Well as a life-long student of the Bible from a philosophical perspective and a SDA background, I agree with your most heartfelt conclusion. A couple points - the Romans came up with the term “Jew” and it was a shorthand term from the name of their province- Judea. There’s a lot of interesting Pre-Jesus history between the Jews and Rome I’ve been learning lately.
Secondly, the more immersed a seeker dives into the gospels, the more beauty and structure becomes evident in the depths of the Torah- the Old Testament. But find a good guide, someone who can show because they’ve found.
3rd - you’re right about all the enthusiasm for the Holy Land being wrong-headed and misguided. When the Temple curtain was rent at Christ’s crucifixion it signifies the end of the special relationship. Although God loves all and calls to all.
The Church of Jesus Christ is the New Zion and the one foretold by the Prophets. The Pharisees conflated Messianic prophecy with political ambitions. Had the Israelites remained faithful, their Kingdom would have stood from the time of King David, and would have embraced the Messiah.
Personally, I think the ten lost tribes of Israel became the Greeks, or at least the Greeks came from them. For the Greeks suddenly arrive on the scene about the same time.
And he answering, said: "I was not sent but to the sheep that are lost of the house of Israel. But she came and adored him, saying: Lord, help me." St Matthew Chapter 15 verses 24 and 25.
Of course, we can contrast that with the following: "I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep. And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." [St John Chapter 10, verses 14 to16]
Trying to distill the Mystery of God from scripture alone is, as some 1000 Protestant sects can attest, an exercise in futility. But discerning the Faith and its mysteries from Holy Tradition is Child's Play.
"“It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
I am a former member of a religion that prides itself on being the restored church of Christ on the Earth. This church has Apostles, 12 of them, exactly as Christ did in his ancient church. However, each one of these modern day Apostles are extremely wealthy men. Very very wealthy. One of them is even a billionaire or damned close to it. The accumulation of excessive wealth and property, in my opinion, is contrary to the principles of humility. It is pride of the highest order.
As I have aged I have gained the ability to see things as they are, not as I am told how to see them. Christ often railed against the wealthy and proud. His own Apostles were usually lowly fishermen, not millionaires and billionaires as currently presented in my former church. In my former church only the wealthy are asked to serve in prominent and important positions from the higher ranking church positions all the way down the parishes and usually consist of lawyers (if I recall, Christ had no love for lawyers either). The poorer, more humble people, whom Christ himself spent more time with, are usually ignored.
Churches today teach Christ in the words they use but their actions and their hearts are far from him. For this reason, I consider myself a Christian but I no longer adhere to any particular faith.
Christianity is the Faith, once for all delivered to the Saints.
I could do a long exegesis on what exactly is meant by the camel passing through the needle, but suffice to say that Our Lord Jesus Christ also said we cannot serve God and Mammon- towit, the things of this world.
All the things of this world should be to us like so much dung and dust. They are means to an end, not an end in themselves. Even good Christians can easily get lost in the details and in the good things God's providence gives us.
But the bottom line is that we came into this world naked, and we will appear likewise before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
I always tell people that on Judgment day our social status, athletic achievements, career moves, and all the stuff we accumulated- which will then be but dust and ashes beneath our feet in the valley of Megiddo, will count for nothing. What is going to count are the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy, and nothing more.
" The accumulation of excessive wealth and property, in my opinion, is contrary to the principles of humility. It is pride of the highest order." ABSOLUTELY. There are videos exposing the truth of the narcissistic "leaders" out there in the mega churches. One said he won't fly on a public airline because he is surrounded by demons. And if you look at him as he prides himself on his wealth you can see a DEMON. Kenneth Copeland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuO12MOysE4
The "Megachurches" are the epitome of hypocrisy. I once heard it said that Pastor A told Pastor B that each seat in his church is worth $38, and that the whole point is to cater to that donation. They know they are running a racket, just like most other professions.
Exactly, TW. I'm sure you remember getting excited as a little Catholic boy, to be the one to put a few bucks in the basket when it was passed around. Now they give you envelopes, with "suggested" amounts that seem pretty high. And the protestants are worse, with their "tithing." Why not just post an admission price? Thanks.
Yup, we were all given a quarter to put in the collection basket, which had a nice plush felt bottom. (I have always wondered why caskets and collection baskets have a felt bottom, when comfort is not at all a consideration.) Yes, we were being trained by pops to be a good little Sheeple, and, of course, never question where all the money went. Meanwhile, I have never heard a pastor say something to the effect that we have all the money we need for now, so buy some extra cookies for your children, or treat Mrs Widow up the street to a surprise luncheon, or otherwise do a corporal work of mercy. No, all the pastors, no matter how much money they get and all the generous benefactors they have, always act like they don't have two dimes to rub together. On one occasion, it did get back to me from the cook- and this was in 2004, before the Bill Gate's Beef Crisis- that at the pastor's request he had purchased 2 pounds of choice meat for $75. When Canon Roca and the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita boasted they would turn the pastors into gourmands... well, mission accomplished.
One that was told to me recently by a friend who is burdened by a adult daughter who has been blind since birth...She went to James River Church in Springfield Missouri and found that the food pantry that is supposedly there to help folks in need was bare to the bone. She was told they rely on members to fill it. In the meanwhile, since it is a "Baptist" church that believes in "transparency" the current financial report for the month was that they had taken in over 300K! So where did all that money go for a building that sits vacant 162 hours a week? My math is pretty good and 300K x 12 THREE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND "DOLLARS" A YEAR! I guess SOMEONE had to pay for THIS: https://dehayf5mhw1h7.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1024/2020/05/02192701/james-river-church-ozark.jpg
I read your story. Hilarious as can be. And that is why I keep the low profile. With all the nonsense on the code books, it's a wonder the cops cannot arrest anybody they want just for getting out of bed in the morning. Fortunately, the average cop is dumber than a bag of rocks, and only dangerous when he's scared or bullying.
He needs one more qualification. He has to be a crony and play for "the team". After all, it's the Thin Blue Line versus Civilization. That is why they want us all disarmed.
There still are some morally upright, honest preachers. But you won't find them in megachurches or TV. Most hold part- or full-time secular jobs to feed their families.
There is faith, and there is religiosity. I chose faith, one Father, one Son, one Spirit. Soon to complete my 29th reading of the entire Bible leads me to that conclusion. I'm pretty sure that may be my conclusion when I complete my 30th reading about this time next year.
I am grateful to my Creator for giving me the ability to own a copy (many actually) of the Bible to understand why He put here for such a time as this.
I've read the King James Bible. The language is beautiful. The Old Testament conveys what you should not do. The New Testament states the things you should do; to live a long, healthy, meaningful, fulfilling life. Then come home to God.
I do not know what the Great Man looked like or care. All I know is that he is real. I had a near death experience five years ago. Despite the indescribable pain I had, I knew I was going to live. I felt this incredible presence guiding my thoughts and actions. I know it was God but no one believes me. Even one of my best friends insists it was just coincidence that moments after I prayed, my eyesight was restored and I drove myself home some 18 miles away.
Funny, when I tell what happened to me the men seem to "get it" but the women get pissed off; telling me "you shouldn't have done this, you shouldn't have done that, driving home like that you imperiled other peoples' lives, etc". I say you are absolutely right. But Here I Stand.
I think people in this society give the Devil way too much credit. He cannot harm you if you are faithful and true and "put on the full armor of God".
Thanks for a great thought provoking essay, Don and giving me the opportunity to respond.
Great story Brian! I have never had a NDE, but they are fascinating. I have read books and listened to Podcasts of people describing their experiences. The one thing all people have in common, that experience a NDE, it changes their lives, they realize it is all about love and forgiveness. A lot of people don't want to come back to their confining physical form. Keep spreading the awareness!
Christ did and does have a "chosen people." It is the people through whom the covenants made to Abraham have been fulfilled and that is the "house of Israel." The House of Israel consists of 12 or 13 tribes (depending upon where you place Reuben). Each of these tribes has descendants. The modern day "Jews" supposedly are descended from the tribe of Judah." Assuming this is accurate, there are still 12 other tribes. Ephraim, Manasseh, Zebulon, Gad, Dan, Naphtali and others. As I mentioned in another post on this thread, 10 of those tribes eventually migrated north to become the Celts, Germanic tribes, and vikings and ultimately colonized what we currently call "the west" or, in other words, white cultures and peoples. It is through these white nations that the greatest achievements of humanity have originated. Not though african nations. Not through asian nations. These nations existed for millennia with no technological advances, no constitutions, no freedoms, just tribal warfare over and over again. No, God fulfilled his covenants to Abraham by blessing Abraham's descendants. That, my friends is the white nations of the world today, the true "House of Israel" and God's chosen people.
That's the way I see it at least. Hence the reason why the world of the heathen is so desperate to purge the white race out of existence.
Christ's chosen people are those that worship him in spirit and in truth. Period. Ethnic groups have nothing to do with anything.
The ancient Hebrews were chosen to transmit God's word (the Torah), to represent Godly living, and to be the bloodline for God to present himself on the earth in the flesh. Nothing more. Just like it says in scripture, God could have used rocks for these purposes if he cared to. They, as an ethnic group, rejected their sacred duty and the covenant God offered them, over and over and over again. Their era as God's messengers ended with Christ, their murder of him, the destruction of their temple, and their liquidation at the hands of the Roman Empire.
The ancient Hebrews being chosen by God is foreshadowing. A physical type to represent the spiritual fulfillment. Christ's church. As through all of history, Gods chosen are all people that worship him in spirit and in truth. Adam was a Christian. Noah was a Christian. Job was a Christian. All of these men and the many other heroes of the faith predated Hebrews and or any physical space that would come to be called Israel. God's chosen have always existed, irrespective of ancient Hebrews. Christ and his church are the fulfillment of the concept of chosen. Christians are Gods messengers and ambassadors in the world today. The chosen.
The so called Jews of today are largely of European ancestry.
If you want to find descendants of ancient Hebrews grouped together in a geographic region, your best bet would probably be to look in the West Bank or Gaza. And a percentage of those will also be Christians, tracing their lineage of both faith and bloodline clear back to the time of Jesus and beyond. Yes. The one's being systematically removed from existence. By Jews.
I disagreed with your post at the beginning but as I read through it I found that your words are sound. I agree with you. I do believe that Christ will adopt into his "house" any who are willing to become true followers of Christ regardless of race and ethnicity.
The irony of it is in Matthew 15 where the woman was WILLING to eat the scraps that fell from the masters table and that is why her daughter was healed. That means SOME that ARE believers may not eat AT the masters table, but rather with another specific group. Could that BE the gentile nations who accept the Gospel of Peace that Jesus taught? WHO invented the printing press and what was the first thing printed on it? WHO takes the Gospel of the Kingdom to Africa? India? China? Australia? South American Indians? Naaaa...it's all just a coincidence.
It is also the reason those that fit Revelation 3vs9 are so bent on destroying the true inheritors of the covenant. They have USURPED the position and they think that Yahweh hasn't noticed. What does that vs say?
Oddly enough, because I'm not a regular Bible reader myself, I was re-reading Leviticus 26 last night, and in many ways, it sounded very much like what we are going through right now, and it struck me as very important. My gut says- we are paying the price detailed, for the very sins that we were cautioned against!
God's judgment is upon this nation for its support of abortion and infanticide. Blood must be spilt to atone for this grievous sin against God and his innocent children. And rightly so.
You ain't seen nothin' yet. God has been very patient, but this nation has mocked Him for well over a century now. You think they might have learned from the period 1860 to 1865 that God was not too pleased with the rape of Catholic Mexico, but no, they went on to rape Spain (well, the Philippines and Cuba) and then assist in the rape of Europe. Those chickens are coming home to roost, and how. When the dust settles, there will not be a stone left upon a stone within 50 miles of the DC Swamp.
How has "this nation" mocked him? Certain people may have, but as a whole? I don't see the God of mercy raining down judgement on everyone because they haven't gone off and hung their so called "leaders".
The nation mocks him by generally despising him. By discarding his teaching, which is for our benefit. Sin brings death. Both physical and spiritual. This is reality. I don't pretend to know what precise percentage of a society must despise God before he withdraws his grace, and hell unfolds. I only know that we are witnessing the collapse of this civilization all around us, in real time. This is to be expected where none of God's rules are followed. The prophets throughout all of time constantly warned the people of their respective eras that their wickedness would have consequences. Wicked societies come to wicked ends. Do you disagree that this society is defined by wickedness?
The God of mercy provides salvation - eternal life - to those who accept him. This does not mean a few righteous people absolve the whole society of the consequences of its wickedness.
I could not have said it better. I would add that the masses of Sheeple are, at heart, COWARDS who do not want to hear the truth. We saw this in spades with the Plandemic of 2020. Those of us who were proclaiming that "COVID" was entirely fake and ghey were mocked by those who, as the Psalmist says "are like a stubborn snake, stopping its ears". (Yes, I realize snakes do not have ears. It's a metaphor, Sheeple!)
In general, the worst crime the past three generations have done is corrupt their children, and brought them up in the ways of godlessness, to the point where they are addicts and committing suicide. My neighbors have four children, none of which are baptized, and the father was allegedly raised Catholic. A microcosm of this nation, which over the last 70 years has sought happiness everywhere but God.
Basically, we have gotten the leaders we deserve, both spiritual and temporal. Pope Frantic and The Donald are two of a feather.
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
He himself was a Godless man, and poorly understood the world he lived in, but he got the part about leadership reflecting the quality of the people right.
He was oblivious to the spiritual realities at play. He mistook delusion for idiocy. He mistook the spiritual failings of society for failings of intelligence.
Regardless, his prediction has born out. With leaders like Frantic and Dump, we are appropriately represented.
Yep. If you questioned the Covid lunacy they would screech, "Reeeee! You just wanna kill grandma!"
Meanwhile leaving their own grandma abandoned in a facility for well over a year so she could alone die of neglect or despair. And NONE of them were sad about any of the suffering, damage or deaths they gleefully cheered on while laughing and gloating about all the human misery they delighted in! Hypocrisy=Covidians
I refuse to call those spiteful sadists "sheep." They must have known how fake and stupid it was in their guts but wanted innocent people to suffer. No one over 5 who is smart enough to dress themselves could possibly succeed in being as dumb as the Covidians pretended to be. Spewing out all the lying garbage that made no sense and contradicted itself because they prefer popular lies to truth. I'm still furious about what the lie lovers did in 2020 and cannot trust them again.
Let me ask you this...how many RIGHTEOUS men would it have taken to spare Sodom and Gomorrah? That's a clue. Genesis 18:26-33 I think that pretty much nullifies your point of view. And what is your definition of "sin"? I've heard plenty that weren't what the word says it is. You?
Oddly enough, our global elites are precisely anti-Christian. Not anti-Buddhist, anti-Muslim or anti-Taoist. On average, they believe as strongly as a stereotypical Latino Catholic grandma, if not more so. It's just that they are on the other side of this conflict.
The Satanic aspect of the elites is clear even to decidedly secular Youtubers. I even heard some advocate for Christian near-theocracy if it meant cleaning up the government corruption and societal degeneracy.
Beautifully put, Konrad. Their problem is with Christianity, and no other religion. Separation of church and state means separation of Christianity and state. Thanks!
Here's why. A society that serves God is largely immune to their schemes. Conversely, a Godless society is putty in their hands. (think germ terror psy op of 2020)
A lot of good points DJ. I would like to address a few if ya don’t mind. I’m definitely no scholar by any stretch of the imagination. Just a blue collar nobody as the world would put it. It’s most important that we take the Bible literally and without error. Gods true words to mankind. The God of the OT is the same God of the NT. He tells us He is the same from eternity past to eternity future. He begins by telling us He is the Creator of all things and there is no life without Him. Then of a spiritual rebellion in the heavenly places where Satan(a created being, and beautiful at that) wanted to take the place of God and be worshipped himself.
