Your perspective is refreshing, Don. It's great to hear someone finally saying all this. It feels like we get bombarded by the opposite viewpoint by the media constantly. You do a wonderful job speaking for the silent majority :)

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Thanks, Smoke!

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Stick a fork in America 2.0. It's over over here.

I have not turned on network news since 1991. It was insane then. Narcotics overdoses. Fags talking about their romantic experiences. Billionaires complaining about the cost of living. And Hellywood actors salivating at portraying the Catholic Church as being overrun by lunatics wanting to burn everybody at the stake.

Maybe the Inquisition was on to something.

Meanwhile, perhaps its time to stop trying to diagnose and resuscitate the patient and rather start rehearsing to sing the Requiem.

Watching the demise of a country is not pretty. Soon I suspect the jackals and the hyenas will start squabbling over choice pieces of the carcass.

Concurrently, I would argue that those in charge are not lunatics. If they truly were lunatics, they would not have a plan, just fragmented ravings and incoherent policies. But they have a plan: maximum destruction, maximum anarchy, maximum Antichrist policies, maximum attacks on religion and heritage and parenthood and culture. And maximum wealth extraction from the sheeple.

One can take just about any aspect of the current psy-op and ultimately ask just what the hell is going on. A war is waging in Ukraine. Or is one? We have been bombarded by so many fake videos and false reports we don't know who to trust. Recently a trove of "leaked documents" claimed the Russians had only 17,000 dead to over 200,000 slaughtered Ukrainians. But are these figures believable? Or was the "leak" yet another disinformation operation.

Or take the chemtrails. Some say they are to prevent global warming. Others say they cause global warming. Some say they are spraying poisons to sicken us. Others say its about weather control. Or perhaps they are just filling the skies with otherworldly effects to give conspiracy theorists something to post on their blogs.

I don't know how those in the social media sphere remain sane.

Well, we will just see how this comment bounces around in the cyberspace echo chamber.

In the meantime, my recommendation: Take the dog for a long walk, or the horse for a long ride, and leave that dumb phone behind.

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I appreciate what you're saying, White Wolf. They aren't all lunatics. The ones controlling everything- whose identities reman unknown to the public- certainly know what they're doing. The insanity, like the incompetence, works in their favor. Thanks!

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May 2, 2023Edited
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I agree. I have said many times that we are engaged in a spiritual battle. Thanks.

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And in spite of all the corruption and mental illness on display, the American sheeple accept it and do nothing. That is proof of how programming and brainwashing has effectively dumbed down and doomed the USA. Where are the 2nd amendment followers and the revolution?they are easily distracted with the latest govt inspired gossip.

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I've noted many times that the 2nd amendment people did nothing at all to protest the country being locked down. Too many of them seem preoccupied exclusively with keeping their guns in their home, being able to hunt and skeet shoot, etc. The 2nd amendment was created to protect the people from a tyrannical government. Has there ever been a mass rally with fully armed 2nd amendment supporters? Thanks.

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The thing is with protests is that if you go too far, that gives government all the more reason to tighten the screws under the guise that they are doing it for our safety and protection. Like in protecting us from those loony right wing extremists or dirty old white men...of which they would never admit joey is the godfather of.

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Yep. We saw what happened after January 6. But our only chance is to resist, using the best weapon we have- a massive advantage in numbers. If only millions could get together in a common cause....I know, dreaming again. Too many Frank Capra films. Thanks!

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The gun owners have been conditioned to fear the govt. Therefore no rallies occur. Unfortunately they are also susceptible to the ongoing frivolous distractions that keep them focused on silly nonsense.

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irish: I think you are a violence promoting Fed.

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Well said … sigh

The freakization of society

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Thanks, Nancy!

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I think you got them all. In this clown show I want to experience Kamala as President for at least a month. Oh the writing material she will give us and I love salad. I wrote a lot today but my best might have been a one word sentence in my comments to tndoc, CHARGE!!! Thanks Don.

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I'm sure I missed something, Mike. It's a lot to chronicle. Thanks!

