The plan all along was for the internet (which the U.S. Military had in the 1960s. It is a creation of DARPA) to start out totally free and uncensored to get the populace hooked on it. Then gradually, but at an ever accelerating rate, forge the links of cyber repression. It is my understanding that over the past 15 or so years, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of web-sites have been "scrubbed" from the Internet by the usual suspects. The shadow rulers. It is now truly, the Inter-NET. We are captives in the Controller's digitized web of oppression and tyranny. What little avenues that remain for free expression we must make the most of. An absolutely brilliant piece, Don, thank you.

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Isn't it ironic that the internet came from Pentagon? Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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Very Ironic, Don. All of Silicon Valley is a DARPA creation. Those news stories about the plethora of high tech computer companies birthed by young, genius nerds living in their parent's basements and becoming overnight billionaires are fairy tales for addle brained idiots. How the Controllers love to mock the masses.

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You're welcome, Don. I started subscribing to the "Spotlight" back in 1973, ironically the year I enlisted in Uncle Saul's, Red, White, & Blue Murder Machine. That had to be near when the paper commenced. I stayed with it during the brief interruption when they ceased publication due to legal troubles and then segued into the American Free Press. The Spotlight was much better than the AFP is. It was more radical and hard hitting with far fewer punches pulled. The AFP, though in a relative sense still the best newspaper extant, has devolved into Con-artist-servatism and is milquetoast by comparison. The line of demarcation was when the paper's founder, Willis Carto, passed away. Be well, Don.

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Well said. Back in the early days, I really wondered how Our Slavemasters were going to handle that one. Ah, for those glory days, when you could freely chat on IRC (where all those acronyms, like ROTF, LMAO, and SHTF were born). You could type "Kennedy Assassination False Flag" into Webcrawler and get a million hits. You could instantly access CIA documents on "Operation Mockingbird". You could get William Casey's poignant quote about "Everything the American people believe is a lie," in a tenth of a picosecond. You could find all the forensic documents on Mary's Monkeys. No "Factcheckers", no ocean of irrelevant disclaimer posts to wade through. Just meat and potatoes- hold the sushi and tofu.

But they played the long game. While we old-timers were getting up to speed on how the Nazi Holocaust was all fake and ghey, they were introducing "Outcome Based Education" and "New Math", in the indoctrination centers... er... Public Schools. And they knew what sort of Outcome they wanted- a generation hooked on Duke Nukem that meanwhile could not walk and chew gum at the same time. And, as the Internet became less and less the domain of the educated and the geeks and more and more the domain of gossips posting a blow by blow of when the dog pooped and the can of tomatoes they bought at the grocery store for spaghetti sauce the search engines got cluttered with all sorts of irrelavant phoof. So you search for "Operation Paperclip" and you get dozens of websites full of office humor.

And the final nail in the coffin was social media. And clones of social media. (Even Substack is, to a certain extent, a clone of Twitter. You can think of anybody you are engaged in a personal chat with as your "friends list") And finally, everybody started gravitating to JooToob. We have come full circle. The Dumbphone is like a combination Telly, TV, Walkman, Fax, Bank, and Checkout Counter. You will own only your Dumbphone and be happy, even if you are zoned out on Phentonal under a bridge on I-44.

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Thank you, White Wolf, and well said by you. People erroneously think Big Brother can't possibly monitor the billions of emails, web-sites, and transactions on the internet, but in reality they can. The NSA, NRO, and other faceless, super secret, agencies of the System possess quantum computers and they make the most advanced non-quantum computers seem like children's toys. It is literally impossible to hack them and a quantum computer can solve a complex problem in five minutes that would take the best non-quantum computer over a thousand years. It is truly mind blowing.

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Yes. The internet is really run on the old AT&T Fiber optic cable system and the nexus points are all at their underground bases, where they probably have every phone call since 1926 recorded.

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"New Math" was Boolean algebra. (My dad squeezed into a 4th grade desk at back to school night, red the books stacked atop it, and was greatly impressed; until Miss Willis opened her mouth. I don't think he got to the part where a homework problem required use of π before the concept was introduced. When I tried to do that problem, I measured the diameter and circumference of a plate, and was perplexed it wasn't a rational number. Too bad this wasn't in Indiana!) Perhaps you mean base-shifting Core math.

