Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks Don. Insurance is a giant Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme. I'm a victim of Hurrican IAN. I had $80,000 damage to my house. After 20 years of paying premiums, my insurance company gave me the middle finger, declared bankruptcy and left the State. I got Zero!

Car insurance now approaching the same velocity of criminal deceit.

To add insult, after the hurricane, my Homeowners Association came along and fined me $300 because I didn't clean up my yard fast enough. (Broken glass, gutters, aluminum siding, overturned cars from a tornado. ) How the fuck am I supposed to hook an upside-down car and remove it from my yard? I don't own a tow truck. Even if I can get Joe next door to lend me a chain and his 4-wheel drive truck, what the hell am I gonna do with a total wreck? The insurance companies are OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL. Politicians are out of control.

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I'm sorry to hear about your experiences, Liber8or. I'm sure you know you're not alone. I don't know of any politicians who talk about the abuses of insurance companies. Thanks.

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Speaking of politicians, I met a young man who called at my front door a few weeks ago and stated that he was running for President. He said the two parties had sold out and so he was running as an independent. He was charming, Inteligent and financed his own door knocking efforts with forty thousand of personal funds. I was intrigued at this lone warriors' efforts that would never put him in the White House, so we kept in touch, and I sent him much information concerning 9-11 fraud, chemtrails as well as other things that have proven to be real conspiracies, not theories. He was skeptical about chemtrails until I showed him that six states have legislated laws against them, he was shocked, but no further comments and this happened every time I received a return e-mail! No commitment or real answer, just as a politician would do so that it never comes back to bite them in the ass. I then decided that this Professor, former Army Ranger was not actually going for the White House now, he was just building up his Bonafide's for some lower office, just like all of them do. I sent him a report about the impossibility of the official 9-11 report as being impossible and this from many expert pilots et al and he stated that he still believes that 9-11 happened. just think of the language. So, I told him what I thought and would no longer communicate with him because he is a politician. Words or lack of them is a verry telling thing, right? Jack

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Sorry, I forgot to mention his name! Chris (Christopher) Garrity. I live in Tennessee, and he is now around Dayton Ohio knocking on doors and trying to convince people that he is different, LOL Jack

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Holy shit.

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

When I was a boy, the Sealtest Milk Man would give me and my little brother, chips of ice on those hot summer mornings. Free. Those were the days. Cokes were still 10 cents and they had real sugar.

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Ah, the milk man! Talk about a relic from America 1.0. Thanks, Vince!

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Ha! Remember those days Don? The glass milk bottle. Sealtest used to use paper caps and the cream would rise to the top and they had the basket that would fit down in the insulated metal box on the front porch. I think they still do that in a handful of places around the US. Remember the High's store up there at Rte 50 and Graham Rd? Blue Laws! You couldn't even buy gasoline. It was a day for going to church, staying at home, visiting family members near bye. But High's was allowed to sell Food products only. One of those was Ice Cream! Yum! I remember when Robert Haft, ordered his Dart Drug Store managers in Virginia, to sell the forbidden fruits on Sundays. That was finger getting pulled of the dam and ushered in I think the beginning of 2.0.

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Yep. Before Baskin-Robbins and their 31 flavors, that was the place to get your ice cream cone in Falls Church. I think they had a handful of choices, and I always chose chocolate chip. We sometimes got it as a treat after a movie at the Jefferson Theater, right next to it. Yes, blue laws prevented me from buying baseball cards or comic books on Sundays. I think they eliminated them before I old enough to buy beer. Good memories, Vince!

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Ah and don't forget the Frozen Dairy Bar! Frozen Custard! Their in-laws are still in business in Fredericksburg! It's the same building and the same Electrofreeze machines. It's called Carl's. https://carlsfrozencustard.com/

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Our Milkman used to come from Good's Dairy with a horse drawn cart. He also had Ice cream, chocolate milk, and orange juice. Sealtest used to deliver milk? Downright scary.

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Horse drawn cart? How old are you, WW?

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Just 66. But I grew up in a land 30 years behind the Minnesota Curve.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

I was born in 1960, and it's hard for me to believe we actually had a milkman and a doctor who made house calls. Remember Five and Dime stores? They were magical places for a kid.

