Hey Don, I made the same jump you did, I actually watched about 5 minutes of the WNBA, because Clark was playing some thug bull dykes from some ghetto big city. What I noticed watching was how Caitlin is literally on a team by her lonesome, completely. She could make the game winning shot and her teammates would probably walk off the court, oh well. I don’t feel sorry for her, she is making thousands of dollars from the league and probably millions from endorsements. So no boo hoo from me.
What I did notice was the white girls are the best players by far, best shooters, dribblers, and obviously the best free throw makers, not takers.
Also noticed how all the white girls bow down to their black teammates and go out of there way to appease them and kiss their sneakers. All pro sports are fake and ghey, but this sport is more unwatchable than women’s curling or soccer.
Just since I finished writing this, I found two new updates on Caitlin Clark. First, one of the most odious Affirmative Action hires of all time, Jemele Hill, went on a predictable rant about how Clark is being "favored." Naturally because she's White. Because, in the ignorant eyes of someone like Hill, the society that has made her a rich woman in spite of her lack of real education and talent, is "racist." And, perhaps the most vicious foul committed on Clark yet consisted of a Black player grabbing her by her throat and flinging her to the floor. The Black fragility and infantile jealously should be apparent to everyone, but won't be. Thanks, Eveohtse.
You don't get it. She would be gang-stomped on the court by every "player" on both teams while the refs stood back and watched. I wouldn't wish that kind of death on anyone.
hehe ,they could do a remake of Rollerball, but Jonathon the only white. no rules.. Jonathon Jonathon ... huh? where's jonathon.. oh they used his head for a shotput...
Oh I get it Ed, you exaggerate a tad however, she will retire in less than a year unless she fights back. I could care less either way, any person who wants to be on a team with a bunch of lesbos, she-men and white woke Karen’s is border line shit for brains…
Unfortunately, you are probably right, Eveohtse. Like every White athlete who has been bullied and treated unfairly by their Black peers and cucked White authority figures, Clark desperately needs to stand up for herself. She can't change them with kindness and humility, as she is trying to do. They do indeed want her out of the league, and they may very well succeed. Who would want to go through what she's going through? But I understand her motivation. She loves the game, is great at it, and is going to make a lot of money because of it. I hope she really cashes in, if or when she is forced out. Thanks.
...like most of our modern cultural, social, political and moral dilemmas...the key to Clark's success will be found "locally". If The WNBA doesn't want to insure Clark's chances of success through consistent application of the rules by qualified Ref's, then the owner of the team is the next best local savior. If the owner wants to win, they should fire the Coach and replace her with someone who wants to win more than anything. The current Coach acts like what is happening is just "part of the game", and hasn't the nerve to tell her team to stand up and play as a team. Once you have the right coach...you build a team around Clark that will not only defend her, but will insure the rough tactics used come at a great price. Imagine KC Jones standing around and letting Larry Bird get the crap beat out of him...and doing nothing. Larry Bird was one of the most confident rookies of all time, and he stood up for himself. But when the physical abuse got bad....did Robert Parish or Kevin McHale stand around and do nothing? No...they took on the role of the enforcer... and abusers paid a price. The owners of the Indy Team in The WNBA need to bring in local muscle...and begin to knock the shit out of the thugs who are abusing Clark. When that happens, Clark will start racking up 40 point games every night...and the other teams will have to play real defense. All sports have their enforcers... and The WNBA has shown that Clark needs her own local enforcement team.
Apparently, EH doesn't think that would happen. He thinks that what's happening in that league is like schoolyard bullying in the past century. Those days are gone.
Yes, it's like prison, not like sports league hazing of rookies. This fake
sports league is just a scam anyway, but it has been made into a refuge for violent, feral people who have their positions given to them despite their lack of talent or ability. That kind of person will attack any perceived outsider if they see hem as a threat to their undeserved position.
What has become of America is hard to believe. The decline of this freedom fighting super power is rapid with no chance to recover, even if D.J. Trump is president. Too much power in hand of fascist democrats at every level of the US government. I am skeptical.
The transformation even from five years ago is astonishing, Ivan. Maybe our country is "transitioning" like an increasing number of children are. Thanks.
"What has become of America is hard to believe. The decline of this freedom fighting super power is rapid with no chance to recover, even if D.J. Trump is president."
