Hear hear!

Of course, everything you say is 100% true.

What's so remarkable, is that they unashamedly, passed this bill without even a modicum of the self-awareness that this was a full frontal assault on the First Amendment, and apparently, care not one wit about "the optics"?

And if all of this wasn't absolutely sickening enough, it links to a "working definition" from a Jewish advocacy group?

Frankly, every member of Congress that votes/voted for this garbage, is a traitor to the United States, as they have literally defied their oath of office "To support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic". What is voting for a bill that literally cancels the First Amendment, if not an outright attack on The Constitution?

And what happens when that "working definition" changes? As if it isn't expansive and all encompassing enough, they could change it anytime they want, sorry, anytime ((they)) want, and make it illegal for a Gentile to even utter the word "jew", and what's to stop them? They could add that it's "antisemitic to create any non-kosher foods", and also, "antisemitic for a non-jew to eat any kosher food" right afterwards.

Maybe it's antisemitic if you don't support the genocide of Palestinians?

And the way it is currently written, Israel could nuke Gaza, Mecca, and Medina, and it would be ILLEGAL for us to say a goddamned thing about it!

ZOG- Zionist Occupied Government, has NEVER been more true than it obviously is today!

Speaking only for myself, after this, I will NEVER condemn ANY form of "antisemitism" again, and I will NEVER support Israel in any way, shape or form, ever again either!

((They)) have made an enemy for life!

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Good point, Myriad- this is a blatant, in your face power play. So the answer to "conspiracy theories" that Jews run the world is to make it illegal to criticize them, to the exclusion of all other peoples? Thanks.

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It is already illegal to advocate for a declared Terrorist Organization.

Do you have any clue at all about what you are on about?

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"It is already illegal to advocate for a declared Terrorist Organization."

ANYONE that Washington DC does not like is now a "Terrorist Organization".

You also also understand Israel had FUNDED Hamas don't you...?

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May 8Edited

Are you sure? I thought being declared a terrorist organization was a popularity contest!

And that this was Washington declaring their undying love; but the declaration long preceded Oct 7, and so your attempt at justifying the unjustifiable falls flat and is a complete non sequitur.

All of that nothwitgstanding Hamas is a sick, evil demonic 'Slime organization and well earned it's designation.

Which is exactly why you defend them, right Mr. Suicidal Jew Hater?

You could just move to Canada and be legally suicided.

It isn't really necessary for you to root for Satanists who want to kill you, so why do it? What compels you?

And yes, since I actually have done the research and am on good terms with reality, I surely do know of Israel's hand in the establishment of Hamas.

And I also know the all too obvious answer as to "why".

Hamas was established as a counter to the PLO, their dire enemies to this day.

Neither exclusively kills Jews; they also kill each other.

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You’re conflating Hamas and Palestine. This is either purposeful, which then makes you a faggot shill or it’s by accident which makes you retarded. So which one are you, a faggot or a retard?

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May 14
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Go slap your mama, hard for raising you as a worthless Bitch Boy, dirtbag.

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May 14
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Are you an I-Slime-ist?

Is that where your mama's sliminess and your Hamas sliminess congeal and produce the putrid dreck that is your daddy's shame?

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What a pestilent slime the hole you were ejected from must have been.

The stench must have melted your brain.

It's the Jew Haters who are going, the Jews are staying .

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It is more offensive to call "them" a Hebrew vs a Jew... so that's what I'm going with.

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The Zionists should be required to prove that the "Jews" in Israel are of Israelite descent rather than Ashkanazi descent before they can claim to be Semites as well as the Palestinians can.

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Does it really matter? All "Jews" (who cannot be identified in any way whatsoever) are being rallied to "unite," because "they are under attack," which of course, is not happening, unless they do it to themselves most of the time. The events in Israel testify:


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And why would that make any difference? Though what you say is entirely untrue and a total deflection of course in any case. There are always those who simply must prove there is no such thing as real Jews in the main in Israel, yet to gain Jewish citizenship in Israel, every applicant must not only be a practicing Jew, but also be able to demonstrate Jewish family lineage, and be able to submit a blood sample which must contain a unique haploid genomic sequence found uniquely in all Jews alone no matter what their outer skin colour may be.

All Jews are real Jews except for the few occasional rare individuals who are seen to very publicly 'convert' in the upper echelons of ''society', and allowed to believe they are really being accepted to be members of 'the chosen' in order for Jews to then be able to milk them for political or economic advantage, but none of these rare individuals are ever really genuinely accepted as real Jews by real Jews themselves, the Torah is highly specific on this, a Gentile is a Gentile for all eternity, and a Jew is a Jew for all eternity. But scriptures hold that under certain circumstances a Jewish soul may not appear as a Jewish person.

Having said that, many of the modern 'convertees' to Judaism today are in fact from long lines of conversos, or marranos or donmeh crypto-Jewish fake Gentile families who are merely redeclaring their true ancient natures as they once were before, as the Jewish religion states that Jews reincarnate always only as Jewish soul tribal members no matter where they reincarnate.

Many Jews reincarnate only in openly Jewish families through an occultly controlled conscious process of reincarnation that bypasses the normal laws of karma, but obviously, the infiltrated Jews who pretended to be Catholics, Muslims, Hindus and so on from many centuries ago who faked conversion to other religions under the direction of rabbis like Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi maintain their cover as part of their military objective and maintain purported Gentile identities publicly, and carry on reincarnating in similar fake Gentile family lines, and when they wish, after deciding to be openly Jewish again, such actually Jewish individuals are formally reaccepted within the Jewish religion as open Jews once again.

The Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Laitman has stated that all Jewish souls arrived on this planet from another dimension entirely and then entered the wombs of human women of all races here in order to take on human form within them in this grade of physical matter as 'spiritual commandos' here only 'to conquer' this planet, and in fact when you read the Jewish scriptures, to conquer this planet for Jews alone to then be able to live on it is indeed the actual directive and objective, and that is what the Jews themselves believe, no matter what anyone else may think of that, but they are now carrying out those instructions, crazy as they are.

There never was any mass conversion of Gentiles to Judaism in the 8th century, but there have been an enormous number of faked conversions by many Jews over the centuries to other religions as a military tactic to enable Jews to infiltrate and take over other religions, that is how cleverly deceptive and misleading the Jewish organization is, by seeding the notion that in fact it is Gentiles who have been faking being Jews, when all the time, the real case is something that nobody is ever supposed to even consider, that it is Jews who are faking being Gentiles, leading the world to war on repeated occasions, and giving the Gentiles poisoned fake medicines and so on while denying them known real medicines.

Israeli Jerusalem University professors as well as Dr Karl Skorecki have exhaustively researched this issue, and have presented decisive evidence to determine that no mass conversion or any conversion of Gentiles at all to Judaism ever took place in 8th century Khazaria.

