Rest assured that your book, Masking the Truth, is having a powerful impact. Yes, they can silence it on the net. But they cannot silence it in the streets.

This book is a sleeper for the time being, but, at some point, this documentation of the Plandemic is going to explode and be a valuable research tool for many.

The last resort of the Cabal is always The Great Silent Treatment. That is why your book is not even getting bad reviews. Others probably envy you.

As for the Injustice System, don't get me started.

First, there's the Great York Steakhouse Beer Bust, where a get-together after work hours of fellow employees where I worked was raided by cops in the wee hours of Sunday Morning. They entered the front door and barged in through the back while people fled in zero-degree weather in nothing but short-sleeves and trousers. I watched them beat up my friend when he refused to go to a window and call them back, lying that the coast was clear. They wanted to convict me of "supplying to minors" even though I had not even bought the beer- a grand total of two 24-can cases of Moosehead Lagor for 64 people.

Then there is The Great Traffic Stop. I was at a stop sign exiting a park when a park ranger cruiser pulled up behind me with lights flashing. I was not even sure I was the target. I pull out, and he follows me. Perplexed, I keep driving, and he turns on sirens. Still perplexed, I pull into a housing development, driving very slowly, and round another turn. The other vehicle fails to make the turn, but waits about 50 yards away. Now truly perplexed, I exit my pickup truck and head toward the ranger. At this point, another ranger truck speeds onto the scene, wheels screeching. The door opens rapidly, and an officer emerges with a gun pointed right at me. I just stand there and in front of ten witnesses ask: "Could you tell me just exactly why you are pointing a gun at an unarmed man". I am tackled from behind by yet another cop and handcuffed. Then they proceed to search my truck without even asking permission. They ask why I have baby clothes in the truck, and want to know where the baby is, insinuating that I am some sort of pervert or kidnapper. Then I get taken down to the lockup and charged with: Fleeing and Eluding, Driving faster than reasonably prudent (whatever that means.), Running a Stop Sign, Having No Insurance, and Resisting Arrest. Meanwhile, my truck is taken to impound. At midnight, I am released onto the deserted streets of downtown Kansas City, Kansas. Not a block from the impound, somebody asks me if I want to buy some cocaine (an obvious entrapment) but I decline and begin the 10 mile walk home after not having slept for 36 hours.

And those are only two of many, many encounters. Yes, the police are not there to serve and protect. They are there to imitate and harass. Period.

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Wow. That is quite a story, White Wolf. I should write more about the cops- they are the ground level stars of America 2.0. They make it all happen. And "our" Supreme Court has now ruled multiple times in recent years that they are under zero obligation to protect the public. So what exactly are they there for? Thanks for the kind words about the book.

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Back in the day I had an uncle who was a cop, and a choir mate who was one too. They both retired early, complaining of the lack of standards for the new recruits. Back in the day, if an officer pulled a gun, he had better be prepared to prove he was in "clear and present danger" in a court of law. Now, officers routinely force people to the ground just because they feel threatened.

Over my lifetime I have watched the average police officer devolve from a professional who used to walk the beat and knew everybody on his route, to men who drive around idly and assume the role of playground bullies.

It is just one of a myriad of signs of the overall moral collapse of our "culture".

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Great points, White Wolf. I think the primary problem is policing for profit. If that were changed, and the focus on "keeping the peace," which it once was, instead of "law enforcement," which mostly means stopping cars to meet a ticket quota, then you might stop seeing all those Cops Gone Wild videos. I'm shocked that there is no video anywhere of a cop overreacting to a Blood or a Crip, or a Hell's Angel, or a real life Goodfella. Most of them are good only for hiding in the bushes, eating doughnuts, and waiting to nab someone making an illegal u-turn. They are worthless against real criminals. Thanks.

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Could not agree more. We have to dump a whole bevy of laws, but with the cops in particular a lot of this started with seat belt laws and the "war of drugs". Back in the '70's, the parents, rather than disciplining their children- "Just know, junior, that if I hear any reports from school or work you were smoking or otherwise, you are out of the house (which would have been much more effective than jail.)- preferred government to solve all the problems, and the cabal most happily complied, as this was a massive step toward their agenda. Meanwhile, seat belt laws made all of us criminals. And then came child seat laws. Headlight laws. Motorcycle helmet laws. Then laws against littering and your dog pooping, loitering... Good grief, it is at the point where any creative cop can fabricate a believable story for a jury. And then, of course, came the radar toys and speed traps.

