I personally loved the penis piano player getting smacked down, he is such vile creature. I also find it funny as a kid in the 80’s I distinctly remember the “left” always going on about Nuclear Freeze , unilateral disarmament, how we were wrong for calling the USSR names like evil empire. Now those same folks want WW3 complete with nuclear first strike Armageddon. They are all insane then and now.
Yes, it's remarkable that they went from demanding detente with Russia when it taking over half the world, to thinking any criticism of U.S. authorities is "Russian disinfo." Thanks, Southern!
Seems to me the project Mockingbird propaganda worked wonders. The modern left has come full circle becoming the very thing they used to claim to hate.
I've seen several comments on various sites written by Trump skeptics and Trump supporters alike expressing ecstatic appreciation for the (obviously staged for TV news) smackdown of Zelensky. IMO, only someone who is addicted to TV could have been fooled by that silly show.
My wife, who is devoted to TV news and other TV offerings, has since tried to engage me in discussion of the scripted event. I won't bite. My initial reaction to the sudden flurry of discussion about this little show was in line with Donald's comment of "Why was the press there...?". I can't remember this kind of meeting between two purported "national leaders" being hosted in a press conference setting ever having been televised before.
We don't want to see low IQ / low consciousness disputes in public by our leaders.
The affect it has on young people to see that is nothing but demoralizing.
Of course the money and weapons train has to stop, but the oligarchs want those resources
for the technological revolution in weapons, AI, drones, screens, and worst of all -EV "green"
energy. They've fought wars over opium, territories, oil, gold, sometimes just for the depopulation effort, and now for rare earth minerals. No, we don't want a war so that oligarchs can monopolize rare earth minerals for the MIC and for "toxic green energy".
Too bad they spent ten trillion dollars over the last 25 years on illegal wars and used up
so many resources.
I agree it is ALL insane. Imagine the rare earth minerals the MIC uses to produce useless crap like the F35.
I have to agree. I think Trump is a fantastic president, as compared to our more recent selections anyhow. I think his main problem is he is an egotistical showman by nature, and that just makes the leader of the free world seem petty and unserious. I do understand the gut level revulsion those with TDS feel for him. But those of us who support him put that aside and look at the bigger picture, what he is actually trying to accomplish.
I have been studying the photos of Trump and Zelensky at this meeting where they appear sitting on those yellow chairs which look identical in size, the cushions do not appear to have been bolstered in one chair to give Zelensky an artificial boost in height, yet their torsos impossibly appear the same size, but Trump is 6 feet 3 inches tall, while Zelensky is 5 feet 7 inches tall.
In other articles, photos show the tops of the heads of Trump and Zelensky as even being perfectly parallel, an absolute impossibility in real life, and even in this photo here in this article, Zelensky is seemingly at most 2 inches lower in height than Trump, but even Zelensky's head in real life is actually tiny, so I think the photo image of Zelensky here has been artificially expanded by photoshop in an actually highly complementary manner to make Zelensky very similar to Trump in height, stature and head size.
If Trump really disliked Chabad Lubavitcher Zelensky for real, then Trump would never have arranged for that clever photographic deception, but of course, Trump officially converted to Chabad Lubavitcher death cult himself as a very keen supporter of the exterminatory anti-Gentile Noahide Laws in 2017.
Putin is also a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, they are all on the same WEF team killing enslaved Ukrainian and Russian Gentiles suckered or forced into military service to be liquidated in the jaws of the firecely hungry meat-grinder on the earlier orders of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.
It was Chief Rabbi Schneerson himself who gave instructions that this very same war in Ukraine today should be deliberately arranged to create a 'Bigger Israel', just as Zelensky today says he wishes to create a 'Bigger Israel' there. The entirely godless and demonic Schneerson's bloodthirsty plan was for this war to be arranged under false pretences, specifically to get Russian and Ukrainian Slavs to kill each other in the area so that millions of Israeli Jews can then move from Israel onto the land in Ukraine and take it for themselves, hence the cohencidentally arranged Hamas war against Israel using Manchurian Candidate controlled Hamas Leaders who all spent some time in Israeli military detention facilities to get their heads turned around.
Ridiculously larping 'Ukrainian' fake 'Nazi' brigades have been massacring tens of thousands of helpless Russian-speaking civilian Christian Gentile Ukrainians in Donbass in Ukraine itself since 2014, several leaders of these units dress in military uniforms while sporting 'Nazi' insignia, yet they are provenly Jewish in reality.
But of course, the Jews wish that such war crimes committed actually by themselves can never be allowed to be publicly attributed to Jews, so they dress up as 'Nazis' while creating their Bigger Israel instead, and the very knowing agent Putin even goes along with the criminal deception ordered earlier by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, very ridiculously claiming that these are actually real 'Nazis' in Ukraine committing these atrocities that he must now fight against, but the Jewish-led units responsible are not the Gentile units on the front lines in the meat-grinder exposed to very rapid deaths.
But Stepan Bandera who these supposed 'Ukrainian Nazis' ridiculously claim to follow in the footsteps of today was never genuinely associated with German National Socialism in the first place, despite the fervid claims of many 'historians' today.