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A gut punch, rave-out, Don. "Dr." Jill Biden, the senile fuck's handler, is not only not a doctor but also not a real woman. Another tranny. Kamala "Trannis" is as well. I saw a video of her speaking at a rally when she was the up and coming pervert of the communist (excuse me, democratic) party. The entire audience was exclusively queers, lesbians, and trannys. They went berserk when she strolled up to the podium smiling, wearing a suit laced from top to bottom with the colors, symbols, and images of the freak fagot, dyke, tranny movement. When she started talking it became even more clear "she" is one of them. I fantasized about being there with an M-80 machine gun on a tripod. Pure ecstasy. A white congressman would be arrested and charged with terrorism for saying about blacks what these apes in congress say about whites. AOC, a CIA creation and another tranny. (you all must get tired of hearing this but it's the truth.) The Controllers derive special delight from placing morons and freaks in positions of authority over us. It's like flipping us the collective bird. They don't give a flying fuck. They possess the real power and call the shots. The U.S. "Silly-tary" (military) long a haven for Jew social engineering, is a pathetic joke. The training regimens have been so softened to accommodate girls and fairies that a crippled, female baboon infant could breeze through them. Those sorry motherfuckers couldn't whip Vassar (when it was a strictly girl's school) at tiddly-winks. The high ranking zeroes (commissioned officers) are a joke too. All of the fruit salad (ribbons) on their uniforms are meaningless. If they fly in a military jet over an area where the U.S. military is shooting it out with some "insurgents", they get a combat ribbon and medal. Like giving candy to kids. None of them has any real battle experience. The Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and even the North Koreans would whip the "armed farces" of the U.S. to parade rest. There is a pandemic of rape by males pretending to be females and then given ready access to female locker rooms and bathrooms. That was part of the plan. The judiciary is perhaps the most corrupt branch of government as they are politically appointed hacks and the vast majority of them are not fit to judge a baking contest or elementary school talent show. One of the sickest things I've ever read was the case of a white man whose 12 year old daughter was savagely raped by a black man who abducted her while she was walking to school. He was especially brutal with her and it's a safe bet that tragic girl will be traumatized for life. The beast was caught and at his trial, after conviction, her father practically begged the judge to give the demon the lightest sentence possible because even though what he did was horrible, it was white racism that made him do it and ergo his actions were understandable. This pitiful excuse for a father and man almost wept while he made this pea for mercy to a scumbag that literally destroyed his daughter. Sometimes I think it would have been better if she expired during the assault. Nothing epitomizes how disgusting, depraved, cowardly and perverted America has become than this incident. If there was real justice here, a group of white men would have skinned both the black perpetrator and the girl's father alive in a public forum.

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It's hard to argue with the gist of your comment, Hereticdrummer, although I'd obviously word things less harshly than you. Thanks.

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Sorry about that, Don. I'm from a blue collar Italian neighborhood way back before political correctness and woke psychosis and sometimes the "street" in me comes out. These people and their wire pullers who are tearing the guts out of the fabric of our society and our very well being, deliberately and maliciously, need to be dealt with in a very harsh manner. Talking to them is a complete waste of time. Simply put, no sane man is going to employ the Marquess of Queensberry rules engaging a street fighter armed with brass knuckles and a truncheon. OK, maybe that analogy is a bit off kilter but you see my point. I definitely concede to yours, and thanks for another brilliant piece of writing.

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I understand, my friend. Thanks.

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Yikes...since I avoid all mainstream media, I didn't realize that things were this wacko. There is not one person mentioned in this article, including Trump, that I will listen to. I really don't want to follow a leader or hero. These pretend icons are for weak people who are living apart from their true selves.

I think the "Front Row Seat at The Loony Bin" would be rather interesting. As sad as it is, these leftist loons birds are quite comical. Their constructs and platitudes are so illogical as to be hilarious.

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I agree. The loonies that are in positions of prominence are far more dangerous than funny or entertaining. Thanks.

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On Audrey Elizabeth Hale, the TN school shooter----weren't we supposed to get a report on what DRUGS she may have had in her system? But I guess that psy-op is over. On to the next one.

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We'll get that when we see her "manifesto." Thanks!

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There is no stopping it. It's too late. I never cared much for America, I never was patriotic, but America 1.0 is looking pretty good from this vantage point. Even though I have been expecting this for 32 years, am still surprised by how fast things happened after 2008. Sometimes I cry for what has been lost, and mourn for some sense of normalcy.

I keep very up-to-date on the cultural implosion, yet I missed that about the abuse of Down Synonym men. Very depressing.

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It is too late, Kris. I'm probably beating a dead horse, but writing and talking about it is cathartic for me. And theoretically, we could still stop it. But that would require a mass awakening on the part of the sheeple. We know how likely that is. Thanks!

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" Gee honey...You must be antiwoman, antiman, antifleabags, antivaxx, antiobese, anti-anti to write such nonsense, you sexy thang. We're moving ever closer to Pure En Light En Ment, Donal. As a privileged white bloke, how could you possibly understand?" Hugs, Bugs....Betty Boopity Boop

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Well, Joanna, I'm not sure what to make of your comment, but how can I not like being called "honey" and "sexy?" Thanks.

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I agree with what you wrote. I might have eaten a gummy about an hour before I put fingers to keyboard.

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Lol. Well, I'll take it as a compliment. And tell me where to get those gummies. Thanks!

