Excellent vent, a pleasure to read. All of this degenerate spectacle is bought with Jewish money. What’s real is the monkey-see-monkey do that’s pulling civilization down to hell. Some people can tune it out. Others, either laugh or cry. The rest all go along. It’s progress after all.
How come black athletes from Canada don’t speak Ebonics eh? The black hockey players speak exactly like the white. If you aren’t looking at the tv when they show the announcers you can’t tell.
One of my last guilty pleasures is professional wrestling. The black men who wrestle don't speak ebonics. Some of them are very articulate and speak very clear "white man" English. Just a funky observation I made. The WWE, however, has fully endorsed everything "rap" and "hip-hop." Every theme song is some rap thing full of auto-tuned inanities that few can understand.
I have about as much investment in the Stupor Bowl as in the piles of excrement in the nearby pasture. And at least excrement is ultimately good for something.
I watched the actual game action in 30 minutes. I just wanted to get it over with and collect on my $3 bet with my 10 year old grandson. You can do this with a streaming service that has 15s ff for each click. It avoids listening to boring Tom Brady talk about his great career in between plays. It does use up batteries faster. I did have to watch the halftime show because otherwise my normie wife would think I’m a racist. Donald, you didn’t comment on the dancer who unfurled a Palestinian flag! I didn’t know about that until I heard about it later.
I should have mentioned that, Richard, although I've only heard about it. I guess it was shown in some way, but it seems like they quickly moved the cameras away from it. Thanks.
For some reason wimin are mesmerized by black swagger and rap dance. My sister, who was raised in a very conservative household and environment "loved" the half time show and thought the dancing was "fantastic." No joke. She said that. Don't know what is going on with our white women but it blow the mind how they think sometimes.
Haven't watched a Super Bore halftime show since Janet Jackson exposed her nipple. No interest in black entertainment. Now if it were Whitney Houston I would watch but these rapper thugs do nothing but offend my senses.
I also tuned out the Super Bowl this year. Sick of KC and the Swift saga. I also find Philadelphia to be the most unlikeable, ugly team in the NFL. No interest. All the other teams that had never won or been to a Super Bowl yet again lost in the playoffs. It's getting so damned predictable now that it just isn't interesting anymore.
Politics and gambling have ruined professional sports.
Don nailed one thing. If it was not for online betting, the NFL would have tanked some time ago. Soccer has taken over the schools because modern football has too many injuries. It will be interesting to see where the NFL will be getting its recruits in 20 years- should we still be around. I suppose they will be scouring the deserts of Outer mongolia.
Wherever they get them from, they must be Black. The NFL could find many great players from English rugby. They've only gone after a few, and they are almost always one of the Black rugby players.
"Soccer has taken over the schools because modern football has too many injuries."
I wish it be so in my community here in my State. A new High School has just been built and the football facilities they have built are almost worthy of a college. Football is still king in my community.....IF you happen to have testicles. If you are one without testicles, SOCCER is queen.
Is life easier with a Jew crutch to lean on at hand or is it like tourette's?
Gentile America gets so very agitatedly rabid and frenzied about sports ball with a pig skin that it riots and spends hundreds of millions in gentile funding on gentile tickets and gentile betting to fund a gentile proclivity with gentile melanin enhanced players receiving gentile salaries from a pluralistic non-jewish country in non-jewishdollars that say in God we trust.
Do you get to Jew down the ticket sellers to connect the Jew factor to sports ball? Secret Jewish codes for placing bets?
All on the day that Gentiles proclaim as Sabbath 👀
How does the goy mind extrapolate that into Jew money? 😵💫
Gad Saad discusses the six degrees of Jew and it's curiously meandering wanderings and curious how this fits in?
Absorbing gentile culture with all of its vibrancy and discord is fascinating, please illuminate me on the nuance.
And good Shabbos to all of Mr Jeffries Jewish readers and the many Noahides!
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
can't find comments unless you like them and that's where I refer back to in my dashboard, sorry I triggered you, how does Jewish money connect with the gentile pigskin throwing game?
When you have the kind of monstrous, systemic corruption America 2.0 has, people are going to speculate on who's to blame. I have explained many times that I have scores of part Jewish cousins in my very large family. Only a very tiny percentage of Jews are in these positions of power. But it is undeniably an incredibly disproportionate amount of power, given that they are only 2% of the population. I have many Jewish readers. I try to be fair to everyone. I hope you keep reading, Nani. Thanks.
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
I could not agree more with everything you stated in your article. There are so many commercials out there now where you see a white female with a black man. How not to save your race.
Personally, I do not waste time at all with any kind of sport. Its all been so tainted, and as you mentioned, its rigged.
I cannot stand at all that (c)Rap music, which it totally isn't music in any way, shape, or form. No talent at all required. Standing there talking in Ebonics shows a total serious lack of an adequate IQ. Whatever happened to real black talent like Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr., Jimi Hendrix, etc. I would think they would all be super ashamed.
To see white people promoting this garbage is disgusting. And to see other blacks promoting this filth is worse.
Yes, it's bad enough that millions are mired into this deadly "culture" because they were born into it. But for anyone outside of it to admire it, or praise it, is beyond contemptible. Thanks. Fran.
Jooz. They will never get over the "holocaust" and the rest of humanity will pay for this forever. Its sad that most people are not awake to the fact they are simply being manipulated. Even taking all these drugs.
Your comment about the Holocaust reminds me of g o y i m forever holding Jews responsible for killing the Jew on the stick despite Roman occupation soldiers and so on and in addition he needed to die to fulfill the mythology of jezeusian mythology
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
Great piece! And this truly was “The Worst Super Bowl Halftime Show EVER!” Total garbage, an assault on the ears, eyes, and sensibilities of every rational human being on the planet.
My working theory is that this crap was planned months ago, before the current mood of the nation was made clear in the election, and that next year, it will change directions to someone more “mainstream” and that can be understood at least 50% of the time they are singing, but we’ll see…
By the way, are you aware that the CIA infiltrated “the music industry” decades ago, and that they PUSHED shitty, vile, ghetto gangster rap into the industry, as an intentional defilement? They’ve been massaging pop culture since at least the late 60’s, and it’s well documented. Of course, the Jews that run that industry helped as well.
Just know- this vile garbage is no accident, it’s another intentional humiliation ritual!
Dave McGowan wrote a book on the "intelligence community's" creation of the Laurel Canyon music scene. It's how we were saddled with "rock stars" like Frank Zappa, David Crosby and other talentless retards who were mysteriously handed huge recording contracts by major music labels.
I've been compared to the late, great Dave McGowan many times, Ed. Miles Mathis wrote that neither of us were real. We were just starting to communicate with each other when he died so suddenly. His work is essential reading. Thanks!
The infiltration into "entertainment" goes back to the beginning of Hellywood. All the "good movies" were mainly propaganda for "The Good War". And they had to have some good stuff on Hellivision so that every sheeple would run out and buy one. And then, with the dawn of shows like "Happy Days" and "M*A*S*H", everything went down the hopper.
The CIA uses this and other cultural garbage to destabilize civilizations and regimes they do not like. So, if the CIA is promoting it you can be assured it's shit.
I haven't watched the Super Bowl since the days of the Oakland Raiders. I don't even think it qualifies as a "sport". The big games are scripted. As far as the negro entertainment...forget about it!
I tuned out all Professional Sports at the end of the 1980's. Back in 2010 while passing through Denver I sounded completely stupid when I remarked that I had never seen such a big stadium built for a minor league team, which is what I thought the Colorado Rockies were. I mean, that is such a stupid name for a team, the worst since the Washington Senators.
Spot on commentary and beautifully written. I've thought forever that the Gangsta culture isn't working very well for the overwhelming majority of the black community. However, you do have a very motivational "winning the lottery" type possibility of becoming a hip hop millionaire or a sports superstar. I saw this first-hand growing up white in a town that was about 50% white. In school, being able to answer a teacher's question, understanding math or speaking proper English was definitely frowned upon and made you look like a pussy. It could even trigger a beatdown if the conditions were just right.. Another mystifying aspect of this recent escalation in anti-white racism (cancel culture, DEI, CRT etc....) is that it appears to be perpetrated primarily by white liberals living in creamy white enclaves. Particularly middle-aged white women it seems. You know, the type that helped Oprah become super rich. Is that not strange? Maybe this self-loathing is a side-effect that comes with the frustration of the family unit falling apart and watching our major institutions failing right before our eyes without the ability to do much about it.