Hitler actually had Stepan Bandera captured and locked up in prison to put a stop to his military activities, so German NSDAP swastikas would most definitely not be being worn today by any actual supporters of Stepan Bandera today, nor, most definitely, would any real National Socialists be being paid and commanded by a Jewish megalomaniac cocaine addict who admits he uses cocaine to give him 'mental clarity', this being to create a 'Bigger Israel' that Zelensky himself says he intends to run just like Israel is run today.
So that would mean Christians in Ukraine being spat on in the streets of the intended Bigger Israel in Ukraine, like the Christians are spat on already by Jews in Israel today who are intended to migrate there, as it is actually a scripturally-given commandment for all Jews to spit on Christians there (and the Jewish Torah, Talmud and Zohar all state that all Gentiles in the world are ultimately to be totally exterminated anyway, with the exterminatory Noahide Laws being based on the Torah).
Where do all the soldiers of these actually anti-white Azov-type fake 'Nazi' battalions come from who use 'American' and 'British'-supplied Howitzer artillery shells on true Gentile Ukrainian civilians to create a Bigger Israel while the regular Gentile Ukrainian units themselves are simply herded into the jaws of the meat grinder to be liquidated, having an average life expectancy of just 4 hours there in that entirely lethal situation?
Huge numbers of opportunistic Jews flooded onto Ukrainian lands back in the 1930's that had been purposely vacated beforehand by crypto-Jew Stalin's orders that resulted in the liquidation of 10 million Ukrainian white Slav Christians there. 10 million is the genuine figure that Stalin himself provided to Roosevelt and Churchill while in conference with them at Yalta as having been 'liquidated' by him, and not the more common bowdlerized figures of 5 or 7 million that are most commonly used by those who wish to change what Stalin really said.
Yet almost everyone online in most articles mistakenly or misleadingly continues to say that the modern day supposed 'Banderites' are actually 'Nazis' or National Socialists genuinely connected with Stepan Bandera and with Hitler, though these claims are totally ridiculous and easily entirely disproven.
Stepan Bandera and his military units at the time of WWII were most definitely not genuinely associated with Adolf Hitler and his NSDAP in any case.
The modern so-called 'Banderites' in Ukraine today who are slaughtering white Gentile Christian Slavs there are absolutely nothing at all to do with Bandera or his nationalistic objectives, and Bandera if he were still alive today would very obviously never be organizing any soldiers to create a Bigger Israel as those crypto-Jewish-led Azov battalion-type fake 'Nazi' units do today who are false flag-fighting for this totally Jewish criminal terrorist military objective.
In reality this war is not really being used to save any Second Rome white amalek Slavs in Ukraine or Russia, in reality it is entirely a selfish bloodthirsty Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher plan being used only to liquidate as many white Gentile Slavs as possible on both 'sides' in order to further empty Ukraine lands of Gentiles so that millions of Israeli Jews can then greedily move onto this land and seize it to be their own, with no need for estate agents as usual.
Putin, a fellow alumnus of Zelensky in crypto-Jewish Klaus Schwab's WEF (Schwab's true mother before he was later adopted was actually Jewish) can be seen in various videos and photos attending public events and meetings wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee red thread on his wrist.
“. . . plan was for this war to be arranged under false pretenses, specifically to get Russian and Ukrainian Slavs to kill each other in the area so that millions of Israeli Jews can then move from Israel onto the land in Ukraine and take it for themselves . . .”
Very well said. Almost no one understands that the primary purpose of that war is to kill as many Christians as possible so that the Jews can move into Ukraine (which is their ancestral homeland of Khazaria) and take it over. Zelensky, a Jew, was installed as ‘president’ to facilitate that plan, and he has done his job admirably. That is why he is so determined to not end the war. Putin obviously knows what is going on, but he is probably cooperating under duress. All of the Western leaders who support Zelensky are either too stupid to understand the reason for the war, or they are knowingly supporting the annihilation of the Christians. Most of the Jews in the Western governments are probably in the latter category.
There's multiples of most world leaders it would seem. Putin screwed up once really badly and showed up at the same time in two separate locations. Iirc there's a pic of Trump and Joe Rogan together and they're not far apart in height (not 7+ inches). It sounds crazy but there were like 6 Joe Bidens. Pretty spot on for the rest.
I have seen photos of rubber mask-wearing doubles that seem pretty obvious where they have started to peel off around the base of the neck during political interviews and so on, such as on at least one Biden double.
And Hillary Clinton has a double who is very obvious from photos of her standing with Bill Clinton, as one 'Hillary Clinton' is several inches shorter against the shoulder of Bill Clinton than the other.
Elon Musk said that he thinks several thousand people really run the US.
I remember the video of a mind-wiped, very obviously hypnotized and stage-prepped Bill Clinton with a totally unnatural glazed expression sitting motionless in a make-up chair before going onstage asking: "Do you have anymore 'Maryland'" (slang for more Ecstacy tablets).
"Manchurian Candidates" for real. It's a crazy world. I'll have to see if I can track down the Clinton stuff. Epstein's presidential portraits are making more and more sense.
