I've so enjoyed your commentary since I found you, but I've never been able to understand that part of your writing that was still holding onto hope for America. I think what we have been witnessing is the planned take-down of America.
I live just outside of a city that is slowly decaying into chaos. The destruction of Portland Oregon was totally predictable, after fifty years of entrenched ideas/plans /people. I clearly remember 40 years ago (back when I still believed politics could change things) a few brave souls trying to keep the ship from sinking ...but it was hopeless. They never had a chance to even get elected.
Portland is now third world. Thanks to Soros and wokeness, the police stand down. Violent criminals are back on the street in hours, and often are breaking into houses to attack people, or bashing in the heads of sidewalk strollers, within a week of release. One released criminal went directly downtown and beat to death an old man at a bus stop (and almost best to death the man's companion). The lack of public defenders just got large groups of jailbirds released after their cases were dismissed. The last two Walmarts in Portland are closing... obviously they just can't cover the the thefts any longer. There are huge tent/RV settlements all over Portland that cause daily fires...fires that spread to businesses, and close neighborhoods. And junkies lying in their own filth everywhere.
Since my dad died of the Jonestown jab, I've learned that a business property he owned in Portland is charged about $1000. every three months just for sewer fees...and the building is empty. I predict that building will never sell. Who in their right mind would want to start a business in Portland these days?
I read the local paper online and the websites of the local TV news daily...not to get news (there isn't any)...but to see what propaganda they are peddling. In the last two years there has been a trend of ridiculous non-news stories...what new honor (as a city) Portland has won in some national magazine; constant coverage of restaurants and music; silly stories about how Portland reacts to pop culture events; supposedly feel-good stories about woke local heros; hysterical coverage of regular winter weather now renamed "Climate Change". The people of Portland fiddle, as it literally burns.
My own solution to all this started 32 years ago. Once I figured out where we were headed, I didn't have the money to leave, so I just dropped out. I figured that at some point I would have to flee to the remote hinterland of Eastern Oregon. Then in 1997, I realized that plan was too optimistic...and decided to flee the country as soon as I could afford it. I fled in 2020, a week after the election, but was called back to deal with my dad's estate. Unfortunately, this is going to take a long time. If things get really, really bad...I will leave again before things are straightened out.
The one good thing about the plandemic for me...was that I got absolute confirmation that my stop-gap method of dealing with the fall of the world to the globalists...was successful beyond my wildest expectations. My life was virtually untouched by the plandemic (except for the death of my father) I had already exited "their" phoney culture, there was nothing they could hold over my head...and I did not have to disappear into the wilderness to do it.
I truly appreciate your support, Kris. It's ironic that I hear from people like you, who actually think I'm an optimist. Anyone in my family would laugh at that. As I noted, I was heavily influenced by what I call Frank Capra's Populist Quartet- "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town," "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," "Meet John Doe," and "It's a Wonderful Life." Along with the stirring speeches of Huey Long and JFK, they created an early populism and idealism within me. Even when I discovered the brilliant writings of the ultimate cynic, Ambrose Bierce, I still maintained a bit of that idealism. My article here was an attempt to explain the contradictions in my mind. I agree with everything you say. If we're going to get nothing but corrupt and incompetent authorities, then no one can argue that we wouldn't be better off without them. Thanks.
I study a lot of World War II history and in my opinion, the current Democrat party has crossed over and become a totally Stalinist type organization. They have forced out all moderates conservatives. It is now a full-blown leftist organization. The Republicans talk a good game, but they never fight for what they claim. They believe in those that claim to be conservative are anything but. The last true conservative president this country ever had was Calvin, Coolidge, hands-down. Reagan, for all the myth that is built up around him was never that conservative and his record Bears that out especially when he was governor of California.
Yes, I have long called the Democrats the Evil Party and the Republicans the Stupid Party. They have just grown even more evil and stupid respectively. Calvin Coolidge does look pretty good right now, doesn't he? Thanks.
Great article, Don, but I respectfully maintain you should ease using the pronoun "our". It is not "our" anything. Not our military, not our police, not our medical system (racket), not our legal system (racket), not our financial system (racket), etc. ad nauseum. Everything belongs to "them". It is all "theirs". Who are "they"? They are referred to by various handles ,The Illuminati, The Insiders, The Deep State (their favorite), the Shadow Government, The Cryptocracy (my favorite) etc. ad nauseum (again). While we can observe the sickening spectacle of their visible agents and sycophants on Spectacular Optical (TV), the disgusting, lick-spittle, perverted, corrupt, imbecilic politicians and their companion media whores, "they" remain like the elusive butterfly. Forever obfuscated in dark corners. Ultimately, regardless of the esoteric and metaphysical connotations, I think the real controllers of this evil realm are non-human entities. I pledge eternal enmity to them and those despicable creatures posing as hominids who serve them.
