Obsequious and insouciant seem to apply. Mormonism is the American religion. Article of Faith 12: We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. Boil it down to "We believe in being subject".
I concluded long ago that this cannot be my government. In fact, criminals cannot represent government and if you cannot see by now that the whole system is criminal then there is not much hope for you (we the people) either.
Why should I participate in a system that I know to be evil/ Satanic? They do not and cannot "represent" me.
If they actually count the votes, which is debatable to say the least, they would never let a "None of the Above" on the ballot, for fear it would win. And it should win, but it probably wouldn't, because we are outnumbered by fast asleep, blithering idiots. Thanks.
If voting changed anything it would be outlawed. It's not who votes that counts; it's who counts the votes that counts.
This thing called government was framed by Freemasons. Now look at their symbol. Dividers, for divide and conquer, a framing square with which to frame those opposed. It is a Satanic secret society that loves to keep you confused as they rape you. Their father is the Devil.
Now why do judges dress in black? Witchcraft? The symbolism is in your face.
I spent years studying the law in my spare time. The criminals that masquerade as our government went out of their way to dissuade me from questioning what was going on. They did everything they could to try and convince me that I was in the wrong. They made me out as the criminal. They swat teamed me twice. I have been kidnapped and caged.
They caused me to lose my house, stole my car, stole my dog off his chain, threatened to kill me and my family and the list goes on and on.
I got to where I was calling judges filthy rotten corrupt to their faces because they are.
Until you dare to question their pretended authority you will find it difficult to believe that they can be so evil. Corrupt doesn't really describe them. Satanic is more fitting. Seek the truth, the truth will set you free. A government of men with the power to tax/ extort by legislation via gang warfare is a criminal organization.
"Our Savior says that Donald Trump will be elected as President of this nation and he will serve two terms."
--Linda Newkirk, 4/20/16, words which precipitated the snuffing out and continued censorship of her twenty-three year old account. This was published about a week before Trump improbably won the Republican nomination, as I am a witness thereof.
As for Trump serving evil entirely he has attended at least three executions (at Gitmo) of known and publicly unknown tyrants. Read every word of Michael Baxter-- only news source that is 100 percent trustworthy. That's what MODRRN is all about.
Regardless of how you feel about the man he is no liar, and after he's gone the Lord will lay his wrath on this nation. Take from this what you need, but it will happen.
William Kittrell ----You are under a spell. and are a typical product of your massive brainwashing and indoctrination. Trump is an actor in a BIG SCRIPTED ongoing 'movie' that you've been watching unknowingly your whole life along with most of the world's people . I know this because, I actually understand what's been done to the people of the world, and, well, you DON'T
He is no liar???? You are delusional. Remember when he said he'd take our troops out of Syria only to put them right back in to steal their oil and food? Warp speed Epstein compromised rapist P0S RINO swamp thing Trump should be executed or assassinated immediately.
But would you execute all the others in Washington, D.C., with much longer track records of going against the interests of the public? How about the Clintons and the Bushes? I don't think you want to go on the record as supporting the assassination of anyone.
This is NOT the American government - this is the political government - We the People is the American government but they are too busy sleep walking (cause too few are actually awake) or too busy watching their favorite team play or their favorite sitcom. We are too ignorant to govern ourselves so we ignorantly wait for our next dictator to take position while yell “God” bless America the land of the free - God removed his blessing a long time ago and the next day our chains of bondage were locked. The only freedom that exists is through Yeshua
Trump was always and is a pathetic yet dangerous clown. When Trump was chief mouth-piece, he didn't drain the swamp, he swamped the drain. All of his appointments were oligarchic, sycophant scum. When Trump was younger, he hung out with cross dressing transvestite Rudy Giuliani and the flaming fagot communist shyster Jew, Roy Cohn. This merry trio frequented gay bars in Babylon by the Hudson. Pretty strange behavior for such a macho, pussy grabbing heterosexual. In point of fact, Trump's "wife" Melania is an obvious transsexual androgyne who looks more like a man than he does. I'll believe in his arrest when and if it happens. Either way, it is just more kosher theater and another weapon of mass distraction for the befuddled goyim. Trump's body count is considerable when you factor in the Covid scam and concomitant bio-weapon vaccine solution for it was promulgated under his watch. The "Q" retards are too stupid to realize that all of "Q"s bleating and predictions were done way back in 2012 or so by the con artist jackasses Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcox. They even used the same terminology, the "White Hats". You know those God fearing, Constitution loving patriots embedded within the bowels of the Cryptocracy, just waiting for the proper moment to ride to the rescue and save us. By the time that digital fantasy transpires, we'll all be killed or in some Yiddish gulag. You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
Very well said. It should be noted that Jeffy Epstein bragged about introducing Trump's H00KER wife at Jizzy Maxwell's mossad honey trap cat house called the Kit Kat Club.
Thanks, Larry. Trump's Hooker, tranny wife. Scrutinize Melania Trump closely. "She" has the skull, dental arch, neck, shoulders, and torso of a biological male. Draw imaginary lines from her shoulders downward and they go outside of "Her" hips, as is always the case with a male. "She" is a drag man. Ironically and hilariously, do the same for Trump and the lines from his shoulders slam into his hips, the trait of a biological female. Trump has a female ass as well, fitting because he is a blowhard, pompous, mendacious ass. This Judaic world is administered by perverts, criminals, creeps, and monsters. Our hidden, satanic rulers must constantly roar with laughter.
Thank you for pointing that out, Frank. If Mr. Melania kicked off his shoes, it's a certainty you would see the feet of a man as well. Trumpenstein's paramour Stormy Daniels is (you guessed it) a tranny too. In this Freemasonic fun-house the Chozen Pipple have so magnanimously constructed for us goyim, these freaks are ubiquitous.
How did a tranny give birth to Baron Trump? Big hands and feet? My M-I-L and S-I-L have bigger hands than me. M-I-L had 4 kids, S-I-L had 3. I have been acquainted with many "masculine" looking women. That often happens when women look like their fathers. It doesn't make them "dykes" or trannies.