I remember when our Government closed down small businesses during Covid. So many people lost their paychecks. I don't remember any Federal Employees crying for private industry employees. The Federal employees still got their paychecks and stayed home for months, that turned into years!! They have the nerve to complain about going back to the office after 5 years! They cry the blues because they have to write 5 things they did last week. Are you kidding, get a real job.
It's been an interesting mix so far. On the one hand, Trump's actions have been downright exhilarating. On the other, this could actually all be kayfabe. We just don't know yet whether we're going to get an actual reckoning for Russiagate, the Covid operation, stolen elections and all the rest. This could be mostly an attempted bankruptcy restructuring, which features a reduction in force but not much else.
Let's not start the story in the last act. Ike warned us January 17, 1961, of a military-industrial complex. In three months JFK threw down on CIA and Pentagon liars trying to suck him into a Cuban invasion. Biden got Milley back from his prostate exam to vacate Bagram, giving the Taliban a state of the art base they'd then give to the PLA. But there's more: Biden waffled a welcome to Putin's invasion, greenlighting Nord Stream 2 on day one, mumbling about "a minor incursion", sending 250B to the Burisma Barrista who brewed up Russiagate, having bragged of buying the ouster of the inconvenient prosecutor with a billion-dollar "loan guarantee". Did we have to suffer the Cheney-Rumsfeld drumbeat for two wars after three towers conveniently nanothermited--and what have we as a result of trillions in treasure and "a nice ocean" of blood? Now comes the suspender of elections and outlawer of opposition to demand more unaccounted-for billions from a president elected to end permawar. Peace got JFK assassinated--and missed twice on this Enemy of the Deep State. Picture lucrative mining ventures with USA machines the size of buildings--money pours in, Putin is calculating the cost-risk ratio--but, no: Enter Blinken and Victoria God-Save-the-Queen to whisper in the piano-penis president's ear on casual Friday, "More! More! More!" But USA John and Jane Doe do not wish to pay more-more-more when at home--as you note, Donald--matters are quite frankly a mess. Shall another 250B and another million body bags alter the All Quiet on the Western Front stalemate? Volodymyr, take the cannoli, leave the gun.
I enjoyed the article. As a retired civil servant I can verify it is hard to fire a government worker. I used my civil servant status to punch above my weight class when trying to get the job down. I tried to do my job to the best of my ability which sometimes involved totally pissing off some contractors. They didn't like me and complained to my boss but they couldn't touch me. There are many more government contractors than civil servants and these big companies have a lot of influence.
I also worked with an engineer that had some neuro medical issues who just couldn't do his job anymore but refused to take a medical retirement. He drove to work every day and he should not have been driving. He was scary.
One rule I would like to see implemented is no double dipping. If you have retired from the military you should be allowed to seek federal employment. Give someone else a chance.
Talk about people that won't retire, look at all the ancient people in Congress. It is like a retirement home looking at the house floor. Feinstein could not even vote for herself, pathetic! Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Nadler, and the king of all the old farts, Joe Biden! They had to drag him out kicking and screaming. Term limits never looked so good.
They don't want to give up the power. It is like a drug to them. People look at billionaires who give away money and they think they are wonderful. They have so much money a million to them is like a hundred dollars to us. It is all about power and influence for many of them.
DOGE is real - the reckless spending and halted costs are all listed - as anyone who will take five minutes to listen/look will quickly learn, it’s a completely broken payment system - https://www.doge-tracker.com/
I know it’s easier for most folks to call Elon a Nazi and look away.
Yes, I saw that. There's no confirmable data there at all, and the implied claim that the amounts shown are savings isn't convincing. Whether or not DOGE is real, there's no real indication that anything has been saved at all. Savings would have to involve clawbacks of funds or at least proof that the fraudulent payouts have been halted.
As referenced from a few articles back, we have to take our victories no matter the size.
In reference to the left and nukes; it's funny how the left drooled over the USSR ( Bernie honeymooned in Moscow during the Cold War) but now despise Russia. Yes, they're hypocrites - but they are also complete morons. Thanks Don
You wrote: "Is it too much to expect transparency from those who govern us?". Rep. moon-in-spanish who is supposedly one hot mama said basically the same thing; she wants to make the governing transparent to the governed. I have to say that I don't like the idea of being governed. I don't think anyone reading this does either. I don't think our constitution was designed to be a governing document except to the extent that the governing the constitution described was governing of the government. So do you think you have it backwards? We the people govern the government, not the other way around. I imagine rep. Luna is a hyphenated-American and comes from a tradition where they actually did govern "the masses" towards their own corrupt ends
Well, that would be wonderful if it had ever been the case, Richard. I agree philosophically- as I've said, I have no logical argument any longer against anarchy- but we'll take transparency as a big improvement. Thanks.
I loved the White House host and roast. I hope they do more. One of them might win an academy award. Vote for your favorite. Genocide Israel Prime Minister got a complete ass licking while Mr. Z got repeatedly kicked in the balls, and girly slapped in the face. I kept thinking some 14-year-old kid could have a lot of fun editing this staged video.
Looking at the community level theater going on in DC, especially with the Epstein files, it is hard to believe that this is the same country that could inspire the world with a fake moon landing or galvanize the globe with a hoax about jet aces taking down the twin towers and building 7 without even hitting it.
