Readers are often confused by my views. I sometimes seem libertarian to them, remembering Henry David Thoreau’s admonition that “That government is best which governs least,” which is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Thoreau is one of the most underappreciated writers and thinkers of all time. No wonder I love him.
But on the other hand, I’m a self-proclaimed populist, who is probably the only person in the world constantly singing the praises of Huey Long. I still have the classical liberal in me. I see problems and want to fix them. Poverty. Disparity of wealth. The worst healthcare system in the “free” world. An injustice system that has convicted and imprisoned an untold number of innocent people. An infrastructure that any Banana Republic would be ashamed of. And the corruption. That’s what I write the most about- the systemic corruption that has engulfed every level of America 2.0.
So I’m an idealist at heart. I want to reform things. And there are a lot of things that need reforming. But I realize, at long last, that this is the most impossible of all my pipe dreams. Evil- and yes that is the word that must be used- people are in charge from top to bottom in this crumbling country. Sure, there’s tons of incompetence in there as well, making for quite an unappetizing stew. But the evil is what drives the corruption. And the crimes. And the conspiracies. Call it the dark force. Satanism. There is far more than partisan politics behind it all. To quote Donald Trump’s most insightful remark, it’s a rigged system, and you don’t trust those who rigged it to fix it.
As Bob Dylan once wrote, the pump don’t work ‘cause the vandals took the handles. To attempt the reforms that old fashioned bleeding hearts like me want, you’d have to eliminate 90 percent of those in leadership positions in our society, and replace them all with honest and incorruptible men and women. Or transgenders. I guess honest and incorruptible transgenders would work. You’d need the largest vacuum cleaner the world has ever seen, to remove all the corruption, incompetence, and outright insanity from the halls of power. You’d need a truly free press. One that wouldn’t send representatives to secret elite confabs, but would do real investigative reporting.
So, it’s pretty clear this is never going to happen. The corruption and incompetence, and now the madness, is firmly entrenched. You’d need superpowers to remove them. They control the electoral process, too, as should be more obvious than ever after the past two elections. Yes, because I was first introduced to electoral politics as an eleven year old, when Bobby Kennedy ran for president and was killed, I can’t help but be excited about RFK, Jr.’s announcement that he’s considering running himself. Of course, the rational side of me knows that he had absolutely no chance. But my emotional side remembers his father, creating visions of Camelot dancing in my head.
America is unlike perhaps any other government that has ever existed. Our leaders have passed socialist programs into law for a century now, and we are taxed at a rate that should finance a well-oiled nanny to grave socialist state. However, Americans receive almost nothing of substance in return for this heavy taxation. Unwavering support for the former actor turned dictator in Ukraine? Endless interventions in small sovereign nations, which are nothing but bloodletting misadventures, earning us more enmity around the world? Sordid incestuous relationships between lobbyists and our “representatives?” A “justice” system that cares nothing about justice?
The largest prison population the world has ever known? While many violent criminals remain on the streets, largely unpunished by George Soros-type prosecutors? An infrastructure that has not been upgraded to any extent in over sixty years? Police officers who are not there to “keep the peace,” but to enforce mostly petty and unconstitutional laws? Ambulances which cost a fortune to use? Government workers who are by and large incapable of doing anything else, and who prove their ineptitude with every contact a citizen is forced to make? Schools that are filled with sociopaths as teachers, pushing a sickening indoctrination program?
My point is, the average American presently receives nothing of substantive value from the government they pay such exorbitant taxes to. Taxation without representation, I believe our forefathers called it. You can’t find these things on our censored search engines now, but I know as of a few decades ago, if you’d divided up a typical worker’s paycheck yearly, that all the taxes would take up nearly half the year. This is to support a government that can’t or won’t provide the most essential function imaginable; that of guarding its borders. Whatever taxes we pay for ICE and the entire immigration bureaucracy, they are being completely wasted.
The same goes for virtually every agency in the government. FEMA? The Federal Emergency Management Agency that is either missing in action, or making things worse, during our continuous “emergencies?” Like East Palestine, Ohio, where FEMA told them they didn’t qualify? Ronald Reagan, ardent gubmint slasher that he was, somehow couldn’t eliminate this unconstitutional monstrosity, even though Jimmy Carter had just created it. He also couldn’t eliminate the new Departments of Education and Energy. It’s a conservative thing, you wouldn’t understand.
