I figured out a long time ago that the Old and New Testiment do not belong together as one book. Yahweh was a Canninite god of war, one of the 70 sons of El, the Canninite supreme god. Many of the Old Testiment stories (the flood, etc.) were first written in Sumerian texts. Abraham came from the Sumerian City of Ur. The Jews took up those stories as their own (like just about everything they involve themselves in...the ultimate copycats) when they were captive in Babylon. I do believe that some of the Old Testament Prophets were actually in touch with God. Just because one is born into a culture, does not mean you must be a part of that culture. I think Psalm 23 is one of the most beautiful prayers in existence. As an aside, I will add that many Jews never left Babylon. There was a thriving Jewish community there for thousands of years. The two Jewish families that took control of China in the 1800s came straight from Baghdad. The Scofield Bible was a psy-op used to hijack Christians into supporting Zionism...and it worked very well. "The Rapture" was totally invented.

Letting priests marry would not solve any pedophile problem, because pedophilia is not caused by celebacy. What about the Boy Scouts? Orthodox Jewery is rife with pedophiles. In the last few decades there have been many scandals in the protestant churches about sexual abuse of minors . The huge focus on the Catholic scandals was because the Elite knew that in order to accomplish their plans, the Catholic Church must first be taken down and taken over...as clearly has happen with a fake pope (who, by the way, has an illegitimate son who is a rabbi in Argentina).

The Dalai Lama has been on the CIA payroll for decades. Billy Graham and Pat Robertson were 33rd degree Freemasons...and probably Jerry Falwell...but I have not seen the evidence for him. Fundamentalist Christians also love that "render unto Caeser" verse, because it excuses their cowardice when they refuse to stand up to the government for their faith. We all saw in 2020 and 2021 how the majority of Christian churches in America embraced the scamdemic. the fact they were injecting Satan's poison into their blind followers inside a "house of God" tells one all they need to know about the state of Christianity in America. Since about 80 percent took one Jonestown jab, that leaves 20 percent that could potentially be real Christians, and we know that of that 20 percent, there were those of all faiths. My guess is that less than 5 percent of Americans claiming to be Christian, actually are.

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You are learned and wise, Kris. Can't argue with anything you said. Thanks!

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The Sumerian texts of the Genesis Flood are different than the account written by Moses, and no other religion has a God of Being- I Am Who Am. When the Jews were taken to Babylon, they were corrupt, and adapted the religion of the victors. Jeremiah wept over the desolation of Jerusalem (actually a type of our time) while the apostates wrote the Talmud. A remnant returned with Nehemias to rebuild the temple, but they were infiltrated by the Talmudists, who crucified Our Lord Jesus Christ. And it was only downhill from there.

The Jews always had an idolatry problem, and the current genocide of Gaza is just another offering to Moloch, as well as was the bombing of Dresden. The Franklin Scandal showed that these people, in Church and State, rule the world, and only the Grand Flush will solve this.

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I would include the Terror Bombing campaign against German civilians in general along with Dresden- the whole thing seems contrary to all previous European conflicts. Also the Nuremberg show trials and inhuman treatment of the vanquished which seem similar to Stalin’s version of justice.

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Oh I certainly agree. Dresden is just the most prominent and obvious example. A city where ceramics was the main industry, bloated by both Poles and Germans fleeing the Russian invasion of the East, an ancient cultural center, and having no strategic importance, is bombed once, and then, as rescues are being conducted, bombed again, and in a manner forcing people to the center of the city, and then firebombed, creating a conflagration so intense hurricane force winds sucked people into the flames and those seeking refuge in the river were boiled alive. Final death toll over 850,000- the best estimates- with something like an additional 500,000 unaccounted for- probably completely incinerated and reduced to ashes.

But yes, cities of all sizes were bombed, along with locomotives and rail yards. but meanwhile, the Krupp works, to the best of my knowledge, suffered virtually no damage, nor did IG Farben, which would be renamed after one of its subsidiaries- Bayer- after the war. The Banksters take care of their own.

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And theft of many patents to enrich the usual suspects. Morganthau Plan etc etc

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Yes, of course the bombings had nothing to do with desroying the German war machine. That could have halted the war earlier.

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i agree with this, Kris. particularly "covid," that exposed people for who and what they really were.

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Dear Donald,I just came back from a two weeks Vipassana meditation retreat, it's a silent retreat where none can talk during the 15 days it last. Before going there,I woke up un day feeling exhausted of listening to people talking,in internet videos,on tv,on the street at the supermarket, everywhere. Everyone was non stop blablablabla,all types of conversations,the news,each other opinions,everything was an unbearable cackle,so I decided to take a break . I love silence, it's a luxury for me to be in silence,in a silent place. I do as often as I can this silence retreats,sometimes I do it in christian monasteries,or in a cabin at the mountains. Everybody have questions everybody want answers I just want silence. It's in silence only where you can hear God's voice,an it's a very blissfull experience when suddenly while in silence ,an answer and insight comes from deep inside like a sudden flash,then I just feel my heart full of gratitude to God for talking to me in the language of silence. I remember when I was living in different ashrams in the States,they had tags you could clip yourself on,who had written on it " I'm on silence ",so you could walk around everybody,do your work ,sit down to eat and nobody would say a word to you,neither you to them of course,it was an excellent idea,and I wish we could practice that too while living in society ,maybe people will laugh about it,or they will think Im a nut case, but anyway, the best is to be in silence where silence is around you. You have many questions in your text,I recommend you to find answers in silence. In Lakesh

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I understand what you're saying, Kiran, and glad it helps you. I have never learned to turn off my inner voice. It is always there. As every teacher I think I ever had used to write on my early report cards, "He is always thinking." I also have trouble not talking. I am very, very talkative. My daughter laughs about this a lot. I admit talking to myself sometimes when I'm alone. I also talk to God, out loud when I'm alone. I have a big mouth, I guess, but also a very active mind. Thanks!

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God speaks in silence.

There are 7 degrees of silence.

Silence of the tongue.

Silence of the members of the body.

Silence of the will.

