I was a Realtor for 54 hard years and I agree with your assessment completely. Very few Realtors wanted to associate with an autodidact iconoclast. I always did a good job for my blue collar clients but did not relate to my rich ones, of which I had very few over the years.
I read your book Masking the Truth and emailed you about my husband being killed almost exactly the same way as your poor brother. I posted my 5 star review on Good Reads and gave it 5 stars on Amazon.
We can only hope that every little bit helps. I'm sure the Comptrollers at Control would love for Masking the Truth to just go away, along with the politicians and the doctors. Just isn't good for votes or business.
Nancy: I went to Catholic school with a kid named Jerry. He was gay in 8th grade and we all knew it. Three out of 22 boys in our class were gay. Some girls were lesbians. No big deal.
Jerry was very handsome. He is the only man to ever appear on the cover of Playboy magazine. Sure, it was the back cover, but there he was promoting Playboy.
My point is that Jerry became a realtor in Washington DC. He became rich selling fancy homes to the leeches who make money off of the money trough in Congress.
I've met some good realtors, and I've met plenty of terrible ones.
Our little town in Sonoma County was invaded by a realtor from Beverly Hills, CA. She is a lesbian. This woman has destroyed our town with gentrification as she tears down historical homes and builds crap. She's also broken up a marriage.
I'm sure it is a coincidence about the gay/lesbian realtor angle. I'm just telling anecdotal stories I know personally.
My opinion of realtors is about even with bankers and lawyers.
I think you might have been an outlier on this, Timmy. I graduated HS in 1974, and I don't remember a single gay male in my school. Certainly no lesbians. Now, there may have been, but I was oblivious to it if there were. Thanks.
DJ: It could be. My class at Holy Family in Lincoln was pretty odd. Maybe because it was a Catholic school. Several kids in my class came from homes with 10 kids (and one bathroom). Haha. Some were oversexed, some undersexed, some smart, some stupid, one kid on insulin, only two athletes (one of whose father was a professional wrestler).
It was a strange class of about 40-45 kids. But we all got along pretty well. We all had our hatred and dislike for the priests and nuns to keep us from fighting among ourselves.
To the very rich, poor whites are niggers. Historically, they have been much more generous with their largess towards blacks and other non-whites while contemptuously ignoring the plights of their impoverished, racial brethren. Incest knows no class distinctions. It is erroneously thought of as being an affliction of the poor but the stats bear out it is just as prevalent proportionately among the rich. An ex friend of mine, very long ago, married a beautiful Anglo-Saxon girl, a millionaire's daughter. She confessed to me that as she was growing up, her three brothers sexually abused her. When Alan Sheppard the astronaut was launched into space, I think it was the 1960s, a nationwide survey was done that concluded 80% plus of successful married men with children, the vast majority of them white, had lovers and concubines. Unfortunately, no survey was done to determine the fidelity of their wives. I had an ex girlfriend who had two masters degrees from a university in New York and was National Honor Society, straight "A" student. She was a fucking moron. Anything not on channel 4 NBC News or in the New York Times to her was, "Nazi propaganda." When I was a young whelp in school, though I couldn't yet articulate it, I sensed a class difference between myself and the kids who came from my blue collar part of town and the kids from the other side, whose fathers were not factory and warehouse workers but white collar doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers etc. They had better clothes, bigger nicer homes, and new cars. Those white collar female progeny would not give a blue collar boy the time of day (rare exceptions to this) and likewise the middle class boys ignored the blue collar girls, even though they were just as pretty as the girls from their part of town. Again, an exception was made when they were drunk and horny. If you have a college diploma and cannot fix or build anything, you have an expensive piece of toilet paper. Women are more amenable to communist propaganda as they embrace police state restrictions because they want everything "safe" and "risk free". Class used to stand for breeding, intelligence, civility, graciousness, even temperateness, and manners. You could be from the high classes but poor financially because of a family tragedy or misfortune. In Scumerica, it is simply a matter of money. As long as you are on top of the mercantile dung heap, it matters not how you got there or how crude, vulgar, and disgusting you are, you have class. Like you, Don, I was never one to let formal schooling get in the way of my education, to paraphrase Mark Twain. Thanks for a smoking piece of writing.
Thank you, Don. Here is some levity with the ring of truth, on topic. When your name is on the outside of a building, you are rich. When your name is on the door to your office, you are middle class. When your name is on your shirt, you are poor. Be well.
Hereticdrummer: So you were a NYC kid? Out in Nebraska school was much different than yours in the 50s and 60s. In our small city, our parents all shopped at the same stores and we all wore the same clothes. It was a homogenous society.
Sure, the Negroes lived in "T Town" ("T" Street area) but there were less than a thousand of them in a small city of 128k.
Everyone in Lincoln felt like they were of the same class and background.
No Timmy; I'm a Zoo Jersey kid though Jew York City is only about a 45 minute drive from here and when I was an active drummer I played in the clubs in Manhattan frequently. My town had very few blacks but back in the day we didn't have a high school so we had to attend the high school in the adjacent city and there were a lot of blacks there. Interracial fights were common and we were blessed with an occasional race riot as well. The joys of Yid promoted diversity. I experienced much more of that when I had a lapse of sanity and enlisted in Uncle Saul's Red, White, & Blue Murder Machine.
Hereticdrummer: I lived in Mendham NJ in '73-74 and worked for Joey Filiberto Sanitation (Mafia). That was fun. LOL! Jersey is a crazy place IMO but beautiful. I liked it there.
You enlisted in the military? Good grief.
The blacks tried to beat me up once, too. They raped some girls I knew in Lincoln. You don't have to tell me about all that.
There weren't many Jews in Lincoln. Just Ben Simon's dept. store. I don't remember any synagogues. Lincoln was divided between Catholics and Protestants when it came to religion.
Timmy; 73' was the year I joined, "The Suck" (U.S. Navy as we enlisted serfs affectionately called it). The Navy had always been the whitest of the military branches but that changed just prior to when I came in because of a psychotic, politically correct, hand picked CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) who bewailed the, "Lilly White Navy" and made it a top priority to recruit blacks. The asshole ghettoized it. My town, North Brunswick, was white ethnic, mostly Italian back then. New (Zoo) Brunswick where I went to high school is now overwhelmingly Hispanic. I have a small apartment there and I am the only Gringo in the entire building, as well as the buildings adjacent to it. I feel like I've experienced the theory of relativity in my life.
Hereticdrummer: Good grief! What an experience. I had a friend who was in the US Navy on the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier. He was aboard when supposedly Osama Bin Laden's body was sent over the side. LOL! My friend said that everyone was confined to quarters during the op. He was amazed that no one onboard talked about what really happened, if anything, on the flight deck.
Joey Filiberto Sanitation was segregated. We white guys picked up the trash in Madison, NJ. The blacks picked up the trash in Morristown. My garbage truck had three guys, Decker, Bummy, and me. I was the only one who could read.
You missed the oil embargo while you were in the Navy. Getting gas in NJ that winter was difficult. It was crazy times.
I'll give you the link to the story I wrote about my times at Filiberto Sanitation if you are interested.
The gods smiled on me. I was one of the very rare squids who did 4 years without going on a ship. I did, "Preferred Sea Time" with an Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron. You deploy to overseas assignments but the planes are too big to land on carriers. The berthing (living conditions) are horrendous for a lower ranking enlisted man on a ship. Aircraft carriers are relics from another era. They can only be used against 3rd world countries with no real military muscle. Any first world military's missile cruisers can send them and their 5,000 plus crews down into Davey Jone's locker in short order. For a long time now, the Navy has placed female sailors ("Waves") on ships. Whenever a fleet returns from a cruise, half of them are impregnated, whether they were married or not. Yes, Timmy, I would be interested in reading what you wrote. I recall long lines for fuel during an embargo prior to joining The Suck. I think it was 1970.
Other commenters have noted your deep integrity. I love that you wear your heart on your sleeve. Being an open book is a wonderful strategy. It drives the globalists crazy...and that is why they have gone super-shadow-ban on you. They have nothing else.
All my sisters have college degrees and they are all dumber than a box of rocks. I, a highschool drop-out, run circles around them. They all took the Jonestown jab. White female college graduates are the dumbest of the dumb. When I hear their voices (in ads - certainly not in real life) or see their tortured faces (the bobbed hair, dark framed glasses, gaze of idiocy-Katie Hobbs is their poster child) I have the uncontrollable urge to bolt...to get as much space between me and them as possible...even though I know stupidity is not catching. I believe this group does more damage to America, than any other group of normies.
Since the scamdemic, a new era has begun, however. We are now seeing people being punished for their stupidity, as never before. In my own world I have seen so many die from their clot-shots. All their money and all their college degrees...could not buy intelligence...and could not save them from themselves.
The worst thing about this brand of female stupidity, is that it often ends with innocent people getting killed. Once committed to their emotional course of action, they will NEVER admit they made a mistake...hence we see them killing their own children with the clot shots..
I have only had two college educated friends in my life. Both male. One killed himself when he lost his job in the panic of 2008. He made the most terrible decisions all the time I knew him. I always advised against these decisions. I once asked him: "Frank, why do you always reject my advice, when for 25 years, you've seen me be right, over and over again?" He said: " Why should I listen to you when you have no education?" I guarantee, he would have been first in line for the suicide jab.
I remember arguing with a bunch of my brother-in-law's college educated friends about NAFTA in the early '90s. They were so arrogant, so sure that it was going to be a great thing, and that I didn't know what I was talking about. Those are the types that went on to run things, and accelerated the destruction of this country. Thanks, Kris!
It was the working class who supported Ross Perot in 1992. I remember my sister berating me for having a Perot sticker on my vehicle. That was so long ago, its strange to remember we were still speaking to each other at the time. She got her Clinton...we got NAFTA... and the US got taken down...as planned.
