It’s intentional, ritual humiliation.

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Totally agree. This is the Banksters spiking the proverbial football in the end zone after the long march through the institutions.

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Could it all be just a “Cohen-cidence?”

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"... nah ... "

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Oy vey!

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yes if you take it from Arnold Leese, British Natsoc, rather than David Duke's concidence. Leese was first before DD was born (1950). from gentile Folly The Rothschilds. 1940 (I'd been meaning to fact check that better).

"Had August Belmont any contacts with Judah P . Beniamin, the

Jew who was first Attorney-General, then Secretary for War, and finally

Secretary of the Confederate Government ? I find he had . Belmont's

wife, a Gentile, had an uncle John Slidell (1793-1871), a partner in the

law firm of Slidell, Benjamin & Conrad, in Louisiana, and of which

Judah P . Benjamin was also a partner ! This can hardly be a coin-

cidence ; it was obviously Cohen-cidence ! Further, Slidell was one of

the two commissaries that the Confederacy sent to France to purchase"

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I like to use the “Price is Right” analogy at times like this. Just watch a late 70s or early 80s episode of the price is right, blacks and Hispanics were thoughtful and almost indistinguishably balanced with whites of the day, most, probably 90% spoke english very well, or they at least tried. Yes the ghetto black was ever present in the east and the southern poor blacks were noticeable as well, but most were still trying to talk and look normal.

This story could be written about 90% of current black government employees, they are entitled, stupid and lazy, because AA and equity programs are racist and the poor black folks don’t even realize how far backwards they have evolved due to the liberal hive mind of the 2000s forward…

Call me racist, I hate white trash, brown trash and any color trash. The amount of offended parties for saying the term “white trash” both surprises me and lets me know who each of you are. To choose to be offended by words is your problem, not mine.

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In my last years working for the largest healthcare organization on the east coast, I worked with a few sons of men I'd known as co-workers years earlier. You know you've stayed too long at a place when you do that. At any rate, in every case, the parent sounded more articulate and educated than than the son, even though the son had a higher paying, more respected position. Thanks, Eveohtse.

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Hasn’t anyone here read Jim Goad Redneck Manifesto? Stop using “white trash”

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Again, I only use it to highlight the fact it is their term. Some Blacks might refer to those in the "hood" as Black trash, but no White would ever dare to do so. Thanks, Oblomov.

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You mean all the white trash that breed with black/brown trash? Those ones are trash, no denying it.

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Yes, the White Trash dominates in Section Eight Housing in the small country towns. The Black Trash likes the Big City.

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at night where would you feel better walking thru? white trash area or Sec. Ape housing project?

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That is sort of like asking would you prefer to be shot or tossed in the river with a millstone.

I suppose I would opt for the Section 8. Most of them are too wiped out on narcotics to know or care who walks among them. Just don't look at anything too closely or too long.

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So...what sort of trash are you? Middle class trash?

You do realize "they" are coming for you as well, right?

Satan doesn't hand our hall passes. God Bless.

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When I use the term "White trash," I always put it in quotes. It's their derogatory term, not mine. Thanks, Pirate.

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with the poofters and trannies, I also use "Trailer Park "Boys"" (Canadian gutter humor show, not bad, but not good for me either) . well I do from now on anyhow.

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I am more or less hillbilly trash. Everything New World Order goes up in the Eternal Flame to enhance my Carbon Footprint.

And, yes, I know they are coming for me. I hope to go out with my boots on.

Viva Cristo Rey!

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Take some with you when they do.

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Closer to the government welfare offices, public transportation and government housing projects.

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That's why Edgar Steele advocated white people living in very small communities with no welfare offices, public transport or government housing.

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"The white trash is the most vile of the entire group, in need of culling even prior to opening their mouths." Where is this coming from? And where is your your pen name Eveohtse-heomese coming from?

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"The white trash is the most vile of the entire group"

Yup. Sounds like an inoculation against accusations of racism.

All groups have a portion of their fate that was/is outside their reasonable control (including, and especially, genetic stupidity, although certainly taboo to say so), as well as portions reasonably deemed inside their control. The only thing that should be treated as "vile" as that which they are well-conscious of and still refuse to (work toward) change.

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As w/ a co-vid inoculation, who needs it? The disease "racism" is bogus. All races are naturally proud of their accomplishments, imagined or actual. We all root for the home team unless conditioned otherwise. If some portion of fans boos the opposition, so what? Unless you're physically attacking them, "dirty yankees" as such constitutes no foul. Freedom of speech.

