White liberals spurred by their self-hate and breathtaking ignorance gave us Obama and all the Kamcackle nonsense masquerading as progressive thinking. Granted the lame brain media spoon feeds us a steady diet of fiction it doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that communism kills and our land of the free America is on the brink of collapse.

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All of our racial problems are because of White liberals, Henry. Especially White women, who vote overwhelmingly for the "Woke" lunacy. Thanks.

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I like to say there are no true white or black people, rather pale to dark, but it amuses me to see that 'White women' anagrams to:

townee whim - they seem to be town/city based

Me wot whine - self explanatory

hi meow went - the cat ladies?

As to 'white liberals', 'waterlilies' is the longest single word anagram. These are typical toxic. There may be a connection with white liberals.

Apparently though they also 'bewail Hitlers' and are 'wealthier libs'.

And just in case you wondered but didn't like to ask 'BS willie hater'!!!

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The white wine drinkers in the suburbs with their cats.

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Anagrams of 'white women'.

who met wine

hi me town we

en meow with

So seems there might be a link.

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I'm a white female that drinks white wine and has cats (and ex-husbands and adult children and other good stuff) -- and vomits on woke lunacy. It is not helpful when you make caricatures out of us. Please stop.

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You have no one but yourselves to blame.

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i worked in an environment where i was naive enough to think i could (work release) and was nearly beaten to death by a large black woman while the other blacks sat there and did nothing. a White girl teriffied for her own life understandably finally called the police as she hid under a desk and as I was left for dead. when i told friends and even some extended family members what had happened, and even though i sustained terrible injuries, all of them were actually embarrassed about it and didn't want to talk to me about it. That's the effect of race in this country. i was newly married, was young, and my husband was my only supporter. i don't trust anybody, White or black, in this country, when it comes to race, everybody has gotten too messed up, too confused in their heads about it. that became clear that day, and will forever more.

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You noticed... ?

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I made a comment to Donald above which might amuse you.

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Correction. What gave us the politicians of the last 80 years was a team effort. The White Liberals were just so many useful idiots, and now they are realizing that payment is due and they are more than a day late and a dollar short. I think it was Thomas Jefferson- he does have some great quotes- who said that a government powerful enough to be your nanny is also powerful enough to be your jailor.

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I have to vent. This administration’s response the the storm is nothing short of treason. Biden was asked about the storm zone. He replied which one? Buttigieg talking about shutting the airspace down to local traffic. Leftists gloating about the destruction of so called sundown towns. God willing the American people will remember this come November 5

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Absolutely, Gregory. I'll be writing about the tragedy in North Carolina in my next Substack. Thanks.

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Even when reality is forcibly rubbed in their faces, the average television and television addicted blue-pilled pinhead can't be made to "get it." 🤔

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They are all really dumb. They just look good and can read a teleprompter. There is no IQ test to get those jobs.

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Assuming the election happens – and that's looking more and more of a long shot – it won't make any difference. It fills me with horror to write this: Kameltoe Harris and Tampon Tim Walz are your next President and Vice President, whether you like it or not. The situation worldwide with our Hostile Elites and the atrocities they're committing is beyond criminal, it is demonic.

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You are being directed, much as Hurricane Helene was....

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They won't unfortunately. Most don't even give a sh*t and don't have a clue what is happening to this country!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You're not alone. Have a look at what's going down in Canada, in Ireland, in England, in Holland, in France, in Germany, in Austria, in New Zealand, in Australia... etc., etc....

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All the "White" countries, Capt. Not a coincidence. Thanks.

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No, it sure isn't. Have a look at my latest post if you please: 😘

"The Camp of the Saints After 50 Years" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-camp-of-the-saints-after-50-years

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on Unz, am about to read it.

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Yes, definitely an orchestrated effort!

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The book from Wilfred Reilly in 2019, titled 'Hate Crime Hoax', documents over 100 hate crime hoaxes, and found that less than 1/3 of reported hate crimes are genuine.