Are we really expected to believe the utter nonsense being pushed like squid ink by SPECTRE these days that there are no real Jews in Israel and that therefore, all those Jews presently considered to be Jews engaged in criminal or terrorist activities there are actually sneaky rotten Gentiles who are obviously plotting to totally exterminate all Gentiles in the world, which is something the Judaic scriptures of real Jews undoubtedly state is the Judaic objective in any case, so why would Gentiles fake being Jews in order to join a program intended to take place over several thousand years to come to the point where all Gentiles in the world can be totally exterminated forever?

The Jewish religion states that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be subjugated, enslaved, and ultimately to be totally exterminated and their souls sent to hell. Real Gentiles would quite obviously not be doing that.

In any case does such a 'religion' genuinely entitle 'real' Jews to even a square inch of territory anywhere on this entire planet? I do not think so. Remember, the Jewish religion says that every single Gentile in the entire world is to be/will be totally exterminated, that means they fully intend not to allow even a single Gentile even a square inch of land to live on on this entire planet.

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Wow, Mothman....you really know your s***. Thanks for pointing out that for Jews reincarnation is a big part of their beliefs. For years I puzzled why on earth Ataturk would basically try and destroy his country, and take apart his religion...UNTIL I learned he was Donmeh.

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When Jewish souls act on such instructions of their rabbis and fake sincere conversion to other religions in order to infiltrate and subvert them, their souls will always remain Jewish souls nonetheless, and this is where many of the so-called 'converts' to Judaism today actually come from, from crypto-Jews wishing to be open Jews again with all the additional benefits that offers, as in reality, no Gentile soul is really ever allowed to convert to Judaism, though sometimes the illusion of having been allowed to convert to Judaism is given to foolish Gentiles who think they can really join what they have been led to believe is the ultimate 'chosen' power elite in order for actual Jews to then be able to exploit such greedy and treacherous duped Gentile individuals for further political or financial gain that any such Gentile might be able to offer them for the benefit of the Jewish tribal power agenda.

But on the inner planes, as far as the cold-hearted and closed-minded Jewish religion is concerned, the Gentile soul is still always just an eternally irredeemable, eternally non-living, demonic, satanic and utterly reject 'thing' in spiritual terms, never an actual person, considered as having no actual consciousness of God or of the spiritual planes as far as the Jews are concerned or of having any potential even to ever gain the slightest spiritual consciousness.

And no Gentile soul can ever really 'convert' or be included among the number of the Jews, the Jewish soul tribe is a closed membership club, the Torah is extremely firm on that.

There would be no purpose at all in Jews trying to gain world domination with such immense planning and effort over several thousand years if at the same time Gentile souls were constantly incarnating in Jewish wombs and Jews were willing to share that power with all Gentile souls.

Jewish teachings are that if any Gentile nation considers themselves to be equal to the Jews, then that is to be regarded as physical aggression against the Jews, and that physical warfare must then be made against any such nation, so quite plainly, no power-sharing by Jews with any actual non-Jews is ever really intended to occur or will ever be allowed to occur by the Jews. To be enslaved or to be dead is the only choice offered to all others by the Jewish religion, and then the Jewish religion ultimately intends to have us all killed anyway and even to send us all to hell in addition to all that.

Enslaved peoples of more and more Gentile nations are falling for the lie that they must accept laws against 'antisemitism', but accepting such laws will be the death of any Gentile peoples weak and foolish enough to accept such laws. Then inevitably will come the Noahide Laws, then will come the Bolshevik executions of 6 billion for alleged 'idolatry', and then further executions of hundreds of millions more for other alleged infringements of other Noahide Laws.

We should start to consider that any politicians insisting that we accept such laws and even demanding that we must accept such laws must be crypto-Jews, and that such polticians are actually only working as infiltrated hostile foreign power military occupation government agents actually trying to destroy us on all levels.

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Without the constant occult practice of consciously-controlled reincarnation of Jewish souls only within their own collective to build world power and keep such power entirely to their own soul group, no matter even what public guises the various types of crypto-Jews may choose to maintain along with the open Jews, among whom the occult process used for controlled reincarnation is the same, their drive for Jewish world domination which is stated in the Zohar very clearly as central to their beliefs and practices would have no meaning or purpose at all.

Many Jews I have spoken with in person over several decades have openly stated to me how they are very easily able to leave their bodies fully consciously at will, to do so-called 'astral travel', this is second nature to the Jews who are all extremely psychic, and their rabbis in older writings have stated that 'Jewish blood alone permits the vision of God (or what the Jews in their self-intoxicated state mistakenly consider as God).

Rabbi Laitman explains that there is a big 'god' soul from whom each individual Jew is like a temporarily-separated chip off the old block, which I personally liken to the pure evil massive dark spherical entity coming to destroy the Earth in the SF film 'The Fifth Element'.

These Jewish 'chips off the old block' are grandiosely stated in Jewish scriptures to be 'God walking upon the Earth'.

Astral projection performed throughout the life of the Jews keeps them totally familiar at all times with the processes of souls leaving and entering bodies at the time of birth and death, and thus they are very easily able to navigate their way as they choose, even being able to travel to the past and future and traverse enormous distances, especially with the assistance of other members of their tribal soul collective, as' birds of a feather flock together'.

Certain beneficial psychic skills should be openly recognized by all in every Gentile culture and encouraged in all, but these skills when thoroughly abused by the Jews are very much an essential part of the shady Jewish means to power, and Jews do not like Gentiles to even recognize or remember that they too could have psychic abilities.

The perspective of controlled mainstream science purposely miseducates the general Gentile public that psychic phenomena or abilities are mere illusion, trickery, and not actually real, such fake science purposely has the existence of such abilities doubted and even ridiculed among the less-aware Gentiles.

Such restrictive and suppressive false modern science maintains that communication between souls beyond outer physical means such as verbal speech does not exist, when in reality to any soul at all in any type of species, some type of psychic intercommunication, even non-verbal, is as natural as breathing air, yet for some very odd reason, we are repeatedly asked to doubt our own senses, but for what benefit and for whose benefit? Such official mainstream views are maintained to discourage all Gentiles from even attempting to expand even the basic psychic abilities naturally inherent to all, which even the animals and birds possess for instance.

Jewish power is very largely facilitated by psychic power, this is why the political controllers who we can see are Jewish-based in much of the world these days purposely avoid even the existence of psychic abilities being taught or their practice being encouraged among the Gentiles as this might lead to Gentiles becoming so aware psychically that they might more openly start to perceive that the Jews are actually abusing their psychic abilities in certain ways.