The tranny didn't give birth to Baron Trump and is no more capable of giving birth than a man is. No tranny can. There are many ways these inverts procure children, genetically and otherwise. I've known many masculine looking women too, as well as feminine looking men. This is far beyond that. One must bear in mind the law of proportions. For example, biological males have longer arms than females. Their hands come down to their thighs. Biological females hands just reach down to crotch level. Just because a 5' 11" female would have longer arms than a 5' 3" male, does not negate the fact that proportionately the male's arms are still longer than hers.
What you don't mention in your excellent article is what high crimes and misdemeanors Trump committed that he will never be prosecuted for. For example, the ambush murder of the Iranian Head of State, Qasem Soleimani, while he was on a "peace" mission to Irag. Trump admitted that he committed the murder on behalf of Israel and the tough guy Orange Man Bad joyously bragged about it. Iranian justice is like a camel [true story} that has been physically abused by it's owner when it was young. 20 years later that same camel sees the abusive former owner in a marketplace becomes enraged and charges the former owner and stomps and bites the miscreant to death. If I were Trump I'd avoid Iranian marketplaces......
I did mention the assassination of the Iranian "terrorist." Because Trump didn't do much of anything, he didn't many bad things. Certainly not as many as his predecessors. He didn't drone kill an American citizen, and then his sixteen year old son, as Obama did, for instance. From Reagan to Obama, there were hard core criminals in the White House. Trump was like a jaywalker in comparison. Thanks.
The financial, monarchical, dynastic, Kabbalistic, Gnostic and merchant powers enjoy folding us like the now archaic plastic credit card. Until we snap. Conservatives, unlike Leftists, hold their fictitious leaders to an atrophied moral code. Seeing one, no matter how chimerical, broken, head under the executioner's proverbial ax, is the ultimate demoralization.
Drumpf played his role well. Surrounded himself with Neocons, weathered the MSM and Leftist public screeds, and now it is the near final act. He was richly rewarded after the social media bans, his little financial shell that owned his new assortment of alt-right and Qtard echo chamber Twitter wannabes, earned his dynasty $3B, about what he lost, and a billion bonus, for allowing himself to be pilloried for the past 8 years.
While we puppets who can see the strings typically seethe and type, you almost, almost have to marvel at the physiological brilliance of these malevolent but nuanced pricks.
My Father imbued me with a simple maxim, "high standards, low taxes, no excuses." While certainly outstanding advice 60 years ago, it does not adequately defeat an enemy that has used that time to subsidize shit with FIAT and forked tongue.
There is now just war. One, I might conclude, is going to be tough to win, given every institutional power and principality is aligned against us.
"Dauntless, slughorn to his lips, Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came."
Danke Donald. I purchased one of your books on Kindle 3-4 weeks ago, still really to dig in. Am thinking, after some time on my local range today, it might be the perfect time. Greatly appreciate your writing skills, keen insights.
Have been pushing my video streaming chaps a bit of late. Like you, like us, we can chronicle the dysgenic creatures who seem to always wind up controlling mankind, but are they perhaps endemic to species? To wit, can anything EVER be done, or did the entity that blinked everything, from nothing, put them there as a backstop to true Malthusian issues?
I'm a bit lost, and know, I am going to die soon, in this war. I just wonder, as if it is just a principality, and not a Creator's Divine Will, I will fight. But unlike the Tribe that hates their Yaweh, I love my God.
Don, I recall on one of your broadcasts someone in chat had asked you if you are familiar with Leo Zagami. I came across a recent show featuring him as a guest. Leo is incredibly brilliant. I love to listen to his eloquent and beautiful mastery of language, complete with his
Italian English accent. (nothing can come close to Italian for elegance -as Gerald Celente I'm sure would agree.) Anyway, Leo has written many books on the occult and the Illuminati and
traces much of our current cultural and political misfortune to its historical roots.
The program is called, The Secret Teachings, with Ryan Gable.
The first 30 minutes is ok to skip. Leo is introduced at around the 30 min. mark.
I have a slightly different take on Trump. Being newly retired allowed me to observe the quadrennial freak show from the start. What I observed was Trump saying what the majority of Americans, outside of big cities, thought. How else would you get 15k+ attending rallies twice a day. It was obvious to me that the polls were bullshit. Clinton couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. Then I read this: https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-talks-about
and it put a whole lot into perspective. No one talks about Nixon saying Trump was the only hope to straighten things out, or that Trump himself 20 years earlier said he hoped he didn't have to run for POTUS. No one talks about the back room boys of Republican INC meeting with Reince Priebus scheming to block Trump's nomination despite his grass roots popularity. None of this means that Trump is not flawed, but what it does point to is that he was hobbled from the start. Priebus and the rest of Republican INC were either on the inside, or Trump wouldn't be allowed the nomination. He made a deal with the devil and lost. There have been a number of "real" Republicans such as Paul Craig Roberts and, more recently, Col Douglas McGregor, who have pointed out how Trump's directives were sabotaged. Normalizing relations with Russia, NK, or even his ME deals for normalizing relations with Israel were upsetting the big money laundromat in DC where Congressional whores were in danger of losing their gig. Trump is certainly no prize. My take is that he understood what the problems were, but had no clue in how to fix them in the "government" environment. That was compounded by Republican INC and the Deep State working hand in hand. He was easily manipulated by them. I know this is an unpopular theory, but what else explains the insanity of all of the bullshit charges against him, whether in the courts or the clown show impeachments and Jan 6 committee? If he were not a threat, he would be ignored. His naïveté, however, remains despite his bluster.
You make good points, Curmudgeon. Trump's rhetoric resounded with millions of Americans who feel lost in this cesspool of America 2.0. I rarely disagreed with what he said. If only his actions had matched his words. Thanks.
Very few people I know saw a total picture. What convinced me from the get go was that I thought Trump was the only person who looked even more shocked that he won than Hillary. Her disbelief was so extreme she couldn’t even appear election night to concede. I think he was clamoring to play for the elite, who probably told him not to worry because he would never win, he could be as outrageous as he wanted and that would guarantee Hillary’s victory — and then he could go back go his life. Then they pulled a bait and switch, which is their favorite technique in all things. It’s all Theater with mostly unwitting actors in a Reality Play! We may think the Powers That Be have gone off the rails but in fact they are as smart & clever as it is possible to be. The ensuing TDS and resulting increase in Division perfectly serves the entire Divide & Conquer agenda. And it will not stop until the agenda is accomplished, no matter what further theater we see on stage
That's certainly how most of us saw it happening. Trump's record in office- refusing to fulfill any of his important promises and wasting time on often juvenile tweeting, naming nothing but swamp creatures to his cabinet- contradicts any notion that he wasn't prepared for his biggest role. I think he's an actor, who succeeded in his mission to hopelessly divide the country. Thanks.
