I lived in Washington a while, and I hated Patty Murray. There is no way she climbed to her lofty position unaided. Anyone with a background as a teacher is a danger to society. In my (thankfully limited) experience, teachers are very ignorant and also bullies. They are drawn to teaching because they know they are weak and can't hold their own against equals. In the classroom, they can be king/queen and have something akin to personal power.

The high reelection rate is not surprising after the example of the scamdemic. Before that, I knew most people were pathetically stupid and zombie-like followers...yet even I was shocked at how easy it was to get huge numbers to beg for a suicide shot. I wash my hands of normies. Let them march to their deaths. America 2.0 is doomed, and probably broken apart by the end of the year.

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Murray, like Amy Klobuchar and others, is just so unimpressive in every way. She wouldn't even stand out in a crowd of soccer moms. She had to have been selected by greater powers. Thanks, Kris!

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Well, she might stand out. One time while on a flight she asked her staffer to bring her

her lunch salad. Unfortunately the aide forgot to include cutlery. Amy was so incensed

and outraged that she proceeded to eat her salad with her comb. She actually tells this story thinking it somehow reflects well on her image. But she is the one who announced her candidacy for president in a raging blizzard and stated that the first thing she would do is fight global warming.

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Wow. That's quite a story, Scott. Yes, they are so clueless that they don't appear capable of seeing how ridiculous these incidents reveal them to be. Thanks!

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Those that can, do, those that can"t teach. You are right about that. Just for fun read 1 Timothy, Chapter 2. You are right again about the zombies. Most people are absolutely brain dead having no clue as to what freedom really is. If you have to get a license (permission to do that which is illegal) from an organized crime ring that masquerades as government when it is really the Jewish Mafia, this country is already gone because the people cannot seem to see it as slavery.

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And those that can't teach, teach gym. Thanks, Anticriminals!

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Those who coach high school football teams frequently make more than principals.

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Just win, baby! Thanks.

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Teachers should start at minimum wage and get bonuses based on their students' performance on tests, just as coaches are based on their players' performance. Unfortunately it is seldom that correlated in either case.

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The mantra we hear all the time is that teachers are woefully underpaid, Vonu. They are often the first ones mentioned in terms of being underpaid. Not janitors, file clerks, or skyscraper window washers. They have a strong union and a compliant media that serves essentially as their publicist. Thanks.

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Those that can do, those that can't teach....I've been saying that since I dropped out of highschool . Nothing I learned in pubic school has helped me...and plenty I was taught has harmed me. It was, at best, a total waste of my time. Now we see, on an almost weekly basis, female teachers caught having sex with not just one...but multiples of their students. Have they changed so much? I don't think so...its just that all governors of behavior are now gone. Thinking back, I can think of a few of my past teachers (male) who I think would have done this, if they thought they could get away with it.

Probably librarians and teachers produce the most Karens. What did the normies get for their slavish allegiance to the system? A couple of decades of being comfortable and buying things? Now they face an early death, and the possible loss of their souls. And not just early death...but suffering, and also watching their loved ones drop...one by one. Survival of the smartest.

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I never learned anything of value in school, either, Kris. Beyond basic math and grammar, and cursive. Now they don't even teach cursive. Thanks!

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Cussive . f&#Okdl (CNg dOF)#Ns

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and the rest of the joke goes, "...and those who can't teach, teach teachers; and those who can't teach teachers, work for the Department of Education."

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a pity same does not apply to the cops who go to Israel to learn a thing or two about keeping the peace. they seem to learn quite well. lockdown protests in Melbourne being a good example.

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I was gunning to get a job in the education racket in the mid '80's, and, let me tell you, the education racket was miles ahead of the rest of the pack. Most of the teachers and student teachers were as liberal as they day is long. They were pro-gay, pro-abort, pro-hug-a-tree, pro-your-dog-has-rights, pro-tax-the-proles-to-death.

Hey, we work for the gov't, can make out own reality, and our actions have no consequences- or so they thought.

Hey, teacher, the clowns are through with you. Better learn to grow beans and raise eggs or deal with the reality of an afterlife in hell...

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Kris: I had excellent teachers at aircraft mechanic night school. My teachers were aircraft mechanics and had their own businesses during the day.

The apprentice program for skilled workers is a good one with good teachers.

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It may be just semantics, but I would call those who pass along skilled knowledge: instructors. By teachers, I mean those who make their living in classrooms bullying those, usually younger than themselves with "impressionable young minds"...the unequal power dynamic.

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Kris: Makes me think of the old Jethro Tull song "Teacher".

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100% mail in voting, theres your answer for Murray… stupid people who allow this are the enablers and in need of a SHTF to face the piper and reduce the herd… just sayin

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Washington did not go to an all-mail vote until 2011. Oregon was the first to do so in 2000. The Democrat machine has had a death grip on Oregon for 40 years, so I guess the move to an all mail-in vote, was just in case of a rebellion (which is happening now, with the quit Oregon campaign).

Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Hawaii and Utah all have mail-in only voting. All are Democrat controlled except for Utah...which I suspect is Mormon controlled (the Mormon church is elite controlled). I'm not defending Republicans...these are just the facts

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The Mormon Church is not only elite controlled, it is pervert controlled. if the true facts were known the Mormons would probably put the vatican to shame, and that is saying something.

The only thing Utah has going for it is that many of the rank and file are tough ranchers and woodsmen and don't need a gov't- which is why they want to Federalize everything in this state.

So come on in Feds, and send your goons against the hillbillies of the La Sals. Enforce your forest regulations, and we'll see how many hides the vultures pick clean come spring when the highland snows melt...

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The "early voting" nonsense, so much loved by republican voters, is as bad. It gives the democrats who run the vote tallying a chance to estimate how many fake ballots will be needed to defeat any of their opponents. Watch how many republican voters flock to the booths for early voting and you'll see what I mean.

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Was she not elected to her position by her fellow Senators?

What would America break into besides the states that constitute it?

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I imagine the states would separate somewhat like the countries separated from the former Soviet Union.

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Do you think that would require the bankruptcy that ended the USSR?

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The dismantling of the USSR was planned from the inception of the USSR...kind of like the dismantling of the USSA has been planned since it's inception. There's a lot to research here...if one has the time. It's won't leave much time for idiot box watching or radio listening.

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So the USSR was planned the same way as the USSA?

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It's kind of old news that the Bolshevik Revolution was planned by Wall Street banksters in tiny hats.

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They're all so disgusting with their empty promises. Honestly, what dummy can believe any of them anymore? Look at the list of people in Big Gov who have overstayed their welcome? McConnell, Waters, Pelosi, Sanders, Warren, and the list goes on and on. Don't forget to add in those who are still running things behind the scenes. What really pissed me off was that Big Mike's mother was still being paid "baby sitting" fees, well over $150k a year even though those girls have grown and that was AFTER Barack was no longer Prez. Whether or not she still is, well, I would assume so. I will not give money to anyone's campaign. The millions of dollars they get paid is for what? While the rest of the country sinks. They should have a budget, campaign for six months, then people can vote. No dollars from ANY foreign interests. No dollars from ANY lobbyists. We can't fire these people, can't even get them prosecuted for the series of crimes they commit. I keep hoping for day they starting eating each other, but that'll only happen when the rest of the world is gone.

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Yes, it should be obvious to all that they are totally above the law, Fran. Thanks!

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I don't get it, Don. With 350 mil. American Citizens (and growing), we can't remove these people, with pitchforks if necessary? Even if we divided that by 4, 8, or 16? With the pansification of our military, we better make a move. I would like to think the current group of soldiers wouldn't fire on their only families and friends, but that is going to change if we don't act.

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We'd only need a fraction of our numbers to act together in a common cause, Fran. But we can't even get them to boycott buying gas for one day. We are the Proles. Thanks!

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Thanks, I found I was already subbed to this channel. I follow so many these days (over 400 active ones). So I am a bit overwhelmed. LOL

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Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting for what they will have for dinner. your last sentence there is three politicians voting what they will have for dinner.

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The Clowns in Control are just about done with most of the politicians, as they are with most of us. When the plug is finally pulled, and it looks like that is imminent, the politicians not in the loop will be ripe for the slaughter.

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When the Zombie Apocalypse hits, and that is very soon, I hope none of these clowns dare step in front of my vehicle. I will suddenly forget to step on the brakes. I can blame it on old age, panic attack, or something was in my eye.

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Try not to damage your vehicle. They might be worse than hitting a deer.

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I want my vehicle to be built like a cop car plus. Steel bars on the front and back bumpers and wheels with scythes. Hope I don't sound a little too Mad Maxish, but it'll be survival of the toughest. Maybe get myself an old semi and redo it up big time. I still want my wood chipper :)

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I'm going to buy one of the older Crown Victoria cop cars that are fairly easy to find. Most are fairly cheap under 5k, and have fairly low mileage, and some even have bulletproof doors!

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Thats great if you know how to work on cars and can get the parts.

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Drive softly, (or not) but carry a horse and buggy for the sequeL (Mad Max II)

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I'd have to join the Amish. We have plenty of them here in WI. But I could always buy up some of those pressure cookers. LOL

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Say it was a Vaccident, they will not believe you , but they will try to ignore you.

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LOL -they find out I wasn't jabbed, they'll hit me up for sure.

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I still believe that tptb allocate QR codes for entry into the DUMBS when the shtf,

and that they either validate those codes or invalidate them (if someone steps out of line)

so that when the politicians go to enter their DUMB they might not have a valid code for entry. It keeps them on Satan's side for as long as they are useful.

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You're probably right. They will keep their cronies guessing until the very end. And then, even after they enter the DUMB, they might find themselves on the menu.