And, suddenly, the police are the enemy out to harass you, which breeds resentment, which puts the cops on the defensive, which causes incidents- it is just a vicious spiral of increasing tension that nobody seems interested in breaking.

So people just comply comply comply, which builds confidence in the megalomaniac and sadistic types to continually push the limits of what they can get away with.

But all of this just seems part of the intentional Wiemar-ization of the country, especially the large cities.

God help us.

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Absolutely right. And, of course, the Supreme Court ruling that police are under no obligation to "protect" the public enables this behavior. And should make every citizen who pays their salary question exactly why they are doing so. Thanks.

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Ron Unz, the big Lab Leak proponent, says he was most influenced by the book Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth, by Children's Health Defense, 2022. Who do you think would be the best target reader for your book? The White House is already clearing office space and ramping up for another virus epidemic no doubt before the 2024 election. Do you think the sheep like Normie has learned anything? When I go to the gym at my 55+ age restricted community, people are starting to wear masks again even on the 120 degree days outside. How to break the spell of the TV addicted?

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It won't be easy. Most of those who now realize we were fooled, are still falling for another lie, the "lab leak" theory, whereby China, China, China unleased a "bioweapon" on the world. The real bioweapon, of course, is the warp speed vaccine. All we can do is try to present the facts. Thanks.

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Lab "leak", or biotrailed, virus-laden sewage? Hey, maybe I got it from (human-sourced) aerosols or fomites...

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Unz shadowbans anyone who disagrees with his "covid is real" opinion. He has instituted a limit of 3 comments per 8 hour period, but only for those he deems unworthy of unlimited commenting. Shadowbanned commenters get a notice of "Too much commenting. Slow down" after two or sometimes only one comment. Limiting comments at that level stifles discussion and it's obviously being done for that purpose.

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Wow. Those kinds of controlling personalities are what we see constantly in JFK, 9/11, and other research communities. Thanks.

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It would be hard for a man of your intelligence to be tried by a jury of peers as they have been systematically dumbing down the population for decades. For those of us who overcame the education system the only peers are the ones who are like us and the corrupt legal system would never allow us on a jury if they had any inkling of the way we think.

The young man who recently passed because they would not allow him to get a kidney transplant is a fine example of how cold and ignorant our society has become. He even had family members willing to donate an organ but they still turned him down. Add to this the mindless temerity of asking his wife if they would donate his other organs for transplant graphically portays the depths of ignorance and injustice in today's world.

I am disgusted beyond words.

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That was about as bad as it gets. Every time I think we've sunk to our lowest, we go lower. Regardless of my intelligence or their intelligence, I wouldn't feel confident about any jury of my "peers" sitting in judgment of me. They have a history of almost always making the wrong decision. Thanks, Peter!

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There's something else going on there. The case was in Canada and they're SO enamoured of their medical system that the idea of medically traveling to a place like Thailand and actually paying for lifesaving surgery was beyond them. The people requiring the vaxx May be the proximate cause of his death but something inside his spirit had been killed long before.

A quick search on the Panopticon search engine shows a range of prices from 20-50K. Sucks to have to pay that when your medical system should, but will to live is important too.

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You're assuming that a thirty year old couple have the money for this. Most young people are barely hanging on in this Trudeau nightmare.

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I've given freely to a few campaigns for people oppressed by the Vaxxlords. A real case with a target of 50k to save a life threatened by the totalitarians? It would attract donations like the Canadian truckers did.

I'm sure the family wasn't rich; kidney disease probably drained the man's ability to work and support his family. Canada thought that, in setting up socialized medicine, everyone would be cared for as the medical system was an obvious expression of the duty to care for each other we all share. What you guys must be starting to realise is that you took this good instinct and put its execution into the hands of psychopaths.

Meanwhile, the older method of community-shared burdens disappeared so throughly that apparently nobody thought to go around the medical system now controlled by psychopaths. They were reduced to crouching down and licking the hands that medicated them, to paraphrase Samuel Adams. Those hands smacked them and sent them off to die for lese majeste.

