Once upon time..... I was a meek person, then I broke a bully's nose. This was in 8th grade, then there were no more problems with hierarchy. The psychology of early human development is to begin with the establishment of a pecking order. Competitive Hierarchy, fear not! you can be king too. To solve our current world problems, we all must be dreadnoughts to bullies.

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You are, of course, correct in saying bullies must be confronted. But for the truly meek, not only is this capacity missing from their makeup, it would be hard for them to punch everyone in the nose. The meek are ignored, bullied, and abused by most others. Thanks.

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100% agree with you, it explains a few things these days. The strong should be willing to stick up for those who are less adept to sticking up for themselves. It was more like that in my generation, at least during the school years.

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Nefahotep: LOL! The first bully I hit was on my first day of school when I was 5 years old. The Polish punk knocked over my block fort. I stood up and punched him in the nose. The kid bled and cried and I had to kneel in front of the class for two hours until lunchtime.

I hate bullies.

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Universal experience, it's possible that everyone has had to deal with those.

Bullies are just like death and taxes. You have to face em head on.

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Block fort. How based. 🤣

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Gregory: I suppose I was a warrior at an early age. LOL.

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I learned that lesson in dealing with bullies when I was 7, and beat up a 12-year old who had beat me up regularly, but was going to beat up my 4- year old sister. I couldn't let that happen. From then on, they didn't scare me.

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Sounds like you might be from my generation. The strong should always make a stand for the weaker and especially for the younger.

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More like a silly hierarchy of peckerwoods.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

As a lifelong 'meek' person, this piece really resonated with me and I thank you so much for what you expressed here, Don.

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I appreciate hearing that, Smoke. Thanks!

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald, I really enjoy it when you tell your personal stories. I've called you the voice of Everyman...but you're also the voice of authenticity.

I spent the the first 30 years of my life raging against injustice (so many of your stories remind me of my former self) and tilting at windmills. Once I discovered the truth about the NWO, and around the same time returned to my Christian roots, it was as if a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I could finally relax, knowing everything was happening exactly as it was supposed to. It gave me a kind of freedom I had never known. It was a personal paradigm shift for me, and totally changed how I interacted with the world.

I stopped reading fiction at age 17, and switched to memoirs. I've read hundreds...and in every single one, with no exceptions, whatever the writer did to live a story worth turning into a book... somewhere, somehow, that author received a helping hand along the way. When I start a new memoir, I'm always looking for the moment when fate offers a helping hand to the writer. No one does it alone.

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I am grateful for your support, Kris. I know what you mean- I've always looked for that hidden helping hand, with virtually any celebrated person. Thanks!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I like the way you call Don the voice of Everyman!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Don thanks for that heartfelt post, I started life as a conformist aka meek person but after seeing many colleagues in the military die from the anthrax ‘vaccine’ I realised I had no choice but to push back. If you DO push back you pay a heavy price - which equates in my case to being pushed out of the military and not getting all the juicy military contract jobs that await the compliant.

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Thanks, Ursino!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I don't think we'll have to concern ourselves with the meek inheriting the earth in it's current state of depravity and corruption. Thank God that the haters of God and humanity won't be around to torment or persecute anyone in that world either. I look forward to existing as God intends for humanity to exist throughout eternity. The evil-doers and their evil inventions will be long gone and forgotten too. No more death, disease, depravity, corruption, evil, weapons of mass destruction, GMO foods stripped of nutrition, hell-bound tyrants, sorrows and grief, or evil-doers will exist in the new heavens or the new earth for God's people to contend with.

Revelation Chapter 21: 1-8

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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Thanks, Mary!

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I salute you Mr. Don Jeffries because you wrote this essay with your whole heart & soul, in remembrance of Ricky - and all the meek thereof. God bless you and your family sir. Pax Vobiscum !

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Thank you, Awaken!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Beautiful post Don! I love reading your posts, I admire your thoughtful commentary. My heart breaks for Ricky and all the other victims and their families as a result of our leaders failed policies during Covid. To say I am disgusted with our political leaders is an understatement. I have zero respect for their self serving and disrespectful attitudes. I noticed you dedicated your new book to your brother, Ricky. What better way to honor him! I am not a meek person, the total opposite. I do respect meek people, as I have grown older I aspire to be quieter and more mindful. Bless you and your family. Keep up the great work!!

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I very much appreciate hearing that, Robin. Thank you!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I consider meek to mean that I just want to be left alone. No need to feel sorry for me, just leave me alone. So I distance myself. I don't see anything wrong with that. Jesus is with me.