Kris: You have college educated friends? Good grief! My friends went to Community Colleges to learn vocational skills. NONE of them went to those 4 year degree farms. I do not mix with those people.
As always, you are too kind, Kris. I know that many feel that about Naomi. They also think that about others who have supported me, like Roger Stone, or Jeff Rense. I take everyone at face value. Naomi was kind enough to write the Foreword to "Survival of the Richest" and has said some very complimentary things about me. Naomi Klein is a different story. Thanks!
"White female college graduates are the dumbest of the dumb."
Agree. And they are typically as hard headed and arrogant as they are ignorant. Absolutely intolerable. All of the type that I know have been jabbed yet none of my 5 sisters have been and none of them has gone beyond high school.
However, the absolute stupidest group of people are physisicans, whether male or female, and I'm in a position to know. Some may be considered true experts in their specific fields but they are rare and even then are often dumber than a sack of racks outside of that yet they believe their opinions are sacred. They have no street smarts, or even the ability to think outside the box, and their minds are as sealed as a submarine hatch and that goes for most other "authorities" as well.
In a perverse way the scamdemic has benefitted many of us by exposing the type for the knuckleheads that they are.
I envy you, having intelligent sisters. I have been put in the horrible position of sharing an inheritance (trust) with blithering idiots. The one silver lining about the scamdemic...we now know instantly who is stupid beyond all redemption...it saves a lot of time.
It sure does save a lot of time. It saves a lot of energy too. Their nearly uniform level of hate has also taught me a lot.
Looks like there are quite a few silver linings. Other big bennies are that I now am totally antivax for healthy people, do not trust doctors and other health care "professionals" and I believe that most drugs are worhtless or worse.
It's been an eye opener for sure. Thank you Billy, Tony and Klaus et al!
I avoid them like the plague. Most are utterly incapable of learning anything useful and I know that because I used to live in a neighborhood full of them and still know many. I even had lunch recently with some friends and one of the docs was wearing a mask (covid ja know!!!). Another, and infectious disease "specialist," told my wife and I that we were playing with fire by not getting the jab. I have not had the chance to talk with him since the covid clown show began. Too bad because I'd love to pick his "brain."
Kris: I fell and broke my hip 11 months ago in a store parking lot. I had no choice. Either get carried into the ambulance, hospital, and operating room, or die on the pavement.
There is a lot of controlled opposition out there- and a lot of useful idiots. I always try and give people the benefit of the doubt. But when you have been in the belly of the beast, and seen the digestive tract in action...
White Wolf: I did not think you were a bot. Your comments are too diverse and have emotional content. Bots just spout nonsense and the only emotion they show is hate.
I always think of that opening scene in the first "Bladerunner" movie when I think of bots.
I occasionally have similar thoughts about Wolf. But can't really put finger on it. Perhaps one factor, for me, has been her "China as ultimate evil" mantras.
Anyone parroting the "China is the ultimate evil" line is Imho, controlled opposition. It is the mantra of these folks. Their job is to misdirect attention from the real evil. The "tell" for me about Wolf, is her support of the late Rabbi Schneerson. I believe she even called him "wise". The guy was a raving lunatic. Some of his quotes about the future of the world, must be read in print ...to be believed
Alex Jones has had two jewish wives. When he first was married, his eye shifted from the Middle East to the "chicoms." Elon Musk (means Oak tree in Hebrew) had a jewish mother, went to Hebrew Pre-School in South Africa, and has bragged he donates liberally to Chabad Lubovitch, essentially the most corrupt organization on Earth.
Naomi Wolf and Russel Brand "on our side" is not the most comical thing ever, the Republicucks who then spout their rhetorical nonsense are! What a mess of a world. As a guy with advanced degrees, I have seen the blank stares when I explain how the world really works to the "educated." It is not an IQ issue, it is one of BALLS. Some men have them, others gladly cut them off for a 120" screen, to watch rabid and feral blacks tackle each other.
Anti Communist: Oak tree in Spanish is "Roble". Paso Robles is a small city in California. Maybe the Russian Ruble is in reference to an oak tree.
Who cares if Musk's name means Oak tree in Hebrew?
I looked up Chabad Lubovitch. It's a Hasidic branch of Judaism. The usual weirdos with a Rabbi who was thought to be the Messiah. Diamonds are a scam and Musk comes from South Africa so voila! There is your connection and conspiracy.
PS: I have plenty of balls and have taken more risks than anyone I know. I still like watching football. It is fun to watch millionaires bash each other.
Schneerson was the head of Chabad Lubovitch. This group has been extremely influencal with many presidents, including Trump (his son-in-law is a member- which is more evidence that Trump is a crypto, no Lubovitcher would marry a shicksa- which translates to female cow/pig) They have gotten noahide laws signed in as executive orders, and even a national day honoring Schneerson. It's too long to go into here, but once you start down the Chabad Lubovitch rabbit hole...a lot more things will make sense...but it will take a while... there is a huge amount of documentation.
I've heard of Chabad Lubovitch, and it being connected to Jared Kushner. In fairness to Naomi, I think she has changed significantly since the 1990s, when she was a darling of the literati. They turned on her with a viciousness at some point, and she gradually drifted into the extremist waters where the likes of me are found. She was attacked and treated badly by those who'd once sung her praises. That is bound to have an impact on someone. She is married to a Libertarian who has turned her into a Second Amendment advocate, among other things. Thanks.
The comments about Schneerson were recent. Imho, everything coming from controlled opposition (Jones, Brand, Musk, Adams, Wolf etc.) is all theater. I understand, though, you are grateful to her for her help. You are a gentleman, Donald...in a world of pavement apes.
Kris: I don't know Wolf. I do know that the CCP is evil. Look at what Mao did. Look at that social credit score crap in China. Look what the CCP did to Falun Gong. The CCP is evil. So are the Neocons in DC. So are the Nazis in Ukraine.
The CCP was created because jews would much prefer compliant billions, then we always wanting integrity European white men. The Azov Battalion was founded and funded by a Ukrainian Oligarch, jewish, named Kolmoisky. Azov has never been anti-jew, matter of fact 30,000 jews just partied in Kiev for one of their shitty holidays. You spout unenlightened talking points little Timmy, like a pig rolling in its own excrement. Which is to say, with a smile.
Yandex, Izvestia, RT, Pravda and Al Jazeera have indeed, become sources of truth! What an interesting arc my life has spanned. Appreciate the link Goeff. It is always good to know, gaslit though our race might be, their :powers" do not work on all of us. Hail Victory Brother.
Fantastic link. Thank you for pointing this out. Yes, you-know-who was behind the CCP. The Rockefeller Foundation was the genesis behind the one-child policy. Does anyone with two brain cells to rub together really believe the Chinese people would ditch millenia of cultural traditions...without being forced to do so? And why did the West abandon Chaing-Kai Shek? Thanks for setting the record straight. I won't instigate any reply to Timmy, because he seems to think name calling is a valid argument.
Timmy is not very interested in truth, it burns him, and name calling ensues. My Father would have called him "dim," and would have been mad at me for wasting energy upon such creatures.
People, the vast majority, are easily controlled. WHO controls, is important. In the greater scheme of human endeavors, strife, accomplishment and failure, neither you nor I matter. But, cerebral horsepower, and the balls to tackle tough problems, does matter more.
The CCP is evil and that can be explained by who built it up. As a kid I used to wonder why Kissinger and Nixon went to China. Now the reason is obvious to me; it, like the USSR (and the USSA), are or were projects of the international banking mafia.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one is worth a library.:
I had a link that had the caption, identifying all the morons there, but it no longer works. Glad you could appreciate it. Your link was great too.
I believe this came from the caption.
CCP Chairman Mao Zedong with Israel Epstein (first left), Anna Louise Strong (third left), Soviet spies and New Deal economists Frank Coe (second right), and Solomon Adler (first right).
Anna Loise Strong was a real work of "art" as were all the rest. Disgusting.
I have a bachelor's degree and for a long time (up until last year) I dipped in and out of the world of conspiracies and spent most of the time justifying the system we live in. I've worked "professional" jobs and I've worked blue collar jobs so I also have the unique experience of of seeing it from different sides. After my final awakening I don't see myself ever going back to supporting the system the way it is.
Also, my best friend currently is a guy named Earl. 7 years my senior, he's missing some teeth and works part time as a janitor. He owns a trailer home, never got his hs diploma, and has seen some rough times in his life. He's also one of the smartest guys I know.
My first husband worked for Robert Bosch Corp. We were invited to 400+ person company dinner at which I was introduced to the president of the company. We found ourselves alone temporarily and I looked him straight in the eyes and asked, "So, who are you?"
He didn't know what to answer as his persona was bound up so tightly in his position as president that there was no substance to him.
You are at a company dinner. Of course he is going to prance about like a demigod and expect that the peasants will beg at his feet. "Maybe... maybe I will be remembered and he will say something to his associates the next day..."
Yes, when I worked at the Steakhouse, every once in a while the Big Boss, like Vice President of Operations, would come to town... and he would want to cook. My whole crew would tremble in their boots. And I would say, "relax, I'll take the hits". And the Big Boss stands there, critical of my every move. So I hand him the tongs and say "you have the con, now show us how it's done."
Then I would grab a mop and start swabbing the deck. Then I would go to the back line and drink a soda. And, about 5 minutes later, one of the managers would be looking for me, and the Big Boss would be at a table, observing my every move and watching order emerge from chaos.
And yes, the Bog Bosses were as dumb as the day is long. As Geralde Celente would say: "Born on Third Base- thought they hit a Home Run."