Silence of the Heart.

Silence of the Intellect.

And two I cannot recall.

Satan vowed he would fill the world with noise. Silence fills the world with peace.

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"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." Matthew 6:6 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." 1 Cor. 3:16-17

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Thanks Mark, it's so, we are the temple of Spirit,and we shall respect this temple,not allowing garbage,like constant chatting and disturbing so called "music" and noises, to come into our space. Spirit needs silence as It also needs soothing inspirational music like Gregorian chants and classical music,like Haendel " The Messiah ". Blessings to you.

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It also helps, if you live near cell towers or other sources of EMF pollution, to buy EMF shielding clothing including an hood. These are available on Amazon. They’ve helped me a lot. Also buy an EMF Meter like the Acousticom 2.

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The reason for earthly misery and pain is that the god of this world of base matter is Satan or the Demiurge, an asura. He offered it to Jesus if Jesus would bend the knee to him (He didn't) because it was his to offer. This scripture of course, the R.C. Church banned. But this is what the original, apostolic Christians believed, the ones branded and exterminated as heretics by the R.C. Church. That haven of fagots, Freemasons, and pedophiles. I concede that the traditional, Tridentine, Latin high mass created by them has a hypnotic beauty to it that can captivate the Aryan soul. It did effectuate the conversion of countless Europeans into their ranks. But pragmatically, the R.C. Church was quickly transmuted into a vehicle promulgating white destruction. They are obviously against abortions because they prevent the birth of children for their clergy to abuse. Sex has a far more profound meaning than mere procreation. It unwraps a spiritual archetype that only the union of man and woman can create. "Born Again" is a mistranslation, it should read, "Born From Above" presupposing an original existence in the higher realms. Simply put, you return to where you came from. The Commandment against adultery is based on error as it has nothing to do with marital infidelity. Men in those time had multiple wives and would often trade or sell them. To adulterate, (the original term used) means to make impure by admixture or hybridizing. As in miscegenation. I think R.C. clergy were allowed to marry and have kids until it was barred around 1000 A.D. Enforced celibacy (or the attempt at such) was Babylonian priestly doctrine. Marcion, the great Gnostic theologian and scholar, who was responsible for the separation of the Old Testament from the New, made it clear that the God of Jesus Christ was not the god of the Old Testament. For this he was ultimately banished and persecuted as a heretic. Race creates culture and religion is a manifestation of that. There are countless Jews who have never attended Hebrew school, opened a Talmud, or entered a Synagogue yet they are fiercely proud of being Jews. As Jesus said, "Their countenance doth give them away." The God with no beginning nor end, the source of everything, will always lie beyond mortal comprehension but not beyond mortal aspiration. An extremely profound and stimulation piece, Don, thank you.

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You are obviously a very well educated man, Hereticdrummer. You are right about early priests being allowed to marry. There's the legend (not sure if it's accurate, or anti-Catholic slander) that more than one Pope died in a brothel. Thanks!

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Thank you, Don. To paraphrase Mark Twain, I was never one to let formal schooling get in the way of my education. In the Middle Ages, the worst epithet you could hurl at someone was to call him a priest. It was synonymous with low-life or scumbag. Thanks again and be well.

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Satan is not the God of this world. Satan was granted control of this world as a reward for his deception, but will be judged in the end.

Our Lord Jesus Christ became incarnate that He might love us as His own, which makes the devil delerious with envy.

The Catholic Church was infiltrated by the Crucifiers of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord promised Peter the Gates of Hell would not prevail. But He never said They would not give it "the old college try".

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Stop believing lies. There is no satan. No boogie man to blame for your short comings.

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I never blamed him for anything.

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To be born again is to be born of the Spirit instead of flesh and blood. The law of Moses (Ten Commandments) was given to the people to illuminate sin. Absolutely no one, except Jesus, is/was capable of keeping them/ it. Thus, our need for Christ was revealed in the Old Testament. God cannot tolerate sin, so the only way to have fellowship with Him in heaven is by repentance and acceptance of His Son. There is no other way. So-called good, decent people have no hope without Christ. Problem is, they can never be good enough in God's eyes. They may be in yours or mine, but our eyes don't count. Donald, you are missing a lot by not reading the Old Testament, as it foreshadows the need for Christ--the constant screw ups His chosen people made, the rebelliousness and such. Then of course, it foreshadows the coming of Christ. The perfect plan for redemption is revealed.

I am a born again Christian, formerly a Catholic (born and raised). There are hypocrites and pew warmers in any/all denominational and non-denominational churches. I have worshipped with Catholics, Church of Christ (non D), Southern Baptists, evangelicals and Methodists. We all fall far short of the mark. Hence, our desperate need for Jesus.

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Yes, we are hopeless sinners. "When you have done all things well, say 'I am an unprofitable servant'".

The Catholic Clergy are going to have to quite the account for all the sheep they have lost in the last fifty years or so, because they traded their beautiful heritage for a mess of pottage after Vatican II. (That was the great coming out party.)

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I used to say that most of the priests I knew acted like they didn't want converts to Catholicism. They didn't act very welcoming. You certainly can't say that about the Born Againers. Thanks, WW!

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"We are hopeless sinners." Speak for your self. I am not a hopeless anything.

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Perfectly stated. Thank you for this.

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I appreciate what you're saying, Lisa. We all do indeed fall short. Thanks!

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Moses was a murderous lunatic. When he saw the people worshiping pagan idols, he had thousands of his followers slaughtered.

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"I believe in God. I accept Jesus Christ as my savior". Amen.

I think a lot of the "Born Againers" you mention are into the Joel Osteen Prosperity Christianity faith. Sort of a New Age self-help group without the Cross. Which is, of course, a false faith. Being a Christian means you actually should expect NOT to be prosperous, because you will be rejecting the world. And since Satan runs the world, he's not too excited about giving us nice things. Except to bribe us when needed.

This is a hard road to travel and always has been. God bless everyone on the path and those that have fallen off - may they find their way back.