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Pi is what is known as a Transcendental Number. Not only is it irrational, but it is not a solution to any value formed by Pascal's Pyramid, which are known as the Algebraic Numbers. Meanwhile, I think your New Math might have been different from the New Math I saw at our local schools. The only place I ever used Boolean Algebra was in designing logic circuits.

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Circa 2008, I started to get a 'sneaking suspicion' about a few things, so I started sleuthing around on the internet. Didn't take me long to find 'Operation Basketball' on Wikipedia that described, essentially, the predecessor to LifeLog, which many people speculate became facebook.

Now you can't find 'Operation Basketball' anywhere. Orwell's memory hole. The article described the goal of 'OB' was to log every minute of every day of a target through monitoring their online activity, as well as other methods. The article even included the name of the sponsoring DOD Senior Officer. Pretty sure I have a screenshot of it somewhere but it would probably take me a few hours combing through all of my digital cruff to find it.

In more recent years, it's occurred to me that perhaps, just maybe, I am the only one who ever saw that Wikipedia article, except maybe a few select folks around the Potomac, who curated it just for me.

A special internet, curated just for me? Technically, it's feasible. That was almost 20 years ago when I found that article. Now with AI something like this is not just feasible but probably very likely. It's already happening with your social media and search results, tailored to your demographics, search history, and a thousand other data points. Everything you do on the internet could possibly be inside your own, AI curated, government controlled information bubble, adjusted to remediate 'issues' in your extensive psychographic profile that TPTB find distasteful. The re-education camp is virtual. Your bubble could be heaven, or it could be hell.

Crazy times.

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That's why they cannot or will not let the internet or power grids go down, since that is their control and surveillance grid. Without both, we all go back to paper notes and typewriters, and no control/surveillance grid. Which might not be all bad?

It's also why I believe that nuclear war is off the table for the war mongers in control.

That would destroy their precious internet and power grid infrastructure, which they cannot operate without. Nuclear war threats are just one of their many scare tactics.

And forget about CBDCs without an intact and operational internet and power grid.

As you probably already know too, Facebook and Google were also DARPA startup projects.

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Well said, 86, I think that also holds true for their evil, usurious banking and financial system, another major linchpin of their control apparatus. One analyst said that if the Internet went down, the financial losses in just one week would exceed 50 billion dollars.

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Can you provide a reference for that being contemplated in advance? Back in the 1990s, I thought sure they'd take the Internet down because too much truth got out.

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All I can say is that I've been ceaselessly studying the matter since I was a young whelp and the inescapable conclusion, among many others, is that the Hidden Hand always meticulously plans the pleasantries they have in store for us years in advance. One example out of many: The criminal Covid-19 hoax was formulated a good 20 years before the lying media whores started squawking about it in late February, 2020. This was revealed by the very few honest micro-biologists and scientists out there, who were of course banned from all major platforms and media.

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Excellent. Haven't thought about "Stranger in a Strange Land" in many years. Ahhhh 8th grade Catholic school days. Then there was the latest technology in High School Typing Class - The IBM Selectric. Magnificent machine. But onto a serious reply. After retiring last year, I have elected to work part time in what I thought was a modest little job giving back to our community. I drive a Van for a County agency providing free / low cost transportation to seniors, low income, special needs and veterans. Mostly doctor appointments and work rides. To say it is overwhelming emotionally is an understatement. Our very wealthy County is just a shell of wealth. Behind all the gated communities and McMansions and Golf Course condo's there are many, many hidden little enclaves each holding hundreds of trailers, cheap apartments and dilapidated pre war housing all housing the forgotten old people and working poor. I transport the special needs kids to their grocery jobs, shut in seniors to dialysis appointments and disabled veterans to doctor appointments. The hardest are the severely disabled kids living in trailer parks going to a type of day care center so the parents can work. It literally breaks my heart to see the gaps in living standards within my own County. But take note, we do OK as a County compared to many others. We try. I am torn when thinking of the other areas in America without even this basic level of service. What have we become when our good paying jobs are gone and half or more of us are living on $20 an hour or less? I don't know but something must change. Whatever we have now is broken. And it's not what I once believed was Capitalism. The Financialization of our economy has gutted middle America. Time for change. Big time. Thanks for your work. I always look forward to your thoughts.

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You are doing God's work, Big. I'd like to do something like that. Is there a group that coordinates it nationwide, or various local organizations? Thanks!