You grant that all groups have a portion of stupidity, but the issue raised was why should the white race supposedly have the most vile group of racists?

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I agreed with (what I think is) your point, that there's no reason to pick on whites. But I now see that I was ambiguous. I was then also saying that Eveohtse-heomese is maybe doing this, hating on 'white trash', to protect against accusations of racism.

And to that, I added that there's no reason to blame *any* of these groups to the extent they can't help themselves. But not beyond that extent.

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E-H in the Cheyenne language means either "wandering without" or "taker of souls". It seems our colleague imagines himself a bad ass spirit taking revenge against bad whites on behalf of the legacy of the noble red man.

Between us there's still the issue of bad v stupid unresolved. Are white trash bad? Not unless they act out their "racism" in a stupid way. In my metaphor they punch the Yankee fan. On that we agree. But are they stupid? I don't think so, not necessarily. They know Negroes have become a threat and Jews encourage Negroes to act uppity/entitled. It's what I think.

How many higher IQ white liberals know this? The redneck hasn't had as much "education". He doesn't have as much anti-racist conditioning to struggle with. His instinct informs his defensive racism, whereas the intellectual has learned to aspire to universal tolerance, if not outright admiration, for immigrants, perverts and thugs.

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All contestants on game shows are carefully vetted. They only show you the kind of people they want you to see.

You actually believe what you are shown on TV is the measure of anything other than a curated psyop to control you?

You are fully enmeshed and indoctrinated into their programming. You are exactly of the same mindset as the homicidal psychopaths who are currently culling the herd. The only difference between you and them is you lack power to implement your darkness. So you cheer them on.

Grow up. Open your eyes. God Bless.

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Again SALUTE and a tip of the hat to you Mr. Donald Jeffries for accurately putting into words EXACTLY what the rest of us are only thinking; 🤔 Ghettoized Idiocracy.

Once again, much thanks of appreciation sir!

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Fani Willis is beyond idiocracy. You have to practice to be that stupid, that irritating, and that irreverant.

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which is why they have Masters Degrees for it now.

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Thanks, Awaken!

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Ebonoghettoized, just so I can get Bono into the mix. yo' gono geto eyes. If only we all spoke jive . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrZlWw8Di10 Airport/Flyng High movie 1980. (Abrams production, they pass their movie/script study notes onto their co-social engineering co -religionists)

"What does it say about a society where a George Floyd is a more revered figure than Jesus Christ? " that John Lennon is really dead after all? and Elvis is not coming back in the flesh?

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I guess paybacks are hell.

I spent ten years in midtown Kansas City. The first two years were actually downtown. A totally lifeless, totally unsafe hellhole. The city jail was one of the largest skyscrapers in town. The inmates were clothed in paper outfits that disintegrated if they got wet. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, the paddy wagons stopped to disload the incoming, and relatives lined up to receive the outgoing. Forget Orwell, Vonnegut, or Huxley. I witnessed a dystopian combination of all three novels.

Midtown was a drug-infested, welfare-subsidized, gang-underwritten danger zone. When I used to walk my husky in the morning- the calmest hours- gunshots were common. Chances are it was either drug turf wars or a love triangle. The cops only came if the bodies were not picked up. Most of the time the cops were parked. Get close enough and you could smell the wafting odor of marijuana.

Well, White America, you financed it. You were too busy being politically correct at the office, or soiling your own nest, or frequenting the "dance halls" out of town to notice or care. But the Banksters- they play a long, long game. And their master has had seven millennia of experience.

Metaphysically and teleologically speaking, this country is a smoking ruin. Its men lost their manhood decades ago. They could not bring themselves to blockade an abortion clinic, to stop a false arrest, or to oust a corrupt politician. They could not reverse the crippling socialism of Roosevelt, nor insist on public decency, or that somebody be held responsible for his actions.

So grab that popcorn. This show is just getting started.

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I can't argue with you, WW. The previous generations made it possible with White flight, and constant capitulation to unreasonable demands and pathological behavior. Thanks.