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The Old Testament is at times difficult to read, and has to actually be studied. It is prophecy to the New Testament. Jesus took the wrath of God, died for our sins, so man didn’t have to suffers Gods wrath. We can never be good enough no matter what we do. In addition, most people do good things mostly because they want to help, but they also want to be acknowledged for their good deeds, they need their egos to be stroked. If that wasn’t the case they would never mention their good deeds to anyone.

2 Corinthians 4:4. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

It’s not hard to see how Satan and his minions are running amuck in this increasingly depraved world. God destroyed the world during Noah’s time because the world had become so corrupt.

Genesis 6:6 The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Most people don’t read the Bible let alone study it. So much has been mistranslated and used in such a way as to distort the truth. And that’s a big part of the problem.

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I have been frequently advised that the Old Testament is full of prophecy, foretelling the arrival of Jesus and other things. Who am I to argue with people like you, Minerva, who have obviously studied this far more deeply than I have. Thanks!

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>> . . . "The Old Testament is at times difficult to read, and has to actually be studied. It is prophecy to the New Testament."

Yes, indeed! It has been said that "The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed". Having intently studied The Holy Bible for nearly 30 years, I can attest to the accuracy of that statement.

Furthermore, a great many verses in both Testaments (perhaps even all of the verses) have multiple, simultaneously true meanings. We are flesh and spirit, therefore one can interpret some Biblical statements in different ways, accordingly. The Bible is worthy of daily, lifelong study.

~ D-FensDogG

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Minerva; I have come to believe that most people do volunteer work mainly because they are unable to fill their free time so they are bored; to socialize; and to receive recognition. I'm sure that doing good figures in, and perhaps they convince themselves that doing good is the main reason for their volunteer work. But how many people would continue to do good works, day after day, if they were doing their volunteer work in secret, with no contact with fellow volunteers? There is a reason why organizations that rely on volunteers tend to host banquets and give out awards. They know what works.

One sees this a lot reading obituaries. Some people's lives were so crammed with their volunteer work, one wonders how they had time to breathe. There have been many studies that show the richer one is, the more they give to colleges, museums, public art, etc. (institutions that are already well off). Conversely, the poorer one is, the more likely they are to give to charities that feed and shelter the poor, or give actual help to real people. The elite billionaires give money to to see their names on buildings, or they launder their money through their foundations, like Gates and the Clintons.

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Good points, Kris. I know most of my own volunteer work was triggered by a personal interest. In the case of the Special Olympics, I was drawn to that because my niece Denise was born with Down Syndrome. Coaching sports was an activity I shared with my children, since I only was interested in coaching their teams. Thanks!

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Kris: Andrew Carnegie the Steel Magnate, built libraries all over the UK and USA to see his name on the buildings and avoid the hatred against him for the Homestead Strike bloodshed etc.

Carnegie built the buildings but he didn't supply the books. We have a Carnegie library (now a museum) in our town. The Carnegie name is still up there above the entrance.

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This one is over the target.

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Very true. If you read the Old Testament as the proclamation of the coming Messiah, you can see Jesus throughout. "Before Abraham, I Am." It's actually stunning when you see it. Christ fulfilled the Old Testament and created a new path forward. Judaism died in 33 AD.

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So, you think god is so crazy that he condemned all of humanity because adam and eve wanted knowledge?

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My parents forced me to go to church when I was young, I made church friends and kept up with them over the years until maybe 15 years ago or so, they were all a total mess. I quit going to church at 19. Also the pastor had a thing for my legs, every time he saw me he had a boner. I'm guilty of noticing that and taking advantage of it, I liked the response I was getting, especially if I wore short skirts and heels, that poor man couldn't stand up when I would sit so that he could see me. I would give him the show he wanted and it scared me that this man who everyone else held up to a holy standard was so weak that he couldn't resist or ignore some stupid girl like me. It ended when one day we found ourselves alone in the church and I was swinging my heel around and waving my legs at him and he came over and fell on his knees and started slobbering on my feet. I sat there and let him finish until he ejaculated in his pants, I couldn't see it but I know it happened. Because he got back up and ran out of the building. I kept it a secret since he was a family man and the leader of the church. Sure I was wrong teasing him, but I liked the attention I was getting. I guess I will have to face God for that one day, but I was a teenager and thought it was a little creepy, but I knew he wouldn't hurt me, he needed a release and his wife was not doing it for him. I saw him for another two years, but he never looked at me, in the face, but yes he still looked at my legs and feet. I guess I was one of those young women who was attractive since he wasn't the only one looking at me, the church was filled with not just horny boys, but older horny men too!

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Wow, Kate, I guess I wasn't the only one ogling the girls in church. Seriously, your personal anecdote illustrates one of my points. Pius men of God struggle against human frailties. It's normal for a male to look at attractive females. Most of us can control the impulse to do anything other than look. I'm certainly glad that he didn't actually abuse you. Many others were not as fortunate. Thanks for sharing!

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Year 2005 I was a maintenance man at a bank. The president asked me to come in on a Sunday and with the bank vehicle, give him and his son a ride to a local Catholic church for a religious ceremony the boy had to go through. (probably Confirmation). He had lost his driver's license via 4 drunk driving convictions. It was overtime pay, easy money. I just had to wait in the car for them but I always have a book with me. From where I was in the church parking lot, I had a bird's eye view of the communicants entering and leaving. I was stunned to see more than a few females, some teenage girls, some women in their 20s & 30s, wearing skirts or dresses that were obscenely short. There was no way they could sit modestly without locking their legs together from their feet to their crotches. Back in a former day, it was the policy of any church, as well as the public schools, to bar entry to any female regardless of age, whose skirt or dress was not at least one inch below the knee. Somewhere along the line this was obviously waived. Despite the fact that once no longer forced, I had long since ceased attending church, this was an ecclesiastical policy change I heartily approved of.

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I wouldn't worry about it, Kate. I don't think God gives a tinker's damn over such trivial sex flirting. I wish there were girls like you there when I was forced to endure the institutionalized mind/fuck of church as a young whelp.