Beautiful analysis, Tax. White women- the "Karen" types- definitely drive this insanity. They are always there to nod approvingly at some loud Black woman's ignorant rant. And they are also usually the first to condemn some other White for being "racist." Thanks!
Donald, I used to think White women were the worst, but now from what I seeing online I'm thinking that American-born Asian women (Millennials and younger ) are actually worse. Virtue signaling is a product of low self-confidence, which is more prevelant in females. Add to that a conformist culture at home...and you have virtue signaling on steroids.
In 2006, my brother went to Japan to get married and import his bride...his first marriage to a Korean having frizzled out a year earlier, due to his boredom. I met Fumi the first week she was here. She seemed shy, cultured and claimed to be a Christian. That marriage also fizzled out about six years later. A few months ago, I googled her... curious to know what had become of her. I was shocked. Apparently, she had gone to school to become a counselor, and started a counseling business. Her website is the wokest of woke garbage, offering "affirming care" to would-be trannys. She posts photos of herself rock climbing on social media, calling herself "Bad*ss Fumi" I was stunned because I never would have predicted this. She dumped the best of Japanese culture to become just another idiot American woman. Both of my brothers ex-wives presented as Cherry Blossoms on the exterior, but were actually Dragon Ladies just under the surface.
Men especially can do something about it- get married to the right woman and build a little Christendom and Monastery within the confines of your home and yard. And when enough in a particular area succeed, then they can network and take over a neighborhood.
I am especially disgusted with the Traditional Catholic Priests for their complete lack of devotion to this ideal of a Religious Community of Families. They just want to live off the donations of their rich sheeple working for Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, being part of the problem. (I wonder how many of them watched STupor Bowl.)
First, thanks for risking your IQ by watching this - you are braver than I. I generally am not a fan of blacks and I think that with few exceptions they should be deported back to Africa. They did such a great job of building America for us stupid Whites they really owe it to their African brethren to go build that too.
With that said, modern black culture was crafted by jews. This rapper get his money from jews. It’s the jews who own the vast majority of the music industry and who create and promote this filth. You referenced Bill Cosby and the trouble his mouth caused him, the same thing happens to Michael Jackson as soon as he named the jew except poor Michael ended up dead.
Good point about Michael Jackson, CK. He supposedly ranted about them behind the scenes. Jason Whitlock talks about the Jewish power behind the "installed" Black puppets all the time. He usually doesn't say "Jew," but makes it very clear who he's talking about. He is literally the only one, besides me on my limited platforms, to tell the truth about ghetto culture. Thanks.
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
I don't necessarily want the Blacks sent back to Afrika. But I want all those doling out the entitlements exiled to the Yukon. If both black and white became productive and responsible that would go a long way to making America great.
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
Great article, Donald. The super bowl and the whole culture surrounding it are vapid and not worth paying attention to at all. The halftime rituals are trashy and disgusting, and usually outright satanic. I also agree with your comments about ghetto culture. Black people in this country don't stand a chance of bettering their living conditions if they don't stop glorifying gang violence. And this seems extremely unlikely to happen, since most black leaders and celebrities either glorify ghetto culture or don't speak out against it. Crimes like theft, murder, and drug abuse are glorified (ironically the same crimes keeping black neighborhoods poor and destitute) and the few black people who speak out against it are often mocked by others as self hating. And of course, white people can't speak out against it without running the risk of being called racist.
Perfect analysis, dgb. And the worst are the White authority figures (yes, who are often Jewish) that promote this madness. Glorify something so dangerous to everyone. Thanks.
Dumbed down idiocrap or explicit satanic ritual to remind us who our rulers are? JayZee, who has been producing these halftime shows for a few years now, is regularly photographed displaying all the cognoscenti signals. Snoop Dogg, by the way, is apparently now the Idiocracy's Forrest Gump. He's everywhere. At the Paris Olympics opening ceremony he just materialized in the middle of it all, absent any context or pretext. Just, Snoop's here. Of course he's here.
Don, am I too giddy about yesterday's political show? RFK confirmed, Trump bowing to realism in Ukraine and declaring that he will meet with Xi and Putin to discuss cutting each country's military budget in half. Talk me down -- I'm getting the Q convulsions again.
I'm trying not to feel giddy, either, Gordon. I certainly never expected this out of Trump 2.0. I haven't changed- but he has, for whatever reason. I seem to be suddenly losing paid subscribers for the first time. Is it because I'm giving Trump credit? I'm very conscious of them pulling the rug out from under us. RFK, Jr. getting in was surprising. Now we'll see what he is allowed to do. And if anyone is held accountable for the massive fraud being found by DOGE. Thanks!
I’m low on Trump mostly because of his Stargate Project and Zionism. All of this quick government dismantling could be a ploy to usher in AI governance systems in America. People celebrate the bureaucratic dismantling because of the insane DEI and LGBT policies that have helped ruin most institutions. Biden promised to “build back better”, but it’s Trump that is taking us into the 4th Industrial Revolution. Many still consider him an outsider, a Caesar, but I think he’s just a puppet for the last stages of the plan. MIGA doesn’t get tossed around for no reason. Problem (government corruption), reaction (political savior - Trump), solution (Biodigital AI Governance). Can’t have human error if you don’t have humans, right?
The great Arnold Toynbee, who wrote 'A study of History', analyzing the rise/fall of many great civilizations, made an observation that might apply here. It is noteworthy that civilizations often collapse in segments rather than all at once. You can have a downtrend, followed by a partial regrouping where things get a little bit better, only to later enter into another downward trend. I think it was John Michael Greer who called this a stairstep form of collapse. Maybe we're living through something like this, where Trump (and his oligarchs) genuinely want to restructure the system, demolish bloated bureaucracies and surf on a wave of nationalism. However, it would be naive to think that the grinches who savaged western civilization over the last 4 years are actually gone now.
No, they're not gone. Truthstream did a recent program on how the feds are arguing
(or rather declaring) that our money is not our property. I guess that means our accounts can simply be frozen or confiscated whenever it is convenient. An economic crisis can lead to an emergency bank holiday, which then might lead to conversion of
our assets to central bank digital currency and devaluation.
Truthstream believes that they can't get away with it, but I'm pretty sure they can.
Lots of examples of it too,,, seizing PayPal funds to Canadian truckers for just one example.
People are going to cheer as the IRS gets disintegrated only to later find out all the 3-letter agencies have been replaced by AI which monitors everything. Your records can be conveniently stored on a chip injected into you with the latest flu shot. Ha ha. It's starting to feel like the solution to most of our problems is going to be unplugging from the matrix, although that doesn't sound like a lot of fun either.
Not a lot of fun but every day I am eyeballing my digital conveniences and trying to figure a non digital alternative. Agree it’s all sliding downhill. Still, grateful the other group didn’t get in, would be going downhill a lot faster I think.
I would have voted for Daffy Duck just to try and change course after the last four years of madness. A reasonable challenge these days is to figure out how to have ONE foot outside the system. This could mean living outside the city, having chickens, septic tank, firewood, well water, some tools, barter items and so on. Of course, the other foot has to be digitized to function. I don't think Mrs. Donkey wants to go live like Tarzan and Jane right now, so you gotta stay in the matrix.
That reminded me of the "Toynbee Tiles", those license plate sized tiles made of linoleum and asphalt that were sometimes found embedded in city streets in North and South America. They just appeared overnight like a Banksy painting and were inscribed with messages from Toynbee.
It's no trope- the Khazars have invested heavily in ghetto-izing our culture. The divide and conquer strategy has worked brilliantly. As you alluded to, our once great culture has been decimated. Buchanan's prophecies were spot on , but unfortunately, his warnings weren't heeded. He was lambasted instead by our gutless institutions.
This piece is spot on. Stay fearless - you're voice is sorely needed. Thanks Don
Ted Kennedy the Catholic opened up the immigration floodgates in 1965 and his father joined a Jewish country club because the goys at the gentile clubs were drunken and lascivious with his wife and daughters.