I believe Hilary had a 3-4% built in vote steal, as her campaign believed the polls, she was taken aback they didn't give her a big enough cushion to win. In all fairness look how the Bolsheviks rallied around the Obomber election win, most didn't think he deserved it at the time being a junior senator, but rallied around him nonetheless, and aided his transition. Whereas uniparty Republipukes whom promised conservative legislative goals for 20 years, had a chance with Trump as POTUS, and controlling both houses of congress, yet used what they knew was a fake Russian collusion narrative (their back room closed door meetings with 'intelligence officers' revealed as much) to literally handcuff much of what Trump could do. There really, at this point, aren't enough non deep state operatives to even half fill a Presidential administration. Look at the globalist uniparty rats that jumped ship during Trumps term, Paul Ryan and John Boehner come to mind. I'm not naive but what little Trump did seemed to have pretty good impact on minorities in terms of unemployment and minority owner businesses, startups etc. After 50 years of all the false promises from (D)'s minorities never seemed to have it better.
There was certainly lots of fraud in 2016, and it wasn't from Russia. Trump never tried to nominate any good people. Rand Paul? Ron Johnson? Why not Roger Stone for Chief of Staff? He lost the support of Judge Andrew Napolitano, who seems pretty close to being a civil libertarian, by not nominating him to the Supreme Court, as he probably expected. He was surrounded by vipers because he chose them. He didn't get any nominations rejected. They approved of all of them. That ought to tell you something. John Bolton? Nikki Haley? "Mad Dog" Mattis? William Barr? Thanks.
I wholly agree, again without being naive, Trump was an outsider without a team behind him. I think Trump assumed as in business deals, parties with different opinions come together for a common goal in the end, and he assumed even some (D)‘s in power we’re willing to do that, but he was dead wrong. For all his faults Trump was a pragmatist, nominating someone whom wouldn’t get the votes necessary would have been a waste of time. What comes to mind is the Oval Office pow wow with Pelosi, I can’t remember the issue, but Pelosi was continually urging Trump to take the issue to the floor for a vote, as Trump kept repeating ‘why, when we know we don’t have the votes?’. It was beyond Trumps rationale that Pelosi wanted it stricken down on the floor for a win, to score political points, in Trumps mind it would have been a simple waste of time.
The ongoing harassment is just a warning to the masses, politicians can only come from the swamp and only political class members need apply!
(In no way am I implying that Trump isn’t a shill and swamp creature, the jury is still out with me …. But I know even in professional wrestling it’s all show until someone throws a real punch- and thousands have been thrown at Trump!!)
Christie as AG would have been great he is a street fighter. but kosher kushner stopped that being Christie put the rotten thieving daddy kushner in jail
the blacks and browns did not put rabbi trump into office White middle class working people did and he NEVER mentioned them ONCE in 4 years but always talking how low unemployment was for the darkies
The collapse of the ">square-head-sponge-Bob-orange-face/skin Trumptard society<". Hey, everyone, look, its another great distraction for the sheep - its Trump getting arrested on Tuesday and then he is not getting arrested on Tuesday. BUT, it is ONE BIG DISTRACTION from what is really happening. That's all it is! Yes, Trump is one of THEM. Born in a bankers safe deposit box; and still going strong for his banker pals.
Hey, I was wondering about the Isosceles Triangle (Pentagon) stating there was a mother-ship on its way to Earth? I never read it; as I could only laugh about that one. Then, a week later, a killer asteroid was on its way. So, please tell me, did TRUMPTARD'S SPACE FORCE not only destroy the UFO mother-ship but also will take out that asteroid too?
I just finished watching a recent video on YouTube posted by Joe Imbriano of The Fullerton Informer today. The title is: The Arrest Of Donald Trump. Recommending it to everybody. According to Joe this recent tale is another psyop just as I suspected. As far as I can see and have sensed for years. There are factions within every camp (left, right and in between), in governments and various organizations including the news and entertainment industries who will continue to do whatever it takes in their attempts to deceive and destroy the people. It's best to be wise and not choose sides these days, stay neutral and stay safe while actors on the world stage are pretending to be or are actually at war with each other. Anyway, these godless souls are typically in-fighting while working towards ushering in a satanic, one world government.
That many people still support Trump is evidence that the supposed "Right" is really not all that much smarter than the "Left". After the debacle of January 6th, support for Trump should have fallen off a cliff, when it became clear the man had left his constituency high and dry.
This people perishes for lack of knowledge, and falls for every freak show that comes their way.
I find it rather odd that Trump is supposedly facing a jail sentence and most of the charges have nothing to do with Trump's alleged crimes after he was sworn in as POTUS. It may be that former presidents are immune against prosecution for political crimes after leaving office. More than likely, Trump's political enemies want to make sure that Trump's name isn't on the presidential ballot in 2024. Not saying that Trump is an angel. But I think a part of this fiasco centers around personal, political vendettas against Trump.
If the campaign funds that were paid to Stormy Daniels or wherever they came from was/is an issue with prosecutors? Why wasn't this nipped in the bud prior to the general election in 2016? Not that I'm a Trump worshipper or a Trump basher. But I'm believing that if Trump faces a real indictment/conviction. My guess is that it will be on trumped up charges as has happened to people imprisoned for participating in the fake US insurrection of 1/6/21, and some are still in jail without indictments or convictions to my knowledge.
It's also possible that more people will suffer the same fate as some of the protesters of 1/6/21 if they dare show up protesting Trump's real or fake arrest, whenever or if ever. Trump is a big boy and can take care of himself. And to my knowledge, Trump did nothing to protect his "supporters" in DC who have lost their freedom for over 2 years already.
