thefixisin dot net. Professional sports is all rigged and staged entertainment and it confirms what you’re saying.
I'm so glad I don't own a television. Good read Don. Thanks. They are puking evil out now and incapable of stopping themselves.
Thanks, Mike!
and given the
they do not know when enough is way too much.
pity about the nukes though.
Oh, what a great pen-in-hand rant. Unfortunately, I missed the Olympics Opening Ceremony, just like I missed the 2012 Opening Ceremony, and all those Superbowl Halftime Shows with Madonna Cicone prancing about on a scarlet beast in imagery right out of the Apocalypse. I also missed the re-dedication ceremony in Switzerland for the Great Hadron Particle Accellerator where all those naked hairy trannies were dancing in a glass cage being hauled by Bengal Tigers or something like that. I suppose the only thing they can do at this point to top all this is to have Alisha Owen being stabbed with twisted daggers while hogtied to a Satanic Altar with a pentagram where the corporal should be. Maybe they will be doing that in 2028.
Yes, I am familiar with what they did to Jim Thorpe, which was the most disgusting display of virtue-signalling by the Olympic Committee ever. The league he was in was not even "semi-professional". (What the hell is semi-professional anyway? That is right up there with the Traditional Catholics who "are not in full communion with Rome". You mean there is such a thing as half communion? Is there such a thing as Half-Republican or Half-Democrat? Can you be a "Semi-Washington-Senators Fan"?) But at any rate Jim Thorpe got a whopping $15 from divvying the proceeds for donations to the team to cover travel expenses. (They did not even charge admission prices to the games, if I recall. The games were sponsored by local business mostly as an advertising gimmick, if I recall. And yes, what happened to Jim Thorpe was tragic. But Thorpe was way behind the curve. Why shed a tear because you lost your medals? The proper reaction was that of that black track runner after the 1950 Olympics. He tossed his Bronze Medal in the Ohio River after a polite waitress in Louisville told him that "we don't serve Niggars here." Meanwhile the Austrian Painter at least shook the hand of Jesse Owens. Roosevelt completely snubbed him at the White House because he did not boycott "Dem Evil Nazis".
Thank God even back in my Sheeple Days I had a very jaded view of "The Olympics". Even in the '70's it was a Political Orgy. And in the 1980's when the US Hockey Team beat the Russians and won the gold... well, you would have thought we won the Cold War. Yup, by that time every plank of the Communist Manifesto was on full display in the Good Ol' USA but we won the Cold War because.... well, Reagan and Maggie Thatcher and JP2... it's a Trickle down thing... only Argentina and the Falkland Islands' pigeons understand.
I do think Trump is going to beat Harris in the Coming Selection, unless they are planning on having the United States partitioned right after the "Votes" are counted. I have been bombarded with videos of Kamala asking Americans to donate to her campaign, because after all she does not have two dimes to rub together, and George Soros and Billy Bob Gates are apparently supporting Trump this year. But don't worry. Jeff Bezos is on our side. He said so.
At any rate, I am looking forward to the Second Coming. Something about all those vultures gorging on the Flesh of the New Sodom. I heard there are going to be lots of vultures. (I think I can see some of them circling in anticipation already.) (Is that a racist statement?)
I feel extra special when I've pleased you, WW. Thanks!
Money is not a problem for any of these politicians in prominent positions, as they are all actors in a charade "funded" by their ((puppet masters)), who have all the money in the world. The "rise" to the nomination of fake candidates like KH (and Biden, Trump, HRC, Obama before them) is all part of the plan and thus not "organic" in any way, shape, or form, so money is essentially moot. They don't need any kind of independent funding for their "campaign" because whatever campaign occurs is purely for show and is set up and "paid for" (and, of course, scripted) by the masters in charge. Case in point: Biden didn't campaign at all and yet he "won" the presidential election with the most votes ever (!), revealing perhaps like never before that the whole (s)election is a charade.
Thus, KH asking for donations is nothing more than a con, equivalent to the scam that is taxation. The purpose is not to obtain necessary funding, it's to TAKE money from the gullible celebrity-worshipping half-wits who could otherwise use it for everyday living. These less-than-intelligent types are those who think KH, or any other "actor" to whose campaign they might "donate," is a real and viable candidate. Just like taxpayers, they are preyed on for the fools that they are, their money essentially "stolen" from them via a long-established deceptive scheme known as "fundraising" for a presidential candidate. (She's already received $81 million in donations.)