Right from the get go he wanted mankind to question what God said. Hence deceiving Eve in the garden….did God really say? In the NT we are told Satan is the father of lives and there is no truth in him and he has come to seek, kill and destroy every human soul. God says our battle is against the principalities/spiritual world not man. We are created in Gods image…Satan hates God, thus he hates us.
Scripture from the beginning tells us we are all sinners and Genesis 3:15 lets us know of a promised Messiah/Savior. God chose the Jews to reveal Himself through. He could have chosen anyone, but chose them. That’s why they have been persecuted from the beginning; satan knows they are and that Jesus was a Jew in His humanity. If he can destroy the Jews he then disproves Gods word. God gave us prophecies so that we would know for sure that the Bible was His true word, penned by men of His choosing via the Holy Spirit. All the prophecies about his first coming were fulfilled to a tee, so we can expect those of His 2nd coming will be too(the prophecies are what convinced me)!
Not to drag this on as I am definitely no writer. But the main crux of the entire Bible is that all of mankind is fallen and are sinners. Our sin separates us from a Holy/Perfect God. That as a just God our sin has to be atoned for to be in His presence(heaven). We needed a perfect sacrifice(animals blood were only temporary) that could both satisfy God and man. God sent His Son to earth via the virgin birth(the seed of the male is the sin gene) to live a perfect life, take upon Himself the sins of all who would put their trust in Him, be nailed to a cross thus paying our penalty for our sins then most importantly being raised from the dead after 3 days. Because He lives, we can too(eternally)! Daniel and Revelation are the biggest information books on the end times. We are watching in real time the beast system that the Antichrist will rule being set up as we speak. Thanks for the platform DJ and bringing God to your readers. May we keep looking up as our redemption draws near. Shalom my friend! (Sorry if this is alittle discombobulated…I was ecstatic to get a “C” in English class. Lol)
You certainly should have gotten a higher grade than a "C" in English Class. You use punctuation better than a lot of "B" students in my day.
As for Satan, he is a liar and a murderer, and his goal, if possible, is to destroy everything, even himself, and send all to nothingness- even God if that were possible. That is why Satan is obsessed with the Marital Embrace, and seeks to pervert it by every means possible, and to have men acting like barnyard animals. And that is why Satanists are obsessed with phallic and endic symbols and do everything backwards- because they seek to "uncreate".
I agree with you that we are on the verge of the reign of the Antichrist. The first verse of Chapter 12 of Daniel has been fulfilled, as the Angel Michael was sent to three children in Portugal in 1916 to herald Our Lady of Fatima, who is the Ark of the Covenant and the Woman Clothed with the Sun that opens Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse.
All of the esoteric writers are beside themselves as Israel expands its war in the Middle East. Yes, they will build a Temple and Antichrist will inhabit it, but the Second Coming of Our Lord will demolish everything and then after the First Resurrection/"Rapture" the just will establish a period of peace that will last a millennia. The "Jews"- whoever they are, for the current occupants of Israel are atheistic Talmudic Khazars who are about as related to Abraham as my Irish Great Grandmother.
than Elohim (that would be Yahveh, or Jehovah). He is stated to be perfect and good. He is declared to be all-powerful and the creator and the one that gives life. The Bible portrays him as being totally in control of everything, and knowing the future as well as the past, and all things in the present. Here are some quotes from the Bible displaying that teaching:
➢ Act 2:23 this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.
➢ Eph 1:4-5 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,
➢ 1Co 2:7 CEV We speak of God's hidden and mysterious wisdom that God decided to use for our glory long before the world began.
➢ Act 4:27 for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,
Act 4:28 to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place. ➢
Isa 45:18 KJV For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
Isa 45:19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.
Isa 45:20 Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save.
Isa 45:21 Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else
➢ Joh 1:1 YLT In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God;
Joh 1:2 this one was in the beginning with God; Joh 1:3 all things through him did happen, and without him happened not even one thing that hath happened
➢ Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Those scriptures, and several others very much like them, are the basis for the teaching that God both has preordained, and had foreknowledge of everything. He made things happen as they have, in full knowledge as to what would be. Reader: According to the Bible, God created hell. Originally it was meant for the devil and his fallen angel comrades; now most people go there.
➢ Mat 25:41 KJV Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Now, most Christians I know think that they will go to heaven. They believe that they are going there as a reward for believing in Jesus. They carry on their lives much in ignorance, not even desiring to be educated as to what is truth. They get their education from television and the conventional modes of education, the high schools and colleges. Most Christians, in all appearances, go to church some Sundays, hear a sermon, donate some money, and live their lives without further consideration.
Most people go to hell according to the Bible, all who do not believe in Jesus, go to hell; all four billion of them. But very few show concern enough to do anything about it. Why should they, their destination is heaven, so there are no worries. Live and let live. Or, to put it more accurately, live and let die.
Let us take it another step towards plain dam truth. Live and let go to extremely terrible torture and pain forever and ever, for century after century, without hope of ever getting any relief. Do not for a moment think that hell is not real, or that not many people go there. Hell is on earth, as is heaven. I have heard people tell me of extreme pain and torture that sounds unbearable. Because it is on earth, do not think that by the word “hell” they are talking of a nagging wife, or of hard employment, or of sickness. It is similar to the Bible’s description, only far worse.
Heat, like your flesh burning off of your bones being incinerated, daily. Noise extremely loud, deafening, but you can’t stop hearing it. Tastes unpleasant. Intoxication from words. Assault as with gunshots and stabbing wounds from those people who are angry at you. Addictions to many things such as sex and the “wine” of sadness. Much more. If God really did create it, and people go there as a result of a sin, such as adultery, I think that the punishment far overrides the sin, don’t you?
And according to the Bible, even lying can get you there, even white lies. Is this indicative of a good God, or of an evil entity such as described as Satan?
Rev 21:8 CEV But I will tell you what will happen to cowards and to everyone who is unfaithful or dirty-minded or who murders or is sexually immoral or uses witchcraft or worships idols or tells lies. They will be thrown into that lake of fire and burning sulfur. This is the second death.
Now, listen to the implications. A good, all powerful, and all-knowing god, created everybody and everything, planning out how everything would progress forever for millenniums, sent billions of people, as well as is going to send billions more, to everlasting torment.
What is more, this wonderful entity allows great evil, such as the holocaust, tsunamis, war, drugs, starvation, and all the evil in the world, as he is in control of everything. According to the Bible, nothing happens without his knowledge and approval.
And those he does not send to hell, but who remain in their natural state of heaven, worship him and praise this being, whom they give glory to. Do you possibly see something wrong with this picture?
Luk 12:5 CEV God is the one you must fear. Not only can he take your life, but he can throw you into hell. God is certainly the one you should fear!
Hallelujah!! God has been watching me go to jail unjustly, be assaulted over and over again, suffer disease; watched as our planes brought down the twin towers, he has been in control as the world is being readied for tribulation, and he teaches in Revelation how wonderful it will be when Jesus (also God) comes and destroys all the unbelieving nations (in Armageddon) and saves the few Christians.
Oh, Hallelujah I sing with all the other Christians that the unbelievers are all going to hell eternal!!! Hallelujah!!!! Excuse my excessive sarcasm, but it is well deserved.
First off, I would dispute whether planes brought down the Twin Towers, or whether there was in fact a Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany.
Our Lady of Fatima showed three Portuguese Children Hell in July 1917, and St Sr Lucia said that, had she not been promised she would go to Heaven, she would have died of fright.
You are right, the vast majority of the world population is obviously indifferent to their eternal fate, and, meanwhile, the vast majority of Christians are flaming (pun intended) hypocrites. And St Alphonsus Ligouri and the Church Fathers despaired that the vast majority of men are damned, and compared the ratio to a deciduous tree in Autumn where the vast majority of leaves have fallen to the ground, and only a countable few are left on the branches.
But meanwhile, it does say in St John's Apocalypse that "After this I saw a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: [Apocalypse 7:9]. Our Lady of Fatima said that many souls go to Hell because they have nobody to pray for them. So, I do hope my humble prayers are contributing to the number of the elect.
So, at the end of the day, my guess is that, just as there are exactly two choices- sheep or goat, so 50% will be sheep, and 50% goats. Unfortunately, being a goat is the "default" option.
Meanwhile, using Human Reason to discern the ways of God is an exercise in futility. WHen you have figured out what 9 divided by zero is, the set of all sets, and who shaves the Barber of Seville, get back to me, because you are making progress.
Obviously a demolition job, and my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that every politician in DC was complicit. Demolition done by Israelis. I prove in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY that the bible is full of contradicting concepts, bad values, and outright lies. Spells and occult symbolism. A good God putting most people in hell, who he created in his image and says have tongues like asps and feet quick to shed blood. God is good? I don't agree. Jehovah is SAtan. My book gives overwhelming evidence
Or could it be that many twist and distort the word to come to the conclusions that they come to? I concur that you can come up with some pretty interesting ideas if you use reason, logic and common sense when you read the bible.
The Vatican secretly rules over every Christian denomination and over the US. It worships Lucifer in reality. There has been open worship of Lucifer recorded in the Vatican, as well as its practices such as Knights Templar and Jesuits, and such things as the SPanish inquisition. I have much more
Read my book. I have undeniable evidence of what I say, using many hundreds of scriptures in plain simple uncomplicated easy to understand and impossible for a reasonable man like yourself to deny my conclusion is truth.
Funny that the New Testament does not mention this and neither do pastors
Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Dan 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
Call me the devil? The devil is a liar. So who is the devil?
The devil is also known as Lucifer! He was once the top angel(a created being at that) who wanted to be god himself. He got 1/3 of the angels to follow him and that where us as humans battle is. Spiritual warfare is real. He wants every soul to go to the Lake of Fire with him.
Is that why all the pastors are trying to hard at prosletyzing? Pharisees were the pastors of Jesus" time
Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Yea unfortunately, as we are warned, there is a lot of false teachers out there. That’s why we are told to search the Scriptures ourselves so to not be misled.
Jesus is not the messsiah. HE was the son of Jehovah and the pharisees worshiped the same god. They were both of Jehovah
Joh 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
You just showed from the verse in John's Gospel that Jesus and the Pharisees did not worship the same God.
Meanwhile, Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Him, excepting those relating to His Second Coming. And seeing as how that might be much more sooner than later, you might want to reconsider your position.
The New Testament was fabricated by Pharisee Josephus. Jesus never existed. IT is all a lie. Here from the Old Testament the most trusted and accurate prophet DAniel
Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Dan 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
Daniel 12:1 was fulfilled in the year 1916 in Portugal.
Daniel 12:2 correlates with the following verses of the Apocalypse:
"And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them; and the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not adored the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. The rest of the dead lived not, till the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection." (Chapter 20, verses 4 and 5)
Daniel 12:3 corresponds to the Apostles of Our Lady written of by St Louis Marie De Montfort and also announced by Our Lady of La Salette.
If the New Testament was a complete fabrication, meanwhile, how does one explain that no contrarian has arisen to expose what should have been obvious fraud. Where is the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Why did all the disciples die for the faith? How account for the witnesses of a multitude of miracles?
Does it not make sense that a book that talks of rewards for blind obedience, the representatives of which constantly tells you that you are to worship and give money to its leaders, and get in return great rewards (after you die), could be seen as manipulative? A god that ensures military victories and wealth for obedience to, and worship and honor given to its leaders, who follow blindly the guidance of a spiritual being.
In the OT, kings were lifted up by prophets and warriors who obeyed and listened to God’s directions. The welfare of kingdoms and whole nations rested on the obedience of the leaders to this controlling God. Listen to me, and you have victory and wealth. Could this not be a way to wield evil plans? Does it not wreak of manipulation and exploitation? Could not some teachings in the New Testament be taken as directions to make a faith of people who are following it to be good slaves, a people who obey as a result of following a prophet who they are told is god, and who it is shown to have teachings that lead towards a people who are easily controlled and oppressed?
Just entertain the possibility as I make the concept more visible and unfold as you read the pages. First, let me show some scriptures that were possibly inserted to make a population manageable. POSSIBLY??!!??!!??
➢ Rom 13:1 ISV Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
13:2 so that whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
13:3 For the authorities are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to live without being afraid of the authorities? Then do what is right, and you will receive their approval.
13:4 For they are God's servants, working for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Indeed, they are God's servants to administer punishment to anyone who does wrong.
13:5 Therefore, it is necessary for you to be acquiescent to the authorities, not only for the sake of God's punishment, but also for the sake of your own conscience.
13:6 This is also why you pay taxes. For rulers are God's servants faithfully devoting themselves to their work.
13:7 Pay everyone whatever you owe them—taxes to whom taxes are due, tolls to whom tolls are due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.
There are some very suspicious characteristics here that need to be addressed. The Apostle Paul supposedly wrote this. He spent literally years incarcerated by the Romans. Yes, they did protect him from the Jews to some extent. But if his god was so powerful, why did he need the protection of unbelievers?
The truth of the matter is that the ruling powers are not good, are not out for the good of people, and do indeed enforce evil laws, and don’t often enforce the good laws. Powers and rulers in this world are put in place for the sole purpose of protecting the interests of those who are really in power and who are wealthy.
If the law was really so good, why was Jesus executed? Why does the New Testament recall for us the beheading of John the baptizer and the execution of James? Why then, was Peter put in chains? The Bible records that they were all imprisoned for their faith. In the Old Testament, Daniel, Joseph, and Jeremiah were all imprisoned unjustly. Since when have rulers been good?
Should we really think it to be a positive thing that we are forced to pay taxes for an evil government to be able to exercise evil doings? If these government employees serve God, I don’t want to be associated with that god.
If our legal system is an avenger to punish those who do wrong, I am confused. I was punished for teaching about God to mentally ill people, and for blogging Christian sites with scriptures showing what the Word of God says. The government basically said that teaching about God is wrong. I am supposed to be afraid to do wrong. With the kind of reasoning in this scripture, I should be afraid to teach about God. Well, I defy the god that declares this ridiculous nonsense.
And guess what? I do not fear. God may punish me, but my conscience is clear. But I do not think that God will punish me, although the government might. If by God, you mean Satan, I still will continue to preach truth, despite his threats coming via means of our government and the Bible. In truth, I am a servant of righteousness, not our politicians.
Whoever would think for a moment that those bloodsucking, deceiving, exploiters of the law are serving God, is a complete fool, unless that God is evil. We can, I think, see that our politicians all lie and collect bribes. They are placed there by God? What does that say about the character of God?
These verses have no connection with truth, and stink of deception used to promote cowardly ignorant obedience to evil, using the name of God to enforce it. May they rot in hell for promoting a book that billions of people have regarded as the word of God into a means of controlling people into blind obedient servitude to evil. Here is another scripture:
➢ 1Pe 2:13 Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme,
2:14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.
2:15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.
2:16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.
2:17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 2:18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.
2:19 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.
2:20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
Well, I will be blessed for being punished and for enduring suffering when I have done right. Why couldn’t God have just protected me from punishment? Just a rebellious thought. Another thought is that recently, I read of a man who spent forty-eight years in prison, and then they found that he was innocent. Sorry, you can go home now.
The ex-con thanked the government and was not vengeful. I don’t know about you, but there would have to be some kind of totally huge blessing to make me satisfied with that situation, were it me. I have too much to contribute to society to let all that valuable time wasted be a trifling matter. My life is important. I feel sorry for that man that he did not value his life enough to protest more.
Honor those masters who are harsh and evil? Should I promote praise of evil people? Is this not ridiculous? They don’t even recognize that they have done wrong. How then, can they be corrected?