Which protester can Trump save from incarceration now, when he had about 2 weeks of executive privileges to pardon his arrested supporters before leaving office in Jan 2021? Stay home folks is my warning. I suggest letting the pretend enemies in politics duke it out amongst themselves, not getting caught up in their political games. I see no logic in choosing sides anymore, except for the side of liberty and freedom. And it's almost impossible to tell who the real deal is anymore. Someone I read recently stated that the Trump story, though there may be tidbits of truth being told. Is just one more distraction to take the focus off of the recent bank collapses in the US and Sweden, etc. As usual with the ruling class. There are always new dramas stirred up, or old dramas resurrected to take away attention from the new schemes that are in the making or about to be implemented.
I agree with everything you said here, Mary. It would be fitting if Trump wound up in a cell with one of his supporters that he refused to help after the January 6 false flag. Thanks.
Just posted a comment about The Fullerton Informer a few minutes ago. Joe Imbriano stated that Trump should be in jail and mentioned things I had overlooked for years before Trump became president. I have noticed too lots of people affiliated with Trump have been imprisoned or are still in jail. I can't find that article for the life of me. Someone wrote an article either in 2016 or early 2017 that stated that Trump would deceive patriots and Christians. And that statement came to pass.
Well, probably every billionaire should be in jail. I think it was Victor Hugo who said that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But I research hidden history all the time. Trump's past is simply not at the corrupt level of most other national politicians, past and present. And his aides who went to prison are petty criminals, if they are criminals at all. They raided Roger Stone's home at dawn over process crimes? He and Jerome Corsi couldn't locate emails that would prove they weren't conspiring with Julian Assange? Conspiring to do what? Expose the truth about the 2016 election? Steve Bannon has provided a big platform for my friend Naomi Wolf and others, to talk about the COVID lie. That doesn't mean I'm fans of theirs, and certainly not of Trump. But it's all relative. If you're going to refuse to prosecute the Clintons of the world for their careers of organized crime, then Donald Trump has no business being prosecuted over paying off a mistress, something untold numbers of wealthy men have done in the past without it being a crime. But as I note, this is almost certainly theater. It's the message that's being sent- resistance is futile. Who can argue that it isn't? Thanks.
As you say, it's all relative. But Trump didn't get to where he is without being a player. Here's a 6-part series on Trump's background, describing connections to the Russian-Jewish mafia, etc. Final part here, contains links to the rest: fitzinfo.net/2020/10/27/trump-controlled-by-kgb-mossad-part-vi/
If Trump is so evil, why is evil so incensed with him? Why did HRC remark "If this man is elected, we'll all swing from nooses" ?
Why did Robert DeNiro say what he said in the house of his friends unless Trump was targeting something he would rather stay hidden?
Trump is telling the truth about the most dire issues right now: Human and drug trafficking. My hat is off to him as a man. He deserves his war paint and the war is real.
The best thing about Trump has always been the quality of his enemies. He has all the right ones. And most of them are not actors in what I call the Trumpenstein Project. They're reacting predictably to his overblown personality. As I've said, Trump's rhetoric is usually great. I voted for him. There are millions of others like you who still believe in him, and take him at face value. I think the evidence is pretty clear that he was never sincere. If he had been, he would have at least attempted to get a few decent people in his cabinet. Not one even halfway decent nominee. Pence was a horrible choice as VP. I have commented often that I'd like to know how many people in his administration actually voted for him. You couldn't say that about any other president in history. He promised executive orders on the first day in office, to end birth-right citizenship, sanctuary cities, and the H-1B Visa program. None of that happened. He deported fewer illegals than Obama, despite all the tweets. He rescued a Black rapper from Sweden, and never uttered the word "White" during his four years in office. He said Hillary was "good people" after being elected. He expanded the number of foreign Visa workers, especially in his businesses. He caved to the CIA on the JFK files. He bombed Syria for no reason after being ordered to. He assassinated some previously unheard of "world's most dangerous terrorist" in Iran. He didn't rebuild the infrastructure he accurately blasted during his campaign. And finally, he gave everyone a giant middle finger as he left office, pardoning Blackwater executives and the president of Death Row Records, while ignoring Assange, Manning, and Snowden. Sure, his speeches and tweets were amusing, and the reaction from the state controlled media was fun to watch. The 2020 election was one of the most obviously fraudulent in history. But he stayed silent for months about his followers becoming political prisoners and being denied all due process, while continuing to brag about the deadly vaccine that has killed and injured an unknown number of people. Sure, he triggers me less than Biden, Obama, the Clintons, or any presently elected Democrat. But if he isn't the actor I think he is, cast to divide the country hopelessly, then he is the most juvenile, egotistical, and clueless man in the history of the world.
The stupidity is beyond belief. I'm playing along. I'm hoping for an arrest today with CNN coverage. I want a strong theatrical performance from all. All DT has to do is scowl most of the time.
Brilliant analysis…this continuous positive Trump propaganda is nothing more than what people desperately want to hear. After all this time it has little or no substance. In normal circumstances without the deep state corruption I do believe Trump could actually continue to do good things for America. I cannot believe he would humiliate himself by travelling to New York and offering his wrists for the cuffs when he doesn’t have to. So many have high hopes for Trump to save them but theatre is theatre and in Shakespeares immortal words “All the world’s a stage…”
Well stated, Don.
I don't think I can survive more of DJT's "winning" - perhaps he really meant "whining"
At least the French are threatening their tyrants with guillotines... Here we have: Crickets... And, those are being made into our Reset Burgers!
Yep, crickets is right. We are seemingly the most subservient society on earth now. Even the Chinese seem to have more of the protest spirit. Thanks.
Obsequious and insouciant seem to apply. Mormonism is the American religion. Article of Faith 12: We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. Boil it down to "We believe in being subject".
Crazy how we have the duty enshrined in our founding and don’t do anything.
I concluded long ago that this cannot be my government. In fact, criminals cannot represent government and if you cannot see by now that the whole system is criminal then there is not much hope for you (we the people) either.
Why should I participate in a system that I know to be evil/ Satanic? They do not and cannot "represent" me.
If I was to vote I would vote none of the above!
If they actually count the votes, which is debatable to say the least, they would never let a "None of the Above" on the ballot, for fear it would win. And it should win, but it probably wouldn't, because we are outnumbered by fast asleep, blithering idiots. Thanks.