And yes, he concludes that leftist Marxists are behind many of the hoaxes.

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It is going to be hard to top Katrina. Herding all those people into the Superdome, 8 feet below sea level in a city surrounded on three sides by water- what brilliance. And then blowing up the levees and taking guns away from people while old ladies drown under clear blue skies- mindnumbingly pathetic.

At least, as I understand it, the hillbillies are shooting back.

Either FEMA gets the hell out of town or they will get hell.

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More blacks should listen and learn from Jason. But they won't.... Think about how absurd it is to have Kamala even running to begin with. But it's the same everywhere in the West. Where are the great, enlightened leaders ready to deliver us from evil? I keep returning to George Carlin's sketch on politicians and society. Garbage in, garbage out.

The fundamental problem with humanity is that we're overwhelmed by the dumb and dumber. I try to talk and open people's eyes/mind but no one wants to listen. That's reality and it's depressing. But I still have my mind and back yard for sanctuary.

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I think almost all high profile Blacks hate Whitlock. No one else has ever shined the light on clowns like Stephen A. Smith and Deion Sanders. He is the only journalist I know of who focuses on Black behavior, especially in sports. Thanks, Corey!

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Try talking to the below average citizen and all you get is a blank stare. Unless of course you’re talking about football

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Yes, and then they will drool over every Black athlete and criticize the few White ones, Gregory. Thanks.

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Carlin knew: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.

George Carlin

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Speaking on behalf of the black constituency, we did not choose this imbecile to represent us just as we didn’t choose that “high-yellow snake oil salesman.” Thank you and please carry on.

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Whites certainly didn't choose any of our leaders, either, Robert. Well, at least none of those who are awake did. Thanks.

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Black America needs another MLK type figure to remind us all about character over color. Until then, we shall continue to demean and divide one another. Thanks to the DNC. The party of chaos.

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In today's world, MLK would probably be considered a "White Supremacist," Big. Thanks.

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Truth. The worlds has been turned upside down.

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MLK was the beginning of the problems. he talked a good game and violence followed him wherever he went. why did he go to Chicago? it was integrated. he was a tool of the jews, they used him for their own racist ends. the best book i can recommend is The Slaughter of Cities by E.Michael Jones where he writes about King, the violence he incited, and the goal of it, to destroy White ethnic neighborhoods that were Roman Catholic. Im not catholic, but i sure learned a lot about Catholicism in this country, and MLK leading the way to destroy Catholic lives and their neighborhoods to serve the interests of the jews who controlled him.

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If you are interested, I had some things to say about Obama: https://susandaniels.substack.com/p/its-time-the-legal-system-went-after

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liked. will ck out susan

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Thank you for the link!

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You forget the dumbest, which is those still invested in the political process. ANybody with two functioning brain cells knows we are ruled by Satanic Pederasts. They got to Joe Paterno and Cardinal Bevilaqua before those two could squeal. They locked Alisha Owens up. The Vatican Butler tried but failed. Make sure you have a faithful dog to keep you company and bite the butts of any politicians.

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Candace Owens has done an excellent ancestry breakdown on her. She is a half breed Hindu. The other half being "White." Hindus are considered "White" by the Census. Her people are not even Jamaican. Her people are tied to MK ultra. She is an impostor. Now, it does not matter what race a person is, what matters are the lies about it. That goes back to moral turpitude. If someone lies about small stuff, imagine the big stuff? In law, "If one is found to be materially false in one area, it is reasonable to assume they are materially false in others."

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Candace has really transformed herself into a real journalist, Jean. At this point, she is probably a "White Supremacist." Thanks.

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Candace has transformed herself from flaming liptard to crony conservatism. Beware of Pretty Gals that smile too broadly.

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Candace is going beast mode on Hyena Harris. There is something there! I pray Candace finds the truth and exposes Cackling KaMaLa for the fraud she is. Just like Barry Soetero Obama!

