Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Yet another excellent column. We live in a failed state run by a sociopathic oligarchy. The Founding principles are long gone. When will the people realize it and take action?

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Thanks, PD!

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

November works for me.

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I hope you're right, Bookoodinkydow. I'd be pleasantly surprised if they could stop themselves from voting 96% of the criminal incumbents back in office every election. Thanks.

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Voting got us into this mess, and it’s unlikely to get us out. Watering the tree of Liberty may be our only recourse. I’ll give voting one final try.

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The only question: Will the "Tree of Liberty" be watered by "Patriots" or "Tyrants"? (Most likely both.)

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Unfortunately voting will change nothing and never has. They are all zionists controlled by their central bank masters. Politicians make zero decisions as they all destroy for the bolshevik cause.

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"If voting was effective, it would be illegal."- James Corbett

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Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I doubt Trump is going to do much to stop the decline. Even if he had the smarts and force of character to take on the swamp (he doesn't), he won't succeed.

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Trump may not succeed, but he’s our only hope (IMHO) at this point. We need something more than the Uniparty, and he’s it. The government has grown far too large and overbearing. It MUST be reduced in size and scope. He doesn’t instill much confidence in that arena, but I see no replacements.

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He certainly offers more hope than anything the GOPe or Dems can offer. There is a chance that he will do a few good things if he gets in, compared with the Dems who will carry on happily destroying the country. However, I see only three options ahead of us: the Deep State tightening its grip on the country, a real rebellion probably leading to secession, or a complete collapse.

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I agree. Wish more citizens would pay attention.

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And tell us how many multi-million $$$ lawsuits have you endured at the hands of Willis, Bragg, James, ad nauseum?? FIB raids on your home? Please do tell us about your travails and strength of character. I'm sure we'll all be impressed.

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Hi Linden, that answer to that is "none". And I freely admit that I would have folded if I'd faced a tenth of what Trump has had to go through. The guy has raw courage in buckets. However, to defeat the Deep State raw courage won't be enough. He's going to need excellent judgment and critical thinking. He's going to have to choose exactly the right people to serve him and push forward his agenda; he's going to have to know what advice he is being given is correct or just BS, and he's going to need to know when to keep his mouth shut. I really don't see any evidence that he has these qualities. I hope I am wrong.

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"November works for me."

No, it won't.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

I fear most Americans are too intellectually lazy, if not downright stupid, to understand the significance of what is written here. We are fortunate that most of history's most salutary political changes were made by small numbers of people.

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So ... Exactly what "action" do you recommend, and are you pursuing such yourself? Please tell us of your successes to date. Most people will follow a leader that's setting the example.

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IT starts with....YOU

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What action would you prefer?

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Let's start with a vociferous but mostly peaceful car bumper sticker campaign, followed by a flurry of sternly worded memos from whoever has replaced Trey Gowdy :)

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You’re living on the edge with that “insurrection” attitude. You’re going to end up on some government list (with the rest of us).

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You nailed it...unfortunately, we wont find the fortitude and balls to fight any kind of revolution, insurgency or even civil war from Boobus Muricanus, compared to yesteryears Vietcong, Taliban and Jihadists, we are weak scared little sheeple..that is unless we have DARPA weaponry and close air support and we are trying to subjugate those types of folks who have no air force, navy, intelligence apparatus or satellite)drone technology...when it comes to taking on this monstrous 1984 surveillance state..no way this country does "nuthin" cept bitch and complain somemore...This nations idea of fixing its internal problems is booking a conference room and talking it to death....smh

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in a cage with Lucas Gage. https://rumble.com/c/LucasGage

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I've been doing that for over 14 years since I got my current van, needing something to do with the windows in the side and rear door windows.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

THANKS MUCH for this EXCELLENT ARTICLE!! Very well done!

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Thanks, ursel!

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Bravo! No one is asking us to show the level of courage that the real greatest generation did. However, small gestures from a fired-up populace can catch on. Wear a Jefferson T-shirt. Fly the Betsy Ross flag. Better yet, fly it next to the Gadsden flag! Put Liberty at the four front of any political discussion, along with the Almighty! Let 'em call you a racist or any other insult. Derogatory names from ignorant morons is a badge of honor. Thanks Don

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I'd proudly wear a Jefferson t-shirt, Robert. Thanks!

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'rusted on rense' is mine. (in theory, for I wear rags)

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

A marvelous piece of writing Donald. You truly have a gift. I’m always stunned and pleased that there is someone else who truly gets it and able to put it to the pen as you do. Not just blowing smoke up your skirt.