Boy does that ever remind me of working at The Black Angus steakhouse in Key West. We all called the place: The Black *nus, and the Big Boss : Adolph.
I was rescued from the BA by my friend who worked at a produce market. We two were the only employees. The owner was a huge fat guy, just like Adolph, only he talked exactly like Foghorn Leghorn. He said he had been a preacher in South Carolina, and he held forth on all the subjects of the day, like a preacher giving a sermon. Our customers openly mocked him...but he never caught on. One customer was so bold as to ask him why he yelled all the time. He replied that he grew up driving mules, and mules would only obey loud commands.
We had many customers who I had worked with at the BA, so I was able to keep abreast of the scuttlebutt at BA. One cook was the doltish son of Adolph, who only had his job due to his dad being the owner. It was with great glee I found out that Foghorn was paying doltish son's wife for sex, with son's blessing. Adolph wouldn't even pay his own son a living wage.
I definitely graduated from the school of hard knocks. I took mathematics in college, and it did develop my thinking skills, helped me to reason through a problem and come up with a solution. But all the things I learned about the world I learned while working at the York Steak House in Park City Mall in Lancaster Pennsylvania. You say you came in late and left early. HA! I would come in an hour early to hang my coat and go do some shopping and as soon as I was seen it was "Jim, can you come on" and usually it was to get the dishroom caught up from the lunch rush. Sometimes as I came through the dining area and scanned 30 or so unbussed tables I knew they were probably looking for me. And one day I came in after my day off and the manager was like: "Jim, where were you? We tried to get ahold of you all afternoon," and I retorted, "well, you know Ron, yeah, most times on my day off I sit by the phone and say 'Ma, when are they going to call? Here it is almost 11 AM and they still have not called.'" I mean, it's not like I have a life or anything..." And, more often than not, if I was working swing shift, I would be asked to stay late. And a little better than half the time, they would ask me to help close. Many a Saturday I was at the Steak House from 7 in the morning to midnight. Never a dull moment. Prep an ocean of fish and a coop full of chickens, get the line set up- "Jim, Angie called in sick, can you set up Hot Side as Well?"- get the equipment operational (it took a full hour to get the broiler up to temperature and the potatoes had to be in at 10 for the opening at 11...) And then the doors would open and we would circle the wagons as 40 people that were waiting poured in and there was never a dull moment until 3 O"clock. First it was cook all the steaks, then bus all the tables, and then do all the dishes- I just floated from disaster to the next, usually anticipating when any given part of the operation would melt down given the crew and the volume.
And so I learned how to be a combination James Tiberius Kirk and NFL Quarterback and NBA Forward. I could do just about every position three times as fast as the runner up and sometimes multiple positions at once. I recall during a snowstorm most of the crew had called off but we got three tour buses off the interstate. Talk about your worst nightmare incarnating itself in the "mote".
But those were some of the best days of my youth- before Amerika really went over the edge and only an occasional family left the table looking like six pigs had slopped through dinner.
But through it all I learned human relations, how to motivate people, who could be motivated, and all about worker/management relations. "Look, you guys, it takes ONE HOUR to cook a potato. If we run out of potatoes, turning the oven temperature up gives a potato that is BURNED ON THE OUTSIDE and RAW ON THE INSIDE. IT IS JUST HOW GOD MADE THINGS. IT IS HOW THE UNIVERSE OPERATES! And just like Montgomery Scott, neither you or I can change the laws of physics. So I don't care what is your rank, or how many degrees you have, if you touch the dial on that oven I am going to get flaming mad, and you are going to apologize to each and every customer disappointed with their meal."
And if I told a manager we would not have a potato for 20 minutes, and he told a customer the meal would be ready in five... I would immediately call bullshit, tell the customer the truth, and ream the manager later. Unlike the gov't, my operation was a 100% bullshit free zone.
Because the White Wolf, please God, will always be 100% bullshit free.
Great anecdote, WW. My first job was at Wagon Wheel steakhouse. As a lowly high school junior, I was usually relegated to slopping on the liquified butter onto the baked potatoes and Texas toast. We did get a free meal when we worked, and all the free drinks we wanted. Thanks!
I started as a dishwasher, and graduated to what we called "baker station" on the broiler line. I too, used a mini ice cream scoop to place butterballs in the potatoes. It was all about timing- because the life-expectancy of a butterball in a hot potato is measured in seconds- not minutes. And every fifteen minutes, a rack of potatoes came out of the oven, and another went in. And also steak fries- dishing out steak fries by the wheelbarrow load per hour. Not too many on the plate- not too few.
I quickly became the best potato guy. I used to ignore the line chart and just "feel the volume" on the fly. And at 8:00 there would be just five potatoes in the drawer, instead of two drawers full. Even after I became head broiler chef, the potatoes were always my call, and I had to get a potato report every half hour.
One busy night, I had a new- but very intelligent employee- on baker station. I showed him the operation and just told him to follow the line chart, and I would stay on top of things. Deep in the heart of the dinner rush, he looks over and says, "Jim, I'm running low on potatoes". I check the drawer and there is about 20 or so. I asked "when is the next rack coming out?" He replied. "There are no more racks..." Puzzled, I opened the oven, AND IT WAS COMPLETELY EMPTY. We were five minutes from Armageddon.
I immediately yelled up the line to the order taker... "Houston, we have a problem!..."
You were more skilled than me- I think they only let me cook the meat once. More often I was French Fry Boy or something. But your detailed remembrances point out how importance is a relative thing. In a restaurant, running out of potatoes in Armageddon. Or used to be. Now, I think the restaurants routinely run out of essential items, and the pacified public just shrugs. Panera bread ran out of bagels and pastries the other day. No one who worked there seemed the least bit concerned. Your memories come from America 1.0. Thanks, WW!
You made me laugh out loud, White Wolf. Thanks Those tour buses were the worst. I hated my blue collar jobs, but as you said, now I kind of look back fondly at those times. It was all so inocent...and we were always laughing and joking. I wonder if white collar workers had so many laughs at work?
Nothing replaces someone who is street smart. They know all the ins and outs, more so than an "educated", or programmed, person. I have found this time and time again over the years. The ones who have a clue are typically people who have been thru the grind. Why is it that it seems people with money are the ones most miserable? That is my observation. They're not just uppity, but mean too. I always say you'll leave this planet the same way you came in - with nada. God doesn't care about your bank account.
I have never understood cheap people, Fran, especially when they have more money than they know what to do with. The old expression, "'Tis better to give than receive," isn't heard much these days. But I have certainly always gotten more joy out of making someone happy. Thanks!
Me either. Its like an addiction. Just look at Washington. Their big paying government jobs (and perks), big houses, expensive cars, the cocaine, prostitutes, child porn, and etc. isn't enough. There are still good people out there. More in small town America. I'd much rather stand next to a farmer who has cow shit on his clothes than those politicians with blood on their hands.
Fran: All rich people aren't the same. Some came up from nothing and have street smarts. The founder of Home Depot and Elon Musk are examples.
Others like Bill Gates or the Rockefellers and others were born on third base as the saying goes. They don't know shit and know that they don't know shit. So they hang on to their money like a lifeline.
For they don't know how to make a living on their own.
No, they're not all the same, but most rich people won't rub elbows with the poor. Home Depot allows people to steal, even their workers. They lost millions of dollars in shoplifting. I know this because family works there. As far as Elon Musk, don't have much to say other than his cars explode upon impact. And he is all for brain implants. Many of these rich folks get bored with life, so they seem to turn to evil doings. Its a power thing once you have a buck in your pocket.
Fran: Home Depot isn't the same company it was when it was founded. It's had some terrible CEOs.
Elon Musk is a strange man. I've read excerpts from his biography that just came out. I'll probably read the book. Musk knows how to manipulate the State to make money. Yet he also does some good things. I can't figure him out.
As for rich people getting bored with life, that wasn't always the case. Check out Elizabeth Nickson's substack "Absurdistan". Nickson comes from a wealthy old Canadian family. Her insights into how the wealthy class has changed over the generations is fascinating reading.
"I hear from those who are struggling. “Losers” in our rigged casino economy. Ones whose minds are open enough to let in even the most subversive notions imaginable, from the minds of Thought Criminals like me. These are my people, and always have been. You’ll never find me in a country club. I’m with those who scoff at the rotten system even as it holds them down."
I'm definitely your people! LOL I'm going to buy The Unreals, and eventually all the others. I think we vibrate on the same frequency :)
Wow, yet another timeless essay hitting close to home from the Oracle of Rant. Having worked as a laborer in construction, a furniture order filler at Sears, a factory worker making department store shelving and later a factory worker making lawn furniture at a company called Gay Products (when gay still meant happy), I can certainly relate. Most of my co-workers along the way back then had far more good sense than most of the doctors I was later to call peers. I know I enjoyed working alongside the blue collars far more than I did with the white coat "geniuses" in medicine. I guess even somebody with my limited intelligence could tell who the smart ones were!
I appreciate hearing your perspective, J. Lee. Looking back, while we often argued and I was frustrated at times by the fact I was mired in a job that everyone (especially everyone White) looked down upon, I probably had more fun working there than I ever had. IT was pretty good most of the time, but it was never quite "fun." Thanks!
DJ: We blue collar guys were never frustrated by people "above" us looking down on us. We knew that we knew more than they did and that, the bosses and aristocrats, were full of shit.
Ha ha, thanks Wolf. Yeah, I even worked as a construction laborer during medical skool ... when they would give us little breaks in the summer ... much needed breaks from swallowing the deluge of useless information they aimed at us with a fire hose the rest of the year. Trust the science! ~~ j ~~
We all have an inevitable fate. We just don't know what it is.
Sometimes you just want to get it over with.