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Candace already has, at least enough for me. I don't like phony people. People who lie and pander, just because. She is a devil, and her track record in California manifests this fact.

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Kamala Devi Harris, 'aka air marsh devil', the anagram of her name.

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It's like shooting frauds in a barrel...

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Candice Owens has a LOT of baggage. I hope she tells all. She will probably end up dead within a week, but she will have ended on the right side of history.

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You might be interested in Matthew Crawford's Substack articles linking Kamela's mother's family to ties with Theosophy in India.

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I wish more people were aware of MKUltra and this side of her family. Elizabeth Nickson, so far, is the only substack writer addressing it. She is excellent and should be read more. Her mother came out of that dark side.

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Hi Lynn,

Thank you for your answer.

I did access Elizabeth Nickson's information on the net. It is very good and pertinent - esp the information on ritual abuse. I scanned the book description which came up. I could not find any reference to Kamala Harris.

If you have any information on her involvement -- victim, or predator -- would you send either a link or a paragraph --?

Thanking you, on my behalf and many victims in the northeast, U.S.?

All my best, Lynn

Lynn Bowne Weed

16th generation of the Bowne Quaker Family

Shrine to Religious Freedom

Paralegal Nyc

Keep the Ethical Light Burning, Kelb, Inc.




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"The Cackler" shows signs of being an MKultra baby. Her brain functions and her depth of being human make me wonder. For a stupid person she manages to focus all her garble blend towards Marxism. Stupid? You know what her sister does? That"s not stupid.

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"Her people are tied to Mkultra. She is an imposter."

We work with MkUltra survivors, from the '50's to the '90's, including Carol Rutz, Cheryl Welsh and others.

Was your comment that Ms. Harris is an Mk Ultra victim or predator?

--- if you could give one reference, or reference, it would be appreciated. Ty

Best, Lynn

Paralegal, Nyc

Worked on this case for the pttf's -- issue of non-consensual human experimentation, ---

Case is Edgewoodtestvets.org

CA case went to "class action" status -- approx. 20,000 members

We prevailed.

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I believe the mother was running some sort of "monkey program" at the university she taught at. It supposedly was tied into MK. I dont know, but what I do know is when Cal. AG, Kamala was a she devil.

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JB, I would classify Kamala as a nosebleed black, if she even does have a drop of African blood. 'Half Breed Hindu" sounds about right . Among skins and breeds, a nosebleed doesn't have any status at all. I think that many, if not most black people know better than to fall for any characterization of Kamala as black.

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Correct, most people already know. The rub with me is "what difference does race make?" I mean, anyone, of any race, if they offer a sound platform, moral turpitude and proven results in business should be eligible for anything It's the rats, the dirty rats, or all races, that should be precluded. She happened to fit the latter.

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Exactly! We are all God’s children, descendants of Adam, loved by our Creator!

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True. Those who try to claim any special status due to race,, the way Kamala does, obviously won't subscribe to the view of humanity being all God's children.

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it's called "DEI"TY for a weason...


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I fink that you are wight.

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Just for your information "Hindu" refers to the main religion in India. Most of the Indian immigrants here are Sikhs who mostly came here to escape persecution from the Majority Hindus in India. If she is indeed Hindu she comes for India's more privileged caste. As for the term "half breed" there is no excuse for the use of this blatantly racist term. We are all human beings. I wish you peace and enlightenment.

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You don't know me, if you did you would know I was just insulting her, not being racist, My whole family is mixed in this land. She is a fraud, in a whole line of frauds, and the mere fact that people defend her speaks volumes about their intellect, education, and knowledge of the true nature of this land's political system. As an American Indian, I don't vote, and could care less. My job is to point out the evils doers, and their system, that sought exterminate my people, that continues to do violence upon the people of the realm, that fleeces the land of my ancestors with their corporate fraud, and holds elections for demons. I stand by what I say.