Good summation of the theater production that is our government.
Tiny Dominican Republic deported last year 276,000 Haitians which is greater than the current run rate under Trump. Eisenhower deported 1 million plus Mexicans back to Mexico. It really isn't that hard.
Even worse, the amount of H1Bs coming into the US may increase enough to out pace the deportations. H1Bs are worse because they take away the entry level jobs our young people need then, once promoted, only hire their own killing advancement for Americans.
While Trump is getting things done, there is still a lot of theater like last time and many MAGA supporters are already making excuses for that. They are having fun cheering for their team. So we have Vivek leading for governor of Ohio, when he should be in jail for stock fraud and wants to replace Americans with his own people and is very upfront about it
Good points, Al. Elon's lust for the H-1B Visa workers was certainly alarming. I agree- it seems like we'd be seeing more direct evidence if mass deportations were really going on. Thanks!
Ah, the Zelensky, Trump, Vance fiasco. A combination of a Jerry Springer rerun, SNL, The Babylon Bee, and The Onion show! The man who made himself famous playing the piano with his penis,
and the reality show/ Pro-Wrestling Federation aficionado both put on stellar performances.
Not to be outdone, Mr. Palantir Vance showed great acting acumen, righteously lashing out
at poor Mr. Z. on cue. As the acting began to wind down, Mr. Trump announced with some glee:
" This will make for great television!" I'm sure when all the chairs were put away and the obedient MSM went home, all three actors shared a good brew and an expensive cigar!
No, it is a true leader (President Trump) saying what he needs to say for the millions of American citizens who are sick and tired of sending money to coke-head Zelensky and who had the balls two weeks ago to say he has no idea what happened to most of the money! Send Zelensky to GITMO!!
Let's not just send Zalensky to GITMO. How about also sending Victoria Nuland and company? While we're at it, how about the CIA for instigating just about every coup and color revolution around the world for many years?
There is legal immigration, but no civilization will last long when hoards of unskilled people from alien cultures invade a nation's borders. The millions of invaders since Biden's open border policy is overwhelming our systems. It's completely unsustainable.
Well of course not. that would destroy the integrity and culture of the apartheid state. They want to destroy western countries, not their own country.
If it were unsustainable, it wouldn't be sustained.
“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.” Frederick Douglass
Illegals need to stand in line like my wife did to immigrate to the United States from Italy and become a U.S. Citizen!! Furthermore, I am sick and tired of supporting illegal immigrants lifestyle with my tax dollars!
A lot of Americans feel the same way. Get in line like the legal immigrants, the people that came here and got legal citizenship. We love them and support them.
My Stepbrother is a federal judge. One of his jobs is to swear in new citizens. He told me it is the best part of his job; he loves it and the new citizens love it! They are so happy to be Americans!
Anyone who appears fully fluent in English and able to pass the citizenship test won't have to stand in line to become a legal resident. Kindly name the illegal immigrants that you have willfully denied support to. Rights belong only to those who demand them belligerently.
Trump is doing just enough to make it seem like he's doing a lot. Maga raves and Libs rage. Until somebodies are arrested - meh.
Was not the signing a formality, the shit show Fri., hence the cameras and then Z. reneged because he had an audience. But unless we get out of NAtO and even the UN, it all remains fake and well, you know.
Saw where one Lib wrote that maybe a saner country like Canada would take disgruntled Americans, haha. At least that would help the deportation numbers.
Yep, all of the apparently ‘good’ things that Trump is doing (e.g., pardoning J6 prisoners, deporting illegals, etc.) is simply to keep MAGA distracted and make them feel like they are winning. Meanwhile, the NWO Agenda 2030 marches on, complete with CBDCs, mRNA vaccines, biometric IDs, 15-minute cities, etc., and MAGA will clap like trained seals while he leads the way to those objectives. That is specifically why he was selected to win. The Right would resist those things if a Democrat, or even another Republican, was president.
I personally loved the penis piano player getting smacked down, he is such vile creature. I also find it funny as a kid in the 80’s I distinctly remember the “left” always going on about Nuclear Freeze , unilateral disarmament, how we were wrong for calling the USSR names like evil empire. Now those same folks want WW3 complete with nuclear first strike Armageddon. They are all insane then and now.
Yes, it's remarkable that they went from demanding detente with Russia when it taking over half the world, to thinking any criticism of U.S. authorities is "Russian disinfo." Thanks, Southern!
Seems to me the project Mockingbird propaganda worked wonders. The modern left has come full circle becoming the very thing they used to claim to hate.
I've seen several comments on various sites written by Trump skeptics and Trump supporters alike expressing ecstatic appreciation for the (obviously staged for TV news) smackdown of Zelensky. IMO, only someone who is addicted to TV could have been fooled by that silly show.
My wife, who is devoted to TV news and other TV offerings, has since tried to engage me in discussion of the scripted event. I won't bite. My initial reaction to the sudden flurry of discussion about this little show was in line with Donald's comment of "Why was the press there...?". I can't remember this kind of meeting between two purported "national leaders" being hosted in a press conference setting ever having been televised before.