I remember a move I had in your neck of the woods just South of DC. It was July 3rd I think.
Probably 104 degrees and humid. I picked up my helpers to unload a big shipment at a doctor's house. To my dismay I found that his driveway was pitched at such a steep angle that I didn't dare back the truck down it. If the tranny didn't drop out, or the breaks fail, then I figured as soon as I opened the backdoor all the doctor's shit would avalanche out the back.
One of my helper's was a big black guy who told me straight up he wasn't going to climb that driveway. So, fine, I let him stay in the air conditioned house and my other helper, from Salvador or Guatamala, and I would bring the stuff to him. That lasted for a couple hours before the black dude had enough and bailed out leaving me and the other kid. He lasted another couple hours before bailing out leaving just me. There was no way in hell to get help on July 3rd in the late afternoon. Since I was a long distance runner and in good condition as a mover, I had to try to finish the job. It took till 11 at night. I was so exhausted I cramped all night long. The next day pneumonia set in from the furniture dust (pads are dust magnets). I got as far as somewhere in Indiana before I parked at a rest area and laid down on a picnic table to die. I couldn't move for several hours as hundreds of people came and went with nobody even caring if I was laying there dying. Somehow I got up and tried to walk around for a while, then managed to drive home with pneumonia. I was out for a week, and asked my boss if there was any compensation for work related illness like that . All he said to me was, "I don't know where you caught your cold".
I appreciate you sharing that, Scott. Those doing physical labor are just expected to "get 'er done." They don't have the option of telling someone "I'm working on it." Thanks!
Scott: I've helped my folks move in 108F of humidity in Kansas City. The moving van folks were good but we worked our asses off. There was no steep driveway but three flights of stairs.
I also cramped up that night but didn't get pneumonia.
Doctors are arrogant assholes. You should have been warned about the steep driveway. Your boss is an asshole, too.
Nowadays you could take a video from your phone, send it to your boss and say, "No Way we are going up that steep driveway. Options?"
I did work my way through college too, earning a degree in philosophy and German.
Basically I hated most of those professors. I never once stooped to ask one of them for a reference even though I was nearly 4.0 GPA. (the German profs were good though)
Philosophy, like poetry, like art, like religion, can not be acquired through abstract ideas taught in books or lectures. We have to actually put our body through the wringer and flirt with death. I learned more philosophy from working with a couple friends on a 17 hour move loading 26 thousand pounds of furniture than in a year of college.
btw. That boss I mentioned LOL was my friend who bought half the company, but prior to that we often worked together. We moved another doctor in Minnesota when it got so cold one by one all the help bailed on us till it was -20 and just he and I alone to finish the job late in the night. So he was just f-n with me like I was f-n with him. I knew there was no compensation, having done that crap for over 20 years. We are bored to death if there isn't a challenge to life and something to laugh about later. The white collar crowd must be bored to death, never have a chance to really live,,, and sweat the toxins out of their body.
Scott: I agree that we "actually put our body through the wringer and flirt with death." I was born in Richfield, MN and spent a winter near Vermillion, SD. My toes are still numb (-36F). I also spent 6 months in the Amazon 120 miles south of the Equator. Had dysentery every day and lost 30 pounds (186-156lbs). Am 6'.
My job was repairing, maintaining, and flying in the Dehavilland Beaver used in a movie. The plane crashed. No one died but it was a near thing.
Lots of near death experiences keeps one on their toes.
"The white collar crowd must be bored to death, never have a chance to really live,,, and sweat the toxins out of their body."
I agree and am totally convinced that's a huge part of why so many well off people at least flirt with the dark side if they don't totally immerse themselves in it. They are so bored that they'll do anything for a thrill.
Also, what you are talking about is essentially the difference between schooling and education and while most folks do not appreciate the difference, it's huge. One cannot become educated without experience while schooling is often a huge impediment in that regard. Most well schooled individuals are at the educational level of infants if that.
You really struck a chord today, Don. I worked at the car dealership for about ten years around the turn of the century. Parts department. Parts guys and mechanics, uniforms and grease. Brains and common sense.
Next came the salesmen. Nice clothes. Slick talkers. They were friendly enough at the coffee machine, but they’d never be seen at the kind of bars we stopped at.
At the top of the money ladder were the sales managers and GM. The suits in offices. Boot licking narcissists all. Usually didn’t see them much, they must’ve got their coffee delivered by Starbucks.
If we were all dropped on a desert island, pretty soon only the mechanics and parts guys would still be alive.
Just watched msnbc talk about Rep Jamal pull “ some sort of fire alarm “. What is “ some sort of fire alarm “? If you pull a fire alarm they will slide down that pole and deploy to where the address is Once they go lives are at risk. F this clown show
Zero chance of any member of Congress, especially a proud Black one, being punished for pulling a fire alarm. The guy was supposedly the principal of a school for ten years or something. So he should know something about fire drills. This is a clown show. Thanks.
That kind of stunt used to get junior congresstwits censured, or removed. It's actually a criminal offense and the offender is subject to arrest. Of course censuring Jamal would be "racist" and having him arrested, well...
thank you for sharing all these insights that I've found very true as well
despite too many years of post-grad school, always identified with those that did not participate in such, and everything you set forth rings a bell in my head....
It was the suit and tie.
>I see this very true statement in action all the time when the monkey suit comes out of the closet
the blue collar workers had more dignity and class about them.
>ran into so many very undignified professionals
One thing I learned is that formal education is not an indicator of intelligence.
Great piece Don. Really enjoyed it. Everyone in my family is college educated and totally brainwashed and asleep. I dropped out of college my first year and ironically I'm the only one awake. I keep finding that non-college educated people seem far more open minded and more willing to doubt the bullshit narratives. On a somewhat unrelated note, I don't know of any Gen Z's that are awake - they seem the most brainwashed of all.
I hold a BS in physics, which qualifies me to do just that. I went straight to trucking, just couldn’t see myself in that world after graduating.. always just been a working man at heart. Drive for one of those big foodservice delivery companies now, home nights and weekends, and it’s a hell of a workout.
For 17 years after graduating high school in 1979 in my class' academic top 1/3 & attending college 3 years quitting with 101 credit hours & a 3.14 mean grade point I dove deep into old-right semi-populist conspiracism as I could not see the point of pursuing a respectable career if that meant paying extortionate taxes on what would have been appealing earnings & exempting the system I would serve from objectively merited analysis & criticism. Low points in this period of self chosen downward mobility & involuntary economic marginality were respectively in 1987 when a high school ex-class mate with a political science degree told me to quit bothering to try restoring the American republic of my lower middle class producerist ideals & 1991 when a cousin bluntly said my predicament owed to my marginality as though it were an affliction wherewith I was stuck no matter how little I deserved it.
Then 9-11. A few weeks thereafter my 73 year old Korean war veteran father, ex-prisoner of war, who had differed strongly with me practically since fall 1968 when I was a second grader for Wallace--sort of like 1 of the negroes for Wallace but caucasian & in second grade--said he could see at last merit in my thinking given his disgust at how the authorities had exploited the event to justify all sorts of drastic policies a blind pig could see they meant to make permanent to the detriment of the people's rights. As though they were ready for just such an opportunity. That badly affronted my father.
This is nothing new though. The first eruption of conflict between those who cheat their way to success & those who realize they were held to the strict letter of the rules so they could be cheated was Shays' revolt in 1786. I took til I was about 45 years old, several years after 9-11, at last to realize its full & utter justification. I dread to think what nonsense I still believe & may die believing.
"...I could not see the point of pursuing a respectable career if that meant paying extortionate taxes on what would have been appealing earnings & exempting the system I would serve from objectively merited analysis & criticism."
Roger that! And what torture it would be to have to hang around the "respectable" crowd. Uuuurp!.
I was a Realtor for 54 hard years and I agree with your assessment completely. Very few Realtors wanted to associate with an autodidact iconoclast. I always did a good job for my blue collar clients but did not relate to my rich ones, of which I had very few over the years.
I read your book Masking the Truth and emailed you about my husband being killed almost exactly the same way as your poor brother. I posted my 5 star review on Good Reads and gave it 5 stars on Amazon.
I appreciate hearing that, Nancy, and am grateful for all your support. Thanks!
We can only hope that every little bit helps. I'm sure the Comptrollers at Control would love for Masking the Truth to just go away, along with the politicians and the doctors. Just isn't good for votes or business.
Nancy: I went to Catholic school with a kid named Jerry. He was gay in 8th grade and we all knew it. Three out of 22 boys in our class were gay. Some girls were lesbians. No big deal.
Jerry was very handsome. He is the only man to ever appear on the cover of Playboy magazine. Sure, it was the back cover, but there he was promoting Playboy.
My point is that Jerry became a realtor in Washington DC. He became rich selling fancy homes to the leeches who make money off of the money trough in Congress.
I've met some good realtors, and I've met plenty of terrible ones.
Our little town in Sonoma County was invaded by a realtor from Beverly Hills, CA. She is a lesbian. This woman has destroyed our town with gentrification as she tears down historical homes and builds crap. She's also broken up a marriage.
I'm sure it is a coincidence about the gay/lesbian realtor angle. I'm just telling anecdotal stories I know personally.
My opinion of realtors is about even with bankers and lawyers.
I think you might have been an outlier on this, Timmy. I graduated HS in 1974, and I don't remember a single gay male in my school. Certainly no lesbians. Now, there may have been, but I was oblivious to it if there were. Thanks.
You have to recall that Sonoma County is deep in the heart of the Land of Fruits and Nuts. Always in front of the herd, always ahead of the curve.
White Wolf: I was in Lincoln, Nebraska in 8th Grade.