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I call it a Willy Wonka Ticket. the 'v' tv series had fake medical healing for them too. or fake diagnosis of terminal illness. I hope they got real not fake jabs.. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/shocker-foia-request-reveals-11000 the nz pollies and their loved ones got exemptions , apparently. in any case they mix and get shed upon, sharing the wealth.

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Did the lying, conspiring and psychotic behavior start before the ink was dry on the Declaration of Independence? Yes it did and all of this is planned, not every event in the future needs to be planned, just starts with one government at a a time and now they are all pure evil, and the rest is history folks…

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Well, it did to some extent, Eveohtse. But most of the politicians at least tried to stay within the boundaries of the Constitution until Lincoln shattered that in 1860. Thanks.

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Thanks for replying Don, I just can’t get my mind around the whole thing starting with Lincoln or any other American Pol, it might have gotten worse, states rights wise or constitutional ass wiping, since Lincoln, I can agree with that… still interesting in trying to picture the treasonous bastard at the signing, which one or ones?

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I think it was clear, from the Shays and Whiskey Rebellions, that our republic was not living completely up the standards it set. However, imperfect as it was, our leaders basically restrained themselves from grasping new powers until Lincoln. After his war, the United States became singular, not plural as it was before. We have never been the same. Thanks.

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Lets hope we can fix the mess and have a History. After studying the Whiskey Rebellion I was wondering the same thing; maybe we were supposed to be a corporate entity from the beginning?

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I covered both the Whiskey and Shays' Rebellions in my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Both were unfortunate reminders, at the very beginning of the Republic, that our leaders were not perfect. Thanks, Kokitsum.

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noone gets back to me on this, the USA flag's stipes, being the majority of the surface area by a long shot, is same as the British East India Company of 1808. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_East_India_Company

and a 'seemed like a good idea at the time' to Ben Franklin and some mysterious Professor (and yes, another waitress)... https://archive.org/details/ourflagorevoluti00camp

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Interesting, Peter. Thanks!

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Yes, I was shocked when I saw how close the US flag was to the British East India Company flag. I've read some substacks that question whether we even won the Revolutionary War. At this point, we've been lied to about so much that anything seems possible.

fwiw- There's a new documentary out, Jonestown Plantation (or something like that)- I only watched the trailer but thought it looked interesting. One line was "they tricked you into believing that if you picked your master then that meant you were free." I think they had the slaves in that doc pledging to a flag.

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According to this article, it seems that even though we did win the Revolutionary War, we still never really got true independence.

"It’s a real eye opener to know that the Middle Inn of the Crown Temple has publicly acknowledged there were at least five Templar Bar Attornies, under solemn oath only to the Crown, who signed what was alleged to be an American Declaration of Independence. This simply means that both parties to the Declaration agreement were of the same origin, the Crown Temple. In case you don’t understand the importance of this, there is no international agreement or treaty that will ever be honored, or will ever have lawful effect, when the same party signs as both the first and second parties. It’s merely a worthless piece of paper with no lawful authority when both sides to any agreement are actually the same. In reality, the American Declaration of Independence was nothing more than an internal memo of the Crown Temple made among its private members."

Here is the entire article.


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Thanks for the link- I'll look into it.

I've listened to the audio below and he seems to be saying that the early American govt was caught up in debt to the international bankers from the beginning. Never paid off the debt for the Revolutionary War, kept delaying payment, and there were other "resets" that people weren't even aware of at the time of key historical events (with "reset" referring to the restructuring of the debt).

We're in a mess and I don't see a way out of this nightmare--I think they are going to get away with their Great Reset because most Americans are still completely clueless and think we can vote our way out of this.


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That is so true. Some have said that the so called "Reconstruction" after the war between the states/Civil War was really another government bankruptcy "Restructuring" like others before that.

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Are aware of the West India Company?

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Anybody familiar with the British and Dutch East India companies is over the target. Just look at their agenda and learn who rules the corporate world and why none of the flags matter.

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I pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth that is used to identify a country under military occupation. To its non-existent Republic that was destroyed with a "civil" war, by which it fell. I further continue with the lie of liberty and justice for all. What moroons!

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making it easy, make of it what you will.

"We must, therefore, design and recommend a flag which will now recognize our loyalty to Great Britain, and at the same time announce our earnest and united suit and demand for our rights as British Subjects."

[ by adopting the flag of a corporation and a monopolist one at that, when the Australian fledgling colony was starving the governor in sending a supply ship north to Batavia had to consider the monopoly of the BEICompany, did not want to upset them ] ]

"its elements. It is fortunate for us that there is already in use a flag with which the English Government is familiar, and which it has not only recognized, but also protected for more than half a century,the design of which can be readily modified, or rather extended, so as to most admirably suit our purpose..I refer to the flag of the English East India Company, which is one with a field of alternate longi-

tudinal red and white stripes, and having the Cross of St. George for a union. I, therefore, suggest for your consideration a flag with a field composed

of thirteen equally wide, longitudinal, alternate, red and white stripes, and with' tlie Union Flag of England for a union. “ Such a flag can readily be explained to the masses".. yes with Ben's printing press I am sure they can

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Fix? I don’t think so. The corporation also known as the “Khazarians” didn’t create the USA first, the cult was dozens of monarchies into their craft for hundreds of years by then.