Trump showed himself to be a minion of the Deep State during his term as 'president.' For decades, all presidents have been titular.
Whoever is the nominal nominee, like the old meme of the devil on one shoulder, the Don's real running mate will always be his Zionist paymasters like Wilbur Ross.
President Trump could not effectively oppose it/them during his first term. The commies are much more bold and determined now, since they are beginning to believe we'll continue to do absolutely nothing to stop them. Not to mention "we" are dwindling numbers, SDS is accelerating every day.
I'd gamble that if the most powerful man in the world (Deep State excepted) were a flaming 'mo "married" to a chunky man masquerading as a woman, he'd be pushing the 'mo/transformer mantra every chance he got. Hmmmm....Wonder where this clown show we're enjoying got it's start? Oblomo and Big Mike?
I've noticed it really gets Biteme's interest, as well. Of course.
And again since writing this, Caitlin Clark has now been snubbed from the Olympic team. Just incredible. I've never seen a star player treated with such disdain in any sport, except when Tim Tebow first entered the NFL.
That is an apt comparison Donald. Simply imagine this young lady thanking the Good Lord during press conferences. The amplification of disdain towards her would increase exponentially...
Yep. So far, she has really remained humble and continues to stay upbeat. Which is, of course, the default persona for every modern White athlete. If she starts invoking her faith, the hatred will be turned up yet another notch. Thanks, Nick!
Modern life makes much more sense if you view it all as a series of humiliation rituals, versus serious trends in culture.
This country “needs” a great(er) depression or world war, if for no other reason than to end the decades of unfettered comfort, that has allowed all these cancerous tumors of thought to fester, grow, and thrive!
We are at the “soft men make hard times” phase, and it can’t come soon enough!
God knows that I wish we could “think, reason, or vote” our way out of this putrid morass, but if the past 50 years has taught us anything, it’s that sometimes, you really do have to “burn the village to save it”!
The irony is ridiculous, but “the stupid, it burns!” is too suffocating and paralyzing to survive.
Either it's finished or it's here to stay, Myriad. Which means those us remaining sane will have to tolerate it, or band together to change it. Thanks.
EXCELLENT snapshot of our current Societal "Tragic Comic Opera". Cry for the country.
Much of this insanity was brought to us by Obama, who reliably according to Joan Rivers, is a queer married to a trannie. That statement by her is still out there on the net. That there is also a video of a taxi driver in Chicago stating on camera that HE had a liaison with Obama in his cab.
It is a fact that Obama installed all his old staff onto Biden who stated on camera that after he was elected had had no need to read anything that was put in front of him to sign.
Why is Biden continuing to send hundreds of millions to the absolutely failed state of Ukraine on the verge of losing the war?? Th continue to bribe Zelensky to send more cash back to the basket of off shore companies set up by Hunter to wash the cash for the family, so Zelensky and pals can keep skimming their take as long as possible to set up more off shore palaces to bolt to when Putin arrives in Kyiv?
So it is not a shock to see the spokes person for the Biden administration front and center on stage every day to be a female black Lesbian. His staff also promoted a old rough looking trannie to be a Navy admiral just to get him a big pay check I guess?
Flying the gay flag on the white house and bathing the white house in "Pride" light colours indicates the absolute take over of the administration. Much of our military services are now controlled by the gay mob.
There we have the administration of the country's form and substance to weep over.
A section from the brilliant essay Art, Truth and Politics by Harold Pinter:
"The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you wouldn’t know it.
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.
I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self love. It’s a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, ‘the American people’, as in the sentence, ‘I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.’
It’s a scintillating stratagem. Language is actually employed to keep thought at bay. The words ‘the American people’ provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don’t need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties but it’s very comfortable. This does not apply of course to the 40 million people living below the poverty line and the 2 million men and women imprisoned in the vast gulag of prisons, which extends across the US."
Donald, the intentional thuggery directed at Caitlin Clark is of a piece with that which I encountered attempting to enter the Fred Douglas nightclub in 1968 or walking up Warren Street in Roxbury in 1970. Racism straight up, as opposite to American exceptionalism and the sports ethos as physically possible. As for the phatophile phad, this too shall pass, although it will turn sideways and crush us on the way. The question of war is tougher: They took out JFK to go play in the jungles and rice paddies for a decade, took down three towers for the Afghan-Iraq debacles for double decades. If there is a war, let the White House and Congress take its 25 million Federal employees out of CONUS to fight it so that the rest of us might regain our prior lives wherein paying for groceries was possible without a mortgage or living in a van down by the river.