DJ: It could be. My class at Holy Family in Lincoln was pretty odd. Maybe because it was a Catholic school. Several kids in my class came from homes with 10 kids (and one bathroom). Haha. Some were oversexed, some undersexed, some smart, some stupid, one kid on insulin, only two athletes (one of whose father was a professional wrestler).
It was a strange class of about 40-45 kids. But we all got along pretty well. We all had our hatred and dislike for the priests and nuns to keep us from fighting among ourselves.
To the very rich, poor whites are niggers. Historically, they have been much more generous with their largess towards blacks and other non-whites while contemptuously ignoring the plights of their impoverished, racial brethren. Incest knows no class distinctions. It is erroneously thought of as being an affliction of the poor but the stats bear out it is just as prevalent proportionately among the rich. An ex friend of mine, very long ago, married a beautiful Anglo-Saxon girl, a millionaire's daughter. She confessed to me that as she was growing up, her three brothers sexually abused her. When Alan Sheppard the astronaut was launched into space, I think it was the 1960s, a nationwide survey was done that concluded 80% plus of successful married men with children, the vast majority of them white, had lovers and concubines. Unfortunately, no survey was done to determine the fidelity of their wives. I had an ex girlfriend who had two masters degrees from a university in New York and was National Honor Society, straight "A" student. She was a fucking moron. Anything not on channel 4 NBC News or in the New York Times to her was, "Nazi propaganda." When I was a young whelp in school, though I couldn't yet articulate it, I sensed a class difference between myself and the kids who came from my blue collar part of town and the kids from the other side, whose fathers were not factory and warehouse workers but white collar doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers etc. They had better clothes, bigger nicer homes, and new cars. Those white collar female progeny would not give a blue collar boy the time of day (rare exceptions to this) and likewise the middle class boys ignored the blue collar girls, even though they were just as pretty as the girls from their part of town. Again, an exception was made when they were drunk and horny. If you have a college diploma and cannot fix or build anything, you have an expensive piece of toilet paper. Women are more amenable to communist propaganda as they embrace police state restrictions because they want everything "safe" and "risk free". Class used to stand for breeding, intelligence, civility, graciousness, even temperateness, and manners. You could be from the high classes but poor financially because of a family tragedy or misfortune. In Scumerica, it is simply a matter of money. As long as you are on top of the mercantile dung heap, it matters not how you got there or how crude, vulgar, and disgusting you are, you have class. Like you, Don, I was never one to let formal schooling get in the way of my education, to paraphrase Mark Twain. Thanks for a smoking piece of writing.
Insightful as always, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!
Thank you, Don. Here is some levity with the ring of truth, on topic. When your name is on the outside of a building, you are rich. When your name is on the door to your office, you are middle class. When your name is on your shirt, you are poor. Be well.
Perfect way to describe it. Thanks!
You are welcome. Take care and keep punching.
Hereticdrummer: And when your name on your shirt is replaced with a number, you are in prison.
Hereticdrummer: So you were a NYC kid? Out in Nebraska school was much different than yours in the 50s and 60s. In our small city, our parents all shopped at the same stores and we all wore the same clothes. It was a homogenous society.
Sure, the Negroes lived in "T Town" ("T" Street area) but there were less than a thousand of them in a small city of 128k.
Everyone in Lincoln felt like they were of the same class and background.
No Timmy; I'm a Zoo Jersey kid though Jew York City is only about a 45 minute drive from here and when I was an active drummer I played in the clubs in Manhattan frequently. My town had very few blacks but back in the day we didn't have a high school so we had to attend the high school in the adjacent city and there were a lot of blacks there. Interracial fights were common and we were blessed with an occasional race riot as well. The joys of Yid promoted diversity. I experienced much more of that when I had a lapse of sanity and enlisted in Uncle Saul's Red, White, & Blue Murder Machine.
Hereticdrummer: I lived in Mendham NJ in '73-74 and worked for Joey Filiberto Sanitation (Mafia). That was fun. LOL! Jersey is a crazy place IMO but beautiful. I liked it there.
You enlisted in the military? Good grief.
The blacks tried to beat me up once, too. They raped some girls I knew in Lincoln. You don't have to tell me about all that.
There weren't many Jews in Lincoln. Just Ben Simon's dept. store. I don't remember any synagogues. Lincoln was divided between Catholics and Protestants when it came to religion.
Timmy; 73' was the year I joined, "The Suck" (U.S. Navy as we enlisted serfs affectionately called it). The Navy had always been the whitest of the military branches but that changed just prior to when I came in because of a psychotic, politically correct, hand picked CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) who bewailed the, "Lilly White Navy" and made it a top priority to recruit blacks. The asshole ghettoized it. My town, North Brunswick, was white ethnic, mostly Italian back then. New (Zoo) Brunswick where I went to high school is now overwhelmingly Hispanic. I have a small apartment there and I am the only Gringo in the entire building, as well as the buildings adjacent to it. I feel like I've experienced the theory of relativity in my life.
Hereticdrummer: Good grief! What an experience. I had a friend who was in the US Navy on the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier. He was aboard when supposedly Osama Bin Laden's body was sent over the side. LOL! My friend said that everyone was confined to quarters during the op. He was amazed that no one onboard talked about what really happened, if anything, on the flight deck.
Joey Filiberto Sanitation was segregated. We white guys picked up the trash in Madison, NJ. The blacks picked up the trash in Morristown. My garbage truck had three guys, Decker, Bummy, and me. I was the only one who could read.
You missed the oil embargo while you were in the Navy. Getting gas in NJ that winter was difficult. It was crazy times.
I'll give you the link to the story I wrote about my times at Filiberto Sanitation if you are interested.
The gods smiled on me. I was one of the very rare squids who did 4 years without going on a ship. I did, "Preferred Sea Time" with an Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron. You deploy to overseas assignments but the planes are too big to land on carriers. The berthing (living conditions) are horrendous for a lower ranking enlisted man on a ship. Aircraft carriers are relics from another era. They can only be used against 3rd world countries with no real military muscle. Any first world military's missile cruisers can send them and their 5,000 plus crews down into Davey Jone's locker in short order. For a long time now, the Navy has placed female sailors ("Waves") on ships. Whenever a fleet returns from a cruise, half of them are impregnated, whether they were married or not. Yes, Timmy, I would be interested in reading what you wrote. I recall long lines for fuel during an embargo prior to joining The Suck. I think it was 1970.
Other commenters have noted your deep integrity. I love that you wear your heart on your sleeve. Being an open book is a wonderful strategy. It drives the globalists crazy...and that is why they have gone super-shadow-ban on you. They have nothing else.
All my sisters have college degrees and they are all dumber than a box of rocks. I, a highschool drop-out, run circles around them. They all took the Jonestown jab. White female college graduates are the dumbest of the dumb. When I hear their voices (in ads - certainly not in real life) or see their tortured faces (the bobbed hair, dark framed glasses, gaze of idiocy-Katie Hobbs is their poster child) I have the uncontrollable urge to bolt...to get as much space between me and them as possible...even though I know stupidity is not catching. I believe this group does more damage to America, than any other group of normies.
Since the scamdemic, a new era has begun, however. We are now seeing people being punished for their stupidity, as never before. In my own world I have seen so many die from their clot-shots. All their money and all their college degrees...could not buy intelligence...and could not save them from themselves.
I think Wolf is controlled opposition.
Yup, as a furniture mover I once moved a young lady engineer.
I folded up her ironing board to carry it out and she remarked, "How'd you DO that!?"
She said that the ironing board had been up since she moved in.
The worst thing about this brand of female stupidity, is that it often ends with innocent people getting killed. Once committed to their emotional course of action, they will NEVER admit they made a mistake...hence we see them killing their own children with the clot shots..
I have only had two college educated friends in my life. Both male. One killed himself when he lost his job in the panic of 2008. He made the most terrible decisions all the time I knew him. I always advised against these decisions. I once asked him: "Frank, why do you always reject my advice, when for 25 years, you've seen me be right, over and over again?" He said: " Why should I listen to you when you have no education?" I guarantee, he would have been first in line for the suicide jab.
I remember arguing with a bunch of my brother-in-law's college educated friends about NAFTA in the early '90s. They were so arrogant, so sure that it was going to be a great thing, and that I didn't know what I was talking about. Those are the types that went on to run things, and accelerated the destruction of this country. Thanks, Kris!
It was the working class who supported Ross Perot in 1992. I remember my sister berating me for having a Perot sticker on my vehicle. That was so long ago, its strange to remember we were still speaking to each other at the time. She got her Clinton...we got NAFTA... and the US got taken down...as planned.
Kris: Perot lacked the personal touch. I liked the guy. But he had NO charisma and he was a short little Munchkin with charts. Boring.
The guy had no pizzazz.
Kris: You have college educated friends? Good grief! My friends went to Community Colleges to learn vocational skills. NONE of them went to those 4 year degree farms. I do not mix with those people.
Thanks for sharing, Scott!
As always, you are too kind, Kris. I know that many feel that about Naomi. They also think that about others who have supported me, like Roger Stone, or Jeff Rense. I take everyone at face value. Naomi was kind enough to write the Foreword to "Survival of the Richest" and has said some very complimentary things about me. Naomi Klein is a different story. Thanks!
"White female college graduates are the dumbest of the dumb."
Agree. And they are typically as hard headed and arrogant as they are ignorant. Absolutely intolerable. All of the type that I know have been jabbed yet none of my 5 sisters have been and none of them has gone beyond high school.
However, the absolute stupidest group of people are physisicans, whether male or female, and I'm in a position to know. Some may be considered true experts in their specific fields but they are rare and even then are often dumber than a sack of racks outside of that yet they believe their opinions are sacred. They have no street smarts, or even the ability to think outside the box, and their minds are as sealed as a submarine hatch and that goes for most other "authorities" as well.