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The Constitution and Bill of Rights are still masterpiece pieces of a government system with good intentions. Jefferson almost didn't let the Jews in but felt like a hypocrite if he didn't. First mistake.

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yeh but as a Freemason he was not going to ban them they did after all dressed up as Indians rush out of the lodge to dump the tea. a long 5 hours one, and nothing really new to me except in details, and a jew finger pointing free zone (so far, half way through).. but https://www.bitchute.com/video/qwgZw2QJ3RU0/ "



mason books mentioned at anna's archive but who cares anyhow? frankly by now the details bore me, I see the patterns... like Musk and the one after 606 which is 666 https://i.ibb.co/WzfjsVH/muskowened3.png

and with AI and Quantum tech, who cares about Masons and feet on the ground?

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The Constitution is what set the whole crooked system up. They gave themselves the power to tax. That is the power to destroy and they are very adept at it. Legalized extortion from the very beginning. Where do I get this power to extort?

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George Washington owned a company making whiskey. He got the tax break which incited the "Whiskey Rebellion" here in w. Pa. It was put down by George Washington and a contingent of continental soldiers. Taxation is the bitch.

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and as I like to quote Jo Kennedy staying at the UK mansion of Morgan (as if the place would not be monitiored) as Ambassador organising during the phoney war phase all(?) the whisky from Scotland to the USA, just to be safe.

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First, BIG mistake...

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A corporation is an artificial dead "person", the very thing that Satanists love to conjure up. It owes its creation to its god of the dead, "government".

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from now alas, I cannot say noone ever was interested in it. the company one keeps I suppose /sarcasm but complimentary.

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Peter, "nobody" is one word. "No one" is two. ( /spellnazi.)

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hey go easy on the nazi's their National Socialism has been mispelt (or is it mispelled?) since the war ended. Who made you Ed-itor anyhow? / jesting

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American satirist H.L. Mencken predicted almost a century ago:

All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre – the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Not just the White House....

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Mencken was brilliant, Gwyneth. Thanks!

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"The theater of the absurd" for sure. Don't forget how much it cost to ship Nancy"s ass back and forth from CA either. The only device we ever had was voting but Bush/Chertof's voting machines ended any chance of fair voting ever again. I too quit voting for the lesser and voted for Ron Paul the last time and I felt good about it. He had to know he was putting his life on the line and that makes him a bigger and better man than the clowns running against him. Maybe we have to put our lives on the line because "IT" is coming and I wouldn't be surprised if it's not going to be this year. The communist/Zionist occupation of America is complete... you know the plan.

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There all a bunch of whores, they sold their souls long ago. They don't represent the people in any way shape or form. Two things you will never hear from a politician, they will never criticize Its a lie (I mean Israel) and they never talk about the corrupt banking system, the Federal Reserve, if they do it's a death sentence for their career. Their groveling at the feet of Mammon. All the top positions in Bidens cabinet are Jews, they run everything. Try living in the state I live in, Minnesota-its run by communists from the top to the bottom-I seen a bumper sticker once that said (Vote blue no matter who)-- I think it was Saul Alinsky who ran a number of times under the Socialist, Communist party once said, there is no need to run under the communist party anymore the Democratic party has adopted every platform of the communist party. George Carlin once said, when you are born into this world you get a ticket to the freak show, but when you live in America you get a front row seat.

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Good points, Jack. Thanks!

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Minnesota is becoming a nightmare these days. If one is not old and can leave, they should. It sucks when your "representatives" are Ilhan, Amy, etc. Our Gov is a dictator, hands down. The old-time MN liberals & thoughtful conservatives have vanished in the relentless power march of MN progressives. MN has become as progressive as any coastal city. We would imprison Lou Grant, and fire Mary Tyler Moore for not being trans. Thank you Donald Jeffries for another fine article.

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I feel for you, Retired Librarian. Thanks!

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Minnesota really is a beautiful State for the scenery, the Lakes, Forests etc. The City of MPLS--The city of Lakes is beautiful, nice bike trails, parks, but man its hard core left. It's always been blue here, but after Trump got elected this place went total Libtard. They're not liberals at all where you can have a civil conversation about politics, you bring up Trump or mention the word republican, which I'm not a fan of either, these people grow horns on their head and their eyes get as big as silver dollars, it's really scary. When I'm in south MPLS I can literally feel a demonic spirit in the air. This really isn't much of a stretch, if you had a Trump sticker on your car and parked it on the street overnight, your car windows would probably be smashed, or your tires flattened. I saw a house in north MPLS with a Trump banner hanging from the second-floor window back when he was in, his house on that side was completely Graffitied. I'm surprised they didn't burn it down. So much for the tolerant left.