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Of course, it was a team effort. And leading the pack was the Catholic Bishops and the "Church of Accommodation" of Vatican II. Rather than preserving the integral culture of the Catholic ghettos in, say, Philadelphia, it was "let's sing Kumbaya" and "Can't we all just get along". Meanwhile, the upwardly mobile Whites, thanks in no small part to the Military Industrial Complex, decided, "Nah" and made the move to suburbia, where they lost their identity- along withe the Protestants, by the way- in a sea of consumerism and materialism, where the new religion was "keeping up with the Jones'". Today, is there really any discernible difference between these Suburban Cardboard Cathedrals and the Protestant Evangelical Mega-Churches. And of course, the Ghetto has its particular version- the desolate anchor of a strip mall turned into the Open Door Tabernacle.

I guess when you overturn the liturgy of a thousand years and replace it with a hippie love fest that is going to have some undesirable consequences. Maybe those old frustrated codgers at the Council of Trent were onto something... ?

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speaking of keeping up with the jones, E Michael Jones Slaughter of the Cities was quite detailed on what went on to foment the white flight. ( he doesnt like neo nazis though and does not believe in White , Black yes, Jew yes, Protestant yes.) The Ford Foundation and Quakers in his studies had a lot to do with it. weaponised migration, then as now, for cheap labor and de-unionisation.

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Yes, Jones was over the target on some things. He seems to have not figured out the Church hierarchy was in on it.

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Mar 1, 2024
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The hierarchy participated in the slaughter of cities by doing nothing to stop the breakup of the Catholic ghettos. In fact, in wrecking the churches in the 1970's, they helped accelerate it.

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I think the NWO overlords are smart enough to realize how corruption works.

They don't like it when someone steals money from them, so they deal very harshly with those guys.

by the same token they realize that they have been siphoning the wealth of the nation.

How much blood can a vampire suck from a living person before they die?

The vampire knows. The common criminal does not know or even care.

The point I'm trying to make is that these Luciferian vampires know very well that the country is at the point of dying. The cumulative chaos of the declining literacy, productivity, and humanity is a smokescreen for them. They have a new plan for the world and a new economic model involving far fewer human beings. The greater the dysfunction, the greater the violence, the greater the loss of life, the more powerful they are in the rebuilding of the New World Order. They have created the perfect excuse for the termination of the useless, illiterate, criminal class while getting rid of people of conscience. The more like animals

that humans behave the easier it is to excuse their eradication. AS far as I can tell, the dumbing down, and the elevation of those of low conscience, is completely planned. Only

people of good conscience and high information could stop the NWO transition, and they have been largely wiped out already.

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The NWO Overlords will eventually be hoisted by their own petard, so to speak.

In the meantime, victory, success, and salvation are only a prayer away.

But people do not want to grasp the opportunity.

The sad truth is that many who are awake continue to act like sheeple. They use the same blood-soaked Federal Reserve Notes. They continue to enjoy all the perks the Banksters provide for them, from Doritos High Fructose Corn Chips to McDonalds Burgers while watching the Stupor Bowl and the aptly named March Madness.

The Blood of the Martyrs will overcome this, but I don't see any volunteers.

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WW: I know Kansas City well. My parents lived there for decades. You are correct about downtown KC. It's a scary place.

Did you read the article about the three KC Chiefs fans who froze to death on the back patio after watching a NFL game? They took some fentanyl, passed out, and froze solid.

It's an interesting story. For awhile, the story was #2 in the Irish Times.

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That story is very suspicious, Timmy. One of those that, in my more paranoid moments, I suspect was planted. All three passed out so completely they froze to death? And the homeowner was unaware for days, I think? I believe the families of the victims aren't satisfied with the explanation. We'll just file it near the bottom of the nearest rabbit hole. Thanks.

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DJ: It is an odd story but I believe there were three frozen bodies. The coroner had to thaw the bodies first to do an autopsy. That was my favorite detail. If it was a planted story, that was a clever touch.

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Yeah, that happened once a long time ago, but with one of those small Cessna planes that crashed in northern Wisconsin in March. Not a good month in Wisconsin. Anyway, they froze in the positions in which they died, and they had to be thawed before autopsies, too. I worked in pathology at the time.

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Kathy Christian: Jonathan Winters did a comedy routine about a frozen corpse. Winters went back to his home town in Ohio and called up the local mortician.

Winters pretending to be a rube farmer, "Hello, Mr. Williams. My Uncle Earl died Sunday Week and we were wonderin' if you could come out and fetch him."

Mr. Williams: Good lord, man! When did you say he died?

Wiinters: Sunday Week during that cold spell. So we just sat him on the front porch. He froze harder than a carp. But last week the sun came out and Earl started getting a little fleshy.