This will continue and it will get worse.

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A jury of our peers contains none of them since Lysander Spooner wrote Trial by Jury.

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Lysander Spooner- one of the greats. Thanks.

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Btw, saw from your profile that you teach aquaculture. I visited, off all places, a clam farm in Florida that has now opened a restaurant using its clams. I never knew you could farm clams, but it seems obvious in retrospect.

What do you teach?

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The algorithm censorship by the monsters of silicon valley in conjunction with their Military Intelligence masters (DARPA created silicon valley) would make the book burners of old green with envy. I suppose that's why they call it the, interNET. When Bobby Fuller died (was murdered) in 1966, I distinctly remember the coverage stating he was found with a bullet in his head in his car, doused with gasoline and a book of matches in his hand. (Now, Wikipedia says nothing about this). The coroner determined that Fuller was doused with the fuel AFTER being shot. Despite this impossible paradox, the cops tagged it a suicide. I guess that after putting a bullet in his head, Bobby was able to cover himself with fuel but then rolled a 7 before he could light the match. Then again, with secondary relevancy, no one asked why Fuller, if he intended to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, would want to burn his body in the aftermath. Almost like an esoteric ritual, right? The cops are not interested in solving crimes, just closing cases. They don't give a flying fuck if an innocent person takes the freight and gets the Slam or the execution chamber. Most criminal court judges are former prosecutors, which is why they always seem to be on the same wavelength. The defense lawyers, especially the Public Pretenders (excuse me, Defenders) are equivalent to used car salesmen. They have no interest in really defending you, just selling you out, striking a plea bargain deal as quickly as possible and moving on. A lawyer wins his case when his fee his paid. Assembly line "justice" prevails. Woman right, man wrong, woman innocent, man guilty, end of story. In the satanic family courts, for a helpless male defendant, there is no presumption of innocence, no burden of proof on the accuser, no rules of evidence, no substantive and procedural due process rights whatsoever. It would make Papa Joe Stalin beam with pride. Where the fuck are the so-called Bill of Rights? Like I always say, the Bill of Wipes are in the bathrooms to appropriately be used as toilet paper. In the former USSR and any other communist country, it was standard operating procedure to wrist slap violent street predators so they are loose terrorizing the populace while political dissenters are treated with the utmost harshness and severity. The slimebag rulers in their infrequent public appearances always have bodyguards packing heat so they have nothing to fear from street scum while they disarm the citizens putting them in grave peril. Kind of sounds like the U.S., does it not? The Union of Soviet States of America, anyone? A very sobering and timely piece Don, thank you.

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If China or Russia took over, how would we know ?

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Very astute comment there, David.

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Dunno, maybe we ship raw materials for them to run their factories, maybe things like coal?

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I read something funny the other day.

China owns Smithfield, the largest pork producer in the US. China rasie thier pigs here because their regulations are too strict.


Due to regulatory capture we are the new shithole

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Regulations like no subsidized corn for animal feed?

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Astute as always, Hereticdrummer. Thanks!

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You are welcome, Don. Be well and keep punching.

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Keep fighting the good fight, Don. What you do is vitally important to so many of us. You are one of the very few voices of sanity left in my opinion.

I bought Masking the Truth and have put in at least 5 purchase requests at my local library for it as well, but have heard nothing back yet. This is Oregon though, so not all that surprising (still disappointing but I remain optimistic). They have finally ordered in your Paul McCartney book after repeated requests so that's something I guess...

Thank you for another great article Don. This world makes me angrier and angrier every day...which I guess is by design 😬

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I can't express my gratitude adequately, Smoke. We'll see which library bites first. Thanks!

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Smoke, I guess I will request it as well for the Washington County inter-library system. So far it just felt like it would be a wasted effort here in Oregon.

After three years I finally went back to the library. The one closest to my home is the wokest of woke. Years ago they put the Nicene Creed of wokeness (one of those yard signs) on the entrance door. Those library Karens went mad with fear during the scamdemic. They ordered me to return an inter-libray loan dvd immediately...yet they made it almost impossible to do so. They were sterilizing all returned books, and had a two hour window-of-return, only very early in the morning. After months of hassling me for the dvd, they finally relented, and allowed me to return it to another library.