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Thank you for sharing this. Your example is surely just one of countless since the Revolution of 1789. I can say that, terrible as what the actions of yourself and the pastor were, at least they were voluntary on both your parts, and he was not destroying the life of an innocent, as was some pederast Catholic priest. Nevertheless, what you did was horrible, and you realize it, as you said: "I guess I will have to face God for that one day..." And because you said this there is Divine, Supernatural Hope.

Go and face your God now. Go to Our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, and go to Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross. Don complained in his article about dreading making an Act of Contrition. And the priests say that it is hard to make an Act of Perfect Contrition, which is asking God to forgive you, not because you fear the Pains of Hell ("Thy Just Punishments") but because He alone is worthy of all our love. But damn those priests because making an Act of Perfect Contrition is the easiest thing in the world!

Three of the Gospels say that when Our Lord Jesus Christ gave up the Ghost on the Wood of the Holy Cross, He cried aloud with a loud voice. And Saint Paul said that when we sin deliberately and seriously we Crucify Our Lord Jesus Christ again in and with our members. That Loud Cry Our Lord Jesus Christ uttered did not begin on Good Friday. No! It began the day Satan uttered his rebellious cry "I will not serve!" when he learned he was to be the guardian of a Woman who would conceive God in her womb by the Holy Ghost- the Divine plan from all eternity. And that cry was renewed when the Serpent tempted Eve in the Garden and she ate the Forbidden Fruit and then gave it to Adam. (And Albert Pike had the gall to call the Ancient Serpent, Lucifer, the "Light Bearer"! "Doubt it not!" he said. Tell that, Albert Pike, to the people of Dresden and the Children of Gaza!... but I digress...)

That cry has echoed down through the centuries. And was renewed when you committed those terrible acts out of vainglory and pride, tempting a man weakened because, doubtlessly, he was a glutton who fasted not, and a sloth who prayed not, and so became prey to his lower nature, afflicted as it is with the three wounds of Original Sin- the concupiscence of the eyes, the concupiscence of the flesh, and the pride of life. (Wounds we all share, from Saint Francis to Adolf Hitler, and all in between. In a certain sense, Our Lord and Our Lady had them too, and that is what makes the Spotless Virginity of Our Lady all the more incredible... but again I digress...)

Just go and face your God now. Look at Our Lord crucified on the wood of the Cross (which should be above the Altar on any good Catholic Church... and don't even get me started on those horrific displays of the "Resurrected Christ" which Traditional Catholics call the "Diving Jesus"... but, alas, again I digress...)

No, rather, go to Jesus, get on your knees, and say: "O My God, I am heartily sorry for having sinned, and I detest ALL my sins, because I fear the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend thee, WHO ART WORTHY OF ALL MY LOVE. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy Grace, to Confess my Sins, to do Penance, and to Amend my Life. Amen.

Our Lady of Fatima gave us a prayer to append to the end of each decade of the Most Holy Rosary: "O My Jesus, Forgive us Our Sins. Save us from the Fires of Hell. Lead All Souls to Heaven, ESPECIALLY THOSE MOST IN NEED OF THY MERCY." Hear that? Our Lord Jesus Christ, in spasms of pain on the Wood of the Holy Cross, wants to save Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Bomber Harris, Abraham Lincoln, Pius XII, Larry King, Jeffry Epstein, Benjamin Netanyahu, and just about any other profoundly evil person you or I or Donald can conjure. And The Immaculate Heart of Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross is perfectly united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They are just a prayer away.

Go to them. And then go and confess your sins to a Catholic Priest. You can do this anonymously. Just go and give this account to a priest. And though that priest be the most vile, wicked man on earth, Holy Mother Church will supply Sanctifying Grace. But just, right now, get on your knees and weep before Our Lord, and He will supply you sanctifying grace, and though you die, so long as you persevere in your repentance and universal sorrow for all sin, even if you never make it to the Confessional, you will die and go to Heaven, and the Angels will rejoice, for this is the story of the Prodigal Son. Don asked why God permits this current modern Hell we endure... it is because He is on the Cross... at the door waiting, weeping, for the Prodigal Sons and Daughters to come forth.

Yes, it takes Great Courage to be a Prodigal Daughter. It takes more courage than that of the Marines who stormed the beaches on D-Day, or of a fireman rushing into a burning building to save an infant. But be not like Judas who despaired at the Greatness of His Sin, when the Mercy of God, and the Sorrows of Our Lady are like the Immense Roaring of Many Waters. Judas' greatest torment is he was drowning in an Ocean of Mercy, but barred the door of his heart and turned inward to the desert of his soul.

And so I will pray for you, as I pray for all. And may God hear my poor prayers. For God wills not the Death of the Sinner, but that she turn to Him and be saved.

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I respect your vast knowledge of this subject, WW. But I don't think Kate should be blamed for such a minor transgression, especially considering her age at the time. Females enjoying male attention, and teasing them in various ways, is just as natural as males not being able to divert their attention to them. Thanks.

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Many years ago I read this article in a magazine by a preacher or priest who was lamenting the fact that so many people attended church for the wrong reasons. Don, it was triggered by what you said about ogling girls in church: "Many hers go because they like the hymns. Many hims go because they like the hers." It was nice to see candor from a man of the cloth for a change.

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Our Lady of Fatima told Little Jacinta of Fatima that most souls go to Hell for sins of the Flesh. Our Lady also said in 1917 that New Fashions would be introduced that would offend Our Lord very much. If anybody was guilty of a "minor transgression" it was that poor pastor who could not "control his hormones". But any good Catholic knows that any sin against the virtue of purity is matter for the confessional, and not "venial sin". And for this poor woman, actually enticing someone- for whatever reason- is extremely malicious, age notwithstanding. Her soul screams for healing. You can see it in every line.

One of the greatest tragedies of the New Sodom is the loss of the sense of sin and authentic remorse. To paraphrase Colonel Jessup, we have turned "God loves you" into a gala punchline, and have turned religion into a Luv Fest, rather than a transcendent encounter with the God Who made us. Rather in the New Sodom we are gods, and everything is negotiable.