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Yes, such laughable irony that the most intolerant and hateful people in the world lecture others about hate and intolerance. Thanks, Jack!

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I live in SE Mn. It is tragic what the progressives are doing to our state. Back in the day I

admired Paul Wellstone and went to college with his son, David. I think Paul might have become president and maybe things could have been different, since he was an outspoken critic of wars. I'm pretty sure that's why his plane had to go down. But Dr. Jensen would have been a good governor. He just didn't play his cards right at all,,, if the election wasn't rigged anyway. Mayo Clinic wasn't going to let a vaccine critic (and possibly a fluoride critic) into office. We wound up with one of the biggest sell-outs of all time, Walz.

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I wrote about Wellstone's mysterious plane crash in "Hidden History," Scott. I don't think it was an accident. Scott Jensen has been on my show a few times. Very decent guy, would have been great as governor. But as you not, they couldn't allow someone like him to run a state. Thanks!

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Wow, I'm going to have to look up those shows, and I need to get your books too.

I wrote a comment to Scott and told him that when he accepted the Trump endorsement that

that was a Judas kiss. If he had properly distanced himself from Trump he wouldn't have lost any conservative votes, but might have gained quite a few moderates. Oh,well. Se la vie.

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Scott, I will never forget sitting in the vast sea of cars & people headed to the state capital the night Wellstone "died." Thanks for reminding us!

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Democracy is the worst system of government, with Republicanism close behind. Voting makes sense in a guild or a monastery, where the leader is in direct contact with his peers, and where obvious incompetence is not going to be tolerated.

The American system of government is allegedly the best on earth, or so they say. But what they do not say is that, assuming elections are fair- an utter laugh at this point- people are naturally going to vote for the perceived benefit, and decidedly not for the greater good. Voting guarantees the division of society into factions- the landed gentry versus the yeoman farmer, the factory owner versus employee, the merchant versus the customer, and soforth.

The handful of allegedly honest and reputable politicians are just there to keep the voters in the game, thinking that they might get somebody like that in their district. What they get, of course, is a windbag full of hot air that promises them the moon and then gives them the rocks- if he gives them that much.

Bad as things were when the United States was first founded, they went to worse in three main phases. The first was the integrist phase under Washington. The Whiskey and Shay's Rebellion proved that Gov't "of the people. by the people, and for the people" was in actuality three wolves and a sheep discussing the evening meal, with the sheep representing the vast bulk of the people. Then, when some states allegedly wanted to opt out- and I say allegedly because, as research proves, we really don't know what really goes on in the halls of gov't any more than we are privy to the discussions in the lawyers' coffee lounge during a "jury trial"- Abraham Lincoln told them that, so Govt "of the people, by the people, and for the people" might not perish off the face of the earth, they must be retained inside the "Union" at gunpoint. That was the Imperialist phase.

Then, finally, we had the Servile phase, which was inaugurated by the ratification of the Income Tax, and the American people essentially official became serfs. And so here we are today. The American people, in actuality, own not even the shirts on their backs. Scratch that. 2020 proved that Americans don't even own their own backs. The State is God and will do when it pleases as it pleases. Resistance is futile.

The only bright spot is that, currently, the illusion has burned to the ground. But what most of the current crop of politicians may not realize is that they are probably in the crosshairs. They are nothing but clown that have outlived their usefulness.

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Very astute observations, WW. Thanks!

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WW: Great comment.

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One minor quibble. Shay's rebellion happened during the Articles of Confederation period. The Constitution had not yet been ratified and Washington was not yet president when that happened.

Otherwise, your comment is spot-on.

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Some say that Shay's Rebellion- which may not have been Shay's Rebellion- was actually one of the things that prompted increased Federal Power, as the Articles of Confederation did not grant the Federal Gov't power to raise an army to put down a rebellion within a state- something that was promptly rectified- witness the Whiskey Rebellion.

At any rate, what Shay's and Whiskey Rebellion had in common was that, failing to peacefully satisfy a grievance, which is what "democracy" is allegedly all about, recourse was had to force of arms, and the gov't- be it Massachussets or the Feds, insisted that, by golly, we are going to enforce our tyranny with bloodshed if need be. You will be taxed to support our ideals even if that reduces you to paupers.

Ultimately, the solution is distributism and regionalism- the notion that any political problem should be solved at the most immediate level- the family, the neighborhood, the parish, the business, and etc.

The basic problem with the USA is that neighbors have become strangers, businesses have become immense, churches have become lithified, and men have become perverse cowards.

We have been fed illusions for a long time. And we are now at the point where it is all going to have to burn to the ground before it gets better.

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Nice summation, WW. Thanks.

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Pretty much agree with this. We may have to rebuild from the ashes, next time not making the mistake of having a government at all. At least not one with taxation powers (which logically cannot be delegated to a government since the ones delegating the power don't possess it themselves). I would also not give it any control over money at all. And I would explicitly write into any new constitution the principle that the powers we delegate are our powers, and we reserve the right to resume those powers at any time, for any reason, or no reason at all.