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The whole world has gone bonkers. I sure wish there was something like that here. Im stuck in a tent in the middle of nowhere in a state thats not mine because its the only safe spot I could find to set up my yurt and campsite while I waited on disability with no income for 2 years. My car engine just blew up and there is not a soul out there that cares to come and take me to get groceries or anything I need. Im 57 with Lupus and RA for 22 years and I had to walk and hitch hike to get to town the other day. It was 98° that day. I worked since I was 15 mostly 2 jobs. My disability just came through but they kept $7000 of my back pay they told me I was getting so guess what? Im never getting out of this tent and I have no clue how Im paying for a new engine. And on the internet subject, I loath it. There is so much suppressed info its not funny. I repeatedly cannot find what Im searching for but the spam and scam sites thrive. I just got scammed and its hopeless trying to resolve anything. The website doesnt exist but it still pulls up on a Google search for products they are "selling". I tried to stop the transactions BEFORE they went through but Paypal is WORTHLESS and provides no way to do that so they got my money.

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God bless you, Susan. You are part of what I call the hidden America. The other 50%, the bottom half that has less than 1% of the collective wealth. Do you have any family? Thanks for sharing your story.

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Thank you, Donald. I do have two children. My son is in the Navy and currently deployed. He has been out since the beginning of the year and has been delayed coming home. He is in charge of his unit and I cannot bring myself to ask for help while he is out there in hostile seas. I also have a daughter who is a nurse but she has 4 children so again I dont ask. Im not close anymore. I had to leave the Fl panhandle and come to Alabama to find a safe spot. Things really started when I lost my home to Hurricane Michael. I havent been able to recover from that.

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I really feel for you...I've been in similar situations in the past. It feels like there is no hope, and one KNOWS that there is no one coming to help. I will pray for you, Susan.

More and more I feel gratitude for my past years of struggle. The survival skills I learned are like gold now. I can hardly imagine what it must like to get up-to-speed on the truth of the situation...at the same time everything is falling apart. For those of us who went through this kind of stuff many years ago...at least we had the luxury of TIME to get our heads above water. That luxury is GONE. Paypal is just another global elite parasite money laundering scam.

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Totally understand. Have never used the medical -industrial care system, and have always cured myself with natural methods. I have brought myself back from death's doorstep. In 2016 I did try to get SS disability for damage to my body from lyme disease and yellow fever that I contracted from a vaccine, which left me with chronic health problems. It was a total waste of time. I stopped at three denials. If it makes you feel any better, everyone I know who got disability had big chunks of their back-pay taken from them. The disability system is set up that way. They want folks to die before they have to pay out. The covid money was a totally different story. In that case I made out like a bandit. It felt to me like beating the system because I probably got what I was denied in disability. The economy would have crashed in 2020 if "they" had not pumped all that covid cash into it. I told everyone at the time it would cause hyper-inflation.

I have been in daily pain for the last ten years, and at times it saps all my energy just to deal with the pain. I understand that feeling: what is the point? But God has my back, and everything has a reason...so I soldier on. You are not alone...so many are suffering now. To quote the despicable Bill Clinton...I feel your pain.

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What; stereo tanks with commercials at the most annoying times like on monetized Yoot Tube?

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I just got told by a dear friend that I’m “too smart to vote for a dictator like Trump.” Mentioning government censorship escalations under Biden, the vaccine mandates, Big Ag and Big Food and Big Pharma’s poisonings did nothing to quench her thirst to tell me I was “too smart” not to vote for the hyena Kamehameha. And all I did was tell her I admired Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. I never said I was “voting for Trump.” Don, keep writing, you’re helping me stay sane, here buddy. It’s getting harder by the day.

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Thanks, Mel!

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We have Donald Q Chump and Cackling Camel. What a choice! It's like trying decide which is the better way to go- getting shot in the back of the head or tossed into the ocean tied to a millstone.

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Exactly! I think I’ll just stay home. I’m in a reliably red state anyway. Won’t matter and they just took Kennedy off the ballot in SC… He had been on the ballot. Now, poof! He’s been disappeared. 70% of the people here will vote for Trump. So I can stay home and be more productive, as the great George Carlin once said!

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I voted for the Gipper in 1980, in 1984, and then Held my nose and voted for Papa Shrub in 1988. I promptly regretted that decision. Have not voted since. Sorry, but none of those imbeciles reflect my values and honor.

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100%, Wolf!!