These very words of The Declaration: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, “ must scare the living hell out of these street jackals that inhabit the halls of Congress because you will NEVER hear them repeated by any of them.

And how is it that just a little research will reveal what a “racists viper” and complete tyrant old Honest Abe truly was?

Thanks again for the putting this together.

Your book will do well.

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I really appreciate the kind words, Dennis. Thanks!

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Bolshevik communism care of the central bank crowd runs amuck in this nation and the entire western world. That crowd hates white christians and is why we see the planned destruction we do. If you want any chance of survival get out of the first world historically Caucasian nations. Open borders for all except the apartheid state of Israel. See how it works? Yet the typical christian is so indoctrinated they support the very crowd who is killing them in this already underway 5th generation warfare of WWIII.

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So very well said. The reason the "Berlin Wall" came down was not because Communism died, but because Communism prevailed. Who needs a wall when the whole world is Communist?

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Yes communism won both world wars and few realize or understand that. General Patton came out and said we fought the wrong side and days before he was to come back to the US from the war he was in an automobile “accident” and survived but then mysteriously died in the hospital afterwards. You can’t have your best general come out publicly and claim we sided with the Jewish communists who we sided with in the wars. That’s bad for the agenda.

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General Patton was just one victim. Irwin Rommel and Isoruku Yamamoto were two others. They were taken out because it was greatly feared they would tell the truth after the War.

It was not Communism that "won" both world wars, but Big Oil and the Steel Magnates. The Boys who landed at Normandy on June 6th, 1944 can congratulate themselves they made the World Safe for Standard Oil, British Petroleum, and Royal Dutch Shell- those were the true "winners" of WW2.

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Rommell did put the fear of God, or Goyim, into them for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/200_days_of_dread

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I don't think that Germany ever seriously contemplated an invasion of Palestine. The "200 Days of Dread" was just more post WW2 propaganda baloney from the Ministry of Truth to buttress the "Final Solution" myth. Rommel's objective appeared to be to get the British out of Tunis, which they had illegally taken from Vichy France. One might point out that while the Germans were somewhat justified for being in Afrika, as allies of Italy (even though Italy had begun the aggression) the British were never justified, unless you want to by all the malarky about Germany being an "evil empire".

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you may be right, though I would guess oil was fairly important to everyone, and denying it to others. plus I like the idea of the jews shitting their pants, as I hope they do soon, though (if nukes are real) the Samson Option is an updated variable compared to the good old days.

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Patton was a complicated figure. From what I gather, he had the impression that he was a reincarnation of some Carthaginian? general and that he was on some kind of divine mission to realize his true destiny. He was despised by the WWI veterans seeking compensation for their service; while suffering the plight of the great depression, the Bonus Army had set up an encampment which Hoover ordered demolished. Patton, under MacArthur, helped rout their former compatriots, apparently with no regard to former loyalty. This, I believe, showed again in the disregard for life Patton demonstrated by throwing soldiers into the meat-grinder of WWII. Then, after butchering Germans for years HE REALIZES THAT GERMANS ARE GOOD PEOPLE? HE FOUGHT ON THE WRONG SIDE?

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I don't dispute anything you said. But somebody was obviously afraid Patton was going to have a "Come to Jesus" Moment.

The Conspirators are very paranoid, despite their successes. Ultimately, they know they are on the losing side.

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Very astute, WW. Not unlike that we thought we won WWII and defeated the Nazis, most of whom simply infiltrated our own governments, industries, and research, carrying on their mission.

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The Nazis were the best enemy Prescott Bush and his gang could buy. Then they built the "Soviet Empire". WWII was really one big Bankster Play- both sides were controlled from the outset. And so is it today. What is going on in Gaza is designed to enrage the Muslim World. The propaganda in the East is already thick and furious. America is being painted as the Evil Empire, and who are we to disagree?

Once at the bottom of the rabbit hole, all is simple, and all is laid out in their very own documents. Nothing really is hidden for the astute.

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Roberta Flack song ( a fav.) juxtasupposed to the assaults on the West.

Killing Me Softly, hardly.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks for the trip through the little-known maze of early American history. Very interesting.

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Thanks, Realist!

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You ain't seen nothing yet.

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"He also was unfortunately swayed by the dastardly future Black Broadway star Alexander Hamilton..."

Washington's friendship with the younger Hamilton changed America's history in lots of ways. Washington declined to chair the Constitutional Convention twice. It was only at Hamilton's insistence and due to his persuasion, that Washington agreed. The fact that Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention is what persuaded most Americans to ratify it. In spite of the fact that it created a federal government with more power and more centralized than most Americans wanted.