Kellogg of the cereals Fortune is responsible for foisting circumcision in America.
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
Does that mean that gentile culture wouldn't be weak and susceptible if it wasn't for the jew?
One little Jew can mess up all of hockey despite the black dude cutting the throat of another player and were there consequences for the gentile run league? Now you can at least blame the Jew for the feelings you feel
Donald this article is the straight up shizzle my bizzle. Seriously awesome and once again thank you for giving voice to my exact thoughts , the last two paragraphs are so right on. I suffer from hip hop. black xhaustion syndrome brought on by the dystopian world presented ot me by 95% of all meida communicatins which is exacerbated by acute and consistent injections of snoop and pee wee kevin hart. And don't forget the angry loud proud cartoonish black woman hollering at you. all the time My only defense is to purposefully avoid or limit purchases from ghetto culture friendly businesses. I was raised is a naturally racially diverse ( remember the middle class) life where we had fun eating tacos, listening to earth wind and fire and trying to get good grades. The black people I grew up with I think would be embarrassed to be represented by the tavistock, jew run media industrial complex that has enslaved generations of americans to accept ne desire the vulgar gutteral filth standard of life they promote. Since the black population wants to separate itself from the capital a America, then they should take full credit for the crime, abortion rates, laughable DEIA standards etc... If necessary you can take my share of the NFL, NBA , MLB, Disney etc... you're welcome take it please. Maybe the only way to save america is to trun our backs , close our wallets and try not to dislike people based upoin the 24/7 bombarment of this programming. If we made snacks and had people over on the first sunday of every year for a truth bowl to read about the real 9/11, the zionist control of America, Geoengineering, the fraud of virology etc.... maybe we culd escape the matrix. This beast of media only exists because we feed it.
I'm glad you liked it, spnbb. Yes, the loud Black woman. Who we must perpetually try to understand, no matter how reprehensible her behavior. And the new mantra that "Black women built this country." Nothing could be more ridiculous. Thanks!
Just for the record when I was in Kansas City Missouri just behind me was Black Baptist Church. One day I was cutting down a tree for my friend and the pastor asked me if I could help him cut down several trees on the church property.
Actually I ended up being foreman for the tree removal project and the men were capable, intelligent, industrious and we had some very good conversations about the then state of the country. (This was during the Obomination Years.) They thought as I did, did not like the president, the wars, the cronyism, or the socialism. They realized who was behind the narcotics in the town. They were aware of the police corruption. They were struggling to raise families free of the welfare system, which they realized helps perpetuate the drug culture.
Down the street there was also a Black Magnet School that had a great marching band and well disciplined students who wore suits and ties to school. (They would have made old Sister Anne Constance blush.)
I'm saying all this because some get the idea that the Blacks are mostly trashy and uncoothe. I blame our Zionist masters for making them that way, starting with what they did to the SOuth after the War of Northern Aggression.
The concerted effort to destroy the “Black family church going unit” with both a mother and a father in the home is one of the greatest crimes committed by the dark powers running Oz behind the scenes for the last several decades. I’m 78 and I grew up in Texas. Yes there was some ignorance based racism unfortunately back then but there was still respect for people as individuals, based on character, not color. Evil is real and pervasive, more real than I realized until about 8 years ago when the scales began to fall off my eyes. We have precious little time to turn the tide and make the changes necessary for our children and grandchildren to live in a different world based on the teachings of Jesus—to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and to love our Creator God first and foremost. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, you can’t dispute the truth and goodness in His gospel! The devil has had the upper hand for far too long. I don’t think WeThePeople have it in us to do the work and make the sacrifices required to stand up to the dark powers that rule over us. Think what you want about him, but one man (and some very GOOD men and women working with him behind the scenes) decided to take them on several years ago. The gates of hell have been unleashed since that famous walk down the golden staircase in 2015 because the demons knew he wasn’t one of them and they could not control him. They tried everything, including killing him, several more times than you saw at Butler, PA. Donald Trump is not America’s savior, but he is the first man in decades to say publicly, I’m willing to take on an utterly evil globalist cabal, regardless of the cost, as long as I have breath in my body, because he loves and believes in America. It is a 100% impossible battle to win, unless it’s God’s will to spare America for a time such as this. Every American gets to decide if they are willing to make their own sacrifices to stand and speak truth or if they are too busy or too lazy or just don’t care enough to fight the evil alongside courageous America loving patriots whose lives are on the line daily. If all you can do is pray, then PRAY for God’s grace and mercy and protection for those who are on the frontlines fighting against Satan himself. Your children’s future depends on what is going on right now in 2025.
Great article, Mr. Jeffries! As always I laugh, but also want to cry, when I read your truth!
In some ways you are correct, however Donald we must know that nothing televised there was unintentional. What was the message. Symbology. The "crip walk," is actually "American Indian walk." Go to any Pow Wow and its there. Red and blue dressed people, Dems and Republicans, Crips and Bloods. A divided flag. Now the Ghetto is in full view. How did the ghetto originate? The ghetto is the byproduct of generations of substandard education, political corruption, grifts, racism, classism, mob violence, land theft, and national treasury pillaging. The people have been educated into their respective roles while those at the top fleeced and "psy-oped" their way into a permanent position of control. Before there were ghettos there were farms, land, tribal lands, and open plains, and we did not have police, jails or prisons. We did not have a music industry to promote filth or a Hollywood to corrupt our minds either. Foreigners came here, brought the "deficiencies" gave them to us, earned from it, and then they NOW want to blame us for it. Strange.
All valid points, Jean. The Black ghettos seem to have been born during the FDR years, when Democrats began herding them into areas where they would form a reliable voting block. I don't blame any individual Black living in a ghetto. I can't imagine the horror of trying to exist under those conditions, when you have to be on the lookout for stray bullets and your children are almost certain to be corrupted. That was one of my points- the entertainment world, which is obviously not run by Blacks, glorifies and promotes this stupid "culture," instead of ridiculing it and shaming those who follow it. Thanks.
The original AMerican Ghetto was inhabited largely by European Catholics fleeing Protestant persecution in their respective lands. Once upon a time, we had large German, Italian, Irish, Polish, and Slovak Ghettos that were rich in culture and contributed much to the American experience. But after WW2, the Truman Welfare State gave the Blacks "upward mobility" while concurrently the Real Estate Moguls hit upon the technique of "blockbusting" where they sold a house to a Black Family and all the neighbors wanted to move out because "there goes the neighborhood" and so the slumlords bought properties for a song, then rented them out to welfare recipients who did not take care of the places. And so were born the vast slums of South Philadelphia, where by the Mid- 1970's looked like bombed out Berlin after the war. Streets full of abandoned cars and every other house burned to the ground, not to be rebuilt. It was all planned every step of the way. And after everything was destroyed, in come the Banksters with the bulldozers to "Build Back Better" into Main Drag USA Big Box Stores. And now that cycle is going bust. next stop- FEMA Camp and 15 minute Smart Cities.
Indeed, my grandmother on the maternal side was born in the horrible, stinking immigrant ghetto in NYC (1896)...and thankfully the entire family removed shorty thereafter to Florida, to work on the overseas railroad to Key West. Almost all of the hard heavy work to build the American railroad system was done by immigrants. Oops...sorry... forgot there for a second...Black women built this country. Where would we po' White folk be now if they never had come to American shores?
Sounds like you're referring to the new Detroit. Once a thriving city. I see how so much of Milwaukee County has been destroyed, culturally. Gorgeous homes that were built by whites many years ago. Surprised this town hasn't burned, but I'm sure its on the List.
Never seen a crip walk, but I've been to few pow-wows with my late best friend, so I know the Indian walk. One would see a lot of the same dancers on the pow-wow circuit. We used to joke about the one dancer who leaned so close to the ground, that he looked like he was searching for a lost contact lense. I miss my friends from the old days terribly. If they were still here, at least we would be joking about all this destruction. Sometimes a memory from the past will suddenly pop into my head out of nowhere, and it's so good I laugh out loud.
I do remember the 1970s era, self-conscious practicing of the "Indian walk", which consisted of leading with the toes without actually tiptoeing; toes first, then the heel contacting the ground. It's hard to do while wearing shoes or boots with heels, but comes more naturally with moccasins or bare feet. It's an affectation for most people, since wearing "white man" shoes or boots pretty well forces a person into a "whiteman walk".