I keep saying this that everything wrong with this country everything DJ wrote here and rights about can be traced to the jews. jewish power and destroying it should be the only topic. the harlem globetrotters were brought about by a jew to humiliate whites. all the tattooed groid dykes all conceived in Sec Ape housing forced into colleges and unleashed onto the country just like the tens of millions of black criminals. all through bolshevik jewish power
the demonization of white heroes goes back to the jews devil god in the old testament telling his demons to take down their statues destroy their religion etc. they are carrying out Deuteronomy instructions in front of us. one thing I have said to people is that the Palestinians along with the Houthis who are the only humans cant be bought off by the jews are not only fighting for their freedom but unknowingly fighting for the freedom of the world to break the chains of demonic bolshevik power. they have illuminated their power and hopefully something is done about it
Donald, again another great article to help reenforce the postions we all hold on this crazy,compromised planet.
What has happened to humans? Our humanity.
Im so frazzled with the "wrongness" of everything
around us. Im really starting to question who i ve chosen to ally with. Perhaps I am really a wolf, as are most of us reading this and many similar articles. The good guys , presuming its us, can see through all of this ridiculousness, yet we still go along to get along. The left, globalists, the disappointing right I'll call us just continue to roll along with these antics. We should discussing ways to become united and if its required, conspire to create our own "nation" or "nations". The obvious is that this wokeness is not going to stop. Its here to stay. Its going to get worse. Blacks are being weaponized to destroy every virtuous instalment in society. Trans,feminism,wokism, lgbtq, pornography are weapons that are being used to crush goodness. Destroy Christian influence. What Im trying to say is, we better stop being soft and find the courage to rise up and fight this " deliberate" attempt to destroy us. Christianity needs brave and comitted souls to fight this unholy scripture which is upon us. Ño way were going to survive if this is how we react to it. Peace out bros. We better start getting serious about where this takes us.
I appreciate the kind words, PDB. We do need to stop being so damn submissive. Blacks hate the pandering, the condescending, and the weakness. Who can respect that? It shouldn't take courage to say that White lives, like all lives, matter. The fact that this is considered controversial illustrates the problem. Thanks!
When it comes to war religion has always played a huge role. So as we again contemplate our nearness to WW3 let's consider that the Zionists have broken at least 9 of their GODS 10 commandments, probably all 10 if we knew the secrets so there is NO way they could be his chosen people any longer. As for American Christians asking for GOD'S blessing to break as many of those commandments in his name. Just consider that Russia is far more Christian. And that Israel has built their apartheid country by driving out Christians, Arabs and any except jews and they attack any jew who disagrees with their Genocide and wars. It matters not who is behind all the Gender, Race, religion hatreds and divisions. What matters is ending it before it destroys humanity and thus the world.
Every war we have had/been involved in - sans the American Revolution- has been manufactured BS including & especially World War II. FDR - a fascist in his own right - was itching to get the U.S. involved in that war so bad he had the U.S. Navy waging an illegal, undeclared war against the German Navy in the Atlantic throughout 1941. Britain - hard up for convoy escort vessels - was lent a hand (not only by Lend-Lease) but having U.S. Navy destroyers escort shipping out to a line of demarcation in the Atlantic where the Royal Navy would take over. Orders were clear & specific as to what to do vis-a-vis German U-boats - “shoot on sight”. This backfired tragically in the case of the USS Reuben James, torpedoed off the coast of Iceland by U-552 (KptLnt Erich Topp, commanding) with an enormous loss of life. Torpedo detonated the ship’s magazine which vaporized the bow (& everyone in it). With all compartments vented to the sea the ship just dove like a submarine. Many of those lucky enough to jump free into the icy waters were killed moments later as the destroyer’s depth charges started cooking off as the charges reached the pre-set depth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Reuben_James_(DD-245)
A travesty & totally preventable. But none of the liars are ever held accountable so the lying just goes on & on.
You will learn much more about the treacherous FDR in my upcoming book "American Memory Hole," Dutch. He invented "cancel culture" in addition to so much else. Thanks.