Well, you get the idea.

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No, I did not hear about that, but it is just the continuation of a trend. Bums used to freeze to death under bridges all the time. Kansas City, like Texas, is subject to the "Norther", blasts of Arctic Air that rapidly drop temperatures amid snow squalls. The drunken bums go to sleep and never wake up.

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All true, but do not despair. Remember the Gates of Vienna. Remember the men of Asturias. Remember Alfred and his Aldermen. They did not do this to save their homelands for us to go quietly in despair and hopelessness. We must summon their courage, spirit, daring and ferocious resolve. You are a Wolf. Incite and rally the wolves and lions. A heroic journey of redemption and reclamation lies ahead.

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In the Words of Obi Wan Kenobi: A Damned Fool Idealistic Crusade.

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Lack of education and skill sets from all the societal trends laid bare in this EXCELLENT article has doomed the country to mediocrity that is accelerating our decline to lower and lower levels of degradation. See the videos of the streets of San Francisco, Philadelphia and many other major cities.

Contrast that with the state of South Dakota led by a no nonsense woman coming from a farm and ranch background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y97dYCaVAv0

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Good article. We are well past mediocrity in a much trending downward direction.

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Thanks, goat!

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Thanks, ursel!

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South Dakota is the last refuge from the Land of Fruits and Nuts, along with the hills of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

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WW: I enjoyed living in South Dakota in 1970-72. Will 3.2 beer ever come back?

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In our parts we used to call it "Near Beer". It would have been a Benedictine's dream. All that nutrition and none of the tiredness. Truly the Breakfast of Champions.

Of course, the woke, broke millennials do not have any use for Near Beer. They need the alcohol to keep them from realizing the desperateness of their plight, and their proximity to damnation.

"Lest seeing they might see, and hearing they might hear.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Lady of Fatima was a CIA psyop against the Russkies.

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That's amazing on several counts.

#1. Our Lady of Fatima appeared in 1917. That predates the CIA by about 30 years.

#2. If the CIA can make the sun do cartwheels for 70,000 pilgrims, it's over. Forget the jab, just give me my suicide pill.

#3. Considering the CIA and the "Russkies" are run by the same people, you have got to wonder what the motivation would be here.

#4. If St Sr Lucia was working for the CIA, you have got to wonder why she opted to be a Carmelite rather than demanding a cushy retirement.

#5. Okay, "World War I" was fake and ghey so you got me there. And so was "World War II". So, was the CIA just Gaslighting the Austrian Painter, Roosevelt, and Emperor Hirohito, or was this aimed at the Vatican (another CIA affiliate)?

I had so much fun posting this comment.

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Apparently you've never been there or maybe traversed through so we'll pass on that opinion.

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If I may be so bold Mr Jeffries, think you’re falling into the “worship trap” yourself; what’s with the upper case “b” in “black”? That’s an asinine tactic the leftist corporate media employs. It should be “black” not “Black”.

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I've explained this before, Dutchmn007. I capitalize Black, White, Hispanic, Chinese, whatever, when referring to a specific race of people. I try to be consistent. Thanks.

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I say the same thing

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I never capitalize the word.

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I am going to have many prints made of this column and distribute them to my democrat family members and acquaintances. This is the best description of our country now and how it evolved into this madness I have ever read. At least you capitalized White; another insane new prize for being different is capitalizing black. Besides ebonics we now have "Me and ...." commonly used everywhere; on the media, in the news, in addition to the ever attractive sound of "Ima"...I could tear my hair out. Oh, and don't forget "like" every fourth word. I am giving up flying and am going to look at every doctors CV before even visiting them. This is so beyond outrageous that it seems worse than a bad dream. Sadly, it will probably fall on deaf ears, as "they" say. But thank you, I am so very inspired with this entire article. God Bless!!!

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I very much appreciate the kind words, Vicki. Yes, the word "like" is now every young White girl's version of "know what I'm saying." Listening to them is almost like listening to just another form of ebonics. Thanks!

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It's like too much, really, to hear the new millennial Valley girl speak, absolutely.

Must be TV culture, ya think?

Declarative sentences sounding like Interrogative sentences. Too much, absolutely.

The words have become place holders and thinking is delayed. Ya 🤔🤔🤔think.

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Lol. Yes, most young White girls now sound like the Valley Girls of yore. They also tend to dramatically stress one word in a sentence, and create the impression that the most irrelevant comment has some great significance. Thanks. Bard!