I vowed never to go back there. However, last month I wanted to see if over the last three years they had bought new non-fiction books on disc. I only listen to non-fiction, and prior to the scamdemic their stock of non-fiction was anemic. Yep, they had some new discs, lots of new books from the likes of Hunter Biden (didn't know he had one) Hillery Clinton and the whole rancid government gang. That's when I thought that they would refuse Donald's new book, even if I bought it and donated it in memory if my dad, who was killed by the vax. They had also renovated the library with wall-high clear plastic screens...so now the library Karens do not have to interact with the great unwashed public. God help them when the NWO rolls out the next scamdemic.

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Actually, Kris, some of the most leftist systems have been very friendly to my books. San Francisco Public Library, for instance, I think has all of my other books. So it's worth a try. This one will be much more difficult everywhere. Thanks!

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God almighty Kris - you've blown my mind here. I'm in Washington County as well - I suspect we go to the same library 🙃 What are the odds of that?

I don't blame you for not visiting for so long. During the scamdemic, I took the piss out of that shit hole incessantly: making us stand outside all year for no reason at all, the smug virtue signalling and control-freaking from the daft face diaper-wielding librarians. I thought they would never get rid of all their covid garbage. And yeah I remember the having to wait 3 days for items to be sterilized - it was so fucking ridiculous and of course everyone here applauded it. Like you said, it's become a bit better now although the racial virtue signaling is ongoing and intolerable a lot of the time in this state.

I'm hoping since we're both seemingly requesting Don's book they might eventually order it in. I'm sorry for what happened to your Dad. The same thing happened to my Grandad - dead within a week of taking the vax.

Anyway that was a great post. Take care 😊

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The library I went to the most in the past was the Cedar Mill Library, which is the one I requested to buy Don's book (last night). Maybe with both of us making the request there is a tiny chance of success. I don't hold out much hope, though. These Karens are so invested in the covid narrative, and their "heroic" work during the scamdemic, they will not give it up to please a library patron. I have found that people who settle on a version of the past, in which they are the "good guy" will NEVER EVER entertain the idea that they were in the wrong. Let me know which library you requested to buy the book, and I will put in a request there also.

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I appreciate you both doing this. Please let me know if if gets on their shelves, since apparently I won't be able to search Worldcat for it. Thanks!

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Hey Don just letting you know that I checked my library account today and it looks like the library here in Washington County, Oregon has ordered Masking the Truth! That was a pleasant surprise 👍 I hope others have similar luck where they are. Looking forward to your show later on 😊

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Just checked their catalog- it is there! And it already has 2 holds! I can't thank you enough, my friend.

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Will certainly do that Don 👍😊

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Ah I know the Cedar Hills library - I get ILL loans from there now and again. I go to the Hillsboro Library. Like you, I'm not overly optimistic about them getting Don's book in but I figure if we keep bombarding them then they might relent eventually. I know what you mean about people clinging like grim death onto their narratives - all of my friends and family are still brainwashed by the scam. It's difficult to believe at times. They literally won't even consider anything contrary to the narrative. Lots of egos involved, sadly. Anyway, good idea on putting requests into multiple libraries. Stranger things have happened after all...

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I am grateful for your efforts, Smoke. Libraries will stock controversial books. I first became aware of the other side of Lincoln by seeing a book called The South was Right! in my public library. Hundreds of them all over the world have stocked my other books, all of which are controversial. Probably some have "Masking the Truth" already, but I can't search and find out, like I can with my other books. Again, thank you!

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That's true. Like you said though, it's never been this difficult getting a book stocked before. Just shows you're over the target, Don.

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Hillsboro Brookwood was my second go-to library before the scamdemic. Now, on the rare occasions I go to the library, it's Hillsboro I go to. I will put in a request for Don's book there, as well. Perhaps you can request at Cedar Mill. Your card is good for all libraries in WA CO, and, as I'm sure you know, you can request online.

