If we'd have known, I imagine we'd have had something of a cyber Red-carpet Donald. Not even anybody silly enough to doubt she be the lady either. I barely hesitate to say you have some perspicacious readers. Of various stripes. If you don't already know him, I suggest you check in with my brother Linh Dinh. Also a little to the right …
If we'd have known, I imagine we'd have had something of a cyber Red-carpet Donald. Not even anybody silly enough to doubt she be the lady either. I barely hesitate to say you have some perspicacious readers. Of various stripes. If you don't already know him, I suggest you check in with my brother Linh Dinh. Also a little to the right of you, as am I, he's a fellow boomer, a water rabbit like yours truly if I recall. Without my verbosity, he's the voice of my exact boomer gen.
If we'd have known, I imagine we'd have had something of a cyber Red-carpet Donald. Not even anybody silly enough to doubt she be the lady either. I barely hesitate to say you have some perspicacious readers. Of various stripes. If you don't already know him, I suggest you check in with my brother Linh Dinh. Also a little to the right of you, as am I, he's a fellow boomer, a water rabbit like yours truly if I recall. Without my verbosity, he's the voice of my exact boomer gen.