TPTB are actually scared of this, hence these abilities being suppressed among the Gentiles in this manner.

Imagine the great benefit to all Gentile societies all over the world if better-equipped Gentiles are psychic enough to shoo away the hostile invading Jewish souls and stop them coming here to incarnate further on our planet. After all, the Jews state in their scriptures that they mean to totally enslave and ultimately to totally exterminate all non-Jews on the entire planet and then have this planet entirely for themselves alone, which is totally parasitic and an absolute abuse of any occult abilities that the Jews do have.

Psychic power of the Jews is used to ensure that no Gentile souls accidentally incarnate in any Jewish family and thus come to inherit the acquired political power, wealth or other powerful or influential position of the Jews (but what sane or healthy Gentile soul would ever want to incarnate as a Jew anyway?). Rabbinical occult processes are used to closely supervise where any Jewish soul or crypto-Jewish soul incarnates again after each life, to ensure that only Jewish souls are allowed to incarnate in Jewish wombs and interbreeding crypto-Jewish family line wombs .

The Jews keep things really tight in their multidimensional army, no Gentile souls could ever incarnate among the Jews or even among the vast number of interbreeding crypto-Jewish multigenerational fake Christian, fake Muslim, fake Hindu and so on family lines even if they wished.

The Torah is highly specific on this, that a Jewish soul is a Jewish soul for all eternity, and that a Gentile soul is a Gentile soul for all eternity, though it is specified that for various purposes, a Jewish soul may sometimes take on a different identity to that of a Jew if required, such as when Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi for instance instructed half of all the Jews in the entire world at that time to do to in order to infiltrate and subvert religions of the Gentiles to make them ultimately subject to Judaic will so far as might be possible, and on other occasions over the centuries, other rabbis have issued the same instruction, meaning that the self-identifying Jews we see today are really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of their real numbers, I would think that anywhere from 150 million Jews to 300 million or more Jews are actually really incarnate right now, mostly as crypto-Jews in the guise of supposed Christians, Muslims, and Hindus and so on, hence the NWO goal of 500 million only on the entire planet, hence the apparently paradoxical devotion to Israel and the Jews shown by many so-called Christians and Muslims and Hindus despite the intended NWO worldwide Noahide Laws stating that all Christians, Muslims and Hindus in the entire world must be executed for idolatry when Jews fully achieve their goal of total political control of the entire world as intended, and of course, the Noahide Law death penalites specifically only apply to Gentiles alone, never to any Jews. And Jews will psychically know for absolute certain who fellow Jewish souls are who are crypto-Jewish when the time comes so that they will safely avoid execution.

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Jewish family linage is not the same as having Israelite linage, which is required to be a true Semite.

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Does the unique haploid sequence prove the origin of the person with it? IOW, does having that sequence prove lineage back to one of the 12 tribes and to the Middle East?

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A post PhD level research book going right into that issue is 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold' revised edition, by DM Murdock.

To get citizenship in Israel a person must prove they are Jewish, and a blood test to demonstrate the presence of this genetic sequence is required, that should answer at least part of your question, as they all seem to have got that sequence in Israel, even the Khazarian Jew.

The Cohen priest line Khazarians (who interestingly, unlike other Jews, inherit their Jewishness by having a Jewish father, rather than inheriting being Jewish through having a Jewish mother like other Jews do) studied by Dr Karl Skorecki were found to be actually descended from Jews who first left the Bible lands to travel all the way up to Khazaria, so they were never converts rom Gentiles in Khazaria in the 8th century at all, yet quite frequently I still read more and more desperados saying how they definitely know for sure that the Khazarians are name-stealing fake Jew mafia and so on.

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Acharya was amazing. I need to order that book.

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It is really worth having, masses of totally irrefutable evidence that JC never existed, I read the same conclusion many years ago in an original hardbound copy of a book printed in 1829 called The Diegesis by Rev Taylor, great book too, but DM Murdock goes into greater depth and the masses of additional info in the revised edition make it worth having.

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Ordered it yesterday...

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May 7Edited

Imo, The Christ Conspiracy is total New Age rubbish and controlled opposition. Some years back I looked into the whole Khazer story, and found there was never any mass conversation to Judaism, and that Jews had been living there for centuries. Remember, The Thirteenth Tribe was written by a Jew. Just another red herring to throw conspiracy researchers off the trail. Actually, the red herrings are helpful for developing research skills. If one is into this kind of research long enough, one develops an almost 6th sense for controlled opposition. For most Truthers, the J question is like a pesky squirrel living in the attic. Few will open the attic trap door to come face-to-face with a snarling wolverine.

The rabbis believe a lot of really crazy things, but I do believe they can bypass karma and control reincarnation with black magic (Ed Warren came across this phenomena during his 50+ year career as a demonologist). The Kabbalah is a black magic manual. That bloody mattress found under the streets of NYC, and that Jew's video taped confession that they were trying to raise Sneerson from the dead using Jewish cadavers, is proof of this. My question for Zionist Christians is: how on God's green earth can you make a case that this IS NOT satanic?

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And Arthur Koestler eventually admitted that, like other Jews before him, he had actually been putting forward a falsified account making out that a mass conversion of Gentiles to Judaism had taken place in the 8th century in Khazaria, purely in order to provide an apparently non-Jewish scapegoat that people could directed to point their fingers at when the topic of 'Jewish' crimes was raised anywhere, so that an always physically distant and actually inaccessible supposed 'fake Jew name-stealer Khazarian Mafia', alleged to be Gentiles maliciously larping as real Jews, could be blamed instead.

JC was pure Jewish fiction, invented by the Jewish Piso family and sold to Emperor Constantine as a link religion for his disparate Roman Empire nations so they would all then have one new religion.

I very much doubt that Constantine had any real spiritual aspirations for these mostly conquered peoples, and rather think he wanted to screw them down further, and even think he may have been somehow or other under tribal influence like King William the Conqueror very obviously was, who, as a supposed 'Catholic' placed England under effective Jewish control and extortion by introducing Jewish usury and horrific legal abuses making Jews in England virtually unconvictable for even the most serious crimes.

'Those who say they are Jews but are not' by JC is just an earlier version of what Koestler and his predecessors did, creating a fictitious scapegoat upon whom any crimes of the Jews could be falsely blamed so the Jews as a people would escape any heat.

So what the fictitious JC said there was merely a fiction within a fiction, there were no fake Jews then, and there are none now. And there is no JC either and never was, just some very sinister and sadistic politically-motivated Jewish story-tellers.