In a perverse way the scamdemic has benefitted many of us by exposing the type for the knuckleheads that they are.
I envy you, having intelligent sisters. I have been put in the horrible position of sharing an inheritance (trust) with blithering idiots. The one silver lining about the scamdemic...we now know instantly who is stupid beyond all redemption...it saves a lot of time.
It sure does save a lot of time. It saves a lot of energy too. Their nearly uniform level of hate has also taught me a lot.
Looks like there are quite a few silver linings. Other big bennies are that I now am totally antivax for healthy people, do not trust doctors and other health care "professionals" and I believe that most drugs are worhtless or worse.
It's been an eye opener for sure. Thank you Billy, Tony and Klaus et al!
Last doctor visit, June 1988 for a broken wrist.
I avoid them like the plague. Most are utterly incapable of learning anything useful and I know that because I used to live in a neighborhood full of them and still know many. I even had lunch recently with some friends and one of the docs was wearing a mask (covid ja know!!!). Another, and infectious disease "specialist," told my wife and I that we were playing with fire by not getting the jab. I have not had the chance to talk with him since the covid clown show began. Too bad because I'd love to pick his "brain."
And another thing is that they are typically big on flu jabs. I find that utterly incredible.
Kris: I fell and broke my hip 11 months ago in a store parking lot. I had no choice. Either get carried into the ambulance, hospital, and operating room, or die on the pavement.
Sometimes I wish I'd chosen the latter.
There is a lot of controlled opposition out there- and a lot of useful idiots. I always try and give people the benefit of the doubt. But when you have been in the belly of the beast, and seen the digestive tract in action...
White Wolf: I think 50% of commenters are computer AI bots.
You rest assured I'm not a Bot. Just ask Don, I've been on his show.
And yes, there are a lot of bots on the net. My substack was bombed by a bot last week. (I must be getting the word out.) Regards.
White Wolf indeed is real, and has been on my show.
White Wolf: I did not think you were a bot. Your comments are too diverse and have emotional content. Bots just spout nonsense and the only emotion they show is hate.
I always think of that opening scene in the first "Bladerunner" movie when I think of bots.
I occasionally have similar thoughts about Wolf. But can't really put finger on it. Perhaps one factor, for me, has been her "China as ultimate evil" mantras.
Anyone parroting the "China is the ultimate evil" line is Imho, controlled opposition. It is the mantra of these folks. Their job is to misdirect attention from the real evil. The "tell" for me about Wolf, is her support of the late Rabbi Schneerson. I believe she even called him "wise". The guy was a raving lunatic. Some of his quotes about the future of the world, must be read in print ...to be believed
Alex Jones has had two jewish wives. When he first was married, his eye shifted from the Middle East to the "chicoms." Elon Musk (means Oak tree in Hebrew) had a jewish mother, went to Hebrew Pre-School in South Africa, and has bragged he donates liberally to Chabad Lubovitch, essentially the most corrupt organization on Earth.
Naomi Wolf and Russel Brand "on our side" is not the most comical thing ever, the Republicucks who then spout their rhetorical nonsense are! What a mess of a world. As a guy with advanced degrees, I have seen the blank stares when I explain how the world really works to the "educated." It is not an IQ issue, it is one of BALLS. Some men have them, others gladly cut them off for a 120" screen, to watch rabid and feral blacks tackle each other.
I knew all that...but thanks for putting it so eloquently.
Don't know that I am ever eloquent, but the patterns we are all beginning to discern, sure are!
Anti Communist: Oak tree in Spanish is "Roble". Paso Robles is a small city in California. Maybe the Russian Ruble is in reference to an oak tree.
Who cares if Musk's name means Oak tree in Hebrew?
I looked up Chabad Lubovitch. It's a Hasidic branch of Judaism. The usual weirdos with a Rabbi who was thought to be the Messiah. Diamonds are a scam and Musk comes from South Africa so voila! There is your connection and conspiracy.
PS: I have plenty of balls and have taken more risks than anyone I know. I still like watching football. It is fun to watch millionaires bash each other.
I don't know anything about Schneerson. What were some of his beliefs? Thanks.
Schneerson was the head of Chabad Lubovitch. This group has been extremely influencal with many presidents, including Trump (his son-in-law is a member- which is more evidence that Trump is a crypto, no Lubovitcher would marry a shicksa- which translates to female cow/pig) They have gotten noahide laws signed in as executive orders, and even a national day honoring Schneerson. It's too long to go into here, but once you start down the Chabad Lubovitch rabbit hole...a lot more things will make sense...but it will take a while... there is a huge amount of documentation.
I've heard of Chabad Lubovitch, and it being connected to Jared Kushner. In fairness to Naomi, I think she has changed significantly since the 1990s, when she was a darling of the literati. They turned on her with a viciousness at some point, and she gradually drifted into the extremist waters where the likes of me are found. She was attacked and treated badly by those who'd once sung her praises. That is bound to have an impact on someone. She is married to a Libertarian who has turned her into a Second Amendment advocate, among other things. Thanks.
The comments about Schneerson were recent. Imho, everything coming from controlled opposition (Jones, Brand, Musk, Adams, Wolf etc.) is all theater. I understand, though, you are grateful to her for her help. You are a gentleman, Donald...in a world of pavement apes.
Kris: Schneerson (what a name!) was the one many Chabads thought was the Messiah.
Has Schneerson risen from the dead yet?
Man, am I glad I found this site! You folks nail it every time! How refreshing!!!!
Is he the Rabbi Schneerson who died in 1994? If so, I agree with you. A definite red flag.
Yes...the same one.
Kris: I don't know Wolf. I do know that the CCP is evil. Look at what Mao did. Look at that social credit score crap in China. Look what the CCP did to Falun Gong. The CCP is evil. So are the Neocons in DC. So are the Nazis in Ukraine.
It's a long list.
https://imgur.com/a/IsVYd6n Mao was "educated" by jewish "Elites."
The CCP was created because jews would much prefer compliant billions, then we always wanting integrity European white men. The Azov Battalion was founded and funded by a Ukrainian Oligarch, jewish, named Kolmoisky. Azov has never been anti-jew, matter of fact 30,000 jews just partied in Kiev for one of their shitty holidays. You spout unenlightened talking points little Timmy, like a pig rolling in its own excrement. Which is to say, with a smile.
Your link is a very tasty morsel. Thanks.
I wrote my response before I saw yours. I can't wait to check out your link.
Mayo was indeed a "Yali." For those who don't know, it would no doubt be of interest to do a search on Yandex for that.
Yandex, Izvestia, RT, Pravda and Al Jazeera have indeed, become sources of truth! What an interesting arc my life has spanned. Appreciate the link Goeff. It is always good to know, gaslit though our race might be, their :powers" do not work on all of us. Hail Victory Brother.
Fantastic link. Thank you for pointing this out. Yes, you-know-who was behind the CCP. The Rockefeller Foundation was the genesis behind the one-child policy. Does anyone with two brain cells to rub together really believe the Chinese people would ditch millenia of cultural traditions...without being forced to do so? And why did the West abandon Chaing-Kai Shek? Thanks for setting the record straight. I won't instigate any reply to Timmy, because he seems to think name calling is a valid argument.
Timmy is not very interested in truth, it burns him, and name calling ensues. My Father would have called him "dim," and would have been mad at me for wasting energy upon such creatures.
Anti Communist: I don't care if the Devil himself created the CCP and the Azov Battalion etc.
Who gives a damn?
The people in the CCP and the Azov Battalion etc. are the problem.
Do you think humans are automatons and slaves doing what they are told?
You "Big Thinkers" drive me nuts! Each man and woman can decide every day what is right and what is wrong.
We all die anyway.
People, the vast majority, are easily controlled. WHO controls, is important. In the greater scheme of human endeavors, strife, accomplishment and failure, neither you nor I matter. But, cerebral horsepower, and the balls to tackle tough problems, does matter more.
"Do you think humans are automatons and slaves doing what they are told?"
Look around then try to deny the obvious.
One day Brother, the weight of truth, and the inevitable uncovering of lies, will bury this filthy element, of the human genome. Hail Victory.
The CCP is evil and that can be explained by who built it up. As a kid I used to wonder why Kissinger and Nixon went to China. Now the reason is obvious to me; it, like the USSR (and the USSA), are or were projects of the international banking mafia.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one is worth a library.:
A solid Roman Salute to you! I have never seen the wide angle of this shot. We are well met.
I had a link that had the caption, identifying all the morons there, but it no longer works. Glad you could appreciate it. Your link was great too.
I believe this came from the caption.
CCP Chairman Mao Zedong with Israel Epstein (first left), Anna Louise Strong (third left), Soviet spies and New Deal economists Frank Coe (second right), and Solomon Adler (first right).
Anna Loise Strong was a real work of "art" as were all the rest. Disgusting.
Kris: And what do your sisters think of you? I can guess. LOL.
I have a bachelor's degree and for a long time (up until last year) I dipped in and out of the world of conspiracies and spent most of the time justifying the system we live in. I've worked "professional" jobs and I've worked blue collar jobs so I also have the unique experience of of seeing it from different sides. After my final awakening I don't see myself ever going back to supporting the system the way it is.
Also, my best friend currently is a guy named Earl. 7 years my senior, he's missing some teeth and works part time as a janitor. He owns a trailer home, never got his hs diploma, and has seen some rough times in his life. He's also one of the smartest guys I know.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Jason!
My first husband worked for Robert Bosch Corp. We were invited to 400+ person company dinner at which I was introduced to the president of the company. We found ourselves alone temporarily and I looked him straight in the eyes and asked, "So, who are you?"
He didn't know what to answer as his persona was bound up so tightly in his position as president that there was no substance to him.