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I see racism constantly as I live in a Metis community in Northern Canada. Believe me when I say it goes in every direction. Some here even hate each other because the act either "too white" or "too red" A very wise man told me we will never have peace because we can't even sit down at the same table and agree that we are all just people. His name was Richard Leo and he was my friend. Coincidently he was also the chief of the Kyuquot band on the West coast of British Columbia. When he passed I cried not only because he was my friend but because he was one of the few truly decent people I have ever met. I wish you peace and happiness.

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Please know, I am never racist. Ever. I insult, yeah. Thank you for sharing. I too wish you Peace and Love in the realm. Yakok`e. [thank you]

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oops, somebody played the race card on you. don't let them do that anymore.

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I think most people see my avatar and they automatically respond to my comments "as they have been programmed." I don't take it personal because race does not play a role in my reality...........evil does. It just so happens that one group, Messianic fanatics, of all races, has been responsible for the most evil. That is their doings, not mines. So it may appear that I focus on race, nope, I focus on devilment done to innocent people, of all races, by one specific group.

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How is she a fraud, sir? A fraud like Obama or Harris? Or a different kind of fraud. You must know her well.

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A fraud in that she is "willfully concealing material facts relevant to her pedigree" and "falsely" representing herself to be something that she is not. That is fraud, specifically since she is doing so with the "intention of concealing" the true nature of her past, with the sole purpose that people will rely on those false "presentations," to wit, her race, and vote for her. That is fraud, technically and legally. It is actionable in contact law. It is called, Fraudulent concealment." Voting is a form of contract. Soliciting votes is a oral contract, "Vote for me and I will set you free." The vote completes the contract. A "social contract," and as such any "material facts concealed" make the contract the product of fraud. All politicians are frauds. They lie.


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basically she's most White if you count jewish as White. while Candace is doing a good job, and i know miles mathis should be tread carefully most of the time, he's done a very good job on her genealogy.

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You mean......."white skinned." There is a difference in "White" you know? There are "White" people, and then there is FREE WHITE PEOPLE. Eastern Europeans are not FREE WHITE PEOPLE. There is a difference.


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My apologies, sir. I thought you were referring to Candace being a fraud. I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding Harris!🙂 And you did a fine job of defining Ms Harris’ fraudulent actions. Thank you.

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I know. :) No need to apologize. That is why I explained it. Regards.

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Great article.. But what we have going for us is on an interpersonal level, day by day; blacks and whites get along with each other. It is mostly those who have to worry about their reputation that these things happen.. Down at the plumber or computer programmer level people seems to respect the truth more than politicians. Governor’Black Face Northam’ for instance.

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I think that, if it were left up to the average White and Black, that they would along, at least to the same degree that Whites get along with other Whites. It's the outside influence, the nonstop agenda pushed by the state controlled media, all government agencies, and the entire corporate world. Thanks, Peter.

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Agree! I don't see any animosity or racial tension where I live. Mostly people just get along and treat each other with courtesy and respect.

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The Government's biggest nightmare is if everyone were United for the cause of a smaller Government. Unfortunately, due to the propaganda machine, we have become a divided and weaker nation! United We Stand, Divided We Fall! Does anybody want to guess where we are in that scenario?

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Yes, they fear that more than anything else, Medical. All the people being screwed under this rigged system, uniting against the common enemy. Thanks.

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propping up Kamala as a POTUS is like trying to polish a Turd! You can keep trying to polish it and it will never shine! She is a complete phony and a failure and it shows!!

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Considering what we have for a POTUS now... at least the Cackling Camel can string three sentences together. Not that any of it applies to the Real World. That Gal was born on the golden fleece with a silver spoon in her mouth. For her a bad day is donuts for breakfast.

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For the left, the demand for racism always exceeds the supply. Leftists create societal problems so they can use those problems to demand more government intervention.

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At this point the Left are out of the ballpark. They no longer speak for any significant percentage of the population. They are a self-fulfilling echo chamber.