Look at verse eighteen. It basically condones slavery and tells us to be good slaves. Get rid of any backbone that might impede their imposition of slavery on you. Does it not sound like Islam? Submit. At least in Islam it is their god you are supposed to submit to, not to mere slave-masters. Live as free people, it instructs us. What if your slavery is one of
My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY makes it all clear. The bible, both old and new, were created for subversive motivations by Satanic people. I do not deny God's existence, I deny the truth of the bible, and the character of God
A true man of righteousness is led by the spirit. The Holy Spirit is not one of the trinity, is not a person. The Hebrew words translated to “Holy Spirit” are “rouach hakodesh” Kodesh is defined as “outside of worldliness,” and can mean being unselfish, not chasing sensual desires, not involved in worldly or materialistic desires. It is called in English- “holy.” “Rouach” is defined as “breath” or “wind.”
In other words, Holy Spirit is that enthusiastic force within some people that drives them to strive against worldly materialistic sensual temptations and selfish motivations.
In the Old Testament, Moses fought against oppressive slave masters, Sampson slew a thousand oppressive Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, when the spirit came upon him. David killed Goliath. In 1 Kings chapter 18, Elijah called fire down from heaven and slaughtered 450 prophets of Baal. In 2Kings chapters nine and ten, the prophet Elisha anointed Jehu with oil, who killed all the Baal worshippers in Israel.
In the OT, the spirit was responsible for enabling prophets, kings, and warriors to have the incentive, drive, courage, and strength to successfully oppose the powerful evil entities against all odds. Baal was the god of prosperity and virility- money and sex.
But in the New Testament, while the spirit did oppose the flesh, it was tamed and disarmed. The fruits of the spirit are described in Galatians chapter five as love, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That scripture is followed by the statement: against those there is no law. So be overcome by evil powers, because you don’t want to break any laws those powers made.
Funny (not really, a better word is “suspicious”) how the same book that tells you to be a good slave, to obey your government, to be a sheep, to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, and bless those who curse you, to rejoice when being persecuted, that weakness is strength, to not trust your own wisdom, to pay taxes and tithes, and to return goodness to evil, has now declared that the spirit of the righteous warrior should be replaced with gentleness, restraint, and patience.
It excludes from the list of positive qualities such characteristics as integrity, courage, and wisdom. Does that not raise some red flags??? Is this realization not alarming?? What have we been taught? Why?? What is their motivation?!!
Seems to me that they want to strip us of what a man really is, to make sure that nobody attempts to break free of slavery. The bible was used on innocent people, and used language to make them feel knowledgable, it was a trap to capture naïve victims and put them in spiritual bondage in hell.
The earliest NT documents are carbon dated at 75-125 AD. Jesus had a huge following, amazing miracles, why would nobody else write of him while he lived? the only extra-biblical accounts from that time was by Josephus, who mentioned Jesus and John the baptist in his book THE ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. Jose;phus lived at the same era his creation Paul did. The bible and gospel accounts are the only mentions of Jesus otherwise.
If you contact me, I will send you my book to review for free.
1916 was a time of the worst trouble in history? Can you kindly tell me of what this great disaster was? Did you not read my work? Jesus never existed, the New Testament was a concoction of Pharisee Josephus for the Roman empire to impose a slave and submissive mentality on their people.
JEsus made such a big impact, but there are no historical documents talking fo him while he lived. The earliest NT documents are carbon dated 75-125 AD, and there are no extra-biblical documents recording Jesus except for Josephus two sentences regarding him and John the baptist in his book ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. Josephus lived in the same era as his other creation Paul.
This is a reprinting of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.
A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.
Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling, nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.
Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any criminal offense and as others have said, we must agree -- truly this is the Son of God.
Jesus is the Messiah whether you want to believe that or not. The Scriptures testify of that! 8:44 is speaking of the non believers. They are of their father the devil. Jesus says we are either for Him(all in) or against Him.
THe scriptures are lies, dummy. My book uses many hundreds of scriptures in plain simple clear language proving that the bible is full of contradicting concepts, bad values, spells, outright lies, and occult symbolism. Jesus never existed, evil was not destroyed, it has only prospered and made evil people rich and powerful
The pastors teach eternal security. I was all in, strongly, then I experienced god (Satan) I am no longer Christian because Jehovah is SAtan=I am in the natural realm, also known as heaven. But thanks for the effort to bring me into your kingdom of god, which is hell.
➢ John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
(17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
(18) Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
Now, this is all fine and dandy, it seems right that we need to believe in Jesus to be “saved,” and when it says that he did not come to condemn the world, but to save us, that all sounds fine; especially if you already believe, or if you have not read the Bible in its entirety. But a further consideration and dwelling on what the ramifications of this teaching are, brings some serious questions; and some open avenues to opposing contradictory doctrines.
Now we just read some of the Sermon on the Mount, the recorded words (some of which are in more than two gospels, appearing to be with more than one author) of Jesus himself, which are in direct opposition to that teaching. Now, I know, I know, many of you will say that we have to take all scriptures in context, take into account what the intentions were, and the original language. I agree, especially with the part about context.
But there is too much evidence showing that the truth is far from being represented in this particular scripture, as well as most of the rest of them, at least if you believe the Bible is the word of God and has some truth to it. If you don’t believe in God, or if you think that the bible is only stories and fairy tales, then this portion of this book is not for you. Remember that I believed in the Bible as infallible and inerrant for ten years, and believed and obeyed God to the utmost, as well as studying his word and making him the most overwhelmingly important object of my life. I take this all very seriously, and when other very serious people read this, they are going to get seriously angry (not at me).
I am angry. For good reason. Read on. These three verses irritate me and surpassingly vex me. Sixteen says that Jesus was put in the world because God loves us. So far, so good. Seventeen says his intention was not to condemn us. What a blatant whopping lie!! In the Old Testament, there is no mention of hell, but with the introduction of Jesus, hell enters the picture.
The very next verse says if you don’t believe in him, or even if you don’t have his name right, he condemns you to hell!!?? Why, Jesus, why? Because he loves you!?!? People who are not scholars and have not studied the Old Testament, may try to discover for themselves if hell is mentioned in the OT, and using study tools, look up “hell” in the OT. They will find that Seoul is mentioned. The scholars consider that as the abode of the dead, it is not considered as a placeas of torment. In addition, “Gehenna” is mentioned, which was a garbage field in the land of the Hebrews. Christian scholars claim that it had perpetually burning trash in it, but that is of questionable validity. These places are not what Jesus described as hell.
Furthermore, the teachings of the books of Job and Ecclesiastes refer to the concept that righteous and evil people all have the same destination, and that all are forgotten when dead. Job also states that life is not fair. There is no heavenly justice. (Though God does reward his righteousness while commending him for speaking truth.) Go figure.
There is some serious deception going on. I do not tolerate being deceived, or deceivers. I have only come to this conclusion lately, and haven’t really considered the ramifications until just recently.
Let me make a very serious allegation: Some very evil people have manufactured the Bible dramatically, for whatever purpose, they have recorded teachings that a man teaching it could bring heaven on earth, paradise, to the planet’s population; and because of self-interest, have perverted it to bring teachings that lead to a totally different destination. These actions, while preserving power and wealth for the designers of this masterpiece, have been instrumental in bringing multitudes of people to hell on earth, and prevented many more from entering (or remaining in) heaven.
In the Old Testament, there is no mention of Hell???
"The sinners in Sion are afraid, trembling hath seized upon the hypocrites. Which of you can dwell with devouring fire? which of you shall dwell with everlasting burnings?"
[Isaias (Isaiah) 33:14]
But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord.
[Numbers 16:30]
I shook the nations with the sound of his fall, when I brought him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of pleasure, the choice and best in Libanus, all that were moistened with waters, were comforted in the lowest parts of the earth.
[Ezechiel (Ezekiel) 31:16]
The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord: nor any of them that go down to hell.
[Psalms 113:25]
These are just a few examples.
Try getting your theology from the Tradition of the Saints, rather than Modern Sophists.
I have no teachers, never did. I have listened to thousands of sermons, read genesis to revelation twenty times. That said, I did miss Isaiah 33. Thank you for correction, but it could be God's fire of anger, but you seem correct. Numbers referred to the ground swallowing HEbrews disobedient to Moses
um 16:29 If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.
Num 16:30 But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.
Num 16:31 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them:
Num 16:32 And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
Num 16:33 They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.
Num 16:34 And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also.
Num 16:35 And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
Ezekiel the hebrew word for hell is sheol - which means abode of the dead, not hell. Another word for hell used in the OT is gehenna, which was a field in Palestine which was used for garbage and had fires burning the garbage up. Some scholars say the fires never went out, I tend to doubt the validity of that. Since writing the book I had seen my mistake in Isaiah, and left it there, my bad. but that does not mean that the OT taught hell. Solomon said that all men have the same destiny, good or bad, as did Job. My contention that the bible has contradicting concepts is exemplified therein.
The verses before the ones you mentioned are most important in the context:
3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”
4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”
5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”[d]
9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.[e] 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”[g]
It takes God borning us again in order for us to believe. Changing our heart and imputing the Holy Spirit within us. Without that we are not saved.
As far as hell goes you mentioned Sheol. That does mean a place of the dead. Right now it is the temporary “hell” for the unsaved. It is best explained in the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16. Before Jesus died there were 2 parts of Sheol. The believers would go to Paradise or Abraham’s bosom the non believer the place of torment. There was a chasm between the 2 that no one could cross over. At death our fates are sealed. The believer couldn’t yet go into the presence of God because their sins hadn’t been forgiven. When Jesus died He went to Paradise and gathered all the believers souls and took them to heaven and all believers from then on went directly in the presence of the Lord. The unbelievers are still in Sheol in a place of torment until after Jesus 1000 year reign here on earth. After that all unbelievers through the ages will face The White Throne Judgement and be judged on their works which can never cover their sins. After that they will join The Antichrist, the False Prophet, Satan, and all the fallen angels in The Lake of Fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth and utter darkness for eternity. That’s the truth whether you believe that or not! Shalom
Lazarus wanted somebody to go and tell the people about hell. The kingdom of god is hell. You have been deceived about the nature of the spirit.
A true man of righteousness is led by the spirit. The Holy Spirit is not one of the trinity, is not a person. The Hebrew words translated to “Holy Spirit” are “rouach hakodesh” Kodesh is defined as “outside of worldliness,” and can mean being unselfish, not chasing sensual desires, not involved in worldly or materialistic desires. It is called in English- “holy.” “Rouach” is defined as “breath” or “wind.”
In other words, Holy Spirit is that enthusiastic force within some people that drives them to strive against worldly materialistic sensual temptations and selfish motivations.
In the Old Testament, Moses fought against oppressive slave masters, Sampson slew a thousand oppressive Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, when the spirit came upon him. David killed Goliath. In 1 Kings chapter 18, Elijah called fire down from heaven and slaughtered 450 prophets of Baal. In 2Kings chapters nine and ten, the prophet Elisha anointed Jehu with oil, who killed all the Baal worshippers in Israel.
In the OT, the spirit was responsible for enabling prophets, kings, and warriors to have the incentive, drive, courage, and strength to successfully oppose the powerful evil entities against all odds. Baal was the god of prosperity and virility- money and sex.
But in the New Testament, while the spirit did oppose the flesh, it was tamed and disarmed. The fruits of the spirit are described in Galatians chapter five as love, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That scripture is followed by the statement: against those there is no law. So be overcome by evil powers, because you don’t want to break any laws those powers made.
Funny (not really, a better word is “suspicious”) how the same book that tells you to be a good slave, to obey your government, to be a sheep, to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, and bless those who curse you, to rejoice when being persecuted, that weakness is strength, to not trust your own wisdom, to pay taxes and tithes, and to return goodness to evil, has now declared that the spirit of the righteous warrior should be replaced with gentleness, restraint, and patience
. It excludes from the list of positive qualities such characteristics as integrity, courage, and wisdom. Does that not raise some red flags??? Is this realization not alarming?? What have we been taught? Why?? What is their motivation?!!
Seems to me that they want to strip us of what a man really is, to make sure that nobody attempts to break free of slavery. The bible was used on innocent people, and used language to make them feel knowledgable, it was a trap to capture naïve victims and put them in spiritual bondage in hell.
Mat 11:25 At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;
The rich man wanted Abraham to let Lazarus go tell his brothers because he didn’t want them to end up there. This Lazarus is different than the one Jesus resurrected from the dead!
I just wanted to add that. Funny how I have that message myself, isn't it? YOu don't have anything to say as I destroyed the concept of the church's trinity. But hey, one cannot give credit to truthfulness when it shows that everything you were taught and believed was a lie.
Ya must have had wolves in sheep’s clothing teaching ya. Try reading the Scriptures without any preconceived notions and take them in just as a child would. I’m sure you would see things differently. All the best and may the Truth set you free!
Fantastic! I often wonder how a relatively recent(late 1800s) concept of predispensationalism/rapture was able to infiltrate the minds of Christians; especially since the Scofield Bible was written and interpreted by a known con man. It is surely no coincidence that this intersected with the Hertzl-led zionist movement. The emphasis/misinterpretation of Gen 3:12 has plagued the evangelical world ever since.
To believe in the above nonsense is to reject Our Savior's prophecy ( recorded in ALL four gospels ) that the temple, and Jerusalem itself, would be destroyed... and that is exactly what happened. The Prince of Peace , with His last breath, bowed His head, and exclaimed,"It is finished." The Old Covenant was fulfilled and now dead. A New Covenant, brought on by the blood of Christ, was born.......and the events of 70 AD cemented this.
Beautifully put, Robert. Yes, it amazes me how so many Christians await this Rapture, which as you note, is a belief not much over a century old. Calvinism was another bastardization of the Bible, in my view, which had a powerful impact on early Americans. If you're going to call yourself a Puritan, you better be pure. And we know no one is. I agree, the timing is very convenient, in terms of Zionism. I guess we'll see one day, if 144,000 or whatever of them suddenly disappear. I guess all Born Againers think they'll be one of the lucky few. Thanks!
Years ago I had the privilege of sharing the “stage” with Pastor Ron Poch singing songs of praise to our creator. I was also privileged to hear some of his sermons on the “rapture.” He wrote an excellent book on the subject that I highly recommend if you want to add it to your ammo against the subject. My wife and I were once invited to lunch by a Baptist Deacon from the same place that married us. Guess what happened? We were asked to not to return because I was asking questions that couldn’t be answered about the rapture. Pretty sick if you ask me. https://www.amazon.com/WANT-BEHIND-DEPTH-RAPTURE-Paperback/dp/0971911916
Mr. Jeffries, your writings today are excellent. As a look at the society around me all I see is greed and envy. Few there be that are happy with what they have. So, they go into more debt to get more and more and more.......stuff. They are lying. They buy on credit and then make the appearance that they own all of these things when in reality they are poorer than the beggar on the street. This is America. It is the lust and desire after the material things of the world and all of it is anti-God. Anti-Christ. Many people believe the Anti-Christ to come before the great second coming of Christ will be a man. I don't. I believe the Anti-Christ to be anything and everything that teaches or admonishes or suggests against Christ. Christ told us to not put our hearts upon things that rust and moth will corrupt. Therefore the lust of money, homes, cars, power, entertainment and prestige are all Anti-Christ. Everything that stands against Christ in word, deed and principal are the Anti-Christ and we, today, are surrounded by it.
Excellent essay today, Mr. Jeffries. I really enjoyed reading and commenting on your writings.
One of the major issues of the admonition to "love your neighbor as yourself" is the lack of love for oneself. And I don't mean narcissistic love. There seems to be a LOT of that out there. ESPECIALLY in "church" leadership. Kenneth Copeland comes to mind.