There is nothing New Age about Acarya S (DM Murdock), nothing whatsoever in fact. You really need to read the revised edition of her book (which is not available as a free PDF like the earlier version, but can only be bought), which is vastly improved compared to her earlier work, as she was very weak with cancer when she was writing the first edition, so another researcher, a man who as a devout Christian had strongly opposed her work at first, before coming to know her personally as a good friend then took on the great task of revising her book after she had passed over, and sadly, he then passed over with cancer too, but not before managing to complete revising this book. If you have not actually read the revised version, which is greatly expanded and different in places, then I recommend it as good reading material to you.

In that book, she makes no claims to any personal spiritual or religious beliefs in the slightest, so your claim that the book is New Age rubbish means you cannot have actually read it at all before dismissing it while making out that you have read it.

In that book, the evidence she provides that is totally irrefutable demonstrates without the slightest doubt whatsoever that JC could never ever had existed.

And the Gnostics, who were falsely and ridiculously accused of being heretics deviating away from 'true' Christianity by many, actually preceded Christianity by several thousand years, and the Gnostics knew very well that their impersonal and never incarnated 'Chrest' with the slightly different spelling, had been stolen by those inventing Christianity for political purposes and changed into 'Christ' with that new spelling and falsely given human identity, and for knowing that, and especially for thereby effectively undermining the blatant politically-motivated lies of the new proto-Bolshevik terror regime new Roman Empire state pseudo-religion, were ruthlessly hunted down and exterminated and their libraries burned to the ground wherever they were found to simply get rid of all the evidence, as Christianity was really spread only as a tool of terrorist political dictatorship, which is why many millions of people were put to death in order to spread it, and the threat of being similarly executed in this life, or of being burned alive unceasingly for all eternity after this life, which is pure vindictive sadistic criminal insanity, is surely an extremely strong indication that the very intended purpose of Christianity was never ever to actually spiritually emancipate, but rather, quite the opposite, to drive people insane with all kinds of ignorance and hate and occupy them in persecuting each other, as a sort of NWO proto-Bolshevik mental and physical torture like the Stalin Pitesti Experiment in Romania one could say.

The Romans had just militarily conquered other nations to build their empire, they were not building a holiday camp for the occupants, the Romans wanted to keep them terrified, and Christianity was intended as the inner and outer policeman who would do the job, but this would ultimately contribute towards the destruction of the Roman Empire in any case, as was surely intended by the surely inwardly vengeful Jewish Piso family who created this new religion who no doubt whatseover really wished to see the Roman Empire crumble for having earlier suppressed the Judaic religion, just as the clearly criminally insane Jews even still today wish for the total destruction of all whites in the world as 'The Second Rome Amalekites'.

IMO, Judaism created Christianity as a psy-op tool, using it as a Trojan Horse weapon through which to ultimately destroy the Roman Empire by sending its peoples insane and destroying their societies and familes, all that guff about a man's greatest enemy now to be found within his own household, and 'setting brother against brother', all that is hateful anti-human malicious Marxist-type garbage in the Bible, and Islam was the second psy-op Trojan horse weapon psy-op tool of the Jews that is now being forcefully imposed in the West as it still has real physical and psychological power to totally terrify, and the Jews manipulating it can really use that, to put a false face on the terror and ignorance and suppression that the Jews themselves are really causing the infliction of behind the scenes, whereas the former power of Christianity to totally terrify has been burned out by more enlightened consciousness, and it would take Islam at least 800 years more to burn out to the level Christianity has.

DM Murdock neither possesses nor proposes any spiritual or religious beliefs at all in this book, New Age or Old Age, and sticks to pure research, and does not proselytise in the slightest.

In one or two very brief paragraphs she veers off course a little into politics and somehow conflates the bloodiness of Christianity with German National Socialism, but that is likely the result of mainstream programming in the US, but that does not detract from the overall superb investigative quality of this work into ancient religion, the real subject here, and she is fearless in her criticism of the bloodiness and dark practices of the Jews in many places in this work.

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May 9Edited

I don't dismiss anything until I research it to my satisfaction...which is what I did with Gnosticism...a long, long time ago. I totally reject it. Imo, it is satanic. I believed all my life that Sasquatch was a real thing running around in the woods...but I did not KNOW that fact until May 5th 1993 when I had an encounter in the Mt. Hood National Forest. Similarly, I KNOW that Christ Jesus is real and the Book of Revelation is spot-on...and taking place now. However, I'm a free speech absolutist, and Donald's substack is just about the last place online that does not censor...so we each get our say.

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In reality, DNA proves genetic descent of every Jewish group, including the Black Jews of Ethiopia whose Kohanim carry the same marker from a shared founder who lived at the time of Moses and Aaron which are shared by Ashkenazi, Sephardic,and Mizrahi groups...

Until very recently, Jew Haters in the depths of their ignorance imagined only Sephardic Jews were " Real Jews" because they are darker, like Arabs.

Actually, they have only slightly less admixture than Ashkenazi, and the group that never left the Mideast have more ancient Hebrew genetics than the other groups, but are nowhere near 100 percent, admixture over 2 millennia has affected them just as it has affected your lineage, regardless of your ethnicity.

Evil Jews do exist and so does the Italian Mafia. But just as the existence of the Italian Mafia doesn't prove Italians are evil, neither does evil Jews prove them all to be evil.

And as much as none of you want to admit it, pretending it does prove all Jews evil is Jew Hate and nothing more.

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I've seen examples of this so-called "DNA evidence", John, and you're either a LIAR or a deluded FOOL.

Besides, even IF there was some lineal trace, and it takes but one matrilineal line (as Jews generally reckon their "Jewishness" on such genetic lines) going back, if we were to go to this purported shared "founder" (do look up "Founder Effect", BTW, you may find it enlightening) to the time of Moses and Aaron (both Levites), how would we KNOW what the DNA profile of that hypothetical person (we can probably use Levi, but then we're going back another 300 or so years, meaning about 11-12 generations) looked like? As you pointed out yourself, the various ethnic divisions of Judaism, such as the Sephardim and the Ashkenazi, have significant degrees of admixtures to the point that their DNA would not likely resemble anything of the Biblical Patriarchs, if we had access to reliable DNA profiles of the latter. You also disregard the huge genetic input of the Khazar peoples, though it's gross oversimplification to say that Ashkenazi and Khazar are equivalent, as even the Khazars have had just over 1,000 years to have an admixture of their own, from not only Slavic peoples who they lived amongst, but also Seljuk and Ottoman Turks, Armenians, and Orientals, thanks to the Mongols and the Golden Horde. There is simply no reliable way to establish lineage, and having a common DNA trait is not limited to Jewish people, either.

Never mind that this is a contentious issue within Israel itself, and I lack the scholastic capability to solve it for them. In the end, the modern state of Israel is no "miracle of God", nor does it have the divine stamp of Authority, but was established by political machinations, conquests, and GENOCIDE. No different than most of GENTILE history.

