I know you can't believe everything you hear. I heard from somewhere on the net this week about this story that:
1) The ambulance drove away from the football field with the flashing lights and sirens off.
2) Reportedly, instead of the ambulance immediately rushing Hamlin to the hospital once the body was loaded into it. The ambulance driver and the paramedics waited for Hamlin's mom to hitch a ride in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
???????????? ??????????????????? ?????
Either way. Whether real stories, fake stories or public theater. There's always a method to the madness of people who play games to manipulate, dominate or intimidate people.
If at least some of the covid jabbed people who were/are incapacitated or died from blood clots, heart attacks and strokes had been patched up and almost back to normal in less than 4 weeks. The story would be more believable to me. No doubt here that some bodies are saying and doing whatever they feel is necessary to save face with the truth being exposed about the covid jabs and the rest of the fake medicines. Trust in the the corrupt medical establishment is at an all time low too. We have to keep that blind faith and blind trust alive for the sake of a broken, collapsing, corrupt ponzi scheme medical system.
Some things I don't change my mind about. And with good reason. There's way too much sickness, death and disease for me to have any glimmer of hope for human health, outside of God, natural medicines, and loving doctors and healthcare providers who are not slaves to fake medicines. The people who insist on continuing with the typical sick care models we have in place with no reforms for the better. I can be happier watching Marcus Welby, MD.
Some of us have heard of the crisis actors and the staged incidents throughout the years. They have been ongoing for generations. We've even heard about the false assault charges against so-and-so because of their sexual orientation in recent years. Good to communicate with people who have learned that psychological warfare operations of all sorts are being used, whether the incidents are real or fake. Let's remember that it's all about bringing agendas to fruition with power-hungry control freaks.
I agree with that video posted on her showing possible fake event. I was wondering if this wasnt in part about drawing out and embarrassing anti vax movement.
And by extension suggesting that any of the tons of heart attacks are all medically explainable???
I didn’t see docs’ presser but a friend thought they docs looked like crisis actors.
I know you can't believe everything you hear. I heard from somewhere on the net this week about this story that:
1) The ambulance drove away from the football field with the flashing lights and sirens off.
2) Reportedly, instead of the ambulance immediately rushing Hamlin to the hospital once the body was loaded into it. The ambulance driver and the paramedics waited for Hamlin's mom to hitch a ride in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
???????????? ??????????????????? ?????
Either way. Whether real stories, fake stories or public theater. There's always a method to the madness of people who play games to manipulate, dominate or intimidate people.
If at least some of the covid jabbed people who were/are incapacitated or died from blood clots, heart attacks and strokes had been patched up and almost back to normal in less than 4 weeks. The story would be more believable to me. No doubt here that some bodies are saying and doing whatever they feel is necessary to save face with the truth being exposed about the covid jabs and the rest of the fake medicines. Trust in the the corrupt medical establishment is at an all time low too. We have to keep that blind faith and blind trust alive for the sake of a broken, collapsing, corrupt ponzi scheme medical system.
Some things I don't change my mind about. And with good reason. There's way too much sickness, death and disease for me to have any glimmer of hope for human health, outside of God, natural medicines, and loving doctors and healthcare providers who are not slaves to fake medicines. The people who insist on continuing with the typical sick care models we have in place with no reforms for the better. I can be happier watching Marcus Welby, MD.
Agree. His miraculous healing seems to be the anomaly not the norm.
you have this:
Same drill as was used on Hamlin. First responders distraught at having to do cpr on a kid. She didn’t make it.
What continues to irritate me is media’s insistence Hamlin’s cardiac arrest was a one off. When it wasn’t.
Some of us have heard of the crisis actors and the staged incidents throughout the years. They have been ongoing for generations. We've even heard about the false assault charges against so-and-so because of their sexual orientation in recent years. Good to communicate with people who have learned that psychological warfare operations of all sorts are being used, whether the incidents are real or fake. Let's remember that it's all about bringing agendas to fruition with power-hungry control freaks.
Amen sister.
I agree with that video posted on her showing possible fake event. I was wondering if this wasnt in part about drawing out and embarrassing anti vax movement.
And by extension suggesting that any of the tons of heart attacks are all medically explainable???
I didn’t see docs’ presser but a friend thought they docs looked like crisis actors.
Beautifully expressed, Mary. Thanks!