Current Events should be giving all of us a Much-Needed Wake-Up call. Instead, people just want to party on. Well, the party is over, they are taking out the furniture, and the punch bowl is dry. But it is like the train conductors are all drunk while the trestle ahead is missing and the tracks end at the edge of the cliff.

Well none of us but God can know the objective state of a soul... on the other hand... we can read. Kate leaves no holds barred, and no room for the benefit of a doubt.

The Path of remorse, contrition, and reparation is the path to Peace.

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Old as the hills.

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The Old Testament covers many years. God did not stand around with a big stick wanting to strike. He showed great mercy and patience. Prime example Jacob’s children went to Egypt for over 400 years then he brought them back to the promised land (Acts 7:6) due to the evil in the land finally "being full up..." Genesis 15:15.

God said in Genesis life is good enjoy all the earth only one limit! Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One rule to obey yet they chose to be like God...! But in God's mercy he put them outside the garden and put an angelic guard to keep them from eating from the tree of life and living forever (seperated from God) under the curse they brought on themselves in eating of the Forbidden fruit.

Rejection of God's ways has short term, long lasting and unforseen consequences.

Yes disease, famine, wars and natural disasters are real but they are a result of rejecting God's ways and "Doing it My Way" as a Hollywood Saint of yesteryear used to sing.

I would say God's forbearance is far greater then the untimely death of a loved one as he has allowed America to turn from following his ways and instead take 60 million(?) lives of innocents over last 60 years.

God displayed his willingness to forgive and cover over sin all through the Old Testement. But he also has boundaries and judgement does come. He pictured throughout Scripture ultimately, (we can do nothing about our own sin that seperates us from Eternal life free of sin) he would take on that sin debt and pay the price for our redemption.

Only God knows the beginning from the end. We try tobe God when we say "how things should be".

Evil is actual, as is my personal contribution. The question remains: How am I to deal with my sin instead of looking at the other guy?

Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the father except through me." (John 14:6) And if you want to follow me daily take up your cross (deny self) and walk in accordance to his example. Matthew 16:24.

It's not:"Well, I like to think about God in my own way!"

It is, how has he revealed himself (in the Bible) to our fallible limited understandings.

Do we accept God as righteous and therfore worthy of our complete trust / faith?

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I understand what you're saying, Jo. Thanks!

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Absurd. Yahweh was a murdering lunatic. Evidently you haven't read the book.

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Never could get through the Old Testament. Tried several times but each time my Higher Self must have rejected it because it simply felt dark, wrong in every way.

What's even more ridiculous now is that most Evangelicals are only concentrating on the OT, totally ignoring the New Testament other than using Jesus as some kind of teddy bear.

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Yes, but lets take it one step further. Then entire bible was written by Jews. After the Jews forced the Romans to kill Jesus, the Romans then killed the rest of his followers, turned the movement into a religion and compiled the Bible. Christianity is a Roman State false religion created by Jews.

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The Jews of today are not the Jews of the Bible.

For instance, nowhere in the Bible does it mention a Star of David.

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Same religion different ethnicity. They are all aligned with the Dark side, and they control almost everything.

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There are Israeli archeologists and scholars who now posit that the ancient Israelites of the Old Testament did not even exist. They claim it to be contrived, fiction.

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Jo Blow: Moses came down from Mt. Sinai. The Levites went out in the middle of the night and KILLED all of the Non-Believers (Skeptics) in their tents while asleep.

Nice guys those Levis.

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Wow I didn't recall reading that.

I think it fits with the desert environment though which can create sages (in virtue of the silence and grandeur), or it can create psychopaths (due to the heat and extreme deprivation.) Who would the psychopaths kill other than the more honest people who would expose them and show more virtue than them?

Imagine a couple thousand years of psychopaths being thus naturally selected by stoning and murdering anyone who showed signs of resistance and independent thought.

It would produce a tribe of psychopaths and chameleons and looky what we have today!

Whose being censored, and banned, and fired, and outright murdered? Not the psychopaths. They're doing very well. Of course our Jesus savior figure sure fit the mold of the reformer and outspoken critical sage, and his demise was guaranteed.

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Scott: The Levites killing of the Non-Believers is in the Book of Moses. The Levites are the priest tribe of the Jews. They don't have to fight in war but do God's personal bidding as his intermediaries. That's the Old Testament story.

Your comment is right on the mark.

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You might want to check out a Traditional Latin Mass sometime. The liturgy is magnificent! The *Credo* in Gregorian Chant alone is worth the price of admission--which, after all, is zero dollars. Though dropping a few bucks in the collection basket is always welcome.

A side benefit: a strong Old Right streak seems to run through my fellow parishioners. By an overwhelming margin, they rejected the COVID-19 narrative, root and branch. When the Governor of Michigan let us return to Mass, barely 5 percent of them wore a mask. Beyond that, they are skeptical of empire, especially that one-sided alliance with Israel. No doubt that means they're all rabid anti-Semites. No wonder we found ourselves on the FBI hit list.

One more side benefit: you'll find a lot of babes in attendance. What is it about the historical Catholic tribes--the Poles, Irish, Italians, Bavarians, French--that made their women so hot?

Not that there's anything right with that. I try to avert my eyes during Consecration.

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Thanks, Tony!

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Personally, I feel this life is hell. It is the judgment we are to face, if we do well and don’t kill, rape, steal etc we will enjoy a peaceful afterlife. If you do those things, you may be presented with another go, or worse, it doesn’t matter, just don’t do those things.

I grew up catholic and can’t stand that religion or any other, which is the right one, not for me or anyone to say in my opinion, if you do claim yours is the one, fuck off you fool. I believe in a higher power, and he is busy watching and doing other stuff I guess.

I have been to Jerusalem and seen all of the Christian’s holy spots and more most haven’t seen because I had a personal guide paid for by my company as a gift for stepping foot in the state of all states, Israel is not what any of you whom haven’t been there think it is, stop supporting them and the cult Zios.

I do judge, who doesn’t? But I tend to judge people for the things Mr Jeffries talks about, money grubbing, hypocrisy and people who just aren’t real or nice.