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Then there is this: "I been knowin' him since high school"...it took me a minute.

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It is my opinion that the Democrats are gone. Those calling themselves Democrats are really Jacobins. And they are hellbent on fundamentally changing america. Jefferson, Jackson FDR, HST, JFK those were Democrats.

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FDR was a fraud and war monger of the elite. Read the Roosevelt Myth by John T Flynn. Truman relished the A Bomb and created the deep state.

We started changing in 1947.

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He was our second worst president after Lincoln in my view, Bard. I will have much more about his unreported corruption in my upcoming book "The American Memory Hole." Thanks.

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DJ, are you going to dip your toe in the Roswell (UFO) controversy?

That has to be part of the Truman and Eisenhower era history.

Also, you must be quite familiar with the Washington DC UFO phenomena of that period, and then later the shut-down of two different ICBM launch facilities in '67.

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Scott, the whole UFO phenomenon was just behind the JFK assassination in terms of interest to me when I was young. I had a section on UFOs, including Roswell, that I was going to include in "Crimes and Cover-Ups," but took it out myself. I'll include it in the book on supernatural phenomena that I plan to write. Thanks.

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Sounds like you need to move to Mexico. See you there!

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It's one of the worst hell holes on earth, why do you think people are running out it as fast as they can? I've never been and have no plan to ever go anywhere near Mexicartel.

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Mexico is a big place. Yes, Mexico City and Juarez are hellholes. Cannot speak for Tijuana but am sure it is the same. But out in the country there is no government to bother you, and plenty of good people who really do take their freedom seriously.

Actually, for the last ten years or so, the Mexicans have been going BACK to Mexico. Those crossing the border are people from the nations we bombed into the stone age- with SOmalia I think topping the list.

There are large contingents- whole gated communities of Americans who saw the handwriting on the wall years ago- who saw the proverbial handwriting on the wall.

Costa Rica and Panama are also popular destinations, but they are too beholden to the Yankee Imperialists to really guarantee safety.

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Right; in a way. I know some folks that have lived happily in San Miguel Allende for years. BUT....if the cartels decide for some reason they want SMA, you are done. The "authorities (ha ha)" will find all those bodies in various states of dead and no questions asked. I'll still pass on Mexicartel.

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I've driven alone through every state in Mexico. Slept in my car in Culiacan Sinaloa...when supposedly bullets were flying in the streets, and the bodies supposedly staked like cord wood. I was in San Fernando when supposedly a huge mass grave of "migrants murdered by cartels" was found...and no one in town knew about it? A lot of the "cartel stories" are pure propaganda, designed by the NWO to scare people away from Mexico. Good. I go there to get away from Americans. People have all kinds of crazy beliefs about places they know nothing about.

San Miguel de Allede was the only place in Mexico I could not wait to flee from...after one night. Full of globalists and Jews. Rather than worry about cartels, my big worry is that the next el.presidente could be a female Jew.

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The Mexican "Cartels" are overrated. Unlike the US gov't, those guys realize that if you do things that make you massively unpopular there are going to be consequences. Military grade hardware is a lot easier to procure in Mexico than in the States, and a lot more people are proficient is using it. Let's just say it is sort of like the American West of yore. Armed neighbors tend to be polite to one another.

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I would have thought that if people woke (not misuse of the term intended) up to the jabs, they might blame the cartels for not protecting them. which is their main excuse for existing., plus their purported expertise in all things needle .

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I know. Nixon knew. Do you?

US president Woodrow Wilson

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares.”

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I featured that quote from Wilson, along with similar ones from many other leaders, in my book "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963." The last leader to think he was in charge was JFK. Thanks, sunny!

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You do realize, of course, that Wilson was one of those men. Churchill, another of those men, said much the same things. Pius IX, a Mason, condemned Masonry.

Of course, Wilson was speaking the utter truth here, in an attempt to cower the men who might have arisen to blow the cover off the conspiracy, still in a very delicate stage.

We were all made so soft on the "culture" and the lies the banksters gave us.

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like Einsenhower's swan song about the Military Industrial Complex, says the guy who murdered over a million German pow's (and civilians) by relabelling them from POW's to displaced persons. oh the pain oh the pain / Dr Smith (jew) in lost In Space (original show).