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

oh yeah. Docs made them in our area, up to about 1970. Ben Franklin 5 and 10s. Western Autos, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Mercury, Plymouth, Jack in the box...lots to remember and lots of local store chains that are gone. Civil Defense siren tests once a month. All those wonderful memories.

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In my Grandma's town we still had a penny candy store. You could load up a whole brown paper lunchbag for a dime.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Penny candy... have not thought about that in years. After 1966, we moved to an isolated area...but there was an ancient general store about three miles away that we rode bikes/horses to. It had a wooden front porch and a door with a bell and a tin Hires Root Beer sign. The old stock was never removed from the shelves, so it was like going back in time. We could fill a small paper bag with candy for next to nothing. When I think back, it amazes me how little it took to make sixties kids happy.

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Back in the day lots of items could be had for a penny. Nails. Notepads. A piece of Bazooka Bubble Gum (which included a comic). A pack of 2 Baseball Cards. A straw full of sugar they called a "Pixie Stick", and loose Hershey Kisses. At our discounted school bookstore, pencils were a penny, as were those big rubber erasers. A penny also got you a bus ride anywhere in Zone One, and if you could bum a transfer off somebody before it expired, a penny could get you all the way to Brubaker Heights in Zone 2. We used to have the older Wheat Pennies. They were still quite common. My uncle used to pay us a nickel for every four Wheat Pennies. In the late Sixties he was on to something...

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

I heard the cokes had cocaine in them as well. Probably a Beta Test. Meanwhile, in the real old vending machines a bottle of coke was a nickle.

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The original Coca-Cola did have cocaine in it, WW. That was in the early 1900s, when cocaine and other similar drugs were legal. Thanks.

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Yes, it did, and so did lots of other things too. You will love this article!


Cross posting highly relevant articles is so satisfying to connect more dots.

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LOL, you're really old man! When I was kid in the 60's they were a dime and they didn't have any cocaine in them. LOL.

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I was talking about the OLD vending machines, like the one in the railroad station that sold two tickets every week.

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Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Stop it. Just stop it. Kamala & her Democrats say you're e not allowed to look back with fondness on the 'Good 'Ole Days'. That's a no-no unless you embrace that it was just a time of tyranny, Jim Crow and the dregs of slavery. Look forward and Goose-step, cause she's preparing to lead us into the 'Brave New World.' So just stop it.

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Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Love it! You have the key to their secret in your hand! Sociology. The Science of Socialism. Socialist: somebody who practices Socialism. Karl Mark and Emile Durkheim, built Sociology. They are the ones who first declared that in order to successfully change a future generation, you must first cut off any "Cultural Transmission" from on generation t the next. Then replace what the next generation's education with the material you want to use. Baby Boomers. Success!

Well done CC!

That is exactly why wrote I wrote to Don and because we grew up in the same neighborhood, it makes it even better. : )

Yours in liberty,


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Aug 24·edited Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's fairly well known that the GMO labeling bill vote in Oregon was fixed ahead of time, as was the governor's race two years ago. The Democrat machine has an iron grip on Oregon politics. Corruption is off-the-charts. There have been some major bribery cases come to light in the past few years. The state always "investigates" and finds "no wrongs were committed". One must just try to ignore this, to remain sane.

I drove without insurance for more than 40 years. I finally was caught in 1989, and my driving privileges were suspended for three years. I continued to drive on suspended and got away with it. After I got my license back, I used phony insurance papers I made myself. It fooled every cop that ever saw them. How did I pull off this miracle? Simply by being super-cautious. Living most of my life up until now, in poverty, I learned survival skills. The most important is that poor people can't afford even one mistake. One mistake will pull you into a swamp that will be almost impossible to get out of. This requires almost super-human self control, which I developed as a survival skill. Where poor people mess up, is lack of self-control. Now that I no longer have money worries, my poverty skill-set continues to serve me well. Those lessons never go away.

