I don’t read the Bible as often as I should. I tried to read both the Old and New Testaments, after my Mother died. I couldn’t get through the Old Testament. It’s scary. The God depicted there is directly involved with his creations, and sets off a series of plagues. He asked Abraham to sacrifice his son to test him.
But I did read the entire New Testament. Jesus Christ is a far different figure from the God of the Old Testament. I can understand why the Christian Identity Movement was started. It’s easy to see them as different Gods. The New Testament is full of hope. The Immaculate Conception. The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus overturning the moneychangers’ tables. The conversion of the very bad Saul into Saint Paul, on the road to Damascus, thus teaching us that no one is beyond redemption. My favorite Biblical quote is from Jesus himself, who declared, “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Now, I’m probably the only Christian who does love that verse. The rest stumble all over themselves to explain that Jesus didn’t actually mean that literally. Born Againers are especially adept at interpreting what Jesus did or didn’t really mean.
Jesus also spent a lot of time criticizing the Pharisees. It seems strange for the King of the Jews to focus on the Jewish leadership as if they were an outside entity; i.e., not like him. I recently read a discussion about the question of the Jewishness of Jesus on a conspiracy forum. Well, where else would you find such a discussion? Certainly not on The Kenneth Copeland Hour, or whatever. The point was made, and I’ve heard it before, that the term “Jew” is a relatively recent one, some 500 years old or so. Now, I have no way of knowing whether this is true or not, much as I cannot definitively establish whether or not some ingenious Black inventor first came up with lemonade at some point in time. The Bible certainly uses the word “Jew” quite a bit, but could that have been inserted in there over the centuries, during the many translations? Most good Protestants rely on the King James version as their Bible. Period. Certainly the language is poetically inspired, but did the good king have it translated literally?
The New Testament starts out with a delineation of Jesus’s genealogy, to demonstrate that through his father Joseph, he was born into the House of David. Except that Joseph wasn’t really his father. God was. So if any lineage was germane to Christ’s humanity, it would have been Mary’s, his human mother. Sorry, I can’t help but be a questioner of things. Growing up Catholic, the priests (at least then) didn’t stress Jesus’s Jewishness quite as strongly. But they mentioned that the Jews were responsible for his death. Many times. This is the primary reason Hollywood’s most devout Catholic, Mel Gibson, caught such flack over his self-financed film Passion of the Christ. I think it’s unfair to hold Jews responsible, 2,000 years after the fact, for the Crucifixion, but it’s certainly fair to hold the Jews of his time accountable, as it seems they’ve been for most of recorded history, especially by the Catholic Church.
But while few question that Jesus was a Jew in the flesh, the “Woke” world is apoplectic that Christians like me still envision him as a blue eyed White man. That was the image of Christ that has been used throughout the ages. The notion of him being a Jew, but not possibly being a pathetic White (I actually heard one radical Black disparagingly proclaim that “Jesus was not no motherfucking White boy” during some heated racial television debate decades ago- maybe on Morton Downey), is part of the narrative. The canon of the secular elite who at heart don’t believe in him. Or at least don’t serve him. They like to call him Rabbi, although it’s a certainty he wasn’t paid what the average Rabbi is- I detailed all that in Survival of the Richest. But he was so brown, so indubitably nonwhite, that you must not question it. Portraying him as White, with those disgusting blue eyes, is White Supremacy 101.
It seems to be very important for those who run this society to depict Jesus as nonwhite. Remember, these are people who largely don’t accept his divinity. And most atheists will admit Jesus existed historically, but was just a Jewish philosopher. Rabbi Jesus. The Antisemitism Awareness Act puts parts of the New Testament in legal jeopardy, inferring that they are “anti-Semitic.” Was it the verse where Matthew talks about the Jews, still at that time, spreading the story that Jesus’s body had been stolen from the tomb? As an incomprehensible being, God should be above racial considerations. This is why so many of us have trouble with the notion that he had a “chosen” people. The way that the Bible talks about the Jews, it seems those who wrote it didn’t think they were “chosen.” I can have strong faith and still wonder. The references to “the apostle Jesus loved,” for instance. At the very least, the wording there is very peculiar. But that doesn’t cast doubt upon the reality of God and Jesus.