Organized religion is indeed corrupt. And Evangelicals kowtow to Israel and that horrible con-artist woman for "The Fellowship of Christians and Jews" who comes on TV and implores Christians to give their money to all these Jews that live in shacks and eat one carrot a day! Right.
Kudos to Candace Owens for her video on "the Scofield Bible" which started all the genuflecting to Israel. There is also a book, "Scofield and His Bible" which chronicles the strange and improbable life of this questionable man.
If God was the father of Jesus (as I believe) then He was only half-Jewish and could very well have had blue-eyes (and sandy hair, for that matter). Did His physical appearance contribute to His being treated as an outsider by the Establishment? Quite possibly, IMO.
The bible describes what the ancient Israelites looked like. Kind David was described as "ruddy" which is "red faced" which means he blushed. Only pale, white skinned people have the ability to blush, which happens when blood rushes to the capillaries near the skin. People with any kind of increased amounts of melanin in their skin do not blush. Ancient Israelites were white. Mary was white. Jesus was white. White people are his chosen people, the "house of Israel." Modern Jews may be part of that. Then again, they might not as their ancestry ties them back to areas surrounding the Ukraine region. Not to ancient Israel.
Mike Hallimore? Pete Peters? Dan Henry? Dave Barley? Pastor Ron Poch? Sheldon Emry? Dan Gayman? There are a lot of teachers of the word out there that have come to the understanding commonly referred to a Christian Identity. Those that identify with being Israelite decedents in their DNA. I have to admit...Courageous Lion is from my family crest. A rampant lion with the words Jus Meum Tuebor as our family motto. I identify with the lion of the tribe of Judah in many ways. I wear clothing continually with pictures of lions on them. Look up my family motto and you will find out that I have taken over the internet! LOL! Seriously, I am a LION of the tribe of Judah. No doubt in my mind. All coincidence aside.
Everyone has a world view. Mine is Biblical Christianity. As I like to say to others "somebody will be right." Satan is roaring because he knows his time is short. The world is currently a cosmic madhouse, but I do have hope for the future. I've read the end of The Book. We win.
Decades ago Newt Gingrich said Palestine was a made-up country. I remember maps in my bible from Sunday school seven decades ago. Palestine was there. Jesus was Palestinian. It still looks like Israel is the made up country.
The first bible wasn't written until 100 years after the death of Jesus. Most people were still illiterate. There was lots of time and latitude to create elaborate fiction.
There are a few great and memorable passages in the bible worth remembering. They came from Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Corrupt leaders would have us believe that War is the default state of being. But now, as before, these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love; but the greatest of these is Love.
And, when you pray, to whomever you pray, ask for help in finding and doing something good each day.
Very nicely put, Bella. Zionists today use the same ridiculous argument that "there was no Palestine," when as you note maps clearly depicted it as being there under that name. Thanks!
When Lord Baltimore and the Catholics arrived in Maryland it was to escape persecution by the English Protestants and to be able to practice the Catholic faith freely. However, as more Protestants came to America and Catholic and Protestant tensions increased in England and America, Lord Baltimore fell out of favor from the Crown and the Protestants took over the colony, repealed the 'Act of Toleration' and resumed persecuting the Catholics. In nearby Virginia, Catholic religious practices were outlawed.
Fortunately, these were more political wars than actual wars. Historically, millions upon millions of men, women and children have been murdered over differing religious beliefs. Catholics killing Protestants, Protestants killing Catholics, Christian killing Muslims, Muslims killing Christians, Jew killing Muslims, Muslims killing Jews. Etc. Etc.
Now, it would be one thing if this was all ancient history. But it's not. This very same thing is happening today somewhere in this world in some way, shape or form. Both sides fully convinced they are 'fighting evil'.
Calling Christ 'The Prince Of Peace' just means the ingredients don't match what's on the label. Some of the most 'blood-thirsty' people I have known are devoutly religious.
Just today, many 'Evangelical' Christians are celebrating the exile of the 'illegal' immigrants, except maybe the Catholics. However, the Catholics have used millions upon millions of tax payer dollars through Catholic Charities and other avenues to provide food and shelter to these individuals. Many tax payers have no idea that this is how their money is being spent and wouldn't agree to it if given the opportunity.
Catholics will say Evangelicals 'aren't real Christians', and Evangelicals will say Catholics 'aren't real Christians'.
All for an entity for which there is zero evidence. None. Zero. No one in the history of humanity has been able to provide any real evidence of the existence of God.
Now I will retreat to my evil, conspiratorial, atheist lair, where I read 'Age of Reason' and books by Don Jeffries.
If there is one area where all of these religious schisms find common ground, it's their disdain for atheism. Why is that? (don't bother, I already know the answer)
Thomas Paine was no atheist. I think the obviousness of the creation around me negates the idea of no creator to the point that I will say that an atheist has more faith in that religion, which is what it is, than a typical Christian. Or a DIEST which is what Thomas Paine was. The Age of Reason has a lot of obvious well thought out points in it.
The concept 'creation proves the creator' has been debated ad nauseam, entire books have been written about it and attempting to disprove it, or conversely prove it, is pointless. Hear is the real answer: nobody really knows for sure. Opinions one way or the other are just that, opinions. Conclusions drawn from perceived 'evidence', or lack thereof.
Lord Baltimore was not exactly the kind of Catholic I hope to be. That being said, when it comes to the atheists out there, my fundamental question: if life is just a cosmic joke, then might as well be bestial and seek the easiest pleasures, because into nothingness we go. But obviously, even the sensual know that indulged sensuality ultimately results in boredom. Even Nanci Pelosi must get bored with Blue Bunny Ice Cream after she has imbibed five gallons of it, and even the most infatuated male will eventually get bored with the use of a gorgeous woman. So, therefore, it is obvious that Man was made for something higher.
Meanwhile, if God does not exist and all is the natural law, then explain the Tilma of Guadalupe, the Miracle of Luciano, the Shroud of Turin, and the Miracle of the Sun of October 1917 in Portugal.
Yes, the "Christians" do leave a lot to be desired, which explains why the world is in such a mess. But meanwhile, the Atheists did not exactly prevail in France in 1789 or Russia in 1917.
If you believe that there is an ultimate 'reality', then you believe in God.
Can anyone prove that there is an all-encompassing reality?
As far as religious persecution goes, people persecute others for many reasons and use
the age-old excuse that they must be persecuted for 'good' 'holy' reasons.
It's the psychological rationalization of all rationalizations used to cover-up their own guilt.
Often people don't even consciously realize that they are persecuting others for venal reasons, they usually have a 'holy' reason; which is anything but holy, aka whole.
Well Donald, you really put your head on the chopping block with this one...but thank you...you truly get it. It was the very thing you described at the beginning of your piece, that drove me away from religion and into darkness around age 11 or 12. Even as a child inconsistency really bothered me, and I knew that the Old Testament and the New Testament did not belong together. Thankfully, I started questioning my atheistic stand in my late twenties, and at age 30, I had my Paul-on-road-to-Damascus moment. I knocked, and the door was opened. Since that day I have never wavered, no matter how hard things became...and they did get very difficult.
Now with the internet there is no excuse for Christians to be ignorant. However, most don't want to know the Truth. Hebrew wasn't even a written language until a few centuries before Christ. Those stories in the Old Testament were actually written on stone tablets by the Sumerians. Abraham departed from Ur, a city-state in Sumaria, long before an ethnic tribe was worshipping Yahweh in the Levant.The story of Job is ancient even for the Old Testament. The Jews picked up those tales when they were captive, and wrote them down much, much later. Yahweh was a Canninite god of war, one of the 70 sons of El. Yes, some of the stories in the Old Testament are actual history, but garbled history. And yes, there are some beautiful passages like the 23rd Psalm...but there is no way to reconcile those two books, and it will drive you crazy if you try...so most Christians prefer to remain in ignorance and not upset themselves.
I often marvel at how awake atheists are able to deal with all of these End Times events. It must be a nightmare. We believers have unshakable foundation. There is no fear...just a lot of interest about how all the things we knew were coming, are playing out now. Of course, the scamdemic really revealed how many people were Christians in name only. As soon as things became uncomfortable, they folded. These fake Christians don't understand that the entire point of being a Christian IS suffering.
The letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius describes the physical Jesus just as he has always been portrayed. Yes, there were White people in the Holy land at that time...just as there are two ethnic groups of Whites that have been living in Pakistan for thousands of years. The entire history of Europe for the last 2000 years has been the history of White Christians...who along with the Islamic World (science and mathematics) built Western Civilization. Even some prominent atheists are looking around in dismay at our current culture and saying that maybe we do need some rules and regulations to keep order, even while saying they don't believe.
Somebody has to hold my Proverbial Beer while I set this one straight, because she has swallowed way too much of that strange brew compiled by Pius XII- or his cronies- in De Afflante Spiritu and Humani Generis, where the "Ancient Sacred Writers" are cobbling together Genesis from the Epic of Gilgamesh and associated claptrap, as well as Pius XII's antecedents, namely Channing and Bultmann, and all the other "transcendentalist" ilk. Hebrew wasn't a written language until a few centuries before Christ??? Now I'm sure Kris knows that the Sumerians wrote on their stone tablets in a very stylized type called cuneiform- of which Mandarin characters are a derivative- while the Egyptians used hieroglyphs, and it was Joseph, Great Grandson of Abraham- I know I will be corrected if I'm wrong, but genealogy was hardly a strong point. (I can't even spell the dang word!!)- who gave the world the first alphabet, to purge the written word of the occult of Remphan and all that phallic sludge, of which Satan was polluting language in anticipation of the Incarnate Word- what the Greeks termed the TheoLogos.
Meanwhile surely Kris knows that the Hippie Peacenik Jesus was just as much a production of the Tavistock Institute as the Beatles Yellow Submarine and Puff The Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul, and Mary. We know that the Kabbalists always give us false dichotomies and controlled opposition, it being their stock in trade. And just as they gave The Greatest Generation Pleasant Valley Sunday for their role in making the world safe for Standard Oil, British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell as they stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, so they were also going to infiltrate and control the inevitable rise of the opposition to its materialistic nihilism. And that was such a well orchestrated and deep operation that it totally overwhelmed Christianity, and Catholicism, with the strains of Kumbaya while we clapped in time and the guitars were strummed, and was perfectly timed with the release of Pope Paul VI's Abomination of Desolation in 1970. (Many of us are still getting the '70's out of our system.) In fact it was such a deep and successful operation, that the CIA would implement phase two, which was the entire Contra Operation under the Gipper where the CIA was importing drugs into LA for Freeway Ricky Ross to turn into Crack Cocaine, both to mullify the sheeple and direct monies for fun and profit, and provide subsequent cover for the "human trafficking" operations, but I digress as always.
Back on the farm, of course- and I speak from the Catholic perspective- the Intelligence Community gave us Archbishop Lefebvre and his SSPX, to control the inevitable resistance to the Abomination of Desolation. And the SSPX did its work well, having us argue about Feeneyites and Sedevacantism while meanwhile everything was burning to the ground, and locating the enemy in that fellow across the aisle. I know this is the proverbial Greek to most people but suffice to say the cabal had parallel ops in the Fundie movement and mainline Protestantism. They had all the bases covered.
Returning to the core issue, the unity between Old and New Testaments should be clear and obvious, as throughout the New the Old is Quoted, from Our Lord Jesus Christ referring to the Abomination of Desolation of Daniel the Prophet to St Paul's long metaphoric analogy of Ismael and Israel to the Galatians (which many contemporary Zionist Evangelicals need konked over the head with.) The genealogies in the gospels are as true as can be, linking Our Lord Jesus Christ to Adam and David, while meanwhile everything was fulfilled to the minutist letter, such as the soldiers casting lots for the garments as written in Psalm 21. (I think it's psalm 22 in the King James Version- the translators could not even count, but I digress.)
The Unity of Testaments is actually breathtaking, and the New would be an enigma were the least jot or tittle of the Old altered.
I am well aware of all the prophecies of the Advent of Christ Jesus in the OT...and yes, there were s handful of true prophets. However there were prophecies ofJesus in ancient America. I daresay if one did the research, one could find other such prophecies in obscure faiths in the far corners of the world. Anyway, we will find out the exact truth soon enough. We don't have long to wait.
One thing we do know now, is that there was human sacrifice going on in the Jerusalem Temple for at least a few hundred years before Christ. There are written accounts by Greek travelers to the Levant of barely escaping capture, and even one account of a prospective victim being freed by rescuers from inside the Temple. There was even a guide book for Greek travelers to The Holy Land with advice about how not to become a Temple victim . Jerusalem was no backwater. That part of the world had a great deal of coming and going of diverse ethnic groups from far and wide.
We don't have long to wait. You got that one right. Unfortunately, the Sheeple only see the Superstructure of this massive Dreadnought most of which lurks beneath the fog. They see the beautiful bridge and the massive smokestacks and the aft structure but these are only as so many unassociated islands that are connected to a hull with massive gun turrets and torpedoes that are going to tear apart- have already torn apart- the Barque of Peter and left the Apostolic Tradition adrift amid the flotsam and jetsam strewn across the sea of humanity. Their Orange Messiah will do wonderful things. After all, who needs a Federal Reserve when Elon Musk is on the cusp of turning Twiiter into a Central Bank whose currency will be "Apps" and "QR Codes" for the fungible transfer of goods made in the slave factories, or fake foods processed in their centralized agricultural hell?
St Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles, right before he was stoned, was in the process of esoterically excoriating the Sanhedrin for their somber ceremonies, and gave the whole history of how their ancestors polluted the True Salvation History, which comes to us through Moses and the Prophets, with their Phallic Worship from before Noah's Flood. From Aaron who set up the Golden Calf, to Solomon who consorted with Hiram to "build God a house" which Stephen condemns, and on down the line, he condemns their Talmudic worship, of which your accounts from the Greeks gives testimony. He even mentions the Star of Rempham. Only in the last few days have I seen this account in an entirely new light.
That same Solomon though also had great Wisdom, and wrote: "And they shall fear high things, and they shall be afraid in the way, the almond tree shall flourish, the locust shall be made fat, and the caper tree shall be destroyed: because man shall go into the house of his eternity, and the mourners shall go round about in the street. Before the silver cord be broken, and the golden fillet shrink back, and the pitcher be crushed at the fountain, and the wheel be broken upon the cistern. And the dust return into its earth, from whence it was, and the spirit return to God, who gave it. Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, and all things are vanity." Here he speaks of the Finality of Death, and excoriates all this gnostic crap that, for example, Jeff Berwick and Max Igan push, along with the New Agers.
Our Lady gave us three great gifts, beginning with her Prophecy of La Salette (which tragically was so distorted by the evil Pius IX and the Cardinal Primate of France that it is practically useless now to those having not great discernment) and that "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist", a phrase that gives the Ultramontanes apoplexy and makes them gnash their teeth. Then, at Lourdes, she tells an illiterate child "I am the Immaculate Conception" and so confounds an intelligent but dimwitted pastor that the whole world sees how great this Humble Creature of God is, and then there was Fatima, which Our Lady insisted that St Sr Lucia keep secret so that the evil Cardinal Belo primate of Portugal- ironic high heads of the church are called primates, they certainly are monkeys and apes!- and Benedict XV could not wreck it as they did La Salette. And St Sr Lucia was able, despite every Freemasonic and Kabalistic intrigue, was the faithful Apostle and Evangelist of Our Lady of Fatima and even gave us the "3rd Secret" in her epic interview with Fr Augustine Fuentes on 26th December- the very feast of ST Stephen, how God is poetic!- 1957. Every one serious about their salvation should read and be intimately familiar with that interview, for those of the School of Mary see here the Grand Convergence of the last thousand years since the Great Schism of 1054, which mortally wounded- were it possible- the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of East and West, and Our Lady of Fatima, through the Collegial Consecration of Russia- inheritor of the Seat of Orthodoxy with its noxious heresy of Ceasaro-Papism, which infects all the world today in the Grand Socialist State of the Coming Antichrist- wants to unite Orthodoxy and the Latins that Holy Mother Church might again breathe through both lungs, as it were.