I don't think that's what y'all mean by "Indian walk", though.
JB, don't get me started on Powwows that celebrate a pan-indian culture, apparently created as entertainment for tourists. I haven't been to one since the great covid fakeout effectively shut down the powwow circuit in the southeast for a few years.
Out West it wasn't much of a tourist thing. The stick games; the greasy fry-bread; the tee pee creep'in...lots of good wholesome (and not so wholesome) fun. I would like to go one more time, just for old time sake. Yet, it would probably be like so many places I return to these days. Everything has changed so much that I often feel like a ghost from the past...just a spectator.
It’s why I very rarely go to my hometown (besides being cross country from it). Things have changed so much, despite not looking too different in some areas, it’s very difficult to handle. My family and most of my relatives are long gone except when I go, their ghosts are everywhere. Even my own childhood ghost is there, waiting for me, lol.
Donald, you hit the nail on the head on calling out the Super Bowl charade. It used to be back in the day when marching bands took the field at a Super Bowl halftime, marching briskly down the field in perfect synchrony creating amazing swiftly changing patterns as they went, all while crisply playing all those brass instruments in perfect unison and tone. Now that was talent. I recall some of the all-black marching bands as being some of the best and most entertaining.
I may be wrong about my history here, but it seems that the accelerated downfall of the black population began when LBJ initiated the infamous giant welfare program entitled "The Great Society" back in the mid-60s. That's when entitlements and money handouts began the great enslavement projects especially the blacks in all the big cities.
One other note. The great Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams came out of that era.
LBJ was slavishly pro-Israel and openly committed to social engineering, while also being known, among his fellow senators, for despising black people. He's my prime suspect in the orchestration of the murder of his own president, JFK.
Interestingly historians have noted that both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side were Jewish, which conveys Jewishness regardless of the paternal ethnicity. This goes a long way in explaining his slavish devotion to pursuing Jewish interests to the detriment of American interests throughout his career. "Criminal and rotten to the core" describes him to the T.
Spot on. I always tell people if they want to read some facts about race in America, just look at the FBI crime statistics by race. But that must be racist. The biggest problem blacks have is their own culture. They glorify ignorance, criminal behavior and low morality. We certainly have pockets of white ignorance and poverty but nothing like the millions of blacks that have infested our cities and southern rural areas. The government waste directly related to the constant pandering they demand outstrips any other expenditure over the last 60 years. Bar none. Anyway, thanks for summing up the obvious about the NFL and it reminds me why I like baseball. Keep up the good work and look forward to continued reading.
This is the only substack where I can read the glorious word 'cuck'. I thought Idiocracy was the pinnacle, but I was wrong. Stupidity keeps reaching for the stars. It's always a joy to read your unvarnished truth.
Great article my man. lol No, really a great read and I'm glad someone is saying it. I turned off my TV 12 years ago and that Superbowl reminded me why. Superbowls used to be family affairs and halftime shows GP. Had to hide the kids years ago if you cared. I saw this coming 40 years ago raising 2 sports minded boys. Being "black" and immature was cool. All the "black" female heroes and mixed marriage stereotype pushing isn't going unnoticed either. I was a Steeler fan and notice the subtle race changes by our "black" coach. In "The Protocols of Zionism" one of the protocols calls for the elimination of "whites" from sports so enjoy hockey while you can.lol On a note, Superbowls will be watched during Black History Month so it's just gonna be more "black" culture I would assume. Thank God I hibernate through winter.
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
You funny, You forgot Howard Coesell dummy. Your rant exemplifies Zionism at it's best...meaningless distraction. Currently if Vegas doesn't want you to win, guess what? Nothing good will or ever has ever come out of Zionism.
You should submit the Howard cosell to the AI that generated the first summation I gave, I don't think he counts as a player so not sure what's got you so triggered about Zionism
Did you see what the Christian college is doing to its whites?
Crazy how goy is
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Augsburg University is facing a federal civil rights complaint after allegedly hosting racially-segregated faculty and staff lunches that bar white employees from attending.
The complaint, filed with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), alleges that the university’s “Faculty and Staff of Color BYO Lunch Gatherings” violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans racial discrimination by federally funded institutions.
According to the complaint, Augsburg has been openly promoting and hosting these exclusively “staff of color” gatherings, with upcoming events scheduled for Feb. 14, March 7, and April 11, 2025. Similar lunches took place on multiple dates in 2024 and early 2025.
An internal source at Augsburg, who is not a person of color, confirmed that 189 faculty and staff members were invited to a recent gathering—all exclusively people of color, according to the complaint. White employees were not invited, the complaint says.
The source, a faculty or staff member, said they verified with colleagues that white employees have never been invited to these gatherings and that the event’s name itself signals its exclusionary nature, the complaint explains.
Professor: ‘Clear violation’ of federal law
The complaint was filed by Mark J. Perry, an emeritus professor at the University of Michigan and a longtime civil rights advocate, who has previously filed nearly 1,000 federal complaints against race-based programs at colleges and universities.
In an email to Augsburg’s president and leadership team, Perry accused the university of blatant racial discrimination and demanded an immediate policy review.
Excellent vent, a pleasure to read. All of this degenerate spectacle is bought with Jewish money. What’s real is the monkey-see-monkey do that’s pulling civilization down to hell. Some people can tune it out. Others, either laugh or cry. The rest all go along. It’s progress after all.
How come black athletes from Canada don’t speak Ebonics eh? The black hockey players speak exactly like the white. If you aren’t looking at the tv when they show the announcers you can’t tell.
Good point, Richard, although that could be because hockey is still entirely dominated by White players. Thanks.
It's only in America that they are afflicted with Ebonics and no one can explain why
Did you watch the Canadian American hockey brawl?
The only real sport left
One of my last guilty pleasures is professional wrestling. The black men who wrestle don't speak ebonics. Some of them are very articulate and speak very clear "white man" English. Just a funky observation I made. The WWE, however, has fully endorsed everything "rap" and "hip-hop." Every theme song is some rap thing full of auto-tuned inanities that few can understand.
I have about as much investment in the Stupor Bowl as in the piles of excrement in the nearby pasture. And at least excrement is ultimately good for something.
Its all fixed anyway. Who still watches it?
They claimed a record number of viewers. Jason Whitlock, like me, is very skeptical about that. They lie about everything. Thanks, Jean.
Nobody I know watched it. I never do, but none of my relatives even mentioned it. Strange. Usually you would hear something.
I watched the actual game action in 30 minutes. I just wanted to get it over with and collect on my $3 bet with my 10 year old grandson. You can do this with a streaming service that has 15s ff for each click. It avoids listening to boring Tom Brady talk about his great career in between plays. It does use up batteries faster. I did have to watch the halftime show because otherwise my normie wife would think I’m a racist. Donald, you didn’t comment on the dancer who unfurled a Palestinian flag! I didn’t know about that until I heard about it later.
I should have mentioned that, Richard, although I've only heard about it. I guess it was shown in some way, but it seems like they quickly moved the cameras away from it. Thanks.
For some reason wimin are mesmerized by black swagger and rap dance. My sister, who was raised in a very conservative household and environment "loved" the half time show and thought the dancing was "fantastic." No joke. She said that. Don't know what is going on with our white women but it blow the mind how they think sometimes.
Haven't watched a Super Bore halftime show since Janet Jackson exposed her nipple. No interest in black entertainment. Now if it were Whitney Houston I would watch but these rapper thugs do nothing but offend my senses.
I also tuned out the Super Bowl this year. Sick of KC and the Swift saga. I also find Philadelphia to be the most unlikeable, ugly team in the NFL. No interest. All the other teams that had never won or been to a Super Bowl yet again lost in the playoffs. It's getting so damned predictable now that it just isn't interesting anymore.
Politics and gambling have ruined professional sports.
Don nailed one thing. If it was not for online betting, the NFL would have tanked some time ago. Soccer has taken over the schools because modern football has too many injuries. It will be interesting to see where the NFL will be getting its recruits in 20 years- should we still be around. I suppose they will be scouring the deserts of Outer mongolia.