We have a somewhat humorous, on the order of the 1945 Warner Bros. Cartoon, "Herr meets Hare", analogy to how the Third Reich handled ethnic Germans from the East. There had been German colonies in Slavic lands, including far into the interior of modern Russia, since the time of the Hanseatic League. They were further enhanced thanks to the Russian empress Catherine the "Great", who de facto was its first and only "Czarina", herself born to a minor Prussian noble house. Catherine brought in quite a few Germans, and recruited many of them into the Russian Army's Officer Corps. Quite a few got their "retirement packages" with choice estates about the Volga River, hence the Volga Germans. Upon the war coming to the Soviet Union in June 1941, many of these Germans, at least those who weren't rounded up and packed off to Siberia, enjoyed protection of the Wehrmacht, and their young men were conscripted into the German Army, though a lot of them spoke no German at all! Once the Germans were driven back towards Berlin, many of these ethnic Germans, fearing likely retaliation by the Soviets, went with them, but a few hundred years of intermarriage with the Slavs and not a few Turks, Tatars, or Cossacks had given some of them a degree of "swarthiness", which put Heinrich Himmler off. He remarked that these rustic "Germans" entering Germany peacefuly from the East were decidedly less "Aryan" than the Allied soldiers attempting to break through the Siegfried Line from the West.

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Oh, hate? Now that you come to mention the word, here is how Jewish 'religion' really views ALL Gentiles all over the entire planet.

From Acharya S



To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!

Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)

Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348

Kill the Goyim by any means possible.

Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.

Yalkut 245c

All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.

Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha

Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.

Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

So some of those believing in this absolutely demonic anti-human death cult are actually good you say?

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Try reading the Bible instead of imagining you know what you are on about.

Many Jews don't follow Talmud at all, just as real Christians don't participate in the mockery of God that is Sabbath Breaking, Pork eating Churchians.

All Talmud has ever been is a book of Rabbinic Jewish Rabbis offering their individual ideas.

As to your individual "quotes", I learned a long time ago not to believe stuff from people too stupid to realize it's the Muslims who declare over and over how much they want to force death or submission on the world and especially on White Europeans.

You don't need elaborate Jew Hater fantasies to know that Israel will rule the world whether you like it or not.

All you need is a Bible, it's the Central Theme, and Armegeddon is it's implementation.

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Get back to Tel Aviv.

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I didn't know that Jews believe in reincarnation. Is it from any scripture?

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May 6Edited

It is in the Kabbalah. Most are clueless about what is in the Kabbalah...or have never even heard of it. Ignorant Zionist Christians will try and argue with those of us who have spent decades researching this stuff...but mostly they refuse to even listen. The Kabbalah teaches that only Jews contain the spark of God we call soul. They believe that we goyim only have a dim reflection of that spark, given to us by satan, who stole it from a Jew. Tikkum Olam (restoring the earth) requires taking back those stolen bits of light (soul) by killing all goyim and looting all our material goods...because according to their book, we stole everything we have (including our souls) from Jews. Now how on earth does that jibe with living together in peace? They call us "kelipot" which means an empty husk.

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Thankyou for the additional clarification. The Jewish Rabbi Laitman states that the Jews came as a soul group to invade and conquer this planet from another dimension entirely. Something in the subtle body and general mentality of the Jewish souls they arrived with has influenced the gross physical DNA of the human bodies they entered and took by force when their souls first arrived in this dimension on this planet and entered human women's wombs, displacing any Gentile souls waiting to incarnate to take on human form here in something like a Midwich Cuckoos scenario and simply stealing human foetuses exactly like parasites.

While Jews say their DNA is unique, and it is, even if all Jews were removed from this planet tomorrow, like a swarm of flies their souls swould immediately descend on this planet again and just invade and steal further human foetuses in human women's wombs to create their initial new breeding stock again, and their DNA too would also eventually become adapted to the Jewish mentality just as the DNA of the present Jews has been adapted.

So DNA ultimately is absolutely nothing to do with the issue on one level, as a Jewish soul can take any foetus they want at will by black magic process of consciously-controlled reincarnation as a body snatcher, this is exactly how Rabbi Laitman says they first took root on this planet posing as ordinary humans, and they reincarnate only within the Jewish soul group, or as donmeh, marranos etc. while still remaining conscious of what and who they really are and of their entirely sinister and merciless non-spiritual purpose to take this entire planet by entirely military means of one kind or another to totally exterminate all humans on this planet so that the invading soul group alone can live on the planet, this is stated in the Zohar very clearly and unambiguously, all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately intended to be totally exterminated, and the interdimensional invading Jewish soul group under many names and fake identities posing as Christians, Muslims, Hindus and so on as well as open Jews use means like occult weapons, genetic weapons, poisoning food and making fake medicine and fake foods, or instigating wars between targeted Gentile peoples, as in WWI, WWII, Ukraine today and numerous other wars. And Jews are even cheeky enough to think they should be able to accuse us of being 'Jew-haters', they are totally round the twist.

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They call it gilgul.

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Well, supposedly the Sadducees did not, so when Jesus reminded them of the Resurrection, they were "sad", you see.

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Bring that up with the Sanhedrin.

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Are we still in postexilic times?

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you're totally missing the point of the article and deflecting to another issue. on purpose.

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I'm not the one operating on colloquial English that didn't exist in the target era.

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Who cares if they're descended from the powerful, evil woman (Isha Ra El)? (Jacob allegedly obtained the title "Yasherel" - "Essence of God".) They're not "Jews" (hands of the Eternal), however. Forget the endless genealogies; you have an authentic DNA sequence for Jacob?

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It doesn't really matter who they are descended from, if they are real "Jews," or whatever. Those considered Jews today are apparently going to be exempt from criticism, as is Israel itself. That destroys any concept of free speech. Thanks, SaHiB.

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Not really believing in the First Amendment goes back to only a few years after it was ratified, as John Adams and the Federalists rammed through the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts, some vestiges still remaining within the United States Code today.

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Which sense John the Revelator intended isn't entirely clear to me.

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It's not in the jab said RFK

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Why would Jacob's DNA sequence be relevant if he isn't/wasn't a descendant of Shem?

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You have Mr. Famous' https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h8034/ DNA, too?

Relevant because Jacob supposedly got the title "Israel".

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I hope you know what you are talking about since it is not clear to me what that might be.

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How do you determine the authenticity of the DNA sequence used by any Jew to claim being a Semite?

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Throw me a softball! It's authentic if it clearly came from their cheek swabbing or whatever. And they're "Semites" if they claim fame. How do you accept the authenticity of claims to being "Jews"?