The Born Againers especially stress the Jewishness of Jesus, as much or more than the atheists do. Our neocon foreign policy is supported by these Zionist Christians, because they believe that to question anything Israel does is to question God. Again, the whole “chosen people” thing. And so, they justify the atrocities in Gaza, all the Palestinians killed by the Israelis- financed by our tax dollars- because it supposedly fulfills Biblical prophecy. They are awaiting Armageddon with bated breath. How do you possibly promote peace in the Middle East when millions of Christians believe that this would be going against God? I may have been a lowly blue collar worker for fifteen years, but it seems to me that God would approve of peace. If you take this prophecy being fulfilled far enough, then you reject the concept of Free Will. Free Will, Predestination- Christians have invented dogma that contradicts itself.
So I’m not a literalist, in terms of believing that every word of the Bible is inviolate. The literacy rate in Europe until the later Middle Ages was very low, probably twenty percent or less. So few parishioners of any church could read the Bible, even if they wanted to. The printing press wasn’t invented until 1440. Before that, books were hand written manuscripts. Obviously, it would have been hard to mass produce them. So, the faithful invested their trust in the priests, to interpret the Word for them. I don’t know if some of the early priests and popes were as bad as the court historians tell us, because it must always be remembered that the court historians lie about everything. And they certainly have a very strong anti-Christian, and especially anti-Catholic bias. But it’s always best to see for yourself. Religious officials, like politicians or business leaders, have too often been lacking in integrity.
Despite this, I can feel the eternal truth in much of the New Testament. Blessed are the meek. Love thy neighbor as thyself. The whole Passion Play. Most profound of all, turning the other cheek and loving thy enemy. Does any other religion teach that? The Golden Rule is the essence of Christianity, and became the foundational moral building block of western civilization. And, of course, the Resurrection. Without that, we wouldn’t be talking about this over 2,000 years later. Jesus is the Light and the Way, and performed miracles no mortal magician could dream of, including fantastically rising from the dead three days after dying on the cross. Resurrection was a big part of Catholic catechism. We await the Resurrection of the dead, after he comes again to judge the living and the dead. This is different from Protestant belief. The Born Againers discarded the Catholic Purgatory and brought us the Rapture.
But regardless of the difference between Catholics and Protestants, the Tribulation, the antichrist, forgotten Catholic concepts like Limbo, the way the Book of Revelation is interpreted, the important thing is that every Christian accepts Jesus Christ as their savior. I certainly do. He is God and I believe in the Holy Trinity, even though like most Catholics I can’t begin to comprehend it. There’s a powerful majesty in making the sign of the cross. I think it’s no accident that Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, used Catholic symbolism like the crucifix, and the holy water from Mass to represent the only weapons against the decidedly ungodly vampire. Maybe I’ve watched too many movies, but in Haiti, where the populace believes that zombies are real, they supposedly chant, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want,” if they see one. Jesus, and Christianity, represents the Good in this world to every hopeless sinner.
Now, organized religion is hopelessly corrupt. The Vatican has unimaginable wealth, and once boasted a mobster, Bishop Paul Marcinkus, as the head of its bank. This was during the period when they killed Pope John Paul I. Servants of God shouldn’t participate in assassination. The televangelists, like multi millionaires Joel Osteen, or prostitute aficionado Jimmy Swaggart, aren’t the only ones getting rich off of religion. The average protestant pastor gets a home and a decent salary. They are caught committing adultery, or engaging in sinful financial shenanigans, far too often. That whole “tithing” thing, by the way, really isn’t in the Bible. It’s unfortunate that too many Christians follow their flawed pastors and ministers more faithfully than the words of Jesus. You shouldn’t preach to others when you aren’t walking the walk. But them not walking the walk shouldn’t turn us away from God.
The Good has quite a powerful foe in the Evil. That Evil is spearheaded by another incomprehensible being, Satan. Lucifer. The Devil. The Bible demonstrates quite clearly that Satan has dominion on this earth, by its passage revealing that he tempted Jesus by offering him all the kingdoms of the world, if he would fall down and worship him. On the surface, this looks like Satan had power over all those kingdoms. You can’t very well offer something you don’t have. But as always, Christian leaders interpret this differently. The Bible, after all, gives dominion of the earth to Adam, not Satan. Clearly, Satan is engaged in an epic struggle with God for the souls of all of us. Selling your soul to the Devil for earthly rewards has long been a popular theme in literature. It explains the success of too many people better than anything else can.