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Good point, Peter. Operation Keelhaul was one of the many Allied atrocities that have been overlooked by the court historians. I covered the most outrageous ones in "Crimes and Cover-Ups." Thanks!

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Yes. You are of course talking about the Rhine Meadows. And that of course brings up another shill- Pope Pius XII. You cannot tell me the Vatican did not get a truckload of letters from distraught mothers and wives of those poor men which eventually made their way to the round file, while the Vatican wept crocodile tears for the "Jews who died in the Holocaust". I just cannot wait to see all those faces of the Fifties Fogies come Judgment Day when they realize they were living in a Cosmic Joke.

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and I wonder about Patton, though i have not confirmed it, I heard he had at least once visited Rhine Meadows. then again JFK said 'Boo' and look what happened, I can hardly expect someone who kills for a living and take orders from above to do any better. and Patton got JFK'd too... or rather sequentially, JFK got Pattoned.

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I tend to put Patton in the same category as Yamamoto and Rommel- two good flag officers who got rubbed out so they would not talk after the war. They needed at least one general who knew how to conduct combat operations, especially in Italy.

Patton could have been in Berlin in Dec 1944, and he knew it. Could not afford to have him talking after the war.

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and there was Patton, at least in the second Last Days of Patton movie, saying that Eisenhower would never get to be President. He probably knew too much about Nazi secret weapons , as did JFK when Dulles (I think it was) gave him a tour of Peenemünde. Now all they need is medical staff with needle panache. and tight lips to not sink lie ships

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These men were obviously ambitious, but would never be 'chosen' to be within the guarded inner circle.

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giving them the benefit of the doubt, they practiced don't ask don't tell. more likely they knew and went along with it. or became deader than a Kennedy before you could say magic bullet.

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Yes, the intelligence agencies, the schools, chanceries, and the medical racket are roach motels. They have their shills who will tantalize with descriptions approaching the truth, but they will never go beyond the plausibly deniable. Nor will they ever name names, or ways and means. No, just shadowy inferences to the mysterious top, which they want to keep mysterious, because the Devil wishes to ape God.

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These men were trying to serve both God and Mammon. They were hoping for an "out" as they approached eternity. We will have to wait until Judgment Day to see the results.

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why Ford got shut up. not sure why he spoke out in the first place though.

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Carnegie created the education system to avoid teenage entrepreneurs to keep them in school and avoid competition.

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sunny: Exactly. How do you think Woodrow Wilson became President?

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He was put there by JP Morgan who had Teddy run a third party to split the vote.

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Bard Joseph: JP Morgan was a smart guy. The Morgan family is still a major player in US and world finances and politics.

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Excellent essay. This country is the gigantic turd in the toilet. This is probably the year the top 1% flush. Thanks for speaking out against all the idiocy.

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Thanks, Kris!

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I agree. I am looking for something to happen about May, after the daffodils bloom.

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The derivatives market (10x global GDP in 'value') should blow up around then.

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That is their plan. A controlled demolition of the financial system. Similar to 9/11. t will happen on a pre-determined day, after which "The Great Taking" will be implemented.

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9/11 was their prophecy of things to come. That is why they made it so obvious.

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The derivatives market is just a deeper level of Horse Smoke. The entire financial complex is fake and ghey. The Federal Reserve does not print money it prints notes which are units of debt.

Every time a person uses a Federal Reserve Note, they are consenting to their slavery.

We must use them to survive, if need be. But God help those who use them to thrive.

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aka The Derivative Death Star, though I got that term in 2008 GFC era. but Rothschild's Central banking System, is like old man river (just not black), he just keeps rolling along... until the great reset they keep on banging on about. Spielberg somehow new about this moon before it was discovered... what else do they know that we dont that they have already told us about in fictional form? https://www.space.com/35036-saturn-death-star-moon-mimas-explained.html

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Back in the early 70s, while I was between jobs and votechs, I applied for a job as a machinist trainee. When I walked into the interview waiting room, I knew my chances were poor because I was the only white kid in the room. They got their hiree quickly and told the rest of us they had, so we left.

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I should have made the point that, even 50 years ago, special rules existed for Blacks in most every workplace. I saw it as well in the 1980s. It's just that most of the favoritism was extended to low paid employees. At that time, you didn't see Blacks being elevated into so many positions of power and influence. Thanks, Vonu!

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I haven't noticed any significant change aside from increasing ambition among blacks to participate as masters instead of slaves.