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Ok, but being a "Jew" would mean either being a descendant of Judah, Benjamin, or the few Levites that ministered to them. The two aforementioned tribes were the offspring of Rachel, whom Jacob (Israel) loved more than her older sister, Leah, not that it stopped Jacob from "doing the deed" with her and Leah bearing quite a few children!

Kinda interesting that all that intra-tribal squabbling began with "Daddy liked you BEST!"

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You realize, nearly all biblical, esp. OT, names are titles or descriptions, so don't apply only to the individuals mentioned, regardless whether "ben" precede, or '"i" follow the "name".

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They are only Jews if they are descendant from Israelites.

So if they swabbed the cheek of a sheep, they are Semitic?

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You can keep your Lilith https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3917/ diabolicals. "Jew" is short for Yehudah (Judah) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3063/, a contraction of Yehu (plural possessive) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3050/ and yada (hand, etc.) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3034/

Interesting how the Bible uses the Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Avestan word for "devil" diba https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h1681/ only as a verb meaning "slander".

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The nexus of the Tribe's power and control centers around banking/finance, mass media, and the legal system to which they are inextricably entwined, all of course under Tribe ownership. Pointing out Jewish control and criminality as being "Anti-Semitic" is tantamount to pointing out the old Cosa Nostra being Sicilian as "Anti-Sicilian." It is cowardly evasion and contrived obfuscation. The protracted quarrel between the System actors, Tran-dace Owens and Shapiro is pure Cryptocracy theater, one facet of which is to delude the con-artist-servative sheep into thinking they have a champion, the fact that "she" is an obvious transsexual androgyne notwithstanding. It enhances the joke for the Tribe. "Hate" crimes are the pinnacle of Orwellian insanity as it is impossible to legislate against emotion. Yet they do it anyway, to rub their evil power in our faces. That is why the Tribe contemptuously calls us Goyim, meaning cattle. The masses are easily led to the kosher slaughterhouse. The Rothschild banking dynasty is by far the richest in recorded history. It spawned both Blackrock and Vanguard. With assets in the trillions, obscured with endless, legal and corporate paper trails, their wealth and power is beyond calculation. It is astonishing that the majority of people do not see or understand that the Jews are a race lurking beneath the cloak of religion. Races create cultures and religion is a manifestation of culture. Goy converts to their so-called religion do not alter this fact one scintilla. These converts have zero power within the Jewish camarilla. Their clannishness and cohesive ruthlessness can only be attributed to a biological tie. As for the Holohoax, here is my favorite quote on it from the late, J.B. Stoner: "I respect the work done by revisionist scholars proving the Holocaust never happened but dammit!, I want to hear that it did happen!" Thank you, Don, for saying what needs to be said in your inimitable style.

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I appreciate your input as always, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don,and thanks again. "Anti-Semites", unite! Be well.

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i don't get it. all we hear is that it happened.

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I know. J.B. Stoner, as per my quote of him, was referring to the plethora of revisionist scholars and historians who have proved beyond any doubt that the so-called Holocaust of World War Two was a fabricated hoax. To put it more simply, he was lamenting the fact that it did not happen. Dark humor but very cogent.

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dark humor indeed. i've heard variations of that, but never heard it put so cleverly, it got by me. im going to read J B Stoner, thank you, hereticdrummer.

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You're more than welcome, Kyra. J.B. Stoner was a courageous warrior for Whites and was horribly persecuted by the anti-White System for his efforts. If you do a search on him, you'll find a litany of lies and smears, the kosher Cryptocracy's typical sleazy tactics. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting him personally when he came to speak in NJ many years ago. He departed this vale of tears in 2005.

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immediately today will search him up. what an honor you met him!

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Yes, it was Kyra. Anyone who overtly stands up for our race against its destroyers places himself or herself directly in the cross-hairs of the Beast and deserves our utmost respect and support. Hope to see you in Valhalla, J.B.

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What REALLY happened with respect to the Holohoax may never be truly known. All we DO know are that the numbers of Jews supposedly murdered don't jibe with pre-war and post-war censuses, nor would they be feasible with the killing methodologies described, some of which not only were technically absurd, but, if indeed that had been the intent and mission, the means to do so ALREADY existed, CHEAPLY. I name none other than the alleged "diesel exhaust" gas chambers, supposedly using engines salvaged from destroyed Soviet T-34 tanks. Never mind how the Germans prized any running models of T-34s they could get their hands upon, and they'd certainly not go to the trouble of moving a 4,800 lb engine several hundred miles, to use on a stand to pump noxious exhaust, when a running engine was desperate needed for the "Beute-Panzers". Never mind also that diesel exhaust generally lacks CO, which is the lethal agent, and there were probably a number of stationary gasoline engines that would have served adequately for that nefarious task. However, why use any engine that requires precious "fossil fuel" at all? During the war, the Germans improvised on civilian transport, especially buses and trucks, a wood-gas burning kit, making the a "Holzwagen", or literally, vehicle that runs on WOOD. Since Carbon Monoxide is very flammable, it's a suitable motor fuel, but must be acquired by burning wood chips in a special furnace designed to capture the CO gas. These gas generators were rather simple, so rather than mount one on a truck, why not simply put the generator on a stand and pipe the CO into the death chamber? The advantage over the "Zyklon-B" would be that decontamination of the corpses wouldn't be necessary, as simply opening the chamber doors and running the ventilation fans for a minute or so would negate any hazard to the "Sonderkommando", assigned the grisly task of removing the bodies for disposal. Obviously the Polish forests near Auschwitz or Treblinka would provide more than enough fuel, and the inmate labor would suffice to fell trees and bring the timber for wood chippping. Likely the wood chips would simply be a by-product of a woodmill operation that was going anyway in the area. If the Germans went to all that trouble to built "Gas-Vagens" or later the gas chambers that supposedly used the infamous Zyklon-B, we can be thankful they were such idiots when it came to Engineering that they ignored the OBVIOUS!

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The Germans didn't exterminate Jews with diesel fumes or anything else. German storm troops killed communist Jews in street battles but that is war, a whole different ball of wax. I've written this before on here but it bears repeating. Inter alia, the definitive proof that the Holocaust is a hoax transpired during the great Holocaust trial in Canada during the 1980s. Ernst Zundel was charged with the felony "crime" of "Holocaust Denial." Zundel's brilliant and courageous defense attorney, Doug Christie, cross examined a plethora of elderly Jews the Crown had subpoenaed as witnesses for the prosecution. These Jews had been inmates at the three primary German "Death Camps", Auschwitz, Dachau, & Buchenwald. In the course of this cross examination, every single one of these Jew witnesses admitted: (1) During their entire stay at the camps, they never saw any Jew or group of Jews being led to any alleged "extermination chambers." And more significantly, (2) They never even heard of such a thing happening all of the time they were there. Obviously, both 1 & 2 are impossibilities if the Germans were doing what they were alleged to have done. Case closed, but how many brain washed sheeple even know about this earth shattering court case?