Meanwhile we must not be like St Augustine, who read scriptures polluted by the Gnostics- though unknowingly- and came to the conclusion that Heaven and Earth was not created in seven days, but seven epochs, giving fodder to the "evolutionists" and their "Big Bang Theory". We must not be like Fr Charles Coughlin, truly a great mind, who nonetheless foundered because he conflated Salvation History with the Masonic Pantheon of the American "Founding Fathers" Washington Jefferson Madison and later Lincoln, and so was reduced to impotence by Cardinal Pacelli and Joe Kennedy. We must not be like Fr Leonard Feeney, another great mind but alas a Jesuit and confused by pernicious thinking, who also foundered because he was not of the School of Our Lady. It is imperative we be students of the School of Our Lady of Fatima and recite five decades of the rosary every day and be of the Apostolic Tradition. Our very souls depend upon it. "Who is She that cometh forth as the Mourning Rising... Terrible as an Army in battle array."
"But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people..." (Daniel Chapter 12, verse 1)
"And the temple of God was opened in heaven: and the ark of his testament was seen in his temple, and there were lightnings, and voices, and an earthquake, and great hail... And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars:" [Apocalypse Chapter 11 verse 19 and Chapter 12 verse 1- the unfortunate division destroys the unity of these two verses... Satan is everywhere despicable!!]
These Verses are all fulfilled by Our Lady of Fatima. Like all authentic prophecy, the more it approaches its time and fulfillment, the more it emerges from obscurity and into the light.
Let us not be like the Inhabitants of Jerusalem as Our Lord Jesus Christ was being led to be crucified. Let us see the time of Our Visitation!!
Well, we agree about Gnostics. Gnosticism was the original Satanism...it was there in The Garden. Disobey God and get "knowledge"...but the bargain always turns out to be a bust. Humans keep making that same bad bargain over and over again.
And on the subject of St. Stephen, one of our most beloved and traditional Christmas carols does not feature shepherds or stables...but the saintly king driven to leave his comfortable fireside on the feast of the first martyr, to deliver aid to a freezing peasant. Hard to believe in this day and age, but saintly kings really were a thing.
Yes, while the Medieval Kings, and even their post-"Reformation" Postcedants, have been unduly romanticized, there were indeed a few good eggs in the bunch, like good King Wenceslas, and King Louis, and Queen Elizabeth of Hungary. (But not Queen Izabella, I hasten to add, who was, I am convinced, a Marranno, and initiated the inquisition to purge Spain of the saints which, alas, were some 50,000 or less in number, but I digress...)
"apoplectic that Christians like me still envision him as a blue eyed White man."
Jesus Christ was absolutely a white man. The Jews today have their ancestry tied back to the regions around Ukraine, not to ancient Israel.
King David was described as "ruddy" in appearance. This means he was of pale skin and was able to become ruddy, or red, or blushing. People of darker skin colors don't "blush." The ancient north Kingdom of Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians around 700 BC and those Israelites eventually migrated north and become what was known at the time as the Scythian people which, I have heard, is another way of saying the name Isaac, though I cannot confirm that. The Scythian people eventually migrated into Northern Europe, Britannia and Scandinavia. Those northern peoples were white skinned and blue eyed.
Even if the modern day Jew is descended directly from the tribe of Judah there have been 2000 + years since the sacking of Jerusalem by the Babylonians to interbreed ancient "Jus" until today the tribe of Judah has been scattered and saturated it almost no longer exists.
Joseph was Christ's step father but his mother was mortal blood and of Israelite blood. Ancient Israelites were white. Christ was white.
Ancient Egyptians were also white. The mummy of one of the Rameses had red hair. Ancient Egyptians were known to kill black people who ventured into their cities or territories. Where were the ancient Israelites hanging out before Moses? Oh yeah, Egypt.
Now for some teachings you are not accustomed to. Everywhere we go, we see pictures or statues or stained glass representations of Jesus. They all show a white man with long light hair. The information we are given regarding his original race and culture have been skewed in my opinion. He was a Hebrew, a descendant of the tribe of Judah. May I remind you that Israel is found in the middle east.
According to the OT, the original Hebrews, Jacob and Joseph, did not need to travel far to arrive in Egypt. I believe that they had further to go on the trip back than to arrive in Egypt. Egypt, of course is in the north part of Africa. Whereas many Egyptians are light skinned, as are many Israelis, back then, the pure race was likely quite dark.
In the likenesses on engravings and art that survived the centuries, Egyptian caricatures and representations of their people looked like they were of the same facial characteristics as Africans of Negro race. Moses was mistaken for an Egyptian by the Midianites (Exodus 2:17-19), so it could very well be that the original Hebrews were dark-skinned. After all, they were slaves.
In addition, there is no description of any Hebrew being light-skinned in the Bible, but the Song of Solomon describes a woman (whom many scholars testify represents the nation of Hebrews), as being dark-skinned in chapter one, verses five and six. And in the book Revelation, in chapter one, it is written that Jesus has hair like wool, and in chapters one and two, he has feet like bronze. That all does not sound like a Caucasian to me.
When most people see a painting of Jesus that identifies him as being negro, the comment is invariably, that they have painted him to look like African American by a black man, and that it is race-motivated. These paintings are only found in churches whose majority are black, and whites will never concede that Jesus may have been black without all kinds of evidence; but will they ever feel the need to prove his whiteness?
I appreciate what you're saying, Michael. It's just that some of us are weary of everything fitting into the same narrative. Cleopatra was actually Black. So was Beethoven. All the great inventors. It's not that important to me that Jesus was White. He shouldn't be politicized. God should beyond racial considerations. Thanks.
And perhaps that is the answer to the question. Does it really matter what the color of Christ's skin was? Not really. What should matter are his teachings, the examples of his life and doing our best to adhere to his teachings and have faith in his words.
Look at my other comments. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, bad values, contradicting concepts, spells, and outright lies. IT was composed by pharisee josephus for the Roman empire to impose a slave and submissive mentality on Rome's citizens.
I cannot and will not argue with any of your excellent and insightful points as, frankly speaking, I don't know for sure. I'm merely postulating my theories and thoughts. Nobody knows for sure because, well, none of us were living back then and there aren't any photographs to prove one thing over another. We all know that people migrate. People move. If one group of people leave one place another enters. To assume that because a race of people existed in a certain place and therefore must still exist in the same place is, well, foolish. Especially after 2000 years have passed. Groups of people migrate. Wars, famine, pestilence cause people to migrate. People mix, interbreed. Races change. Racial ethnicities today cannot be the same as they were 2000 years ago unless the people were wholly isolated from the rest of the world like the Australian Aborigine, who, by the way is vanishing as a race due to.....interbreeding with caucasian white people.
I also never said Christ or the ancient Israelites were "caucasian." I said white. I'm not an anthropologist but I'm deducing that just because one is white doesn't make them caucasian. I have met a few white Mexicans during my trips to Mexico. Are they caucasian? What about Persian people? Some Japanese people have very fair skin. Many people from India are dark skinned but have caucasoid features. Perhaps the Hebrews were white which is why the dark skinned Egyptians enslaved them for 400 years before Moses came along.
I did, however, find your "teachings" to be enlightening and interesting. Thank you for posting.
Look at the scriptures as well. Funny how calling JEsus being white is not considering the race of him but calling him black is. My book goes much deeper into debunking the bible, mostly using scripture, it is simple easy straightforward and obviously on target
Does it not make sense that a book that talks of rewards for blind obedience, the representatives of which constantly tells you that you are to worship and give money to its leaders, and get in return great rewards (after you die), could be seen as manipulative?
A god that ensures military victories and wealth for obedience to, and worship and honor given to its leaders, who follow blindly the guidance of a spiritual being. In the OT, kings were lifted up by prophets and warriors who obeyed and listened to God’s directions. The welfare of kingdoms and whole nations rested on the obedience of the leaders to this controlling God. Listen to me, and you have victory and wealth. Could this not be a way to wield evil plans? Does it not wreak of manipulation and exploitation? Could not some teachings in the New Testament be taken as directions to make a faith of people who are following it to be good slaves, a people who obey as a result of following a prophet who they are told is god, and who it is shown to have teachings that lead towards a people who are easily controlled and oppressed?
Just entertain the possibility as I make the concept more visible and unfold as you read the pages. First, let me show some scriptures that were possibly inserted to make a population manageable. POSSIBLY??!!??!!??
➢ Rom 13:1 ISV Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
13:2 so that whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
13:3 For the authorities are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to live without being afraid of the authorities? Then do what is right, and you will receive their approval.
13:4 For they are God's servants, working for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Indeed, they are God's servants to administer punishment to anyone who does wrong.
13:5 Therefore, it is necessary for you to be acquiescent to the authorities, not only for the sake of God's punishment, but also for the sake of your own conscience.
13:6 This is also why you pay taxes. For rulers are God's servants faithfully devoting themselves to their work.
13:7 Pay everyone whatever you owe them—taxes to whom taxes are due, tolls to whom tolls are due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.
There are some very suspicious characteristics here that need to be addressed. The Apostle Paul supposedly wrote this. He spent literally years incarcerated by the Romans. Yes, they did protect him from the Jews to some extent. But if his god was so powerful, why did he need the protection of unbelievers?
The truth of the matter is that the ruling powers are not good, are not out for the good of people, and do indeed enforce evil laws, and don’t often enforce the good laws. Powers and rulers in this world are put in place for the sole purpose of protecting the interests of those who are really in power and who are wealthy.
If the law was really so good, why was Jesus executed? Why does the New Testament recall for us the beheading of John the baptizer and the execution of James? Why then, was Peter put in chains? The Bible records that they were all imprisoned for their faith.
In the Old Testament, Daniel, Joseph, and Jeremiah were all imprisoned unjustly. Since when have rulers been good? Should we really think it to be a positive thing that we are forced to pay taxes for an evil government to be able to exercise evil doings? If these government employees serve God, I don’t want to be associated with that god.
You are quite right to see the Gods depicted as completely different from the Old Testament to the New. They aren’t the same at all.
After some research, I found that Yahweh was the local god of the Jews 2500 years or so ago. Just like Baal or Ra and all the others. Parochial local gods whose “chosen people” must obey him or else. Plague, famine and death if you don’t. The god depicted in Deuteronomy and much of the Old Testament, is a murderous, selfish, blood thirsty god that demands his people’s obedience above all else. Especially when it comes to destroying others Yahweh has a problem with. Read for yourself what the god of the Old Testament commands his people to do, and how he promises to put them above all others for being so blood thirsty. This isn’t anti-semitic thought, although saying things like this immediately taints me, although it’s all over the Old Testament otherwise know as the Torah to Jews. Look it up. It was years later that the vengeful, destroyer of peoples Yahweh miraculously became the Creator of the Universe benevolent God he never was in the Old Testament. Yahweh became equal to the Loving God known to Christianity through His Incarnation Jesus, thus making those of us not “chosen” what exactly? Look to the Old Testament as to how the non chosen should be treated.
The New Testament is entirely different because of the source of it is. The New Testament is based on God becoming Incarnate and what He Taught while Alive and Active in the world. Real God went among the masses, taught and feed them while healing the sick and raising the dead. For three years! Jesus was God Incarnate who chose and still choses all who Follow Him by one’s own free will (No one is ever forced to become a Believer,) essentially, giving up one’s self. That’s why the God in the New Testament is entirely different, because it’s based on the Christ’s Teachings of selfless love as Demonstrated by Him. The New Testament or Christianity if you will, is based on the teachings of an Incarnation. Real God. God mad Flesh. Color me anti-semitic if you must, but the god of the Old Testament is anything but the God Incarnate we know in Jesus.
Well as a life-long student of the Bible from a philosophical perspective and a SDA background, I agree with your most heartfelt conclusion. A couple points - the Romans came up with the term “Jew” and it was a shorthand term from the name of their province- Judea. There’s a lot of interesting Pre-Jesus history between the Jews and Rome I’ve been learning lately.
Secondly, the more immersed a seeker dives into the gospels, the more beauty and structure becomes evident in the depths of the Torah- the Old Testament. But find a good guide, someone who can show because they’ve found.
3rd - you’re right about all the enthusiasm for the Holy Land being wrong-headed and misguided. When the Temple curtain was rent at Christ’s crucifixion it signifies the end of the special relationship. Although God loves all and calls to all.
Good post and keep seeking brother !
Thanks, Ridge!
The Church of Jesus Christ is the New Zion and the one foretold by the Prophets. The Pharisees conflated Messianic prophecy with political ambitions. Had the Israelites remained faithful, their Kingdom would have stood from the time of King David, and would have embraced the Messiah.
Matthew 15 vs 24. WE are the LOST Tribes.
Personally, I think the ten lost tribes of Israel became the Greeks, or at least the Greeks came from them. For the Greeks suddenly arrive on the scene about the same time.
And he answering, said: "I was not sent but to the sheep that are lost of the house of Israel. But she came and adored him, saying: Lord, help me." St Matthew Chapter 15 verses 24 and 25.
Of course, we can contrast that with the following: "I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep. And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." [St John Chapter 10, verses 14 to16]
Trying to distill the Mystery of God from scripture alone is, as some 1000 Protestant sects can attest, an exercise in futility. But discerning the Faith and its mysteries from Holy Tradition is Child's Play.
"“It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
I am a former member of a religion that prides itself on being the restored church of Christ on the Earth. This church has Apostles, 12 of them, exactly as Christ did in his ancient church. However, each one of these modern day Apostles are extremely wealthy men. Very very wealthy. One of them is even a billionaire or damned close to it. The accumulation of excessive wealth and property, in my opinion, is contrary to the principles of humility. It is pride of the highest order.
As I have aged I have gained the ability to see things as they are, not as I am told how to see them. Christ often railed against the wealthy and proud. His own Apostles were usually lowly fishermen, not millionaires and billionaires as currently presented in my former church. In my former church only the wealthy are asked to serve in prominent and important positions from the higher ranking church positions all the way down the parishes and usually consist of lawyers (if I recall, Christ had no love for lawyers either). The poorer, more humble people, whom Christ himself spent more time with, are usually ignored.
Churches today teach Christ in the words they use but their actions and their hearts are far from him. For this reason, I consider myself a Christian but I no longer adhere to any particular faith.
Christianity is the Faith, once for all delivered to the Saints.
I could do a long exegesis on what exactly is meant by the camel passing through the needle, but suffice to say that Our Lord Jesus Christ also said we cannot serve God and Mammon- towit, the things of this world.
All the things of this world should be to us like so much dung and dust. They are means to an end, not an end in themselves. Even good Christians can easily get lost in the details and in the good things God's providence gives us.
But the bottom line is that we came into this world naked, and we will appear likewise before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
I always tell people that on Judgment day our social status, athletic achievements, career moves, and all the stuff we accumulated- which will then be but dust and ashes beneath our feet in the valley of Megiddo, will count for nothing. What is going to count are the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy, and nothing more.
Well said. I couldn't have said it any better.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for people with money to even know the real world.
Because their money separates them from the real world . . . and real life. I have seen it.
Their money makes them into plastic people.