Our “intelligence” agencies? The Right did grumble a bit about abolishing the FBI, after they raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. The FBI has been wreaking havoc since the Palmer Raids in the 1920s. Cointelpro, embedding itself into anti-government groups, destroying evidence and covering up Deep State crimes. They should be gone. Instantly. The CIA? Well, Tucker Carlson and a lot of other people think they orchestrated the assassination of President Kennedy. They also subverted elections abroad, toppling and sometimes assassinating foreign leaders. They once planned a fake Second Coming of Christ. And doled out a lot of LSD. Get rid of them.
How about the military-industrial complex? The one that, if we are to believe our “free press,” did nothing at all for about an hour and half on September 11, 2001, while a plane was headed straight for the Pentagon itself. And their multitude of taxpayer financed surveillance cameras couldn’t even capture this elusive craft on film, allowing the dastardly “conspiracy theorists” to recklessly speculate some more. More recently, they took days to shoot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon that was hovering over Montana. And they are presently deploying troops in over a hundred countries around the world, but can’t protect the southern border.
As I wrote about in my last Substack, we all “benefit” from Social Security and Medicare. Well, except for those unfortunate souls who die too young to collect anything. I think I covered their shortcomings pretty well already. Welfare was renamed during the reign of “liberal” Bill Clinton. Fewer people now get lesser benefits than ever. You have to be really destitute to qualify for Medicaid or Food Stamps. Trust me, no one is “milking” this ridiculous system. The ones who seem to make out the best are the illegal immigrants. Which is probably fitting for a system as ass backwards and wrongheaded as ours.
However you look at it, American taxpayers are not getting their money’s worth. We pay for that socialist state, you know like the one in France where they give you a year off after having a baby, and send people to clean your house and do the laundry. And according to my friend Cynthia McKinney, don’t have a single pot hole to be found. And, like almost all the rest of the First World, a government run healthcare system. Which is kind of funny, given that Americans pay more in healthcare taxes than they do. For the living nightmare that is the medical-industrial complex. The one that is acknowledged as the third leading cause of death in the country.
Which raises the logical question; just what are we getting in return for all this taxation? America is the first service-free socialist economy in world history. Socialist taxation for laisse faire returns. Franklin Roosevelt taxation for Calvin Coolidge services. Choose your own analogy. I don’t know why I’m the only one who looks at it this way. Conservatives supposedly want smaller government, but never mention the unconstitutional and Orwellian Homeland Security Department. Both sides question where we’re going to get the money to fix the roads, but no one blinks when over $100 billion goes to Ukraine. Where did we get that money from?
The Grace Commission determined, back in the 1980s, that fully one-third of all government spending is from waste. So we could all get a 33% tax cut, and cut 33% in spending across the board, without effecting anything except the waste. Add in all the fraud, and the fact things have undoubtedly gotten worse since then, and I feel confident you could eliminate half the budget without it impacting a single person. Big gubmint slasher Ronald Reagan predictably did nothing with the Grace Commission recommendations. Certainly no one would do anything about them now. I only cite them to illustrate the extent of the sheer lunacy.
And what about the “national debt?” The one that future Black Broadway star Alexander Hamilton advocated. Why is this our debt? We didn’t approve loans to China, or anyone else. It’s bankers’ debt. It was created out of thin air, under our counterfeit fractional banking system. It can be repudiated just as easily. Why are we paying to finance this debt, which isn’t ours? And now they’re talking about reparations for Black people. Maybe millions for each Black American. Sure, the logistics are impossible, but somehow they’ll probably do it. They always manage to get the worst things done. Seems like an awful deal for non-Black people.
Auditing the Fed, establishing an honest money system. Essential, of course. But at this point, we’re beyond that. The government no longer serves any useful purpose for the citizens. It is far more a hindrance than an asset. The police, our military, our courts, our politicians, are dangerous and cannot be trusted. It is far more likely that the average American would be harassed or unjustly punished by government forces, than that they would be helped in any way. You sure can’t fix the mess when you keep reelecting an average of 96 percent of these laughable “representatives” every election. Whether or not they really count the votes, we’re not voting ourselves out of this.
Is state government any better? I just had my taxes done, and as usual I owe the state a bit of a refund. For what? The useless state inspection on my cars? Which includes Al Gore’s emissions inspection? The one where if your car is old enough (and thus you’re poor enough), they will waive the inspection after you spend $600 or something? Doesn’t exactly sound like concern for the environment to me. State troopers, who are usually even more arrogant than local cops? Local government? County schools lorded over by petty tyrants pushing critical race theory and transgender story hour? No thanks, these taxes are going to nothing as well.