They don't need wars when they can just steal the money, like spending billions for
EV charging stations and then only actually putting in like 7 of them, or the billions for
If we could pay them to just go away instead of governing we'd be way way better off,,, for example if we had just paid Pfizer and Moderna to give placebo saline shots how many millions of people would be alive and not vax-injured?
But, they have to do what they are doing for some other reasons beyond the money.
They already have more money than anyone could possibly spend and somehow they
think that a war with Russia is a really great idea.
FDR stalins nephew was a communist surrounded by jew bolsheviks. if he was a facist (an anti communist) he would have joined Italy and Germany. WWII was fought to save the communists and the jews and allowed them total control over the west
I dont see that at all. fascism got its start in the spanish civil war where franco the facist was fighting the demonic communists. only a communist calls those opposed to the a facist
Benito Mussolini - arguably the founder of fascism - was a former communist. He described fascism thus: “Fascism is the melding of corporate & political power.” Both communism & fascism are based in Marxism.
Under communism the state owns the means of production & distribution; under fascism the state dictates the means of production while nominally leaving distribution in private hands. A good contemporary example of this is China today, there have morphed into a fascist govt rather than communist. They were true communists under Mao Tse Tung & Chou En Lai, but have morphed into the fascist state because they decided they like money. In China today you will find no more collective farms, rather a hot real estate market in certain areas & a plethora of goods. That does not happen in communist countries, everyone - except the top hierarchy- remains dirt poor forever. As far as tyrannies go, fascism is the better bet because when something goes wrong/ breaks down, those in charge can point the finger @ the corporations/industrialists whereas under communism - if things get out of hand & the army withholds support - the people are coming for your head. We saw this in Rumania where Ceaucescu & his wife were set upon by the mob & summarily shot.
I think mussolini was still a communist and put in there to drag Hitler down during the war which is what he did. mussolini helped stalin more then he helped Hitler. he sent poorly armed and trained Italians to the Russian front to get slaughtered
Well done. Whites are under attack on all fronts by the fragile minority crowd. I firmly believe very hard times are coming. When the SHTF, it will not be any kind of DEI (Didn't Earn It) type that will step up and take a strong leadership role. Nor will it be some magical black girl we turn to for help. The west is led by fools and our government hates us. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST !!
When I go to bed at night my dreams consist of normal people doing normal things. I hate waking up.
Yes, dreams are more normal now, Lickyou. Thanks.
my dreams always have people in them. my life does not. literally. let the dreams dream the dream ( like let the dead bury the dead).
Hey Don, I made the same jump you did, I actually watched about 5 minutes of the WNBA, because Clark was playing some thug bull dykes from some ghetto big city. What I noticed watching was how Caitlin is literally on a team by her lonesome, completely. She could make the game winning shot and her teammates would probably walk off the court, oh well. I don’t feel sorry for her, she is making thousands of dollars from the league and probably millions from endorsements. So no boo hoo from me.
What I did notice was the white girls are the best players by far, best shooters, dribblers, and obviously the best free throw makers, not takers.
Also noticed how all the white girls bow down to their black teammates and go out of there way to appease them and kiss their sneakers. All pro sports are fake and ghey, but this sport is more unwatchable than women’s curling or soccer.
Just since I finished writing this, I found two new updates on Caitlin Clark. First, one of the most odious Affirmative Action hires of all time, Jemele Hill, went on a predictable rant about how Clark is being "favored." Naturally because she's White. Because, in the ignorant eyes of someone like Hill, the society that has made her a rich woman in spite of her lack of real education and talent, is "racist." And, perhaps the most vicious foul committed on Clark yet consisted of a Black player grabbing her by her throat and flinging her to the floor. The Black fragility and infantile jealously should be apparent to everyone, but won't be. Thanks, Eveohtse.
Do you have a link for that throat incident? Was it from college or the “ghey”BA?
I think they are challenging her much like school or prison bullies Don, she needs to get up and punch one of those thugs in the mouth if you ask me.
You don't get it. She would be gang-stomped on the court by every "player" on both teams while the refs stood back and watched. I wouldn't wish that kind of death on anyone.
hehe ,they could do a remake of Rollerball, but Jonathon the only white. no rules.. Jonathon Jonathon ... huh? where's jonathon.. oh they used his head for a shotput...