The real problem is that the public is not righteous enough to see that we have a problem. We used to rely on the churches to educate. Sadly they have all been compromised.
You can't speak of politics in the church anymore. The reason is that they are all afraid of losing their tax-free status.
Like the people, they have all been deceived. All of us have come to worship government as our god. You don't question their pretended authority as you will end up dead or in prison.
You can't even trust a jury to do the right thing because they are afraid of that god dressed in a black robe.
The people have turned their back on their heavenly father by following the commandments of men instead of learning and obeying God's laws. A government of men is ungodly. A government that commits extortion (taxation) is a criminal enterprise. Criminals cannot represent government!
I agree with you, Anticriminals. This is a spiritual battle against dark forces inspired by Satan. Most Americans don't have the faith to fight them. With the recent high profile arrests of Christians protesting outside abortion clinics and the like, the nationally known evangelists have been noticeable by their absolute silence. If they don't protest this, who would? Thanks.
We should have been protesting long ago. By allowing the government to license/ tax us we are nothing more than ignorant cattle being led to slaughter.
People should question everything about this thing called government, but ignorance is bliss. To question is blasphemy.
I am afraid we are way past idealistic solutions for the problems we have. Progressive politics over the last 100 years have created part of the problems we are dealing with right now., they have not been the solution.  I read ones that the only function of a central government is for one thing., that is for the defense of the nation state, or to make war, that is the only function a central government really is any good for. The corruption at the federal level is now so ingrained there’s really nothing we can do about it. Can you even make a strong case for voting for federal candidates any longer? There really isn’t any point supporting anyone running for president of this country. One person in the executive branch no longer can make any kind of headway against the deep state corruption that you and I both know exist. I have decided that I am going to be a Anarcho-Capitalist. Democrats and Republicans are both thoroughly corrupt. I think, though there is still a chance that change can be made at state and local level, which is where I will continue to vote, but as far as voting for senators, congressman and president I really don’t think it matters any longer. None of them do anything that they say they will. Wow Robert F Kennedy, Junior and I are worlds apart. Politically they are somethings I like Bob for. I might contradict myself and vote for Bob just vote for him., I probably would vote for Tulsi Gabbard if she ran, not that either are going to solve the problems we’re facing in Washington, but maybe they shake things up a little bit that was the purpose of Donald Trump and yes he did shake things up and maybe he could’ve done more positive things if you have some support. But you and I both know that the deep state is only going to allow you to do so much. They have to keep the war machine going.
I can't argue with you, Stephen. This is the quandary, at least for me, that I described in the article. Anarchy seems frightening to the average person. But faced with the stone cold criminality of those in charge at every level, how could it not be better? Thanks.
(Following presumes a paper ballot.) If you vote, don't not vote for federal officers. That allows some ballot handler to vote for you. Instead, vote for all candidates to intentionally spoil your ballot for those offices.
Erich Fromm in his book 'The Fear Of Freedom ' explains what's behind that,and it's the fear of responsibility .
Responsibility for your own life. I don't need a government,a priest,a teacher, a family etc to tell me how to live my life. Because my life is mine, every individual birth right is to live their own life. But most people are in an infantile state where ,even being adults,they need another mom and dad ,named government,family, school etcetc . Because they don't want to grow up. To make their own mistakes,to learn their own way. They don't want responsibility. And this is the root problem, an infantile society. I don't care what others do, I'm focus in myself. My path is just mine. It's often a lonely path,but I'm not afraid to be alone. I'm busy learning, growing, doing my own things . And it feels sooo good. I'm the hero of my own life . I like an Steve Miller Band song " Fly like an eagle to the sea,fly like an eagle and my Spirit carry me...!
This was clearly the philosophy that this country was built upon. The individual has liberty and is responsible for himself. We obviously began obliterating that concept during Lincoln's reign of terror, and refined it to modern standards under FDR. Thanks.
Speaking of gov healthcare (the VA's single-payer version, in particular): Now, it's "no more hands-on physicals." They want me to drive 25 miles to the clinic, for a Tele-Medicine Show with a monitor on the other side of a monitor. After a lengthy discussion wherein I insisted on seeing a real doctor, they admitted they had to resort to Tee-Vee because they can't find doctors to hire. I wonder if there was a rapid die-off of the quackcinated. Dunno. Surprisingly, last week, I got a follow-up phone call and was actually offered a physical with a flesh-and-blood doctor. Here's the best part: VA is sub-contracting with outside (their system) doctors. Here's the best part, part 2: One place can book me for September, the others, December.