I became "self-employed" and didn't understand why the "government" was constantly robbing me under color of law. But I learned. Some creatures are just plain Satanic and others are their followers out of ignorance. I also learned the "government's" definition of "self-employed".

Who in their right mind would want to inherit this earth that is ruled by Satan? I would think that one should work towards being with their heavenly father. Now get to work saving someone's soul lest they be stuck here.

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I think there's a big difference between being simply shy, or a private person, and being meek. But I understand what you're saying. Thanks!

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Anticriminals: All I'm looking for is redemption of my soul and then oblivion.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Writing is the closest we come to baring our souls. And, it is through the pens (now keyboards!) of great writers, I find what passes for "hope" in my obsidian heart.

Look, we tougher, Keepers of the Flame are now required to save the planet's greatest race, and the fading dignity of humanity. While I have never been meek, I have been distracted. Chased rainbows that were not as beautiful in proximity. And while I wish I had time to understand our Civnats, Qtards, Bleeding Hearts and other assorted dupes and rubes, I have no time. WE have no time.

So, once the war has been catalyzed, once vengeance and blood have dimmed the tides of atrophy and deceit, we can help our meek, and otherwise wonderful brethren. If they survive, and most will not.

Hail Victory. Or, Valhalla.

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Donald, this article touched me deeply and I thank you for it. I am of the school of walk softly but carry a big stick. People have thought of me as meek when I was just quiet, and as soon as they tried to be disrespectful, out came the big stick, so not everyone who is quiet is meek, but I do hate a bully with a passion. Jack

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Thanks, Jack!

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I learned very early that if you fight back, even if you get your ass kicked, bullies won't bother you anymore. They are cowards at heart and just seek easy prey. I have never known any bully to be a bad motherfucker. Real tough guys don't act it, they just are and have no need to throw their weight around. If you are foolish enough to mess with them, you'll find out post-haste just how tough they are. Power concedes nothing to the powerless. In this world of violence and pain, force is the only answer to those who seek to harm and/or kill you. Trying to reason with them is a complete waste of time. Being sub-human and bereft of soul, pain is the only thing they understand. Inflict it on them with extreme prejudice. The law of nature is struggle. None of us made it that way, but that's the way it is. Ignore that maxim at your own peril. It is blatantly obvious that the most abused and ignored class of people are white, heterosexual males. The reason? With rare exception, they won't counterattack and fight back, and I mean fight to win. Unless this changes, they can all bend over and kiss their collective asses goodbye. Thanks for a heartfelt post, Don, I know it must not have been easy for you to write.

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Most bullies are cowards, Hereticdrummer. But I think it's pretty hard to punch out the world. The meek have pretty much everyone bullying them to at least some degree. Thanks!

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To quote/paraphrase Mafia boss Michael Corleone speaking to his Consigliore Tom Hagen in, "Godfather Two", "I don't want to punch out the world, Don, just my enemies." However, your point is well taken. Thanks again and be well.

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You're right. Plenty of strong, fierce people are also humble. Humility is simply knowledge of oneself, along with understanding of oneself in relation to others and acceptance of that reality.

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Bless your soul Don, you’re the salt of the earth

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Thank you, Star!

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Something about our culture promotes arrogance and brazenness. "Celebrate yourself."

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I liked the long version!

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I should make it an article.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Poignant and touching. I understand the innate dislike of bullies.

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Thanks, Howard!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

This is heartbreaking, Don. Ricky sounds like he was meek beyond even being 'typically' meek. And you didn't defend to the fullest extent that you could have which makes this story all the more heartbreaking. I had a sibling who got bullied, but I devised ways to sabotage or get back at the bullies, I'd hide and throw rocks at them, whatever I could, I'd fight those bastards even if I was a girl. Some I couldn't so I hated them with all my heart and soul, and that felt like some way of getting back. This one particularly vicious mean bully later got totally destroyed physically in a motorcycle accident, paraplegic level, and I thought good, he deserved it. Does that sound awful? It might, but you see, I hate bullies. Bullies are the worst people in the world, a zillion times worse than the weak who went along with the covid hoax, a zillion times worse than anybody else. Now Jesus would say don't be vindictive, your sibling (who also died, meekly) who may have been bullied but lived a righteous life has inherited the kingdom of God, and so, I think, has your brother. Because all the people, the meek, the merciful, the peacemakers, all do inherit the kingdom of God, which ultimately is all that matters, as long as those of us who are not meek, fight for those who can't.

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Thanks, Kyra!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

A nation of bullies who glorifys itself in violence. Morons who cannot comprehend how and why there is such violence in our streets and schools. Trash.

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