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I experienced exactly the same scenario in the 70s in Newyorkistan, there were many of us, that were left behind on the proverbial clothesline to fry in the sun.

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It really does seem like it was that way all over, Awaken. We've certainly seen in here in Virginia for decades, with all the laughable employees of the federal government. Thanks!

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Huzzah to you sir!

Keep up the fabulous writing...

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The sad thing is that I could have joined any of the militaries and gotten that position.

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I was in the same situation when I was applying at a restaurant full of Mexicans, I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell, even though I could have cooked every single one of them under the table.

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Was it in Mexico?

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No, in Mexico it was the Mexicans hiring. In Mexico, the job market is definitely proficiency inclined- with notable exceptions for government cronies. You can line up in any town and the landowners and lords of the manor will hire you to sweep floors and clean toilets. Next thing you know, you are helping somebody set tile. Next thing you know, you are framing. Next thing you know, you are installing toilets. Next thing you know, you are a manager. It's all based on whether you can do the job. And you can stop anywhere along the way.

Over time, you just sit there with your tools at the beginning of the day and you hired either by a contractor or property owner. Wages are not that good but then again the infrastructure won't bleed you dry either. And if you are far enough south bananas grow like weeds. You could not starve if you tried.

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Spot on WW. In countries where one needs to work to eat...all this diversity nonsense goes out the window. True, Mexicans will hire relatives over others, but they better be able to do the job. Even children are expected to pull their weight (talking about the average village families, or poor city families). America 2.0 is soft to the point of rotten. Too many generations of full bellies. However, this will be remedied soon enough. The weak woke will go first.

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American Exceptionalism dies very hard. We were raised to think that everybody south of the border lives in a cardboard shanty and goes about with a tin cup and a spoon to scrape garbage cans for their daily meal, and gets water out of puddles. We were told Mexico is a corrupt Banana Republic where the "Cartels' are the law.

They never tell you how many times the USA more or less installed Tinpot Dictators in Mexico, and steadfastly opposed or sabotaged any attempt by Mexico as a whole to utilize its resources to improve standards of living and compete in trade markets.

Very few people know about the Cristero War of the 1920's, where the Mexican People organized themselves and revolted against the brutal gov't of Calles who enforced Anti-Catholic laws and wanted to liberalize the cities, and how the US Gov't gave Calles Air Support in the war along with munitions. And despite all, the Rebels won, and then were betrayed by American Diplomats, Pius XI, and their own church. And meanwhile, the American Bishops just stood by and did nothing, even though a delegation of Cristeros came to this country seeking aid from American Catholics.

But I always tell people that Our Lady of Guadalupe is with Mexico, and that they will get back all the lands we and France stole from them in 1810 and 1848. Those of you West of the Mississippi had better learn to speak Spanish and know how to shout "Viva Cristo Rey" and "¡Viva Cristo Rey! ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!"

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I'd prefer being a ESL instructor, but I wouldn't feel comfortable until they get the cartels out of the government, which is what we could help them with, if they wanted them out. Mexican cartels are a lot like Chicago murderers.

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Hey, if you survived America and Australia in 2020... the Mexican cartels are child's play.

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I've never been down under and my 33 year clean CDL isn't of any use in Mexico.

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It's a part of the decline in communication skills across the board. Somehow it has now become offensive to ask for clarification from someone, rather than having a genuine need to understand them.

Language has now become some kind of performance art, rather than a way of transferring meaning between people.

The media and entertainment industries are largely the drivers - we are in the 'bread and circuses' phase of the Downfall of the Roman Empire 2.0.

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That's a good way of describing it, Bodysnatchers. Thanks!

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We should have picked our own cotton.

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Very succinctly put, Handsome. Thanks.

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This is a brilliant, well-reasoned, and powerful essay.

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Thanks, Katherine!

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Most of Don's essays are. And this is one of his favorite topics.

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I wish it wasn't a topic I keep revisiting, WW. Thanks.

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I am with you there. In addition to making any significant metropolitan area completely off limits to my pack, the ghettoization of America has contributed to the creeping tyranny, the absolute galactic stupidity of the sheeple- tell me why either Trump or Biden should have one supporter at this point, just one- the destruction of mom and pops businesses everywhere to be replaced by the tentacles of the megacorporations, and last but not least, the utter impossibility of any meaningful and fulfilling employment in the culture. America 2.0 is a wasteland beyond belief. My only beef with your headline is you said this was the "Africanization" of America. Don't insult the Dark Continent. Even Pygmies can distinguish between a set of gonads and a set of tits.