" The accumulation of excessive wealth and property, in my opinion, is contrary to the principles of humility. It is pride of the highest order." ABSOLUTELY. There are videos exposing the truth of the narcissistic "leaders" out there in the mega churches. One said he won't fly on a public airline because he is surrounded by demons. And if you look at him as he prides himself on his wealth you can see a DEMON. Kenneth Copeland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuO12MOysE4
People of great wealth such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos view themselves as gods. Or Satan in the case of Elon Musk.
Trump views himself as God, I would stake my life on that!
The "Megachurches" are the epitome of hypocrisy. I once heard it said that Pastor A told Pastor B that each seat in his church is worth $38, and that the whole point is to cater to that donation. They know they are running a racket, just like most other professions.
My "Megachurch" story...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/a-story-i-cant-believe-happened-355
Exactly, TW. I'm sure you remember getting excited as a little Catholic boy, to be the one to put a few bucks in the basket when it was passed around. Now they give you envelopes, with "suggested" amounts that seem pretty high. And the protestants are worse, with their "tithing." Why not just post an admission price? Thanks.
Yup, we were all given a quarter to put in the collection basket, which had a nice plush felt bottom. (I have always wondered why caskets and collection baskets have a felt bottom, when comfort is not at all a consideration.) Yes, we were being trained by pops to be a good little Sheeple, and, of course, never question where all the money went. Meanwhile, I have never heard a pastor say something to the effect that we have all the money we need for now, so buy some extra cookies for your children, or treat Mrs Widow up the street to a surprise luncheon, or otherwise do a corporal work of mercy. No, all the pastors, no matter how much money they get and all the generous benefactors they have, always act like they don't have two dimes to rub together. On one occasion, it did get back to me from the cook- and this was in 2004, before the Bill Gate's Beef Crisis- that at the pastor's request he had purchased 2 pounds of choice meat for $75. When Canon Roca and the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita boasted they would turn the pastors into gourmands... well, mission accomplished.
One that was told to me recently by a friend who is burdened by a adult daughter who has been blind since birth...She went to James River Church in Springfield Missouri and found that the food pantry that is supposedly there to help folks in need was bare to the bone. She was told they rely on members to fill it. In the meanwhile, since it is a "Baptist" church that believes in "transparency" the current financial report for the month was that they had taken in over 300K! So where did all that money go for a building that sits vacant 162 hours a week? My math is pretty good and 300K x 12 THREE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND "DOLLARS" A YEAR! I guess SOMEONE had to pay for THIS: https://dehayf5mhw1h7.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1024/2020/05/02192701/james-river-church-ozark.jpg
I read your story. Hilarious as can be. And that is why I keep the low profile. With all the nonsense on the code books, it's a wonder the cops cannot arrest anybody they want just for getting out of bed in the morning. Fortunately, the average cop is dumber than a bag of rocks, and only dangerous when he's scared or bullying.
To become a cop today you only need two qualifications. An IQ of 90 or less and pass your psychological test as a psychopath.
He needs one more qualification. He has to be a crony and play for "the team". After all, it's the Thin Blue Line versus Civilization. That is why they want us all disarmed.
There still are some morally upright, honest preachers. But you won't find them in megachurches or TV. Most hold part- or full-time secular jobs to feed their families.
Great perspective, Cankerpuss. Thanks!
There is faith, and there is religiosity. I chose faith, one Father, one Son, one Spirit. Soon to complete my 29th reading of the entire Bible leads me to that conclusion. I'm pretty sure that may be my conclusion when I complete my 30th reading about this time next year.
I am grateful to my Creator for giving me the ability to own a copy (many actually) of the Bible to understand why He put here for such a time as this.
I agree, Lee. Many of the least spiritual people I've known were regular church goers, and never missed other church activities. Thanks!
I've read the King James Bible. The language is beautiful. The Old Testament conveys what you should not do. The New Testament states the things you should do; to live a long, healthy, meaningful, fulfilling life. Then come home to God.
I do not know what the Great Man looked like or care. All I know is that he is real. I had a near death experience five years ago. Despite the indescribable pain I had, I knew I was going to live. I felt this incredible presence guiding my thoughts and actions. I know it was God but no one believes me. Even one of my best friends insists it was just coincidence that moments after I prayed, my eyesight was restored and I drove myself home some 18 miles away.
Funny, when I tell what happened to me the men seem to "get it" but the women get pissed off; telling me "you shouldn't have done this, you shouldn't have done that, driving home like that you imperiled other peoples' lives, etc". I say you are absolutely right. But Here I Stand.
I think people in this society give the Devil way too much credit. He cannot harm you if you are faithful and true and "put on the full armor of God".
Thanks for a great thought provoking essay, Don and giving me the opportunity to respond.
Great story Brian! I have never had a NDE, but they are fascinating. I have read books and listened to Podcasts of people describing their experiences. The one thing all people have in common, that experience a NDE, it changes their lives, they realize it is all about love and forgiveness. A lot of people don't want to come back to their confining physical form. Keep spreading the awareness!
I appreciate you sharing your powerful experience, Brian. Thanks!
Christ did and does have a "chosen people." It is the people through whom the covenants made to Abraham have been fulfilled and that is the "house of Israel." The House of Israel consists of 12 or 13 tribes (depending upon where you place Reuben). Each of these tribes has descendants. The modern day "Jews" supposedly are descended from the tribe of Judah." Assuming this is accurate, there are still 12 other tribes. Ephraim, Manasseh, Zebulon, Gad, Dan, Naphtali and others. As I mentioned in another post on this thread, 10 of those tribes eventually migrated north to become the Celts, Germanic tribes, and vikings and ultimately colonized what we currently call "the west" or, in other words, white cultures and peoples. It is through these white nations that the greatest achievements of humanity have originated. Not though african nations. Not through asian nations. These nations existed for millennia with no technological advances, no constitutions, no freedoms, just tribal warfare over and over again. No, God fulfilled his covenants to Abraham by blessing Abraham's descendants. That, my friends is the white nations of the world today, the true "House of Israel" and God's chosen people.
That's the way I see it at least. Hence the reason why the world of the heathen is so desperate to purge the white race out of existence.
Christ's chosen people are those that worship him in spirit and in truth. Period. Ethnic groups have nothing to do with anything.
The ancient Hebrews were chosen to transmit God's word (the Torah), to represent Godly living, and to be the bloodline for God to present himself on the earth in the flesh. Nothing more. Just like it says in scripture, God could have used rocks for these purposes if he cared to. They, as an ethnic group, rejected their sacred duty and the covenant God offered them, over and over and over again. Their era as God's messengers ended with Christ, their murder of him, the destruction of their temple, and their liquidation at the hands of the Roman Empire.
The ancient Hebrews being chosen by God is foreshadowing. A physical type to represent the spiritual fulfillment. Christ's church. As through all of history, Gods chosen are all people that worship him in spirit and in truth. Adam was a Christian. Noah was a Christian. Job was a Christian. All of these men and the many other heroes of the faith predated Hebrews and or any physical space that would come to be called Israel. God's chosen have always existed, irrespective of ancient Hebrews. Christ and his church are the fulfillment of the concept of chosen. Christians are Gods messengers and ambassadors in the world today. The chosen.
The so called Jews of today are largely of European ancestry.
If you want to find descendants of ancient Hebrews grouped together in a geographic region, your best bet would probably be to look in the West Bank or Gaza. And a percentage of those will also be Christians, tracing their lineage of both faith and bloodline clear back to the time of Jesus and beyond. Yes. The one's being systematically removed from existence. By Jews.
Let the irony of that sink in.
I disagreed with your post at the beginning but as I read through it I found that your words are sound. I agree with you. I do believe that Christ will adopt into his "house" any who are willing to become true followers of Christ regardless of race and ethnicity.
Excellent post. Thanks.
I appreciate you staying with the comment and considering it. Cheers.
The irony of it is in Matthew 15 where the woman was WILLING to eat the scraps that fell from the masters table and that is why her daughter was healed. That means SOME that ARE believers may not eat AT the masters table, but rather with another specific group. Could that BE the gentile nations who accept the Gospel of Peace that Jesus taught? WHO invented the printing press and what was the first thing printed on it? WHO takes the Gospel of the Kingdom to Africa? India? China? Australia? South American Indians? Naaaa...it's all just a coincidence.
I appreciate that, Cankerpuss. Thanks!
It is also the reason those that fit Revelation 3vs9 are so bent on destroying the true inheritors of the covenant. They have USURPED the position and they think that Yahweh hasn't noticed. What does that vs say?
Alvin R. Dyer?
Oddly enough, because I'm not a regular Bible reader myself, I was re-reading Leviticus 26 last night, and in many ways, it sounded very much like what we are going through right now, and it struck me as very important. My gut says- we are paying the price detailed, for the very sins that we were cautioned against!
God's judgment is upon this nation for its support of abortion and infanticide. Blood must be spilt to atone for this grievous sin against God and his innocent children. And rightly so.
You ain't seen nothin' yet. God has been very patient, but this nation has mocked Him for well over a century now. You think they might have learned from the period 1860 to 1865 that God was not too pleased with the rape of Catholic Mexico, but no, they went on to rape Spain (well, the Philippines and Cuba) and then assist in the rape of Europe. Those chickens are coming home to roost, and how. When the dust settles, there will not be a stone left upon a stone within 50 miles of the DC Swamp.
How has "this nation" mocked him? Certain people may have, but as a whole? I don't see the God of mercy raining down judgement on everyone because they haven't gone off and hung their so called "leaders".
The nation mocks him by generally despising him. By discarding his teaching, which is for our benefit. Sin brings death. Both physical and spiritual. This is reality. I don't pretend to know what precise percentage of a society must despise God before he withdraws his grace, and hell unfolds. I only know that we are witnessing the collapse of this civilization all around us, in real time. This is to be expected where none of God's rules are followed. The prophets throughout all of time constantly warned the people of their respective eras that their wickedness would have consequences. Wicked societies come to wicked ends. Do you disagree that this society is defined by wickedness?
The God of mercy provides salvation - eternal life - to those who accept him. This does not mean a few righteous people absolve the whole society of the consequences of its wickedness.
I could not have said it better. I would add that the masses of Sheeple are, at heart, COWARDS who do not want to hear the truth. We saw this in spades with the Plandemic of 2020. Those of us who were proclaiming that "COVID" was entirely fake and ghey were mocked by those who, as the Psalmist says "are like a stubborn snake, stopping its ears". (Yes, I realize snakes do not have ears. It's a metaphor, Sheeple!)
In general, the worst crime the past three generations have done is corrupt their children, and brought them up in the ways of godlessness, to the point where they are addicts and committing suicide. My neighbors have four children, none of which are baptized, and the father was allegedly raised Catholic. A microcosm of this nation, which over the last 70 years has sought happiness everywhere but God.
Basically, we have gotten the leaders we deserve, both spiritual and temporal. Pope Frantic and The Donald are two of a feather.
Yes, I keep thinking of Mencken.
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
He himself was a Godless man, and poorly understood the world he lived in, but he got the part about leadership reflecting the quality of the people right.
He was oblivious to the spiritual realities at play. He mistook delusion for idiocy. He mistook the spiritual failings of society for failings of intelligence.
Regardless, his prediction has born out. With leaders like Frantic and Dump, we are appropriately represented.
Yep. If you questioned the Covid lunacy they would screech, "Reeeee! You just wanna kill grandma!"
Meanwhile leaving their own grandma abandoned in a facility for well over a year so she could alone die of neglect or despair. And NONE of them were sad about any of the suffering, damage or deaths they gleefully cheered on while laughing and gloating about all the human misery they delighted in! Hypocrisy=Covidians
I refuse to call those spiteful sadists "sheep." They must have known how fake and stupid it was in their guts but wanted innocent people to suffer. No one over 5 who is smart enough to dress themselves could possibly succeed in being as dumb as the Covidians pretended to be. Spewing out all the lying garbage that made no sense and contradicted itself because they prefer popular lies to truth. I'm still furious about what the lie lovers did in 2020 and cannot trust them again.
OK, if you say so.
I don't agree, but that's not anything new.
I don't say anything other that what I observe as reality.
What part do you disagree with?
Does this society strike you as righteous? Not good or bad? Right in the middle?
Do you think sin doesn't bring death, spiritual or physical?
No such thing as sin?
I don't need agreement. I'm always eager to hear a better explanation. But it needs to be better.
Let me ask you this...how many RIGHTEOUS men would it have taken to spare Sodom and Gomorrah? That's a clue. Genesis 18:26-33 I think that pretty much nullifies your point of view. And what is your definition of "sin"? I've heard plenty that weren't what the word says it is. You?
Read the first chapter of Romans.
George Gordon's favorite!
Speaking of George...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-law-enforcement-growth-industry
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."
- Motto on Thomas Jefferson's personal seal
Oddly enough, our global elites are precisely anti-Christian. Not anti-Buddhist, anti-Muslim or anti-Taoist. On average, they believe as strongly as a stereotypical Latino Catholic grandma, if not more so. It's just that they are on the other side of this conflict.
The Satanic aspect of the elites is clear even to decidedly secular Youtubers. I even heard some advocate for Christian near-theocracy if it meant cleaning up the government corruption and societal degeneracy.
Beautifully put, Konrad. Their problem is with Christianity, and no other religion. Separation of church and state means separation of Christianity and state. Thanks!
Precisely antiChristian.
Here's why. A society that serves God is largely immune to their schemes. Conversely, a Godless society is putty in their hands. (think germ terror psy op of 2020)
Or anti Judaism. Gee, I wonder why?
A lot of good points DJ. I would like to address a few if ya don’t mind. I’m definitely no scholar by any stretch of the imagination. Just a blue collar nobody as the world would put it. It’s most important that we take the Bible literally and without error. Gods true words to mankind. The God of the OT is the same God of the NT. He tells us He is the same from eternity past to eternity future. He begins by telling us He is the Creator of all things and there is no life without Him. Then of a spiritual rebellion in the heavenly places where Satan(a created being, and beautiful at that) wanted to take the place of God and be worshipped himself.
Right from the get go he wanted mankind to question what God said. Hence deceiving Eve in the garden….did God really say? In the NT we are told Satan is the father of lives and there is no truth in him and he has come to seek, kill and destroy every human soul. God says our battle is against the principalities/spiritual world not man. We are created in Gods image…Satan hates God, thus he hates us.
Scripture from the beginning tells us we are all sinners and Genesis 3:15 lets us know of a promised Messiah/Savior. God chose the Jews to reveal Himself through. He could have chosen anyone, but chose them. That’s why they have been persecuted from the beginning; satan knows they are and that Jesus was a Jew in His humanity. If he can destroy the Jews he then disproves Gods word. God gave us prophecies so that we would know for sure that the Bible was His true word, penned by men of His choosing via the Holy Spirit. All the prophecies about his first coming were fulfilled to a tee, so we can expect those of His 2nd coming will be too(the prophecies are what convinced me)!
Not to drag this on as I am definitely no writer. But the main crux of the entire Bible is that all of mankind is fallen and are sinners. Our sin separates us from a Holy/Perfect God. That as a just God our sin has to be atoned for to be in His presence(heaven). We needed a perfect sacrifice(animals blood were only temporary) that could both satisfy God and man. God sent His Son to earth via the virgin birth(the seed of the male is the sin gene) to live a perfect life, take upon Himself the sins of all who would put their trust in Him, be nailed to a cross thus paying our penalty for our sins then most importantly being raised from the dead after 3 days. Because He lives, we can too(eternally)! Daniel and Revelation are the biggest information books on the end times. We are watching in real time the beast system that the Antichrist will rule being set up as we speak. Thanks for the platform DJ and bringing God to your readers. May we keep looking up as our redemption draws near. Shalom my friend! (Sorry if this is alittle discombobulated…I was ecstatic to get a “C” in English class. Lol)
You certainly should have gotten a higher grade than a "C" in English Class. You use punctuation better than a lot of "B" students in my day.
