Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

In these End Times, anyone with fame and fortune is playing on the devil's team. It's A Wonderful Life used to be one of my favorite films...but I can no longer watch the ending. It flies in the face of everything I've experienced in the last 32 years...at which time I consciously did a 180, after a religious conversion experience. After 32 years of actively seeking to be of service to others (usually strangers) all I've gotten is a kick in the teeth. Believe me, it has been only faith in a better future coming, that keeps me in the fight.

Donald, I find your voice very soothing, so it was a horrible juxtaposition to turn off your Monday night with Rense and have my vehicle commandeered, my keys taken, and have a gun pushed in my face at point blank range, accompanied by a threat to blow my brains out.

Monday, I thought I'd do a spot of birdwatching at an island in the Columbia river 15 miles from my home. Mind you, it had been 14 months since I had traveled away from my home for anything other than going to the store. I'm that done with dealing with crazy people. Usually I leave my phone in the vehicle, but I wanted to hear your regular gig with Rense. You had just left the air, I got in my vehicle and I was pulling out of the parking lot. A man came running up, seemly out of nowhere. He jumped on my running board, grabbed the steering wheel through the open window, and with his other hand , shoved his gun in my face. He was screaming for me to return his phone. He ordered me to give him my keys, which i did without protest. His partner then blocked me with a pick-up. He kept the gun in my face all while, screaming how he was going to kill me. I talked him down and offered to let him search my vehicle for the missing phone . That subdued him to the point they returned my keys and let me go, but preceded me down the road, leaving me in their dust. Further down the road, they blocked the road, and we went through the entire silly charade a second time. They again let me go , heading in the other direction...and I drove home as fast as I could. I decided not to file a police report, because here in Oregon, its pretty much futile, anyway.

It surprised me how calmly I handled the episode...but I have nerves of steel, after a lifetime of dealing with crazy, unstable people. Jesus had my back, for which I am thankful beyond words. Bottom line: after 32 years of doing everything in my power to disengage from our crazy world, even something as benign as a few hours birdwatching could have been a fatal mistake.

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Wow, Kris, that is quite a story. I'm certainly glad you're okay. I still love "It's a Wonderful Life," although the ending is probably an impossible fantasy. I don't think if I was in danger of losing everything financially, that my family and friends I've met in person would parade over to my house and throw enough cash into a bucket to solve the situation. But as I've said many times, like Jim Garrison, I probably watched way too many Frank Capra films. As always, thanks!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Well, we share the Catholic upbringing...our parents brought us up to "be good" and that has never left me. Unfortunately, the past couple of years have taught me that most everything I was brought up to believe is false. The world is more evil than I ever believed possible...no matter. The people that I choose to associate with or follow online are still the "good guys." Thanks for being one of them...

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I appreciate your support, FLSherri. Yes, "be good" still rings in my ears. Why doesn't everyone say that to their children? Thanks!

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DJ: Thanks for a well written article. I also consider myself a good guy but I've pulled back from society since March of 2020. I just don't care about the Pod People. Maybe the Covid Cult wasn't as bad where you are, but it was horrible here in the SF Bay Area. I can't forget it.

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I understand, Timmy. Sometimes I wonder why I do. It's hard to be a populist- to promote power to the people- when so many people seem to be so objectionable. Thanks!

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Very well written. I'm totally in with what you're saying. When people really find truth they'll act much more humanely. It just may take some of us another incarnation or more.

Search for the truth. I apologize for this sermon. 😍

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As always, Norman, thanks for the support!

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Many grew up with a super hero.

Happy Father's day

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Author

I'm glad you did, David. I guess my mother was a super hero. Thanks.

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David Cashion: Feck Father's Day! I hate these Hallmark Card family holidays. Just causes trouble and stress.

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I'm sorry you feel that way.

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David: Not your fault. Having children is a crap shoot.

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With all respect, Don, I think some people are born evil. Quite a few actually. Just scrutinize the scum placed in positions of authority over us by their ruling class masters, who are even more demonic. There are men, and women, who walk this earth without souls, their human-like countenance notwithstanding. I haven't just read about them, I've encountered them in the course of my life. If you find a nest of cockroaches in your home, you don't negotiate or try to reason with them, you exterminate them with extreme prejudice. Thus should it be with our tormentors and destroyers along with all who support them. Wipe them and their progeny from the face of the earth and eradicate their memory. The alternative for the rest of us is death and destruction. It is total war, a war without mercy, no quarter asked and none given. They are winning hands down because the majority of our people don't even realize a war of annihilation is being waged against them due to apathy, cowardice, and abject stupidity. By the way, all of those televangelist, rich swine "Christian" preachers are androgyne transsexuals, including the demonic "Prosperity Preacher" Betty White. This sub-human was "spiritual advisor" to Trump when he was Puppet-in-Chief of the Scumerican Slobocracy. That alone should tell you all you need to know about that orange headed, phony, blowhard, charlatan piece of slime. Disagreement nonetheless, thanks for a sharp and provocative article, Don.

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I understand your perspective, Hereticdrummer, which is eloquently stated as usual. I was entranced by "The Bad Seed." Maybe there are bad seeds. It's the old liberal in me. Thanks.

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Indeed there are "Bad Seed". I understand your view as an empath. Appreciate your article and it's observations.

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I absolutely agree Heretic, some are born evil. Not a guess, I too know it for a fact. Others may not be born evil but they are taken over by entities. Great breakdown especially why evil is winning.

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Oprah Winfrey: My son lived on Maui for many years. Oprah has a big estate above Kihei on Maui. She has a paved road that goes through her property from the highlands down to Kihei. She will not let the locals use this road. The locals have to drive all the way around her property. It takes an extra 20 minutes or so.

Oprah isn't even there most of the time. She lives in Montecito by Santa Barbara.

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I appreciate the inside story, Timmy. Corroborates everything I've heard about her. Thanks!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Watched an older man open the door for a younger woman at work. She didn’t even acknowledge him. No good deed goes unpunished. After seeing the fag flag at the White House I am done. Russia please nuke the US

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I agree that kind of thing is infuriating, Gregory. But it's not just young girls. I've seen oldsters not acknowledge someone holding a door for them. Politeness isn't "cool." Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Empathy is a useful emotion like guilt. But you don't need to empathize or like someone to look out for their well-being.

Case in point: a detestable old lady with a shrill voice and bad vision walks in front of a bus and you save her by pulling her out of harm's way. You don't feel friendliness, sympathy or warm fuzzies yet still save her life.

Virtuous feelings are helpful but not the same as active virtue.

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I understand what you're saying, RE. But empathy is at the heart of the Golden Rule. As Jesus said, the essence of his message is love thy neighbor as yourself. It's easy to love those who love you, or treat you well. But it's very, very hard to love those who hate you. I'm not saying I can do it, either. The Golden Rule is something very few people have been able to follow. I wrote this on my blog a few years back, but it remains relevant: https://donaldjeffries.wordpress.com/2018/09/27/the-unpopular-golden-rule/

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

The Golden Rule was what I was thinking about. I think empathy and real love are different things. Some people are so mean and nasty you can't empathize with them. But you can love them anyhow by determining to look out for their well-being. Empathy usually follows.

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The golden rule "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you", is a partial truth unfortunately. It doesn't hold water chiefly because, if you observe it from the POV of an evil person or entity, they can follow the golden rule faithfully by treating others violently and expecting / revelling in violent response they get in return. This can also be called sado-masochism. Therefore if you treat someone else with love and care as you desire to receive in return, you cannot expect for your act of goodness to be met with the same, because the golden rule allows for the inversion stated above..and thus a trespass is introduced into the system which IS a violation of spiritual law. So, this fails the test of being God's law and is most likely a guideline or suggestion made by man. Golden rule is only valid if you are a "good" actor but there is truth in it because a good person can consistently live a good moral life by acting according to their pre-existing moral conscious..but the rule itself does not contain morality in and of itself. Therefore it cannot be counted on to result in a peaceful, moral society. Your statement that empathy is at the heart of golden rule is not strictly the case, because empathy is in fact separate from it..unless in the special case that you happen to be a good actor..which you are Don...and I appreciate that you are one of the good ones.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think what you are struggling with is a misunderstanding of what He Created human beings to be. We are Designed to be self absorbed ego-animals. That doesn't go away as the many examples you have provided prove. Only a few truly see what they have be Created to be and truly turn to Him which requires the sacrifice of self to allow room for Him to exist in one's life. All of those you mentioned clearly did not do that. Perhaps you are one of the few that truly wants a Godly life which is Goodness.

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Well, I wouldn't be so pretentious to maintain that I live a truly Godly life. I'm no monk. But I try to do the right thing, and feel guilty when I don't. Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Feeling guilty and making things right subsequently, is an indication of an active heart of love and conscience which is optional. IOWs, that quiet little voice that so easy to ignore as all the examples you gave surely did as they wanted what they wanted selfishly. That you do listen is the beginnings of openness to Him. It's a choice we all make whether we know it or not.😃 Give yourself some credit, but just some. It's way to easy to be full of self.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's "altar" boys not "alter" boys. Alter boys would refer to young male victims of trauma based mind control. One becomes a multiple personality accordingly. One has alters, fragmented personalities. Now there's a new mind control cult: gender identity, which seeks to spawn generations of alters who alter their biology based on repetitive media indoctrination into that newly sanctioned cult.

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I stand grammatically corrected. Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Which one of our Founding Fathers said, "It's better to acquit ten guilty than to convict one innocent?"

Was it Jefferson?

What ever happened to that concept. I guess this is why I have never made it onto an

actual jury.

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That was actually English jurist William Blackstone who said that. Brilliant words that warm the hearts of the few remaining civil libertarians like me. I doubt that 1% of the American people would agree with him today. Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Very well written Donald! Thank you so much!!💚

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Thanks, Chris!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

This was a great, great piece Don. Really needed to read this. Thank you!

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Thanks, Smoke!

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My Dad had a triangular wooden sign on his desk that said, "Empathy". Dad was a big believer in listening to other people. Dad also became wealthy due to hard work and his leadership. He was also very giving and kind. I've always hated that Bible verse about the rich, the camel, and the needle. Pure socialist crap IMO.

As for empathy, you have to be careful not to get too empathetic. There is a great chapter in "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury where he writes about a Martian who is so empathetic that he becomes the person the Earth colonists want him to be.

A lost and dead son for instance. But when the parents take "their" Martian son to town everyone wants the Martian to be their lost child or husband or wife or aunt etc.

The Martian dies.

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You make a good point, Timmy. If we literally turned the other cheek, and let the enemy smote us again and again, we might well die. I think survival instinct would kick in at that point, but you can be too extreme about anything. Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

As usual, your observations are entirely accurate. Positive thinking masquerading as the gospel, etc.

Since the good guys are in steep decline, I think we need new categories for the current crop of humanity. How about:

MM's (masked morons. self explanatory)

CC's (cruel cowards. the people that used to be our friends but refused to look behind the curtain and decided to throw us under the bus)

CGI (craven, godless idiots)

LDD (logic deficit disorder)

Feel free to add to the list. To paraphrase Gore Vidal "Stupidity fascinates me."

Or perhaps we are just seeing 2 Timothy 3: 1-9 playing out in real time.

p.s. Your books look great and I am going to order them.

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I appreciate the kind words, Gwaihir. Your suggestions are all appropriate. At this point, it's impossible to spoof the madness. Thanks!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Do you have an opinion of Fabio Vighi whose theory is that covid didn't exist and the whole psyop was a cover for economic collapse? Maybe to buy time to institute digital slavery currency.

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That's basically what I detail in my new book "Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World." They have never isolated the COVID-19 strain, in other words, proved it exists. Not sure it was related to the economic collapse. It certainly proved to them that they can get us to obey any orders. Thanks.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Jon Rappaport was far ahead of Fabio Vighi. Being a regular reader of his blog, I knew from the first day that the "pandemic" was a fraud and that the killer plague virus was imaginary. I have nothing against Fabio Vighi, but I do give credit where it is due and Jon Rappaport had been saying the same thing about the "AIDS epidemic" and the "Swine Flu pandemic" from the very beginning of both of those Fauci promoted frauds. Readers of his work already knew what Fabio Vighi is sayng about the 'pandemic" fraud.

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Yes, Jon was one of the first to expose this farce. I had him on my show at the very beginning of the psyop, and quoted quite a bit from his excellent work in "Masking the Truth." Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I just bought both books you mentioned in the article. I love reading sane writers.

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