You are at a company dinner. Of course he is going to prance about like a demigod and expect that the peasants will beg at his feet. "Maybe... maybe I will be remembered and he will say something to his associates the next day..."
Yes, when I worked at the Steakhouse, every once in a while the Big Boss, like Vice President of Operations, would come to town... and he would want to cook. My whole crew would tremble in their boots. And I would say, "relax, I'll take the hits". And the Big Boss stands there, critical of my every move. So I hand him the tongs and say "you have the con, now show us how it's done."
Then I would grab a mop and start swabbing the deck. Then I would go to the back line and drink a soda. And, about 5 minutes later, one of the managers would be looking for me, and the Big Boss would be at a table, observing my every move and watching order emerge from chaos.
And yes, the Bog Bosses were as dumb as the day is long. As Geralde Celente would say: "Born on Third Base- thought they hit a Home Run."
Boy does that ever remind me of working at The Black Angus steakhouse in Key West. We all called the place: The Black *nus, and the Big Boss : Adolph.
I was rescued from the BA by my friend who worked at a produce market. We two were the only employees. The owner was a huge fat guy, just like Adolph, only he talked exactly like Foghorn Leghorn. He said he had been a preacher in South Carolina, and he held forth on all the subjects of the day, like a preacher giving a sermon. Our customers openly mocked him...but he never caught on. One customer was so bold as to ask him why he yelled all the time. He replied that he grew up driving mules, and mules would only obey loud commands.
We had many customers who I had worked with at the BA, so I was able to keep abreast of the scuttlebutt at BA. One cook was the doltish son of Adolph, who only had his job due to his dad being the owner. It was with great glee I found out that Foghorn was paying doltish son's wife for sex, with son's blessing. Adolph wouldn't even pay his own son a living wage.
Thanks for sharing that, Gwyneth!
Gwyneth: When I get that question (rarely) I usually answer, "Grumpy Old Man" or perhaps "Crazy Old Coot" or even "Alfred E. Neuman".
I definitely graduated from the school of hard knocks. I took mathematics in college, and it did develop my thinking skills, helped me to reason through a problem and come up with a solution. But all the things I learned about the world I learned while working at the York Steak House in Park City Mall in Lancaster Pennsylvania. You say you came in late and left early. HA! I would come in an hour early to hang my coat and go do some shopping and as soon as I was seen it was "Jim, can you come on" and usually it was to get the dishroom caught up from the lunch rush. Sometimes as I came through the dining area and scanned 30 or so unbussed tables I knew they were probably looking for me. And one day I came in after my day off and the manager was like: "Jim, where were you? We tried to get ahold of you all afternoon," and I retorted, "well, you know Ron, yeah, most times on my day off I sit by the phone and say 'Ma, when are they going to call? Here it is almost 11 AM and they still have not called.'" I mean, it's not like I have a life or anything..." And, more often than not, if I was working swing shift, I would be asked to stay late. And a little better than half the time, they would ask me to help close. Many a Saturday I was at the Steak House from 7 in the morning to midnight. Never a dull moment. Prep an ocean of fish and a coop full of chickens, get the line set up- "Jim, Angie called in sick, can you set up Hot Side as Well?"- get the equipment operational (it took a full hour to get the broiler up to temperature and the potatoes had to be in at 10 for the opening at 11...) And then the doors would open and we would circle the wagons as 40 people that were waiting poured in and there was never a dull moment until 3 O"clock. First it was cook all the steaks, then bus all the tables, and then do all the dishes- I just floated from disaster to the next, usually anticipating when any given part of the operation would melt down given the crew and the volume.
And so I learned how to be a combination James Tiberius Kirk and NFL Quarterback and NBA Forward. I could do just about every position three times as fast as the runner up and sometimes multiple positions at once. I recall during a snowstorm most of the crew had called off but we got three tour buses off the interstate. Talk about your worst nightmare incarnating itself in the "mote".
But those were some of the best days of my youth- before Amerika really went over the edge and only an occasional family left the table looking like six pigs had slopped through dinner.
But through it all I learned human relations, how to motivate people, who could be motivated, and all about worker/management relations. "Look, you guys, it takes ONE HOUR to cook a potato. If we run out of potatoes, turning the oven temperature up gives a potato that is BURNED ON THE OUTSIDE and RAW ON THE INSIDE. IT IS JUST HOW GOD MADE THINGS. IT IS HOW THE UNIVERSE OPERATES! And just like Montgomery Scott, neither you or I can change the laws of physics. So I don't care what is your rank, or how many degrees you have, if you touch the dial on that oven I am going to get flaming mad, and you are going to apologize to each and every customer disappointed with their meal."
And if I told a manager we would not have a potato for 20 minutes, and he told a customer the meal would be ready in five... I would immediately call bullshit, tell the customer the truth, and ream the manager later. Unlike the gov't, my operation was a 100% bullshit free zone.
Because the White Wolf, please God, will always be 100% bullshit free.
We call them like we see them.
Great anecdote, WW. My first job was at Wagon Wheel steakhouse. As a lowly high school junior, I was usually relegated to slopping on the liquified butter onto the baked potatoes and Texas toast. We did get a free meal when we worked, and all the free drinks we wanted. Thanks!
I started as a dishwasher, and graduated to what we called "baker station" on the broiler line. I too, used a mini ice cream scoop to place butterballs in the potatoes. It was all about timing- because the life-expectancy of a butterball in a hot potato is measured in seconds- not minutes. And every fifteen minutes, a rack of potatoes came out of the oven, and another went in. And also steak fries- dishing out steak fries by the wheelbarrow load per hour. Not too many on the plate- not too few.
I quickly became the best potato guy. I used to ignore the line chart and just "feel the volume" on the fly. And at 8:00 there would be just five potatoes in the drawer, instead of two drawers full. Even after I became head broiler chef, the potatoes were always my call, and I had to get a potato report every half hour.
One busy night, I had a new- but very intelligent employee- on baker station. I showed him the operation and just told him to follow the line chart, and I would stay on top of things. Deep in the heart of the dinner rush, he looks over and says, "Jim, I'm running low on potatoes". I check the drawer and there is about 20 or so. I asked "when is the next rack coming out?" He replied. "There are no more racks..." Puzzled, I opened the oven, AND IT WAS COMPLETELY EMPTY. We were five minutes from Armageddon.
I immediately yelled up the line to the order taker... "Houston, we have a problem!..."
Just one of many nights I will never forget.
You were more skilled than me- I think they only let me cook the meat once. More often I was French Fry Boy or something. But your detailed remembrances point out how importance is a relative thing. In a restaurant, running out of potatoes in Armageddon. Or used to be. Now, I think the restaurants routinely run out of essential items, and the pacified public just shrugs. Panera bread ran out of bagels and pastries the other day. No one who worked there seemed the least bit concerned. Your memories come from America 1.0. Thanks, WW!
A few years back I was treated to Outback Steakhouse. My potato was not done. A steakhouse that cannot cook a potato?? That is America 2.0/
White Wolf: Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Fries! Coke! That's it.
You made me laugh out loud, White Wolf. Thanks Those tour buses were the worst. I hated my blue collar jobs, but as you said, now I kind of look back fondly at those times. It was all so inocent...and we were always laughing and joking. I wonder if white collar workers had so many laughs at work?
Nothing replaces someone who is street smart. They know all the ins and outs, more so than an "educated", or programmed, person. I have found this time and time again over the years. The ones who have a clue are typically people who have been thru the grind. Why is it that it seems people with money are the ones most miserable? That is my observation. They're not just uppity, but mean too. I always say you'll leave this planet the same way you came in - with nada. God doesn't care about your bank account.
I have never understood cheap people, Fran, especially when they have more money than they know what to do with. The old expression, "'Tis better to give than receive," isn't heard much these days. But I have certainly always gotten more joy out of making someone happy. Thanks!
Me either. Its like an addiction. Just look at Washington. Their big paying government jobs (and perks), big houses, expensive cars, the cocaine, prostitutes, child porn, and etc. isn't enough. There are still good people out there. More in small town America. I'd much rather stand next to a farmer who has cow shit on his clothes than those politicians with blood on their hands.
Fran: All rich people aren't the same. Some came up from nothing and have street smarts. The founder of Home Depot and Elon Musk are examples.
Others like Bill Gates or the Rockefellers and others were born on third base as the saying goes. They don't know shit and know that they don't know shit. So they hang on to their money like a lifeline.
For they don't know how to make a living on their own.
No, they're not all the same, but most rich people won't rub elbows with the poor. Home Depot allows people to steal, even their workers. They lost millions of dollars in shoplifting. I know this because family works there. As far as Elon Musk, don't have much to say other than his cars explode upon impact. And he is all for brain implants. Many of these rich folks get bored with life, so they seem to turn to evil doings. Its a power thing once you have a buck in your pocket.
Fran: Home Depot isn't the same company it was when it was founded. It's had some terrible CEOs.
Elon Musk is a strange man. I've read excerpts from his biography that just came out. I'll probably read the book. Musk knows how to manipulate the State to make money. Yet he also does some good things. I can't figure him out.
As for rich people getting bored with life, that wasn't always the case. Check out Elizabeth Nickson's substack "Absurdistan". Nickson comes from a wealthy old Canadian family. Her insights into how the wealthy class has changed over the generations is fascinating reading.
"I hear from those who are struggling. “Losers” in our rigged casino economy. Ones whose minds are open enough to let in even the most subversive notions imaginable, from the minds of Thought Criminals like me. These are my people, and always have been. You’ll never find me in a country club. I’m with those who scoff at the rotten system even as it holds them down."
I'm definitely your people! LOL I'm going to buy The Unreals, and eventually all the others. I think we vibrate on the same frequency :)
God bless.