The last four years I have paid for insurance on my motor home, and used it as a daily vehicle, because the insurance was less than $400. a year. I bought a 26-year-old car last April. I feel lucky to have found a cheap old car, because the controllers have done a good job of eliminating cheap old cars...because "they" would prefer nobody own a car. When I called to switch my insurance from the motor home to the car, they quoted me over three thousand bucks a year. I had no accidents or tickets on my record. I noted how ridiculous it was that I was not going to be using the car any more than the motor home, which is thousands of times more risky to drive ...merely from how hard it is to see other traffic and pedestrians. This little example reveals why everything is falling apart. An insurance company that can't calculate accident rates in a case where any thinking person could see which vehicle posed the greater risk?

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You are a great American hero, Kris. My hat's off to you. Thanks!

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

You outdid me. I only drove without insurance for 10 years. But how did you register without insurance? I used to have two licence plates- a PA one with a "T" sticker on it that I used West of the Mississippi, and an AZ with no expiration East of the Mississippi that I got off a car in a Missouri Junkyard.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

At first I just took chances to get a ticket for expired tags. Remember, things were much looser back in the early eighties. On my way out of state moving to Florida, I got popped for having a homemade sticker (cop said it was a first). I paid that ticket, and that was that, because they weren't confiscating cars back then. After that, I would buy a month of insurance just to get the tags. Then I started registering my cars in Washington using the address of friends. Washington mandates insurance on the driver, not the car.

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I suppose that is a good example of how the laws are hopelessly screwed up. At the end of my driving career, in 2005, I was "caught" not so much because of anything I did, but the Sheriff was suspicious and ran my plate, while my car was parked and I was sitting in a park half a mile away. (Never volunteer information to a cop- I learned that day.) He impounded my car and left me stranded on a highway in the middle of Kansas.

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"The Democrat machine has an iron grip on Oregon politics."

That ain't surprising, considering that the democrat machine has an iron grip on the republican party as well.

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Americans are treated more like cattle than citizens. 'Citizen' is a derogatory term to TPTB.

Of course there is flouride in the water, of course insurance is a scam, of course the food is GMO, of course the vaccines are untested. Of course there is crony capitalism and government corruption.

Watch a few documentaries about industrial dairy farming, and then take your spot on the milk line.

The 'governors' don't view the governed as their equal anymore than the dairy farmer views the cow as his equal.

This might seem like an extreme statement, but in my opinion everything Donald wrote in this article supports it.


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Thanks, Shadow!

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After World War Two, the government had millions of tons of excess nitrates, an essential component of explosives. They got rid of them by putting them in farmland soil as, "fertilizer". They have many ingenious ways of culling the herd. " ... buy the air we breathe" reminds me of that old joke. Why do Jews have big noses? Because the air is free. When I was a young whelp you could get state car insurance in Zoo Jersey for fifty bucks a year. The catch was, if you got into an accident and it was your fault, the state would cover it but you had to pay them back. Still many poor people opted for it and took their chances until the big auto insurance companies twisted the state's arm until they repealed that alternative. In many cases school kids get home well before their working parents. Not in my generation, but my nephew told me that he had sex in his parents house with every one of his sister's girlfriends. They all were 13 or 14 years old. He said it was a common practice. I was born too soon apparently. The first credit cards were issued in 1951. In ancient times, salt was a medium of exchange like gold or silver. Hence the saying, "That man is worth his salt." 10 lawyers will give you 10 different explanations of the IRS's convoluted tax code. It was made like that deliberately. Capitalism is a predatory, monopolistic system in which more and more wealth aggregates in fewer and fewer hands leaving more and more destitute. It is the mother bitch that spawned communism. The police are not interested in solving crimes but in closing cases. Unions created the great American middle class. The Taft-Hartley Act and Right-to-Work laws have eviscerated them, paralleling the decline of the middle class. No accident, planned years in advance by the scumbag Controllers. This article hit like an illegal kidney punch in a prize fight, Don, thank you.

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Thanks for expounding with your vast knowledge, Hereticdrummer!

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Always thought provoking. Come for Don, stay for the Drumroll.

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You're welcome, Don, and thanks again for your exemplary writing and insights. Stay strong.

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I would argue that it was the Military-Industrial Complex, and not the Unions, which created the American Middle Class, especially after World War II. The American Proles were well-rewarded for making the World Safe for Standard Oil, Royal Dutch Shell, and British Petroleum. The Unions, meanwhile, did raise the standard living for miners, factory workers, and machinists, and just in time for those jobs to start to disappear as they were outsourced overseas.