Televised because it was Trumps top initiative to end the war, a big deal. Zelensky outed himself. Watch Kirn and Taibbi.
My wife and I both found it disgusting.
We don't want to see low IQ / low consciousness disputes in public by our leaders.
The affect it has on young people to see that is nothing but demoralizing.
Of course the money and weapons train has to stop, but the oligarchs want those resources
for the technological revolution in weapons, AI, drones, screens, and worst of all -EV "green"
energy. They've fought wars over opium, territories, oil, gold, sometimes just for the depopulation effort, and now for rare earth minerals. No, we don't want a war so that oligarchs can monopolize rare earth minerals for the MIC and for "toxic green energy".
Too bad they spent ten trillion dollars over the last 25 years on illegal wars and used up
so many resources.
I agree it is ALL insane. Imagine the rare earth minerals the MIC uses to produce useless crap like the F35.
I have to agree. I think Trump is a fantastic president, as compared to our more recent selections anyhow. I think his main problem is he is an egotistical showman by nature, and that just makes the leader of the free world seem petty and unserious. I do understand the gut level revulsion those with TDS feel for him. But those of us who support him put that aside and look at the bigger picture, what he is actually trying to accomplish.
I have been studying the photos of Trump and Zelensky at this meeting where they appear sitting on those yellow chairs which look identical in size, the cushions do not appear to have been bolstered in one chair to give Zelensky an artificial boost in height, yet their torsos impossibly appear the same size, but Trump is 6 feet 3 inches tall, while Zelensky is 5 feet 7 inches tall.
In other articles, photos show the tops of the heads of Trump and Zelensky as even being perfectly parallel, an absolute impossibility in real life, and even in this photo here in this article, Zelensky is seemingly at most 2 inches lower in height than Trump, but even Zelensky's head in real life is actually tiny, so I think the photo image of Zelensky here has been artificially expanded by photoshop in an actually highly complementary manner to make Zelensky very similar to Trump in height, stature and head size.
If Trump really disliked Chabad Lubavitcher Zelensky for real, then Trump would never have arranged for that clever photographic deception, but of course, Trump officially converted to Chabad Lubavitcher death cult himself as a very keen supporter of the exterminatory anti-Gentile Noahide Laws in 2017.
Putin is also a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee, they are all on the same WEF team killing enslaved Ukrainian and Russian Gentiles suckered or forced into military service to be liquidated in the jaws of the firecely hungry meat-grinder on the earlier orders of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.
It was Chief Rabbi Schneerson himself who gave instructions that this very same war in Ukraine today should be deliberately arranged to create a 'Bigger Israel', just as Zelensky today says he wishes to create a 'Bigger Israel' there. The entirely godless and demonic Schneerson's bloodthirsty plan was for this war to be arranged under false pretences, specifically to get Russian and Ukrainian Slavs to kill each other in the area so that millions of Israeli Jews can then move from Israel onto the land in Ukraine and take it for themselves, hence the cohencidentally arranged Hamas war against Israel using Manchurian Candidate controlled Hamas Leaders who all spent some time in Israeli military detention facilities to get their heads turned around.
Ridiculously larping 'Ukrainian' fake 'Nazi' brigades have been massacring tens of thousands of helpless Russian-speaking civilian Christian Gentile Ukrainians in Donbass in Ukraine itself since 2014, several leaders of these units dress in military uniforms while sporting 'Nazi' insignia, yet they are provenly Jewish in reality.
But of course, the Jews wish that such war crimes committed actually by themselves can never be allowed to be publicly attributed to Jews, so they dress up as 'Nazis' while creating their Bigger Israel instead, and the very knowing agent Putin even goes along with the criminal deception ordered earlier by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, very ridiculously claiming that these are actually real 'Nazis' in Ukraine committing these atrocities that he must now fight against, but the Jewish-led units responsible are not the Gentile units on the front lines in the meat-grinder exposed to very rapid deaths.
But Stepan Bandera who these supposed 'Ukrainian Nazis' ridiculously claim to follow in the footsteps of today was never genuinely associated with German National Socialism in the first place, despite the fervid claims of many 'historians' today.
Hitler actually had Stepan Bandera captured and locked up in prison to put a stop to his military activities, so German NSDAP swastikas would most definitely not be being worn today by any actual supporters of Stepan Bandera today, nor, most definitely, would any real National Socialists be being paid and commanded by a Jewish megalomaniac cocaine addict who admits he uses cocaine to give him 'mental clarity', this being to create a 'Bigger Israel' that Zelensky himself says he intends to run just like Israel is run today.
So that would mean Christians in Ukraine being spat on in the streets of the intended Bigger Israel in Ukraine, like the Christians are spat on already by Jews in Israel today who are intended to migrate there, as it is actually a scripturally-given commandment for all Jews to spit on Christians there (and the Jewish Torah, Talmud and Zohar all state that all Gentiles in the world are ultimately to be totally exterminated anyway, with the exterminatory Noahide Laws being based on the Torah).