Thank you, Cindy!
Wow, yet another timeless essay hitting close to home from the Oracle of Rant. Having worked as a laborer in construction, a furniture order filler at Sears, a factory worker making department store shelving and later a factory worker making lawn furniture at a company called Gay Products (when gay still meant happy), I can certainly relate. Most of my co-workers along the way back then had far more good sense than most of the doctors I was later to call peers. I know I enjoyed working alongside the blue collars far more than I did with the white coat "geniuses" in medicine. I guess even somebody with my limited intelligence could tell who the smart ones were!
~~ j ~~
I appreciate hearing your perspective, J. Lee. Looking back, while we often argued and I was frustrated at times by the fact I was mired in a job that everyone (especially everyone White) looked down upon, I probably had more fun working there than I ever had. IT was pretty good most of the time, but it was never quite "fun." Thanks!
DJ: We blue collar guys were never frustrated by people "above" us looking down on us. We knew that we knew more than they did and that, the bosses and aristocrats, were full of shit.
Gee, a doctor who once upon a time had a real job. I did not know that such men existed.
Ha ha, thanks Wolf. Yeah, I even worked as a construction laborer during medical skool ... when they would give us little breaks in the summer ... much needed breaks from swallowing the deluge of useless information they aimed at us with a fire hose the rest of the year. Trust the science! ~~ j ~~
We all have an inevitable fate. We just don't know what it is.
Sometimes you just want to get it over with.
I remember a move I had in your neck of the woods just South of DC. It was July 3rd I think.
Probably 104 degrees and humid. I picked up my helpers to unload a big shipment at a doctor's house. To my dismay I found that his driveway was pitched at such a steep angle that I didn't dare back the truck down it. If the tranny didn't drop out, or the breaks fail, then I figured as soon as I opened the backdoor all the doctor's shit would avalanche out the back.
One of my helper's was a big black guy who told me straight up he wasn't going to climb that driveway. So, fine, I let him stay in the air conditioned house and my other helper, from Salvador or Guatamala, and I would bring the stuff to him. That lasted for a couple hours before the black dude had enough and bailed out leaving me and the other kid. He lasted another couple hours before bailing out leaving just me. There was no way in hell to get help on July 3rd in the late afternoon. Since I was a long distance runner and in good condition as a mover, I had to try to finish the job. It took till 11 at night. I was so exhausted I cramped all night long. The next day pneumonia set in from the furniture dust (pads are dust magnets). I got as far as somewhere in Indiana before I parked at a rest area and laid down on a picnic table to die. I couldn't move for several hours as hundreds of people came and went with nobody even caring if I was laying there dying. Somehow I got up and tried to walk around for a while, then managed to drive home with pneumonia. I was out for a week, and asked my boss if there was any compensation for work related illness like that . All he said to me was, "I don't know where you caught your cold".
I appreciate you sharing that, Scott. Those doing physical labor are just expected to "get 'er done." They don't have the option of telling someone "I'm working on it." Thanks!
Scott: I've helped my folks move in 108F of humidity in Kansas City. The moving van folks were good but we worked our asses off. There was no steep driveway but three flights of stairs.
I also cramped up that night but didn't get pneumonia.
Doctors are arrogant assholes. You should have been warned about the steep driveway. Your boss is an asshole, too.
Nowadays you could take a video from your phone, send it to your boss and say, "No Way we are going up that steep driveway. Options?"
I did work my way through college too, earning a degree in philosophy and German.
Basically I hated most of those professors. I never once stooped to ask one of them for a reference even though I was nearly 4.0 GPA. (the German profs were good though)
Philosophy, like poetry, like art, like religion, can not be acquired through abstract ideas taught in books or lectures. We have to actually put our body through the wringer and flirt with death. I learned more philosophy from working with a couple friends on a 17 hour move loading 26 thousand pounds of furniture than in a year of college.
btw. That boss I mentioned LOL was my friend who bought half the company, but prior to that we often worked together. We moved another doctor in Minnesota when it got so cold one by one all the help bailed on us till it was -20 and just he and I alone to finish the job late in the night. So he was just f-n with me like I was f-n with him. I knew there was no compensation, having done that crap for over 20 years. We are bored to death if there isn't a challenge to life and something to laugh about later. The white collar crowd must be bored to death, never have a chance to really live,,, and sweat the toxins out of their body.
Scott: I agree that we "actually put our body through the wringer and flirt with death." I was born in Richfield, MN and spent a winter near Vermillion, SD. My toes are still numb (-36F). I also spent 6 months in the Amazon 120 miles south of the Equator. Had dysentery every day and lost 30 pounds (186-156lbs). Am 6'.
My job was repairing, maintaining, and flying in the Dehavilland Beaver used in a movie. The plane crashed. No one died but it was a near thing.
Lots of near death experiences keeps one on their toes.
Thanks for the comment.
"The white collar crowd must be bored to death, never have a chance to really live,,, and sweat the toxins out of their body."
I agree and am totally convinced that's a huge part of why so many well off people at least flirt with the dark side if they don't totally immerse themselves in it. They are so bored that they'll do anything for a thrill.
Also, what you are talking about is essentially the difference between schooling and education and while most folks do not appreciate the difference, it's huge. One cannot become educated without experience while schooling is often a huge impediment in that regard. Most well schooled individuals are at the educational level of infants if that.
Very well said, Scott. Thanks for the personal stories.
What a story. At least, it was downhill. Too bad they did not have hand trucks with balloon tires in special at Home Depot that day.
You really struck a chord today, Don. I worked at the car dealership for about ten years around the turn of the century. Parts department. Parts guys and mechanics, uniforms and grease. Brains and common sense.
Next came the salesmen. Nice clothes. Slick talkers. They were friendly enough at the coffee machine, but they’d never be seen at the kind of bars we stopped at.
At the top of the money ladder were the sales managers and GM. The suits in offices. Boot licking narcissists all. Usually didn’t see them much, they must’ve got their coffee delivered by Starbucks.
If we were all dropped on a desert island, pretty soon only the mechanics and parts guys would still be alive.
Thanks, Spkrman!
Just watched msnbc talk about Rep Jamal pull “ some sort of fire alarm “. What is “ some sort of fire alarm “? If you pull a fire alarm they will slide down that pole and deploy to where the address is Once they go lives are at risk. F this clown show
Zero chance of any member of Congress, especially a proud Black one, being punished for pulling a fire alarm. The guy was supposedly the principal of a school for ten years or something. So he should know something about fire drills. This is a clown show. Thanks.
That kind of stunt used to get junior congresstwits censured, or removed. It's actually a criminal offense and the offender is subject to arrest. Of course censuring Jamal would be "racist" and having him arrested, well...
thank you for sharing all these insights that I've found very true as well
despite too many years of post-grad school, always identified with those that did not participate in such, and everything you set forth rings a bell in my head....
It was the suit and tie.
>I see this very true statement in action all the time when the monkey suit comes out of the closet
the blue collar workers had more dignity and class about them.
>ran into so many very undignified professionals
One thing I learned is that formal education is not an indicator of intelligence.
>spot on
Thanks, jwslaw!
Great piece Don. Really enjoyed it. Everyone in my family is college educated and totally brainwashed and asleep. I dropped out of college my first year and ironically I'm the only one awake. I keep finding that non-college educated people seem far more open minded and more willing to doubt the bullshit narratives. On a somewhat unrelated note, I don't know of any Gen Z's that are awake - they seem the most brainwashed of all.
Thanks, Smoke!
I hold a BS in physics, which qualifies me to do just that. I went straight to trucking, just couldn’t see myself in that world after graduating.. always just been a working man at heart. Drive for one of those big foodservice delivery companies now, home nights and weekends, and it’s a hell of a workout.
So much agreement with your sentiments
Wow. You have to be part of a very exclusive community, Daniel- truckers with physics degrees. Thanks for sharing!
For 17 years after graduating high school in 1979 in my class' academic top 1/3 & attending college 3 years quitting with 101 credit hours & a 3.14 mean grade point I dove deep into old-right semi-populist conspiracism as I could not see the point of pursuing a respectable career if that meant paying extortionate taxes on what would have been appealing earnings & exempting the system I would serve from objectively merited analysis & criticism. Low points in this period of self chosen downward mobility & involuntary economic marginality were respectively in 1987 when a high school ex-class mate with a political science degree told me to quit bothering to try restoring the American republic of my lower middle class producerist ideals & 1991 when a cousin bluntly said my predicament owed to my marginality as though it were an affliction wherewith I was stuck no matter how little I deserved it.
Then 9-11. A few weeks thereafter my 73 year old Korean war veteran father, ex-prisoner of war, who had differed strongly with me practically since fall 1968 when I was a second grader for Wallace--sort of like 1 of the negroes for Wallace but caucasian & in second grade--said he could see at last merit in my thinking given his disgust at how the authorities had exploited the event to justify all sorts of drastic policies a blind pig could see they meant to make permanent to the detriment of the people's rights. As though they were ready for just such an opportunity. That badly affronted my father.
This is nothing new though. The first eruption of conflict between those who cheat their way to success & those who realize they were held to the strict letter of the rules so they could be cheated was Shays' revolt in 1786. I took til I was about 45 years old, several years after 9-11, at last to realize its full & utter justification. I dread to think what nonsense I still believe & may die believing.
I appreciate you sharing that, PoliceRiotJunky. Glad your father came around- that's not so common. Thanks!
"...I could not see the point of pursuing a respectable career if that meant paying extortionate taxes on what would have been appealing earnings & exempting the system I would serve from objectively merited analysis & criticism."
Roger that! And what torture it would be to have to hang around the "respectable" crowd. Uuuurp!.