Truly a nice piece here, gets the mind thinking. Everyone has their own faith and most as you say are hypocrites and we shouldn’t laugh at them and mock them, don’t judge them, just leave them alone and never give them friendship.

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God is Truth. Start there.

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Although I don’t disagree agree, not sure I said I was needing the truth my friend. The problem is I’ve seen the truth and it is a lonely place to be.

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Yes you can say that again. When Colonel Jessup said that we can't handle the truth he was not whistling the proverbial Dixie.

When you truly know the truth even you will think yourself a whacko.

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I don’t mind feeling like a dippy, I just hate that my wife thinks that way about me when I start trying to splain it to her... ;-)

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"God is truth" Whose truth?

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Good points, Eveohtse. Thanks!

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I call myself a Christian atheist, which means that I am a follower of what I call Jesus, but doubt that the man-made religion made up by men after the man named that ceased to walk the Earth is divine. My "Jesus" is the universal consciousness that created all existence and loves it too much to ever be as hateful and vindictive as "he" is claimed to be in books that were written by men to control men. Eben Alexander describes a beautiful butterfly that he encountered during his one-week NDE. That butterfly told him that we "are loved and cherished," "have nothing to fear," and are "unable to do anything wrong." His book, Proof of Heaven, is well worth reading.

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Here are some of my thoughts :

If you pray, raise your arms up to the blue skies. Close your eyes and let the sunlight shine on your face. Look up at the sun, the moon and the stars and give thanks for the day. Your human eyes cannot stand to look at the sun, but your spirit can. It will realize the light is where it came from, it will remember the bright Light of which it originates. It will remember the Source of all being.

Listen to the whisper of the wind in the treetops. Your human ears will not be able to hear the voice, but your spirit will. Some aboriginals can still hear the heartbeat of the earth, the sound of the mountains, the voice of the trees. Don’t go in the darkness to say your prayer and do not bough your head, rise up to the skies though, and feel the sunlight on your skin.

Don’t ask for intermediates, don’t go to other humans. You are spirit and you can go to the Spirit, you can hear and see for yourself. You can, your spirit will remember how.

Know that the One is with you. Know that there is only One, and you are it. All there is, is Spirit.

All is Spirit, and nothing is separate from it.

(freely after Marcus Aurelius)

If you want to read a holy book, do not take those that describe elaborate wars. Do not take the books, that talk of slaughtering, murders, sacrifices, hatred, war. Do not go to the books full of rage, killing, death. These books are not a living source.

How can a holy book proclaim to be a source of life, when it tells hardly anything but blood and guts. Rape, killing, sacrifice of blood is not from a living source, but from a well of death.

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Such abysmal ignorance. The people God ordered Israel to destroy were the spawn of rebellious angels and humans which created giants who were abusing mankind.

Giant skeletons have been found all over the world including the US. Histories of many people, not just Israel, talk of when giants ruled mortals.

It's not a thing to get your undies in a Lefty twist about, you should thank God for their destruction.

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There certainly have been giant human skeletons found. While there are only somewhat dubious sources for it, a legend holds that the Smithsonian has lots of these skeletal remains, yet withholds them from the public. "There were giants in those days." Thanks, John!

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It's not a legend, Don, it's true. Skeletons of giants, some of them well over 15 feet tall, have been found all over the earth and the System covers it up very quickly. We are fed lies on everything of significance.

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Dec 10, 2023
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We still can. We only have to open the eyes and ears of our spirit. There is a lot of darkness around, but we can still be with the light. We are all children of the light! Bless you and Franklin!

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You're certainly preaching to the choir about doubting authority, le_berger. Thanks!

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Vonu; I heard that guy on the radio, and he turned my stomach. Not trying to discredit your opinion, but I discerned he was making up a story out of whole cloth. There was a psy-op involving near-death experiences that began in the late 1970s, into the 1980s and the 1990s. Like everything else, it began with real stories...but the Elite had to take control of the narrative...as always. They started with an intelligence operative, Danion Brinkley. The intelligence controlled radio show: Coast to Coast AM, played a big part in this psy-op. Many of these stories fall completely apart, with only a small amount of digging (no paper trail that the person was ever treated for a life-threatening condition). This all was part of the New Age psy-op of relegating Christ Jesus down to one of many "Enlightened Masters" and the pushing of the belief that there is no punishment and one can "create their own reality".

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I'd like to hear more about your views on NDEs, Kris. Just FYI, I have been a guest on Coast to Coast many times. Although, as I have mentioned before, they refused to have me on to discuss "Masking the Truth." Thanks!

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Yes, I know you have been a guest, but I never heard you on the show.

I heard a Hindu describe his NDE (had to have been online because I had stopped listening to radio by then). If memory serves, he was living in California. He described meeting Jesus and having a wonderful conversation. His wife asked him why he didn't see any Hindu gods. His answer : "I dont know". Now that was a believable story because:

1. He was not peddling a book, or looking for attention on social media.

2. He didn't have all the answers. When he didn't know something, he just said so.

3. He was not using his experience to "prove" his own religious beliefs.

Every NDE experience I ever heard on C2C was selling an agenda...and often a book, as well. They all had flaws in their stories, that if one was paying attention, leaped out at the listener. Art Bell asked one guest, how he came to write his book. The guest admitted that he had been contacted by a person who offered to publish a book if he wanted to write one. I later read his book, and there were things in the book that were clearly added to his story later. Obviously he was told: "You're going to have to add this bit, or the deal is off".

I know you've been interviewed by Richard Syrett, and that probably went fine. Richard is sharp guy. How he ever made it as a host on C2C is a mystery, considering that having a low IQ seems to be a prerequisite for the job. Were you ever interviewed by Noory? I know you must be diplomatic here...but if you were, the intellectual mismatch must have been very frustrating. A smart guy like you trying to converse with Noory...would have been quite a challenge. Notwithstanding Rense's hypochondria and his constant fear mongering... you two produce very enjoyable, intelligent talks, because you are intellectually matched.