The first credit cards might have been issued in 1951, but I did not see one until 1973. Back in the day, a lot of department stores, even the small ones, had their own credit cards. Bank credit cards were not a thing until the late '70's, and, even then, most people did not use them except for emergencies. Using credit cards for trivial purchases and groceries only came into vogue in the mid '80's.

Most lawyers are dumber than a bag of bricks. They make a living by doing deals with bankruptcy courts and traffic courts.

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Good points, however you can readily chart on graph paper the rise of unions with the rise of the middle class and then the concomitant decline of unions with the shrinking of the middle class. Up then down, the lines follow each other perfectly. Actually, the first credit cards go back to 1928. They were called Charga-plates. They were metal plates engraved with info on customers and merchants to record transactions made on credit. The majority of lawyers are lazy, greedy, and stupid. The high level ones, like the judges who are just lawyers in black Halloween costumes, are also Freemasons and they signal each other with Masonic hand signs frequently during courtroom proceedings. I think there is an etymological link between the words, lawyer and liar. When does a lawyer win his case? When his fee is paid.

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liked, very much heretic. they had to get rid of explosives. wow. now what were the trucks that came through neighborhoods spraying into the streets, a chemical to kill mosquitoes. something horrible, what was it? thanks

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Thank you, Kyra. I remember those mosquito spraying trucks well. They sprayed during the warm and hot weather and me, my siblings, and our friends used to run right into the spray while we were playing. We laughed while doing it. I recall there were adults outside who saw us and I'm astonished looking back that not one of them castigated us with a stern warning to never do that again. Were they that ignorant or just didn't give a damn? Probably a little of both. I wonder what was in those sprays other than what the kept liars said. It was almost addictive, it was like we were drawn to it. It's amazing we survived into adulthood.

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heretic, from what i've read you were being sprayed with DDT. i recall just now someone telling me that lead was added to the DDT, so maybe that's what hooked you because leaded gasoline smells really good. im glad you survived. my old bishop, he's 85, told me when he came to the States in the 1950's from Ukraine, he and his family were totally drenched in DDT sans clothes. what do i think of parents who didn't seem to care you were running into DDT sprays. I think they had for the most part, an attitude of benign neglect. that really, life for kids, was maybe more dangerous, but with a ton of freedom. do you think so?

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Thank you, Kyra. It was a blue collar, working class neighborhood and that tends to breed callous and indifferent people. I speak in general terms. Being locked into a grim and thankless, day-to-day existence, will not foster compassionate attitudes. Also ignorance. Many of the residents were none too bright. They may well have thought, that stuff just kills mosquitos, it doesn't affect people. Analogous to what the military/government told the troops in Vietnam. Agent Orange just destroys jungle foliage, it isn't harmful to humans. Lying, criminal swine. They should have been forced to drink it and bathe in it.

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Mr Jeffries, every month when I get the courage to look at my bank statement I get a sense of smugness knowing $5.00 is sent to you.. It makes me feel like I'm putting my money where my mouth is by supporting an alternative to MSM's propaganda. At the end of each of your articles I am asked to become a paid subscriber. Well, I am a paid subscriber. Just because I'm a cheapskate I shouldn't be denied the sense of satisfaction one feels when they're doing something decent. Although, my $5.00 contribution is probably the minimum of decency. Even so, could I at least be recognized as a paid subscriber? I'll leave it up to you. Thank You

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I very much appreciate your support, ruthlesseater. I have heard this same thing from several people. I don't know why Substack keeps asking paid subscribers if they want to become paid subscribers. It must a glitch in their default setting. I can just assure you that I have nothing to do with that. All I can suggest is that you contact Substack. Thanks again!

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Good luck with that. You might have better luck calling up the Pentagon and asking for General Eisenhower.

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It takes a lot of courage to look at a bank statement these days. I remember looking at my mother's statements when she became incapacitated. It was somewhere between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Fine Print on a Legal Document.

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Fantastic! Anyone who calls you, or guys like Pat Buchanan, socialists, are ignorant. The crony capitalist system of which you criticize is far closer to fascism/ socialism. To sum up your wonderful article, I would like to direct everyone to "Robert Minor's Karl Marx cartoon" from a 1911 drawing in the pages of the St. Louis Dispatch. Thanks Don

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I appreciate the kind words, Robert. Speaking of Robert Minor and his cartoon, there is a little mention of that in "American Memory Hole." Thanks!