Your comments (and I read a LOT of comment sections) is and has always been one of the best, most respectful, and thoroughly encouraging of all comment boards. Your total commitment to interacting is such a blessing as well. It's wonderful to see it grow so much since substack. Just wanted to let you and everyone who posts here know.
That's very nice to hear, Ranch. I love interacting with my audience, and that began with the original "I Protest" show I hosted on TFR. Some accuse me of paying too much attention to the chat room. I try to answer everyone who posts here. Thanks!
Maybe we can broker a deal with these THINGS and buy them out of our life. Let them play politics but they can’t make any laws, start wars, out of education, health care, housing and transportation. We won’t vote and they can pretend we did and somebody won just like they’re doing now. I’m willing.
I'm waiting for there to be a big movement to "identify" as Black. Of course, it won't work for Whites, but maybe the other races wake up and try to beat these cultural overlords at their own lunatic game. Thanks.
Wow, two barn burners in a row! Get this man an extinguisher cause he's on fire!... lol
So the bad news is that it's going to get worse. That is if trends that have been around for 4000 years hold true. Every, and so far in history it is every formal government, whether tribe, monarchy, dictator, republic or democracy has fallen. It's the nature of human organization. We see this in large families, larger communities, corporations, etc. Whenever an organization grows large it takes on a life of it's own. Evil sets in and breeds evil. The worst rise to the top. The corruption becomes so overt that only someone or some system that's more corrupt can compete. When every one at the top is corrupt, guess what? Everyone below says, what the hell! Might as well get in on the game. Trickle down corruption. President, governor, mayor, town councilman, city worker, and finally joe six pack. This sucks, but it is what it is.
We in the west are at the nadir of this cycle. We are actually right at the precipice where insanity enters, ie trans nonsense, covid nonsense. Alice thru the looking glass nonsense. Where everything is an inversion of itself.
The good news is that evil only takes and destroys. It doesn't give, create, or improve. Even when evil "invents" something it is for destroying. Take the myriad of examples of honorable scientists and inventors who are terrified their inventions are going to be used for evil even though they could be used for good. So we're at the end of the civilizational cycle where everyone in power is insane, those that can are looting what they can, and the rest of us are reacting in some of the worst ways possible. What we get is complete fracturing of societies. Then comes the collapse. We're starting to see the infrastructure crumbling before our eyes. Wait til the money troubles and scarcity REALLY start. Then we witness the fighting. We've had inklings of it but it's going to explode as groups set upon each other. Name the divides, it's endless. Meanwhile the "elite" leaders and businessmen quickly realize they're outnumbered and start fighting among themselves, not for money but for power. The power to save themselves. In the end it's not a revolution as it is a decimation. The old power destroy (as is tradition) and a new power replaces them.
How and when that happens is unknown. Could be a self destruct, a conquering, an external cataclysm. Whatever it is, a new elite take power because they can. They were prepared and to some extent lucky. They have character. They're moral, honorable, traditional, resilient, and adaptive. They're hardworking and focused. They will start with a simple and true society. They will be focused on what matters for human survival and will not tolerate what it was that destroyed the old order. This will grow and flourish and finally the seeds of evil will enter and start the whole thing over again. The revolution will repeat.
We tend to look at the present predicament as something unprecedented because of technology and the interconnectedness of human systems worldwide, at least presently in the West. We forecast the terrible totalitarianism of the surveillance state with it's all seeing eye and of course the rise of the dreaded "Algorithms" that now know more about us than we do ourselves.
This, in my opinion is all bluster. These evil doers may succeed in initiating some or even a lot of these schemes, but they will fail quickly because to keep these things running it requires intelligent people who care and are committed. Those qualities quickly dissipate when shit hits the fan. Hard to run a server farm when the power lines give out. When the roads to the joint are impassable. When your best people are sulking in a corner because they were misgendered. This is only worsened when sophisticated systems are being run by sub intelligent people. We're litterally getting supider as a species. Hard to code or run the sewage plant when most of your people are functional idiots. You get my drift.
So what to do? Rejoice for they salvation is nigh! Yup, you better believe it's going to be tough but that's great. It's winnowing out the weak and giving us more room to grow, to refine. It's going to show us who is on our side. You won't see any survivors wearing masks by the way. We get to get behind the people who are going to take power or be those people. So hang in there. Happy thoughts. As it gets worse, more and more are shedding the scales from their eyes. Not because Tucker or this podcast or that blog is doing it, but because everyone you interact with you get to represent what a "real" person is. We show courage, common sense, we're clear headed. We really are a light that, as it gets darker, people see more clearly. We will give off a confidence that is other-worldly. Right now the evil ones and the weak hate us for that, but those who are seeking will see it. And when we join together, we will encourage and find refuge among each other. Survivors in a lifeboat, happy to help. Happy to find a friend.