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Caligula was a true genius - a great statesman - a humanitarian - compared to our war criminal, Unk Joe, and his Killer Klowns.

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Yeah, I'm not sure any real or imagined bogeymen from the past could match our current crop of tyrants. Thanks, TnDoc!

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I suppose the extremes of insanity always kick into hyperdrive at the End of Empire.

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I don't know how I missed this one for two weeks. Usually I get to reading as soon as a new one hits my inbox. This is a pretty entertaining read, Donald. It's pretty depressing, though, since it's so true to life. Politics is showbiz for ugly people, but it's gotten worse, becoming a cult of celebrity for openly evil nutjobs who seem proud of their depravity.

This ain't how getting old was supposed to be, I can't help observing. I thought that I would become more eccentric and would need to be endured by those around me. I'm having to put up with way more than I thought I would.

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I can relate, Ed. Once you hit a certain age, you're almost expected to become eccentric. But with the way our society has drifted into madness, we can't compete with that lunacy. Thanks.

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It's an odd shift from being tolerant and accepting of the sadistically crazy- to letting them actually control and lead us ............

I try to tell my kids, it's the slippery slope of leftward societal creep that plagues us.

Remember when gays just wanted to be left alone- and wanted the 'Government out of our bedrooms'? Now they want to bring YOUR 5 year old kindergartener into their bedroom, in the least visually, with gory detail. If that's not grooming, I'm not sure what is ............,

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Yep. The libertarian in me recoils against policing people's sex lives. But this is way beyond that. Grooming. Genuine madness. Destroying the lives of children, accelerating the collapse of civilization. Thanks.

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I just saw a video of Lizzie proclaiming herself the new standard of beauty. Can’t take this anymore. Oh and Cleopatra was black. Stop the world I want to get off

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Nothing can be done.

Nothing will be done.

Game over.

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Don, I finally dove back into the Hidden History book last nite. I can see now how all this started after finishing first chapter on JFK.

I could go on and on, but will leave it at....you are a very talented writer and researcher.

Thanks for you hard work bringing forth what need be known.

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Thanks, jwslaw!

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Just started into the Sixties chapter before I had to get some sleep, but can't wait to get back into it.

I previously heard a bit here and there about our friend LBJ but you really brought his demeanor to brighter light in those first few pages.

And I find it interesting how some of these folks come to be revered despite significant character flaws.

There is an old historic hotel in Palacious, Texas, The Luther, with a library like room containing past newspaper articles, photos, letters and other memorabilia from 'famous' folks that visited going all the way back to the early 1900's, many of which concern LBJ who apparently was family friends with the present owner and caretaker's deceased wife's family.

Not sure why I mentioned all this but needless to say, in my talks with the very pleasant current caretaker, Jack, I had some thoughts in the back of my mind concerning LBJ that stayed there!

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I appreciate hearing that, jwslaw. I go further into all of this in my upcoming book, tentatively titled "Hidden History: American Memory Hole." Thanks!

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Don, surely nothing you don't already know of, but my cousin from Michigan where all my family originates from, and who now resides in Chicago, came into town. We had a long chat late last night....

His first and biggest 'gripe' was such that they are not even prosecuting most crimes up there in Chicago, definitely not theft as he says he sees more and more closed store fronts everyday due to overwhelming theft losses. He also stated several large corporate entities carrying a significant number of fairly well-paid employees are closing up shop and moving out.

Next, he went on about how the recently elected mayor ran on a platform of raising $5 billion in additional tax revenue from the 'wealthy.'

Obviously, we both fail to see how all this ends well! Does not seem that there will be much of a tax base to collect from if they continue down this path. My cousin likened it all to an intentional move towards total collapse of society.

I am in Houston, Texas and fear this is what the future holds down here as well.

anyhow, I appreciate our conversations on this site.

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I just wrote a story touching on the failure of Soros-appointed prosecutors to even charge many violent offenders, juxtaposed against the increase in politicized prosecutions of thought criminals. It will appear in the next issue of The American Free Press. To those who are interested, I write regularly for AFP- you can usually catch 3 of my stories in each issue (comes out biweekly). Thanks! https://americanfreepress.net/

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Thanks for the info and again, all your efforts to bring this to light

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I must admit that my fairly extensive work experience in the local criminal justice system in the 90's and 2000's saw the system bearing down a quite harshly on low income, low level offenders, whose primary problem was most often substance abuse leading to some really poor decisions. Thus, I saw a need for reform, but definitely appears they took it a bit too far.

Why can we not find some middle ground in this country?

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thanks Don,

I read thru the 'Sixties' chapter last night and a few pages in to the Seventies

while I heard bits and pieces here and there regarding these assassinations, never really knew just how sordid these affairs ran or the depth of the corruption

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