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Those were my thoughts at first, but then I read more and more and decided that wasn't the case. However, this post clearly defines what position he holds. Great writing! 👍

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Thanks, Dave!

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Robert was very far-sighted, and spot on. Yes, Karl Marx was the best thing that ever happened to the Robber Barons.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

I have heard therapists/counselors called "friendship prostitutes." Just like a streetwalker or OF worker fakes romantic ecstasy, therapists fake listening with compassion for a fee.

Fewer happy couples, friends, or communities help these professions.

And what does our country produce now? In the way of real, tangible goods you can hold and touch. Food but not much else though we buy and consume like nobody's business.

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That's a good way to describe them, RE. With all the therapists and counselors my brother had (and he always wanted me to sit in on his sessions), there wasn't a single instance of them not being "on the clock." So. you're really thinking about killing yourself? Now? Sorry, your time is up. Let's talk about this next week. It really is fake compassion with a fee. Thanks!

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Like calling the Suicide Prayer Line and getting a busy signal...

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The counselors are worse than Prostitutes. Aside from the moral implications, the worst a prostitute can do is spread disease. But the counselors often wreck lives and skew a person's moral compass. A good binge at the local bar might be far better, and less costly.

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Well said, White Wolf.

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On top of all that, an acquaintance told me that almost all of the younger therapists are woke AF and some even try to steer the conversation from your problems to your political views. Buyer beware!

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20 years ago at a Dentist visit, I asked about fluoride in water and the old man (now retired) was one of the guys who pushed it in our community said, "It is the world's greatest achievement".

I asked him several questions that he was obviously ignorant of and pointed to my daughter's slightly mottled teeth that was affected by fluoride. He said "Well, too much isn't good for you".

My daughter, wife nor I ever visited that dentist again.

I have been called every name in the book, especially conspiracy theorist. And yet, no one can show me I am WRONG.

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Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

I was scheduled to appear at our town council meeting to talk about fluoride and petitioning the state of Mn. to reverse their policy, which took away community choice in fluoridation.

(We were even fluoridated at 1 1/2 times the national rate,,,,,,,, "because it is cold in Minnesota and people drink less water! " ) Anyway a friend from high school was the local dentist and taught at the University of Minnesota school of dentistry,,, when I asked him if he would support my efforts at the council he just turned his back on me and walked away. I had the relevant studies and nobody would even look at them. They threw them in the trash at the meeting and dismissed the meeting without any discussion except to say "It's the law in Minnesota".

This state got Giddy-Up Walz because it deserves a guy like him.

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I admire you for trying, Scott. Facts are irrelevant to the Sheeple. Thanks.

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Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Damn, you're good.

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Thanks, Leara!

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

If I pay death, will I obtain FREEDOM?

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No, but if you pay the Piper, you might have premium internet access in your quarantine cell.

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Aug 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

there was a time in this country when the lines weren't blurred, men were men and women were women... wasn't hard to understand what was right and what was wrong.

but lawlessness reigned in the wild wild west and a man needed to carry the law on his hip and in his heart in order for him and his family to survive....when confronted with evil he could not hesitate

this article could have been taken out of the pages of history...you did not hesitate...you 'ventilated' them all graveyard dead!!!

thanx for yet another cleverly written satire on the true state of this nation and the tenacles of control

as always light and truth are sustained by only a few...

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Thank you, Cole!

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Oh Don, you did not even scratch the surface. Problem, reaction... solution... Nanny State. Once upon a time, the State was supposed to provide for domestic tranquility and prosecute criminals. Now they disturb the Domestic tranquility and manufacture criminals. The event horizon for me was the introduction of set belt laws. Now, maybe it makes sense to buckle up (although I know of people who escaped serious injury because they were thrown from a car that was run over by a truck or flew through a guard rail or had a meeting with an immovable tree. (Bishop Sheen once mentioned that seat belts were the worst additions to cars. "Are you expecting to be in an accident?)