If the arrangement is not truly and strictly voluntary, I shall want no part of it.

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I personally think that God is the one who do the rebuilding from the ashes, and I do think that the time has come which Isaiah talked about where men beat their swords into plowshares.

The Jews or whoever is running this current shitshow are really going to be gritting their teeth in hell when they look up and they see the Good Lord taking hold of their own plans and using them to bring about His design- a global peace based not on the Pax Romana- which we have basically had since the time of Christ when Rome ruled the known the world- just different versions of it- some better, some worse- but rather a peace based on true justice.

That era will correspond to the "Triumph of the Immaculate Heart" spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima.

If you read Psalm 21 all the way to the end it is all there- the Peace of God in the Church of God.

In the meantime we get to watch it all burn to the ground.

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Fantastic piece!

Our entire "system of governance" (scare quotes, because it's a total sham) is corrupted and broken! The balance of power is completely off kilter, with all three branches simultaneously abdicating their constitutionally directed responsibilities, while grabbing additional powers that are not theirs.

The corruption is beyond Banana Republic levels, because most of the time, in Banana Republics, a fair amount of the corruption is so that people can live decent lives in their impoverished states, whereas in this "Republic", it's to become enormously wealthy, and sell-out their nation to special interests.

Lobbying is now bribery, elections are now selections, and "Bills" are phone book sized documents crafted for years by teams of Washington insider lawyers, giving the Reps' half a day to ingest and vote FOR them! (you've never seen some enormous bill sprung on them at the last minute with the intention that it get voted down...odd?)

In a decent society, most every member of our of various corrupted governments would be arrested, put on trial, and hung for treason; In fact, if you did that with a 100% conviction rate, I'd be surprised if you would be in the wrong on more than 1% of the cases.

Worst of all, it's all gotten so bad, that the only way to fix it, is for the entire nation to collapse, and be rebuilt from it's own ashes; A Murder-Suicide pact with the US Constitution, when the call is coming from inside the house, and nobody gets out alive!

But hey, at least the trains run on time...

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I appreciate the kind words, Mike. But with all due respect, I don't think the trains run on time any longer, in America 2.0. Thanks!

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Ya, that was meant to be a humorous but facetious finale.

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yes it does, the ticket was the jab and the destination is Schindlers List. but for goyim. at jew camp. though I thought that train was due a year ago (the death list)... we shall see.

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Well, I suspect you're right, Peter- if they do load us on trains for the FEMA camp, they will run on time. Thanks.

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I was expecting it when they did the coerecive jab act, as it turned out they only had to say "ju"(sic, short for jump, not making a characteristic jew joke this time ) and people said ' how high' as they rolled up their sleeves for it.

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Do the trains run on time?

At any rate, according to Nanci Pelosi, they have to vote for the bills first so they know what is in them. Truer words were seldom said, because it is not the words but the implimentation that matters.

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Who are we to doubt Miss Lube Rack of 1959, WW? Thanks.

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It just goes to show what happens when you give your kids Blue Bunny Ice Cream.

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Many years ago a relatively unknown congressman by the name of Gerald Ford derailed the career of the foremost rising star of the judiciary, Abe Fortas. Ford had gotten so many complaints from citizens in his Michigan congressional district about Fortas overstepping his authority and abusing people he took action by filing a bill of impeachment against him. Fortas, who was considered a shoo-in for a U.S. Supreme Court appointment not only was denied it because of Ford's move but it caused him to prematurely retire from the bench altogether. Regarding checks and balances, that is the weapon Congress has to keep the judges in line yet it is so rarely employed. Considering the avalanche of judicial corruption and criminality this is especially galling. Are these pussies afraid, or are they so dumbed down they are unaware they possess this power? Probably a combination of both. Most likely they're too absorbed with their playful perversions. I surmise there are things that transpire in the restrooms of Congress that would make a Roman emperor blush. Democracy (Slobocracy) is a sick joke. Even under optimum conditions, the masses are not fit to decide who their leaders should be, or anything else of significance. Meritocracy, rigorously enforced is the answer. Taxation is not necessary, it is a system of control, intimidation, and a vehicle to keep the proles impoverished and down. The authorities can print the money needed for any public service or project, and to keep the wheels of the socio-economic system greased. The problem is, that to keep value in the currency, it must be put in circulation commensurate with the nation's productive, industrial, and technological capacities. These capacities have long since been strip-mined from the U.S. by the oligarchic swine. America now primarily manufactures, prisons, lottery tickets, and fast food hamburgers. Can you say third world hellhole? Sure you can. Thank you, Don, a thought provoking and stimulating piece as per your standard fare.

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It's nice to hear Gerald Ford did one good thing in Congress, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don. Recall that when Ford was made president because of the staged Nixon theatrics, he pushed for mass vaccinations like the good sock puppet of the Controllers he was. Thanks again and be well.

