Don... Excellent as always.

At the risk of boring all here to death, I want to insert an excerpt that I did for Paul Craig Roberts about 10 years ago:

"....Firstly, in the perfect world, it is my opinion that we should have some form of voluntary single payer healthcare system and divorce ourselves from the Corporatist State – without alimony, I might add. It is also my opinion, however, that this will not happen without total and complete collapse of the prevailing sociopolitical construct. Since that is unlikely to occur before ThePowersThatBe have imposed one more season of national election fraud upon us (ohmylord… who will it be Tweedle-dum or Tweedle-dumber? …scene cut to concerned, agitated panel of boob-tube political consultants…), a few “in-the-meantime" suggestions follow:

Avoid contact with the existing health care system as far as possible. Yes, emergencies arise that require the help of physicians, but by and large one can learn to care for one’s own minor issues. Though it is flawed, the internet has been an information leveler for the masses and permits each person to be his or her own physician to a large degree. Take advantage of it! Educate yourself about your own body and learn to fuel and maintain it as you would an expensive auto or a pet poodle. One does not need a medical degree to:

1) avoid excessive use of tobacco or alcohol or, for that matter, caffeine;

2) avoid poisons like fluoride, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and addictive drugs (legal or illicit);

3) avoid unnecessary and potentially lethal imaging studies (TSA’s radiation pornbooths, excessive mammography, repetitive CT scans – exposure to all significantly increases cancer risk);

4) avoid excessive cell phone use and exposure to other forms of EMR pollution where possible (the NSA is recording everything you say and text anyway);

5) avoid daily fast food use and abuse (remember: pink slime and silicone) ;

6) avoid untested GM foods (do you really want to become “Roundup Ready?”):

7) avoid most vaccinations and pharmaceutical agents promoted by the establishment;

8) avoid risky behaviors (and, we do not need a bunch of Nanny State bureaucrats to define and police these);

9) exercise moderately;

10) get plenty of sleep;

11) drink plenty of good quality water (buy a decent water filter to remove fluoride, chloride, and heavy metals);

12) wear protective gear at work and play where appropriate (helmets, eye-shields, knee and elbow pads, etc.):

13) seek out locally-grown, whole, organic foods and support your local food producers;

14) take appropriate nutritional supplements (multi-vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3);

15) switch off the TV and the mainstream media it represents;

16) educate yourself while you can;

And, lastly…


Doing these simple, common-sense things will add healthy years to a person’s life and help one avoid most medical encounters during his or her allotted time on Earth!

Finally, we have a responsibility to our neighbors and our families. We need to reach out to those around us – talk to them, listen to them – sympathize and empathize. Take time to especially listen to those who are in pain and are suffering and to help them by being humane. If you do this, you will discover that Humankind really is a family and that we have more in common with each other than the Ruling Elite wants us to believe. Our would-be Masters of the Universe obtain power and control by creating divides between us along religious, ethnic, class, economic, and nationalistic lines. They rule only by way of division and fear. We must awaken to this fact and deny them their sadistic pleasures. In the end, it really is the 99+% against the <1%. It is past time for Humankind to eject the psychopaths in charge from our midst...."

Peace and Hope to all here...

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Anyone not doing most of that already, is too far gone to worry about. I would add that one . Don't waste energy worrying about the lost souls. MANY are going to be ruined and die before long and for your own survival's sake, don't waste energy worrying about them. There are too many idiots anyway.

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It is tempting just to say "screw it," and take the advice of my old friend Dave Johnson, whose credo is "People suck." But I keep trying- must be all the Frank Capra films.

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It is really what I feel is necessary, but yeh, I can't really stop trying either. I don't even know who Frank Capra is. I'd say it is conscience, also called the Holy Spirit remembering my priesthood teachings. My enthusiasm for trying is waning though.