First off, there is the windmill industry, and a whole industry to dispose of broken windmills, and a whole army of lobbyists pro- and anti- windmill. And then there is the Lithium Battery Recycling Company. And that is only for windmills.

They are taxing the air we breathe. It's called "Carbon Credits". Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

There is no filtration system available that can filter fluorine out of water. The only way to get fluorine, or any halogen ion, for that matter, is a very high-fallutin' process called Electrolysis, which involves a cathode and a reduction agent. But people don't have to filter fluorine out of water. It readily bonds with any metal and the subsequent salts will pass right through the body. The only way the fluorine is going to be effective is A. it must pass through glass pipes every inch of the way from pump to faucet and B. a person has to drink francium ions- LOTS of them. Of much more concern should be the lead, barium, and mercury ions in those water bottles people are paying scads of money for. Most people should dig a well. (Why do you think many municipalities have made wells illegal? They know a good racket when they see one. "Water and Sewer" is second only to school taxes for milking Suburbia.)

Don't get me started on the Insurance Racket. If extended families socked away $10 a week into a Roth IRA they would never need Life Insurance. And the combination of money spent on premiums could do so much better. Car Insurance is a total racket. At least one of the companies gets it and has a Lizard for their mascot. I was forced to have insurance on my little put-put 50cc Motorcycle. Some Push mowers were more powerful. Just how much damage can a 50cc motorcycle do?

Vitamins are slow poisons, just like Coke and Pepsi. Why do you think Captain Crunch is fortified with "10 essential vitamins"? They inflate these cereals with Joo Air, add every toxin under the sun, and then charge a premium. Quite the racket. Satan himself could do no better. Meanwhile, I have never seen a vitamin tree. I have never seen a squirrel taking a vitamin pill, and they seem to be healthier than anything else around.

Back in the day, the Lawn Care Racket was mostly run by rednecks. They mowed in summer and plowed snow in winter. The apartment complex was serviced by an army of mennonite girls on zero turn mowers. More than once while delivering papers I was nearly done in by a Flying Abigail speeding around a blind corner.

I have also seen services that will clean up after the dog, vacuum your heating ducts, properly inflate all tires, and comb the cat.

I cannot imagine video game tutors. Back when I was an X-Wing fighter jock, I knew all the cheat codes. I could soup up my vehicle of choice to the point where I was faster, more manoeuverable, better shielded, and vastly outgunned the competition. I blasted two dozen TIE fighters into oblivion with a single salvo, fragged the Star Destroyer, rescued the Princess, and got promoted to General all within 20 minutes.

(Of course, back in those days most gamers were also geeks. They could hack into the DOS program and make it do virtually anything they wished. You could turn the Battle of Yavin into the Zombie Apocalypse.)

At any rate, they were vastly successful in rolling out the Nanny State. Mission accomplished.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Obviously, I didn't scratch the surface, WW, as your typically insightful comment demonstrates. Thanks.

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Did I mention there is a company that sells Bovine Excrement in a bag. People will actually pay money for "MooDoo".

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Funny ain't it? My rancher neighbour will load up my old pickup free of charge any time for anyone. That is when he is not too busy teaching his kids firearms safety and handling. On a lighter note aren't the taxes we pay giving us all the bullshit we can handle and then some?

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Actually, at this point I don't think our taxes mean diddly as far as financing this mess, except at the local level, where school and property taxes finance the local Satanic Pederasts and all the graft and corruption of local politics- while the sheeple raise nary a whimper, because they might lose their job. I suppose the best slaves are the ones who don't know they are enslaved. At the higher levels, they are just simply calling the digital they need out of thin air. It is sort of like making a smartphone into an ATM. When the hammer drops I suppose the Sheeple will just line up for their Death Jabs without so much as a whimper.

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I greatly fear you are right. My heart is in my throat in fear for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. It's what keeps me fighting. Without educating them on these travesties I fear it is all over. On the optimistic side my grandson is beginning to understand and is surrounding himself with like minded young people. Just knowing there are some out there gives me hope.

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Your grandchildren and great grandchildren? Weep for yourselves and for your children. This is coming much more sooner than later.

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good cop/ bad cop . . . with corporations.

Send in the hell-fire preachers . . . then the indulgence salesmen!