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Hereticdrummer, that's because Ford no longer had a constituency in any one district. His new constituency was the one held in common with all presidents.

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Honestly Ed, there is no common constituency to hold by any selected, mouthpiece, department store manager (President) in this disparate, empire of featherless bipeds known as the U.S. It is just a territory glued together by force, intimidation, and paper currency.

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We also manufacture the largest group of re-genderized humans in the world.

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Yes, we are definitely number one in transgenderism, Fran. Thanks!

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Two more to the list: largest manufacturers of murders and drugs (this refers to prescriptions).

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True, and many of those freaks now serve in Uncle Saul's, red, white, and blue murder machine. Should they be stupid enough to mix it up with an armed force consisting of real men, they will get their candy asses handed to them faster than you can say, "Joe Biden is a brain-dead sock puppet."

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I will use JoTato's comment mixed with yours: Joe Biden is a lying dog-faced pony soldier. He couldn't beat a one legged man in a shit kicking contest.

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Hormones in the food and water!

Of course if the EPA is forced to stop fluoridating water, then they might be forced to halt the xeno-estrogens accumulating in the children. They can't/won't halt the estrogen problem, therefore they won't halt the fluoride problem either. Result, our children get more gender confused and dumber. (and sicker from the whackzinnes) Yet teachers support all of that. Fluoride, whackzinnes, and gender dysphoria.

There has to be some place in this world where sanity still prevails, but where?

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I'm in total agreement with you. Besides the uselessness of the gazillion jabs they give babies. What is it up to now, 72 by the time the child is 3? Then parents wonder why their kids have autism, cancer, and all these other maladies?

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There is an interesting case right now going on in California. The Fluoride Action Network is

suing the EPA to halt the addition of fluoride to municipal water. Of course Rachel Lavine hid the report from the National Toxicology Program finding the relationship between fluoride and

impaired brain development in fetuses. How nice of her/him/it to do that. But the case is before the judge now and we'll see what comes of it. I very seriously doubt the judge can rule in favor of the coalition opposed to fluoridation. You see, the mindset is that the government is always right and we're always wrong. But that together with the nature of the precedent being set makes for a formidable lobby. If small amounts of fluoride impact brain development,,, then small amounts of other toxins can impact brain development / or cause cancer. This would impact big Ag, big Pharma, transportation, plastics, manufacturing, communications (EMF damage), and the MIC.... etc. etc.

Oh, and didn't the government just announce that "informed consent" was no longer valid in

the case of the "greater good"? So, drinking neuro-toxins is for the greater good.

And down go the iq. scores to imbecile level.

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Fluoride is rat poison. The Controllers are well aware of this, it is one of their plethora of methods to cull the herd while enhancing the obscene, criminal profits of their medical/pharmaceutical racket. If we lived in a sane society, which we most assuredly do not, sub-human freaks like Rachel Levine would not be breathing along with the demonic vermin that placed this tranny filth in a position of authority. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."

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You are correct - it’s truly an imperial presidency - with CIA help the various administrations choose their enemies and regularly kill those in foreign lands with impunity - we also interfere with their elections and sabotage their infrastructure - all the while Congress just grifts and shovels money back and forth for maximum personal gain.

It’s no way to run a country - when it blows it will be spectacular - things will become much simpler - like how you will survive.

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Thanks, Unsteady!

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There is an excellent song by Rush, "The Trees". The words to that song are so applicable.

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I have never been represented in Congress by anyone that I could prove held a position even remotely similar to mine, making taxation nothing more than poorly tolerated theft of my income.

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Exactly, Vonu. They are not our peers, unless you are a wealthy lawyer or businessman, or some kind of celebrity. Thanks.

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They don't care about being our peers as long as they don't get caught taking bribes or getting inappropriate accolades, as prohibited in the Constitution.

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That's why real 'representatives' should be randomly selected from the general populace, as I think it was originally intended to be.

Just like Jury Duty, except for a 2 year term.

Here is a very interesting site that tracks the stock trading of congress members.


It's the best transparency that I have yet to see!

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I had my name removed from the county voter rolls after the 2020 "election". I refuse to vote for a criminal gang or support it in any way voluntarily. Of course, I still have to pay the extortion that the government gang demands but I sure as hell won't vote from them.

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I live in Virginia and my congressman is democrat Abigail Spansberger. She is a former CIA employee, supporter of Ukraine and big government spending. One of her interns called me up asking if I would support her reelection. I said absolutely not. I live in a rural conservative county and am a poll worker. She is not popular here but the northern Virginia voters love her. She announced she will not be running for reelection and is planning to enter the race for governor of Virginia. I will be donating to whoever her opponent is. It sickens me that she has a hand in rubber stamping policies that are inhumane, stupid and anti american. Anyway, thank you for article and bless you and your readers.

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Yes, she is awful, Dennis. Thanks!

