Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald, I can't "deny" it...that was one of your best columns to date! Thanks for putting into words what most of us are thinking.

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Thanks, FLSherri!

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I accept your denial, poof, you're not a denier.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

You covered a lot here Don. As usual I can't disagree with a single damn thing you said. Even someone from 10 years in the past would have trouble getting to grips with the current quagmire we find ourselves in. Shocking, disgusting situation. I don't hold out much hope. Thank you for posting this.

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Thanks, Smoke!

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

That's some top-flight denying, no denying it.

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Thanks, Synickel!

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Good rant. The truth is really hard to suppress. Our would-be controllers must be approaching panic mode as their empire built on lies continues to crumble.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Nobody does a rant like Donald...I never tire of reading his rants...although I do tire of the rants of other people I agree with. This writer has a way of putting things that never becomes boring.

Donald, On your last show you mentioned your reclusive fans, and that you felt a tad sorry for them. I can only speak for myself...but...I WANT to be alone. I dont want to see or talk to anyone who went along with the scamdemic. These stupid folks caused so much pain and suffering for everyone. If they had just shouted a loud chorus of: "NO, we will not comply" the scamdemic would have failed. It only happened because people agreed to follow illegal mandates. For 33 years I voluntarily gave up most of the things Americans spend their time doing...but I never gave up on people. Up until the scamdemic started, I was still trying to wake people up. After I witnessed the vast majority of Americans roll over and give up basic rights due only to fear propaganda, I felt that all those prior years were wasted effort on my part. I'm done trying to help the willfully ignorant .

Then there is the issue of the vaxed shedding spike protein. An unvaxed friend (going back to high school days) "died peacefully in his sleep". He had been staying in the apartment of his vaxed ex wife and vaxed adult daughters. He was a healthy guy. No autopsy, no obituary...they took him straight to the crematory....just like most sudden deaths these days. It used to be a given that all sudden unexplained deaths were investigated. It would probably be easy to get away with poisoning someone these days. The authorities just don't want to know what is causing all these deaths.

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I always appreciate your kind words, Kris. I would never blame anyone at this point, dealing with the mess that is America 2.0, from being a recluse. The general public has become like the government that "represents" them- far more likely to do something bad than good. Thanks!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Pretty much the same thing here, Kris.

I work outdoors so there is no close interaction with people shedding their diseases on me, but my wife works in a nursing home, thankfully avoided the vax but who knows about the shedding they are exposed to?

Now her fully vaxxed and compliant relatives (from the Netherlands) want to visit for a couple weeks, maybe three weeks like the last time they came over. We have to say no to them. They've been planning this for years too. Just imagine that they'll be getting the new and improved multi-valent clot shots! I'm not sure what I ever did to deserve forced accommodation of in-laws for 3 weeks, let alone ones who are shedding viruses, foreign DNA, and spike particles.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Good job...stick to your guns. I used to be Mr. Nice Guy to just about everyone...but no more. As I tell my few unvaxed friends: I didn't survive 33 years of struggle, pain and suffering, to be here when Jesus finally comes...just to throw it all away by cozying up to a vaxed pod person. Sadly, two were very close friends. One fell for the propaganda because he thinks the idiot box always tells the truth. The other, my oldest friendship, dating to third grade...we discussed the psy-op in March of 2020. Rich (her ex, the one who died) was a strong influence on her not to get vaxed. They still lived together because housing is so expensive here. Still, after knowing the truth from the beginning, she took the jab because her brother pressured her. She has "fallen" (passed out) so many times that she moved to a ground floor unit under doctor's orders. One fall sent her to the hospital with a gushing head wound. I fear she is not long for this world, and I grieve for my lost friendships. I had to tell her that I would not be going to Rich's Celebration of Life. I had known him since 1975. In the late seventies we spent so much time together, we called ourselves "The Three Musketeers". I just want to remember Rich as he was in 1979, a strong, healthy young man, galloping across the countryside on our wild horseback jaunts.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I wasn't up on "vax shedding spike protein" so I looked it up. https://www.theflstandard.com/mccullough-vaccinated-can-spread-mrna-and-spike-protein-to-other-people/

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I am unvakd, untested and shedding. I believe we all are and have proven it to many.

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Since you're into research and own a darkfield scope, do you know anything about rope worms? These are definitely worms, but they seem to be some kind of manmade worms. This whole rope worm thing reminds me of morgellian syndrome.