I used to have a valid argument against anarchy. The only interview I’ve ever turned down was with an anarchist who wanted me to swear allegiance to anarchy in writing. But my many anarchist or voluntaryist supporters make points that can’t be refuted any longer. What authority in America 2.0 deserves to be respected, let alone obeyed? The ones who ordered us to wear masks and “social distance,” with “mandates” that differ little from medieval royal decrees? The police who regularly shoot first and ask questions later? The local official who won’t answer your call? The school board member who demands you be thrown out of a public meeting for questioning them?
Government should have a few basic functions. Guarding the borders. Well, we certainly haven’t been doing that for about forty years now. Regulating money and the value thereof. Nope, we don’t actually do that, either. While the government has reached its long hand into every aspect of our lives, and created countless unconstitutional agencies and bureaus, the deceptively named Federal Reserve, which runs our criminal banking system as a counterfeit racket, is a private (and unaudited) corporation. Establish trade? Our “representatives” gutted American industry with NAFTA and other traitorous trade deals. They are globalists, not loyal to this country.
So hello Sacco and Vanzetti. While I will continue to push populism, because that’s where my heart is, I recognize that, as Jim Garrison told my friend John Barbour, I have watched too many Frank Capra films. The reality is the present U.S. government is a criminal enterprise, that doesn’t represent the interests of the people. I have no arguments against anarchy at this point. It’s really shameful that it has come to this. Libertarianism is attractive because of the undeniable fact that whenever our government does anything, it always makes things worse. Thus, the hope that they will do as little as possible. Or ideally nothing.
Defund the police? Defund the entire thing. How much worse would our lives be without any government? Would there be a criminal reign of terror, as there presently is in Chicago, New York, and most all big cities? I’m not coming out as an anarchist, but I am saying that I no longer can argue against it. All politics is local, and we know that change will have to come from the bottom up. We have to try to reform things at the bottom first. Start local societies. Maybe bring back the Committees of Correspondence, as my friend Vince Agnelli suggests. Let government leave us alone, to enjoy our lives and our personal liberty.
Your government wants you dead. They have gone to great lengths to set the murder of humans in motion. What the heck else do you need to know?
I've so enjoyed your commentary since I found you, but I've never been able to understand that part of your writing that was still holding onto hope for America. I think what we have been witnessing is the planned take-down of America.
I live just outside of a city that is slowly decaying into chaos. The destruction of Portland Oregon was totally predictable, after fifty years of entrenched ideas/plans /people. I clearly remember 40 years ago (back when I still believed politics could change things) a few brave souls trying to keep the ship from sinking ...but it was hopeless. They never had a chance to even get elected.
Portland is now third world. Thanks to Soros and wokeness, the police stand down. Violent criminals are back on the street in hours, and often are breaking into houses to attack people, or bashing in the heads of sidewalk strollers, within a week of release. One released criminal went directly downtown and beat to death an old man at a bus stop (and almost best to death the man's companion). The lack of public defenders just got large groups of jailbirds released after their cases were dismissed. The last two Walmarts in Portland are closing... obviously they just can't cover the the thefts any longer. There are huge tent/RV settlements all over Portland that cause daily fires...fires that spread to businesses, and close neighborhoods. And junkies lying in their own filth everywhere.
Since my dad died of the Jonestown jab, I've learned that a business property he owned in Portland is charged about $1000. every three months just for sewer fees...and the building is empty. I predict that building will never sell. Who in their right mind would want to start a business in Portland these days?
I read the local paper online and the websites of the local TV news daily...not to get news (there isn't any)...but to see what propaganda they are peddling. In the last two years there has been a trend of ridiculous non-news stories...what new honor (as a city) Portland has won in some national magazine; constant coverage of restaurants and music; silly stories about how Portland reacts to pop culture events; supposedly feel-good stories about woke local heros; hysterical coverage of regular winter weather now renamed "Climate Change". The people of Portland fiddle, as it literally burns.
My own solution to all this started 32 years ago. Once I figured out where we were headed, I didn't have the money to leave, so I just dropped out. I figured that at some point I would have to flee to the remote hinterland of Eastern Oregon. Then in 1997, I realized that plan was too optimistic...and decided to flee the country as soon as I could afford it. I fled in 2020, a week after the election, but was called back to deal with my dad's estate. Unfortunately, this is going to take a long time. If things get really, really bad...I will leave again before things are straightened out.
The one good thing about the plandemic for me...was that I got absolute confirmation that my stop-gap method of dealing with the fall of the world to the globalists...was successful beyond my wildest expectations. My life was virtually untouched by the plandemic (except for the death of my father) I had already exited "their" phoney culture, there was nothing they could hold over my head...and I did not have to disappear into the wilderness to do it.