Americans’ faith in Washington as “That good, great man” persuaded them that the Constitution was a good thing. So Hamilton and John Adams got the strong central government they wanted.

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Such a good point RF ... I tried to sum it up with this little bit of scribbling ...


Barnett calls it a heinous document. I used to wonder why. Now I don't.

Best of luck. ~~ j ~~

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Concerning Hamilton - the establishment view is that a wealthy businessman in the colonies financed his trip from Nevis Island but never seems to name who? I did read a theory that claims that a 19-21? year old George Washington did visit Nevis Island around 1751-3? and claims that he was the father of Hamilton and the reason Hamilton claimed he wasn't sure of his own birth date was because of the need to move it a couple of years to not coincide with George's trip to Nevis. George was probably the richest Colonist by the time Hamilton arrived. What's your view on this?

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I've heard that theory, Michael. That might explain why Hamilton always had Washington's ear. There are also theories that Hamilton was a Rothschild agent. Because he was an illegitimate child, some think he must have been Jewish. Regardless, he was the bankers' favorite. Thanks.

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reading a book on Hitler recently, his grandparents time, Austria/Bavaria , 40% of births were illiitimate. reason being divorce was hard to get.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

King George was more benevolent than the US government has come to be.

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King George should be canonized if Joe Biden is fit for the Presidency.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Nobody on the ballot would agree unconditionally with the Declaration of Independence.

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I don't know what those on the ballot would agree with these days. Would they agree we are not dogs?

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It doesn't matter if they still treat us as their property, as they have since the US government declared bankruptcy in 1933.

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Gormless George vs Formless Biden

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

This may be THE best article you've written yet! You nailed it!

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I appreciate that, Shawn. Thanks!

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

As you mentioned Don, unless someone or some group has already done it, we need to create that very, very long list, in chronological order, of unconstitutional acts of Congress, probably since around 1800, unconstitutional acts or orders by presidents, and unconstitutional decisions by SCOTUS. Just as Jefferson listed that long train of abuses by the British in the Declaration of Independence. This should be posted on a website and updated daily.

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Compiling that list would be quite a task, Mark. Thanks.

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Jul 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

I’d be surprised if it’s not already done by someone or some group. At least parts of it, such as unconstitutional acts of Congress.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 11

Maybe we could use AI to control dog collars or drones in the chambers of Congress, that would zap Congress critters every time a member suggests legislation not in pursuance of the Constitution. Same thing for all judges who deny a jury trial, misinform a jury, exclude evidence, or otherwise violate their oath. They say around 70% of doctors and lawyers will be replaced by AI. I think that would be a good thing. In my own family court experience, the facts were clear yet lawyers and judges just got in the way or ignored the law that should have applied. And, of course, most allopathic doctors are simply pill pushers who plug-in symptoms to some computer program to get a prescription.

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depends if the rigging with AI continues what we have always had.


Hour 3 - David Oates - AI Is Being Forced NOT To Find Speech Reversals!

whereas it had brilliantly at first.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

All 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights are violated by the federal government and its cohorts in fascism: unconstitutional and/or captured agencies and corporations. Examples: 1st Amendment: censorship is ubiquitous by big tech thought police Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Congress members want to outlaw criticism of Israel. 2nd Amendment is constantly attacked because criminals in govt. fear the People. Even the 3rd Amendment, in addition to the 4th on Right to Privacy, with all the "smart" devices that covertly occupy our houses and cars, that can spy on and record our every word we utter or what we listen to or watch on our TVs, or where we go and who we associate with. 5th Amendment: Covid fraud deprived Americans of life, liberty, and property, without due process of law. Indeed, countless jab takers lost or are losing their lives from the poison jabs, countless have lost there property: their livelihoods, thus liberty. 6th and 7th Amendments: trial by jury is rare, unless you're a celebrity or rich. 8th Amendment: J6 political prisoners are receiving cruel and unusual punishments. 9th and 10th Amendments are constantly violated by our feral federal govt. and most of the agencies in DC are unconstitutional. See The Tenth Amendment Center.

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Jul 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

You forgot TSA, that "inconvenience" everyone puts up with because they are afraid of "the turrrrists." It is a blatant violation of the 4th and 5th yet we submit because...fear.

Lysander Spooner had a few things to say about the constitution.

It was a document designed to protect the interests of the few at the top. The seeds of despotism were planted in Art I, sec 8, clause 17.

The constitution reinforced the ridiculous notion that a piece of paper with some words on it has the power to restrain the evil proclivities of man. We now live under commercial law which is the direct result of Art I, sec 8, clause 17. Corporations rule the world. Fortunately, for most, once it is understood that these legal fictions: government, corporations, various persons etc., are little more than cartoon characters and have no power except that which we give them, maybe we can free ourselves from the illusion.