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No , I have a friend who has studied parasitology and will ask him. I do see bloodworms now that I didn't have before. Natural worms don't concern me as we know how to deal with them.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

Thanks. There is a downloadable paper entitled: Human anaerobic intestinal rope parasites. Perhaps your friend can look at this paper. Because I jave been fighting rope worms for nine years, I know these are not natural worms. I totally cleared myself of real worms in 2001. I know how to do a parasite cleanse . Nothing seems to work on these rope worms.

I've been reading Clifford Carnicom for more than 20 years. He has my trust.

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Short answer: if you think you’ll be “shed” on, you’ll be shed on. If not, then not. But here’s a thorough answer from Dr. Sam Bailey, debunking McCullough on the fear-based narrative of “shedding”: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/peter-mcculloughs-shedding-stories

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Thanks for this. The incidence of non vaxed who come down w/ vax symptoms is still mysterious. Perhaps there's something to the chemtrails and 5G connections that weakens some individuals. I agree w/ you about the danger of a fear meme which can weaken an immune system. Any instinct or emotion can be weaponized by clever propaganda. Pornography weaponizes sex.

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Hi Rob,

There is shedding and another shedding. It depends whose science you have seen, understood and believe. For me that's Clifford Carnicom from the Carnicom Institute. The reason being that he has studied the organisms we are seeing in everyone now for near 20 years. Cross domain bacteria is his name. Others call it Morgellons.

This is the same technology being seen in the blood everywhere now.

I have not had anyone present without this for 6 months now and would very much like to find someone uncontaminated, but hold little hope now. Everyone who has looked has found it. There are simple tests you can do at home at low cost and I promote that.

I don't talk about spikes and mrna because I see them as red herrings for what we can see with our own eyes if we only open them.

There is evidence of this in my stack.

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I went to your stack but, as I feared, it's over my head. However, your response above was quite layman friendly. Carnicom is the original chem trails expert. He calls the new resident organisms "cross domain bacteria" not viruses. Fine. Apparently these strange germs from above caused a few people a few years ago to come down w/ Morgellons. But now supposedly everybody's got them! That sounds scary. Yet we don't see Morgellon's much, do we? I mean people aren't extruding fibers.

And finally, could you say a little more about the red herring factor of spikes and mRNA? You don't think they're really the problem we're facing.

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Hi Billy,

Everyone I have tested using basic methods has come up positive for them for the last 6 months. I still search for someone who hasn't, but am more than doubtful that I will ever see another. I will state with good reason that everyone has them now and the sooner they realise it and deal with it the better off they will be.

The simplest method is to but a cheap skin camera and look between your knees and ankle along with the skin at the back of the heel.

And no, the spike and mrna are red herrings to cover up the reality regardless of the fact they may have put a bit out there to maintain the deception. Its the people talking about the tech that are being murdered , not those harping on about spikes and telling you to take more poisoned meds and supplements.

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Thanks, Matt. I'll take a look at your stack.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I relate so much to your experience Kris. I generally liked people before the scamdemic but that’s all changed now. Especially being on the west coast - you can’t find anyone reasonable to hang out with. It’s hard having to bite your tongue in every conversation. I live with two vaxxed people as well - I’m choosing not to believe in shedding proteins…just for my own peace of mind ha ha.

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Hahaha outstanding work once again. No denying it. I'm with you 💯.

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Thanks, Norman!

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I absolutely love this summation. It expands on what I have been saying for years. That is that we no longer have a justice system. Rather, we have a legal system in which the legality can change on the whim of bought and paid for judges and politicians. "Diversity" is just a way of making the divide and conquer theory more palatable to the sheeple. They stampede to get in line to conform lest they be thought of as racist, misogynist or any other "ist" that is thrown their way.

Way to go Don. This piece expresses every thing that is so blatantly wrong with this mess we call society. Kudos to you sir.

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Thanks, Peter!

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

You mean we still have a few shreds of a constitution? I thought that was incinerated along with junior's laptop and obama's birth certificate.

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This may not “technically “ be you best work....comedic interjections, clever double entendres etc.... but I humbly suggest this has been your most poignant and truth telling, “lay it all on the table” work to date.

I wish this could be shouted from the mountaintops...

If only people would/could/ should wake up.

You are so “right in” the irony is obvious and unpalatable all at the same time, it’s almost mind-bending.

Please keep on “keeping on”, you’re giving hope to hopeless knuckleheads like me

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I really appreciate hearing that, Gabby. Thanks!

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

On your July 24th post, I went on Amazon and found your book listed.I ordered and even accepted the

$6.95 shipping. The book NEVER ARRIVED. So, I checked my bank and no withdrawal was transacted.

I checked Amazon and no record of my purchase.

I therefore must conclude that your book is being censored. I have searched on ebay and they show no match. You, my friend have been censored.