Go Go Tokyo!
Oh I get it Ed, you exaggerate a tad however, she will retire in less than a year unless she fights back. I could care less either way, any person who wants to be on a team with a bunch of lesbos, she-men and white woke Karen’s is border line shit for brains…
Unfortunately, you are probably right, Eveohtse. Like every White athlete who has been bullied and treated unfairly by their Black peers and cucked White authority figures, Clark desperately needs to stand up for herself. She can't change them with kindness and humility, as she is trying to do. They do indeed want her out of the league, and they may very well succeed. Who would want to go through what she's going through? But I understand her motivation. She loves the game, is great at it, and is going to make a lot of money because of it. I hope she really cashes in, if or when she is forced out. Thanks.
...like most of our modern cultural, social, political and moral dilemmas...the key to Clark's success will be found "locally". If The WNBA doesn't want to insure Clark's chances of success through consistent application of the rules by qualified Ref's, then the owner of the team is the next best local savior. If the owner wants to win, they should fire the Coach and replace her with someone who wants to win more than anything. The current Coach acts like what is happening is just "part of the game", and hasn't the nerve to tell her team to stand up and play as a team. Once you have the right coach...you build a team around Clark that will not only defend her, but will insure the rough tactics used come at a great price. Imagine KC Jones standing around and letting Larry Bird get the crap beat out of him...and doing nothing. Larry Bird was one of the most confident rookies of all time, and he stood up for himself. But when the physical abuse got bad....did Robert Parish or Kevin McHale stand around and do nothing? No...they took on the role of the enforcer... and abusers paid a price. The owners of the Indy Team in The WNBA need to bring in local muscle...and begin to knock the shit out of the thugs who are abusing Clark. When that happens, Clark will start racking up 40 point games every night...and the other teams will have to play real defense. All sports have their enforcers... and The WNBA has shown that Clark needs her own local enforcement team.
No, I'm not exaggerating at all.
It's a new story. I saw it linked on Facebook. You should be able to find it in a search. Thanks, Eveohtse.
Apparently, EH doesn't think that would happen. He thinks that what's happening in that league is like schoolyard bullying in the past century. Those days are gone.
Yes, it's like prison, not like sports league hazing of rookies. This fake
sports league is just a scam anyway, but it has been made into a refuge for violent, feral people who have their positions given to them despite their lack of talent or ability. That kind of person will attack any perceived outsider if they see hem as a threat to their undeserved position.
What other reason than the fact she's White, and is better than the other players, mzlizzi? Thanks.
Women’s curling is not at all bad to watch.
The Canadian team especially has some very attractive and physically fit ladies for our watching pleasure.
What has become of America is hard to believe. The decline of this freedom fighting super power is rapid with no chance to recover, even if D.J. Trump is president. Too much power in hand of fascist democrats at every level of the US government. I am skeptical.
The transformation even from five years ago is astonishing, Ivan. Maybe our country is "transitioning" like an increasing number of children are. Thanks.
"What has become of America is hard to believe. The decline of this freedom fighting super power is rapid with no chance to recover, even if D.J. Trump is president."
Trump showed himself to be a minion of the Deep State during his term as 'president.' For decades, all presidents have been titular.
Trump had four years. Watch who he picks as running mate. He is very predictable- always goes against his MAGA base. Thanks, Realist.
Whoever is the nominal nominee, like the old meme of the devil on one shoulder, the Don's real running mate will always be his Zionist paymasters like Wilbur Ross.
President Trump could not effectively oppose it/them during his first term. The commies are much more bold and determined now, since they are beginning to believe we'll continue to do absolutely nothing to stop them. Not to mention "we" are dwindling numbers, SDS is accelerating every day.
I'd gamble that if the most powerful man in the world (Deep State excepted) were a flaming 'mo "married" to a chunky man masquerading as a woman, he'd be pushing the 'mo/transformer mantra every chance he got. Hmmmm....Wonder where this clown show we're enjoying got it's start? Oblomo and Big Mike?
I've noticed it really gets Biteme's interest, as well. Of course.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
"President Trump could not effectively oppose it/them during his first term. "
No, he WOULD not oppose them, except to post a tweet at 2AM.
It's settled anyway, whether we settle for it or not.
See above Sir.
