Somewhere in The Screwtape Letters, the professor devil says to his student demon: "Human stupidity might have limits, but we have not found them yet."

In 2023, we still have not found them.

How can anybody with two functioning brain cells be invested in the political process or the financial markets.

The stock market utterly defies gravity, and the 2020 election was absolutely stolen. They all but flung it in our face.

Trump ain't my president, but Trump should be their president, for what it is worth.

Our only hope is that the jab was more toxic than what it currently appears. The sheeple just are not dropping fast enough.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

In bold letters on their website, the Cedar Mill Library has written: Support free speach, support the Cedar Mill Library...yet they declined to purchase Donald's new book...because there are no reviews they deemed suitable (the type of reviews librarians use, to keep real free speach from reaching the unwashed masses). We certainly can't have people making up their own minds using facts, can we?

Last night I was talking to my friend about the ridiculous Trump/Biden theater, and he said a woman at his job had tried to talk to him about it. When he replied he did not pay attention to anything about that subject, she replied: "But aren't you scared of what's going to happen?" There it is in a nutshell...keep the normies in a constant state of anger and fear, so they are child's play to manipulate. The problem for we few who see right through all this, is the normie mass capitulation to anger/fear affects us. We are like the smaller, weaker co-joined twin, forced to have our own lives disrupted because of the mass hysteria of the tv hypnotized, dumbed down public. I cant wait to see what happens when they roll out the phony UFO landing. I knew covid was a psy-op when the first news stories trickled out of China in December 2019. This had been discussed in alt-media for at least 20 years. I thought they would do a covid, first with bird flu in the early '00s, or later with swine flu in Mexico in 2009. Those two attempts never got off the ground. I guess folks weren't yet dumb enough. So the controllers waited another eleven years, until the remarkably idiotic younger generation had more clout in society. I vowed not to go along with it, but it still impacted my life...which makes me very angry. At least it impacted my life much less than the average person, since I dropped out 30 plus years ago.

This latest Trump/Biden Kabuki Theater has reached levels of idiocy that even I did not foresee. It will be interesting to see what level of absurdity they will employ. Its all leading up to partition...which cant come fast enough for me.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's all theater! You can sum it up; you have the Democrat Cult and the Trump Cult.

You did omit one of Nixon's really big sins. That is the removal of the final 10% precious metal backing of the fiat dollar.

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Trump is the Blight Wing, con-artist-servative clown chosen by the Cryptocracy to fan the flames of hatred and divisiveness among the sheeple, keeping their attention off of the shadow rulers while they laugh their asses off. The more they persecute the orange headed buffoon, and the more outrageously unjustified it is, the more his brain dead followers rally behind him and support him, conveniently forgetting that the asshole never kept one of his promises to them, which is the point of the whole charade. Among the list of government atrocities pointed out, I include the cold blooded murder of Vickie Weaver while holding her baby in the kitchen at Ruby Ridge, 1992, by FBI gook assassin Lon Hiruchi. He blew most of her head off with a high powered, sniper's rifle. This scumbag was not only not criminally prosecuted but actually promoted. Famed lawyer of the people, Gerry Spence, sued the Feds on behalf of the surviving Weaver family. He related that in the federal courthouse, in the corridor right outside the courtroom entrance, three FBI SWAT team members who were there and were subpoenaed to testify, grabbed him and very roughly slammed him against the wall, laughing as they passed him to enter the courtroom. Needless to say this greatly shook him up. Just a relatively minor incident like this, shows very clearly the contempt and disdain our "servants" in government feel about us. If they had run into him outside, I'm certain they would have done far worse to him, with impunity of course. Your mention of the Clinton-Monica Lewinsky fiasco triggered a pleasant and humorous memory. Many years ago, I had a torrid affair with a very pretty, married girl I met at work. Before we got down to doing the magic act in full, she would just give me oral sex and not let me undress her completely. She told me, and I kid you not, that as long as she kept her panties on and just performed oral sex on me without allowing full blown intercourse, she felt she was not cheating on her husband. Somehow, I don't think he would have concurred with that assessment. At any rate I refrained from telling her that she was a woman after Bill Clinton's own heart as I did not wish to derail a good thing. Regarding the sheer criminality of the political puppets placed over us, recall mobster Michael Corleone's conversation with his future wife, Kay, in the Godfather movie. Michael: "My father is no different than any other powerful man, like a president or a senator." Kay: "Michael, how naive you sound! Presidents and senators don't have people killed!" (Pause for effect). Michael: "Now who's being naive, Kay?" Great straight shooting, Don, you really hit the bullseye here.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

This was a masterful compilation piece, Donald. A deep dive into the demonically (?) debauched depravity that dominates our dimwits in government.

It all seems rather hopeless to me. Glad I have my belief in God and some provisions stashed away. I’ll go down “unvaxxed” and swinging.