So keep at it Don, your doing yeoman's work here brother. I think you're becoming a real life Howard Beale.
90% of west mRNA vax'd; africa didn't do it, russia&china had their own traditional vax; ergo EU, USSA and UK commonwealth nations to be eliminated;
Then there is 'deagle report' ( ussa mil think tank ); by 2025 90% reduction of USSA population; On schedule; J.C. Deagle was Rockefeller's 'chief strategic planner' 1950's; NWO 'final solution' plans from Hitlers 3rd Reich Rockefeller planned 'operation paperclip' from 1920's UK-BUSH Hitlers rise to power
Germans lost WW2, Nazis Won ( Ukraine ) - Yinon Plan
Word is, former TV guy, The Donald, will now resurrect "Quantum Leap" (off a cliff?) for America in his next, expected go-around. And maybe I'll buy the Brooklyn Bridge and move it to Vegas, or Florida, if I can wrangle a tax break. But, Mr. "Pour-Them-Another-Mickey" D actually makes sense. After his successful launch of Davos' Warp Speech kill shot, I could see a triple-vaxxed Thelma and Louise shouting "F@CK IT!" as they put the pedal to the metal. Mission accomplished.
Trump is PT-BARNUM of our era, but PT was an extremely intelligent man who wrote real books himself, and not with ghost-writers like Trump.
Trump WWE fake wrestling and reality TV star, before that he was a faux-goyim bagman for jersey kosher-nostra mob, his ma&pa both buried in Jewish cemetary's but somehow trump is a goyim; Only did this so that when money was laundered in Jersey the Kosher-Nostra could look & say "Look over there all our real-estate investments are Goyim managed".
Icing for the cake is that Trumps kinds all married into Kosher-Nostra, and just like Clinton's Chelsea all kids married into familys of mob who had criminal history and were living in prison.
AmeriKKKa aka USSA deserves Trump, he's as american as american-pie; Trump is a terrible actor, but lets cut to the chase "Roy Cohn" infamous homo-rapist running the kosher-nostra was Trump's mentor & god father, even Trump admitted his entire 'act' is based on Immitating Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn also hung out with J-Edgar Hoover another infamous homo-rapist, that was 1950's, Hoover held FBI for +50 years and died in his office with his boyfriend. FBI hasn't changed one iota since birth in 1920's
So now rotten USSA is given a choice Trump bagman crime family, or Biden 10% crime family, what's the difference? HL-Mencken always said not a spittoon's difference; Like on un-flushed toilet bowl everything is same-same;
That's very nice to hear, Miss Maniac. I very much appreciate your support. God bless you- you are one of millions who depend on our very shaky safety net. I will keep doing what I can. Thanks!
You sound like the kid that still hopes there’s a real Santa Claus. The US government is a criminal organization, operating on the mafia protection racket model. They create a danger and you pay for the solution.
If you don’t think they have calculated that it’s cheaper to kill you then pay your Social Security, then you’re still a hopeless dreamer.
Well, I am a dreamer. Frank Capra fans tend to be that way. But I did pretty much say here that we'd be better off without this government, which I also called criminal.
Donald, I remember seeing Frank Capra at my college, SUNY@Buffalo in the 70's. He admitted he was a propagandist for the US war effort. Here's an interesting link:
Yes, his "Why we Fight" series was pretty embarrassing. But he was hardly alone- virtually all of Hollywood climbed on board the propaganda bandwagon. Thanks.
Your government wants you dead. They have gone to great lengths to set the murder of humans in motion. What the heck else do you need to know?
Yep. They are run by psychopathic eugenicists. Thanks.
Hey now there's a movie on youtube to backup this assertion that GOV intended all along to murder its own population - William Kay
I've so enjoyed your commentary since I found you, but I've never been able to understand that part of your writing that was still holding onto hope for America. I think what we have been witnessing is the planned take-down of America.
I live just outside of a city that is slowly decaying into chaos. The destruction of Portland Oregon was totally predictable, after fifty years of entrenched ideas/plans /people. I clearly remember 40 years ago (back when I still believed politics could change things) a few brave souls trying to keep the ship from sinking ...but it was hopeless. They never had a chance to even get elected.