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Yeah, I would have voted for Kennedy as a protest vote, since I usually vote for the better independent candidates anyway. I sure do miss Ron Paul!

Now, like you, I don't need to bother with that at all.

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Damned straight!

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With "dear friends" like that, who needs enemies? Saying "You're too smart to _______" about anything is the height of condescension. If they refuse to hear your points about why Veep Kneepads sucks, they'll turn you over during the secret police roundup without a second thought.

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In most cases, you’d be right, Tom. This woman was my only vaccinated friend in 2021 who did not abandon me. I lost several vaccinated friends who just ghosted me completely. Very painful. This woman kept talking to me, never trying to convince me, just being kind, inviting us to dinner, etc etc. I love her. So it hurts to see her so locked in over this issue.

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Fair enough. I understand. Thank you for your response.

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I also love when someone (disturbingly often, someone intelligent) trots out phrases like MAGA extremism rather than make an actual argument.

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Okay, let me see if I can organize my thoughts. I am a white Anglo-Saxon woman, born in 1953, in Southern California. I lived in the same house for 18 years, went to college in California, got married a week later and after moving for my husband's schooling and jobs, we finally settled back in California, but this time in the Central Valley where we worked and raised our two sons(well, their teen years). We now reside in northern Idaho because both sons moved here with their families. I often ask myself, "How in the world did a Southern California girl get way up here!?" I thought you might like to get a small snapshot of my background. I am NOT a writer like you, just an ordinary retired teacher. But like you, I am one of those rare birds that is WIDE AWAKE and aware. It is a tough place to be- very lonely and at times sad. I have been a Christian since my freshman year in college, and this too presents a problem. When I share with fellow believers, that I am very concerned about the situation of our country and world, they usually tell me to just trust God and it will all turn out OK. Yes, I agree that my trust is in God, but I also see all that is happening around me and I am smart enough to understand the implications for the future. Ever since COVID I have been furiously researching and reading everything I can. I refuse to bury my head in the sand. I do have a handful of people who are on the same page, faith wise and current event wise. All this to say, when I read your substack it helps to know there is someone out there who understands. I have a deep sense of doom in the pit of my stomach and it is usually triggered by reading about the invasion on our border and in Europe. I have to distract myself with normal day to day activities just to try to forget for a few moments. My heart breaks for my grandkids and what awaits them. Thank you for "listening ". Keep writing so I don't feel so alone. I hope this wasn't too jumbled.

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That was beautifully expressed, Dawn. I really appreciate you sharing your experiences. Thanks!

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You had me chuckling to myself reading today's post. Pictures of boys on stingrays reminded me of myself and two brothers.

I used to subscribe to the Spotlight and other

" subversive" publications.

Thanks for the diversion an a trip down memory lane. It was needed today.

Please keep up the good work.


Scott Shiell

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Thanks, Scott!

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It was a real trip down memory lane for me as well! Although I suspect I am slightly younger than you. I enjoyed the post a lot & thanks for all that you do. Don’t quit writing. So many of us need voices like yours.

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I used to have an even older manual typewriter than the one in your picture, an IBM portable my grandfather used to have when he was on the Press Corps of the Lancaster New Era. He was at several of JFK's events as he was rising in the political world. He told my grandmother that "that guy's being groomed to be a president- bet on it".

You talk about "England’s Medieval Crackdown". Don't insult the Inquisition. The Dark Ages were nothing like this. At least back then, they needed the written testimony of two witnesses and a warrant by the Count and the Bishop before the Sheriff could knock on your door. And if you were the liege of the manor, you could not be hauled off without the consent of your Lord, or the Abbot if a cenobite. The only exception was if the charge was "gross heresy" or "A capital crime pertinent to His Majesty". (Since most of the serfs could not read or write, it was danged hard to charge them with "gross heresy".)

What is happening in England would make Orwell embarrassed he did not think of it beforehand, or perhaps if he had inserted it in the pages of 1984 the book would have lost sales for not being "believable".

If there would have been any "Sex Predators" back in the days when we rode our bikes, they would have been slashed to pieces with our switchblades. Not too many guns back in those days, but every boy graduated from his scouting penknife to the meanest switchblade he could find. The switchblades kept everything very polite. The bigger kids did not pick on the littler ones. The only problem they caused was some teenagers would rob a store by holding the shopkeeper at knifepoint. That was the dawn of laws in our town about "concealed weapons". And that was when the switchblades started to disappear, and street crime increased.