Modern life is the same---they made it excruciating, and then we we seek relief in some beverages, and happen to be driving . . . it never ends. I have not been caught . . . yet.

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Don't worry about being caught. At this point, you're probably breaking the law the minute you get out of bed.

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America 1.0 didn't have Substack, so we got that going for us. It was Letters to the Editor or nuthin'....

Solid points though, especially on insurance. That industry is crashing, however, in my opinion. Another big hurricane or fire or two could threaten all insurance industries across the board.

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Aug 24Liked by Donald Jeffries


I suggest you research the supplements you are taking. I worked in an industry tangential to supplements for 40 years and took my share of them. I now believe there is little or no difference between them and Pharmaceuticals. They are in fact made or were developed by the same large Pharma companies. I think supplements are basically a trick to sucker in all the people who want an alternative to the Pharma drugs. Big Pharma wins whether you take the Pharma big or the Pharma light. Same trick is played with the jab or Ivermectin. What they won't tell you is what you really need to do is eat right and avoid as much poisons and toxins as possible.

I threw out almost all the supplements I had- including B and D Vitamins.

This substack has a lot of shocking information regarding supplements: Agent131711. I can't vouch that all his information is correct but enough is that you should be scared straight..

BTW-My first job was as a Milkman in the 60:'s. Delivered milk direct to homes. You haven't seen a mad woman until you deliver her family's breakfast milk late! Ask me how I know.

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I've heard that too, Uturn. I suppose we have trust something. For instance, what proof do we have that anything being sold as organic actually is? But your point is well taken. Thanks.

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I also read Agent 131711's post on Vitamins. But what clued me in was the Health Ranger. I started researching Mike Adam's background and the stuff he was pushing. What a house of pharmacological horrors. The first vitamin pills came out in the 1950's and were pushed by doctors. That should be all we need to know.

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But the FDA did raid a lot of health food stores in the 1980s and 90s, WW. They outlawed Laetrile- the kernel of an apricot. But it was secretly used on Reagan in the White House. I can't say anything bad about Mike Adams. He wrote a very glowing review of "Hidden History" on his web site. Thanks.

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Yes I am aware of he big Laetrile Controversy. I really don't know if Laetrile was used on the Gipper or not, or whether it is even effective. Laetrile might be what JSnips would call "A Big Nothingburger".

As for Adams, he remains on my shill list. As David Knight never tires of pointing out- Adams was all in on the Covid protocols and for a while acting as though the Plandemic was going to kill us all. Mike Adams also suddenly became a forensic specialist right after the Las Vegas shooting, and was trying to convince us the ridiculous narrative was real- despite an appalling lack of records from local hospitals of any shooting victims being admitted that day.

We're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

And yes, I am aware of all the FDA raids on Health Food Stores. That was great publicity- an example of reverse psychology at work, because once you become awake it is logical to conclude that everything the Evil Government opposes must be good.

We have to be aware of the Deep State Deep Fakes.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

I had been listening to Adams up until January of 2021. Then in one episode, Adams starts naming elites. He starts to say Zuckerberg, but immediately stops, and switches to another name. Whoa...my radar goes up. Why would he do this? I realized that Zuckerberg was a KNOWN Jew (most of the elite are Jews, but many are crypto-Jews) . Obviously Adams had been given rules to follow, and he had almost slipped up. Later, all at once the controlled alt-media started to mention the Jew factor. The script had changed. "They" knew they had to get control of the talking points again, so now it's ok for the alt-media to mention Jews...as long as they stay on script. This is so transparent... it's laughable. I did some reach on Adams and turned up not a few red flags.

Almost all alt-media is controlled opposition. I don't listen to these folks, but I do keep up on what they are spouting. It's important to know the script

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Yes, there are always those "AHA!" moments. I had one several years ago concerning Fr Chad Ripperberger, when at a conference a woman asked him a very pointed question about Pope Frantic. I cannot recall the question, but I do remember his response: "Canon Law forbids me to discuss that matter..."

We must keep the Bullshit meter well maintained and primed.

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I was watching Ripperberger's videos for a while...but there were a few of those moments you mentioned, so I stopped watching. There is so much media to sort through, one must use one's time wisely. Also, Ripperberger has a very irritating manner of speaking.

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