Portland is now third world. Thanks to Soros and wokeness, the police stand down. Violent criminals are back on the street in hours, and often are breaking into houses to attack people, or bashing in the heads of sidewalk strollers, within a week of release. One released criminal went directly downtown and beat to death an old man at a bus stop (and almost best to death the man's companion). The lack of public defenders just got large groups of jailbirds released after their cases were dismissed. The last two Walmarts in Portland are closing... obviously they just can't cover the the thefts any longer. There are huge tent/RV settlements all over Portland that cause daily fires...fires that spread to businesses, and close neighborhoods. And junkies lying in their own filth everywhere.
Since my dad died of the Jonestown jab, I've learned that a business property he owned in Portland is charged about $1000. every three months just for sewer fees...and the building is empty. I predict that building will never sell. Who in their right mind would want to start a business in Portland these days?
I read the local paper online and the websites of the local TV news daily...not to get news (there isn't any)...but to see what propaganda they are peddling. In the last two years there has been a trend of ridiculous non-news stories...what new honor (as a city) Portland has won in some national magazine; constant coverage of restaurants and music; silly stories about how Portland reacts to pop culture events; supposedly feel-good stories about woke local heros; hysterical coverage of regular winter weather now renamed "Climate Change". The people of Portland fiddle, as it literally burns.
My own solution to all this started 32 years ago. Once I figured out where we were headed, I didn't have the money to leave, so I just dropped out. I figured that at some point I would have to flee to the remote hinterland of Eastern Oregon. Then in 1997, I realized that plan was too optimistic...and decided to flee the country as soon as I could afford it. I fled in 2020, a week after the election, but was called back to deal with my dad's estate. Unfortunately, this is going to take a long time. If things get really, really bad...I will leave again before things are straightened out.
The one good thing about the plandemic for me...was that I got absolute confirmation that my stop-gap method of dealing with the fall of the world to the globalists...was successful beyond my wildest expectations. My life was virtually untouched by the plandemic (except for the death of my father) I had already exited "their" phoney culture, there was nothing they could hold over my head...and I did not have to disappear into the wilderness to do it.
I truly appreciate your support, Kris. It's ironic that I hear from people like you, who actually think I'm an optimist. Anyone in my family would laugh at that. As I noted, I was heavily influenced by what I call Frank Capra's Populist Quartet- "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town," "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," "Meet John Doe," and "It's a Wonderful Life." Along with the stirring speeches of Huey Long and JFK, they created an early populism and idealism within me. Even when I discovered the brilliant writings of the ultimate cynic, Ambrose Bierce, I still maintained a bit of that idealism. My article here was an attempt to explain the contradictions in my mind. I agree with everything you say. If we're going to get nothing but corrupt and incompetent authorities, then no one can argue that we wouldn't be better off without them. Thanks.
I study a lot of World War II history and in my opinion, the current Democrat party has crossed over and become a totally Stalinist type organization. They have forced out all moderates conservatives. It is now a full-blown leftist organization. The Republicans talk a good game, but they never fight for what they claim. They believe in those that claim to be conservative are anything but. The last true conservative president this country ever had was Calvin, Coolidge, hands-down. Reagan, for all the myth that is built up around him was never that conservative and his record Bears that out especially when he was governor of California.
Yes, I have long called the Democrats the Evil Party and the Republicans the Stupid Party. They have just grown even more evil and stupid respectively. Calvin Coolidge does look pretty good right now, doesn't he? Thanks.
Great article, Don, but I respectfully maintain you should ease using the pronoun "our". It is not "our" anything. Not our military, not our police, not our medical system (racket), not our legal system (racket), not our financial system (racket), etc. ad nauseum. Everything belongs to "them". It is all "theirs". Who are "they"? They are referred to by various handles ,The Illuminati, The Insiders, The Deep State (their favorite), the Shadow Government, The Cryptocracy (my favorite) etc. ad nauseum (again). While we can observe the sickening spectacle of their visible agents and sycophants on Spectacular Optical (TV), the disgusting, lick-spittle, perverted, corrupt, imbecilic politicians and their companion media whores, "they" remain like the elusive butterfly. Forever obfuscated in dark corners. Ultimately, regardless of the esoteric and metaphysical connotations, I think the real controllers of this evil realm are non-human entities. I pledge eternal enmity to them and those despicable creatures posing as hominids who serve them.
You're right, Hereticdrummer. Nothing about this odious government is ours at this point. Thanks!
The real problem is that the public is not righteous enough to see that we have a problem. We used to rely on the churches to educate. Sadly they have all been compromised.
You can't speak of politics in the church anymore. The reason is that they are all afraid of losing their tax-free status.
Like the people, they have all been deceived. All of us have come to worship government as our god. You don't question their pretended authority as you will end up dead or in prison.