If voting changed anything it would be outlawed. It's not who votes that counts; it's who counts the votes that counts.
This thing called government was framed by Freemasons. Now look at their symbol. Dividers, for divide and conquer, a framing square with which to frame those opposed. It is a Satanic secret society that loves to keep you confused as they rape you. Their father is the Devil.
Now why do judges dress in black? Witchcraft? The symbolism is in your face.
Hard to argue with you. Thanks.
I spent years studying the law in my spare time. The criminals that masquerade as our government went out of their way to dissuade me from questioning what was going on. They did everything they could to try and convince me that I was in the wrong. They made me out as the criminal. They swat teamed me twice. I have been kidnapped and caged.
They caused me to lose my house, stole my car, stole my dog off his chain, threatened to kill me and my family and the list goes on and on.
I got to where I was calling judges filthy rotten corrupt to their faces because they are.
Until you dare to question their pretended authority you will find it difficult to believe that they can be so evil. Corrupt doesn't really describe them. Satanic is more fitting. Seek the truth, the truth will set you free. A government of men with the power to tax/ extort by legislation via gang warfare is a criminal organization.
This explains a lot. Advance your knowledge by watching. One hour, 30 minutes.
"Our Savior says that Donald Trump will be elected as President of this nation and he will serve two terms."
--Linda Newkirk, 4/20/16, words which precipitated the snuffing out and continued censorship of her twenty-three year old account. This was published about a week before Trump improbably won the Republican nomination, as I am a witness thereof.
As for Trump serving evil entirely he has attended at least three executions (at Gitmo) of known and publicly unknown tyrants. Read every word of Michael Baxter-- only news source that is 100 percent trustworthy. That's what MODRRN is all about.
Regardless of how you feel about the man he is no liar, and after he's gone the Lord will lay his wrath on this nation. Take from this what you need, but it will happen.
William Kittrell ----You are under a spell. and are a typical product of your massive brainwashing and indoctrination. Trump is an actor in a BIG SCRIPTED ongoing 'movie' that you've been watching unknowingly your whole life along with most of the world's people . I know this because, I actually understand what's been done to the people of the world, and, well, you DON'T
He is no liar???? You are delusional. Remember when he said he'd take our troops out of Syria only to put them right back in to steal their oil and food? Warp speed Epstein compromised rapist P0S RINO swamp thing Trump should be executed or assassinated immediately.
But would you execute all the others in Washington, D.C., with much longer track records of going against the interests of the public? How about the Clintons and the Bushes? I don't think you want to go on the record as supporting the assassination of anyone.
This is NOT the American government - this is the political government - We the People is the American government but they are too busy sleep walking (cause too few are actually awake) or too busy watching their favorite team play or their favorite sitcom. We are too ignorant to govern ourselves so we ignorantly wait for our next dictator to take position while yell “God” bless America the land of the free - God removed his blessing a long time ago and the next day our chains of bondage were locked. The only freedom that exists is through Yeshua
Trump was always and is a pathetic yet dangerous clown. When Trump was chief mouth-piece, he didn't drain the swamp, he swamped the drain. All of his appointments were oligarchic, sycophant scum. When Trump was younger, he hung out with cross dressing transvestite Rudy Giuliani and the flaming fagot communist shyster Jew, Roy Cohn. This merry trio frequented gay bars in Babylon by the Hudson. Pretty strange behavior for such a macho, pussy grabbing heterosexual. In point of fact, Trump's "wife" Melania is an obvious transsexual androgyne who looks more like a man than he does. I'll believe in his arrest when and if it happens. Either way, it is just more kosher theater and another weapon of mass distraction for the befuddled goyim. Trump's body count is considerable when you factor in the Covid scam and concomitant bio-weapon vaccine solution for it was promulgated under his watch. The "Q" retards are too stupid to realize that all of "Q"s bleating and predictions were done way back in 2012 or so by the con artist jackasses Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcox. They even used the same terminology, the "White Hats". You know those God fearing, Constitution loving patriots embedded within the bowels of the Cryptocracy, just waiting for the proper moment to ride to the rescue and save us. By the time that digital fantasy transpires, we'll all be killed or in some Yiddish gulag. You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
Good point about the Body Count. If we attributed it to Trump, he'd certainly set the record. Thanks.
Very well said. It should be noted that Jeffy Epstein bragged about introducing Trump's H00KER wife at Jizzy Maxwell's mossad honey trap cat house called the Kit Kat Club.
Thanks, Larry. Trump's Hooker, tranny wife. Scrutinize Melania Trump closely. "She" has the skull, dental arch, neck, shoulders, and torso of a biological male. Draw imaginary lines from her shoulders downward and they go outside of "Her" hips, as is always the case with a male. "She" is a drag man. Ironically and hilariously, do the same for Trump and the lines from his shoulders slam into his hips, the trait of a biological female. Trump has a female ass as well, fitting because he is a blowhard, pompous, mendacious ass. This Judaic world is administered by perverts, criminals, creeps, and monsters. Our hidden, satanic rulers must constantly roar with laughter.
She really has some big hands too.
Thank you for pointing that out, Frank. If Mr. Melania kicked off his shoes, it's a certainty you would see the feet of a man as well. Trumpenstein's paramour Stormy Daniels is (you guessed it) a tranny too. In this Freemasonic fun-house the Chozen Pipple have so magnanimously constructed for us goyim, these freaks are ubiquitous.
How did a tranny give birth to Baron Trump? Big hands and feet? My M-I-L and S-I-L have bigger hands than me. M-I-L had 4 kids, S-I-L had 3. I have been acquainted with many "masculine" looking women. That often happens when women look like their fathers. It doesn't make them "dykes" or trannies.
The tranny didn't give birth to Baron Trump and is no more capable of giving birth than a man is. No tranny can. There are many ways these inverts procure children, genetically and otherwise. I've known many masculine looking women too, as well as feminine looking men. This is far beyond that. One must bear in mind the law of proportions. For example, biological males have longer arms than females. Their hands come down to their thighs. Biological females hands just reach down to crotch level. Just because a 5' 11" female would have longer arms than a 5' 3" male, does not negate the fact that proportionately the male's arms are still longer than hers.