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I do, and I also know about the absurdity of the story about using diesel...The first time I read that as one of the means alleged to have been used to murder, I thought I was seeing things. I know next to nothing, but Jeez Louise, even I know diesel fuel exhaust can't kill you...Besides, the Germans would run diesel vehicles during a war to commit murder???

The utter stupidity. How could anyone write that???

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May 6Edited

The Zyklon-B gas was used to delouse newly arrive people to the camps. Later, in the fifties this same gas was used in Texas to delouse people crossing into the US from Mexico. Some people who worked in the US got gassed every day when crossing for work. Typhus and malnutrition is what killed the most folks. When you read holohoax "memoirs" (and I've read a bunch) the writer usually slips up at some point, and adds some ridiculous detail. A book of actual wartime letters I read, described Jews entering a camp and some being sent directly to hospital. No explanation was given why they would be treated for illness and then gassed.

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Donald, you are a rare man. You have the courage to touch ALL of the third rails. I raise my glass to you!

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It means a lot to hear that, G. Alan. Thanks!

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Look where it got him. It takes a different kind of courage.

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I think that we are finally reaching the point where people are going to be choosing sides. There is no way to contain the truth. Where will the Jews go this time? I don't think that there is anywhere in the world for them to go. They have literally pissed off pretty much everyone. Only a vile race would need to pass laws making it illegal to criticize them. You can't help but notice. Censorship is the refuge of the liar who has been found out. I have no sympathy. They've earned it.

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Well the bill is unconstitutional, like the various state laws that say the same thing.

Of course the supreme court is not likely to strike it down, apparently due to unfamiliarity with the bill of rights.

Rense was quoting Trump on the Palestine issue where Trump is fully in support of hammering Palestine in order to obtain a quick resolution. Looks like all the klowns are lining up and

no sane people are left to prevent the genocides.

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Yeah I think you are correct. They are not going to be able to setup shop anywhere else. This have hitched their proverbial wagons to the US. It’s all or nothing I suspect.

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Bigger Israel in Ukraine is where they will go according to the intructions of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson some years ago who stated war must be arranged between Slavs in Russia and Ukraine to 'end their line' and so vacate sufficient land area for millions of Jews from Israel to then move into presumably free land with many Slavs purposely killed in the meat grinder and many abandoning their properties to flee for their lives. Hence the simultaneously arranged wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and Putin aand Zelensky, both Israeli government WEF front organization alumni, both also being Chabad Lubavitcher devotees, with rabidly insane Jewish polticians in the West also arranging the war and making the war continue for as long as possible in order to kill as many Slavs as possible, and of course this is intended tio expand to annihilate most of The Second Rome, the 580 million or so Causasian 'Amalek' in Europe and then millions more in the US , Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc, as all whites especially are intended to die according to the Jewish agenda as spoken of by their own rabbis in video-recorded speeches.

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I don't see how the Jews will survive in the Ukraine. Parasites need a host to feed off of. If the U.S. and Europe collapse those cash cows will be gone, too. I am very aware of their plans to eradicate White Christian ethnic Europeans. The situation in Gaza is opening up a lot of eyes. They will never be able to pull off their wicked, evil plans as the boomers die off and the next generation takes over. They always over play their hand.

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Excellent. Everything laid out in a format easy to share with others. Contact Jeff Rense on the Rense Radio Network. He should consider using your piece on his site.

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I appreciate that, Lick. I appear on Rense every Monday night at 9 pm eastern. He has the piece up on his site. Thanks!

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I never miss you. I also like Mitchell Henderson who is on a bit later on Monday nights, too.

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Will do. Thanks.

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Legislation like this should reinforce to any thinking person that prostitution is not just sexual in nature, ala Kamala Harris. It rears its ugly head every time these AIPAC- funded whores vote on anything that is Israel-related.

Buchanan also once said that "Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory."This jewish/ Israeli groveling is grotesque and shameful. It may end up being the final nail in the US coffin.

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Buchanan said a lot of great things, Robert. Thanks.

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Thank you for broaching the subject many in the alt media view as taboo. Most allow all subjects but as soon as you start speaking about the Jewish agenda you get banned and shutdown.

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I don't think we can avoid talking about it, Right Side, especially when they pass this kind of unprecedented legislation. Thanks.

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I am totally happy Don broached it, but the alt media has been dealing with this subject since the Internet took off. just as in the New Testament, when people were always running away "in fear of the jews," the same exists for people today. People are terrified of them. This terror campaign started in the 1970's after the '67 war in Israel, with massive propaganda, via movies and media, and people are now totally afraid. they could lose book sales, their employment, their fitting in with any group, be it church or the garden club. It is complete, and it's finished for this country and freedom of thought.

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Well, the biggest names in alt media tend to shy away from the subject, Kyra, although this move is so outrageous that they may be forced to confront it. Thanks.

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I agree. The only thing in question is the official date of our downfall. I think by the end of 2030 this nation is unrecognizable and people will sit back and just take a Jewish boot stomp on their face in perpetuity. The time is upon us where we can allow our women to be raped, us murdered and conquered and be called racist or we can stand up to survive and still be called racist.

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speaking of rape, have you noticed the jewish proclivity for using the rape term whether they are declaring they got raped by arabs, or hurling it as an epithet at the protestors that they hope they get raped, but of course, as you suggest, it's actually what they want to do to other people. Americans have been culture raped by jews since the 1970's, and earlier, with hollywood/tv. End date, 2030 seems very possible. what happened to people is they internalized the fear of jewish power. the end stage, as you say, is they will worship it and love it. i am proud to be called antisemitic or racist or whatever, if people could get over being labeled, we might stand a chance, but im not seeing it. they truly do 'love big brother.'

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I used to sympathize with these people and believed the lies like the holohoax. I started educating myself during CONvid and found some bitchute channels that were not controlled opposition and would not shut you down for bringing up the subject. They are no ally of the U.S. and Israel uses us as a cash register and to literally save their asses and kill gentiles the world over. If it was not for our military they would have been wiped. I’ve watched nothing but lies about rape, beheading babies, torture, etc during this so called war but they conveniently never produce any evidence except propaganda via the msm outlets they own. All their so called tortured hostages paraded before us weekly have zero bruises or any evidence of harm but they tell the lie of how poorly they were treated. Then I see IDF snipers shooting children, bombing them, etc. I think Hamas is Mossad and this was clearly a false flag attack as Israel stood down for a full 8 hours on the day of the so called attack. Plus they have cameras and motion sensors monitoring every inch of that wall. If it was legit no country would allow an attack for 8 hours unanswered. And cameras mounted to Hamas soldiers and played the very day in western media outlets? Not a chance. If their mouth is moving they are lying.

