Thanks for the article Donald even though the piece itself is somewhat hopeless in describing our current situation I did enjoy reading it. I also wanted to add that the trusting of authority in any form or not questioning what your are being told by official sources always leads to one's own downfall, let alone what has usually happened to society's as a whole through out history case in point the Roman, Mongolian, and Persian empires.

These are civilizations that have long since crumbled to dust due to those populations lack of foresight to have questioned anything that the rulers above them were doing to them. Anyway I look at the United States ending up the same way in due time due to the same mistakes as before mentioned and it's all due to the populace that has allowed themselves to brainwashed, controlled, lied to, and let's not forget manipulated by a few elite.

Empires are nothing more than sand castle's on an endless shore only the waves of the ocean are forever, and our country is nothing more than an empire that was built up on greed and lies perhaps at one time it did stand for truth and justice but not anymore it's sad really a once proud nation is now inhabited by a populace of lemmings and a group of crooks that want nothing more than to destroy us all.

I just hope Donald that something changes and soon I mean something has to give in the United States and on this entire planet really or else we're all sunk we must all unite as you've said many times. I mean what do we have to lose nothing really we might as well die fighting it's the only way perhaps then and only then will we finally break the chains of our masters around our necks, ankles, and souls.

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Well stated.

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‘By 2020, when they imposed the Greatest Psyop of All Time upon us, the public had been so dumbed down from monstrous public school “education,” decadent cultural products, and Big Pharma, that it was child’s play to keep them in line. They’ve been trained, like Pavlovian Dogs, to attack the few freethinkers left, as “conspiracy theorists,” “racists,” dangerous “subversives.”’

Those sentences very succinctly and accurately sum up the current state of affairs. That is why I don’t bother trying to debate or argue with anyone anymore about anything. Most people on both the left and the right are not capable of critical thinking. Our current problems will never be solved by debate, or even by war or revolution. The only way they will ever be resolved is by natural selection, i.e., for the stupid people to die out so their genes are removed from the gene pool. And ironically, the “vaccines” are probably going to facilitate that. I suspect they are part of the NWO plan to reduce the world population to 500 million by killing the majority of those who are dumb enough to take them. Of course the NWO probably also has a plan to kill the smartest people. As George Carlin says:

“Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”

The NWO wants to kill off both the dumbest and the smartest. I think they are going to kill the dumbest with the vaccines, but I don’t know what their plan is to kill the smartest. But I am not worried. In fact I am actually looking forward to a battle of wits with the NWO.

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I suspect that the smartest will not be killed, but will be robotized, by Willy's next step, which is to inject into the palm of the hand, another concoction. I have a copy of his patent application. The operating system (hydrogel), that it will create in the human body, will be able to communicate with an outside network (hence the 5g system). The whole thing falls into line with the Chinese style social credit system, which will monitor every living human, where ever they are, and with which they will be monitored, in real time, by the ai. As you have mentioned, the smartest will be needed to keep the machines running. I have been doing that for most of my life. That being said, I have learned to defeat them.

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Excellent article once again. I also enjoy your articles in American Free Press newspaper. Keep up your outstanding efforts.

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