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On many levels I agree, but I, too, have been an idiot at times and it has been the "intervention" of anonymous strangers and a few (too few) real friends who helped chip the scales from my own eyes over many, many years... We all have moments of Homer Simpson.

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Something I do feel needs mentioning. All this talk of Ivermectin and also of Quinine is definitely not the whole story. Something none of you seem to understand is that neither of these cure COVID. They don't! It is ZINC which is the cure and if you take zinc and quinine or presumably ZINC and Ivermectin, then yes you can cure ALL corona-viruses in 4-6 days. It is NOT these two anti-parasitic drugs which are the cure. Quinine acts as an ionophore and transports ZINC, which is poison to all corona-viruses, through the cell walls. Otherwise the zinc is unable to get in and do it's job. This was discovered in 2005 and they'd done everything including human trials on it. The incredible claim of 100% efficacy if azithromycin were included for serious cases, caught my eye from a Chinese report from January 2020. Unable to find out what the report was referring to, I still ordered quinine and azithromycin from India at the time, knowing they'd be removed from reach if they worked. I could see already in January what the plan was and managed to beat the shut down of sales by mere weeks. It took me six months to think to do a search cutting out all results from 2019 on and voila, there it was. In medical journals and everything. They've been hiding this ever since the plandemic kicked off, but were fully aware that the combo cured ALL CORONAVIRUSES and I happen to know the mining industry was informed here in Western Australia, in early 2020 as well. Despite the talk of quinine and then later Ivermectin, nobody seems to be getting the connection to Zinc. Few of us have enough in our diet, so without supplements these two medications are hit and miss. You NEED ZINC for them to work. It astounds me that I seem to be the only person aware of this and I have been shouting it out as loud as I can ever since the bullshit began.

Knowing that they knew it and knowing I can prove it, has saved me from prosecution a couple of times for masks etc. They dare not face me in court, because I can put them all in prison. Here in Australia anyway. I know exactly where the proof lies. Proof of their lies. it is in government records and also mining industry records. I believe the connection between the two drugs, Ivermectin and quinine is ironically their anti-parasitic function in fact. I am not well versed in medical science, but am assuming they do this the same way, as ionophores.

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Yes. Valid info. Quercitin+Zn+C also works much like HCQ and ivermectin. Fenbendazole is another agent similar to ivermectin that is still widely available here in Amerika.

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The blood purifier I used, and which reversed my heat disease, is Dhamasa. Fagonia Arabica. In case you're interested. It had a miraculously rapid effect on my angina, I stopped all six meds the second week, though I took it for a year. My own protocol, as it's only previously been used as an ingredient in ayurvedic treatments for high BP. After a year of twice daily use, I stopped and never had any issues since. For the extreme memory loss and thrombosis I was getting 2 years after COVID, it worked close to instantly and I only used for a couple of weeks. Waiting to see if any return and maybe something, so began again recently. It worked fast for bunny too. Only thing is she was pregnant and two of her babies died of sudden heart attacks and would appear to have been sterile as well. I imagine you can guess what I am thinking about that, given what we know about pregnant mothers in second trimester and sterilisation. The babies around six months. Only one left who I am now treating also.

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Excellent tip. Was not aware of this one. Keep us informed on how the "patients" do!

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Yes, I heard of that one too. HCQ and Ivermectin have been most discussed. Is Quercitin similar, as in ionophoric? That's my assumption on ivermection but it is the science of quinine as established since SARS which was the research leading to it.

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Yes. Apparently Quercetin is a Zn ionophore.

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The problem I have is that I see more than a merely temporal event here, and perceive a distinctly spiritual aspect. Simplified to choice between putting your trust in man, (ie: Satan) or in God, (ie: nature) The basis of this is the most important gift from God as I see it, namely free agency. Without free agency man cannot be judged, can't even choose between good or bad. There's a contractual appearance of all the cult like demands and an overarching idea of the surrender of one's will, to that of some presumed greater power, which is not God. Not even science, but a hijacked terminology and a true evil dogma with an anti-human design. Therefore, to me those who have voluntarily been jabbed, have surrendered their free agency and have in effect made a contract with the devil. They are soul dead.