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Hey Kris

I checked my library account today and it looks like Washington County has ordered Masking the Truth. I wasn't expecting it but this is great news. I hope your luck is similar 👍

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Small world eh? I’ll do exactly as you suggest and put the cedar hills request in tomorrow. We’ll work around the woke hoards yet 👍

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Don... Our system of Law is really a Just-us system and we-the-peasantry are not "us". If one has a billion $s in the bank, though, one is immune to the arbitrariness of the system.

To follow the cop killings of the day:


Things are even worse than you portray, I fear.

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Yes. I quoted someone who'd been in prison for decades in "Survival of the Richest." He said that he'd never met anyone who was rich prior to becoming an inmate. Prison is pretty much exclusively for the poor and working class. Thanks.

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Everyone should have celebrated the OJ verdict, as I did. In my memory it was the 1st time a black man did what white men have been doing for years.

Bought his justice.

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Yes. If there was "reasonable doubt" in that case, 99% of those on Death Row should be set free. Thanks.

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How much did he pay out for the civil lawsuit?

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Yes you are right. He bought his freedom.

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So I guess that he was just another government slave?

Seriously, what was the sum?

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What is your toll ?

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Another fine analysis Don on this sad state of affairs

The owner of the little building we office in was just saying this morning how he's had enough of what he calls the 'two-tiered' justice system, in this instance, referring to what they are currently blathering on about in Wash DC, with nobody ever facing consequences like we would, if caught doing similar dastardly deeds.

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Thanks, jwslaw!

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Always deeply appreciate your writings.... you and Mike Huggins are the two that brighten/enlighten my days at this desk.

I was glad to see Mike chiming in today.

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I appreciate the kind words, jwslaw. Yes, Mike is great. Thanks!

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Don, I had some theories floating around my mind in the last few days as to how we arrived at this stage....

One theory arrives from analysis of my own mistakes raising our youngest daughter, now 15 yrs old and dealing with this transgenderism, especially in comparison to how my father raised myself and my sisters. More specifically, I think myself and many of what I believe are considered Gen X, became too concerning with our children's feelings, appeasement and the like. When i was young, it was my father's way or the highway, no if ands or buts, and any persistent mention of 'your way' could even result in a slap across the head.

And well, the unadulterated access to the internet did not help either.

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I can relate to that, jwslaw. Nearly all parents back then were far more strict than what we see today. We were very indulgent with your children, but they seemed to have turned out pretty good. Thanks.

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It’s amazing what they are doing. If you have to have an Amazon account to write a review I will use my wife’s for your book.

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I appreciate that, Mike. But people don't even need to review it, they should just be able to give it 5 stars. You probably do need an Amazon account, maybe even just to rate it. Thanks!

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I’ll create an account then.

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"Satan himself might as well be running our legal system. Maybe he does."

He does, DJ! How so?

Interestingly, it requires the cooperation of two opposing parties - the secular materialist thinkers and the self-obsessed pew sitters - the first denying Satan's existence and the second limiting Satan's influence to just personal sins or Halloween tricks.

As Sun Tzu wrote - if you don't know yourself or your enemy - you lose!

In effect, Christ's command to His Church to 'go and make disciples of all nations' has been diverted into a pursuit of personal piety and thus neutered from being 'the salt and light' of society. You can read more here:


I also have to admit that when I started this online venture 8 years ago, I had only a vague idea where I was going......what a learning experience! Much more explained here:


You're welcome to join....but I promise you nothing but 'blood, sweat and tears'!

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"in the unfortunate role of defendant." That sums up what most people don't know about "law." ALL Statutory law applies only to "persons." A defendant is a "person," a taxpayer is a person, a driver is a person, a husband/wife is a person, the list is quite long.

If you need proof of this go to 26 USC 7701, definitions: (1) Person

(1)The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.

Don't be fooled by the term "individual." Individual is never a noun as Webster would have us believe. In statutory law an individual is a singular person as a opposed to a corporation which is a group of persons.

Further proof, Montana motor vehicle code 61-101-1: (b) For purposes of this subsection (1), "person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, state agency, local government unit, another state government, the United States, a political subdivision of this or another state, or any other legal or commercial entity.