Where do all the soldiers of these actually anti-white Azov-type fake 'Nazi' battalions come from who use 'American' and 'British'-supplied Howitzer artillery shells on true Gentile Ukrainian civilians to create a Bigger Israel while the regular Gentile Ukrainian units themselves are simply herded into the jaws of the meat grinder to be liquidated, having an average life expectancy of just 4 hours there in that entirely lethal situation?
Huge numbers of opportunistic Jews flooded onto Ukrainian lands back in the 1930's that had been purposely vacated beforehand by crypto-Jew Stalin's orders that resulted in the liquidation of 10 million Ukrainian white Slav Christians there. 10 million is the genuine figure that Stalin himself provided to Roosevelt and Churchill while in conference with them at Yalta as having been 'liquidated' by him, and not the more common bowdlerized figures of 5 or 7 million that are most commonly used by those who wish to change what Stalin really said.
Yet almost everyone online in most articles mistakenly or misleadingly continues to say that the modern day supposed 'Banderites' are actually 'Nazis' or National Socialists genuinely connected with Stepan Bandera and with Hitler, though these claims are totally ridiculous and easily entirely disproven.
Stepan Bandera and his military units at the time of WWII were most definitely not genuinely associated with Adolf Hitler and his NSDAP in any case.
The modern so-called 'Banderites' in Ukraine today who are slaughtering white Gentile Christian Slavs there are absolutely nothing at all to do with Bandera or his nationalistic objectives, and Bandera if he were still alive today would very obviously never be organizing any soldiers to create a Bigger Israel as those crypto-Jewish-led Azov battalion-type fake 'Nazi' units do today who are false flag-fighting for this totally Jewish criminal terrorist military objective.
In reality this war is not really being used to save any Second Rome white amalek Slavs in Ukraine or Russia, in reality it is entirely a selfish bloodthirsty Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher plan being used only to liquidate as many white Gentile Slavs as possible on both 'sides' in order to further empty Ukraine lands of Gentiles so that millions of Israeli Jews can then greedily move onto this land and seize it to be their own, with no need for estate agents as usual.
Putin, a fellow alumnus of Zelensky in crypto-Jewish Klaus Schwab's WEF (Schwab's true mother before he was later adopted was actually Jewish) can be seen in various videos and photos attending public events and meetings wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee red thread on his wrist.
Great points about the height discrepancies, Mothman. I think they did something like that when Kamala was sitting next to Waltz or something. Thanks.
trumps daughter and jared kosher kushner are chabad lubavitchers. good post
“. . . plan was for this war to be arranged under false pretenses, specifically to get Russian and Ukrainian Slavs to kill each other in the area so that millions of Israeli Jews can then move from Israel onto the land in Ukraine and take it for themselves . . .”
Very well said. Almost no one understands that the primary purpose of that war is to kill as many Christians as possible so that the Jews can move into Ukraine (which is their ancestral homeland of Khazaria) and take it over. Zelensky, a Jew, was installed as ‘president’ to facilitate that plan, and he has done his job admirably. That is why he is so determined to not end the war. Putin obviously knows what is going on, but he is probably cooperating under duress. All of the Western leaders who support Zelensky are either too stupid to understand the reason for the war, or they are knowingly supporting the annihilation of the Christians. Most of the Jews in the Western governments are probably in the latter category.
There's multiples of most world leaders it would seem. Putin screwed up once really badly and showed up at the same time in two separate locations. Iirc there's a pic of Trump and Joe Rogan together and they're not far apart in height (not 7+ inches). It sounds crazy but there were like 6 Joe Bidens. Pretty spot on for the rest.
I have seen photos of rubber mask-wearing doubles that seem pretty obvious where they have started to peel off around the base of the neck during political interviews and so on, such as on at least one Biden double.
And Hillary Clinton has a double who is very obvious from photos of her standing with Bill Clinton, as one 'Hillary Clinton' is several inches shorter against the shoulder of Bill Clinton than the other.
Elon Musk said that he thinks several thousand people really run the US.
I remember the video of a mind-wiped, very obviously hypnotized and stage-prepped Bill Clinton with a totally unnatural glazed expression sitting motionless in a make-up chair before going onstage asking: "Do you have anymore 'Maryland'" (slang for more Ecstacy tablets).
"Manchurian Candidates" for real. It's a crazy world. I'll have to see if I can track down the Clinton stuff. Epstein's presidential portraits are making more and more sense.
THIS!!! 🎯🎯🎯
I remember when our Government closed down small businesses during Covid. So many people lost their paychecks. I don't remember any Federal Employees crying for private industry employees. The Federal employees still got their paychecks and stayed home for months, that turned into years!! They have the nerve to complain about going back to the office after 5 years! They cry the blues because they have to write 5 things they did last week. Are you kidding, get a real job.
Exactly, Robin. Thanks!
Real jobs are right scarce these days, even in the "private sector". Just ask those who work for Google and Big Oil.
It's been an interesting mix so far. On the one hand, Trump's actions have been downright exhilarating. On the other, this could actually all be kayfabe. We just don't know yet whether we're going to get an actual reckoning for Russiagate, the Covid operation, stolen elections and all the rest. This could be mostly an attempted bankruptcy restructuring, which features a reduction in force but not much else.