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Maybe the left are shrinking in number as they consolidate the control of the institutions that they got in their Long March. Turning into a small cadre of totalitarian rulers?

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That "small cadre of Totalitarian rulers" has been with us for some time. What you see are Useful Idiots who are filled with the notion of their own importance. They are about to find out that, in the world of the Satanists, the Moment you cease to be an asset- you become a liability.

A lot of the Ghosts who perished in from 1929 to 1945 might warn them... but they would not listen anyway.

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Twas an excellent essay, Donald. Yes, when blacks say 'jump!' most politicians say 'how high?' In 2020 (the year of the knee-on-the-neck of George Floyd, taking place in Minnesota, NOT Mississippi) enough Mississippi legislators were intimidated by one black Mississippi State football player who threatened to quit the team if our 1898 state flag was left to stand. Didn't matter to him that the cowardly university presidents had already taken down our flag. (Incidentally, this player was so terrified by the scamdemic, he would up not playing in 2020 anyway.) It wasn't flying on any public university campus. Additionally, the SEC and NCAA notified MSU and Ole Miss that they wouldn't be hosting ANY athletic events if the flag was not changed. And that was definitely the tipping point. When missing revenue was brought up, the legislature sprang into action. A vote was hastily taken, and the old flag containing the Confederate battle flag was banished forever as the official flag. Never mind the fact Mississippi voters had decided 65% to 35% in a special election in 2001 - to retain our 1898 flag. However, a few of us stubborn, rebellious old men still fly our 1898 flag. What's next on the agenda for the cowardly Republicans? Ban all PRIVATE displays of our 1898 flag? Make it a 'hate crime?' Guess what - if they do, they're gonna get some serious resistance. We will only be pushed so far.

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excuse the typographical error: 'he WOUND up not playing.'

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Three dots allow editing.

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Great points, Rebel. Thanks!

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The Stars and Bars became a Hate Flag about ten years ago in these parts, akin to the Swastika. Just shows the power of propaganda. Next thing you know, it will be "Don't Tread on Me" and then the Cross Keys. Soon only the Rainbow will be allowed.

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Great research in article Don. Re: "Rev" Al Sharpton. Ask anyone in NYC who is familiar with real estate, and they will tell you factual stories including details on how Rev. AL disappeared in the middle of the night w/o paying rent due for his office space. ( Seems when rent came due on Al's office, he would pack-up in the middle of the night and scurry to a new hole, like the rat that he is.) Rev AL is also known as a slum landlord of apartments in NYC. He raised rents and NEVER fixed water or heat. Yep, that is how the good Reverend AL rolls.

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Wow. I appreciate that information, Liber8or. Doesn't surprise me. Sharpton is as despicable as they come. Thanks.

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The "Rev" Al Sharpton was just following in the footsteps of Jesse Jackson, who turned kamikaze when he called NYC "HymieTown."

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Oct 6Edited

Who could forget Tawana Brawley? Every time my late friend and I passed Twanoh State Park (WA) we refered to it as Tawana Brawley State Park, and we would recall with glee the shenanigans of the "brave young Black girl", and the cartoon-character idiot Al Sharpton. Only in a society where being a victim is the highest thing most folks aspire to, would this s*** happen.

In 2013, a woman entered a hospital and claimed she had been beaten and raped by a Latino in the nature park in my neighborhood. Hysteria ensued...headlines in the local fish-wrapper, and live tv reports from the park. Most of the park regulars (that I knew) were terrified. Many stopped going to the park. Then it came out that the "victim" had invented the tale to protect her violent boyfriend. This was barely covered in the local media. The real story was tiny, and hidden on a back page of the paper. Even though I knew it was futile, I wrote a letter to the paper chastising them for hyping a hoax, and then hiding the truth. For many months afterwards I would talk to park regulars who had never heard what really happened, and their mental peace had yet to be restored.