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we are witnessing a genocide in real time along with the most insane lying imaginable. they insist every atrocity they commit is endorsed by God because they are the 'chosen people.' every gentile is Amalek and must be destroyed. that includes us. the republican party with its evangelical base are co-perpetrators out of some ludicrous religious belief is basically cheering this on. i am glad that that stupid fake virus covid gave you the opportunity to get jew-wise. the majority of people are too brainwashed.

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This is a good site to save and watch re: this agenda.

I think Gods chosen is a made up lie by them. Gods chosen doesn’t bulldoze homes and steal land, they don’t genocide, they don’t advance their cause at the expense of others. I quit voting after 2020 as I figured out all presidents are zionist shills for the agenda and politicians are the problem not the solution. I’ve lost all my friends and many in my family no longer have anything to do with me as I begged them to not get shots. It’s a tough pill to swallow that your government wants you dead and maybe even tougher that Jews sit at the head of the NWO table and are instrumental in this agenda. I stay in a perpetual state of depression that keeps getting worse as I see this nation nearing her end because indoctrinated sheep won’t listen to me and others like you who know the truth. It’s a very lonely world.

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Holy smokes Donald, thank you for saying what I would like to say if anyone would listen. I suspect what is happening at the colleges today is J6 on repeat. People protesting a worthy cause and then come the agitators and saboteurs. Media films these people acting up and feeds it to the masses. Wash, rinse, and repeat!

I’m going to say it has been infinitely frustrating watching the right react to this. I want to shake them as I would a leftist. “Wake up, you have seen this play out before.” The right at least is not completely impervious to facts (sometimes). In this case they usually deflect to their belief system. “Islam is trying to take over the world” or “well I don’t like what the Juice are up to but Islam is much worse for me.”

Now I don’t pretend to know much about Islam but I can tell you this: I have purposely forgotten everything I have been told. I do know most of my information on foreign regards came from the same cast of characters who lie to me daily about domestic issues.

So again, thank you for writing this sir. It’s an anvil of common sense and realty. This obfuscation from the right must stop. We have problems, this assault on free speech should tell us something about that.

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I appreciate hearing that, Luke. Thanks!

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the jews own you lock stock and barrel. people must wake up, but they won't. it's not a free speech issue. it's not an "issue" at all. it's who rules over you, how they hold power over you, and how they intend to keep it.

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I somewhat reluctantly began using Twitter last summer (could not access twitter links without a membership to to speak). Surprisingly, it is pretty pleasant as you end up more or less interacting with folks with fairly similar views. And those I routinely read of course were constantly complaining of the Gov't. But then I was pretty shocked to see many of these same folks immediately and vehemently jump back on the ship when these college kids started protesting.

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Yep I see them too. Unfortunately this subject is too much of an opportunity to fumble in my opinion. It’s very frustrating because the word police on the left have let down their guard. They’re pissed off Israel as well. It’s probably due to whites killing browns but that’s ok, I’ll take it.

Whatever that can happen to push back on these people is ok. It’s what i consider seeing the bigger picture. I’m a firm believer that most things that the right complains about will quietly fade away if “the media” is running scared. Ex: The rage against whites is being driven by this media.

Learned of the dual citizen thing in Oct 2023. Up until then had been suspicious of the rumors that a powerful minority made the rules. But no longer after that, dual citizen is pretty damn black/white if you ask me. This bill becomes another.

We should now have everything we need to raise hell. Easier said than done because nobody wants to touch it even with a 10ft pole. No need to go into race or religion. It should be unacceptable to Americans to be governed by a group of people with allegiance to another nation…PERIOD! Don’t know why that’s such a fucking hard concept. Especially when that nation is committing genocide and dragging us into a war.

But I’m afraid until we can have this conversation out in the open nothing is getting solved.

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There is a chance we are heading this direction:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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Love that quote more every time I see it. Thanks for sharing it.

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Thank you for this clarity of speech and thought, Donald. Finally, this issue is front and center.

The biggest cause of so-called "anti-semitism" (an inaccurate term per its real etymology, defined by the ADL) is the behavior of the Jews.

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absolutely. the jews cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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Thanks, An Observer!

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BTW, people MUST understand that once they empower ANYONE to control free speech, the same power will be used against them sooner or later.

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this is an old canard and not true. the US is ZOG, zionist occupied government. nobody is going to suppress the speech of jews. that's what the article was about and detailed instances of it. they're in charge and run a repressive regime against anybody who isn't them. they just rammed through that the New Testament is anti-semitic. this is insane. people have got to wake up, but, they won't.

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Yep, Ray. The old "first they came for" observation. Thanks.

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Au contraire mon amie!

It has a perfectly good definition, viz:

"Antisemitism", Noun; ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm

: Anything a Jew doesn't like.

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This whole thing is anti-constitutional, anti-American, illogical, and immoral. Prove me wrong. Pax

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you're describing the Jew. that's who rules over you.

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Is it really "the Jew"? I submit that it is the Kazarians. Nonetheless, not a good thing.

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i actually agree with the Kharzarian theory. however, this only waters down the macro picture. AIPAC does not call itself Kharzarian. and neither does the ADL.

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Really doesn't matter....they all come from the same source. Pax

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So is it also illegal to condemn the AAA? Is that also anti-semitic?

I know we want to separate “regular Jews” from the ones in power, but now is the time for them to separate themselves and speak up against the AAA.

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they won't. people do not know jews. they are a tribe, if you criticize one, you have criticized the entire tribe. many young jews in america are indeed taking up the cause of the plight of the palestinians which is good but ultimately feel it is their own interests to do so. but they will not assimilate into the general population as just regular people like the rest of us.

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May 5Edited

The noose slowly tightens around Americans necks. The Zionist are the current Nazis for this 21st century. The only way out of the current situation is to continue to speak TRUTH!

and to hell with their illegal laws!

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Always were; National Zionists. (As well as Ashkenazim, nasim, etc.)

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— T H E S E





F O R E V E R •••• !!!!!!

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Thanks for an excellent article. It is spot on.

"Our” House of Representatives recently passed perhaps the most odious piece of legislation in our history."

Indeed, that is true. However, a large share of the blame goes to the SCOTUS: The SCOTUS passed down egregious decisions that abridge the First Amendment and show contempt for the concept of representative democracy. Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1976 and exacerbated by continuing stupid SCOTUS decisions First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission.

These decisions have codified that money is free speech, thereby giving entities of wealth and power total influence in elections.

I am a free-speech absolutist. There are two types of speech: free and controlled.

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Thanks, Realist!

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