I do enjoy your rants.

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Wow- nothing surprises me at this point. Thanks.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Here in the UK I ordered his book directly from the publisher and it arrived in a few days, an excellent read so you might try the same there?

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Who is the publisher?

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries


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Thanks, Howard!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Simply put, this was a superb article! The suffix -- denial -- or denier, has been tailored to short-circuit critical thinking, or any kind of thinking whatsoever regarding the subject matter at hand. It is the operative equivalent of "racist" tossed by predictable lobotomized Leftists, who cannot muster a cogent intellectual argument to challenge their opponents.

"Anti-semitic" and "anti-semitism" is another favorite of the denial crowd, as it is cavalierly used to tar any criticism of Jews or Israel. Yet, even a cursory examination of the word will reveal that the root, Semite, refers to Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs... and Jews, among others. But this term is never used as a shield to to deny criticism of any ethnic group other than Jews. Why not just say "anti-Jew"? For the same reason "denier" is used by censorious brain-dead Leftists: it is used to short-circuit critical thinking and an honest examination of the subject at hand.

Much easier to brand any critic of "The Chosen" as a "hater," the evolutionary semantic end-product of labeling such a critic to be a "denier," rather than examine the merits of the argument killed in the womb by this over-used epithet.

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Thanks, LC!

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I think I'll just go ahead and Deny government, that Forever and Always Enemy of Freedom. And if "No government" means chaos, as we are all taught endlessly from day one, I think I might actually prefer That chaos over This chaos. But alas, anarchy does Not mean chaos. It literally means "Absence of Rulers." Maybe we should have an Anarchy Hour ... say once a week, maybe. One hour with no government. My guess is that things would not summarily unravel. Things might actually "ravel" for a change. Time to choose your chaos wisely, I reckon. Unmeasurable thanks to the Oracle of Rant. Keep firing, Brother ... you're Right Over the Target. ~~ j ~~

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The Oracle of Rant. I like that. Thanks, J. Lee!

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I respectfully disagree on language, Don. I see the issue in the context of racial preservation. Language is the ultimate cultural barrier. Does any white person, really want a non white immigrant male speaking English to his attractive teenage daughter with seduction in mind? With the obstacle of language, he cannot get to first base. White men built the U.S. Destroy the white race and you destroy the U.S. and that is precisely what's happening. Victoria's Secrets models, like all models, are transsexual androgynes. Should anyone deny this, explain to me how they all happen to have male physical traits such as straight clavicles, square shoulders that go beyond the hip line, tree trunk necks with Adams Apples or scars where they were obviously removed, the larger male skull with defined male jaw line and dental arch, male quadriceps & pelvis giving them the male, "Toy Soldier" walk, long arms that extend beyond the crotch to the thighs, etc. etc. I recently read a tome by an anthropologist who has studied savage or semi savage non white tribes all over the earth. Incredibly, the males absolutely love fat, obese women, the fatter the better. It is a mark of status for a man to have the fattest wife. Truly sickening. It is futile to discuss climate anything without factoring in the most salient aspect of it, geoengineering of the weather. This is ubiquitous and is rapidly causing a collapse of all the earth's life support systems. All of the major powers are in on it, including the BRICS nations. Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Hollywood is, "Kosher Valley" and all pro sports are fixed (just like elections and everything else), and are legally classified as entertainment. Though politics has no such legal classification, it is entertainment as well though of a much more disgusting variety. You cannot legislate against emotion. If a sicko absolutely loves to dismember people with a chainsaw, should he be prosecuted for a "Love" crime? "History is but a pack of tricks we play upon the dead." - Voltaire. Brilliant piece, Don, thank you.

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You make a nice point, Hereticdrummer, as you always do. Thanks!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

No where in the Constitution does it say anything about giving up your rights to appease crybaby leftists.

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Another great article by DJ. I'm on Chapter 9 in "Masking the Truth". I'd forgotten some of the crazy shit that went on with the Covid Cult Crap in 2020-2023. Great book.

DJ mentions the Gulf Oil spill. I watched the movie "Deepwater Horizon" again two nights ago. A very good movie it is. My very good friend P owned 1,000 shares of Transocean when their deep sea oil drilling rig blew up in the Gulf. He was not a happy camper.

BP rented the rig. Halliburton did the cement casing job. When trouble hit the rig no one wanted to cut the pipe because BP had already invested $100 million into the well. The Blowout Preventer failed for some reason. Probably too much gas pressure from the huge oil and gas field under the seabed. The well was 3.5 miles deep. That's a lot of pipe and cement.

11 people on the Deepwater Horizon died.

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Thanks, Timmy!

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