I have not seen anyone awaken from the fraud and lies for quite some time, who did not do so only AFTER what they were warned about came to pass. I do not think we get second chances in this stage of the game. While I believe there are ways to alleviate the effects of the spike proteins, which I am hypersensitive to due to having had COVID long since, I don't think this is all that is wrong with those who have allowed themselves to be jabbed with this filth. I have a seemingly effective cure of my own, a blood purifier I used to reverse my severe heart disease, instead of bypass and stents, following two heart attacks. I used it to eliminate obvious long term problems from COVID, which took about 2 years to develop and have also apparently cured a companion rabbit, newly acquired from a "fully vaxxed" family and who had frightening neurological symptoms as soon as I got her. It stopped them too. Yet neither of us got directly jabbed, just indirectly shed for her I presume and due to my early infection from the lab made COVID. I was able to follow the science as it developed and due to having such an early experience of it, understand and manage things as they developed.

I suspect those things which will work against the long term effects of just the spike proteins alone, will not be in unlimited supply. For the sake of those who will yet have problems because the jabbed are spreading the Fauci Fleas to others around them, of this I am 100% certain, I can even smell them and feel sick instantly when in a group situation with them, I don't think these fools even deserve the cure, which will probably still not save them, but may end up depriving those who frankly deserve it more. It can help those suffering from exposure to them, but less likely those who have the big doses injected.

If it sounds cruel, then I shall say again what I already have on this blog. Nearly everyone I know got these shots. Including my 3 grown children. My ex-wife, their mother, also, and she is very ill now with something, indeed hasn't been too well ever since. My best and oldest friend has had. I am not being cruel, I am heart broken. I am also a very empathetic person. However I am above all logical and rational and I foresaw the hard choices which were coming long since and have made them. Those who have sold their souls are done for. I will suffer the loss of some, including my oldest friends, my children. I will also try if it is possible to help them, if and when they are ready to listen. However I have written off that segment of humanity overall and have already cried my harshest over it. Now the business of survival is at hand.

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Wise words. Thank you.

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Thank you as always, Robert!

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Amen to that. Excellent advice to all. Thank you Robert.

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The business model is not to cure but to treat as an ongoing, perpetual subscription basis - til death. And, too, the other goal is population control and reduction by sterility, chronic illness, and death. It’s been that way for decades but the elite have decided to speed things up for a 2030 agenda: massive depop with embedded chips for total control of the surviving human herd. It makes sense - it’s the logical policy - if you believe the Earth has limited resources. I might support such a policy if I were guaranteed to be in the elite ranks; I could be convinced that my offspring deserve a pristine planetary ecosystem rather than a strained, depleted, polluted hulk of a dying world raped by worthless savages. (?????). Hmmmm…. Some folk may think this way. Others may embrace genetic diversity for our species to survive future (real) pandemics.

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It's definitely a sick care industry, not a healthcare industry.

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I've said this so many times, in so many situations and so many venues, but it still bears repeating. Nothing here is any different to the rest of the Western Empire. Whether the UK, Canada, Denmark, my Australia etc. We all have the same problems afoot. Your crappy corrupted political system is very much the cause of our own of course, and we are all saddled with incompetence, fake democracy and money rules all as are you. Besides that, I can't see how your shithole of a nation, is the cause of our garbage medical establishment, which was streets ahead of the US one at least. No, the cause here is the WHO, and all the little Globalist orgs around the world, all controlled as they are by big, very big tranches of money. Money in the hands of a very small group of people. Not even globalism then, but billionaires are the problem I see. These same scumbags are the cause of the corruption of all politics as well. The politicians and bureaucrats are just the branches of the problem, the root is those bastards who have too damned much money. I don't see a solution here, realistically. Even if we could get to them, hang every one of them, the money will still stand and simply command a new person at the top.