I just said that she had big hands. I didn't draw any other conclusions. How did you arrive at your conclusions?
Actually she's a hologram a flat one too. You're hypnotized man, time to wake up
What you don't mention in your excellent article is what high crimes and misdemeanors Trump committed that he will never be prosecuted for. For example, the ambush murder of the Iranian Head of State, Qasem Soleimani, while he was on a "peace" mission to Irag. Trump admitted that he committed the murder on behalf of Israel and the tough guy Orange Man Bad joyously bragged about it. Iranian justice is like a camel [true story} that has been physically abused by it's owner when it was young. 20 years later that same camel sees the abusive former owner in a marketplace becomes enraged and charges the former owner and stomps and bites the miscreant to death. If I were Trump I'd avoid Iranian marketplaces......
I did mention the assassination of the Iranian "terrorist." Because Trump didn't do much of anything, he didn't many bad things. Certainly not as many as his predecessors. He didn't drone kill an American citizen, and then his sixteen year old son, as Obama did, for instance. From Reagan to Obama, there were hard core criminals in the White House. Trump was like a jaywalker in comparison. Thanks.
Not disagreeing, but doesn't that give a little too much credit to him really being in charge?
Sounds like BS. Another ploy to make the magat cult believe this clown is persecuted.
That may be the motivation. We'll see. Thanks.
The financial, monarchical, dynastic, Kabbalistic, Gnostic and merchant powers enjoy folding us like the now archaic plastic credit card. Until we snap. Conservatives, unlike Leftists, hold their fictitious leaders to an atrophied moral code. Seeing one, no matter how chimerical, broken, head under the executioner's proverbial ax, is the ultimate demoralization.
Drumpf played his role well. Surrounded himself with Neocons, weathered the MSM and Leftist public screeds, and now it is the near final act. He was richly rewarded after the social media bans, his little financial shell that owned his new assortment of alt-right and Qtard echo chamber Twitter wannabes, earned his dynasty $3B, about what he lost, and a billion bonus, for allowing himself to be pilloried for the past 8 years.
While we puppets who can see the strings typically seethe and type, you almost, almost have to marvel at the physiological brilliance of these malevolent but nuanced pricks.
My Father imbued me with a simple maxim, "high standards, low taxes, no excuses." While certainly outstanding advice 60 years ago, it does not adequately defeat an enemy that has used that time to subsidize shit with FIAT and forked tongue.
There is now just war. One, I might conclude, is going to be tough to win, given every institutional power and principality is aligned against us.
"Dauntless, slughorn to his lips, Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came."
-- Browning
Astute points, Anti Communist. This is indeed war. A spiritual war. Thanks.
Danke Donald. I purchased one of your books on Kindle 3-4 weeks ago, still really to dig in. Am thinking, after some time on my local range today, it might be the perfect time. Greatly appreciate your writing skills, keen insights.
Have been pushing my video streaming chaps a bit of late. Like you, like us, we can chronicle the dysgenic creatures who seem to always wind up controlling mankind, but are they perhaps endemic to species? To wit, can anything EVER be done, or did the entity that blinked everything, from nothing, put them there as a backstop to true Malthusian issues?
I'm a bit lost, and know, I am going to die soon, in this war. I just wonder, as if it is just a principality, and not a Creator's Divine Will, I will fight. But unlike the Tribe that hates their Yaweh, I love my God.
Thanks, Anti Communist!
Don, I recall on one of your broadcasts someone in chat had asked you if you are familiar with Leo Zagami. I came across a recent show featuring him as a guest. Leo is incredibly brilliant. I love to listen to his eloquent and beautiful mastery of language, complete with his
Italian English accent. (nothing can come close to Italian for elegance -as Gerald Celente I'm sure would agree.) Anyway, Leo has written many books on the occult and the Illuminati and
traces much of our current cultural and political misfortune to its historical roots.
The program is called, The Secret Teachings, with Ryan Gable.
The first 30 minutes is ok to skip. Leo is introduced at around the 30 min. mark.
Gott Ist Nicht Tot (God Is Not Dead)
I have a slightly different take on Trump. Being newly retired allowed me to observe the quadrennial freak show from the start. What I observed was Trump saying what the majority of Americans, outside of big cities, thought. How else would you get 15k+ attending rallies twice a day. It was obvious to me that the polls were bullshit. Clinton couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. Then I read this: https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-talks-about
and it put a whole lot into perspective. No one talks about Nixon saying Trump was the only hope to straighten things out, or that Trump himself 20 years earlier said he hoped he didn't have to run for POTUS. No one talks about the back room boys of Republican INC meeting with Reince Priebus scheming to block Trump's nomination despite his grass roots popularity. None of this means that Trump is not flawed, but what it does point to is that he was hobbled from the start. Priebus and the rest of Republican INC were either on the inside, or Trump wouldn't be allowed the nomination. He made a deal with the devil and lost. There have been a number of "real" Republicans such as Paul Craig Roberts and, more recently, Col Douglas McGregor, who have pointed out how Trump's directives were sabotaged. Normalizing relations with Russia, NK, or even his ME deals for normalizing relations with Israel were upsetting the big money laundromat in DC where Congressional whores were in danger of losing their gig. Trump is certainly no prize. My take is that he understood what the problems were, but had no clue in how to fix them in the "government" environment. That was compounded by Republican INC and the Deep State working hand in hand. He was easily manipulated by them. I know this is an unpopular theory, but what else explains the insanity of all of the bullshit charges against him, whether in the courts or the clown show impeachments and Jan 6 committee? If he were not a threat, he would be ignored. His naïveté, however, remains despite his bluster.
You make good points, Curmudgeon. Trump's rhetoric resounded with millions of Americans who feel lost in this cesspool of America 2.0. I rarely disagreed with what he said. If only his actions had matched his words. Thanks.
Changing my name to None-of-the-Above but I still need to get on 50 ballots and I'm sure that they will block my gofundme.
Yes, None of the Above would be termed "racist," and summarily cancelled. Thanks.
