Great piece, Don, as always. Thanks for the food for thought. Thanks as well for sending me down the rabbit hole looking for Miss Lube Rack, an honorific over which several candidates have evidently battled in the wake of Pelosi's infamy. 😂
Great piece, Don, as always. Thanks for the food for thought. Thanks as well for sending me down the rabbit hole looking for Miss Lube Rack, an honorific over which several candidates have evidently battled in the wake of Pelosi's infamy. 😂
I appreciate that, Leara. Now keep in mind the fact checkers assure us that Nancy was not Miss Lube Rack. Maybe that photo is altered. Maybe the contest winner who looks like a young Nancy isn't really her. Thanks!
Great piece, Don, as always. Thanks for the food for thought. Thanks as well for sending me down the rabbit hole looking for Miss Lube Rack, an honorific over which several candidates have evidently battled in the wake of Pelosi's infamy. 😂
I appreciate that, Leara. Now keep in mind the fact checkers assure us that Nancy was not Miss Lube Rack. Maybe that photo is altered. Maybe the contest winner who looks like a young Nancy isn't really her. Thanks!
you could ask the Lubie Brothers, remember though, Lubes Lips Sinks Ships.
Killin' me Smalls 😝
~~ j ~~
Well, that's it then. There's nothing sacred if we can't even trust Miss Lube Rack.