Unfortunately, most seem to need someone, or something, to rule them.

I never agree to the constitution, I wasn't there. And, neither were you. Government as a universal agreement requires the consent of everyone or it cannot be. That's the problem with democracy (republics, too), it presumes the losers will concede to the winners for the sake of peace. The losers figure they will live to fight another day. But, what happens when the winners decide to get rid of the losers, as we see now?

So, how do we solve the puzzle of governance? Most will not govern themselves. How do we deal with evil men and women who do their dirty work behind the facade of these legal fictions and those who go along to get along because they actually believe a piece of paper can assert authority over them? We must, first, see the illusion for what it is. But, that won't do the trick, because, in the end, man will always harm his fellow man for the sake of power. Adherence to natural law? Maybe, but men who do evil have no regard for natural law. What's the solution? I don't have a clue. We have been wrestling with this since we got here. But, I do know this, it ain't on a piece of paper.

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My list was just a sample, not inclusive by a longshot. As Ben Franklin said to someone asking about the constitution, [it’s] “a republic if you can keep it.” Well, obviously we’ve failed so far to keep it. Perhaps if we followed it, it could be a steppingstone to anarchy. It’s certainly not perfect, but has there been a better document created as a blueprint to preserve natural rights? I think it was John Adams, who said it could not work unless within a society that follows God. I agree, that only the Bible can provide for true liberty. That’s the biggest obstacle I see . Most of the founders knew their Bibles. They actually read books and had no TVs or Internet and other gadgets to constantly entertain them, with electrical soma.

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Yes, I know those were just a few "fer instances." I brought up the TSA as it is a particularly egregious assault on our "persons" (not legal person) that should be completely off limits to any government or any man without our consent.

The Bible is just another written document that has been altered by man to serve the interest of power. Is it the word of God just because it says it is? How can a book provide liberty? Besides, liberty is mere license. What you are after is freedom and it helps to know what it is you are yearning for. Freedom is our natural state. It means we can pursue our desires in whatever way we think will lead to a fulfilling life. However, there is a caveat, we must not harm our fellow man. In many ways, freedom is more restrictive than any law government might impose.

No document, no book can provide freedom, it must come from within. Those things are useful when you are learning to walk, but, there comes a time when you must put them down and git 'er done guided by the self that is both within and without. It is quiet and illusive and difficult to hear among the din of life. Ain't nothin' easy about it and it can be frustrating, so much so that we often throw our hands in the air and proclaim WTF!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6


The 16th Century Protestant Reformation was about the people ending the tyrannical, counterfeit Christianity of the established Catholic "church". People were persecuted and mind-controlled by that system of "fake news" of the Middle Ages until after invention of the printing press eventually allowed people to copy and read the Bible for themselves. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for true liberty that led to the Renaissance and the truly progressive, classical liberalism of Western Civilization. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for the American form of government.

When one is reborn of the Holy Spirit by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior...

"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14 (KJV)

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

2 Cor 3:17 (ESV)

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

The Bible has been perverted and misinterpreted by traditions of men, that indeed have served their powers, and lead folks away from the God of the Bible. That's been Satan's goal since the Garden of Eden. There are many false teachings perpetuated by the RC Church and/or apostate Protestantism, eg., 1) eternal hellfire, that presents God as an evil torturer, 2) the state of the dead, that makes people believe they can contact deceased relatives, or that the dead go immediately to heaven or hell, 3) infant baptism and other superficial methods of baptism, that trivialize what it signifies, 4) that hell is a place, rather than an event called the lake of fire.


To learn what the Bible truly teaches, See




Watch www.aftv.org (see AFTV on Roku)

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)

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Nope, it sure ain't Rog ...


It was either an intentional centralization of power or an epically miserable failure at controlling those it purported to control. Either way, it's the problem, not the solution.

Best of luck, friend. ~~ j ~~

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

An additional thought. The original DOI put a bullseye on the Crown’s head for importing race based slaves into America. The notion America was the inventor of slavery is a fabrication of the highest order. If it wasn’t for the 3 southern states already being entrenched slavery would have been abolished in the Constitution. It’s worth reading, somehow the PC crowd edited this and other damming passages out.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

That's right, Henry. Jefferson originally wrote a scathing condemnation of the slave trade that was edited out of the Declaration. Thanks!