Legal maxim: government can only tax, control, or regulate that which it creates. Did the state create you? It did not. You are a creation of God. Men and women then created government. Government cannot even address you (because you are its creator) unless you have caused harm to another man or woman. To gain jurisdiction government created a fantasy land known as "legal." Legal is populated with persons-it is all commercial. When a judge asks you: Are you JOHN H DOE? and you reply, yes, you have just committed yourself as surety for the infractions of

the legal person JOHN H DOE.

JOHN H DOE, or the legal name, or the strawman, or the THING, as I like to call, it is a creation of government by way of the certificate of live birth, which mom is forced to provide information for. The COLB is quickly registered at the county level and then registered with the commerce department. Since the COUNTY OF XXXX AND STATE OF XXXX are both corporate franchises of the UNITED STATES, the creation of the legal name at the county level is property of the UNITED STATES. The Birth Certificate, which you receive sometime later is evidence of your interest in that entity. The BC is NOT you, in the same way that a deed is not the house and land, and the title is not the car. Property tax is a tax on the commercial use of the state created deed. "Residential" is a commercial term. If you record your private property as residential you are admitting you are using the state's creation, the deed, in commerce. The state cannot tax the land because it did not create the land, and unless the state built your house, it didn't create that either. It can only tax the commercial use of the thing it DID create: the deed.

Government can control its creation. It can do what it wants to with it. If you admit to being JOHN H DOE, government figures it can do what it wants to with you. After all, ignorance of the law is no excuse. The question to ask yourself is: How can I BE a name? You can't. You use a name like you use silverware. It is provided to you so that you can engage in commerce. You can't engage in commerce as commerce is the land of legal fictions. You need an avatar, the legal name, to bridge the gab.

Without an understanding of this stuff you will NEVER understand what's going on in a court room.

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Thanks, Rog!

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Excellent piece, Donald. Regarding Nassar, however, I recommend considering a fairly compelling piece by Miles Mathis (http://mileswmathis.com/gymnassar.pdf) that claims Nassar’s entire trial is just theater for the unsuspecting as part of the Men-are-Pigs project of the Deep State (i.e., propaganda narrative to divide the sexes). Begins with the judge making the statement during sentencing of “I just signed your death warrant,” which acc. to Miles, at least, would alone be grounds for an appeal. Other anomalies suggest the trial in 2017 was fake, including the “testimony” of 156 girls (to which, I, like Miles, reacted with “What?!”). As Miles writes, “Nassar was only convicted on seven counts, so why would 156 girls parade through giving testimony? Testimony is only allowed from people involved in the trial. You don't just open up a trial to everyone who has something to say.” Finally, the recent so-called “stabbing” said to have occurred recalls, with its lack of evidence (cameras “malfunctioning,” images of post-stabbing not available, etc.), a famous “suicide” by a certain pedophile-to-the-stars.

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I appreciate the tip, Rob. I'll check it out. Certainly seemed theatrical to me. I've shared my views on Mathis, but he can obviously be compelling, as in this case. Thanks!

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The reason you haven't heard from the big names in the alternative media, is that most of them are controlled opposition...hence, the reason they ARE big names. I have no doubt Amazon is ******* with your book. I've been reviewing there for at least 14 years, and many of my reviews have been shadow-banned . Perhaps my review of your new book is shadow-banned too...the only way I can tell for sure is to check on a library computer without opening my Amazon account. And yep, this post once again evaded my primary inbox. It happens no matter how many times I try to correct it.

I learned more than 30 years ago to avoid all contact with law enforcement, the courts and the medical system. Its just asking for trouble to get sucked into their black holes of tyranny and death. Since the scamdemic I've added contact with the general public, to my avoidance list. My friend and I were just talking this morning about the need to eliminate stupid people from one's life. They can be the nicest, most well-meaning person on earth...but sooner or later stupid people will get you into a situation where you life is on the line. Nobody's company is worth that.

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I can't argue with you, Kris. I don't see any review from you on Amazon, unless you posted it under "An Amazon Customer." I always value your input and support. Thanks!

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It was posted by Krispinion. My avatar is a pic of me in my car, parked on the riverbank of the river that separates Mexico and Guatemala. It was the third review of your new book to go up, and I know from the library that it was visible at one time. If its been shadow-banned... it's just one of several.