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No Park is safe from the "Victims", which is why I do all my hiking on power line and railroad easements. You could not pay me enough to enter a national or a state or even a local park. And the administrators these days are as woke as a June day is long.

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All the things you describe above are media hoaxes. None would survive seconds of scrutiny from a non-captured media.

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Yep. There would be no need for most of my writing if we had a truly free press, ClownWorld. Thanks.

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It appears Kamala has no thoughts of any kind without a teleprompter in front of her - I have also concluded that she definitely had wireless earrings in during the debate - there’s no way she would have appeared so confident and smug relying on her own intellect.

Her laughter and cackling is a way to take up time in a conversation when you don’t have much to say.

Trump is Trump, but if we elect Harris we will have a President without a brain - perhaps fitting.

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Yes, Biden and then Harris would be entirely appropriate leaders for America 2.0, Unsteady.

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At this point, what does it matter? Trump will get us into a war with Iran, harris with Russia. (Same continent.)

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Sometimes, as a child, when I was literally being 'spoiled' by my elders/bettors- I was fed 'Count

Cackula' for breakfast, due- no doubt, to my interminable pleading for it ( after watching incessant commercials for it on the TV, up to a certain time of day/ point in the schedule.)

This is a rather long-winded, I know, way of getting around to my real question on the matter,

which is: Who represents the Frankenberry Monster in this scenario ?

(BTW- Both tasted of BHT, and, rather unsurprisingly, Corporate Malfeasance...)

- and, as a side note, I was too young at the time to have anything but the spiritual munchees

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I ate Count Chockula too, Edward. Liked it better than Frankenberry or Boo Berry. As you noted, all those sugary cereals were unnecessarily loaded with BHA and BHT. Maybe we could call the other cereal Trumpenberry? Thanks.

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2nd Gentleman, Douglas Emhoff, would be that Frankenberry.

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I must confess I had all three- Count Chocula, Frankenberries, and Booberries. But you have to admit that the most rapid way to get poisoned was definitely King Vitamin. That cereal tasted like a mixture of BHT, D&C Red, and Iron Ball Bearings. There was something even worse- Quisp, but that was not on the market long. But I never pleaded for anything- my ma only bought what was on sale.

Every once in a while, she would get something I utterly detested. The box would sit for a month, and then finally, as an act of penance, I would eat it. And then three more boxes appeared, because she thought I actually liked it, and it was still on sale. Eventually, I had them all, even when Sugar Bear went to the more politically correct Honey Bear.

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Programming 101.


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Too funny .... My favorite was Boo-Berry, great memories .....

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I hope the looters find out the meaning of sundown towns

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Really not too many looters. Seriously, who is going to hike fifteen miles over virtually impassible roads for a broken refrigerator and a waterlogged generac? Computer crime is so much easier...

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From the beginning, I insulated myself against all "racist" accusations for mispronouncing Harris's first name. My first impression of her: a newly-minted villain out to destroy Batman and Gotham. Her name: The Cackler.

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I'm torn at my core between knowing first hand that most urban blacks in America 2.0 are nothing short of a major problem and the more normal blacks that have gotten with the assimilation program. Racism is rampant however not like the media wants to portray. It is against white Christians especially males. This is their point. To demean, divide and take. Period. Hollywood and the MSM show all white males in subservient, dumbed down roles. Every commercial or sitcom has bi-racial couples with any white male being weak, woke or feminized. That said, real middle America is still full of great men. They just don't make a lot of noise. However, I think that could change quickly. If this election is stolen again and we have the economic / financial implosion I expect, watch out. People are quietly fed up. The DNC has become the party of Chaos and we are about to enter the Long Emergency. (*J. Kunstler - great forward thinker and writer) Until then I say Pray, Plan, Prepare and RESIST. Thanks again Donald for your solid writing.

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Nice analysis, Big. Thanks.

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I do agree. The temperment of the American mind has reached a vanishing point. I just hope they choose the right targets.

The Fog of War is upon us.

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