Wherever they get them from, they must be Black. The NFL could find many great players from English rugby. They've only gone after a few, and they are almost always one of the Black rugby players.
English football wouldn't be what it is today without Jews
They’ll be black colored robots programmed to speak “Ghetto” and will favor the gangsters betting on the game.
"Soccer has taken over the schools because modern football has too many injuries."
I wish it be so in my community here in my State. A new High School has just been built and the football facilities they have built are almost worthy of a college. Football is still king in my community.....IF you happen to have testicles. If you are one without testicles, SOCCER is queen.
Living in Maryland, soccer has taken over our schools. Another big sport here is lacrosse.
"Who still watches it?"
The answer is way too many
I don't know how I missed that one, JB. Your articles almost always hit my inbox. Thanks for linking it in your comment.
Thanks, Rav!
You spelled goy funny when you wrote Jew money.
Is life easier with a Jew crutch to lean on at hand or is it like tourette's?
Gentile America gets so very agitatedly rabid and frenzied about sports ball with a pig skin that it riots and spends hundreds of millions in gentile funding on gentile tickets and gentile betting to fund a gentile proclivity with gentile melanin enhanced players receiving gentile salaries from a pluralistic non-jewish country in non-jewishdollars that say in God we trust.
Do you get to Jew down the ticket sellers to connect the Jew factor to sports ball? Secret Jewish codes for placing bets?
All on the day that Gentiles proclaim as Sabbath 👀
How does the goy mind extrapolate that into Jew money? 😵💫
Gad Saad discusses the six degrees of Jew and it's curiously meandering wanderings and curious how this fits in?
Absorbing gentile culture with all of its vibrancy and discord is fascinating, please illuminate me on the nuance.
And good Shabbos to all of Mr Jeffries Jewish readers and the many Noahides!
Your comment illustrates perfectly the need for an ignore feature on Substack.
The cure for Islamic deflectionism is listening to an Islamic politician or remain obtuse
And your comment illustrates perfectly the need for an ignorant feature on Substack. Wake up.
How do you connect a gentile event with gentile enthusiasts to Jew money.
Trying to figure out the intricacies of your culture where words don't mean what they mean in the real world.
Lol stop replying, and stop liking your own comments, schizo.
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
How English Jews brought football forward
Still sliding
can't find comments unless you like them and that's where I refer back to in my dashboard, sorry I triggered you, how does Jewish money connect with the gentile pigskin throwing game?
I fucked up that was 30 words and the 33 that I typed previously were too much for your gentile mind to cope with
Awaiting your clarification gentile teacher of Jewish money and sports ball 👀
Still sliding lol
The antisemitism on the stack is unbelievable and incredibly sad. And I'm black
When you have the kind of monstrous, systemic corruption America 2.0 has, people are going to speculate on who's to blame. I have explained many times that I have scores of part Jewish cousins in my very large family. Only a very tiny percentage of Jews are in these positions of power. But it is undeniably an incredibly disproportionate amount of power, given that they are only 2% of the population. I have many Jewish readers. I try to be fair to everyone. I hope you keep reading, Nani. Thanks.
Maybe it's because non Jews are stupid and crass enough to buy into it. Nobody forces your choices.
Spoken like a true devil. Nice view of all the gentiles from up there on your mountain, Hochberg?
I've got context for your Jewish money
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
Don’t care
Try to stick to the topic
No Elgin
Answer why the super bowl is Jewish money
Got it done in your under 33 word rule
Go along now, little feller. There’s bigger goyim to fry than theRav9
I could not agree more with everything you stated in your article. There are so many commercials out there now where you see a white female with a black man. How not to save your race.
Personally, I do not waste time at all with any kind of sport. Its all been so tainted, and as you mentioned, its rigged.
I cannot stand at all that (c)Rap music, which it totally isn't music in any way, shape, or form. No talent at all required. Standing there talking in Ebonics shows a total serious lack of an adequate IQ. Whatever happened to real black talent like Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr., Jimi Hendrix, etc. I would think they would all be super ashamed.
To see white people promoting this garbage is disgusting. And to see other blacks promoting this filth is worse.
Yes, it's bad enough that millions are mired into this deadly "culture" because they were born into it. But for anyone outside of it to admire it, or praise it, is beyond contemptible. Thanks. Fran.
The Black Rappers were the latest creation of Tavistock and MK Ultra. Their purpose is to instill hatred and despair. Mission accomplished.
Jooz. They will never get over the "holocaust" and the rest of humanity will pay for this forever. Its sad that most people are not awake to the fact they are simply being manipulated. Even taking all these drugs.
I liked Fred Reed's comment about insane behavior: "They must be putting something in the drugs these days".
Look what they did to the English football world
Your comment about the Holocaust reminds me of g o y i m forever holding Jews responsible for killing the Jew on the stick despite Roman occupation soldiers and so on and in addition he needed to die to fulfill the mythology of jezeusian mythology
funny how things are circular
Look what they did to the NFL
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
If that many owners were red heads- you’d think it an Irish conspiracy ……
Black people do like to dye their hair, usually trying for blonde and it turns out red, so perhaps they want to pretend to be Irish. LOL
They're on the field 👀
Run DMC has a direct connect to them? Beastie boys?
Seems pretty organic and self-created and sustaining but how did an institute cause music to morph into what it became?
Sometimes the theoretical applications to life gets a little out there and I'm just seeing clarification
Great piece! And this truly was “The Worst Super Bowl Halftime Show EVER!” Total garbage, an assault on the ears, eyes, and sensibilities of every rational human being on the planet.
My working theory is that this crap was planned months ago, before the current mood of the nation was made clear in the election, and that next year, it will change directions to someone more “mainstream” and that can be understood at least 50% of the time they are singing, but we’ll see…
By the way, are you aware that the CIA infiltrated “the music industry” decades ago, and that they PUSHED shitty, vile, ghetto gangster rap into the industry, as an intentional defilement? They’ve been massaging pop culture since at least the late 60’s, and it’s well documented. Of course, the Jews that run that industry helped as well.
Just know- this vile garbage is no accident, it’s another intentional humiliation ritual!
Thanks, Myriad!
Dave McGowan wrote a book on the "intelligence community's" creation of the Laurel Canyon music scene. It's how we were saddled with "rock stars" like Frank Zappa, David Crosby and other talentless retards who were mysteriously handed huge recording contracts by major music labels.
I've been compared to the late, great Dave McGowan many times, Ed. Miles Mathis wrote that neither of us were real. We were just starting to communicate with each other when he died so suddenly. His work is essential reading. Thanks!
Even deeper. I don't watch ever. It is a televised ritual. I don't care about their "energy draining mind games." The super bowl is a battery.
I agree 100%, but I do still watch some garbage, so I can shit on it more effectively. Hey, we all have our hobbies! 🤪
You are entitled to leisure AND you recognize what you are watching. Like Roller Derby or WEF.
Hey, quit picking on Roller Derby! At least pre-1973 anyway.
The infiltration into "entertainment" goes back to the beginning of Hellywood. All the "good movies" were mainly propaganda for "The Good War". And they had to have some good stuff on Hellivision so that every sheeple would run out and buy one. And then, with the dawn of shows like "Happy Days" and "M*A*S*H", everything went down the hopper.
The CIA uses this and other cultural garbage to destabilize civilizations and regimes they do not like. So, if the CIA is promoting it you can be assured it's shit.
I haven't watched the Super Bowl since the days of the Oakland Raiders. I don't even think it qualifies as a "sport". The big games are scripted. As far as the negro entertainment...forget about it!
I tuned out all Professional Sports at the end of the 1980's. Back in 2010 while passing through Denver I sounded completely stupid when I remarked that I had never seen such a big stadium built for a minor league team, which is what I thought the Colorado Rockies were. I mean, that is such a stupid name for a team, the worst since the Washington Senators.
Actually I think the Washington Commanders are worse.
The Cleveland Guardians surpasses even the Commanders. What the heck is a "guardian"?
Should be the "Washington Propaganders."