We, too, had a VCR very early on. My father got it to eliminate television conflicts. No longer did my mother have to miss Kate and Allie because it coincided with Monday Night Football. No longer did my brothers need to have knock down fights about the Sunday Afternoon football schedule. Dan could watch the Redskins live while Steve could blissfully watch his Raiders after the Six O:Clock news. And an added bonus for Steve was he could fast-forward through all the beer and truck commercials. (Yes, this was WAY back before the Geriatrics took over the airwaves...)

The worst thing everybody complained about back in those good old days was older teenagers "cruising the loop", which was a mile long circle that went up Prince Street and down Queen Street on the North Side of Town. But the Loop was golden. All the sub and burger joints relocated to the corners of said streets and business at the midtown parking lot was booming to the point where the owner turned it into a parking garage. The Loop was a shopping mall, a river walk, and a community park all rolled into one. But on Sunday Afternoons Sedentary Grandma and Tom's Turbo Thunderbird definitely clashed, and Sedentary Grandma, library glasses notwithstanding, had more political clout and consequently we would get harassed by the cops.

Back then the police had to be REALLY creative. There were no seat belt laws, noise ordinances, solicitation statutes, and loitering laws back then. (Just what exactly is loitering? ) We got nailed for all sorts of things. Dirty headlights. Wipers with not enough pressure. Unbalanced suspensions. Tires lacking enough tread. Phil got a ticket because the beer can on the dashboard was "impairing his vision". (The Snowflakes will be in awe that back then you could actually cruise along sipping a cold one and it was NOT illegal. That was when we might have been the land of the Slave, but we were still somewhat free.)

When the 55 MPH Speed Limit and Seat Belt Laws came to town, I had a really bad feeling...

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I like the way you think and write.

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I wish more people thought like me. Then maybe we could fix this country.

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I like the way you think and write too, and I'm thinking that a good working typewriter might be worth its weight in gold soon?

The same for lead too!

The alchemist dream of turning lead into gold might happen soon too?

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I would settle for being able to turn mud into drinking water, and a way to make producing firewood a little easier.

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Hey Don! I was a subscriber to the Spotlight, and Media Bypass Magazine in the early 90's myself. I remember scouring international shortwave, specifically WWCR and WBCQ trying to get a listen to Bill Cooper, Texe Marrs, Montana militia, Michigan militia, et al. The good old days prior to the Internet. I'm an analog guy stuck in a digital world.

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They had a huge circulation back in the day. I remember they dwarfed the readership of The Washington Times, but the pro-Zionist Moonie paper always had reporters on C-SPAN and at the White House. Not The Spotlight. You may or may not know that I've been writing regularly for The American Free Press, which The Spotlight became after being driven into bankruptcy by the ADL. Thanks, Spychiatrist!

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A fellow employee in Kansas City used to get The Spotlight. All the News that should have been printed. But back in the day, the Spotlight was dominated by the John Birch Society, which was either begun by, or was subsequently captured by, the "Intelligence Community".

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Bill Cooper is a legend! It's too bad that he is gone, especially the way it happened, and that now, "Behold a Pale Horse" has been edited to remove a "certain section". But he was the man!

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Like the others, I too wonder which section, Mike. Thanks.

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For what it's worth, the Amazon introduction to the book concludes with the following: "Revised edition excludes the hateful forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Had Mr. Cooper known it was a forgery, he would never have included it in his book."

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I was listening to the Hour of the Time with Bill's co host Doyle Shamley, the very day that Bill was gunned down by AZ deputy sheriff's. I'll never forget that.

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My friend has a copy of "Behold a Pale Horse" with the removed section on area 51. I don't know why it was removed. Outer Space is completely fake and ghey anyway.

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When did that happen? After the first edition? What editions include it?

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I'm not sure. But I think it was something like ten years down the road.

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Which section was removed? I listened to the audio book a couple of years ago.

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What section was removed ? I just read that book a few months ago and am curious

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I'm assuming the section on the Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion, I could be wrong. I have an early edition with everything intact.

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The Amazon introduction to the book concludes with the following: "Revised edition excludes the hateful forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Had Mr. Cooper known it was a forgery, he would never have included it in his book."

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I am still trying to figure out whether Bill Cooper was a shill. He sure was interesting. Meanwhile, Michigan Militia was definitely an FBI Honeypot. That was back when the "War on Drugs" was really heating up, and many of were beginning to catch on that these cops were not exactly the Shining Knights in Blue.