Spot on rant, Rob ... might wake a few more. ~~ j ~~
“A national political campaign is the best circus ever heard of, with a mass baptism and a couple of hangings thrown in.” ~~ H.L. Mencken
The "justice system" robs with fines.
The cops rob with guns.
The schools rob by denying us knowledge.
The doctors rob with a pen.
The politicians rob by lying through their teeth.
I pity the people who are not awake. They are the agents of their own doom.
post covid jabs, the doctors rob with a needle.
gone gone, the damage done / Neil (autistic) Young
a semi professional is a guy that needs a regular job while playing his sport. in the early 60's the NFL kickoff teams were called taxi squads cause most drove taxis in the off season
I guess what you are saying is a semi-professional is a guy who gets paid to play a game he is not particularly good at. But that does not describe Jim Thorpe's situation.
no it means before TV and multi billion dollar deals paid to teams to broadcast the games meant idiotic players could make millions didnt need a second job. there are many QB's and baseball players that are shit and still making millions. there was hardly any money in sports up till the early 60's
Epic and on point rant Wolf!! 🎯
Glad you enjoyed it. There is something about reading Don that brings it all out.
I have intentionally avoided watching Olympic coverage, yet the woke-tranny folks won’t be denied - we must be made aware of their shameful existence.
Yep. That's the big issue here- why do they have to advertise their sex lives? I still have enough libertarian in me to not care about what people do in private. But this is obviously part of a grooming agenda, as witnessed by Transgender Story Hour, "Family friendly" drag shows, and the presence of children at "pride" parades. Thanks, Unsteady!
It's pathetic all of it! All the past civilizations didn't fall in such a demeaning stupid way as we are. There's no logic, its just insanity and psychopaths grasping for what little power remains if any.
Plus more info has been coming out on JD Vance and his ties with Thiel, Palantier, CIA and more. It is not a coincidence and yet he will be sold as a "populist" and a regular guy. He is a seedy venture capitalist beholden to Peter Thiel. The mainstream bullshit has been saying that Vance is dragging down Trump's chances to win (like I care anyway they are all in the Club).
I believe they are just setting up rational stories to build up the national (S)election to make it all seem like the people do have a say by voting. It will be stolen to use shorthand, but at this point those of us of the "conspiratum" no it is all WWE.
I have been trying to take breaks from politics because it is all just so stupid, I watched a great film directed by Werner Herzog called "Aguirre: The Wrath of God". Even though it is set in 1560 when the conquistadors were exploring the Americas, this movie spoke to me on a brutal level and made me realize all these games and pseudo-Machiavellian plots of today will fail miserably or just continue more suffering. As Aguirre learned at the end, God laughs at men who believe themselves to be gods.
Remember historically, children were castrated by the rulers and men were fed to lions as entertainment for the masses. And not to long ago in my lifetime, crowds gathered to gleefully witness ritual hangings of black folks. I’ve been reading the autobiography of Emma Goldman and she describes nearly everything that’s happening today exactly as it happened in the early 1900s. Dirty cops, crooked politicos, lots of greedy bastards, no freedom of speech, imprisoned for nothing much, rampant killing of innocents. It seems history does keep repeating itself in a constant loop.
There's no question that at least in the case of the police, body cams and the internet have made their awful behavior far more visible, Nancy. Thanks!
Except when they turn the cameras off … and after reading Whitney Webbs piece on Vance and Thiel I’m certain every time I post something here I get higher on their watch list. I’m too old to care ! I don’t believe anything is truly incripted or private.
Bring on the Black Helicopters. I always picture myself going out just like the Cristero in that scene "For Greater Glory" where his house is surrounded by Federalies and he plugs every last one. It is 110% total Spaghetti Western but I watch it at least once a year for a lift.
Yes, but not even the Old South in their wildest wet nightmares could imagine the Trannies on Parade that we have today. These "gals" are the shock troops for the Seat of the Antichrist.
Maybe the back room clergy could compete.
While much of that is true, there are forms of universal truth that most ancient civilizations or people' would agree on if put into one room. To note, sure castration happened under Commodus' rule for example, and many other cultures practiced this with eunuchs. However this was most likely not the majority of children. Slavery was common among all peoples, barbarity even in the most "civilized" groups existed in some form or another. It is hard to judge our ancestors however because they were under harder circumstances and quite frankly there was no softening the harsh realities of nature before technological progress.