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Yes, the more modern Slave Trade was started by the Portuguese and taken over by the Spanish when they unified in 1515. And at any rate, the trend in the South in the 1850's was toward the abolition of Slavery. Had there been no war, slavery as an institution probably would have been abolished by 1890.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks for your pursuit of real history and the optimism that 2.0 can be attained by flipping the money tables pursuant to the clause in the Declaration you cited. Government is destructive and needs to be abolished and restored according to the Constitution. If we turn off the TV and get to work by Gods grace it can be done. As noted these men with all their flaws were courageous and would consider political correctness an act of cowardice. Land of the free and home of the brave.

I’d encourage connecting with GR as a possible guest on your show. He’s a real scholar with an ebullient personality. ReclaimingtheRepublic.org

Lots to be thankful for this day. God bless you and the family.

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I appreciate the kind words, Henry. Who is GR? Thanks.

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Jul 5Liked by Donald Jeffries

GR Mobley is a Patriot, constitutional scholar and former military intelligence officer who mentors county groups around the country on how to reclaim the republic using Republic Review and First Amendment petitions. He has a daily radio program. Here's his broadcast from earlier in the week on the purging of key information from Jefferson's original DOI. http://reclaimingtherepublic.org/aud/RSTR/2024/240701.mp3. His main URL contains compelling historical documents that make the academic case for Republic Review. http://reclaimingtherepublic.org/index.html

A well instructed people alone can permanently be a free people. James Madison

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Thanks, Henry!

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These days it more like the Land of the Gee and Home of the Slave.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

I also wanted to share an anti-war piece I recently wrote for a site (in the far reaches of the Internet) that I contribute to. I thought you and your readers might enjoy it. Best, CSJ.


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Great stuff, CSJ. We are kindred spirits. Smedley Butler was a hero. Thanks!

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“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

Smedley Butler only got it half right.

War is more than a racket.

Does his words apply to the hideous bombing of Dresden? What was the profit motive there?

War is a Holocaust by the Satanists to their Demon-Gods, and they want your children for the Sacrifice, so that the Blood will give them power to erect their One-World Empire, as foretold by St John in the Apocalypse.

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Jul 4Liked by Donald Jeffries

Two recent headlines as signs of the times:

NYT: The First Amendment Is Out of Control

Klaus Schwab: ‘We Must Force Humanity Into Collaboration’

This is a sweet thought:

<<But the rest of them would be relegated to appearing on humble little podcasts like mine.>>

Happy 4th!

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Lol. Yeah, that's the thing about the First Amendment. It's supposed to be "out of control." As in, no controls on it. Thanks, CSJ!

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The only problem I have with the 1st Amendment is that Error and Lies have no rights, and no one should be allowed to express manifest untruth in a public forum.

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Who gets to decide what is Truth?

We just lived through ivermectin and HCQ being maligned by federal agencies and the “news” media. WHO would you suggest is a trusted source for Truth?

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Our Lord Jesus Christ and you own eyes are the only two sources of truth in which you should trust. All others pay cash.

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the opposite of what the media says, or close enough.

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I have contemplated the platitudinous logic of the first amendments "Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". RJ Rushdoony asserted that all law is religion, any fundamental change of the law is also a fundamental change in religious beliefs. To neither establish or prohibit as a "neutrality" clause defeats the purpose of the law. Since decisions are imperative, not to decide is to decide. The inaction of individuals often is more damaging that actions that are decidedly wrong. I have recently read George Washington's Farewell address twice in a row to grapple with the fact that he was humble enough to admit to having made human errors, I don't see that humility in today's bureaucracy.

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I would dispute with RJ Rushdoony that all law is religion. I would be hard pressed to see how laws regarding tolls on roads and bridges are religious, as well as the overall motor code, though, of course, the fundamental basis for the motor code (should be) "Thou shalt not kill" which includes the obligation to drive safely.

Now, you are right in that all people have a religion. (Some have the professional hockey team they root for as their religion- there are more religions out there today than what there ever were. Star Wars and Star Trek are religions.)

George Washington is a rather complex figure. While there is no evidence he ever converted, there is lots of evidence he wanted to "hedge his bets" and not go down a flaming wreck.

Very few people are truly pure diabolical narcissists. They always have that tinge of conscience. Deep down they know the truth, even if they really don't want to admit it. Only God knows what truly transpires deep down in a human heart. Many times even the person does not know, which is why discernment is an ongoing process- worked out in fear and trembling, as St Paul put it.

One of the signs we are approaching sanctity is we are scared witless of our sinfulness and nothingness.

Of course, none of these signs are present in the Founding Fathers. All of them seem confident and self-assured they have found the royal road to progress- and "Popery" be damned.

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Anybody expressing disappointment with their freedom and happiness will be shot, comrade.

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