You can't even trust a jury to do the right thing because they are afraid of that god dressed in a black robe.
The people have turned their back on their heavenly father by following the commandments of men instead of learning and obeying God's laws. A government of men is ungodly. A government that commits extortion (taxation) is a criminal enterprise. Criminals cannot represent government!
I agree with you, Anticriminals. This is a spiritual battle against dark forces inspired by Satan. Most Americans don't have the faith to fight them. With the recent high profile arrests of Christians protesting outside abortion clinics and the like, the nationally known evangelists have been noticeable by their absolute silence. If they don't protest this, who would? Thanks.
We should have been protesting long ago. By allowing the government to license/ tax us we are nothing more than ignorant cattle being led to slaughter.
People should question everything about this thing called government, but ignorance is bliss. To question is blasphemy.
Taxation is just another word for extortion. Using the words tax/ taxation covers up the crime. I really need to double down and use the word extort.
I am afraid we are way past idealistic solutions for the problems we have. Progressive politics over the last 100 years have created part of the problems we are dealing with right now., they have not been the solution.  I read ones that the only function of a central government is for one thing., that is for the defense of the nation state, or to make war, that is the only function a central government really is any good for. The corruption at the federal level is now so ingrained there’s really nothing we can do about it. Can you even make a strong case for voting for federal candidates any longer? There really isn’t any point supporting anyone running for president of this country. One person in the executive branch no longer can make any kind of headway against the deep state corruption that you and I both know exist. I have decided that I am going to be a Anarcho-Capitalist. Democrats and Republicans are both thoroughly corrupt. I think, though there is still a chance that change can be made at state and local level, which is where I will continue to vote, but as far as voting for senators, congressman and president I really don’t think it matters any longer. None of them do anything that they say they will. Wow Robert F Kennedy, Junior and I are worlds apart. Politically they are somethings I like Bob for. I might contradict myself and vote for Bob just vote for him., I probably would vote for Tulsi Gabbard if she ran, not that either are going to solve the problems we’re facing in Washington, but maybe they shake things up a little bit that was the purpose of Donald Trump and yes he did shake things up and maybe he could’ve done more positive things if you have some support. But you and I both know that the deep state is only going to allow you to do so much. They have to keep the war machine going.
I can't argue with you, Stephen. This is the quandary, at least for me, that I described in the article. Anarchy seems frightening to the average person. But faced with the stone cold criminality of those in charge at every level, how could it not be better? Thanks.
(Following presumes a paper ballot.) If you vote, don't not vote for federal officers. That allows some ballot handler to vote for you. Instead, vote for all candidates to intentionally spoil your ballot for those offices.
Erich Fromm in his book 'The Fear Of Freedom ' explains what's behind that,and it's the fear of responsibility .
Responsibility for your own life. I don't need a government,a priest,a teacher, a family etc to tell me how to live my life. Because my life is mine, every individual birth right is to live their own life. But most people are in an infantile state where ,even being adults,they need another mom and dad ,named government,family, school etcetc . Because they don't want to grow up. To make their own mistakes,to learn their own way. They don't want responsibility. And this is the root problem, an infantile society. I don't care what others do, I'm focus in myself. My path is just mine. It's often a lonely path,but I'm not afraid to be alone. I'm busy learning, growing, doing my own things . And it feels sooo good. I'm the hero of my own life . I like an Steve Miller Band song " Fly like an eagle to the sea,fly like an eagle and my Spirit carry me...!
This was clearly the philosophy that this country was built upon. The individual has liberty and is responsible for himself. We obviously began obliterating that concept during Lincoln's reign of terror, and refined it to modern standards under FDR. Thanks.
Great work Donald!!
Thanks, Chris!
Speaking of gov healthcare (the VA's single-payer version, in particular): Now, it's "no more hands-on physicals." They want me to drive 25 miles to the clinic, for a Tele-Medicine Show with a monitor on the other side of a monitor. After a lengthy discussion wherein I insisted on seeing a real doctor, they admitted they had to resort to Tee-Vee because they can't find doctors to hire. I wonder if there was a rapid die-off of the quackcinated. Dunno. Surprisingly, last week, I got a follow-up phone call and was actually offered a physical with a flesh-and-blood doctor. Here's the best part: VA is sub-contracting with outside (their system) doctors. Here's the best part, part 2: One place can book me for September, the others, December.
It is the most horrific system on earth. Thanks for sharing.
By the way Don,
Your comments (and I read a LOT of comment sections) is and has always been one of the best, most respectful, and thoroughly encouraging of all comment boards. Your total commitment to interacting is such a blessing as well. It's wonderful to see it grow so much since substack. Just wanted to let you and everyone who posts here know.
