I almost could have written this. Really describes my childhood. 'Black Sabbath' was an awesome band and had nothing to do with the things you worry about. Anyway, you really make me miss my childhood.

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Considering the sorry state of present-day America 2.0, I think we all really miss our childhoods.

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Six years ago I had an event happen to me and suddenly I could hear spirits. I thought I was going nuts so to prove that I wasn't I recorded them. In my attempt to understand who haunts me I learned a lot about Ghosts. I named my garden Ghost Gardens. It is the most haunted garden on planet earth and I can prove it. I have thousands of audio files. Spirits roam around our 3d land. They observe and interact when they can or are permitted, such as in my case. The number one phrase they said to me for first two years was, "Mike, time to wake up. Let's go Mike." Many times I was lying in bed with the recorder running on window seal and I would hear them say that. It's incredible. A miracle. In the six years I've had to deal with negative spirits as well. We really do fight against principalities in high places. I have a perfect winning record against all negative spirits. Now they won't come around. That too was a most enlightening experience. I've been all over various haunted structures and my garden beats them all. Some of these haunted buildings wouldn't produce a single EVP. I've never failed to capture them in my garden. Good write.

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That's fascinating, Mike. I believe very strongly that there is a general conspiracy against anything supernatural. The establishment promotes the idea that there is nothing unknowable, or unexplainable, which is obviously ridiculous. Thanks!

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I should have included a link to my haunted garden. I'm just the caretaker. https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/p/war-is-hell-it-wears-on-you-we-need?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Great stuff, Mike! Love the garden pictures!

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Thank you my friend.

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I 100% believe and know there is something that exists that either we don't understand or we have not been told about by those who do know. When I was 3 years old, I woke up in the middle of the night. I went and knocked on my parents bedroom. I told them Grandpa died. I kept telling them and they just told me go back to bed. Obviously, my Dad had to get up for work in a few hours and probably didn't like this very much. Sure enough, Mom got a call that very morning hours later that my Grandpa died. To step back a little, my Grandpa didn't have any health issues before this. No hospitals, no medications, no problems at all leading up to his instant death. This happened in 1980 so now you know my age. Chuckling.

What happened? I believe my Grandfather came and visited me after his death and probably nearly instantly. Being only 3, I can not recall what it was like and also being so young I probably didn't remember the details the next day. One thing is for sure, there is no way a 3 year old child would suddenly predict and wake from sleeping in the middle of the night and go tell his parents that Grandpa died and then Grandpa did die in the middle of the night. He died of a heart attack in his sleep. I don't know if I found this out going into another dimension in my sleep and saw him there and talked to him, or if he literally showed himself to me while I was in a slight trance or just woke up and saw him. That's the part I can't remember.

This is proof to me there is the "unexplained" in this world and with this happening to me....I would never laugh or poke fun at someone else that has had some type of experience whether it be with ghosts, or any other entities. There are far far too many stories of people having experiences with ghosts......alone.

On another note, Donald, do you plan on getting a Powerball ticket for Wednesday night and the 1.2 billion drawing? Do you think the lottery is fixed? LOL! I'll admit even I will go buy 1 ticket and admit I'm a slight sucker for it. I know the odds could be zero, but I think Ukraine needs more money so what's 2 bucks for a dream? ~ Biiiiiii------DON! ( Biden, Bye Don Trumpite)

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That is an amazing anecdote, Ryan- I appreciate you sharing it here. I've read of similar stories, where relatives far away from loved ones suddenly had a vision of them, right about the time they died. Like reports of UFOs, there are simply far too many credible accounts of ghostly encounters. There are many things we don't know about this world. Thanks!

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Thank you Donald! Due to my own experiences, I never scoff at those that also have an experience to share. I totally agree that there are so many unanswered questions, and certainly to me, there is the afterlife. I would rather suggest this is only the beginning. I've had other experiences with my own father (deceased) as well but only "hearing" him speaking to me while I'm sleeping. I consider there is something I call the "magic minutes" where we can directly connect or hear this other dimension (the dead or passed on) right before we fully wake up. I would swear this is real. I just don't know how to access this or communicate back. Hope I didn't scare the hell out of you!

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Thanks, Donald. I love Halloween. Fall is my favorite season. At the end of September, out come my cherished (vintage only) Halloween decorations. As a Christian, I have had many intense arguments with people, too ignorant to know the history of Halloween. Without All Saints Day, the WORD Halloween would not exist. Trick or Treating first was practiced in England. Local bakers would make special hot cross buns for All Saints, and All Souls Day (Nov 1st and second). Neighbors would go house to house, asking for a "soul cake" and in exchange, the soulers would offer a prayer for the dead relatives of the person handing out soul cakes. Actually, souling continued up until 12th Night. Also a popular holiday at the time.

I remember how wildly popular Halloween was in the 1960s. It was my favorite holiday, because it was the only night we kids could roam around without adults...a big deal. When you become an adult, you forget the pure pleasure of roaming a neighborhood at night...because you can do it anytime you want. I even hosted two Halloween parties. My brother was monster-crazed. He built all the models , subscribed to Famous Monsters, and had the Monster Mash record album. Sometimes my parents would fret that he was going to grow up to be a serial killer (it did not happen).

When I married in 2006, I lucked out to gain two young nephews. I can't tell you how much fun it was to go Trick or Treating with them, after almost 40 years. I dressed as the Grim Reaper. I got a real surprise last month online. I googled : vintage Halloween costumes, and found a picture of myself and my four siblings dressed up in 1967. Apparently, one of my sisters must have uploaded the pic, and another costume site made use of it. I never cease to be amazed at what I find online.