The only solution I can see to this and it is the same one I have employed since the COVID bullshit took flight, is non compliance. I have steadfastly refused to wear masks, quarantine, social distance, track my customers and obviously am not under any circumstances allowing them to stick any needles or make me take any medical procedure for anything. Not even a test swab up my nose, because that makes no sense and I deem it dangerous. If they want a test, and I agree, they can have an oral one, and that is the end of that. Until now it has been a hard fight, though thankfully not yet turned lethal. Though I am in no doubt that sooner or later there will be a head on conflict with the system and me. So be it. I am prepared. However, if I wasn't alone ion this, with but a few scattered friends doing the same in each their corner of the world, not only would it become much easier to resist, it would rapidly degrade the power such as it is, that the system enjoys. If enough say NO and refuse absolutely to accept tyranny and bullshit, then we can utterly destroy them and be our own masters.

It takes no special skills, no great preparation and no training. You do not have to worry about everyone else doing it. Just do it. I have and while I am frustrated and angry, I am NOT a slave to anyone except God. For me it is simple. I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of serfdom. I would rather die fighting against tyranny than live forever as a slave of tyranny. That is the only answer available to us all. I urge everyone to take it. Take your life in your own hands and live.

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Yes, that is the sad reality. The COVID narrative proved that this is a worldwide thing. Not sure there is a "better place" to go at this point.

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Nor am I. My best bets are Africa and Russia. Unless I can find a nice little uninhabited and rarely if ever visited island. I also keep my hitchhikers space thumb out just in case. So long as I can bring my rabbits and ensure I'm not on the menu I'm out of here. I'd prefer vegetarian ETs, and will even go vegan if that's the price but off this rock in space suits me just fine.

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I am with you 100%. We are a tiny fraction of the general populace, but it only takes a tiny fraction to bring about major changes. The American Revolution was driven by a mere 2% of the people.

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Yes, but the difference was that the revolutionists were all One Percenters, with money and influence. Our One Percenters today are just a bit different.

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This is how revolutions are usually brought about. Only a tiny fraction of the people actively participate. However, the remainder are mostly ambivalent and at least not opposed. I worry that the way the PTB have played this, they have managed to activate the majority of brainless serfs to oppose the few. The moronic majority aren't just complacent but stridently opposed to us and defensive of their evil masters. Then our best hope lies in enough of them becoming sick and dying, to thin out the resistance at grass roots level. It bears remembering that these scumbags have had centuries and more to learn how to manipulate the masses. Human nature is predictable and they have gamed this down to the most intimate details I suspect. If I did not have complete certainty that God is real, that He does not support the agenda, I would feel such despair that I'd probably throw in the towel and blow myself up. (Explosives chemistry is my field of expertise, so my go to tool for most problems .. LOL ..)

2% doesn't sound like much. Especially when the numbers of those stridently opposed to the evil agenda is much more like 10-15%. However the question is not who opposes it, but who is prepared to get out in front, to kill and risk being killed for it. Those numbers are unlikely to be anywhere near 2% today. There or here. It may only take one nation, one people to rise to the necessary level of opposition and courage to trigger an avalanche around the world, this much I believe, but which nation will that be?

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We had the French Yellow Jackets, and the Canadian Truckers. We are told that the French reelected the odious Marcon. Who were they protesting against? And I would be the Canadians will reelect the odious Trudeau. At this point, it doesn't even matter whether they are counting the votes. Either way, we can't vote ourselves out of this.

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"I care not who casts the votes of a nation, provided I can count them."

~Napoléon III, France's first president (26 May, 1880)

~Joe Biden (3 Nov, 2020)

~Emmanuel Macron (4 April. 2022.

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I agree. I have long said there is no "legal" way out of this.