Spot on commentary and beautifully written. I've thought forever that the Gangsta culture isn't working very well for the overwhelming majority of the black community. However, you do have a very motivational "winning the lottery" type possibility of becoming a hip hop millionaire or a sports superstar. I saw this first-hand growing up white in a town that was about 50% white. In school, being able to answer a teacher's question, understanding math or speaking proper English was definitely frowned upon and made you look like a pussy. It could even trigger a beatdown if the conditions were just right.. Another mystifying aspect of this recent escalation in anti-white racism (cancel culture, DEI, CRT etc....) is that it appears to be perpetrated primarily by white liberals living in creamy white enclaves. Particularly middle-aged white women it seems. You know, the type that helped Oprah become super rich. Is that not strange? Maybe this self-loathing is a side-effect that comes with the frustration of the family unit falling apart and watching our major institutions failing right before our eyes without the ability to do much about it.
Beautiful analysis, Tax. White women- the "Karen" types- definitely drive this insanity. They are always there to nod approvingly at some loud Black woman's ignorant rant. And they are also usually the first to condemn some other White for being "racist." Thanks!
Donald, I used to think White women were the worst, but now from what I seeing online I'm thinking that American-born Asian women (Millennials and younger ) are actually worse. Virtue signaling is a product of low self-confidence, which is more prevelant in females. Add to that a conformist culture at home...and you have virtue signaling on steroids.
In 2006, my brother went to Japan to get married and import his bride...his first marriage to a Korean having frizzled out a year earlier, due to his boredom. I met Fumi the first week she was here. She seemed shy, cultured and claimed to be a Christian. That marriage also fizzled out about six years later. A few months ago, I googled her... curious to know what had become of her. I was shocked. Apparently, she had gone to school to become a counselor, and started a counseling business. Her website is the wokest of woke garbage, offering "affirming care" to would-be trannys. She posts photos of herself rock climbing on social media, calling herself "Bad*ss Fumi" I was stunned because I never would have predicted this. She dumped the best of Japanese culture to become just another idiot American woman. Both of my brothers ex-wives presented as Cherry Blossoms on the exterior, but were actually Dragon Ladies just under the surface.
Women or more naturally submissive (ie Roger Goodell) and dream of submitting for some of that BBC.
Men especially can do something about it- get married to the right woman and build a little Christendom and Monastery within the confines of your home and yard. And when enough in a particular area succeed, then they can network and take over a neighborhood.
I am especially disgusted with the Traditional Catholic Priests for their complete lack of devotion to this ideal of a Religious Community of Families. They just want to live off the donations of their rich sheeple working for Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, being part of the problem. (I wonder how many of them watched STupor Bowl.)
First, thanks for risking your IQ by watching this - you are braver than I. I generally am not a fan of blacks and I think that with few exceptions they should be deported back to Africa. They did such a great job of building America for us stupid Whites they really owe it to their African brethren to go build that too.
With that said, modern black culture was crafted by jews. This rapper get his money from jews. It’s the jews who own the vast majority of the music industry and who create and promote this filth. You referenced Bill Cosby and the trouble his mouth caused him, the same thing happens to Michael Jackson as soon as he named the jew except poor Michael ended up dead.
Good point about Michael Jackson, CK. He supposedly ranted about them behind the scenes. Jason Whitlock talks about the Jewish power behind the "installed" Black puppets all the time. He usually doesn't say "Jew," but makes it very clear who he's talking about. He is literally the only one, besides me on my limited platforms, to tell the truth about ghetto culture. Thanks.
Football too
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
I don't necessarily want the Blacks sent back to Afrika. But I want all those doling out the entitlements exiled to the Yukon. If both black and white became productive and responsible that would go a long way to making America great.
Look what they did to English football
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
Great article, Donald. The super bowl and the whole culture surrounding it are vapid and not worth paying attention to at all. The halftime rituals are trashy and disgusting, and usually outright satanic. I also agree with your comments about ghetto culture. Black people in this country don't stand a chance of bettering their living conditions if they don't stop glorifying gang violence. And this seems extremely unlikely to happen, since most black leaders and celebrities either glorify ghetto culture or don't speak out against it. Crimes like theft, murder, and drug abuse are glorified (ironically the same crimes keeping black neighborhoods poor and destitute) and the few black people who speak out against it are often mocked by others as self hating. And of course, white people can't speak out against it without running the risk of being called racist.
Perfect analysis, dgb. And the worst are the White authority figures (yes, who are often Jewish) that promote this madness. Glorify something so dangerous to everyone. Thanks.
"Tarzan movie" lol
This is perhaps the best article you have ever written. No doubt, it's the funniest.
Thanks, RBS!
Dumbed down idiocrap or explicit satanic ritual to remind us who our rulers are? JayZee, who has been producing these halftime shows for a few years now, is regularly photographed displaying all the cognoscenti signals. Snoop Dogg, by the way, is apparently now the Idiocracy's Forrest Gump. He's everywhere. At the Paris Olympics opening ceremony he just materialized in the middle of it all, absent any context or pretext. Just, Snoop's here. Of course he's here.
Don, am I too giddy about yesterday's political show? RFK confirmed, Trump bowing to realism in Ukraine and declaring that he will meet with Xi and Putin to discuss cutting each country's military budget in half. Talk me down -- I'm getting the Q convulsions again.
I'm trying not to feel giddy, either, Gordon. I certainly never expected this out of Trump 2.0. I haven't changed- but he has, for whatever reason. I seem to be suddenly losing paid subscribers for the first time. Is it because I'm giving Trump credit? I'm very conscious of them pulling the rug out from under us. RFK, Jr. getting in was surprising. Now we'll see what he is allowed to do. And if anyone is held accountable for the massive fraud being found by DOGE. Thanks!
I’m low on Trump mostly because of his Stargate Project and Zionism. All of this quick government dismantling could be a ploy to usher in AI governance systems in America. People celebrate the bureaucratic dismantling because of the insane DEI and LGBT policies that have helped ruin most institutions. Biden promised to “build back better”, but it’s Trump that is taking us into the 4th Industrial Revolution. Many still consider him an outsider, a Caesar, but I think he’s just a puppet for the last stages of the plan. MIGA doesn’t get tossed around for no reason. Problem (government corruption), reaction (political savior - Trump), solution (Biodigital AI Governance). Can’t have human error if you don’t have humans, right?
I can agree a bit for sure, but I still think it would have been a lot worse if he hadn’t gotten in.
The great Arnold Toynbee, who wrote 'A study of History', analyzing the rise/fall of many great civilizations, made an observation that might apply here. It is noteworthy that civilizations often collapse in segments rather than all at once. You can have a downtrend, followed by a partial regrouping where things get a little bit better, only to later enter into another downward trend. I think it was John Michael Greer who called this a stairstep form of collapse. Maybe we're living through something like this, where Trump (and his oligarchs) genuinely want to restructure the system, demolish bloated bureaucracies and surf on a wave of nationalism. However, it would be naive to think that the grinches who savaged western civilization over the last 4 years are actually gone now.
No, they're not gone. Truthstream did a recent program on how the feds are arguing
(or rather declaring) that our money is not our property. I guess that means our accounts can simply be frozen or confiscated whenever it is convenient. An economic crisis can lead to an emergency bank holiday, which then might lead to conversion of
our assets to central bank digital currency and devaluation.
Truthstream believes that they can't get away with it, but I'm pretty sure they can.
Lots of examples of it too,,, seizing PayPal funds to Canadian truckers for just one example.
People are going to cheer as the IRS gets disintegrated only to later find out all the 3-letter agencies have been replaced by AI which monitors everything. Your records can be conveniently stored on a chip injected into you with the latest flu shot. Ha ha. It's starting to feel like the solution to most of our problems is going to be unplugging from the matrix, although that doesn't sound like a lot of fun either.
Not a lot of fun but every day I am eyeballing my digital conveniences and trying to figure a non digital alternative. Agree it’s all sliding downhill. Still, grateful the other group didn’t get in, would be going downhill a lot faster I think.
I would have voted for Daffy Duck just to try and change course after the last four years of madness. A reasonable challenge these days is to figure out how to have ONE foot outside the system. This could mean living outside the city, having chickens, septic tank, firewood, well water, some tools, barter items and so on. Of course, the other foot has to be digitized to function. I don't think Mrs. Donkey wants to go live like Tarzan and Jane right now, so you gotta stay in the matrix.