But it isn’t just Satan whom believers in Jesus Christ oppose. It’s the secular establishment, which runs this world whether Satan is involved or not. Modern establishment science, born with Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection in the 1800s, is at odds with a Biblical world view. The Bible, after all, says nothing about mankind (yeah, I know, I’m still going to use it) once being apes, or fish, or single cell amoebas. It says that God created each and every one of us, and most importantly included an immortal soul. How many smartass comedians have you heard ridicule the notion of a soul? I think Meathead on All in the Family argued with Archie over that. They’ve graduated- evolved if you will- to the point where the secular faithful will mock the concept of divinity by scoffing at “your giant magician in the sky.” Evolution is their Passion Play, just as the Big Bang is their Genesis.
Because I have faith, and I can feel my soul within me- it is, after all, the lifeforce of every one of us- I blanche at every aspect of establishment science. Which is synonymous with godless secularism. A single omnipotent force that is beyond human understanding, creating this breathtaking world, is incompatible with the perspective of say, Bill Nye the nonscientist guy. Who was recently given the Medal of Freedom by Joe Biden, by the way, alongside similarly unworthy recipients Hillary Clinton and George Soros. I think it’s safe to say that none of them are fighting on the side of God- for the Good- in this eternal spiritual battle. Secularism believes that we fallible, sinful human beings can explain everything. That in the beginning, there was a giant ball, and it exploded. Without anyone triggering it. That species “adapted” over billions of years, until apes became men. But somehow there are still apes.
The Immaculate Conception is scientifically impossible, those in charge (and it certainly isn’t the priests) tell us. Resurrection? Preposterous! Go see another Frankenstein movie or something. Virgin birth? Don’t make that obnoxious comedian laugh! Why don’t you go watch your precious priest rape an alter boy? Everything has been explained that needs to be explained, mouth breather. There are no miracles. Or guardian angels. Unless we want to profit from your naivete by producing another big budget film about them. The Evil side is engaged in a conspiracy to suppress any notion of the supernatural. And nothing is more supernatural than a benevolent Creator that made awe inspiring vistas of mountain tops and waterfalls, caterpillars turning into butterflies, giant trees, beautiful tigers, and the intricate artwork on the shell of every box turtle. All creatures great and small. Frightening and gorgeous.
What every scientist will tell you, if they’re being honest, is that God Himself is scientifically impossible. “So who created God?” is always on the lips of loud mouthed atheists everywhere. They don’t have quite the same level of skepticism regarding, who created the giant ball that banged so bigly? A virgin giving birth is scientifically impossible. A man rising from the dead is scientifically impossible, not to mention being assumed into the sky. These are the kinds of “experts” even many Christians respect, and trust. What have they done to earn your respect, or your trust? Blaspheme your savior? And they may very well do it while taking his name in vain. They love doing that; profanely invoking the name of a Being they claim is as imaginary as the Easter Bunny. Raising Lazarus from the dead? Turning water into wine? Feeding the masses with a loaf of bread? The miracles of Christ are all scientifically impossible.
But if we are going to be soldiers for Christ, members of an army engaged in an ongoing struggle with the Evil that appears to be in charge of our world, we have to at least try to be good. Walk the walk at least a little bit. Those serving Evil don’t have to live up to any standards. Well, I suppose they might catch some flack from some of their comrades if they were discovered to be secretly doing good works or something. But we can’t fight for Good if we aren’t at least attempting to be good ourselves. Recognize that the temptations are everywhere, and because we are so fallible, and prone to sin, we are all vulnerable to them. This spiritual battle begins within. And it should extend first to those closest to you. Love and honor your parents. Don’t abandon your children, or your aimless or luckless siblings. If you can’t help them, who can you help? And without helping others, how can you do Good?
If you’re a believer in God, then you must by definition be at odds with this modern secular world. I don’t necessarily mean porn, or the other sins of the flesh. I mean the secular establishment, which consciously or not is serving the aims of Satan. Which is to deny and diminish the very notion of God. Heaven and Hell don’t logically fit into an endless universe, with billions and billions of galaxies, to quote the devout secular priest Carl Sagan. We are are war with the concept of randomness, upon which the entire secular thesis rests. If you accept that you were created by an incomprehensible omnipotent being, you are going be offended at the suggestion that you’re just a random set of genes, born on a random planet, in a random solar system, in an endless universe created by a Big Bang. A universe not really referenced in the Bible. Surely this endless universe would be considered His most impressive creation.