And again since writing this, Caitlin Clark has now been snubbed from the Olympic team. Just incredible. I've never seen a star player treated with such disdain in any sport, except when Tim Tebow first entered the NFL.
That is an apt comparison Donald. Simply imagine this young lady thanking the Good Lord during press conferences. The amplification of disdain towards her would increase exponentially...
Yep. So far, she has really remained humble and continues to stay upbeat. Which is, of course, the default persona for every modern White athlete. If she starts invoking her faith, the hatred will be turned up yet another notch. Thanks, Nick!
Modern life makes much more sense if you view it all as a series of humiliation rituals, versus serious trends in culture.
This country “needs” a great(er) depression or world war, if for no other reason than to end the decades of unfettered comfort, that has allowed all these cancerous tumors of thought to fester, grow, and thrive!
We are at the “soft men make hard times” phase, and it can’t come soon enough!
God knows that I wish we could “think, reason, or vote” our way out of this putrid morass, but if the past 50 years has taught us anything, it’s that sometimes, you really do have to “burn the village to save it”!
The irony is ridiculous, but “the stupid, it burns!” is too suffocating and paralyzing to survive.
America 2.0 is finished!
Either it's finished or it's here to stay, Myriad. Which means those us remaining sane will have to tolerate it, or band together to change it. Thanks.
The people who control this country are avaricious megalomaniacs. They are playing for all the marbles, and only force will stop them.
EXCELLENT snapshot of our current Societal "Tragic Comic Opera". Cry for the country.
Much of this insanity was brought to us by Obama, who reliably according to Joan Rivers, is a queer married to a trannie. That statement by her is still out there on the net. That there is also a video of a taxi driver in Chicago stating on camera that HE had a liaison with Obama in his cab.
It is a fact that Obama installed all his old staff onto Biden who stated on camera that after he was elected had had no need to read anything that was put in front of him to sign.
Why is Biden continuing to send hundreds of millions to the absolutely failed state of Ukraine on the verge of losing the war?? Th continue to bribe Zelensky to send more cash back to the basket of off shore companies set up by Hunter to wash the cash for the family, so Zelensky and pals can keep skimming their take as long as possible to set up more off shore palaces to bolt to when Putin arrives in Kyiv?
So it is not a shock to see the spokes person for the Biden administration front and center on stage every day to be a female black Lesbian. His staff also promoted a old rough looking trannie to be a Navy admiral just to get him a big pay check I guess?
Flying the gay flag on the white house and bathing the white house in "Pride" light colours indicates the absolute take over of the administration. Much of our military services are now controlled by the gay mob.
There we have the administration of the country's form and substance to weep over.
Good points, ursel. Thanks!
A section from the brilliant essay Art, Truth and Politics by Harold Pinter:
"The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you wouldn’t know it.
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.
I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self love. It’s a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, ‘the American people’, as in the sentence, ‘I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.’
It’s a scintillating stratagem. Language is actually employed to keep thought at bay. The words ‘the American people’ provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don’t need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties but it’s very comfortable. This does not apply of course to the 40 million people living below the poverty line and the 2 million men and women imprisoned in the vast gulag of prisons, which extends across the US."
Donald, the intentional thuggery directed at Caitlin Clark is of a piece with that which I encountered attempting to enter the Fred Douglas nightclub in 1968 or walking up Warren Street in Roxbury in 1970. Racism straight up, as opposite to American exceptionalism and the sports ethos as physically possible. As for the phatophile phad, this too shall pass, although it will turn sideways and crush us on the way. The question of war is tougher: They took out JFK to go play in the jungles and rice paddies for a decade, took down three towers for the Afghan-Iraq debacles for double decades. If there is a war, let the White House and Congress take its 25 million Federal employees out of CONUS to fight it so that the rest of us might regain our prior lives wherein paying for groceries was possible without a mortgage or living in a van down by the river.
Nice summary, Phil. Thanks!
I keep saying this that everything wrong with this country everything DJ wrote here and rights about can be traced to the jews. jewish power and destroying it should be the only topic. the harlem globetrotters were brought about by a jew to humiliate whites. all the tattooed groid dykes all conceived in Sec Ape housing forced into colleges and unleashed onto the country just like the tens of millions of black criminals. all through bolshevik jewish power
the demonization of white heroes goes back to the jews devil god in the old testament telling his demons to take down their statues destroy their religion etc. they are carrying out Deuteronomy instructions in front of us. one thing I have said to people is that the Palestinians along with the Houthis who are the only humans cant be bought off by the jews are not only fighting for their freedom but unknowingly fighting for the freedom of the world to break the chains of demonic bolshevik power. they have illuminated their power and hopefully something is done about it
Well, I see things largely the way you, do, SPQR70AD, but I wish you'd refrain from the unnecessarily nasty adjectives. Thanks.