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I think there are many more of us than the co-opted media would allow us to realize. I've been an active "truther" since 9/11, and I now encounter average people that would have been unreceptive just a year ago, actually listening, interested and agreeing. The psychopaths went too far with their Covid scam, ending the unquestioning belief in government benevolence for many.

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It's nothing to do with seeing and acknowledging the truth. It has to do with whether or not they'll put their lives on the line. As one, I know there are very few others.

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How can you put your life on the line until you know the truth?

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

Professional obfuscation is rampant. Have you heard of the CIA's "Alice in Wonderland" tactic? Originally devised as an enhanced interrogation technique, it has been adopted as a global mass hypnosis tactic: https://web.archive.org/web/20080227144830/http://www.dia.mil/college/3866.pdf

Thanks to the Wayback Machine for preserving this important admission.

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Alice in Wonderland: The Power of Applied Confusion. The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee. He is accustomed to a world that makes sense, at least to him: a world of continuity and logic, a predictable world. He clings to this world to reinforce his identity and powers of resistance. The confusion technique is designed not only to obliterate the familiar, but to replace it with the weird…as the process continues, day after day as necessary, the subject begins to try to make sense of the situation, which becomes mentally intolerable…he is likely to make significant admissions, or even to pour out his story.

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Cowardice, procrastination, will always have excuses. Grow a spine or stop pretending you might one day I say.

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That's some stupid, self serving bullshit mate. If YOU don't know the truth by now, then it is only because YOU don't want to. Such people won't ever stand up for themselves or anybody else. I mean it. Anyone still not seeing the writing on the wall, won't see any better when it is made into pictures and made into simple cartoons. There's such a thing called Ignorance. Those who suffered from it got the message over the last couple of years. However wilful ignorance is more common and those coloured with this, vomit yellow I'd call it, are worthless. Courage of conviction, let alone the courage to stand is absent such hollow souls. There's a reason that at most 4% of any people ever stood their ground against tyranny. It sure isn't the clever tactics of their tyrants keeping them in the dark.

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There are, but we are all scared to do anything unless we have lots of people with us. No one wants to be a political prisoner like the J6 detainees.

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I know that. I am not wanting to be the first guy over the parapet either. However I am standing my ground and the day they push me, I'm going over, whether or not all the simpering saps dare follow. Those J6 ninnies were day trippers. They were let into the building, they ran around taking selfies and acting like tourists. I saw no gunfire, no nooses and none of them even getting outside the roped off corridors mostly. They're not worthy of lionisation.

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Excellent piece,

Yes, corruption permeates the government, big businesses, all of our institutions.

They have all failed us while the rule of law is on life support beside the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The Republic hangs by a thread and the propaganda machine owns the minds of half the West. Too many live and believe the Narrative while ignoring reality. What will stop the globalist fascist technocracy from taking control? Enough of us mad as hell to take back our country.

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Well, everything you say is sadly true. With this new monkeypox, I don't know why we are not all hopping mad about the 'gain of function' crap that is still on-going. Can you imagine a world with 'gain of function' leprosy raging?? I don't know why our universities and federal bureaucracies who support this monstrous chemical warfare against the people aren't being sued out of existence by the state AG's. The injustice department should be arresting all the major players involved with these crimes against humanity. As for cancer, I think G. Edward Griffin stated it best in his book 'World without Cancer'. Cancer can't go away. Cancer research is too big of a career industry. What would all those highly-paid doctors and researchers do with their specialized education if cancer went away? They are part of the same wonderful system of bureaucracies that brings us 'gain of function'. Come Lord Jesus! It looks like there isn't enough integrity left in the world to combat the evil around us this side of the second coming...

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Great points. Thanks!

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These disasters, real and imagined, mask the great theft of money, leaving mere debt behind.

Those who have it will profit from buying up the decent assets sold off by those who thought themselves rich.