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beautiful post about UGLY subjects. thank you.

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"How can those who support liberty and want a truly free country, live in harmony with such people?"

They cannot, DJ. There shall be no harmony ... and no pudding for you, if you don't eat your meat! ;-) What we are now witness to is the utter antithesis of harmony, by design. These felonious miscreants have declared war on half the country and its symbolic standard bearer, the micropenis-endowed piñata. Thanks for the everlasting comical image, amigo! lol

I'm not much good at prognostication, but sometimes the future just sticks out like a bagel in a bowl of grits. It takes no clairvoyance at all to realize the "United" States are fast becoming Un-united.

Some states are now working to employ the only solution they have left, which is secession. It is no longer a matter of if, but when. And for Texas, that "when" happens in March, when we vote on the matter, if all goes as planned by we the people who live here and care about freedom.

You know how we can tell this is going to happen? Because there are actually people who have fled the communist hellhole of California and have come to the Lone Star State with the solemn vow that they will do everything in their power to make certain Texas does not become California. Not kidding.

And these patriot darlings are helping to make it happen by taking charge in the Texas Nationalist Movement and by shouldering leadership roles. They are skipping retirement and taking on enormous amounts of work to make this vote happen. It that doesn't inspire every Texan with half a brain to sign the petition for a vote, I have no idea what possibly could.

So, if we are going to get in a fight ... and you know we are ... why not fight for state sovereignty and leave this lying, corrupt, putrid federal government to fester and rot into the stinking, decaying pile of iniquity it is?

Many thanks for the brilliant essay ... and for making yet another great case for True Independence!

~~ j ~~



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PS: I've been on the Heather Cox Richardson substack for the past month or so. Those folks are rabid Trump haters and Biden lovers. They are quite mad.

Go over there if you want to see Trump Derangement Syndrome in person. Don't get hit by the flying shit from the mad monkeys.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Anyone having the experience that Trump has with managing construction projects would have gotten the protestors to the Capitol while the legislators were still in their chambers if his intent was to overthrow them. Lewis Carroll died in 1898, missing all of the corruption that followed.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Well said.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

This supposed trial will never see the light of day. Just another distraction. This is my opinion.

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Another great article by DJ. I am so tired of the media talking about nothing but Trump I could scream. This guy has been in my face since he came down that damn elevator in 2015.

In my dreams I see Biden and Trump in the Thunderdome.

"Two Men Enter! One Man Leaves!"

If one of them survives the fight, put him in the basement taking care of the pigs that provide the methane powering Barter Town.

Someone please give these two old Anglo rich bastards from the Northeast the hook!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald Trump is running for president using his martyr status to do so. He doesn’t care how many times he gets indicted at this point, because it all plays in to some of the things you just talked about. He’s not really offering a program or programs to solve any of our problems. He is running as a person who is being absolutely penalized and persecuted for daring to be President of the United States.

It is like Trump has morphed into Jimmy Stewart character , and Jefferson Smith, from the film Mr. Smith goes to Washington. All that is needed is the steady script and direction from Frank Capra to make it all work out right. The fairy ending is that Trump will be vindicated, and the evil people will be punished. This is what is playing out in real life.

Yet we have in the White House, a perverted individual with his drug addicted, perverted pedophile, son. Neither of whom, no any shame whatsoever. And continue to act as if nothing has happened. Who in their right mind would have real faith in our justice system at this point. Certainly not I. This country has jumped fully into the abyss without thinking anything through.

It is really going to be fun watching this election and this campaign play out and the legal shenanigans put up on Trump and probably others by the department of justice and their minions. Here I have been a lifelong, ardent, conservative, and a capitalist, and yet the guy I happen to like right now is Robert F Kennedy, junior. He and I probably disagree on 80% of everything but there is that 20% I do like.. I actually feel like if he got in he might be a decent president. He’s never run for public office either so in 2016 I gave Trump a chance, so maybe it’s time I give Bob a chance.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Two points:

1) Biden can only be impeached for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' while serving as the actual president (even an illegitimate one) and not anything else outside that timeframe.

2) Also 'Slick Willie' was impeached for lying under oath to a grand jury--not for the actual sexual acts with Monica.

Great post. We're all f*cked until we decide to something about it. And I don't mean voting.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

"He had to ban all opposition political parties. And newspapers. Honest Abe Lincoln did that, and he couldn’t even play the piano with his penis." No, but rumor hazzit he kicked up a few toe tappers while playing The Slobber Blues on the skin flute, now and again.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Bread and circuses dominate the people today. They don’t care. Look how we tolerate the criminal Biden regime. I work for a casino in the fiefdom of Delaware. I see people lose 1500 and then go to the atm. Where is this money coming from? 700 a month car payments? Unaffordable housing. Recor credit card debt? I see a Soviet style collapse coming.

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