It's undeniably been entertaining, Tax. Thanks.
Let's not start the story in the last act. Ike warned us January 17, 1961, of a military-industrial complex. In three months JFK threw down on CIA and Pentagon liars trying to suck him into a Cuban invasion. Biden got Milley back from his prostate exam to vacate Bagram, giving the Taliban a state of the art base they'd then give to the PLA. But there's more: Biden waffled a welcome to Putin's invasion, greenlighting Nord Stream 2 on day one, mumbling about "a minor incursion", sending 250B to the Burisma Barrista who brewed up Russiagate, having bragged of buying the ouster of the inconvenient prosecutor with a billion-dollar "loan guarantee". Did we have to suffer the Cheney-Rumsfeld drumbeat for two wars after three towers conveniently nanothermited--and what have we as a result of trillions in treasure and "a nice ocean" of blood? Now comes the suspender of elections and outlawer of opposition to demand more unaccounted-for billions from a president elected to end permawar. Peace got JFK assassinated--and missed twice on this Enemy of the Deep State. Picture lucrative mining ventures with USA machines the size of buildings--money pours in, Putin is calculating the cost-risk ratio--but, no: Enter Blinken and Victoria God-Save-the-Queen to whisper in the piano-penis president's ear on casual Friday, "More! More! More!" But USA John and Jane Doe do not wish to pay more-more-more when at home--as you note, Donald--matters are quite frankly a mess. Shall another 250B and another million body bags alter the All Quiet on the Western Front stalemate? Volodymyr, take the cannoli, leave the gun.
I enjoyed the article. As a retired civil servant I can verify it is hard to fire a government worker. I used my civil servant status to punch above my weight class when trying to get the job down. I tried to do my job to the best of my ability which sometimes involved totally pissing off some contractors. They didn't like me and complained to my boss but they couldn't touch me. There are many more government contractors than civil servants and these big companies have a lot of influence.
I also worked with an engineer that had some neuro medical issues who just couldn't do his job anymore but refused to take a medical retirement. He drove to work every day and he should not have been driving. He was scary.
One rule I would like to see implemented is no double dipping. If you have retired from the military you should be allowed to seek federal employment. Give someone else a chance.
God bless you and your readers
I'm sure you know the truth more than most of us do, Dennis. I would like to ban double dipping as well. Thanks!
Talk about people that won't retire, look at all the ancient people in Congress. It is like a retirement home looking at the house floor. Feinstein could not even vote for herself, pathetic! Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Nadler, and the king of all the old farts, Joe Biden! They had to drag him out kicking and screaming. Term limits never looked so good.
They don't want to give up the power. It is like a drug to them. People look at billionaires who give away money and they think they are wonderful. They have so much money a million to them is like a hundred dollars to us. It is all about power and influence for many of them.
DOGE is real - the reckless spending and halted costs are all listed - as anyone who will take five minutes to listen/look will quickly learn, it’s a completely broken payment system - https://www.doge-tracker.com/
I know it’s easier for most folks to call Elon a Nazi and look away.
I certainly hope it's legit, Unsteady. Thanks.
You don’t have to hope - it’s there to see - that’s the whole point.
This is where you're required to link to whatever proof has impressed you enough to claim that it's real.
I did link it - it’s a public website with real data - try to keep up.
Yes, I saw that. There's no confirmable data there at all, and the implied claim that the amounts shown are savings isn't convincing. Whether or not DOGE is real, there's no real indication that anything has been saved at all. Savings would have to involve clawbacks of funds or at least proof that the fraudulent payouts have been halted.
Yes - you convinced yourself - I get it.
Let me know when the clawbacks start. Until any of the stolen money is returned, it's all just looksee pidgin.
As referenced from a few articles back, we have to take our victories no matter the size.
In reference to the left and nukes; it's funny how the left drooled over the USSR ( Bernie honeymooned in Moscow during the Cold War) but now despise Russia. Yes, they're hypocrites - but they are also complete morons. Thanks Don
They are indeed, Robert. Thanks.
You wrote: "Is it too much to expect transparency from those who govern us?". Rep. moon-in-spanish who is supposedly one hot mama said basically the same thing; she wants to make the governing transparent to the governed. I have to say that I don't like the idea of being governed. I don't think anyone reading this does either. I don't think our constitution was designed to be a governing document except to the extent that the governing the constitution described was governing of the government. So do you think you have it backwards? We the people govern the government, not the other way around. I imagine rep. Luna is a hyphenated-American and comes from a tradition where they actually did govern "the masses" towards their own corrupt ends
Well, that would be wonderful if it had ever been the case, Richard. I agree philosophically- as I've said, I have no logical argument any longer against anarchy- but we'll take transparency as a big improvement. Thanks.
I loved the White House host and roast. I hope they do more. One of them might win an academy award. Vote for your favorite. Genocide Israel Prime Minister got a complete ass licking while Mr. Z got repeatedly kicked in the balls, and girly slapped in the face. I kept thinking some 14-year-old kid could have a lot of fun editing this staged video.