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If you are older like me (72), you didn't have any vaccinations/injections and you didn't die from swine flu, birdy flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, Russian flu, HIV, MERS, covid1, covid 2, ebola, or any of the dozens of flu that seem to be coming and going every year.

But wait, we now have the money-pox virus that's gonna get ya. And if that doesn't, I am 110% sure they have dozens more viruses waiting to wreck havoc upon your poor mind, body and soul (says the virus wizard, master virologist gates)...and all for gargantuan big pharma profits, the murder of 100's of millions and turning the entire world into WHO's own private medical experimentation slave factory.

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..."And if that doesn't, I am 110% sure they have dozens more viruses waiting to wreck havoc upon your poor mind, body and soul (says the virus wizard, master virologist gates)."..

LOL. Bill Gates is "The Virus Whisperer"

I've been watching him go insane for years. He is NOT a very smart man, that is obvious to me. His method of describing fairly simple medical concepts is even more dumbed down than the public needs and I am sure he's mainly repeating what he's been told, as actual scientists attempt to explain to him. He's dumber than a brick and once I learned his true history, that was easy to understand. I doubt he's even very well versed in Computer software as he's presented. I suspect he rode on the back of his former mate who was the genius. Forget his name now. However he has slipped into craziness the last few years. The man is not normal. He's a simpleton. I once knew a man with extreme schizophrenia, who owned a business for which I worked. he should have been locked up, he was a danger to people around him and to himself too. Yet his considerable fortune made him untouchable. Gates is the same in that sense, whatever his mental affliction.

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I couldn't agree more. He's a totally useless creature.

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I'd be very surprised if you didn't get polio and smallpox vaccines etc. I'm 59 and got a bunch of them as a kid and that had been ongoing for decades previously. My uncle was one of the victims of the Salk polio horror story and he'd be in his eighties now if he was still alive. We have had a national health system in Australia for a long time and this may be a difference. Perhaps it's possible the USA didn't have the same national drive to vaccinate all it's people. I don't know. I might add that I have aspergers syndrome, I think. Which is pretty well recognised as a vaccine 'injury'. Not that I consider it to be a disadvantage, now I am old enough to not care so much about my social awkwardness. However we certainly got a lot fewer than kids today.

I personally never got ill from any viral infection in my adult life and never had any flu jabs. So many others I know got them and it always amused me how they usually get the flu every year. This in itself was the reason they kept getting them too. Because "it would have been worse without their jabs" Absolute insanity.

I did get COVID, though it was late in 2019. (It was around at least a year prior to Wuhan) Lack of personal care led to pneumonia too. I was not in the best shape though, I was under immense stress in my personal life and not eating a balanced diet so no doubt my immunity was at a low ebb. However I'd never want a vax for what I got, despite it being rough. It was my fault for neglecting my health for a time. I'm thankful though, because it gave me some early insights and I am confident my immune system has only benefitted from the experience. Contact with pathogens is how our immune system programs itself. Nothing like computer viruses which is Billy Gates' problem. he's so ignorant that he projects software concepts onto the biology of life and that's insane. Since total avoidance of contact with "pathogens" is the way computers are kept safe. Sort of stands to reason that if the human organism is treated like a computer we end up with problems.

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I probably got the polio shot and a few others, I don't know about smallpox. I had mumps and chicken pox but never the measles...that was in the 1950's. I might have had a shot or two in the 70's but nothing since the 1976 Swine flu disaster.

They can never prove that any vaccine is worth a dime. In my book, flu and colds are your body trying to expel toxins and other accumulated junk. I am a terrain theory supporter rather than believing in germ theory. Thanks for the story. Be well!

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Our mums held mumps and chicken pox parties if some local kid got it. They understood that catching these, especially mumps, as a child was a benefit because as a grown man it could leave a man sterile. I don't think there's much evidence for the efficacy of vaccines anymore myself. I stumbled across a dissertation about them from a doctor over 100 years ago one time and was astonished to see all the same issues being spoken about that remain unknowns to this day. Literally nothing that was raised in object then, has been answered since. I'm familiar with terrain theory but have reservations yet. I think the answer is somewhere between the two outlooks myself. Exosomes are a crucial element of it all which has yet to be taken into account by medical science.