That's very nice to hear, Ranch. I love interacting with my audience, and that began with the original "I Protest" show I hosted on TFR. Some accuse me of paying too much attention to the chat room. I try to answer everyone who posts here. Thanks!
Maybe we can broker a deal with these THINGS and buy them out of our life. Let them play politics but they can’t make any laws, start wars, out of education, health care, housing and transportation. We won’t vote and they can pretend we did and somebody won just like they’re doing now. I’m willing.
Give them reparations to go away? I think most of us would be willing to do that. Thanks!
Minnesota is promoting a big reparations bill.
I can't wait to get my share!
How many centuries were children used as slaves by the wealthy?
I grew up on a farm and worked since I can remember. All my ancestors probably
worked as child slaves too. How many of these children were worked to death, or
suffered other forms of heinous abuse?
After my grandmother died (1933) my father and aunt were given to another farmer to
work and be sexually abused.
At least growing up on a farm had its beautiful side as well as its ugly side.
I'm waiting for there to be a big movement to "identify" as Black. Of course, it won't work for Whites, but maybe the other races wake up and try to beat these cultural overlords at their own lunatic game. Thanks.
Wow, two barn burners in a row! Get this man an extinguisher cause he's on fire!... lol
So the bad news is that it's going to get worse. That is if trends that have been around for 4000 years hold true. Every, and so far in history it is every formal government, whether tribe, monarchy, dictator, republic or democracy has fallen. It's the nature of human organization. We see this in large families, larger communities, corporations, etc. Whenever an organization grows large it takes on a life of it's own. Evil sets in and breeds evil. The worst rise to the top. The corruption becomes so overt that only someone or some system that's more corrupt can compete. When every one at the top is corrupt, guess what? Everyone below says, what the hell! Might as well get in on the game. Trickle down corruption. President, governor, mayor, town councilman, city worker, and finally joe six pack. This sucks, but it is what it is.
We in the west are at the nadir of this cycle. We are actually right at the precipice where insanity enters, ie trans nonsense, covid nonsense. Alice thru the looking glass nonsense. Where everything is an inversion of itself.
The good news is that evil only takes and destroys. It doesn't give, create, or improve. Even when evil "invents" something it is for destroying. Take the myriad of examples of honorable scientists and inventors who are terrified their inventions are going to be used for evil even though they could be used for good. So we're at the end of the civilizational cycle where everyone in power is insane, those that can are looting what they can, and the rest of us are reacting in some of the worst ways possible. What we get is complete fracturing of societies. Then comes the collapse. We're starting to see the infrastructure crumbling before our eyes. Wait til the money troubles and scarcity REALLY start. Then we witness the fighting. We've had inklings of it but it's going to explode as groups set upon each other. Name the divides, it's endless. Meanwhile the "elite" leaders and businessmen quickly realize they're outnumbered and start fighting among themselves, not for money but for power. The power to save themselves. In the end it's not a revolution as it is a decimation. The old power destroy (as is tradition) and a new power replaces them.
How and when that happens is unknown. Could be a self destruct, a conquering, an external cataclysm. Whatever it is, a new elite take power because they can. They were prepared and to some extent lucky. They have character. They're moral, honorable, traditional, resilient, and adaptive. They're hardworking and focused. They will start with a simple and true society. They will be focused on what matters for human survival and will not tolerate what it was that destroyed the old order. This will grow and flourish and finally the seeds of evil will enter and start the whole thing over again. The revolution will repeat.
We tend to look at the present predicament as something unprecedented because of technology and the interconnectedness of human systems worldwide, at least presently in the West. We forecast the terrible totalitarianism of the surveillance state with it's all seeing eye and of course the rise of the dreaded "Algorithms" that now know more about us than we do ourselves.
This, in my opinion is all bluster. These evil doers may succeed in initiating some or even a lot of these schemes, but they will fail quickly because to keep these things running it requires intelligent people who care and are committed. Those qualities quickly dissipate when shit hits the fan. Hard to run a server farm when the power lines give out. When the roads to the joint are impassable. When your best people are sulking in a corner because they were misgendered. This is only worsened when sophisticated systems are being run by sub intelligent people. We're litterally getting supider as a species. Hard to code or run the sewage plant when most of your people are functional idiots. You get my drift.
