It’s intentional, ritual humiliation.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 28Liked by Donald Jeffries

I like to use the “Price is Right” analogy at times like this. Just watch a late 70s or early 80s episode of the price is right, blacks and Hispanics were thoughtful and almost indistinguishably balanced with whites of the day, most, probably 90% spoke english very well, or they at least tried. Yes the ghetto black was ever present in the east and the southern poor blacks were noticeable as well, but most were still trying to talk and look normal.

This story could be written about 90% of current black government employees, they are entitled, stupid and lazy, because AA and equity programs are racist and the poor black folks don’t even realize how far backwards they have evolved due to the liberal hive mind of the 2000s forward…

Call me racist, I hate white trash, brown trash and any color trash. The amount of offended parties for saying the term “white trash” both surprises me and lets me know who each of you are. To choose to be offended by words is your problem, not mine.

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Again SALUTE and a tip of the hat to you Mr. Donald Jeffries for accurately putting into words EXACTLY what the rest of us are only thinking; 🤔 Ghettoized Idiocracy.

Once again, much thanks of appreciation sir!

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

I guess paybacks are hell.

I spent ten years in midtown Kansas City. The first two years were actually downtown. A totally lifeless, totally unsafe hellhole. The city jail was one of the largest skyscrapers in town. The inmates were clothed in paper outfits that disintegrated if they got wet. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, the paddy wagons stopped to disload the incoming, and relatives lined up to receive the outgoing. Forget Orwell, Vonnegut, or Huxley. I witnessed a dystopian combination of all three novels.

Midtown was a drug-infested, welfare-subsidized, gang-underwritten danger zone. When I used to walk my husky in the morning- the calmest hours- gunshots were common. Chances are it was either drug turf wars or a love triangle. The cops only came if the bodies were not picked up. Most of the time the cops were parked. Get close enough and you could smell the wafting odor of marijuana.

Well, White America, you financed it. You were too busy being politically correct at the office, or soiling your own nest, or frequenting the "dance halls" out of town to notice or care. But the Banksters- they play a long, long game. And their master has had seven millennia of experience.

Metaphysically and teleologically speaking, this country is a smoking ruin. Its men lost their manhood decades ago. They could not bring themselves to blockade an abortion clinic, to stop a false arrest, or to oust a corrupt politician. They could not reverse the crippling socialism of Roosevelt, nor insist on public decency, or that somebody be held responsible for his actions.

So grab that popcorn. This show is just getting started.

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Lack of education and skill sets from all the societal trends laid bare in this EXCELLENT article has doomed the country to mediocrity that is accelerating our decline to lower and lower levels of degradation. See the videos of the streets of San Francisco, Philadelphia and many other major cities.

Contrast that with the state of South Dakota led by a no nonsense woman coming from a farm and ranch background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y97dYCaVAv0

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If I may be so bold Mr Jeffries, think you’re falling into the “worship trap” yourself; what’s with the upper case “b” in “black”? That’s an asinine tactic the leftist corporate media employs. It should be “black” not “Black”.

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

I am going to have many prints made of this column and distribute them to my democrat family members and acquaintances. This is the best description of our country now and how it evolved into this madness I have ever read. At least you capitalized White; another insane new prize for being different is capitalizing black. Besides ebonics we now have "Me and ...." commonly used everywhere; on the media, in the news, in addition to the ever attractive sound of "Ima"...I could tear my hair out. Oh, and don't forget "like" every fourth word. I am giving up flying and am going to look at every doctors CV before even visiting them. This is so beyond outrageous that it seems worse than a bad dream. Sadly, it will probably fall on deaf ears, as "they" say. But thank you, I am so very inspired with this entire article. God Bless!!!

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

I know. Nixon knew. Do you?

US president Woodrow Wilson

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares.”

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent essay. This country is the gigantic turd in the toilet. This is probably the year the top 1% flush. Thanks for speaking out against all the idiocy.

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

Back in the early 70s, while I was between jobs and votechs, I applied for a job as a machinist trainee. When I walked into the interview waiting room, I knew my chances were poor because I was the only white kid in the room. They got their hiree quickly and told the rest of us they had, so we left.

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It's a part of the decline in communication skills across the board. Somehow it has now become offensive to ask for clarification from someone, rather than having a genuine need to understand them.

Language has now become some kind of performance art, rather than a way of transferring meaning between people.

The media and entertainment industries are largely the drivers - we are in the 'bread and circuses' phase of the Downfall of the Roman Empire 2.0.

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

We should have picked our own cotton.

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

This is a brilliant, well-reasoned, and powerful essay.

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

No Donald, you're not the only one who finds gangsters repulsive. I do too...along with tattoos and any other "body art". Most celebrities are unknown to me, but three I find despicable, in acending order; Oprah Winfrey, Whoopie Goldberg (had to add that Jewish name, for more privilege) and Dolly Parton. NWO order cheerleaders...and you can't avoid them, even someone like me who boycotts pop-culture.

Not having a tv, I've listened to hundred of hours of radio and podcasts, with those from all walks of life, pontificating about theirs. Many times I have heard "woman of color" remembering growing up trying to "be White" ...rejecting their culture to fit in. Now that being White is not popular, these same women have become the most hate-spewing, anti-white, virtue -signalers...and they admit it. Actually, they have not changed one bit. These women always were, shallow, inauthentic, followers...with no self-confidence. Now they get their validation from the culture at large...instead of their school friend group. Humans have a terrible flaw...fear of being alone, fear of being rejected by the herd. Add to this the new thing of social media, and the dopamine hits they get for every virtue-signal...and we now have created a culture that is unlivable for mentally healthy people.

Notice all the young women caught posing lately as Black, Indigenous and Middle Eastern. No one tries to pass as White these days. What does that tell you about non-existent "White privilege"? Donald, you wonder about all the young White woman who seem to hate Whites? The answer is simple...no self-confidence, no sense of self, no authenticity. Scratch the surface, and there is no real person there...just a copycat, made up of other people's ideas.

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Feb 25Liked by Donald Jeffries

Wow! Don, you knocked it out of the park. I remember a time when I was very young and the idea was that having more women in positions of power would lead to a more peaceful world. How naive I was! Women have proven to be just as ruthless as men. It seemed a few decades ago that we were making real progress with racial equality. Now every minority group, especially blacks, have been taught that they're victims who deserve revenge. Hmmm..... what other identity group does that remind you of? You know, the ones you aren't allowed to criticize no matter how heinous their crimes. Who built the cathedrals, who composed the symphonies, the art and architecture of classical Europe? I'm fed up with my racial and cultural heritage being trashed!

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Feb 24Liked by Donald Jeffries

DJ should stop using B for blacks. whites have gotten weak and cowardly and will be steam rolled by negros and the other nonwhites. whites speaking proper english will not do anything. Big Fanni Willis should be lashed to a pole and burned. affirmative blaction has infected all areas for the worse.

only way to treat negros when they go ghetto one has to look at the Tulsa race riots 100 years ago. Whites then didnt speak perfect english but got the job done. I wish I was there with them instead of being in this suicidal cucked society.

Whites were a perfect blend of being refined enough to build and run an advanced society but savage enough to put down a revolt. how come the coward right does not go after lettia james to find out where she got all her money? look at limbaugh hannity and the others. the fat druggie limbaugh dies with 700 million. hannity has more. if I had that money at least a 100 million spent a year going after these people. all the fakes on the right could have pooled money and declared lawfare on the White hating communists but they didnt cause they only believe in money and exposure. even the NRA didnt believe in gun rights just looting money

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