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I agree...not many new answers from the medical community or big pharma.

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At this point it is truly a clown show. They have done their best to kill, jail and censure the truth tellers, while filling the world with so many shills, disinformation agents and AI Bots (90+ % of Twitter) that at times it just gets downright depressing. It's a miracle a few of us with a conscience still remain.

More than once I have seen chemtrails paint an "X" above my neighborhood and each time I just have to wonder if they are marking my location for who knows what.

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They mark you because they can. They want you to know they can do whatever they want, whenever they want.

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Depressing is the word. Thanks.

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I think it's a toss-up between Monkey Pox and WWIII...with Project Bluebeam to follow shortly. I certainly hope they don't start seeding yellow fever. I almost died from that on 1999.

I got the yellow fever vax to take a trip to Africa...worst mistake of my life. I recently learned that there are only two yellow fever vaccines, and both contain a live virus. Vaccine aquired yellow fever is medically indistinguishable from wild virus yellow fever. If you contract yellow fever from the vax, your chance of dying is 65%. So I survived yellow fever with no medical treatment, only natural methods used at home. Needless to say, it was the sickest I have ever been in my life, and gave me a new understanding when reading historical accounts of massive death from a yellow fever outbreak. As sick as I was, the worst was yet to come. It took me four years to claw my way back to heath, but by using natural methods I was able to recover from extreme vax-induced disability. No disease scares me now.

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Yes, pick the crisis of your choice. No respite for the common riff-raff.

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Probably they have a suite of projects ongoing. Just as the Ukraine narrative is collapsing, and it came in just as the COVID narrative was facing existential threat, the monkeypox arises. I think they'll ramp up the monkey, but if the Ukie starts to get legs again, the monkey will dwindle by the same token. Also if we are too fast on the ball and cause enough trouble for the monkey to gain altitude, something else will follow on its heels. I am a little bit surprised they didn't come out with something more genuinely deadly, because presumably they'll need to cover the ongoing and rising numbers of deaths and injuries from the jabbery. They've got Marburg (Ebola) waiting in the wings and you might recall they started to amp that one just prior to Ukraine stepping up to the plate.

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The thing is that people always believe that it’s not their politician or their doctor that’s the problem. It’s the other guy’s choice that’s the problem.

As for the medical profession- I don’t know. I have good doctors that I trust. That said, I’ve had bad doctors who I’ve left for various reasons. I think people rely on the fact that they have choice. At least, people who have decent insurance.

I know when I was poor, I felt really trapped in a bad system of bad choices because Medicaid limits your options between bad and worse. These days, while I wish my insurance would do more for me and my family in some cases, I know I have options and more freedom to choose my doctors.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I do agree with many of the points you made. I think hospitals have become way too corporate and it’s less about the people and more about the cash. While it is nice to have something’s streamlined - I really hate the feeling that I’m just another body, procedure and money source to a lot of people in the profession. I think some things are just lost now because everything in the corporate model is about being big and trying to do it all. And once you reach a certain level of bigness you lose the ‘common touch’ and connection to the people you are trying to serve. And you just get imbedded in policy and don’t have the flexibility to change when there are serious problems.

Sorry about your brother.

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That's what we hear in terms of explaining why 96% of incumbents are returned to office every election, despite Congress having a 6% approval rate. Everyone hates Congress, but loves their congressman. I don't understand this- I've never met anyone who loves their congressman. I hope they don't count the votes.

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Thank you.

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The inertia of total collapse is unstoppable, and is multi-faceted.

All great civilizations have collapsed and ours will be no exception, however this time it looks like a simultaneous global collapse.

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May 22, 2022
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Thank you!

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