Don't act like that. If you REALLY believe the stuff you write then you KNOW that using harsh language is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF THE REAL PROBLEM.
I think any point can be made without obscenity or vulgar names. It's not hard. I offer up controversial takes on countless subjects without doing it.
That was so entertaining and completely depressing because it is so accurate.
Thanks, Mike!
this won't be won by heroes
but by all of us zeroes
when we reach critical mass
we will find this too shall pass
it takes true grassroots movement
to make some real improvement
the strategy we apply
steadfastly DO NOT COMPLY
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet
#poem #DoNotComply
Thanks, art.
Donald, again another great article to help reenforce the postions we all hold on this crazy,compromised planet.
What has happened to humans? Our humanity.
Im so frazzled with the "wrongness" of everything
around us. Im really starting to question who i ve chosen to ally with. Perhaps I am really a wolf, as are most of us reading this and many similar articles. The good guys , presuming its us, can see through all of this ridiculousness, yet we still go along to get along. The left, globalists, the disappointing right I'll call us just continue to roll along with these antics. We should discussing ways to become united and if its required, conspire to create our own "nation" or "nations". The obvious is that this wokeness is not going to stop. Its here to stay. Its going to get worse. Blacks are being weaponized to destroy every virtuous instalment in society. Trans,feminism,wokism, lgbtq, pornography are weapons that are being used to crush goodness. Destroy Christian influence. What Im trying to say is, we better stop being soft and find the courage to rise up and fight this " deliberate" attempt to destroy us. Christianity needs brave and comitted souls to fight this unholy scripture which is upon us. Ño way were going to survive if this is how we react to it. Peace out bros. We better start getting serious about where this takes us.
I appreciate the kind words, PDB. We do need to stop being so damn submissive. Blacks hate the pandering, the condescending, and the weakness. Who can respect that? It shouldn't take courage to say that White lives, like all lives, matter. The fact that this is considered controversial illustrates the problem. Thanks!
When it comes to war religion has always played a huge role. So as we again contemplate our nearness to WW3 let's consider that the Zionists have broken at least 9 of their GODS 10 commandments, probably all 10 if we knew the secrets so there is NO way they could be his chosen people any longer. As for American Christians asking for GOD'S blessing to break as many of those commandments in his name. Just consider that Russia is far more Christian. And that Israel has built their apartheid country by driving out Christians, Arabs and any except jews and they attack any jew who disagrees with their Genocide and wars. It matters not who is behind all the Gender, Race, religion hatreds and divisions. What matters is ending it before it destroys humanity and thus the world.
Every war we have had/been involved in - sans the American Revolution- has been manufactured BS including & especially World War II. FDR - a fascist in his own right - was itching to get the U.S. involved in that war so bad he had the U.S. Navy waging an illegal, undeclared war against the German Navy in the Atlantic throughout 1941. Britain - hard up for convoy escort vessels - was lent a hand (not only by Lend-Lease) but having U.S. Navy destroyers escort shipping out to a line of demarcation in the Atlantic where the Royal Navy would take over. Orders were clear & specific as to what to do vis-a-vis German U-boats - “shoot on sight”. This backfired tragically in the case of the USS Reuben James, torpedoed off the coast of Iceland by U-552 (KptLnt Erich Topp, commanding) with an enormous loss of life. Torpedo detonated the ship’s magazine which vaporized the bow (& everyone in it). With all compartments vented to the sea the ship just dove like a submarine. Many of those lucky enough to jump free into the icy waters were killed moments later as the destroyer’s depth charges started cooking off as the charges reached the pre-set depth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Reuben_James_(DD-245)
A travesty & totally preventable. But none of the liars are ever held accountable so the lying just goes on & on.
You will learn much more about the treacherous FDR in my upcoming book "American Memory Hole," Dutch. He invented "cancel culture" in addition to so much else. Thanks.