As for Satan, he is a liar and a murderer, and his goal, if possible, is to destroy everything, even himself, and send all to nothingness- even God if that were possible. That is why Satan is obsessed with the Marital Embrace, and seeks to pervert it by every means possible, and to have men acting like barnyard animals. And that is why Satanists are obsessed with phallic and endic symbols and do everything backwards- because they seek to "uncreate".
I agree with you that we are on the verge of the reign of the Antichrist. The first verse of Chapter 12 of Daniel has been fulfilled, as the Angel Michael was sent to three children in Portugal in 1916 to herald Our Lady of Fatima, who is the Ark of the Covenant and the Woman Clothed with the Sun that opens Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse.
All of the esoteric writers are beside themselves as Israel expands its war in the Middle East. Yes, they will build a Temple and Antichrist will inhabit it, but the Second Coming of Our Lord will demolish everything and then after the First Resurrection/"Rapture" the just will establish a period of peace that will last a millennia. The "Jews"- whoever they are, for the current occupants of Israel are atheistic Talmudic Khazars who are about as related to Abraham as my Irish Great Grandmother.
Keep the Faith and keep the powder dry.
than Elohim (that would be Yahveh, or Jehovah). He is stated to be perfect and good. He is declared to be all-powerful and the creator and the one that gives life. The Bible portrays him as being totally in control of everything, and knowing the future as well as the past, and all things in the present. Here are some quotes from the Bible displaying that teaching:
➢ Act 2:23 this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.
➢ Eph 1:4-5 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,
➢ 1Co 2:7 CEV We speak of God's hidden and mysterious wisdom that God decided to use for our glory long before the world began.
➢ Act 4:27 for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,
Act 4:28 to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place. ➢
Isa 45:18 KJV For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
Isa 45:19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.
Isa 45:20 Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save.
Isa 45:21 Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else
➢ Joh 1:1 YLT In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God;
Joh 1:2 this one was in the beginning with God; Joh 1:3 all things through him did happen, and without him happened not even one thing that hath happened
➢ Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Those scriptures, and several others very much like them, are the basis for the teaching that God both has preordained, and had foreknowledge of everything. He made things happen as they have, in full knowledge as to what would be. Reader: According to the Bible, God created hell. Originally it was meant for the devil and his fallen angel comrades; now most people go there.
➢ Mat 25:41 KJV Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Now, most Christians I know think that they will go to heaven. They believe that they are going there as a reward for believing in Jesus. They carry on their lives much in ignorance, not even desiring to be educated as to what is truth. They get their education from television and the conventional modes of education, the high schools and colleges. Most Christians, in all appearances, go to church some Sundays, hear a sermon, donate some money, and live their lives without further consideration.
Most people go to hell according to the Bible, all who do not believe in Jesus, go to hell; all four billion of them. But very few show concern enough to do anything about it. Why should they, their destination is heaven, so there are no worries. Live and let live. Or, to put it more accurately, live and let die.
Let us take it another step towards plain dam truth. Live and let go to extremely terrible torture and pain forever and ever, for century after century, without hope of ever getting any relief. Do not for a moment think that hell is not real, or that not many people go there. Hell is on earth, as is heaven. I have heard people tell me of extreme pain and torture that sounds unbearable. Because it is on earth, do not think that by the word “hell” they are talking of a nagging wife, or of hard employment, or of sickness. It is similar to the Bible’s description, only far worse.
Heat, like your flesh burning off of your bones being incinerated, daily. Noise extremely loud, deafening, but you can’t stop hearing it. Tastes unpleasant. Intoxication from words. Assault as with gunshots and stabbing wounds from those people who are angry at you. Addictions to many things such as sex and the “wine” of sadness. Much more. If God really did create it, and people go there as a result of a sin, such as adultery, I think that the punishment far overrides the sin, don’t you?
And according to the Bible, even lying can get you there, even white lies. Is this indicative of a good God, or of an evil entity such as described as Satan?
Rev 21:8 CEV But I will tell you what will happen to cowards and to everyone who is unfaithful or dirty-minded or who murders or is sexually immoral or uses witchcraft or worships idols or tells lies. They will be thrown into that lake of fire and burning sulfur. This is the second death.
Now, listen to the implications. A good, all powerful, and all-knowing god, created everybody and everything, planning out how everything would progress forever for millenniums, sent billions of people, as well as is going to send billions more, to everlasting torment.
What is more, this wonderful entity allows great evil, such as the holocaust, tsunamis, war, drugs, starvation, and all the evil in the world, as he is in control of everything. According to the Bible, nothing happens without his knowledge and approval.
And those he does not send to hell, but who remain in their natural state of heaven, worship him and praise this being, whom they give glory to. Do you possibly see something wrong with this picture?
Luk 12:5 CEV God is the one you must fear. Not only can he take your life, but he can throw you into hell. God is certainly the one you should fear!
Hallelujah!! God has been watching me go to jail unjustly, be assaulted over and over again, suffer disease; watched as our planes brought down the twin towers, he has been in control as the world is being readied for tribulation, and he teaches in Revelation how wonderful it will be when Jesus (also God) comes and destroys all the unbelieving nations (in Armageddon) and saves the few Christians.
Oh, Hallelujah I sing with all the other Christians that the unbelievers are all going to hell eternal!!! Hallelujah!!!! Excuse my excessive sarcasm, but it is well deserved.
First off, I would dispute whether planes brought down the Twin Towers, or whether there was in fact a Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany.
Our Lady of Fatima showed three Portuguese Children Hell in July 1917, and St Sr Lucia said that, had she not been promised she would go to Heaven, she would have died of fright.
You are right, the vast majority of the world population is obviously indifferent to their eternal fate, and, meanwhile, the vast majority of Christians are flaming (pun intended) hypocrites. And St Alphonsus Ligouri and the Church Fathers despaired that the vast majority of men are damned, and compared the ratio to a deciduous tree in Autumn where the vast majority of leaves have fallen to the ground, and only a countable few are left on the branches.
But meanwhile, it does say in St John's Apocalypse that "After this I saw a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: [Apocalypse 7:9]. Our Lady of Fatima said that many souls go to Hell because they have nobody to pray for them. So, I do hope my humble prayers are contributing to the number of the elect.
So, at the end of the day, my guess is that, just as there are exactly two choices- sheep or goat, so 50% will be sheep, and 50% goats. Unfortunately, being a goat is the "default" option.
Meanwhile, using Human Reason to discern the ways of God is an exercise in futility. WHen you have figured out what 9 divided by zero is, the set of all sets, and who shaves the Barber of Seville, get back to me, because you are making progress.
Obviously a demolition job, and my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that every politician in DC was complicit. Demolition done by Israelis. I prove in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY that the bible is full of contradicting concepts, bad values, and outright lies. Spells and occult symbolism. A good God putting most people in hell, who he created in his image and says have tongues like asps and feet quick to shed blood. God is good? I don't agree. Jehovah is SAtan. My book gives overwhelming evidence
Or could it be that many twist and distort the word to come to the conclusions that they come to? I concur that you can come up with some pretty interesting ideas if you use reason, logic and common sense when you read the bible.
The Vatican secretly rules over every Christian denomination and over the US. It worships Lucifer in reality. There has been open worship of Lucifer recorded in the Vatican, as well as its practices such as Knights Templar and Jesuits, and such things as the SPanish inquisition. I have much more
Read my book. I have undeniable evidence of what I say, using many hundreds of scriptures in plain simple uncomplicated easy to understand and impossible for a reasonable man like yourself to deny my conclusion is truth.
Well expressed, Brad. Thanks!
I appreciate that Don! Thanks
Best comment so far!
Funny that the New Testament does not mention this and neither do pastors
Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Dan 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
Call me the devil? The devil is a liar. So who is the devil?
The devil is also known as Lucifer! He was once the top angel(a created being at that) who wanted to be god himself. He got 1/3 of the angels to follow him and that where us as humans battle is. Spiritual warfare is real. He wants every soul to go to the Lake of Fire with him.
Satan was the first politician.
And has spawned millions since.
Is that why all the pastors are trying to hard at prosletyzing? Pharisees were the pastors of Jesus" time
Mat 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Yea unfortunately, as we are warned, there is a lot of false teachers out there. That’s why we are told to search the Scriptures ourselves so to not be misled.
Jesus is not the messsiah. HE was the son of Jehovah and the pharisees worshiped the same god. They were both of Jehovah
Joh 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
You just showed from the verse in John's Gospel that Jesus and the Pharisees did not worship the same God.
Meanwhile, Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Him, excepting those relating to His Second Coming. And seeing as how that might be much more sooner than later, you might want to reconsider your position.
Jesus never existed, but Jehovah=Satan.
The New Testament was fabricated by Pharisee Josephus. Jesus never existed. IT is all a lie. Here from the Old Testament the most trusted and accurate prophet DAniel
Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Dan 12:3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
Daniel 12:1 was fulfilled in the year 1916 in Portugal.
Daniel 12:2 correlates with the following verses of the Apocalypse:
"And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them; and the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not adored the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. The rest of the dead lived not, till the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection." (Chapter 20, verses 4 and 5)
Daniel 12:3 corresponds to the Apostles of Our Lady written of by St Louis Marie De Montfort and also announced by Our Lady of La Salette.
If the New Testament was a complete fabrication, meanwhile, how does one explain that no contrarian has arisen to expose what should have been obvious fraud. Where is the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Why did all the disciples die for the faith? How account for the witnesses of a multitude of miracles?
The historical record speaks for itself.
Does it not make sense that a book that talks of rewards for blind obedience, the representatives of which constantly tells you that you are to worship and give money to its leaders, and get in return great rewards (after you die), could be seen as manipulative? A god that ensures military victories and wealth for obedience to, and worship and honor given to its leaders, who follow blindly the guidance of a spiritual being.
In the OT, kings were lifted up by prophets and warriors who obeyed and listened to God’s directions. The welfare of kingdoms and whole nations rested on the obedience of the leaders to this controlling God. Listen to me, and you have victory and wealth. Could this not be a way to wield evil plans? Does it not wreak of manipulation and exploitation? Could not some teachings in the New Testament be taken as directions to make a faith of people who are following it to be good slaves, a people who obey as a result of following a prophet who they are told is god, and who it is shown to have teachings that lead towards a people who are easily controlled and oppressed?
Just entertain the possibility as I make the concept more visible and unfold as you read the pages. First, let me show some scriptures that were possibly inserted to make a population manageable. POSSIBLY??!!??!!??
➢ Rom 13:1 ISV Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
13:2 so that whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
13:3 For the authorities are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to live without being afraid of the authorities? Then do what is right, and you will receive their approval.
13:4 For they are God's servants, working for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Indeed, they are God's servants to administer punishment to anyone who does wrong.
13:5 Therefore, it is necessary for you to be acquiescent to the authorities, not only for the sake of God's punishment, but also for the sake of your own conscience.
13:6 This is also why you pay taxes. For rulers are God's servants faithfully devoting themselves to their work.
13:7 Pay everyone whatever you owe them—taxes to whom taxes are due, tolls to whom tolls are due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.
There are some very suspicious characteristics here that need to be addressed. The Apostle Paul supposedly wrote this. He spent literally years incarcerated by the Romans. Yes, they did protect him from the Jews to some extent. But if his god was so powerful, why did he need the protection of unbelievers?
The truth of the matter is that the ruling powers are not good, are not out for the good of people, and do indeed enforce evil laws, and don’t often enforce the good laws. Powers and rulers in this world are put in place for the sole purpose of protecting the interests of those who are really in power and who are wealthy.
If the law was really so good, why was Jesus executed? Why does the New Testament recall for us the beheading of John the baptizer and the execution of James? Why then, was Peter put in chains? The Bible records that they were all imprisoned for their faith. In the Old Testament, Daniel, Joseph, and Jeremiah were all imprisoned unjustly. Since when have rulers been good?
Should we really think it to be a positive thing that we are forced to pay taxes for an evil government to be able to exercise evil doings? If these government employees serve God, I don’t want to be associated with that god.
If our legal system is an avenger to punish those who do wrong, I am confused. I was punished for teaching about God to mentally ill people, and for blogging Christian sites with scriptures showing what the Word of God says. The government basically said that teaching about God is wrong. I am supposed to be afraid to do wrong. With the kind of reasoning in this scripture, I should be afraid to teach about God. Well, I defy the god that declares this ridiculous nonsense.
And guess what? I do not fear. God may punish me, but my conscience is clear. But I do not think that God will punish me, although the government might. If by God, you mean Satan, I still will continue to preach truth, despite his threats coming via means of our government and the Bible. In truth, I am a servant of righteousness, not our politicians.
Whoever would think for a moment that those bloodsucking, deceiving, exploiters of the law are serving God, is a complete fool, unless that God is evil. We can, I think, see that our politicians all lie and collect bribes. They are placed there by God? What does that say about the character of God?
These verses have no connection with truth, and stink of deception used to promote cowardly ignorant obedience to evil, using the name of God to enforce it. May they rot in hell for promoting a book that billions of people have regarded as the word of God into a means of controlling people into blind obedient servitude to evil. Here is another scripture:
➢ 1Pe 2:13 Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme,
2:14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.
2:15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.
2:16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.
2:17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 2:18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.
2:19 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.
2:20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
Well, I will be blessed for being punished and for enduring suffering when I have done right. Why couldn’t God have just protected me from punishment? Just a rebellious thought. Another thought is that recently, I read of a man who spent forty-eight years in prison, and then they found that he was innocent. Sorry, you can go home now.
The ex-con thanked the government and was not vengeful. I don’t know about you, but there would have to be some kind of totally huge blessing to make me satisfied with that situation, were it me. I have too much to contribute to society to let all that valuable time wasted be a trifling matter. My life is important. I feel sorry for that man that he did not value his life enough to protest more.
Honor those masters who are harsh and evil? Should I promote praise of evil people? Is this not ridiculous? They don’t even recognize that they have done wrong. How then, can they be corrected?
Look at verse eighteen. It basically condones slavery and tells us to be good slaves. Get rid of any backbone that might impede their imposition of slavery on you. Does it not sound like Islam? Submit. At least in Islam it is their god you are supposed to submit to, not to mere slave-masters. Live as free people, it instructs us. What if your slavery is one of
My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY makes it all clear. The bible, both old and new, were created for subversive motivations by Satanic people. I do not deny God's existence, I deny the truth of the bible, and the character of God
A true man of righteousness is led by the spirit. The Holy Spirit is not one of the trinity, is not a person. The Hebrew words translated to “Holy Spirit” are “rouach hakodesh” Kodesh is defined as “outside of worldliness,” and can mean being unselfish, not chasing sensual desires, not involved in worldly or materialistic desires. It is called in English- “holy.” “Rouach” is defined as “breath” or “wind.”
In other words, Holy Spirit is that enthusiastic force within some people that drives them to strive against worldly materialistic sensual temptations and selfish motivations.
In the Old Testament, Moses fought against oppressive slave masters, Sampson slew a thousand oppressive Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, when the spirit came upon him. David killed Goliath. In 1 Kings chapter 18, Elijah called fire down from heaven and slaughtered 450 prophets of Baal. In 2Kings chapters nine and ten, the prophet Elisha anointed Jehu with oil, who killed all the Baal worshippers in Israel.
In the OT, the spirit was responsible for enabling prophets, kings, and warriors to have the incentive, drive, courage, and strength to successfully oppose the powerful evil entities against all odds. Baal was the god of prosperity and virility- money and sex.
But in the New Testament, while the spirit did oppose the flesh, it was tamed and disarmed. The fruits of the spirit are described in Galatians chapter five as love, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That scripture is followed by the statement: against those there is no law. So be overcome by evil powers, because you don’t want to break any laws those powers made.