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That proves who their masters are.

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You think that iHeartRadio is an intelligence front?

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All msm is controlled propaganda. One knows what is controlled, merely by observing if it is allowed or not. C2C was an intel-op from day one (lots of info online). I listened to the show for years because I didn't have internet in my home until 2020. Radio I did have. Probably 90% of the guests had intelligence connections, and they hawked their books on all the intel talk shows (Oprah, etc.). The other 10 % of guests were boring as hell (Donald excluded on both counts - I never heard him on the show) . The main reason I listened was because I was in the "George Noory Sucks" chat room (library computer). Some of the comments were so funny, I would laugh until the tears were streaming...and I rarely laugh at anything. Noory single-handedly managed to destroy a popular and successful talk show with his incompetence (and I say that as a listener who was not an Art Bell fan).

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Noory only had me on once. All my other appearances were with Richard Syrett as guest host. Noory also banned my friend John Barbour from the show. Thanks.

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How do you qualify calling the most popular overnight show destroyed?

Everything that iHeart does sucks.

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I will answer your questions with a few of my own:

Do you believe any statistics coming from the mainstream? Did millions really die from covid? Did Henry Kissinger and Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? (which, imho is meaningless anyway). C2C has been on life support since Art Bell left. I can report that three times the "George Noory Sucks" chat room mysteriously disappeared off the internet, and we had to regroup on another hosting site. Also, for several years before Google changed the algorithm, if you typed in: George Noory, Google would auto complete with: sucks.

However, for fans of Noory...more power to you. No one ever need justify what they enjoy and find entertaining.

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I'd be happy to take the 11,000,000 Swedish Krona which equals 1,048,504.27 United States petrodollars. Do you think that George Noory can prevent the hacking of his websites better than anyone else can? Autocompletion doesn't always come from the place you think it does. Noory isn't my favorite host, which is George Knapp, who has been involved since the Art Bell days. I don't listen to C2C for entertainment as much as I do for information, which I vet until if bleeds.

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A fine article & many interesting responses, I read them all.

What I'm struck by is it all seems a bit out of time, like it a conversation that would have happened a few years ago. When is the last time someone actually proselytized, in person, to you (me, any of us)? Even the Jehovah's Witness & Latter Day Saints do not knock on the doors any more. Do we mean "Bible thumping" as opinions expressed mostly on TV/etc? It seems to me that Christiananity is on the run. Church attendance is down most everywhere. In my progressive city there is nothing worse to be than a Christian-- who admits it! On Easter day 2020, the Christian churches of America totally rolled over for the government. The government!!! Sure. I guess you can't get a bigger not walking the walk than that.

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Interesting observation, Retired Librarian. Thanks!

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It's no wonder the Corporate churches obeyed the government edicts they are all Creatures of the State. How many churches do you know of that are not 501 c 3 tax exempt?

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I think Christians are the main reason why others are turned off by Christianity.

A lot of my peers have rejected religion and I think they have good reasons for doing so.

I find it sad because I’ve found community and solace in the church.

However, I agree that many Christians are simply horrible people who use their ‘once saved, always saved’ status as a get out of jail free card for being an a-- to others.

I’m a convert to Catholicism and have seen the good,bad, and ugly in both the Protestant and Catholic world.

I realize I’m a hypocrite at times, but I try to be a decent human being over all. A lot of Christians seem to skip over being a decent human being, in my experience.

I really can’t judge someone else’s salvation status from the cheap seats, so I leave that to God too.

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Very well expressed, Sun. Thanks!

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Heavy stuff Don, glad you brought it up. I think now is definitely the time we need to re-evaluate this important topic. As someone who was raised in the thick of the evangelical movement (I went to Jerry Falwell's college for crying out loud, lol) and struggled with all of this, let me tell you how I see it.

I totally believe there is a God. It's actually pretty insane NOT to. I believe the Bible, both old and new testaments, were divinely inspired, but reject that it's literal. Too much scholarship has been done to validate that many things in it are not exactly correct. However, it's not meant to be. It wasn't written for us, per se. It was written for a particular people in a particular time in a particular culture. Understanding this is almost impossible as we can't 100% understand the context. We do the best we can without rejecting the "spirit" of it.

The first thing is to understand that all of the Christian religions heavily repudiate asking questions. Even some of the simplest of queries. I got run out of one church for just asking why we don't follow the 10 Commandments, specifically Observe the Sabbath. Just shut up and do what we say or get out! Lord, have mercy if you start asking the difficult ones. Funny how Christ said something about being like little children. Those were the kinds of questions I was asking and looking for answers to.

Secondly, there is a couple of hundred year gap between the last writings of the Apostles and the formation of the official church (I know this is a little messy). There is nothing. We don't know what happened during the most important formational time of Christianity. Only in the late 200's do we start to get a smattering of documents. More in the 300's for sure, but still pretty scant. That's a really long time. Longer than the USA has been a country. That's a giant game of Telephone for sure!

Thirdly, Hell isn't what it's sold to us as. That's probably the biggest lie ever told by Christianity. (that and the Trinity). It makes sense if you're more interested in controlling people. Be good or you're going to Hell. Problem is that the languages (aramaic, greek, and hebrew) don't support that. My data may be rusty but out of the 73 times or so that the word Hell is used in the new testament, only a very few, like 3, is it referring to what we commonly think of as Hell. So all those verses used to scare the shit out of us are incorrect. Take out that concept, suddenly things seem a WHOLE lot different about this "religion".

Next, If Hell isn't real and there's no Eternal Punishment then where's this Salvation thing coming from and more importantly, How do we get it? Like you say, it makes no sense that someone who was born to a Christian family, attended Sunday school and received Jesus as savior gets their magic Bus Ticket to Heaven and the poor jungle pygmy who prays to the Great Salamander burns in torment forever. Not a good or fair God. Yes, I can quote Christians who do all sorts of mental gymnastics to reason this away, but at it's core it's retarded and, frankly, dishonest. Besides, the God of the Bible has a whole lot to say about people who burn their children alive. He's not a fan, yet he is supposedly going to do the very same thing to his children? Guess it's a God thing, you wouldn't understand!