There are vast amounts of money in war...and if you can convince the populace that they are in danger, it's like taking candy from a baby.
They don't need wars when they can just steal the money, like spending billions for
EV charging stations and then only actually putting in like 7 of them, or the billions for
If we could pay them to just go away instead of governing we'd be way way better off,,, for example if we had just paid Pfizer and Moderna to give placebo saline shots how many millions of people would be alive and not vax-injured?
But, they have to do what they are doing for some other reasons beyond the money.
They already have more money than anyone could possibly spend and somehow they
think that a war with Russia is a really great idea.
The clowns belong in a circus.
"They don't need wars when they can just steal the money, like spending billions for
EV charging stations and then only actually putting in like 7 of them, or the billions for whackzinnes."
It's called money laundering.
"They already have more money than anyone could possibly spend and somehow they think that a war with Russia is a really great idea."
They are avaricious megalomaniacs. No amount of money or power is too much.
FDR stalins nephew was a communist surrounded by jew bolsheviks. if he was a facist (an anti communist) he would have joined Italy and Germany. WWII was fought to save the communists and the jews and allowed them total control over the west
Communism/Fascism have always been two sides of the same coin, different only by degrees. This explains it well; possibly the only worthwhile thing Goldberg’s ever done but he did it very well: https://www.amazon.com/Liberal-Fascism-Jonah-Goldberg-audiobook/dp/B0018O22WG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=13H85038GXFFH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Dhy7cgAp-MDOpLRAOxz6aoNfyhAXPfXzkYd3jij9-dIuV5CbDgT1GpZ2uXs92kaKArxX-sE3To4Rx6PaMel9yFyu3tdupurVpKi8xjnUah_yG1Pib5Rpa7pjVuWs7MquQcueoMwJ9NyBuCcyyrVqBhtUsWAU6aCB-VX1Ew-AAPBEhWrMkSNIx_41aPD5hvt4uTJ3oK-zOPgkc76AOglI8SyVVNHk-UsO5q3ZOrBTe0c.IRfKlAjt9eoQez79J_llP4XMV4kgCQo4RTt9UIi73sA&dib_tag=se&keywords=Liberal+fascism&qid=1717966147&s=books&sprefix=liberal+fascism%2Cstripbooks%2C96&sr=1-1
I dont see that at all. fascism got its start in the spanish civil war where franco the facist was fighting the demonic communists. only a communist calls those opposed to the a facist
Benito Mussolini - arguably the founder of fascism - was a former communist. He described fascism thus: “Fascism is the melding of corporate & political power.” Both communism & fascism are based in Marxism.
Under communism the state owns the means of production & distribution; under fascism the state dictates the means of production while nominally leaving distribution in private hands. A good contemporary example of this is China today, there have morphed into a fascist govt rather than communist. They were true communists under Mao Tse Tung & Chou En Lai, but have morphed into the fascist state because they decided they like money. In China today you will find no more collective farms, rather a hot real estate market in certain areas & a plethora of goods. That does not happen in communist countries, everyone - except the top hierarchy- remains dirt poor forever. As far as tyrannies go, fascism is the better bet because when something goes wrong/ breaks down, those in charge can point the finger @ the corporations/industrialists whereas under communism - if things get out of hand & the army withholds support - the people are coming for your head. We saw this in Rumania where Ceaucescu & his wife were set upon by the mob & summarily shot.
from https://www.amazon.com/Hundred-Year-Marathon-Strategy-Replace-Superpower/dp/1250081343
as of 2010'ish 40% of Chinese farmers worked for the state.
In a true communist society it would be 100%.
I think mussolini was still a communist and put in there to drag Hitler down during the war which is what he did. mussolini helped stalin more then he helped Hitler. he sent poorly armed and trained Italians to the Russian front to get slaughtered
like Old man river, he just keeps rolling along... / song
This can be summed up in either of two ways:
USA - Usury, Sodomy, Abortion
This is not the union it was even just 10 years ago and the changes for the worse are accelerating.
Well done. Whites are under attack on all fronts by the fragile minority crowd. I firmly believe very hard times are coming. When the SHTF, it will not be any kind of DEI (Didn't Earn It) type that will step up and take a strong leadership role. Nor will it be some magical black girl we turn to for help. The west is led by fools and our government hates us. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST !!