..."Ilhan Omar said we might actually see somebody get killed."...and these same kind of people had no second thoughts about murdering millions with mRNA poisons. Scum of the earth, all of them.
Government will never exist without some level of theft, graft and corruption. We may find that the entire deficits are the result of government overreach and fraud. How many millions of people have been sucking off the taxpayer funded government super-teat? All this money went somewhere and into somebody's pocket.
And you can bet your last dollar that not ONE person will be prosecuted or held accountable over this decade's long corruption.
Agreed. I would think that it's been more like 180 years of government corruption. At least we could go back to old Abe Lincoln and work our way forward to today. All politicians are grifters and snake oil salesmen. If everyone, and I mean everyone would stop voting for these robber barons and slave masters, perhaps we could get somewhere. I become more and more of an anarchist as I age!
I hope you've read my writings on Lincoln, Eric. He set the awful precedents for so many bad things that contributed to building this monstrosity America 2.0. Thanks.
Yup. The first modern Secretary of State was Lincoln's Seward who helped set the stage for today's foreign policy giants like Albright, Clinton, Blinken and our latest actor on the world stage: Little Marco.
"...“My Lord, I can touch a bell on my right hand, and order the arrest of a citizen in Ohio. I can touch the bell again, and order the arrest of a citizen in New York. Can the Queen of England, in her dominions, do as much?” William Henry Seward’s boast to Lord Lyons, Britain’s envoy to the United States for much of the Civil War...
In late 1861 Seward wrote to a friend, “Let us save the country and then cast ourselves upon the judgment of the people. … The habeas corpus will be suspended anywhere, on its being shown that it is necessary to prevent disorganization or demoralization of the national forces.”
I included Seward's incredible boast in my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Seward was an even more Radical Republican than Lincoln. Thaddeus Stephens and company would have fit in well with today's "Woke" crowd. Thanks, TnDoc!
Agree, Don... It has been a downhill slide since 1865 (and, though I sympathize with anyone opposing an over-reaching totalitarian gummint, I have no delusions about the South's failures. I do think the CSA military leadership were more honorable individuals that people like Grant and the odious Sherman.). Appreciate your voice, Don!
Donald, I haven't read your writings on Lincoln, but I would like to. I have read "The Real Lincoln" by Thomas Delorenzo. Your books look intriguing, I'll have to pick up a few for some good late winter-spring reading! I really do enjoy your blog, keep up the good writing.
Abraham Lincoln, the tyrant who made war on half of his own country over the Morrill Tariff but used slavery as an excuse. He over threw the Constitution of 1788. He destroyed the great compromises between the states rights activists and the federalists that maintained a critical a balance of power. He changed the conditions of the Country from a union of sovereign states to a massive Federal leviathan with dependent administrative districts. He permitted his generals to run rampant through the south burning, pillaging, raping and stealing from innocent civilians. Today he is honored with a disgusting temple on the Washington mall adorned with fasces symbols. I used to believe he was one of the greatest Presidents this nation ever produced but my eyes have been open. He was evil. He began the descent into what we are today. Wilson, FDR, LBJ, BHO, they all accelerated it.
I have to add that Admiral Morrison earned his junior admiralty by lying about the Gulf of Tonkin hoax. "My country right or wrong." But then he pitched a bitch about the USS Liberty and never got another promotion. Patriotism is fine as long as it doesn't conflict w/ greater Israel. Some say Jim was taken out as revenge for the sin of the father, uppity goy.
Yes, he was. I also read that he chose the words on Morrison's tombstone in Pere la Chaise cemetery in France. It was Greek, and as I recall it meant, "True to his own light."
I don't know much about Jim Morrison. But from reading your comment. Jim must have been considered a threat by the establishment. Maybe that's the reason he "died" so young. There were several singers who reportedly died in plane crashes and drug overdoses. Several died at the age of 27. I read an article a few years ago titled the club of 27 that listed several singers who died at that age. I have no doubt that most of them were covertly murdered. Actors and actresses too.
Yes indeed, Mary. The entertainment world has a Body Count that is competitive with the political world. I covered many of these strange Hollywood cases in my book "On Borrowed Fame: Money, Mysteries, and Corruption in the Entertainment World." Thanks.
Just checked. Amy Winehouse was 27 when she died. Strange indeed that from what I heard. Amy had tried to or was on the road to beating her addictions. No doubt her that the girl was given drugs through her food, water or drinks. And that may be how some famous people got hooked on drugs in the first place. Buddy Holly was at the pinnacle of his career when he "conveniently" died in a plane crash. Singer turned politician Sony Bono reportedly conveniently died in a "skiing" accident after I hear that he made too much of a stir questioning the 911 stories. Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska was no doubt here conveniently removed from the US senate in a plane crash. Having an idea of how monsters in the world operate in the world today. One can usually discern when foul play is involved in high profile deaths. I forgot about Supreme Court Justice Scalia too.
I went into Holly's death a bit in "On Borrowed Fame," Mary. Bono was definitely knocked off. He was very critical of the government's actions at Waco, among other things. He ran into a tree the same week that RFK's son Michael ran into one while skiing. I can't find any records of any other prominent people doing that. Thanks!
People need to understand what "democracy" really means, tha it´s actually an oligarchy and has nothing to do with "rule by the people". As long as this myth is being perpetuated by all kinds of soft power techniques, nothing much is going to change.
Hi, Pat. I agree. How about not voting and stop paying taxes?
That would throw the elite a curve ball, wouldn't it? Suppose no one showed up at the polls and refused to fund the bozos? Delagetimize and starve. Now that would be a silent revolution!
Humans have a significant evolutionary flaw. Greed. Insatiable greed. People are never happy with what they have so they always seek to get more. More. More. More. More beyond any semblance of actual need. Because humanity can't temper this insatiable greed to acquire more and to get gain, unfortunately, yes, there will always be grift and theft in the government by the leaches of society.
The other flaw in humanity is we have employed an entire caste of people called "lawyers" who are among the wealthiest among us and who do absolutely nothing to contribute to society. Universities crank out youth with law degrees who have go drum up lawsuits. Many of these "lawyers" end up in law making and participate fully in the grift and theft. An utterly useless profession. Takers only. Pimples on the asses of humanity. Producers of nothing that benefits humanity.
They will all rot in Hell. Not that I want anybody to go there, but these people are well nigh and determined. Will Trump expose all the Satanism and hideous murders and child sacrifice that has been ongoing in Washington at least the last 50 years? I think not. The man is a world class clown who has mezmerized the MAGA Hats.
Well, at least Michael Matt seems to be waking up. It is a start.
I often wonder if we are all living in hell. If we are having our eternal punishment meted out in degrees for sins in our past lives. Let's face it. Living in this world sucks. It's all a ruin. The grift. Trodding upon our fellow man to make our own situation better. The corruption. The filth. The decadence. The greed. The immorality. The arrogance. The lies. The deceptions. The murders. It just goes on and on. Either this is hell or the Gods that be have given up trying to get through to us. I tend to believe the latter. I'm a Christian and I believe God has tried to warn us, tried to teach us but we don't listen and has now left us to our own devices. We are on our own and the people are too far gone to do anything about it.
How many millions tuned into the Super Bowl this Sunday to watch Taylor Swift and her filthy love interest? That says it all, Timber. Says it all.
Would love your take on the huge push back against this effort among the "patriots". I understand worrying about a technocratic takeover, but is the hysteria something more?
Yeah, I really don't get it, Sarah. I know Musk's background, and I coined the term Trumpenstein Project. But we have to applaud transparency like this, letting the people know how their money is being spent. I'd love to come back on your show to talk about it. Thanks!
I know I can write a paragraph or two and occasionally say something intelligent, but DJ
keeps the juice flowing every week. He would have made a great rock musician if things had worked out differently and he had only gotten that drum set.
Lol. That's very nice to hear, Scott. As you probably know, I did start down that path, writing some 150 songs when I was a teenager, into my early 20s. I have some tapes somewhere. One day I may get the courage to put some of them up online. Thanks!
true I agree with. Funny is something I might dispute. This would be funny if it was an Onion Satire, but even the Babylon Beee could not make this stuff up.
I know full well that Trumpenstein is a psy-op to lead us into the NWO...but that does not change the fact that he has done a lot of good things since January 20th. I must address all those folks saying he's not deporting people fast enough.
My guess is that the number of White Americans who have lived experience with coyotes and border crossings is miniscule. I am one of them, and I am here to say that probably 99% of White Americans do not have a clue about what has transpired with illegal immigration in the last 50 years. How could they possibly know? Neither the MSM or alt-news understands this. I will admit that I paid a coyote to cross someone in 2005. I do not regret this. If Jews can implement a world-wide plan to destroy Western Civilization with mass importation of the Third World (and rabbis openly brag about this-one can watch their videos online) then my importation of one person is not going to make one bit of difference. Also, my husband first came to the US illegally...although he was legal when I met him.
Here is the Truth: Up until Obama, coyotes were a mom-and-pop business...and yes, I knew some. There seems to have been an organized plan implemented around that time. I first heard of NGOs bussing Guatemalan children to the border in 2009. Now you add smart phones and social media into the mix. This gave Third-Worlders a very distorted picture of the Land-of-Milk-and-Honey. Also around that time non-Mexicans were eligible for catch-and-release. Shorty after that, anyone with a child was given the catch-and-release treatment. Then NGOs really got involved. Once the word got out on social media, the flood began. Now instead of mostly men, vast numbers of woman and children came too. Only when these numbers started adding up, did the cartels become involved with human smuggling. Also, weed becoming legal in more and more states, played a part, because this cut off one source of income from the cartels. This was all planned. By the time Biden opened the border, online companies were arranging "tour groups" in places like Africa and Central America, charging $10,000. to get to the US and be eligible for free stuff. That kind of money would provide a nice life in their own countries...but watching American videos all day long, convinces these folks that all they have to do is get here...for a life on easy street.
Donald, I heard you say on Rense that you couldn't understand the ones who have been here a long time supporting these newcomers. They don't...at least not in my area. The ones here for 30+ years have learned to assimilate. They speak English and keep out of trouble (I am not talking about the ones who keep coming back over and over, after deportation for crimes). They are angry that they have been paying taxes and into SS (on fake numbers) and the newcomers are getting everything free. They believe that all the deportations will open up more jobs and bring rent down. Now the word is out... DON'T COME. Just this change is enough to stop these mass invasions and caravans. It is making a difference.
I was happy that Trumpenstein decreed White South Africans eligible for refugee status due to White Genocide...no one else will talk about it. After a little digging, I learned that Israhell is pissy with South Africa for calling out Palestinian Genocide. I knew there had to be something behind that act that no one else has done (as far as I know). Still, it is long over due...and a good thing.
Next to the Mexican Cristeros and the Spanish Carlists, the Deutsch Afrikaaners have the most balls. They still remember, after four generations, what the British did to them during the Boer Wars under that disgusting creature Winston Churchill, and their children remember how the British sold out the "apartheid regime" in the 1980's. People seem to forget how the Communist thugs invented the process of "necklacing" which was hogtying a victim, then placing a tire filled with gasoline around their neck and setting it ablaze as a way to instill fear into the white farmers.
Meanwhile, send one of those Coyotes my way as I prepare to make a run for the border. I suspect I have about six months before things really go ballistic and "kinetic" as the veterans like to say. I know not what is going to touch things off, but once the dominoes start falling things are going to collapse much more quickly than they did in 1914 or 1939.
The initial stages of WW3 are going to do in weeks what it took Ww2 four years to accomplish, and the devastation will be much more widespread. When the weather warfare and Directed Energy Weapons are ramped up, and the Sheeple are running around like beheaded chickens in the "Nuclear Apocalypse" it will be crazy six ways from Sunday.
I think that is one reason why they took out the Maggie Valley in East Tennessee- it was a major nerve center of the resistance. Information is getting a lot harder to come by. Their next target is going to be Bluefield and Pipestem is West Virginia. You just watch.
Yes, the British kept the Boers in terrible concentration camps...but you will never hear about that in the history written by the controllers.
Twelve years ago I wrote online that I believed all the talk about a border wall was really to keep the American sheep in the pen, rather than to keep anyone out. There are very rugged mountainous areas along the border in eastern California, where a fit, healthy person could get through, because it's not well travelled. God will point the way, when the time comes.
What people don't understand about the mobs coming in since Obama is...they are not fit, many are obese...and many have never been more than a few miles from home. But they do have smart phones. Social media has been driving this thing. These people have no comprehension of American law. The rumors that spread in illegal alien circles on Facebook are ridiculous. These folks are sitting ducks to be manipulated by the elite. These people have very poor judgement. Imagine being ok with sending your toddler off from Guatemala with a coyote gang, with only a telephone number (of a relative in the US) written on a piece of paper. This happens all the time. How many kids just disappear? Somehow they can come up with 5000 bucks to pay for this...when something like 40 plus % of Americans can't come up with $400. for an emergency. The amount of cash that changes hands in illegal communities boggles my mind. I still can't figure out where it comes from. I do know that they lend money to each other with nothing more than a word of honor...and then they call the cops when they don't get paid back. Like I said... absolutely no understanding of American law.
In April of 2009 I happened to be in Texas and I wanted to check out a remote town on the Rio Grande. I got to Candelaria at dawn. There were beautiful birds everywhere. It was so peaceful. At that spot, one could jump across the Rio Grande. All that was there by the river was a sign along the lines of the signs telling Dorothy to turn back in the haunted forest. This area was not used by coyotes. However, I have no idea what is going on there now. Also, in Big Bend National Park folks were wading back and forth to sell trinkets. That is where I would cross...if it comes to sneaking out.
Vincent James on X, ''The USAID scam exposed: over $1 Billion for 'Holocaust Studies and Memorials,'' and, Israeli Universities.'' That's only the tip of a very huge iceberg, aka our 'special' ally, aka as our albatross. Great article, Donald! One correction...the money for condoms wasn't for Gaza (outright lie,) it went to Jordan, our bought-and-paid for ally. Side note: apparently, according to Pete Hesgeth military recruitment is skyrocketing, reversing a long time trend. Yep, young, white Christian MAGA suckers are getting ready for the Mideast meat grinder. Sad.
Prosecutions, yes! And recovery of pilfered assets as restitution. Make the Obamas and Clinton's middle class again, or lock their sorry asses behind bars for what remains of their useless lives.
The same people say they want limited government. But they have allowed a system to be devised that makes it impossible to limit the size of government. Once the Federal Reserve was created, limited government became impossible, because the Fed allowed the United States to issue as much debt as the bought-and-paid-for Congress would vote into law. It's why every debt ceiling increase has and always will get passed. They will find some doofus bureaucrat "working" in Washington, DC who will cry like a little baby because he won't be able to spend money on Christmas presents for his rugrats, all to get the sympathy vote for the people to complain to Congress about those "evil Republicans".
All this money embezzled into the United States Agency for International Destruction should lead to the termination of that corrupt hornet's nest. Maybe they'll use something stronger than Raid to make it go away. Firebombing the building might be an acceptable idea.
As for the scoundrels and miscreants that inhabited that entity, I hope their punishment is more severe than just an agreement not to steal this much money again, as they'll always find a way to fail upwards. Like that wretched witch, Samantha Power.
You make a great point, Kevin. We have created a real monster. A gargantuan bureaucracy that has made millions absolutely dependent upon it for sustenance. And all those government workers have to eat, too. Thanks.
Of course the Jack the Ripper file is still classified. There was some evidence that may have indicated a member of the Royal Family was involved. How do you think that, even today, would affect the standing of their archaic Monarchy? This leads to the question of which still powerful families may have had a hand in the Kennedy murders? They don't want people to know how deep and long running their history of corruption and murder is. In reality they are the royal Families of the good old USA. Hopefully Trump will expose them but somehow I doubt it.
Jack the Ripper was a jewish butcher and was hidden from the public because he was a jew. one of the last woman he killed tore some flesh off him. some researcher a while ago got the DNA and traced it to a living relative of the butcher. he was put in an insane asylum
2019 DNA showed Aaron Kosminski a polish jew barber (thought he was a butcher). forensic analyst showed a DNA sample from a bloody blanket showed kosminski DNA. a month ago the Rippers victims families demanding an investigation. it will go nowhere. google jack the ripper DNA breakthru
The evidence has never been confirmed by anyone other than the author. There remains a great deal of skepticism over the authenticity and verification.
google it and read the tons of articles and you tube videos. do you really think they will let the people know a member of the tribe was the Ripper? anne franks diary written by the father who admitted it with a ball point pen that did not exist at the time of the writing yet the fairy tale continues. so the fairy tale of not knowing who the Ripper was will also continue
Not opposed to transparency per se, but am always leery & red flags go up whenever the MSM (who've been wholly govt propaganda in last decade or so) all tell the same story, in unison, wrt USAID. Glad that's gonna be gone, but is it really? Fiorella Isabel is of the mind that it's just sleight of hand, and USAID will morph into and become part of a different agency with even bigger powers now. Guess only time will tell.
Excellent DJ, continue the enlightenment for the stupid cows!!
The raping of the US citizen has been part of the plan since 1907, the trillions the cabal has stolen directly and indirectly through wars, healthcare, and you can pretty much name anything .gov touches, is what the people should really care about, should make us take up against all of the thieves and lying POS pols who have allowed it, and profited themselves. Perhaps Trump was selected to show the people this and flaunt it in our faces to see what we do? I bet nothing is done about it, and they will just give us a small glimpse of the amount of theft, even though $36T is staring at every moron in the face, 90% are incapable of comprehending or understanding. The dumbing down will continue until we are all slaves, and this Trump period, although welcomed by me for obvious reasons, is just a continuing of the side hustle, while we are raped dry and bleed out, gross huh?
It's all very interesting, this exposure by DOGE. But unless arrests are made and heads begin to roll, well, then, we know about a lot of corruption and we already knew about a lot, and that everybody gets away scott free. Which we already knew.
An expat in England points out, chemtrails appear to have ceased nearly a week ago. (Was cloudy here until last night.) She suspects USAID defunding have accomplished this. The bluest skies you've ever seen are since the DOGE! (Yes, I pronounce it with 2 syllables. It's not "dodge", "dohg", or "dohje".)
Chemtrails (geoengineering) are a U.S. military operation (U.S. Air Force, Navy, and DARPA) run under the HAARP program, which has for the last several decades extended its tentacles into countries throughout the world. Chemtrails have nothing to do with USAID and will continue unabated.
How cool would it be if Trump called you up DJ and said, You’re Hired!” Most all of the politicians are corrupt and compromised. When ya can finally get them out of office they go back home Multi-Millionaires! I hope I’m wrong but my gut is telling me a lot of this “good” we are so called seeing is leading up to something “not so good”! He is gaining a lot of people’s trust through these actions he’s taken so far. Will he get the people to go along with a digital money system or new virus/vaccines that Kamala couldn’t do? As you have said DJ and I concur…is we must be watchful!! My belief is that all this is leading up to the beast system that will be run by the Antichrist per Daniel and Revelation. If I’m correct, sometime in the near future we will hear of Israel being able to rebuild their temple. We know Gods wrath is coming on this unbelieving world, just not the day or hour! Thanks for letting me rant DJ. I appreciate what you are doing and once again believe you were called for a time as this!
Now that would be something, Brad. Can't say I'd turn it down if they made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I just wouldn't compromise my morals. Thanks.
Yeah, I think you would be a bit too transparent for their liking. That’s one of the qualities I admire most of you…a man of integrity! Doesn’t seem to be many in the world anymore!
Well, it seems to me that the big show is over. There was a clip on TV last night in which Trump said, "I will abide by the law. I always abide by the law." I am not trained in law, but I think this means that what Trump has so far done will be tied up in court for the next four years, at least. He is allowing the brakes to be applied. He is no Andrew Jackson.
It's all well and good that this corruption is being exposed, and really shouldn't be surprising to anyone half-awake that this mad "spending" has taken place and is ongoing because that's what all governments do best. It is interesting to note that while everyone is cheering on this "great" work by Musk and his buddies, one billion dollars of bunker-buster bombs to blow up more Palestinians in their tents was recently okayed by Trump to be sent to Israel. Here's another concern with DOGE: As the Musk team takes apart federal agencies, do they have a replacement plan? Will Musk and his DOGE staffers look to replace federal employees using AI, machine learning tools, or even robots? Here's a chilling quote from a US official closely watching DODGE activity: "The end goal is replacing the human workforce with machines. Everything that can be machine-automated will be. And the technocrats will replace the bureaucrats"...Chilling words.
Perhaps the end goal of all this fanfare of paring down the massive federal budget is something more nefarious than saving taxpayers' money!
..."Ilhan Omar said we might actually see somebody get killed."...and these same kind of people had no second thoughts about murdering millions with mRNA poisons. Scum of the earth, all of them.
Government will never exist without some level of theft, graft and corruption. We may find that the entire deficits are the result of government overreach and fraud. How many millions of people have been sucking off the taxpayer funded government super-teat? All this money went somewhere and into somebody's pocket.
And you can bet your last dollar that not ONE person will be prosecuted or held accountable over this decade's long corruption.
Agreed. I would think that it's been more like 180 years of government corruption. At least we could go back to old Abe Lincoln and work our way forward to today. All politicians are grifters and snake oil salesmen. If everyone, and I mean everyone would stop voting for these robber barons and slave masters, perhaps we could get somewhere. I become more and more of an anarchist as I age!
I hope you've read my writings on Lincoln, Eric. He set the awful precedents for so many bad things that contributed to building this monstrosity America 2.0. Thanks.
Yup. The first modern Secretary of State was Lincoln's Seward who helped set the stage for today's foreign policy giants like Albright, Clinton, Blinken and our latest actor on the world stage: Little Marco.
"...“My Lord, I can touch a bell on my right hand, and order the arrest of a citizen in Ohio. I can touch the bell again, and order the arrest of a citizen in New York. Can the Queen of England, in her dominions, do as much?” William Henry Seward’s boast to Lord Lyons, Britain’s envoy to the United States for much of the Civil War...
In late 1861 Seward wrote to a friend, “Let us save the country and then cast ourselves upon the judgment of the people. … The habeas corpus will be suspended anywhere, on its being shown that it is necessary to prevent disorganization or demoralization of the national forces.”
National Security, dontchaknow!
I included Seward's incredible boast in my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." Seward was an even more Radical Republican than Lincoln. Thaddeus Stephens and company would have fit in well with today's "Woke" crowd. Thanks, TnDoc!
Agree, Don... It has been a downhill slide since 1865 (and, though I sympathize with anyone opposing an over-reaching totalitarian gummint, I have no delusions about the South's failures. I do think the CSA military leadership were more honorable individuals that people like Grant and the odious Sherman.). Appreciate your voice, Don!
Donald, I haven't read your writings on Lincoln, but I would like to. I have read "The Real Lincoln" by Thomas Delorenzo. Your books look intriguing, I'll have to pick up a few for some good late winter-spring reading! I really do enjoy your blog, keep up the good writing.
I think you'd like them, Eric. Yes, DiLorenzo is great. I had him on my podcast some months back. Thanks.
Abraham Lincoln, the tyrant who made war on half of his own country over the Morrill Tariff but used slavery as an excuse. He over threw the Constitution of 1788. He destroyed the great compromises between the states rights activists and the federalists that maintained a critical a balance of power. He changed the conditions of the Country from a union of sovereign states to a massive Federal leviathan with dependent administrative districts. He permitted his generals to run rampant through the south burning, pillaging, raping and stealing from innocent civilians. Today he is honored with a disgusting temple on the Washington mall adorned with fasces symbols. I used to believe he was one of the greatest Presidents this nation ever produced but my eyes have been open. He was evil. He began the descent into what we are today. Wilson, FDR, LBJ, BHO, they all accelerated it.
I think that I am turning into right-leaning Jim Morrison of the Doors. He would go off at his concerts: "You're all a bunch of f-ing idiots!"
James, I believe Morrison's Dad was an Admiral, wasn't he?
I have to add that Admiral Morrison earned his junior admiralty by lying about the Gulf of Tonkin hoax. "My country right or wrong." But then he pitched a bitch about the USS Liberty and never got another promotion. Patriotism is fine as long as it doesn't conflict w/ greater Israel. Some say Jim was taken out as revenge for the sin of the father, uppity goy.
You beat me to it, Billy. Yes, in charge of the fleet at the Gulf of Tonkin. I have never hear about him protesting the Liberty incident. Thanks.
Yes, he was admiral of the ship in Vietnam they lied about that started the war.
you are not an admiral of a ship a captain is. you are admiral of a navy
I don't think he was very admirable.
Yes, he was. I also read that he chose the words on Morrison's tombstone in Pere la Chaise cemetery in France. It was Greek, and as I recall it meant, "True to his own light."
Yes James, his guilt kicked in and he did choose those words - there was obviously a great gulf between dad and son re worldview.
And more then likely Naval Intelligence which makes the case for counter culture being a product of our intelligence networks ...
I don't know much about Jim Morrison. But from reading your comment. Jim must have been considered a threat by the establishment. Maybe that's the reason he "died" so young. There were several singers who reportedly died in plane crashes and drug overdoses. Several died at the age of 27. I read an article a few years ago titled the club of 27 that listed several singers who died at that age. I have no doubt that most of them were covertly murdered. Actors and actresses too.
Yes indeed, Mary. The entertainment world has a Body Count that is competitive with the political world. I covered many of these strange Hollywood cases in my book "On Borrowed Fame: Money, Mysteries, and Corruption in the Entertainment World." Thanks.
Just checked. Amy Winehouse was 27 when she died. Strange indeed that from what I heard. Amy had tried to or was on the road to beating her addictions. No doubt her that the girl was given drugs through her food, water or drinks. And that may be how some famous people got hooked on drugs in the first place. Buddy Holly was at the pinnacle of his career when he "conveniently" died in a plane crash. Singer turned politician Sony Bono reportedly conveniently died in a "skiing" accident after I hear that he made too much of a stir questioning the 911 stories. Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska was no doubt here conveniently removed from the US senate in a plane crash. Having an idea of how monsters in the world operate in the world today. One can usually discern when foul play is involved in high profile deaths. I forgot about Supreme Court Justice Scalia too.
I went into Holly's death a bit in "On Borrowed Fame," Mary. Bono was definitely knocked off. He was very critical of the government's actions at Waco, among other things. He ran into a tree the same week that RFK's son Michael ran into one while skiing. I can't find any records of any other prominent people doing that. Thanks!
People need to understand what "democracy" really means, tha it´s actually an oligarchy and has nothing to do with "rule by the people". As long as this myth is being perpetuated by all kinds of soft power techniques, nothing much is going to change.
Better yet, stop paying taxes. If 50 million taxpayers went on strike...
Hi, Pat. I agree. How about not voting and stop paying taxes?
That would throw the elite a curve ball, wouldn't it? Suppose no one showed up at the polls and refused to fund the bozos? Delagetimize and starve. Now that would be a silent revolution!
I would like to see us become a bit more like France. We need a good strike by the people that make this country work.
That's the problem. There are no consequences.
Yes, those who have benefited so handsomely from this corrupt system have to be held accountable. But like you, I don't expect that, Crixcyon. Thanks.
Humans have a significant evolutionary flaw. Greed. Insatiable greed. People are never happy with what they have so they always seek to get more. More. More. More. More beyond any semblance of actual need. Because humanity can't temper this insatiable greed to acquire more and to get gain, unfortunately, yes, there will always be grift and theft in the government by the leaches of society.
The other flaw in humanity is we have employed an entire caste of people called "lawyers" who are among the wealthiest among us and who do absolutely nothing to contribute to society. Universities crank out youth with law degrees who have go drum up lawsuits. Many of these "lawyers" end up in law making and participate fully in the grift and theft. An utterly useless profession. Takers only. Pimples on the asses of humanity. Producers of nothing that benefits humanity.
I hear you Crixcyon. I don't have time to waste living in a pipedream.
Seth Rich
The Somali immigration and campaign finance fraudster brother cousin wife approves of the following message 😳
Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:
"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."
Tell me again, how this is just about land?
we are not talking about liberating our land alone
17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .
They will all rot in Hell. Not that I want anybody to go there, but these people are well nigh and determined. Will Trump expose all the Satanism and hideous murders and child sacrifice that has been ongoing in Washington at least the last 50 years? I think not. The man is a world class clown who has mezmerized the MAGA Hats.
Well, at least Michael Matt seems to be waking up. It is a start.
I often wonder if we are all living in hell. If we are having our eternal punishment meted out in degrees for sins in our past lives. Let's face it. Living in this world sucks. It's all a ruin. The grift. Trodding upon our fellow man to make our own situation better. The corruption. The filth. The decadence. The greed. The immorality. The arrogance. The lies. The deceptions. The murders. It just goes on and on. Either this is hell or the Gods that be have given up trying to get through to us. I tend to believe the latter. I'm a Christian and I believe God has tried to warn us, tried to teach us but we don't listen and has now left us to our own devices. We are on our own and the people are too far gone to do anything about it.
How many millions tuned into the Super Bowl this Sunday to watch Taylor Swift and her filthy love interest? That says it all, Timber. Says it all.
Amen. One of your best! Donald Jeffries is our generations political satire writer, only his info is true and funny.
Now I'm blushing, Sarah. That means a lot coming from you. Thanks!
Would love your take on the huge push back against this effort among the "patriots". I understand worrying about a technocratic takeover, but is the hysteria something more?
Yeah, I really don't get it, Sarah. I know Musk's background, and I coined the term Trumpenstein Project. But we have to applaud transparency like this, letting the people know how their money is being spent. I'd love to come back on your show to talk about it. Thanks!
We're blessed to have him, aren't we!?
I know I can write a paragraph or two and occasionally say something intelligent, but DJ
keeps the juice flowing every week. He would have made a great rock musician if things had worked out differently and he had only gotten that drum set.
Lol. That's very nice to hear, Scott. As you probably know, I did start down that path, writing some 150 songs when I was a teenager, into my early 20s. I have some tapes somewhere. One day I may get the courage to put some of them up online. Thanks!
Better keep your day job.
Well said
true I agree with. Funny is something I might dispute. This would be funny if it was an Onion Satire, but even the Babylon Beee could not make this stuff up.
I know full well that Trumpenstein is a psy-op to lead us into the NWO...but that does not change the fact that he has done a lot of good things since January 20th. I must address all those folks saying he's not deporting people fast enough.
My guess is that the number of White Americans who have lived experience with coyotes and border crossings is miniscule. I am one of them, and I am here to say that probably 99% of White Americans do not have a clue about what has transpired with illegal immigration in the last 50 years. How could they possibly know? Neither the MSM or alt-news understands this. I will admit that I paid a coyote to cross someone in 2005. I do not regret this. If Jews can implement a world-wide plan to destroy Western Civilization with mass importation of the Third World (and rabbis openly brag about this-one can watch their videos online) then my importation of one person is not going to make one bit of difference. Also, my husband first came to the US illegally...although he was legal when I met him.
Here is the Truth: Up until Obama, coyotes were a mom-and-pop business...and yes, I knew some. There seems to have been an organized plan implemented around that time. I first heard of NGOs bussing Guatemalan children to the border in 2009. Now you add smart phones and social media into the mix. This gave Third-Worlders a very distorted picture of the Land-of-Milk-and-Honey. Also around that time non-Mexicans were eligible for catch-and-release. Shorty after that, anyone with a child was given the catch-and-release treatment. Then NGOs really got involved. Once the word got out on social media, the flood began. Now instead of mostly men, vast numbers of woman and children came too. Only when these numbers started adding up, did the cartels become involved with human smuggling. Also, weed becoming legal in more and more states, played a part, because this cut off one source of income from the cartels. This was all planned. By the time Biden opened the border, online companies were arranging "tour groups" in places like Africa and Central America, charging $10,000. to get to the US and be eligible for free stuff. That kind of money would provide a nice life in their own countries...but watching American videos all day long, convinces these folks that all they have to do is get here...for a life on easy street.
Donald, I heard you say on Rense that you couldn't understand the ones who have been here a long time supporting these newcomers. They don't...at least not in my area. The ones here for 30+ years have learned to assimilate. They speak English and keep out of trouble (I am not talking about the ones who keep coming back over and over, after deportation for crimes). They are angry that they have been paying taxes and into SS (on fake numbers) and the newcomers are getting everything free. They believe that all the deportations will open up more jobs and bring rent down. Now the word is out... DON'T COME. Just this change is enough to stop these mass invasions and caravans. It is making a difference.
I was happy that Trumpenstein decreed White South Africans eligible for refugee status due to White Genocide...no one else will talk about it. After a little digging, I learned that Israhell is pissy with South Africa for calling out Palestinian Genocide. I knew there had to be something behind that act that no one else has done (as far as I know). Still, it is long over due...and a good thing.
Great analysis, Kris. Thanks!
Well now I know why they housed them in luxury hotels in NYC. It was all part of the plan. Thanks.
Next to the Mexican Cristeros and the Spanish Carlists, the Deutsch Afrikaaners have the most balls. They still remember, after four generations, what the British did to them during the Boer Wars under that disgusting creature Winston Churchill, and their children remember how the British sold out the "apartheid regime" in the 1980's. People seem to forget how the Communist thugs invented the process of "necklacing" which was hogtying a victim, then placing a tire filled with gasoline around their neck and setting it ablaze as a way to instill fear into the white farmers.
Meanwhile, send one of those Coyotes my way as I prepare to make a run for the border. I suspect I have about six months before things really go ballistic and "kinetic" as the veterans like to say. I know not what is going to touch things off, but once the dominoes start falling things are going to collapse much more quickly than they did in 1914 or 1939.
The initial stages of WW3 are going to do in weeks what it took Ww2 four years to accomplish, and the devastation will be much more widespread. When the weather warfare and Directed Energy Weapons are ramped up, and the Sheeple are running around like beheaded chickens in the "Nuclear Apocalypse" it will be crazy six ways from Sunday.
I think that is one reason why they took out the Maggie Valley in East Tennessee- it was a major nerve center of the resistance. Information is getting a lot harder to come by. Their next target is going to be Bluefield and Pipestem is West Virginia. You just watch.
Yes, the British kept the Boers in terrible concentration camps...but you will never hear about that in the history written by the controllers.
Twelve years ago I wrote online that I believed all the talk about a border wall was really to keep the American sheep in the pen, rather than to keep anyone out. There are very rugged mountainous areas along the border in eastern California, where a fit, healthy person could get through, because it's not well travelled. God will point the way, when the time comes.
What people don't understand about the mobs coming in since Obama is...they are not fit, many are obese...and many have never been more than a few miles from home. But they do have smart phones. Social media has been driving this thing. These people have no comprehension of American law. The rumors that spread in illegal alien circles on Facebook are ridiculous. These folks are sitting ducks to be manipulated by the elite. These people have very poor judgement. Imagine being ok with sending your toddler off from Guatemala with a coyote gang, with only a telephone number (of a relative in the US) written on a piece of paper. This happens all the time. How many kids just disappear? Somehow they can come up with 5000 bucks to pay for this...when something like 40 plus % of Americans can't come up with $400. for an emergency. The amount of cash that changes hands in illegal communities boggles my mind. I still can't figure out where it comes from. I do know that they lend money to each other with nothing more than a word of honor...and then they call the cops when they don't get paid back. Like I said... absolutely no understanding of American law.
In April of 2009 I happened to be in Texas and I wanted to check out a remote town on the Rio Grande. I got to Candelaria at dawn. There were beautiful birds everywhere. It was so peaceful. At that spot, one could jump across the Rio Grande. All that was there by the river was a sign along the lines of the signs telling Dorothy to turn back in the haunted forest. This area was not used by coyotes. However, I have no idea what is going on there now. Also, in Big Bend National Park folks were wading back and forth to sell trinkets. That is where I would cross...if it comes to sneaking out.
Vincent James on X, ''The USAID scam exposed: over $1 Billion for 'Holocaust Studies and Memorials,'' and, Israeli Universities.'' That's only the tip of a very huge iceberg, aka our 'special' ally, aka as our albatross. Great article, Donald! One correction...the money for condoms wasn't for Gaza (outright lie,) it went to Jordan, our bought-and-paid for ally. Side note: apparently, according to Pete Hesgeth military recruitment is skyrocketing, reversing a long time trend. Yep, young, white Christian MAGA suckers are getting ready for the Mideast meat grinder. Sad.
Thanks, Serafino!
Nice summary here! We will keep our eyes on the mRNA, AI, Star Gate, Gaza. It’s truly a revolution that is needed to save this country.
Not a good look if you’re a democrat or rhino.
Need to pinpoint accurately who’s pockets this money ends in….then
Hoping that there will be prosecutions. What’s the point of uncovering corruption and not demanding
Justice? Time will tell.. nice to see democrats are losing their unified message, their slush funds, their
Control of the narrative.
Thanks, James!
At the 9:30 minute application of what’s taking place
Welcome Sir!! The Jimmi Door show today had some interesting takes about Trumps strategy
Using military tactics on road listening. I’ll see if I can’t send link from road?
Prosecutions, yes! And recovery of pilfered assets as restitution. Make the Obamas and Clinton's middle class again, or lock their sorry asses behind bars for what remains of their useless lives.
That would be great, Annette. Thanks.
Both I like your attitude!! No longer do we play the they never go to jail bc that’s what has happened,
Rather take the bold lock em up and strip em of ill gotten gains.
The same people say they want limited government. But they have allowed a system to be devised that makes it impossible to limit the size of government. Once the Federal Reserve was created, limited government became impossible, because the Fed allowed the United States to issue as much debt as the bought-and-paid-for Congress would vote into law. It's why every debt ceiling increase has and always will get passed. They will find some doofus bureaucrat "working" in Washington, DC who will cry like a little baby because he won't be able to spend money on Christmas presents for his rugrats, all to get the sympathy vote for the people to complain to Congress about those "evil Republicans".
All this money embezzled into the United States Agency for International Destruction should lead to the termination of that corrupt hornet's nest. Maybe they'll use something stronger than Raid to make it go away. Firebombing the building might be an acceptable idea.
As for the scoundrels and miscreants that inhabited that entity, I hope their punishment is more severe than just an agreement not to steal this much money again, as they'll always find a way to fail upwards. Like that wretched witch, Samantha Power.
You make a great point, Kevin. We have created a real monster. A gargantuan bureaucracy that has made millions absolutely dependent upon it for sustenance. And all those government workers have to eat, too. Thanks.
Yes, the Federal Reserve. It's not Federal and there are no Reserves. Making everyone use Debt as a form of currency is the Boss.
Good points Kevin ... and some of us think it was never intended to. be limited government, which is an oxymoron of sorts ... jumbo shrimp anyone?! 😝
~~ j ~~
Of course the Jack the Ripper file is still classified. There was some evidence that may have indicated a member of the Royal Family was involved. How do you think that, even today, would affect the standing of their archaic Monarchy? This leads to the question of which still powerful families may have had a hand in the Kennedy murders? They don't want people to know how deep and long running their history of corruption and murder is. In reality they are the royal Families of the good old USA. Hopefully Trump will expose them but somehow I doubt it.
That's the only reason why, Peter. Thanks.
Jack the Ripper was a jewish butcher and was hidden from the public because he was a jew. one of the last woman he killed tore some flesh off him. some researcher a while ago got the DNA and traced it to a living relative of the butcher. he was put in an insane asylum
They aren't still covering up the murders of prostitutes in 1888 because some unknown Jewish butcher did it.
so why are they still covering it up? to protect the royal family? Great Shitain like the US cares more about jews then its own royalty and people
I just rechecked my history. To date Jack the Ripper has never been identified.
2019 DNA showed Aaron Kosminski a polish jew barber (thought he was a butcher). forensic analyst showed a DNA sample from a bloody blanket showed kosminski DNA. a month ago the Rippers victims families demanding an investigation. it will go nowhere. google jack the ripper DNA breakthru
The evidence has never been confirmed by anyone other than the author. There remains a great deal of skepticism over the authenticity and verification.
google it and read the tons of articles and you tube videos. do you really think they will let the people know a member of the tribe was the Ripper? anne franks diary written by the father who admitted it with a ball point pen that did not exist at the time of the writing yet the fairy tale continues. so the fairy tale of not knowing who the Ripper was will also continue
Trump is in the back pocket of the cabal. If he even moved to expose them he would be dead before sunset.
He’s indebted to the Rothschilds for bailing him out of the casino debacle.
Not opposed to transparency per se, but am always leery & red flags go up whenever the MSM (who've been wholly govt propaganda in last decade or so) all tell the same story, in unison, wrt USAID. Glad that's gonna be gone, but is it really? Fiorella Isabel is of the mind that it's just sleight of hand, and USAID will morph into and become part of a different agency with even bigger powers now. Guess only time will tell.
Could be, Teresa. Hoping for the best. Thanks.
Not gone just moved under US Dept State
Yes, Patricia, but exposed and hopefully significantly downsized. Thanks.
Color me skeptical or “black pilled” but I question “big reveals” watch the magicians other hand
You can bet on it. Until I see long bread lines of former bureaucrats, I ain't buying a single syllable coming from the lips of The Donald.
Excellent DJ, continue the enlightenment for the stupid cows!!
The raping of the US citizen has been part of the plan since 1907, the trillions the cabal has stolen directly and indirectly through wars, healthcare, and you can pretty much name anything .gov touches, is what the people should really care about, should make us take up against all of the thieves and lying POS pols who have allowed it, and profited themselves. Perhaps Trump was selected to show the people this and flaunt it in our faces to see what we do? I bet nothing is done about it, and they will just give us a small glimpse of the amount of theft, even though $36T is staring at every moron in the face, 90% are incapable of comprehending or understanding. The dumbing down will continue until we are all slaves, and this Trump period, although welcomed by me for obvious reasons, is just a continuing of the side hustle, while we are raped dry and bleed out, gross huh?
I appreciate that, Eveohtse. Thanks!
DOGE is going after the small-time punks... The big frauds are staying intact, unattended:
Well, let's hope they work their way up the ladder, Ray. Thanks.
We'll know if DOGE is real is it starts taking on the MIC and the jewish money racket.
They won't, of course.
It's all very interesting, this exposure by DOGE. But unless arrests are made and heads begin to roll, well, then, we know about a lot of corruption and we already knew about a lot, and that everybody gets away scott free. Which we already knew.
Yes, people must be held accountable, Kyra. We'll see. Thanks.
An expat in England points out, chemtrails appear to have ceased nearly a week ago. (Was cloudy here until last night.) She suspects USAID defunding have accomplished this. The bluest skies you've ever seen are since the DOGE! (Yes, I pronounce it with 2 syllables. It's not "dodge", "dohg", or "dohje".)
Chemtrails (geoengineering) are a U.S. military operation (U.S. Air Force, Navy, and DARPA) run under the HAARP program, which has for the last several decades extended its tentacles into countries throughout the world. Chemtrails have nothing to do with USAID and will continue unabated.
I've been reading that elsewhere, SaHiB. Who knows? Thanks.
No shortage of chemtrails in these parts. But now they mainly spray at night. The full moon often gives them away.
Where are "these parts"? Satellite photos show none on Pacific Coast or Intermountain West.
Basically, the I-95 corridor.
How cool would it be if Trump called you up DJ and said, You’re Hired!” Most all of the politicians are corrupt and compromised. When ya can finally get them out of office they go back home Multi-Millionaires! I hope I’m wrong but my gut is telling me a lot of this “good” we are so called seeing is leading up to something “not so good”! He is gaining a lot of people’s trust through these actions he’s taken so far. Will he get the people to go along with a digital money system or new virus/vaccines that Kamala couldn’t do? As you have said DJ and I concur…is we must be watchful!! My belief is that all this is leading up to the beast system that will be run by the Antichrist per Daniel and Revelation. If I’m correct, sometime in the near future we will hear of Israel being able to rebuild their temple. We know Gods wrath is coming on this unbelieving world, just not the day or hour! Thanks for letting me rant DJ. I appreciate what you are doing and once again believe you were called for a time as this!
Now that would be something, Brad. Can't say I'd turn it down if they made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I just wouldn't compromise my morals. Thanks.
Yeah, I think you would be a bit too transparent for their liking. That’s one of the qualities I admire most of you…a man of integrity! Doesn’t seem to be many in the world anymore!
Well, I appreciate hearing that, Brad. I try. Thanks!
Dumpandslime won't even hire Paul Craig Roberts. (Zionists don't like him.)
Karaites think the Temple should be on Mount Gerizim. (I think; might be Ebal.)
I hope Trump pulls an Andrew Jackson:
"Mr. Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it."
"Mr. Federal Judge has told me what I should do, now let him force me to do so."
It is going to be UFC, but the people that make this country work are with Trump.
J.D. Vance almost went there. He did everything but mention Judicial Review. Thanks, James.
Well, it seems to me that the big show is over. There was a clip on TV last night in which Trump said, "I will abide by the law. I always abide by the law." I am not trained in law, but I think this means that what Trump has so far done will be tied up in court for the next four years, at least. He is allowing the brakes to be applied. He is no Andrew Jackson.
It's all well and good that this corruption is being exposed, and really shouldn't be surprising to anyone half-awake that this mad "spending" has taken place and is ongoing because that's what all governments do best. It is interesting to note that while everyone is cheering on this "great" work by Musk and his buddies, one billion dollars of bunker-buster bombs to blow up more Palestinians in their tents was recently okayed by Trump to be sent to Israel. Here's another concern with DOGE: As the Musk team takes apart federal agencies, do they have a replacement plan? Will Musk and his DOGE staffers look to replace federal employees using AI, machine learning tools, or even robots? Here's a chilling quote from a US official closely watching DODGE activity: "The end goal is replacing the human workforce with machines. Everything that can be machine-automated will be. And the technocrats will replace the bureaucrats"...Chilling words.
Perhaps the end goal of all this fanfare of paring down the massive federal budget is something more nefarious than saving taxpayers' money!
Lots of good questions, Eric. But for now, enjoy the disclosures. Thanks.
Donald, I agree. We'll take what we can get!