So how DO WE GET salvation. Thru Christ obviously, but how? Do we just say magic words, go underwater, give all we have away and help the poor? These are all supported in the NT. Yet it gets complicated. If it were so simple, as different denominations and cliques say, then shouldn't it be clearly stated? And if it's so crystal clear, then how come there's so much division? Why can't this God have given us an EXACT method to get his children back on the bus, so to speak? Stop asking questions you Heathen, just do what we say!

Here's my answer from years asking questions and of study and, frankly, it's beautiful and empowering and in my mind, removes so much confusion and stress from Life. God saves us ALL! End of story. Jesus stated many places he was here to save the Lost. Save sinners. Find the lost sheep, etc. We're all sinners obviously and his purpose from the very beginning is to redeem this Creation which was cursed with sin. This is incredible. Jesus WILL fix it all. The planet, the angels, the people. Everything gets redeemed. Hitler, Satan, you, me, all of it. But how????? Here's the beautiful part. We do just what the Bible says. We repent, we ask for Jesus to save us, and when he does, we are transformed into what we were all meant to be. But HOW???? That just sounds too good to be true. Well, we're talking about the King of Kings, he who designed the whole thing. It's not difficult. The hard part is convincing us that we can't do it on our own. That's always been the obstacle to salvation.

Since Adam first stepped thru the grass, we have been trying to do it our own way. A billion different versions of this have been allowed. We've tried them all. We tried all the different -ism's, religions, riches, pleasures and pains, we have literally been trying every which way we could to be perfect all with fabulous failings. The OT story of Israel is the perfect illustration. Given clear cut instructions yet couldn't keep it together. Thanks God, we got this now. When this "experiment" call existence , is over God will gather us together, replay all this nonsense, and with a collective sigh, we will go..."oh shit... now I get it!" We never stood a chance. It's humanities "AHA" moment. There was nothing we could ever do or say to fix ourselves. It was a rigged game from the beginning. We were allowed to try it all to prove, once and for all, that we needed God and only God. There will be no more doubt and we will all fall on our knees, beg for forgiveness and accept that only Jesus is Lord and Savior. We will finally accept our salvation as the free gift it always was without reservation.

There will never be rebellion, because we realize individually and collectively that it's pointless. Why try? Might as well accept this gift and enjoy. It's the better way.

So what about our punishment? This is unclear but we do have to balance the scales. We do reap what we sow, so some kind of accounting occurs. I think it's left out because it won't matter. We'll want to pay our debts. We'll treasure that we're that much closer to getting it right and in the clear.

I have a ton of verses to back all of this up, but it doesn't matter does it? We'll suck it up because there's really no alternative.

Believing this is incredibly empowering and relieves me of the anger and frustration of trying to get it just right. That's at the heart of so many Christian's struggles. Are we doing it the right way? What about them, they aren't doing it right, so they must be wrong and should we punish them for it? On and on. Gets really messy. Believing that Christ will ultimately fulfill his purpose and mission and that we can either continue to fight it, or join in, knowing we are going to be complete flops at it is hopeful. It stops us from constantly judging everyone else. Hey, we're all on this train wreck, called Life, doing a pitiful job of it, but that's ok. It's not meant to last forever. By the way, this view isn't as kooky as it first might seem. There's been hints for thousands of years from holy people trying to spread this message.

I could be wrong. I'm still choosing to believe that God is all powerful, all loving, and has nothing but our best interest at heart. This temporary shit show isn't the final act. I'm no better or worse than anyone else and my story is really only important to me and God.

I hope this inspires some. It really does help. For more info, just start asking the tough questions, the simple questions. The bible tools are all there online for free if you want to look up original words and concepts. Don't get frustrated, but don't underestimate how hard it is to shed your upbringing and the PR that went into getting you into your original mindset. The reward is freeing.

God Bless us all, we sure need it right now!

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That all makes a lot of sense to me, Ranch. Thanks!

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You have 75 comments as of this writing.

I read your piece last night and waited to see what kind of responses you’d receive.

Well, I’m certain you knew they’d come out of the woodwork and they did, eh.

There is a reason for so many recovering catholics. In my tour in the parochial system late 50’s early 60’s we were never instructed from the Bible were we? I never was. I believe it was a little black book called a missile. Not a Bible. Like most, once I didn’t have to attend mass anymore, I didn’t.

From there, and I can only share my personal experience, after 20 plus years of self centered riotous living I found myself without my wife, home and three beautiful children and in a world of shit.

This eventuality forced me to my knees one evening where I finally for the first time in my life actually asked God for help. I’m happy to say He heard my cry and my life has never been the same. No formal baptism was required however I did eventually go through one.

The God I know and love still hears my prayers (sometimes pleas) and takes care of all my needs and a good portion of my wants.

Regarding all the injustices and misery in our world? I guess we’ll never in this life understand the harsh ways of our Creator.

Then there’s the story of the fellow who after intense prayer was granted a brief interview with God. He asked God why there’s so much strife and anguish in this world, so much cruelty and injustice? Why haven’t you intervened? Why haven’t you sent us help? And God answered, but I did my son, I sent you.

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I appreciate you sharing your own story, Dennis. It sounds like things worked out well for you. That's all we can ask. I can't argue with anything you say. Thanks!

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Donald you are a good communicator,I can see you like to express yourself, it's nothing wrong with that,but to find true answers you have to stop your mind constant chatting. As Rumi said " you are in a prison but you don't realize the doors are open ".

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I just want to ad that I used to be like you years ago since I was a child,my father used to call me " crazy horse " because I was running everywhere. My mom used to tell me " my dear you are going to go crazy ",because I was always talking and asking questions,until one day a very dear teacher in my high school years told me " curiosity is the mother of wisdom ",because I told her I felt ashamed of being too curious and always asking questions. But all the years I was living in ashram practicing meditation,were for me very healing for my hiper active mind,and now I'm very happy I learned to control my mind ,my thoughts and my tongue too 😂

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