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No, it isn't there. Just incredible. This shadow banning is more complex than I realized. I appreciate you trying. Thanks.

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We fight the good fight...we do our best. At this point we must consider all establishment entities to be corrupted and full of evil. In the end, I believe we will all be judged by God on our EFFORTS, not how much we have accomplished . After 30 odd years in the fight, all I can claim are three people who did not take the Jonestown jab because of what I had told them BEFORE the scamdemic. If that's all the people I will ever reach... I'll take it.

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Kris: I just checked Amazon books and your review is there. It is on the second page of reviews. I also wrote my review. It is 9 PM Pacific Time, July 25, 2023

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It is there now. Thanks, Timmy!

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Kris: Stupid people will get a person killed. That's a fact. I worked in general aviation for 25 years (mostly seaplanes). Stupid people get killed and kill others in general aviation too often.

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If the law always wins, all you have is lawless tyranny.

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I live by a motto - if you want to be my friend you have to tell me what I do not want to hear.

With that in mind, no slight intended but the book is 3 years too late. Those who warned us beforehand were Jon Rappoport, Eustace Mullins, Eleanor McBean, Bill Sardi and Amandha Vollmer. Even Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Jane Ruby, Sherry Tenpenny (who wrote forward to this book) were all behind the curve when it comes to C-19. Also, the massive online documentary The End of Covid has just been released featuring something like interviews with the top 50 alternative medicine, science, and law experts.

Moreover, we are social beings. As Samuel Johnson said, we don't get their opinions by reasoning, they "catch" them by social contagion usually along social class lines. Say, a novel written by a liberal female writer with some title like "My Big Mistake" might reach the audience that just follows what their friends tell them. But even then, it would never be turned into a movie by Hollywood or a TV series.

The public is probably going to learn a lot from the breaking announcement that LaBron James's basketball player son has been struck with myocarditis. Rational argument is not the way to reach such people. Even those who read Unz Review overwhelmingly believe in the Covid Lab Leak conspiracy, despite there has been no "lab" evidence of a virus ever. Viruses are a conception for psychological warfare and terrorism, just as is the A-bomb. The word terror has the word error in it. We live in a world of our own illusions (sociologist Peter L. Berger, The Social Construction of Reality, 1966).

The moral effort to deliberately lie is beyond most people, but politicians are all paid actors. It is important to keep in mind the concept of ideology distinct from notions of lying, deception, propaganda and legerdemain. The liar by definition knows he is lying, the ideologist does not.

So, you might double check your assumption that "cancelling" and censoring is deterring dissemination of what sounds like a good book.

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I understand what you're saying, Wayne, but I had to see where it was going before finishing it. Even then, there was no really good way to end it, since they may just keep bringing it back. It all happened because no one with any power objected, until the vaccine was already out there. And there were no mass protests, no Christian pastors organizing marches. But a book like this, that tells the entire story, will awaken some people. Recognizing what has been done is the first step in trying to correct it. Not saying it can be corrected, but we can at least give as many people as possible the accurate information. Thanks.

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Ah!! There is a book that is waiting to be written - A Christian Pastor's Guide to C-19 and Civil Rights. I am going to buy your book not to read but to send to others. Is there a way to distinguish your book?

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I very much appreciate that, Wayne. But I'm not sure what you mean by "distinguish" here. Thanks.

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The marking of emails as Spam is usually done by the server receiving them like Google, Yahoo, and all the other Global Corporatist Oligarchy companies in which people recieve their emails through.

Thank you for bringing up Victoria White as well as she is still facing trial and our good friend Lisa Belanger has been barred from listening in via phone to provide notes and analysis.

You are spot on that the window to information is closing. It's up to audiences like ours to force it back open.

Great stuff Don.

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I really appreciate all your support, Six. Yes, Lisa was one of those who told me that the Substack nofitications were going to her spam folder. Thanks!

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The "Law" isn't what's winning. It's lawlessness. The rich and powerful (who seem to possess no consciences or empathy) crush the weaker by buying or threatening the judges. They sneer at the law when it applies to them--or limits their powers in the case of government officials. When it comes to other people, they use penalties to excess without pity. No justice and no mercy.

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