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"I’m convinced that libertarianism...became attractive because of the undeniable fact that government...never does anything good. If they do something, it will make things worse." This has been my attitude for the last 10 years or so, and I can now fully say that I hate government. It is useless because composed of criminals, and criminals only do harm. But the answer is to stop funding the psychopaths in power and ultimately (for your own psychological well-being) to stop giving them your attention. Like Covid, they go away when you turn off the TV (i.e., when you stop reading the mainstream sites that give the losers their day in the sun). On the former, you should know that only federal employees are required to pay income tax; your participation in that scam is one of "voluntary compliance," so it’s critical that you not volunteer. See Peter Eric Hendrickson's must read, "Cracking the Code," for an explanation of the tax code as a massive fraud based on the ordinary citizen's failure to properly interpret the code's deceptive language.

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Thanks, Rob!

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More on who’s required to pay income tax: http://www.issuesoutline.org/#economy

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As someone who has been ranting about Daylight Stupid Time for decades, I fully recognize the futility of trying to get the felonious fedgov to do anything in our favor. As noted, a lottery would be a vast improvement, but as you also noted, it ain't gonna happen.

Your essay makes yet another case for Secession, which won't be pretty (thanks to arch criminal Abe), but not as ugly as staying with this wretched, soul sucking mess. After the last "election" color me astonished that anyone can think they are going to vote their way of this or fix anything about it.

Here's to hoping you turn your skills toward the states becoming independent, which is admittedly a narrow path, but the only the one that leads to freedom. ~~ j ~~

Can we just stick a fork in it?


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I have mixed feelings about daylight saving time. It's not an easy adjustment in the Spring so

I leave my bedroom alarm clock always at savings time. That way I always get up roughly at the same time all year round.

I do like the extra light in the evening for after work activities in Summer.

The daylight is wasted at 4:30 am when the sun would come up for us if the clocks weren't turned forward. What can a person accomplish at 4:30 in the morning? I could feed the chickens,

but I don't have chickens. I could milk the cows, but I don't have cows. I can't mow the lawn, because it's covered in wet dew. So, I'm not sure what it hurts to have extra time in the evening after work to accomplish projects and have BBQs or ball games etc...

Maybe you could explain the problem if you don't mind.

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Scott, I think we all benefit from extra light in the evening. So I would keep us on Daylight Savings Time all year round. Just stop the switching. Thanks.

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Yep, DJ, it's the damn flip-flopping that does the damage for sure. I choose Standard Time since I'm a nit picker who finally figured out that "Saving Daylight" is a physical impossibility. My dream is that once Texas leaves this festering pile, the last thing the government will do is tell us what to do with our clock.

Best of luck, whatever your time is! ~~ j ~~

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Well, Scott, I think one wise Native American said it best, "Changing the clock and thinking you have more daylight is like cutting off one end of your horse blanket, sewing it on to the other end and thinking you have a longer blanket."

Since we can probably agree that the actual amount of daylight remains the same, why not let schools, businesses, individuals, etc, determine which of those daylight hours they would like to utilize rather than this mandatory, one-size-fits-all approach that jerks us all around twice a year with its well documented uptick in cardiac events and MVA's. But then that approach would require freedom, the thing we have lost.

My non-computerized clocks stay put on Standard Time all year round and I refer to the other as Daylight Stupid Time since the concept of "Saving Daylight" is nonsense on stilts. Of course, trying to get today's products of government skooling to understand this basic premise is tilting at windmills on stilts.

For what it's worth, you can sign the petition to stop the foolishness at www.standardtime.com

Best of luck, whatever time it is ;-) ~~ j ~~

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Well, it is interesting to discuss the topic and thank you for sharing, but we have so much more

going on right now that it is purely academic at this point.

The border, illegal immigration, and the debt/corruption going on is going to overwhelm us.

I am fairly convinced that we are being taken over in a Red Dawn scenario right now.

If you are interested, there is a video with a marine vet who seems to have a pretty good grasp of what's happening. It's just beyond comprehension what is happening to our country and most people can't even see it. Here's the video if you'd care to watch it.


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Absolutely Scott, but as I have been saying for years, if we cannot get the government to leave the damn clock alone, what chance do we have with anything else? It's not priority, it's symbolic.

When your only options left are nullification and secession, you are in some dire straits. Thanks for the link and best of luck, friend ~~ j ~~

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You're right, J. Lee- we definitely can't vote our way out of this. Thanks!

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I used to know a Pentagon police officer. He told stories about finding congress critters in the woods that used to exist east of the Pentagon and north of Crystal City. Congress critters had a secret love for homeless men. Maybe that is why they didn't want to help them find housing or work?

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Wow, interesting, Frank. Shades of "Deliverance." Thanks.

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What in the Hell...?

I can't imagine what is really going on in their sick minds.

Who knows, maybe they think if they pay a homeless person for sex that way they are

doing them a big favor. But the risk taking and the degradation of

having sex with a politician... that's beyond normal comprehension. There has to be drugs and money involved.

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