Very few people I know saw a total picture. What convinced me from the get go was that I thought Trump was the only person who looked even more shocked that he won than Hillary. Her disbelief was so extreme she couldn’t even appear election night to concede. I think he was clamoring to play for the elite, who probably told him not to worry because he would never win, he could be as outrageous as he wanted and that would guarantee Hillary’s victory — and then he could go back go his life. Then they pulled a bait and switch, which is their favorite technique in all things. It’s all Theater with mostly unwitting actors in a Reality Play! We may think the Powers That Be have gone off the rails but in fact they are as smart & clever as it is possible to be. The ensuing TDS and resulting increase in Division perfectly serves the entire Divide & Conquer agenda. And it will not stop until the agenda is accomplished, no matter what further theater we see on stage
That's certainly how most of us saw it happening. Trump's record in office- refusing to fulfill any of his important promises and wasting time on often juvenile tweeting, naming nothing but swamp creatures to his cabinet- contradicts any notion that he wasn't prepared for his biggest role. I think he's an actor, who succeeded in his mission to hopelessly divide the country. Thanks.
I believe Hilary had a 3-4% built in vote steal, as her campaign believed the polls, she was taken aback they didn't give her a big enough cushion to win. In all fairness look how the Bolsheviks rallied around the Obomber election win, most didn't think he deserved it at the time being a junior senator, but rallied around him nonetheless, and aided his transition. Whereas uniparty Republipukes whom promised conservative legislative goals for 20 years, had a chance with Trump as POTUS, and controlling both houses of congress, yet used what they knew was a fake Russian collusion narrative (their back room closed door meetings with 'intelligence officers' revealed as much) to literally handcuff much of what Trump could do. There really, at this point, aren't enough non deep state operatives to even half fill a Presidential administration. Look at the globalist uniparty rats that jumped ship during Trumps term, Paul Ryan and John Boehner come to mind. I'm not naive but what little Trump did seemed to have pretty good impact on minorities in terms of unemployment and minority owner businesses, startups etc. After 50 years of all the false promises from (D)'s minorities never seemed to have it better.
There was certainly lots of fraud in 2016, and it wasn't from Russia. Trump never tried to nominate any good people. Rand Paul? Ron Johnson? Why not Roger Stone for Chief of Staff? He lost the support of Judge Andrew Napolitano, who seems pretty close to being a civil libertarian, by not nominating him to the Supreme Court, as he probably expected. He was surrounded by vipers because he chose them. He didn't get any nominations rejected. They approved of all of them. That ought to tell you something. John Bolton? Nikki Haley? "Mad Dog" Mattis? William Barr? Thanks.
I wholly agree, again without being naive, Trump was an outsider without a team behind him. I think Trump assumed as in business deals, parties with different opinions come together for a common goal in the end, and he assumed even some (D)‘s in power we’re willing to do that, but he was dead wrong. For all his faults Trump was a pragmatist, nominating someone whom wouldn’t get the votes necessary would have been a waste of time. What comes to mind is the Oval Office pow wow with Pelosi, I can’t remember the issue, but Pelosi was continually urging Trump to take the issue to the floor for a vote, as Trump kept repeating ‘why, when we know we don’t have the votes?’. It was beyond Trumps rationale that Pelosi wanted it stricken down on the floor for a win, to score political points, in Trumps mind it would have been a simple waste of time.
The ongoing harassment is just a warning to the masses, politicians can only come from the swamp and only political class members need apply!
(In no way am I implying that Trump isn’t a shill and swamp creature, the jury is still out with me …. But I know even in professional wrestling it’s all show until someone throws a real punch- and thousands have been thrown at Trump!!)
Thank you!
why make excuses for him. he picked the worst of the worse to serve under him
It was an explanation not an excuse ...........
Christie as AG would have been great he is a street fighter. but kosher kushner stopped that being Christie put the rotten thieving daddy kushner in jail
the blacks and browns did not put rabbi trump into office White middle class working people did and he NEVER mentioned them ONCE in 4 years but always talking how low unemployment was for the darkies
The collapse of the ">square-head-sponge-Bob-orange-face/skin Trumptard society<". Hey, everyone, look, its another great distraction for the sheep - its Trump getting arrested on Tuesday and then he is not getting arrested on Tuesday. BUT, it is ONE BIG DISTRACTION from what is really happening. That's all it is! Yes, Trump is one of THEM. Born in a bankers safe deposit box; and still going strong for his banker pals.
Hey, I was wondering about the Isosceles Triangle (Pentagon) stating there was a mother-ship on its way to Earth? I never read it; as I could only laugh about that one. Then, a week later, a killer asteroid was on its way. So, please tell me, did TRUMPTARD'S SPACE FORCE not only destroy the UFO mother-ship but also will take out that asteroid too?
Ba ha ha - no poem today Donald!
I just finished watching a recent video on YouTube posted by Joe Imbriano of The Fullerton Informer today. The title is: The Arrest Of Donald Trump. Recommending it to everybody. According to Joe this recent tale is another psyop just as I suspected. As far as I can see and have sensed for years. There are factions within every camp (left, right and in between), in governments and various organizations including the news and entertainment industries who will continue to do whatever it takes in their attempts to deceive and destroy the people. It's best to be wise and not choose sides these days, stay neutral and stay safe while actors on the world stage are pretending to be or are actually at war with each other. Anyway, these godless souls are typically in-fighting while working towards ushering in a satanic, one world government.
Great post. Right over the target.
That many people still support Trump is evidence that the supposed "Right" is really not all that much smarter than the "Left". After the debacle of January 6th, support for Trump should have fallen off a cliff, when it became clear the man had left his constituency high and dry.
This people perishes for lack of knowledge, and falls for every freak show that comes their way.
Great to see you here, White Wolf. Thanks!
I find it rather odd that Trump is supposedly facing a jail sentence and most of the charges have nothing to do with Trump's alleged crimes after he was sworn in as POTUS. It may be that former presidents are immune against prosecution for political crimes after leaving office. More than likely, Trump's political enemies want to make sure that Trump's name isn't on the presidential ballot in 2024. Not saying that Trump is an angel. But I think a part of this fiasco centers around personal, political vendettas against Trump.