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You're right about that, WW. I didn't mean to insult Africa with my subtitle. African immigrants frequently become impatient and frustrated with their African-American colleagues. I also saw this as blue collar worker awash in 1980s-style cultural diversity, when Trinidadians and Jamaicans would invariably clash with their Black American co-workers. Thanks.

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When I was in Kentucky one of the seminarians was from Nigeria, the central part of the Country that was briefly Biafra in the 1960's. (You remember Biafra, Freedom and Democracy the USA did not like- I guess they lacked a central bank.) The way he described it, his land was akin to the USA of the 1950's. You might still be able to go over and enjoy some of Nigeria 1.0 before the Muslims spread freedom and democracy from the North.

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Ah, okay--makes sense :) I'm new to the Stack; quite glad I found it! Take care.

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Well, welcome to the Don Jeffries' family. He has lots of great posts ranting about what he calls "America 2.0". Regards.

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Great to have you here, Katherine!

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No Donald, you're not the only one who finds gangsters repulsive. I do too...along with tattoos and any other "body art". Most celebrities are unknown to me, but three I find despicable, in acending order; Oprah Winfrey, Whoopie Goldberg (had to add that Jewish name, for more privilege) and Dolly Parton. NWO order cheerleaders...and you can't avoid them, even someone like me who boycotts pop-culture.

Not having a tv, I've listened to hundred of hours of radio and podcasts, with those from all walks of life, pontificating about theirs. Many times I have heard "woman of color" remembering growing up trying to "be White" ...rejecting their culture to fit in. Now that being White is not popular, these same women have become the most hate-spewing, anti-white, virtue -signalers...and they admit it. Actually, they have not changed one bit. These women always were, shallow, inauthentic, followers...with no self-confidence. Now they get their validation from the culture at large...instead of their school friend group. Humans have a terrible flaw...fear of being alone, fear of being rejected by the herd. Add to this the new thing of social media, and the dopamine hits they get for every virtue-signal...and we now have created a culture that is unlivable for mentally healthy people.

Notice all the young women caught posing lately as Black, Indigenous and Middle Eastern. No one tries to pass as White these days. What does that tell you about non-existent "White privilege"? Donald, you wonder about all the young White woman who seem to hate Whites? The answer is simple...no self-confidence, no sense of self, no authenticity. Scratch the surface, and there is no real person there...just a copycat, made up of other people's ideas.

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Great points, Kris. Most females seem to instinctively want to follow the crowd. Popularity is very important to them. Thanks!

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just adding abortion guilt.

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Wow! Don, you knocked it out of the park. I remember a time when I was very young and the idea was that having more women in positions of power would lead to a more peaceful world. How naive I was! Women have proven to be just as ruthless as men. It seemed a few decades ago that we were making real progress with racial equality. Now every minority group, especially blacks, have been taught that they're victims who deserve revenge. Hmmm..... what other identity group does that remind you of? You know, the ones you aren't allowed to criticize no matter how heinous their crimes. Who built the cathedrals, who composed the symphonies, the art and architecture of classical Europe? I'm fed up with my racial and cultural heritage being trashed!

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Thanks, Annette!

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DJ should stop using B for blacks. whites have gotten weak and cowardly and will be steam rolled by negros and the other nonwhites. whites speaking proper english will not do anything. Big Fanni Willis should be lashed to a pole and burned. affirmative blaction has infected all areas for the worse.

only way to treat negros when they go ghetto one has to look at the Tulsa race riots 100 years ago. Whites then didnt speak perfect english but got the job done. I wish I was there with them instead of being in this suicidal cucked society.

Whites were a perfect blend of being refined enough to build and run an advanced society but savage enough to put down a revolt. how come the coward right does not go after lettia james to find out where she got all her money? look at limbaugh hannity and the others. the fat druggie limbaugh dies with 700 million. hannity has more. if I had that money at least a 100 million spent a year going after these people. all the fakes on the right could have pooled money and declared lawfare on the White hating communists but they didnt cause they only believe in money and exposure. even the NRA didnt believe in gun rights just looting money

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I keep explaining that I'm capitalizing the "B" in Black to pander. I capitalize the first letter when referring to any race. I'm just being consistent. Your description of previous generations of Whites is pretty accurate, SPQR70AD. Thanks.

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