Even in the most barbaric cultures that would do ritual sacrifice on their enemies like the Aztecs or Mayans, most of Mesoamerican culture you will find a strong belief in the roles of men and women. An easy example of "universal truth". Only on rare occasions like in Africa existed a elite warrior group of women called the Dahomey, or a less extreme example would be how the Spartans would train their woman in war so they could defend themselves while the men were off to war.
Nonetheless the overall themes of masculinity, femininity, nature, life and death remained objective truths all cultures had to face honestly. History doesn't repeat it rhymes, but I also believe that forms of tyranny evolve in darker, more complex forms harder to grasp as technological innovation and governmental/corporate/scientific means of human control increasingly become more efficient.
Your erudite wise comment borders on mildly spectacular...excellent perspective..**
Have to think on this. I guess I’m simple, cruelty is cruelty. It may be getting darker maybe not. It’s all dark to me. It’s like when parents beat their children “for their own good”…. No matter the methods or practices, it’s barbaric.
Loving your comments and descriptive terms. You should have your own substack. Thanks for the recommendation of CJ and this film.
The WWE was never like this.
On Judgment Day, Caligula and the Roman forum will be laughing at the American Sheeple of the 2020's. They deserve every bit of what's coming.
coincidence, I was looking at , that one was there, I already had it (must not have been memorable, or I was drunk that night)... but halfway through this one, which , albeit slow, and long, is good. and there is a woman, homesick for Switzerland, who stands by her man, who for the most part rules the roost.
The New Land 1972.
taking a break from jewish 50's cowboy movies, which , at least, have no trannies. lots of jews though. and 'pointy' bras and no side saddles.
The America I grew up in and loved is no more and will never return. But as I study it’s past there has always been a pernicious evil hidden behind a facade of red white and blue. This evilness used our love of county and patriotism to lead us by the nose wherever they needed us to go.
I now hate everything this disgusting fat bloated, fake and evil monstrosity we call the United States of America represents. When I see the Trump rallies burst into the chant USA, USA, I want to shout “you brain dead fools”. I do fly a flag of this nation but it’s the original “Betsy Ross”, which I’m told puts me on a suspicious list of the alphabet agencies. How fucked up is that? It is so sad what has happened. Mr. Global is gearing up for the big take down now. Bring it on. Maybe something good, decent and true will rise out of the ashes.
And all those dead soldiers believing in the good old USA, and they've been fighting for oligarchs, royalty and other assorted antichrists of the money powers. The patriotic siren songs of Lee Greenwood and Kate Smith are repulsive. The same as it's been for some time, "The Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming," "Over there, Over there."
I used to be one of them, I'm ashamed I was so naive.
It is a rare individual who will admit they were wrong. It denotes spiritual maturity.
As much as I hate the fake, unnecessary world wars...for some odd reason I have always found those WWI propaganda songs catchy. I had: A Long, Long Way To Tipperary as my phone ringtone, until I switched it to the theme from Route 66.
as they used to say about farts and belching
better to let it out and feel the shame
that keep it in and feel the pain.
/ despite the transquilisers the sheeple are on.
Western civilization is devolving into an insane shithole.
If devolving means idiots pushed by haters.
There is a guy who is on Rense on Monday's named Mitchell Henderson. He worked as a vice-cop and was involved in criminal psychology. He said that one thing that was consistent about trannies is that they bitterly hate women. That's strange, I thought they wanted to be women? Everybody saw that hatred and snarling contempt by the boxer as he gazed at her then grabbed a boob. It explains why I saw a tranny walk off of a sport event a couple years ago, celebrating, saying, "I beat all those fkn bitches." That's mental illness.
Good article.
That sounds reasonable. Thanks, Photon!
I always wondered why, if women preferred women, they dressed and tried to act like a man. Or men who preferred men, dressing and acting like a woman. If a woman is attracted to another women, why choose a woman pretending to be a man. Or a man, attracted to men, choosing a man who dresses and acts like a woman. Call me “huh”.
self hating non women.
( my vehicles number plates are Sydney 2000 Olympics ' feel the spirit' , my freemason late Uncles car , no thanks, like Mellencamp's song, it may not be the end of the world, but you can see it from here, and that is enough.)
We really are living in the land of Idiocracy (the film) now. God help us 🙏
Now I see Idiocracy as the good old days.