Morality stems from Biblical teachings. Evolution’s “survival of the fittest” leads to might makes right, or more often wealth makes right. Eugenicists are like the monks, or maybe cloistered nuns, of evolution. Darwin’s groupies. How can they possibly oversee equal justice, or equal opportunity, when their faith demands that the weak and the “unfit” must be eliminated? The culture has been taken over by these orthodox eugenicists for well over sixty years. Look at the film Inherit the Wind. Using Spencer Tracy and Fredric March to defame the great William Jennings Bryan, mock Christianity, and deify science. That’s just one example. There ought to be no question in anyone’s mind that those who run every aspect of our crumbling civilization are serving Evil, and relishing in their blasphemy. When you win enough battles, you feel confident enough to openly say men can have babies, and declare your pronouns.
Those who should be at the front lines for the Good forces in this epic struggle are the religious leaders. The Pope. The Cardinals, Bishops, and priests. The very wealthy televangelists. The humble country pastor. The youth ministers. But I don’t know if many, or even any, of these religious leaders oppose the secular army. The Evil. Do they dismantle the lone assassin-like credibility of evolution and big bang? They didn’t even protest when the secular establishment forced them to close their churches during the COVID psyop. They might have burned Beatles’ records in the past, but they aren’t leading any counter protests at transgender rallies. If they can’t rebel against that, what hope is there for them to ever enlighten their flocks on the counterfeit Federal Reserve banking system, 9/11 truth, the Epstein List, or any other Evil crime that we in the conspiracy world talk about on a regular basis?
This is a war where hypocrites should become conscious objectors. We need people to recognize what atheism and Satanism represent. You have to know the enemy in order to fight him, let alone defeat him. As Jesus said, he was the first and greatest liar of them all. America 2.0 has basically become the Synagogue of Satan. Don’t accept that you’re a worthless, random creature, born for no discernable reason. Don’t live your life like you won’t be judged. Don’t let them brainwash the empathy out of you. All life is sacred. He who is the least among you is the one who is great. Pride is a deadly sin. That includes gay pride, racial pride, class pride. This spiritual battle will be won, not surprisingly, by the spirit. By kindness. And generosity. And understanding. By sheer goodness. By paying it forward. By tiny ripples of hope. No matter how bleak it may look, remember in the end Good wins.
Well as a life-long student of the Bible from a philosophical perspective and a SDA background, I agree with your most heartfelt conclusion. A couple points - the Romans came up with the term “Jew” and it was a shorthand term from the name of their province- Judea. There’s a lot of interesting Pre-Jesus history between the Jews and Rome I’ve been learning lately.
Secondly, the more immersed a seeker dives into the gospels, the more beauty and structure becomes evident in the depths of the Torah- the Old Testament. But find a good guide, someone who can show because they’ve found.
3rd - you’re right about all the enthusiasm for the Holy Land being wrong-headed and misguided. When the Temple curtain was rent at Christ’s crucifixion it signifies the end of the special relationship. Although God loves all and calls to all.
Good post and keep seeking brother !
"“It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
I am a former member of a religion that prides itself on being the restored church of Christ on the Earth. This church has Apostles, 12 of them, exactly as Christ did in his ancient church. However, each one of these modern day Apostles are extremely wealthy men. Very very wealthy. One of them is even a billionaire or damned close to it. The accumulation of excessive wealth and property, in my opinion, is contrary to the principles of humility. It is pride of the highest order.
As I have aged I have gained the ability to see things as they are, not as I am told how to see them. Christ often railed against the wealthy and proud. His own Apostles were usually lowly fishermen, not millionaires and billionaires as currently presented in my former church. In my former church only the wealthy are asked to serve in prominent and important positions from the higher ranking church positions all the way down the parishes and usually consist of lawyers (if I recall, Christ had no love for lawyers either). The poorer, more humble people, whom Christ himself spent more time with, are usually ignored.
Churches today teach Christ in the words they use but their actions and their hearts are far from him. For this reason, I consider myself a Christian but I no longer adhere to any particular faith.