That reminded me of the "Toynbee Tiles", those license plate sized tiles made of linoleum and asphalt that were sometimes found embedded in city streets in North and South America. They just appeared overnight like a Banksy painting and were inscribed with messages from Toynbee.
“Just appeared overnight like a Banksy”. Love it.
It's no trope- the Khazars have invested heavily in ghetto-izing our culture. The divide and conquer strategy has worked brilliantly. As you alluded to, our once great culture has been decimated. Buchanan's prophecies were spot on , but unfortunately, his warnings weren't heeded. He was lambasted instead by our gutless institutions.
This piece is spot on. Stay fearless - you're voice is sorely needed. Thanks Don
Thanks, Robert!
Ted Kennedy the Catholic opened up the immigration floodgates in 1965 and his father joined a Jewish country club because the goys at the gentile clubs were drunken and lascivious with his wife and daughters.
Kellogg of the cereals Fortune is responsible for foisting circumcision in America.
Goy power!
Look what they did to the NFL
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
Your Jew crutch is showing
Does that mean that gentile culture wouldn't be weak and susceptible if it wasn't for the jew?
One little Jew can mess up all of hockey despite the black dude cutting the throat of another player and were there consequences for the gentile run league? Now you can at least blame the Jew for the feelings you feel
Goy logic
Donald this article is the straight up shizzle my bizzle. Seriously awesome and once again thank you for giving voice to my exact thoughts , the last two paragraphs are so right on. I suffer from hip hop. black xhaustion syndrome brought on by the dystopian world presented ot me by 95% of all meida communicatins which is exacerbated by acute and consistent injections of snoop and pee wee kevin hart. And don't forget the angry loud proud cartoonish black woman hollering at you. all the time My only defense is to purposefully avoid or limit purchases from ghetto culture friendly businesses. I was raised is a naturally racially diverse ( remember the middle class) life where we had fun eating tacos, listening to earth wind and fire and trying to get good grades. The black people I grew up with I think would be embarrassed to be represented by the tavistock, jew run media industrial complex that has enslaved generations of americans to accept ne desire the vulgar gutteral filth standard of life they promote. Since the black population wants to separate itself from the capital a America, then they should take full credit for the crime, abortion rates, laughable DEIA standards etc... If necessary you can take my share of the NFL, NBA , MLB, Disney etc... you're welcome take it please. Maybe the only way to save america is to trun our backs , close our wallets and try not to dislike people based upoin the 24/7 bombarment of this programming. If we made snacks and had people over on the first sunday of every year for a truth bowl to read about the real 9/11, the zionist control of America, Geoengineering, the fraud of virology etc.... maybe we culd escape the matrix. This beast of media only exists because we feed it.
I'm glad you liked it, spnbb. Yes, the loud Black woman. Who we must perpetually try to understand, no matter how reprehensible her behavior. And the new mantra that "Black women built this country." Nothing could be more ridiculous. Thanks!
Just for the record when I was in Kansas City Missouri just behind me was Black Baptist Church. One day I was cutting down a tree for my friend and the pastor asked me if I could help him cut down several trees on the church property.
Actually I ended up being foreman for the tree removal project and the men were capable, intelligent, industrious and we had some very good conversations about the then state of the country. (This was during the Obomination Years.) They thought as I did, did not like the president, the wars, the cronyism, or the socialism. They realized who was behind the narcotics in the town. They were aware of the police corruption. They were struggling to raise families free of the welfare system, which they realized helps perpetuate the drug culture.
Down the street there was also a Black Magnet School that had a great marching band and well disciplined students who wore suits and ties to school. (They would have made old Sister Anne Constance blush.)
I'm saying all this because some get the idea that the Blacks are mostly trashy and uncoothe. I blame our Zionist masters for making them that way, starting with what they did to the SOuth after the War of Northern Aggression.
The concerted effort to destroy the “Black family church going unit” with both a mother and a father in the home is one of the greatest crimes committed by the dark powers running Oz behind the scenes for the last several decades. I’m 78 and I grew up in Texas. Yes there was some ignorance based racism unfortunately back then but there was still respect for people as individuals, based on character, not color. Evil is real and pervasive, more real than I realized until about 8 years ago when the scales began to fall off my eyes. We have precious little time to turn the tide and make the changes necessary for our children and grandchildren to live in a different world based on the teachings of Jesus—to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and to love our Creator God first and foremost. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, you can’t dispute the truth and goodness in His gospel! The devil has had the upper hand for far too long. I don’t think WeThePeople have it in us to do the work and make the sacrifices required to stand up to the dark powers that rule over us. Think what you want about him, but one man (and some very GOOD men and women working with him behind the scenes) decided to take them on several years ago. The gates of hell have been unleashed since that famous walk down the golden staircase in 2015 because the demons knew he wasn’t one of them and they could not control him. They tried everything, including killing him, several more times than you saw at Butler, PA. Donald Trump is not America’s savior, but he is the first man in decades to say publicly, I’m willing to take on an utterly evil globalist cabal, regardless of the cost, as long as I have breath in my body, because he loves and believes in America. It is a 100% impossible battle to win, unless it’s God’s will to spare America for a time such as this. Every American gets to decide if they are willing to make their own sacrifices to stand and speak truth or if they are too busy or too lazy or just don’t care enough to fight the evil alongside courageous America loving patriots whose lives are on the line daily. If all you can do is pray, then PRAY for God’s grace and mercy and protection for those who are on the frontlines fighting against Satan himself. Your children’s future depends on what is going on right now in 2025.
Great article, Mr. Jeffries! As always I laugh, but also want to cry, when I read your truth!
In some ways you are correct, however Donald we must know that nothing televised there was unintentional. What was the message. Symbology. The "crip walk," is actually "American Indian walk." Go to any Pow Wow and its there. Red and blue dressed people, Dems and Republicans, Crips and Bloods. A divided flag. Now the Ghetto is in full view. How did the ghetto originate? The ghetto is the byproduct of generations of substandard education, political corruption, grifts, racism, classism, mob violence, land theft, and national treasury pillaging. The people have been educated into their respective roles while those at the top fleeced and "psy-oped" their way into a permanent position of control. Before there were ghettos there were farms, land, tribal lands, and open plains, and we did not have police, jails or prisons. We did not have a music industry to promote filth or a Hollywood to corrupt our minds either. Foreigners came here, brought the "deficiencies" gave them to us, earned from it, and then they NOW want to blame us for it. Strange.
All valid points, Jean. The Black ghettos seem to have been born during the FDR years, when Democrats began herding them into areas where they would form a reliable voting block. I don't blame any individual Black living in a ghetto. I can't imagine the horror of trying to exist under those conditions, when you have to be on the lookout for stray bullets and your children are almost certain to be corrupted. That was one of my points- the entertainment world, which is obviously not run by Blacks, glorifies and promotes this stupid "culture," instead of ridiculing it and shaming those who follow it. Thanks.
The original AMerican Ghetto was inhabited largely by European Catholics fleeing Protestant persecution in their respective lands. Once upon a time, we had large German, Italian, Irish, Polish, and Slovak Ghettos that were rich in culture and contributed much to the American experience. But after WW2, the Truman Welfare State gave the Blacks "upward mobility" while concurrently the Real Estate Moguls hit upon the technique of "blockbusting" where they sold a house to a Black Family and all the neighbors wanted to move out because "there goes the neighborhood" and so the slumlords bought properties for a song, then rented them out to welfare recipients who did not take care of the places. And so were born the vast slums of South Philadelphia, where by the Mid- 1970's looked like bombed out Berlin after the war. Streets full of abandoned cars and every other house burned to the ground, not to be rebuilt. It was all planned every step of the way. And after everything was destroyed, in come the Banksters with the bulldozers to "Build Back Better" into Main Drag USA Big Box Stores. And now that cycle is going bust. next stop- FEMA Camp and 15 minute Smart Cities.
Indeed, my grandmother on the maternal side was born in the horrible, stinking immigrant ghetto in NYC (1896)...and thankfully the entire family removed shorty thereafter to Florida, to work on the overseas railroad to Key West. Almost all of the hard heavy work to build the American railroad system was done by immigrants. Oops...sorry... forgot there for a second...Black women built this country. Where would we po' White folk be now if they never had come to American shores?