If the campaign funds that were paid to Stormy Daniels or wherever they came from was/is an issue with prosecutors? Why wasn't this nipped in the bud prior to the general election in 2016? Not that I'm a Trump worshipper or a Trump basher. But I'm believing that if Trump faces a real indictment/conviction. My guess is that it will be on trumped up charges as has happened to people imprisoned for participating in the fake US insurrection of 1/6/21, and some are still in jail without indictments or convictions to my knowledge.
It's also possible that more people will suffer the same fate as some of the protesters of 1/6/21 if they dare show up protesting Trump's real or fake arrest, whenever or if ever. Trump is a big boy and can take care of himself. And to my knowledge, Trump did nothing to protect his "supporters" in DC who have lost their freedom for over 2 years already.
Which protester can Trump save from incarceration now, when he had about 2 weeks of executive privileges to pardon his arrested supporters before leaving office in Jan 2021? Stay home folks is my warning. I suggest letting the pretend enemies in politics duke it out amongst themselves, not getting caught up in their political games. I see no logic in choosing sides anymore, except for the side of liberty and freedom. And it's almost impossible to tell who the real deal is anymore. Someone I read recently stated that the Trump story, though there may be tidbits of truth being told. Is just one more distraction to take the focus off of the recent bank collapses in the US and Sweden, etc. As usual with the ruling class. There are always new dramas stirred up, or old dramas resurrected to take away attention from the new schemes that are in the making or about to be implemented.
I agree with everything you said here, Mary. It would be fitting if Trump wound up in a cell with one of his supporters that he refused to help after the January 6 false flag. Thanks.
Just posted a comment about The Fullerton Informer a few minutes ago. Joe Imbriano stated that Trump should be in jail and mentioned things I had overlooked for years before Trump became president. I have noticed too lots of people affiliated with Trump have been imprisoned or are still in jail. I can't find that article for the life of me. Someone wrote an article either in 2016 or early 2017 that stated that Trump would deceive patriots and Christians. And that statement came to pass.
Well, probably every billionaire should be in jail. I think it was Victor Hugo who said that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But I research hidden history all the time. Trump's past is simply not at the corrupt level of most other national politicians, past and present. And his aides who went to prison are petty criminals, if they are criminals at all. They raided Roger Stone's home at dawn over process crimes? He and Jerome Corsi couldn't locate emails that would prove they weren't conspiring with Julian Assange? Conspiring to do what? Expose the truth about the 2016 election? Steve Bannon has provided a big platform for my friend Naomi Wolf and others, to talk about the COVID lie. That doesn't mean I'm fans of theirs, and certainly not of Trump. But it's all relative. If you're going to refuse to prosecute the Clintons of the world for their careers of organized crime, then Donald Trump has no business being prosecuted over paying off a mistress, something untold numbers of wealthy men have done in the past without it being a crime. But as I note, this is almost certainly theater. It's the message that's being sent- resistance is futile. Who can argue that it isn't? Thanks.
As you say, it's all relative. But Trump didn't get to where he is without being a player. Here's a 6-part series on Trump's background, describing connections to the Russian-Jewish mafia, etc. Final part here, contains links to the rest: fitzinfo.net/2020/10/27/trump-controlled-by-kgb-mossad-part-vi/
It's all theater
Amen Frank! Most of the actors we see on the big screen are co-conspirators working towards the same agendas.
Conspirators is the word, but yes, definitely a conspiracy!
Global too!
If Trump is so evil, why is evil so incensed with him? Why did HRC remark "If this man is elected, we'll all swing from nooses" ?
Why did Robert DeNiro say what he said in the house of his friends unless Trump was targeting something he would rather stay hidden?
Trump is telling the truth about the most dire issues right now: Human and drug trafficking. My hat is off to him as a man. He deserves his war paint and the war is real.
The best thing about Trump has always been the quality of his enemies. He has all the right ones. And most of them are not actors in what I call the Trumpenstein Project. They're reacting predictably to his overblown personality. As I've said, Trump's rhetoric is usually great. I voted for him. There are millions of others like you who still believe in him, and take him at face value. I think the evidence is pretty clear that he was never sincere. If he had been, he would have at least attempted to get a few decent people in his cabinet. Not one even halfway decent nominee. Pence was a horrible choice as VP. I have commented often that I'd like to know how many people in his administration actually voted for him. You couldn't say that about any other president in history. He promised executive orders on the first day in office, to end birth-right citizenship, sanctuary cities, and the H-1B Visa program. None of that happened. He deported fewer illegals than Obama, despite all the tweets. He rescued a Black rapper from Sweden, and never uttered the word "White" during his four years in office. He said Hillary was "good people" after being elected. He expanded the number of foreign Visa workers, especially in his businesses. He caved to the CIA on the JFK files. He bombed Syria for no reason after being ordered to. He assassinated some previously unheard of "world's most dangerous terrorist" in Iran. He didn't rebuild the infrastructure he accurately blasted during his campaign. And finally, he gave everyone a giant middle finger as he left office, pardoning Blackwater executives and the president of Death Row Records, while ignoring Assange, Manning, and Snowden. Sure, his speeches and tweets were amusing, and the reaction from the state controlled media was fun to watch. The 2020 election was one of the most obviously fraudulent in history. But he stayed silent for months about his followers becoming political prisoners and being denied all due process, while continuing to brag about the deadly vaccine that has killed and injured an unknown number of people. Sure, he triggers me less than Biden, Obama, the Clintons, or any presently elected Democrat. But if he isn't the actor I think he is, cast to divide the country hopelessly, then he is the most juvenile, egotistical, and clueless man in the history of the world.
The stupidity is beyond belief. I'm playing along. I'm hoping for an arrest today with CNN coverage. I want a strong theatrical performance from all. All DT has to do is scowl most of the time.
And yell "Fake News" a lot. Thanks.
Brilliant analysis…this continuous positive Trump propaganda is nothing more than what people desperately want to hear. After all this time it has little or no substance. In normal circumstances without the deep state corruption I do believe Trump could actually continue to do good things for America. I cannot believe he would humiliate himself by travelling to New York and offering his wrists for the cuffs when he doesn’t have to. So many have high hopes for Trump to save them but theatre is theatre and in Shakespeares immortal words “All the world’s a stage…”
Thanks, Chali!