So what to do? Rejoice for they salvation is nigh! Yup, you better believe it's going to be tough but that's great. It's winnowing out the weak and giving us more room to grow, to refine. It's going to show us who is on our side. You won't see any survivors wearing masks by the way. We get to get behind the people who are going to take power or be those people. So hang in there. Happy thoughts. As it gets worse, more and more are shedding the scales from their eyes. Not because Tucker or this podcast or that blog is doing it, but because everyone you interact with you get to represent what a "real" person is. We show courage, common sense, we're clear headed. We really are a light that, as it gets darker, people see more clearly. We will give off a confidence that is other-worldly. Right now the evil ones and the weak hate us for that, but those who are seeking will see it. And when we join together, we will encourage and find refuge among each other. Survivors in a lifeboat, happy to help. Happy to find a friend.
So keep at it Don, your doing yeoman's work here brother. I think you're becoming a real life Howard Beale.
What an eloquent post, Ranch. I very much appreciate your support. Thanks!
Georgia Guidestones, funny now they never existed
500M world population
90% of west mRNA vax'd; africa didn't do it, russia&china had their own traditional vax; ergo EU, USSA and UK commonwealth nations to be eliminated;
Then there is 'deagle report' ( ussa mil think tank ); by 2025 90% reduction of USSA population; On schedule; J.C. Deagle was Rockefeller's 'chief strategic planner' 1950's; NWO 'final solution' plans from Hitlers 3rd Reich Rockefeller planned 'operation paperclip' from 1920's UK-BUSH Hitlers rise to power
Germans lost WW2, Nazis Won ( Ukraine ) - Yinon Plan
Word is, former TV guy, The Donald, will now resurrect "Quantum Leap" (off a cliff?) for America in his next, expected go-around. And maybe I'll buy the Brooklyn Bridge and move it to Vegas, or Florida, if I can wrangle a tax break. But, Mr. "Pour-Them-Another-Mickey" D actually makes sense. After his successful launch of Davos' Warp Speech kill shot, I could see a triple-vaxxed Thelma and Louise shouting "F@CK IT!" as they put the pedal to the metal. Mission accomplished.
Nothing would surprise me at this point. As you know, I call Trump an actor, who has been starring in the Trumpenstein Project. Thanks.
Trump is PT-BARNUM of our era, but PT was an extremely intelligent man who wrote real books himself, and not with ghost-writers like Trump.
Trump WWE fake wrestling and reality TV star, before that he was a faux-goyim bagman for jersey kosher-nostra mob, his ma&pa both buried in Jewish cemetary's but somehow trump is a goyim; Only did this so that when money was laundered in Jersey the Kosher-Nostra could look & say "Look over there all our real-estate investments are Goyim managed".
Icing for the cake is that Trumps kinds all married into Kosher-Nostra, and just like Clinton's Chelsea all kids married into familys of mob who had criminal history and were living in prison.
AmeriKKKa aka USSA deserves Trump, he's as american as american-pie; Trump is a terrible actor, but lets cut to the chase "Roy Cohn" infamous homo-rapist running the kosher-nostra was Trump's mentor & god father, even Trump admitted his entire 'act' is based on Immitating Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn also hung out with J-Edgar Hoover another infamous homo-rapist, that was 1950's, Hoover held FBI for +50 years and died in his office with his boyfriend. FBI hasn't changed one iota since birth in 1920's
So now rotten USSA is given a choice Trump bagman crime family, or Biden 10% crime family, what's the difference? HL-Mencken always said not a spittoon's difference; Like on un-flushed toilet bowl everything is same-same;
I just got your book Hidden History this week. Excited to read it finally!
Thank you for your postings!
Full disclosure:. I'm a free subscriber currently. (Disabled senior citizen widow on s.s. disability).
Dante's Inferno: Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
21st century edit: Abandon hope all ye who live on Earth.
Never give up hope! Come on, man!
Hope springs eternal! So said Alexander Pope in his poem An Essay On Man.
This world needs more good guys. Puh leez do not abandon ship!
Love, hugs and PERSEVERE yall!
That's very nice to hear, Miss Maniac. I very much appreciate your support. God bless you- you are one of millions who depend on our very shaky safety net. I will keep doing what I can. Thanks!
You sound like the kid that still hopes there’s a real Santa Claus. The US government is a criminal organization, operating on the mafia protection racket model. They create a danger and you pay for the solution.
If you don’t think they have calculated that it’s cheaper to kill you then pay your Social Security, then you’re still a hopeless dreamer.
Well, I am a dreamer. Frank Capra fans tend to be that way. But I did pretty much say here that we'd be better off without this government, which I also called criminal.
Donald, I remember seeing Frank Capra at my college, SUNY@Buffalo in the 70's. He admitted he was a propagandist for the US war effort. Here's an interesting link:
Yes, his "Why we Fight" series was pretty embarrassing. But he was hardly alone- virtually all of Hollywood climbed on board the propaganda bandwagon. Thanks.