Sounds like you're referring to the new Detroit. Once a thriving city. I see how so much of Milwaukee County has been destroyed, culturally. Gorgeous homes that were built by whites many years ago. Surprised this town hasn't burned, but I'm sure its on the List.
Never seen a crip walk, but I've been to few pow-wows with my late best friend, so I know the Indian walk. One would see a lot of the same dancers on the pow-wow circuit. We used to joke about the one dancer who leaned so close to the ground, that he looked like he was searching for a lost contact lense. I miss my friends from the old days terribly. If they were still here, at least we would be joking about all this destruction. Sometimes a memory from the past will suddenly pop into my head out of nowhere, and it's so good I laugh out loud.
I do remember the 1970s era, self-conscious practicing of the "Indian walk", which consisted of leading with the toes without actually tiptoeing; toes first, then the heel contacting the ground. It's hard to do while wearing shoes or boots with heels, but comes more naturally with moccasins or bare feet. It's an affectation for most people, since wearing "white man" shoes or boots pretty well forces a person into a "whiteman walk".
I don't think that's what y'all mean by "Indian walk", though.
JB, don't get me started on Powwows that celebrate a pan-indian culture, apparently created as entertainment for tourists. I haven't been to one since the great covid fakeout effectively shut down the powwow circuit in the southeast for a few years.
Out West it wasn't much of a tourist thing. The stick games; the greasy fry-bread; the tee pee creep'in...lots of good wholesome (and not so wholesome) fun. I would like to go one more time, just for old time sake. Yet, it would probably be like so many places I return to these days. Everything has changed so much that I often feel like a ghost from the past...just a spectator.
It’s why I very rarely go to my hometown (besides being cross country from it). Things have changed so much, despite not looking too different in some areas, it’s very difficult to handle. My family and most of my relatives are long gone except when I go, their ghosts are everywhere. Even my own childhood ghost is there, waiting for me, lol.
"My childhood ghost"...a brilliant description.
Donald, you hit the nail on the head on calling out the Super Bowl charade. It used to be back in the day when marching bands took the field at a Super Bowl halftime, marching briskly down the field in perfect synchrony creating amazing swiftly changing patterns as they went, all while crisply playing all those brass instruments in perfect unison and tone. Now that was talent. I recall some of the all-black marching bands as being some of the best and most entertaining.
I may be wrong about my history here, but it seems that the accelerated downfall of the black population began when LBJ initiated the infamous giant welfare program entitled "The Great Society" back in the mid-60s. That's when entitlements and money handouts began the great enslavement projects especially the blacks in all the big cities.
One other note. The great Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams came out of that era.
You're right, Eric. The Great Society accelerated the single family Black home, as it became financially advantageous to keep the fathers out. Thanks!
LBJ was slavishly pro-Israel and openly committed to social engineering, while also being known, among his fellow senators, for despising black people. He's my prime suspect in the orchestration of the murder of his own president, JFK.
Ed, LBJ was also the sitting president when the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
occurred, and he insisted that the attack be covered up, hoping those US Navymen
on that ship would all go down to cover up a murderous crime by the Zionists.
Criminal and rotten to the core that man.
Interestingly historians have noted that both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side were Jewish, which conveys Jewishness regardless of the paternal ethnicity. This goes a long way in explaining his slavish devotion to pursuing Jewish interests to the detriment of American interests throughout his career. "Criminal and rotten to the core" describes him to the T.
Romulus, thanks for sharing that. It would explain his "slavish devotion
to pursuing Jewish interests."
You’re dead on.
LBJ said, "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next hundred years." He was right, too.
Spot on. I always tell people if they want to read some facts about race in America, just look at the FBI crime statistics by race. But that must be racist. The biggest problem blacks have is their own culture. They glorify ignorance, criminal behavior and low morality. We certainly have pockets of white ignorance and poverty but nothing like the millions of blacks that have infested our cities and southern rural areas. The government waste directly related to the constant pandering they demand outstrips any other expenditure over the last 60 years. Bar none. Anyway, thanks for summing up the obvious about the NFL and it reminds me why I like baseball. Keep up the good work and look forward to continued reading.
Thanks, Big!
This is the only substack where I can read the glorious word 'cuck'. I thought Idiocracy was the pinnacle, but I was wrong. Stupidity keeps reaching for the stars. It's always a joy to read your unvarnished truth.
I appreciate that, Gwaihir. Thanks!
Great article my man. lol No, really a great read and I'm glad someone is saying it. I turned off my TV 12 years ago and that Superbowl reminded me why. Superbowls used to be family affairs and halftime shows GP. Had to hide the kids years ago if you cared. I saw this coming 40 years ago raising 2 sports minded boys. Being "black" and immature was cool. All the "black" female heroes and mixed marriage stereotype pushing isn't going unnoticed either. I was a Steeler fan and notice the subtle race changes by our "black" coach. In "The Protocols of Zionism" one of the protocols calls for the elimination of "whites" from sports so enjoy hockey while you can.lol On a note, Superbowls will be watched during Black History Month so it's just gonna be more "black" culture I would assume. Thank God I hibernate through winter.
Thanks, James!
Look what they did to the NFL
Jews in the NFL
Jews have played a significant role in shaping the National Football League (NFL) since its founding in 1920. One of the founding members, Leo Lyons, was Jewish, and the first player selected in the inaugural NFL draft in 1933, Jay Berwanger, was also Jewish.
Over the years, Jewish individuals have contributed to the NFL in various capacities, including as players, owners, and coaches. As of 2023, there have been 15 Jewish team owners in the league, with eight of the 32 teams being Jewish-owned.
Some notable Jewish owners include:
David Tepper: Owner of the Carolina Panthers since 2018.
Stephen M. Ross: Owner of the Miami Dolphins since 2008.
Josh Harris: Purchased the Washington Commanders in 2023 for a record $6.05 billion, taking over from Dan Snyder, who was also Jewish and is under investigation for workplace misconduct.
On the playing field, Jewish athletes have also made their mark. For example, in the 2023-2024 season, notable Jewish players included:
Ethan Curhan: A lineman for the Seattle Seahawks.
Aaron Jones: A running back for the Green Bay Packers.
Chris Sloman: A kicker who has played for multiple teams, including the Los Angeles Rams.
Additionally, Jewish individuals have been influential in NFL broadcasting, with well-known figures such as Kenny Albert, Chris Berman, Ian Eagle, Andrea Kremer, Steve Levy, Al Michaels, and Tracy Wolfson providing commentary and analysis.
These contributions highlight the diverse and significant impact Jews have had on the NFL, both on and off the field.
You funny, You forgot Howard Coesell dummy. Your rant exemplifies Zionism at it's best...meaningless distraction. Currently if Vegas doesn't want you to win, guess what? Nothing good will or ever has ever come out of Zionism.
You should submit the Howard cosell to the AI that generated the first summation I gave, I don't think he counts as a player so not sure what's got you so triggered about Zionism
Did you see what the Christian college is doing to its whites?
Crazy how goy is
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Augsburg University is facing a federal civil rights complaint after allegedly hosting racially-segregated faculty and staff lunches that bar white employees from attending.
The complaint, filed with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), alleges that the university’s “Faculty and Staff of Color BYO Lunch Gatherings” violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans racial discrimination by federally funded institutions.
According to the complaint, Augsburg has been openly promoting and hosting these exclusively “staff of color” gatherings, with upcoming events scheduled for Feb. 14, March 7, and April 11, 2025. Similar lunches took place on multiple dates in 2024 and early 2025.
An internal source at Augsburg, who is not a person of color, confirmed that 189 faculty and staff members were invited to a recent gathering—all exclusively people of color, according to the complaint. White employees were not invited, the complaint says.
The source, a faculty or staff member, said they verified with colleagues that white employees have never been invited to these gatherings and that the event’s name itself signals its exclusionary nature, the complaint explains.
Professor: ‘Clear violation’ of federal law
The complaint was filed by Mark J. Perry, an emeritus professor at the University of Michigan and a longtime civil rights advocate, who has previously filed nearly 1,000 federal complaints against race-based programs at colleges and universities.
In an email to Augsburg’s president and leadership team, Perry accused the university of blatant racial discrimination and demanded an immediate policy review.
Your point???