I think there is still a lot of interesting stuff on Shortwave. Too bad half of it is in Spanish. I really need to learn that language.

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Michigan militia spokesperson was a man named Mark Koernke, I think he was subsequently jailed for some incrimination, if I recall correctly. I frequently listened to them and the Montana militia. This was around the time that the OKC bombing operation took place. This was blamed on the burgeoning militia movement, I remember Bill Clinton calling Bill Cooper, 'the most dangerous radio host in America' at that time. Cooper was also very critical of Alex Jones calling him a government shill. Cooper gets gunned down and AJ suddenly falls right into the role of Mr Conspiracy USA, almost like he was groomed to fit right into the slot.

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I found the OKC bombing to be highly suspicious. And yes I remember Billy Boy blaming the Militia Movement. Yes, Billy Bob, that is sure the way to garner good publicity and votes and support- blow up buildings full of men and women. Hey, Billy Bob, don't you think more appropriate targets might have been the posses of corrupt cops planting drugs on innocent travelers, or maybe courts where the prosecution and judges were obviously rigged. Or maybe us vigilantes would have started harassing cops harassing citizens, gathering irrefutable documentation on what was going on, to the point where these operators could no longer be protected by the "system".

Of course, the Establishment was so afraid of us that they had to demonize the movement before it could really get off the ground, and convince people what a clear and present danger a corrupt political state really is.

Nah, let's just hide our head in the sand and hope the alligator eats us last.

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the problem with those kids on their sting ray bikes is that they grew up brainwashed by the foreskin chewers took the reins of power destroying the country and making sure no white areas would ever exist again with carefree kids riding bikes around

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You make an unfortunate point, SPQR70AD. Thanks.

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I remember the Stingray Bikes with their really cool gear shifters that were like those on a Corvette and the speedometer. Problem is they were the cheapest pieces of crap and the brakes would fail spectacularly because the cables would snap. I lost the brakes going down suicide hill and got the biggest set of brushburns for 1972.

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I had a cheap old bike that didn't have hand brakes. I was lucky to get a banana seat for a birthday present. I was really old school, WW. Thanks.

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My first bike had coaster brakes. They were much more reliable, and actually worked when riding in the rain. The newer disc brakes are a vast improvement, melding the best of both worlds.

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Well, Mr. Big Shot Community College Dropout, you are much smarter, eloquent, and, frankly, saner than my former Ivy League peer group who have attempted to convince me that men can have babies and chest feed. I think you turned out very well and you have loads of common sense. I rather feel like I am on the Titanic…or in the Twilight Zone….it gets more strange every day. It is a relief to know that not everyone thinks whatever it is we have going on is “normal”. I finally bought a Thought Criminal t-shirt as well as a “Not My New Normal” hoodie.

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Thank you, Elizabeth!

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Where you differ from others Donald, is that you didn't have an easy childhood, which makes you feel gratitude for what you do have now. I think that people who feel gratitude naturally, extend that goodwill towards others. I had the nickname of "the complainer" as well. One older hippy lady said that I had "a heavy justice trip". I always felt that it was important to loudly speak out when I saw injustice...which made me extremely unpopular with adults when I was a child. Adults hate to have a child pointing out publicly their personal failing. I never lost that inner urging to speak up... except now I know it's not going to change anything. Writing is cathartic, and so is humor. Your writing is one of the only things that make me laugh these days

I went on a video taping binge in the nineties. I wanted to have all my favorite vintage films, to provide a little entertainment during End Times. All those tapes are labeled and are in boxes in my closet. The irony is that I can barely sit through my favorite old films any more. It takes me a few days to watch one film.

Darpa created the Internet, and the social media was a plan from the start. That's why I believe there will never be a false flag to take it all down. The Internet is where a good bit of the mind-control happens.

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I appreciate that, Kris. We are kindred souls, and I'm glad to have you here. Thanks!

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My childhood was fare to middlin', not easy by any stretch. I was the first child in the family, the Great Experiment. And Dr Spock convinced my mother her mother was as dumb as a bag of bricks and that here was the foolproof scientific method on how to raise children. So I got Fisher Price Rubber World because God forbid I play with anything real. I would beat my brains out with a hammer, or cut my arm off with a saw. I was not allowed to help felling the tree. Well, grandpa convinced Ma I could use his keyhole saw. What could I do with that. Well, for two days I patiently sawed through the big dead elm tree just behind the row of fir trees that were at the edge of the yard. And then with a mighty crack it came down, taking a tangle of briars and grape vines with it, crashing through the fir trees, and into the back yard. My 6th year had ended with a bang.

