Don, I've been meaning to comment on here for a while, but haven't gotten around to it until now. Ever since I discovered you on Jeff Rense (not the biggest fan of Jeff, but I'm a fan of you), I have listened to you anywhere and any chance I can get. You put into words perfectly what I've been feeling over the years, but I can't express …
Don, I've been meaning to comment on here for a while, but haven't gotten around to it until now. Ever since I discovered you on Jeff Rense (not the biggest fan of Jeff, but I'm a fan of you), I have listened to you anywhere and any chance I can get. You put into words perfectly what I've been feeling over the years, but I can't express myself half as well as you can, so thank you for being a voice of reason, sanity, and true free-thought (not the free thought that so many "progressives" atheists promote. Ironically a lot of these same people call themselves "skeptics"....when what they really are are apologists for the regime/oligarchy.....but that's another discussion for another day.)
Anyway, I know you get discouraged often, but please keep doing what you are doing, because it's not in vain. You are a true voice of the people and are making a difference. I could relate to the article you wrote on the blog about the bullying you encountered and how it has made you a little oversensitive. I, too, was bullied terribly in school and because of that, to this day, I struggle with over-sensitivity and insecurity. I'm not feeling sorry for myself or casting myself as a victim. I'm just stating a battle I fight often.
Thanks again, Don, for all of your work. It is certainly a treasure.
Sorry for the double post! I'm new to the substack commenting system and I wasn't sure if my original post posted or not, so I tried posting again. Thanks again for being a voice of sanity in this completely upside down world we live in.
Don, I've been meaning to comment on here for a while, but haven't gotten around to it until now. Ever since I discovered you on Jeff Rense (not the biggest fan of Jeff, but I'm a fan of you), I have listened to you anywhere and any chance I can get. You put into words perfectly what I've been feeling over the years, but I can't express myself half as well as you can, so thank you for being a voice of reason, sanity, and true free-thought (not the free thought that so many "progressives" atheists promote. Ironically a lot of these same people call themselves "skeptics"....when what they really are are apologists for the regime/oligarchy.....but that's another discussion for another day.)
Anyway, I know you get discouraged often, but please keep doing what you are doing, because it's not in vain. You are a true voice of the people and are making a difference. I could relate to the article you wrote on the blog about the bullying you encountered and how it has made you a little oversensitive. I, too, was bullied terribly in school and because of that, to this day, I struggle with over-sensitivity and insecurity. I'm not feeling sorry for myself or casting myself as a victim. I'm just stating a battle I fight often.
Thanks again, Don, for all of your work. It is certainly a treasure.
Thanks so much, Pinche, for the kind words. Hearing from people like you is what keeps me going. I do appreciate it.
Sorry for the double post! I'm new to the substack commenting system and I wasn't sure if my original post posted or not, so I tried posting again. Thanks again for being a voice of sanity in this completely upside down world we live in.
It is.