Yes, we want more theater, Mike! Thanks!
more cowbell
here's a funny mini-video
Looking at the community level theater going on in DC, especially with the Epstein files, it is hard to believe that this is the same country that could inspire the world with a fake moon landing or galvanize the globe with a hoax about jet aces taking down the twin towers and building 7 without even hitting it.
Those were the days.
They had better production values then, Al. Thanks.
Good summation of the theater production that is our government.
Tiny Dominican Republic deported last year 276,000 Haitians which is greater than the current run rate under Trump. Eisenhower deported 1 million plus Mexicans back to Mexico. It really isn't that hard.
Even worse, the amount of H1Bs coming into the US may increase enough to out pace the deportations. H1Bs are worse because they take away the entry level jobs our young people need then, once promoted, only hire their own killing advancement for Americans.
While Trump is getting things done, there is still a lot of theater like last time and many MAGA supporters are already making excuses for that. They are having fun cheering for their team. So we have Vivek leading for governor of Ohio, when he should be in jail for stock fraud and wants to replace Americans with his own people and is very upfront about it
Good points, Al. Elon's lust for the H-1B Visa workers was certainly alarming. I agree- it seems like we'd be seeing more direct evidence if mass deportations were really going on. Thanks!
RFK Jr. Declares Anti-Semitism "Comparable To History's Most Deadly Plagues,"
With Universities As "Greenhouses."
I Give Up
Smh. I guess Rabbi Shmuley had another talk with him, Smack. Thanks.
Ah, the Zelensky, Trump, Vance fiasco. A combination of a Jerry Springer rerun, SNL, The Babylon Bee, and The Onion show! The man who made himself famous playing the piano with his penis,
and the reality show/ Pro-Wrestling Federation aficionado both put on stellar performances.
Not to be outdone, Mr. Palantir Vance showed great acting acumen, righteously lashing out
at poor Mr. Z. on cue. As the acting began to wind down, Mr. Trump announced with some glee:
" This will make for great television!" I'm sure when all the chairs were put away and the obedient MSM went home, all three actors shared a good brew and an expensive cigar!
Yep, very obviously staged, Eric. Thanks.
No, it is a true leader (President Trump) saying what he needs to say for the millions of American citizens who are sick and tired of sending money to coke-head Zelensky and who had the balls two weeks ago to say he has no idea what happened to most of the money! Send Zelensky to GITMO!!
Let's not just send Zalensky to GITMO. How about also sending Victoria Nuland and company? While we're at it, how about the CIA for instigating just about every coup and color revolution around the world for many years?
I forgot to add to the GITMO list: All of Congress and all the NATO countries. Who else?
Trump certainly said the right things, Medical. Thanks.
Illegal immigration is unconstitutional! Donald Trump is doing everything that the dementia riddled Pedophile did not do!
No fan of Biden here, Medical. Trump didn't have to do much to improve on the last 4 years. Thanks.
Kindly cite the language in the Constitution that makes any kind of immigration unconstitutional.
There is legal immigration, but no civilization will last long when hoards of unskilled people from alien cultures invade a nation's borders. The millions of invaders since Biden's open border policy is overwhelming our systems. It's completely unsustainable.
Just as the chicken swingers planned yet they aren’t allowed in their apartheid state.
Well of course not. that would destroy the integrity and culture of the apartheid state. They want to destroy western countries, not their own country.
If it were unsustainable, it wouldn't be sustained.
“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.” Frederick Douglass
Illegals need to stand in line like my wife did to immigrate to the United States from Italy and become a U.S. Citizen!! Furthermore, I am sick and tired of supporting illegal immigrants lifestyle with my tax dollars!
A lot of Americans feel the same way. Get in line like the legal immigrants, the people that came here and got legal citizenship. We love them and support them.
My Stepbrother is a federal judge. One of his jobs is to swear in new citizens. He told me it is the best part of his job; he loves it and the new citizens love it! They are so happy to be Americans!
Anyone who appears fully fluent in English and able to pass the citizenship test won't have to stand in line to become a legal resident. Kindly name the illegal immigrants that you have willfully denied support to. Rights belong only to those who demand them belligerently.
Article 4, Section 4, Protecting our Borders under the U.S. Constitution
Article 4, Section 4.
Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution does not contain the word "border."
Invasion does not require a border.
Trump is doing just enough to make it seem like he's doing a lot. Maga raves and Libs rage. Until somebodies are arrested - meh.
Was not the signing a formality, the shit show Fri., hence the cameras and then Z. reneged because he had an audience. But unless we get out of NAtO and even the UN, it all remains fake and well, you know.
Saw where one Lib wrote that maybe a saner country like Canada would take disgruntled Americans, haha. At least that would help the deportation numbers.
Write on Donald.
That's a good way to look at it, Sacky. Thanks!
Yep, all of the apparently ‘good’ things that Trump is doing (e.g., pardoning J6 prisoners, deporting illegals, etc.) is simply to keep MAGA distracted and make them feel like they are winning. Meanwhile, the NWO Agenda 2030 marches on, complete with CBDCs, mRNA vaccines, biometric IDs, 15-minute cities, etc., and MAGA will clap like trained seals while he leads the way to those objectives. That is specifically why he was selected to win. The Right would resist those things if a Democrat, or even another Republican, was president.