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I appreciate that intriguing bit of history, Kris. Too many Christians want to counter holidays that bring joy to so many, for the alleged Pagan origins (even of Christmas). To quote Sigmund Freud's only cogent remark, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Thanks!

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People who were not alive in the '60s are clueless about the '60s monster craze. I have read that it started when old monster movies were packaged, and bought by local tv stations. Usually, the had a weekend monster movie late night show. Our local show was Sinister Cinema. I love those old black and whites. There were monster cookies and Frankenberry/Count Chocula cereals. There was a popular Saturday cartoon: Sabrina and the groovie ghoulies. Even Schoolastic Books (which sold books through the public schools) had a title: How To Care For Your Monster. It was all good fun. No slashing, blood and guts...it was mostly silly.

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I remember all that well. I ate Count Chocula for a while. The yearly Scholastic book fairs at my elementary school were something I really looked forward to. You're right- television stations popularized the old movie monsters with local hosts in suitable costume. Think Count Floyd on SCTV. We had Count Gordival in our area. Like all the non-horror stuff from the '30s and '40s (Tarzan, East Side Kids, Popeye, Three Stooges, Little Rascals, etc.), it provided cheap and entertaining viewing for young Baby Boomers.

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I’m about a decade younger than the author and can relate to all thing mentioned in the article. As I go about daily life I now get a really bad feeling that something has gone terribly wrong.

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Halloween is derived from Samhain, an ancient Celtic pagan tradition. There is nothing Satanic about it, the braying like jackasses in a pepper patch by pseudo Christian assholes notwithstanding. Just like Christmas is a uniquely Aryan holiday way predating Christianity, the evergreen tree symbolizing eternal life according to the Druids as its needles never shed. Back when Don trick or treated in the 60s as I did in the 50s, it was indeed a safer and saner world. However it was much whiter as well. No coincidence. When the high level Freemason Ben Franklin rolled a 7, a bunch of human skeletons were discovered in his home, some of them from young children. Ah Ben, you nasty boy. I think Bram Stoker's Dracula was metaphoric for the chozen pipple. People like Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osborne, Dio, Marilyn Manson ad nauseum are just poseurs. The real satanists are your presidents, governors, mayors, police chiefs, judges, corporate CEOs, and fine folks like aforementioned Founding Father Benny boy etc. Lucifer is not Satan. You have to traverse the Gnostic rabbit hole on that one.

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Great points, Hereticdrummer. You came along before me, and got to experience America 1.0 at the height of its glory. I covered the Ben Franklin story about human bones being found in his London home in the 1990s in my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Thanks!

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Don; I'm sure you remember that great wave of 1950s nostalgia that permeated everything and commenced in the 1980s I think. (of course now it's long gone). What no one was willing to say out loud, like Oscar Wilde's catamite, "The love that dare not speak its name", was the real reason for it. The 1950s was the twilight of white America.

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Most of the holidays that came from Europe are Christianized Aryan celebrations. However, I much prefer the Christian versions because the period of history that most fascinates me is Europe, Middle Ages-1960. European history pre 70 AD, is interesting, but not personally meaningful to me. I am not a prisoner of my ancestors.

I don't care for American Christmas, which I refer to as Saturnalia. I feels trashy and plastic-y to me. I had my last Christmas tree in 1986. When I was taking it down, I thought: why do I do this when it brings me no joy? So I just stopped doing it. However,. I love Christmas in Mexico. Fireworks, and dancing to a band in front of the church after midnight mass,is highly meaningful to me. Also, I like that the materialistic part, gets pushed back until Epiphany.

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Good lord, Donald! Are you suggesting that young people and children were safer back in the day, than they are now, after twenty seven years of Social engineering, Political correctness, and now the nuttiest, and socially dangerous of them all, WOKES!!!

If all the spooky creatures encapsulated by Halloween were real, it still wouldn't be as scary as living in todays world of murderous corrupt governments, corporations, banks, and WOKES.

Tom Caine

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I don't know what I was thinking, Tom! One would think all the diversity, and countless rules and regulations, would make us all completely safe. Thanks!

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I have had similar feelings about Halloween, though I'm an Aussie and in my youth we did not celebrate Halloween. It's growing in popularity these days though. I have come to change my opinion about it though, as the world has become so much darker, I can't see anything festive, but a lot disturbing about a celebration even of imitated evil. In a better world it would be harmless. In a world ruled by Satanic groups and forces, it is dangerous and unsavory.

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I understand your view, Rabbitnexus. I just think our Satanic masters are going to be up to their shenanigans, whether children trick or treat or not. Thanks!

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the alleged cannibal dinners (a la hollywood) are 5star catered affairs. sometimes a nude woman lays down on the one of the appetizer trays. people serve themselves. there is food surrounding her body & sometimes also placed on her stomach. the left has always been cheeky. no ones eating body parts.

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I'm aware of those dinners, Laura, with the nude woman lying among the entries, although no one ever invited me to such a party. But the rumors about cannibalism, combined with too many recent references in the mainstream media (The New York Times published an article informing us we had to get over our intolerance about cannibalism), tell me this might be something the elite actually do. John Podesta had a painting of one human eating another in his work office for some reason. Thanks.

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RIP Robert Gordon

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Where's Scotty when we need beaming up!

Tom Caine

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