I was also the undisputed badminton champion that year, It was my only claim to fame.

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What a coinkydink. I was badminton champ at school too.

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I just wanted to say I always enjoy your posts. The number of people clued into what is actually going on is constantly diminishing. Anybody still engaged in the political process is beyond hope and does not have a clue. Michael Matt was talking about voting for the "lesser of two evils" as though both candidates are not participating in the attempts to murder all of us. This the Jones Plantation/Stockholm Syndrome on steroids. They have completely forgotten the last ten years. Their horizon extends no further than the current news cycle, and they believe all the tropes of the hero- be him Jeff Berwick or Tucker Carlson or David Knight. One thing I like about Don is he plays the field. Yes, he has had a ton of shills on I Protest but he has also had some gems too. Good luck going forward. Hope to see you on the right side come Judgment Day!

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an old girlfriend I turned lesbian...amazing line. It's an interesting thing to point out to Conservatives. They have conserved nothing. We continue to head towards the waterfall in our canoe. I had always hoped we could stop it before we went over because all things stop, but it makes a great deal of difference where the stopping happens. I appreciated the history here too. Lots of good memories about what once was - I loved the old internet. So much bad aesthetic, but so much open space too. We might have to be the "last photocopier in the woods" at some point.

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Well, it's nothing to be proud of, Aaron, lol. Have to laugh at it. Thanks.

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You can continue toward the waterfall. I got out of the canoe. I have a friend with a thumb drive full of great stuff. As long as we can keep the battery charged, Movie Night will continue while the Apocalypse is playing in Living Color outside our bunkers.

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Yes, I have a few TB drives full of decades of time capsule media for years of entertainment. My collected digital library of Alexandria.

As long as some EMP or Roman army doesn't wipe it all out...

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Personally I think "EMPs" are fake and ghey. Like biological weapons- if this stuff was real why has it never been employed in an attack. Imagine Iran hitting the "Iron Dome" with an EMP. They could mop up with V2 rockets.

By the same token I don't think the Roman Army will be marching through West Virgina. Too many hills and hollars.

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That's my point. Whether or not nuclear weapons exist, they will not be used, since that would be shooting themselves in their foot in a catastrophic way.

They are just another scare tactic like bio-weapons.

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We have been "living in a barely recognizable society, run by corruption and incompetence" since Lincoln sold us out to the City of London (as opposed to the city called London).

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Personally I think the whole American Experiment was a creation of the City of London- more specifically, one of their branch offices, the British East India Company. But yes, Mr Lincoln certainly did ramp things up a notch. The illusion that this country was a free confederation of sovereign states was dashed forever. After the War of Northern Aggression Texas became an administrative district of the Galactic Empire.

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It does look like the US was a British Crown creation, since they never really let go of its US 'colony'.


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Yes, I am inclined to believe that most of the major battles of the Revolutionary war were completely fake and ghey- especially Cornwallis. The man should be studied as the antithesis of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War".

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I'm going to respond as soon as I have few minutes alone to think. I can't tell you how much I related to your musings.

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Love it! Do not stop…

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Thanks, John!

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If not for you and others, who would point out all the inequities? My wish is that younger folks who haven't lived thru what we have would be reading your blogs and taking notes. I cannot imagine what kind of world it will be when they reach their 60s. Thank you for your articles, Don!

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Thanks for reading, Fran!

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I cannot imagine those younger people reaching their sixties. Most of them will have dropped dead after their third monkeypox booster long before then.

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Most will be Autistic and probably not even make it to their 40s.

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Sadly, I think you are correct. Poisoned by what passes as “food” in the US, too. Toby Rogers writes about what we can expect in that regard in the future and it is beyond sad.

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LocalHarvest.org lists farms in each State that use organic ways to farm. When I can get out of the Big City, I want to go and volunteer or work at one. My mother had a big garden and she did a lot of canning. I didn't realize back then just how lucky I was.

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Insightful. Many people could learn so much just by understanding the sentiments here. Thank you Mr. Jeffries.

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Thank you, Jinc!

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