Funny (not really, a better word is “suspicious”) how the same book that tells you to be a good slave, to obey your government, to be a sheep, to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, and bless those who curse you, to rejoice when being persecuted, that weakness is strength, to not trust your own wisdom, to pay taxes and tithes, and to return goodness to evil, has now declared that the spirit of the righteous warrior should be replaced with gentleness, restraint, and patience.
It excludes from the list of positive qualities such characteristics as integrity, courage, and wisdom. Does that not raise some red flags??? Is this realization not alarming?? What have we been taught? Why?? What is their motivation?!!
Seems to me that they want to strip us of what a man really is, to make sure that nobody attempts to break free of slavery. The bible was used on innocent people, and used language to make them feel knowledgable, it was a trap to capture naïve victims and put them in spiritual bondage in hell.
Paperback purchased out of total curiosity.
The earliest NT documents are carbon dated at 75-125 AD. Jesus had a huge following, amazing miracles, why would nobody else write of him while he lived? the only extra-biblical accounts from that time was by Josephus, who mentioned Jesus and John the baptist in his book THE ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. Jose;phus lived at the same era his creation Paul did. The bible and gospel accounts are the only mentions of Jesus otherwise.
If you contact me, I will send you my book to review for free.
1916 was a time of the worst trouble in history? Can you kindly tell me of what this great disaster was? Did you not read my work? Jesus never existed, the New Testament was a concoction of Pharisee Josephus for the Roman empire to impose a slave and submissive mentality on their people.
JEsus made such a big impact, but there are no historical documents talking fo him while he lived. The earliest NT documents are carbon dated 75-125 AD, and there are no extra-biblical documents recording Jesus except for Josephus two sentences regarding him and John the baptist in his book ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. Josephus lived in the same era as his other creation Paul.
This is a reprinting of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.
A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.
Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling, nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.
Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any criminal offense and as others have said, we must agree -- truly this is the Son of God.
Your most obedient servant,
Pontius Pilate
Jesus is the Messiah whether you want to believe that or not. The Scriptures testify of that! 8:44 is speaking of the non believers. They are of their father the devil. Jesus says we are either for Him(all in) or against Him.
THe scriptures are lies, dummy. My book uses many hundreds of scriptures in plain simple clear language proving that the bible is full of contradicting concepts, bad values, spells, outright lies, and occult symbolism. Jesus never existed, evil was not destroyed, it has only prospered and made evil people rich and powerful
The pastors teach eternal security. I was all in, strongly, then I experienced god (Satan) I am no longer Christian because Jehovah is SAtan=I am in the natural realm, also known as heaven. But thanks for the effort to bring me into your kingdom of god, which is hell.
➢ John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
(17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
(18) Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
Now, this is all fine and dandy, it seems right that we need to believe in Jesus to be “saved,” and when it says that he did not come to condemn the world, but to save us, that all sounds fine; especially if you already believe, or if you have not read the Bible in its entirety. But a further consideration and dwelling on what the ramifications of this teaching are, brings some serious questions; and some open avenues to opposing contradictory doctrines.
Now we just read some of the Sermon on the Mount, the recorded words (some of which are in more than two gospels, appearing to be with more than one author) of Jesus himself, which are in direct opposition to that teaching. Now, I know, I know, many of you will say that we have to take all scriptures in context, take into account what the intentions were, and the original language. I agree, especially with the part about context.
But there is too much evidence showing that the truth is far from being represented in this particular scripture, as well as most of the rest of them, at least if you believe the Bible is the word of God and has some truth to it. If you don’t believe in God, or if you think that the bible is only stories and fairy tales, then this portion of this book is not for you. Remember that I believed in the Bible as infallible and inerrant for ten years, and believed and obeyed God to the utmost, as well as studying his word and making him the most overwhelmingly important object of my life. I take this all very seriously, and when other very serious people read this, they are going to get seriously angry (not at me).
I am angry. For good reason. Read on. These three verses irritate me and surpassingly vex me. Sixteen says that Jesus was put in the world because God loves us. So far, so good. Seventeen says his intention was not to condemn us. What a blatant whopping lie!! In the Old Testament, there is no mention of hell, but with the introduction of Jesus, hell enters the picture.
The very next verse says if you don’t believe in him, or even if you don’t have his name right, he condemns you to hell!!?? Why, Jesus, why? Because he loves you!?!? People who are not scholars and have not studied the Old Testament, may try to discover for themselves if hell is mentioned in the OT, and using study tools, look up “hell” in the OT. They will find that Seoul is mentioned. The scholars consider that as the abode of the dead, it is not considered as a placeas of torment. In addition, “Gehenna” is mentioned, which was a garbage field in the land of the Hebrews. Christian scholars claim that it had perpetually burning trash in it, but that is of questionable validity. These places are not what Jesus described as hell.
Furthermore, the teachings of the books of Job and Ecclesiastes refer to the concept that righteous and evil people all have the same destination, and that all are forgotten when dead. Job also states that life is not fair. There is no heavenly justice. (Though God does reward his righteousness while commending him for speaking truth.) Go figure.
There is some serious deception going on. I do not tolerate being deceived, or deceivers. I have only come to this conclusion lately, and haven’t really considered the ramifications until just recently.
Let me make a very serious allegation: Some very evil people have manufactured the Bible dramatically, for whatever purpose, they have recorded teachings that a man teaching it could bring heaven on earth, paradise, to the planet’s population; and because of self-interest, have perverted it to bring teachings that lead to a totally different destination. These actions, while preserving power and wealth for the designers of this masterpiece, have been instrumental in bringing multitudes of people to hell on earth, and prevented many more from entering (or remaining in) heaven.
In the Old Testament, there is no mention of Hell???
"The sinners in Sion are afraid, trembling hath seized upon the hypocrites. Which of you can dwell with devouring fire? which of you shall dwell with everlasting burnings?"
[Isaias (Isaiah) 33:14]
But if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord.
[Numbers 16:30]
I shook the nations with the sound of his fall, when I brought him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of pleasure, the choice and best in Libanus, all that were moistened with waters, were comforted in the lowest parts of the earth.
[Ezechiel (Ezekiel) 31:16]
The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord: nor any of them that go down to hell.
[Psalms 113:25]
These are just a few examples.
Try getting your theology from the Tradition of the Saints, rather than Modern Sophists.
I have no teachers, never did. I have listened to thousands of sermons, read genesis to revelation twenty times. That said, I did miss Isaiah 33. Thank you for correction, but it could be God's fire of anger, but you seem correct. Numbers referred to the ground swallowing HEbrews disobedient to Moses
um 16:29 If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.
Num 16:30 But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.
Num 16:31 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them:
Num 16:32 And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
Num 16:33 They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.
Num 16:34 And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also.
Num 16:35 And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
Ezekiel the hebrew word for hell is sheol - which means abode of the dead, not hell. Another word for hell used in the OT is gehenna, which was a field in Palestine which was used for garbage and had fires burning the garbage up. Some scholars say the fires never went out, I tend to doubt the validity of that. Since writing the book I had seen my mistake in Isaiah, and left it there, my bad. but that does not mean that the OT taught hell. Solomon said that all men have the same destiny, good or bad, as did Job. My contention that the bible has contradicting concepts is exemplified therein.
The verses before the ones you mentioned are most important in the context:
3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”
4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”
5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”[d]
9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.[e] 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”[g]
It takes God borning us again in order for us to believe. Changing our heart and imputing the Holy Spirit within us. Without that we are not saved.
As far as hell goes you mentioned Sheol. That does mean a place of the dead. Right now it is the temporary “hell” for the unsaved. It is best explained in the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16. Before Jesus died there were 2 parts of Sheol. The believers would go to Paradise or Abraham’s bosom the non believer the place of torment. There was a chasm between the 2 that no one could cross over. At death our fates are sealed. The believer couldn’t yet go into the presence of God because their sins hadn’t been forgiven. When Jesus died He went to Paradise and gathered all the believers souls and took them to heaven and all believers from then on went directly in the presence of the Lord. The unbelievers are still in Sheol in a place of torment until after Jesus 1000 year reign here on earth. After that all unbelievers through the ages will face The White Throne Judgement and be judged on their works which can never cover their sins. After that they will join The Antichrist, the False Prophet, Satan, and all the fallen angels in The Lake of Fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth and utter darkness for eternity. That’s the truth whether you believe that or not! Shalom
Lazarus wanted somebody to go and tell the people about hell. The kingdom of god is hell. You have been deceived about the nature of the spirit.
A true man of righteousness is led by the spirit. The Holy Spirit is not one of the trinity, is not a person. The Hebrew words translated to “Holy Spirit” are “rouach hakodesh” Kodesh is defined as “outside of worldliness,” and can mean being unselfish, not chasing sensual desires, not involved in worldly or materialistic desires. It is called in English- “holy.” “Rouach” is defined as “breath” or “wind.”
In other words, Holy Spirit is that enthusiastic force within some people that drives them to strive against worldly materialistic sensual temptations and selfish motivations.
In the Old Testament, Moses fought against oppressive slave masters, Sampson slew a thousand oppressive Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, when the spirit came upon him. David killed Goliath. In 1 Kings chapter 18, Elijah called fire down from heaven and slaughtered 450 prophets of Baal. In 2Kings chapters nine and ten, the prophet Elisha anointed Jehu with oil, who killed all the Baal worshippers in Israel.
In the OT, the spirit was responsible for enabling prophets, kings, and warriors to have the incentive, drive, courage, and strength to successfully oppose the powerful evil entities against all odds. Baal was the god of prosperity and virility- money and sex.
But in the New Testament, while the spirit did oppose the flesh, it was tamed and disarmed. The fruits of the spirit are described in Galatians chapter five as love, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That scripture is followed by the statement: against those there is no law. So be overcome by evil powers, because you don’t want to break any laws those powers made.
Funny (not really, a better word is “suspicious”) how the same book that tells you to be a good slave, to obey your government, to be a sheep, to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, and bless those who curse you, to rejoice when being persecuted, that weakness is strength, to not trust your own wisdom, to pay taxes and tithes, and to return goodness to evil, has now declared that the spirit of the righteous warrior should be replaced with gentleness, restraint, and patience
. It excludes from the list of positive qualities such characteristics as integrity, courage, and wisdom. Does that not raise some red flags??? Is this realization not alarming?? What have we been taught? Why?? What is their motivation?!!
Seems to me that they want to strip us of what a man really is, to make sure that nobody attempts to break free of slavery. The bible was used on innocent people, and used language to make them feel knowledgable, it was a trap to capture naïve victims and put them in spiritual bondage in hell.
Mat 11:25 At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;
The rich man wanted Abraham to let Lazarus go tell his brothers because he didn’t want them to end up there. This Lazarus is different than the one Jesus resurrected from the dead!
I just wanted to add that. Funny how I have that message myself, isn't it? YOu don't have anything to say as I destroyed the concept of the church's trinity. But hey, one cannot give credit to truthfulness when it shows that everything you were taught and believed was a lie.
Ya must have had wolves in sheep’s clothing teaching ya. Try reading the Scriptures without any preconceived notions and take them in just as a child would. I’m sure you would see things differently. All the best and may the Truth set you free!
Fantastic! I often wonder how a relatively recent(late 1800s) concept of predispensationalism/rapture was able to infiltrate the minds of Christians; especially since the Scofield Bible was written and interpreted by a known con man. It is surely no coincidence that this intersected with the Hertzl-led zionist movement. The emphasis/misinterpretation of Gen 3:12 has plagued the evangelical world ever since.
To believe in the above nonsense is to reject Our Savior's prophecy ( recorded in ALL four gospels ) that the temple, and Jerusalem itself, would be destroyed... and that is exactly what happened. The Prince of Peace , with His last breath, bowed His head, and exclaimed,"It is finished." The Old Covenant was fulfilled and now dead. A New Covenant, brought on by the blood of Christ, was born.......and the events of 70 AD cemented this.
Thanks Don. Christ Is King
Beautifully put, Robert. Yes, it amazes me how so many Christians await this Rapture, which as you note, is a belief not much over a century old. Calvinism was another bastardization of the Bible, in my view, which had a powerful impact on early Americans. If you're going to call yourself a Puritan, you better be pure. And we know no one is. I agree, the timing is very convenient, in terms of Zionism. I guess we'll see one day, if 144,000 or whatever of them suddenly disappear. I guess all Born Againers think they'll be one of the lucky few. Thanks!
There is a great movie about the early Puritans in America call The Witch.
Years ago I had the privilege of sharing the “stage” with Pastor Ron Poch singing songs of praise to our creator. I was also privileged to hear some of his sermons on the “rapture.” He wrote an excellent book on the subject that I highly recommend if you want to add it to your ammo against the subject. My wife and I were once invited to lunch by a Baptist Deacon from the same place that married us. Guess what happened? We were asked to not to return because I was asking questions that couldn’t be answered about the rapture. Pretty sick if you ask me. https://www.amazon.com/WANT-BEHIND-DEPTH-RAPTURE-Paperback/dp/0971911916
Mr. Jeffries, your writings today are excellent. As a look at the society around me all I see is greed and envy. Few there be that are happy with what they have. So, they go into more debt to get more and more and more.......stuff. They are lying. They buy on credit and then make the appearance that they own all of these things when in reality they are poorer than the beggar on the street. This is America. It is the lust and desire after the material things of the world and all of it is anti-God. Anti-Christ. Many people believe the Anti-Christ to come before the great second coming of Christ will be a man. I don't. I believe the Anti-Christ to be anything and everything that teaches or admonishes or suggests against Christ. Christ told us to not put our hearts upon things that rust and moth will corrupt. Therefore the lust of money, homes, cars, power, entertainment and prestige are all Anti-Christ. Everything that stands against Christ in word, deed and principal are the Anti-Christ and we, today, are surrounded by it.
Excellent essay today, Mr. Jeffries. I really enjoyed reading and commenting on your writings.
I appreciate the kind words, Cankerpuss. Thanks!
One of the major issues of the admonition to "love your neighbor as yourself" is the lack of love for oneself. And I don't mean narcissistic love. There seems to be a LOT of that out there. ESPECIALLY in "church" leadership. Kenneth Copeland comes to mind.
You hit about 10 bullseyes!
Organized religion is indeed corrupt. And Evangelicals kowtow to Israel and that horrible con-artist woman for "The Fellowship of Christians and Jews" who comes on TV and implores Christians to give their money to all these Jews that live in shacks and eat one carrot a day! Right.
Kudos to Candace Owens for her video on "the Scofield Bible" which started all the genuflecting to Israel. There is also a book, "Scofield and His Bible" which chronicles the strange and improbable life of this questionable man.
If God was the father of Jesus (as I believe) then He was only half-Jewish and could very well have had blue-eyes (and sandy hair, for that matter). Did His physical appearance contribute to His being treated as an outsider by the Establishment? Quite possibly, IMO.
Yes, Candace just keeps getting better and better. Thanks, James!
The bible describes what the ancient Israelites looked like. Kind David was described as "ruddy" which is "red faced" which means he blushed. Only pale, white skinned people have the ability to blush, which happens when blood rushes to the capillaries near the skin. People with any kind of increased amounts of melanin in their skin do not blush. Ancient Israelites were white. Mary was white. Jesus was white. White people are his chosen people, the "house of Israel." Modern Jews may be part of that. Then again, they might not as their ancestry ties them back to areas surrounding the Ukraine region. Not to ancient Israel.
Pastor Bob Hallstrom, Bertrand Comparet?
No, just me, Cankerpuss. Just some schmoe living in the Rocky Mountains with an opinion on everything.
Mike Hallimore? Pete Peters? Dan Henry? Dave Barley? Pastor Ron Poch? Sheldon Emry? Dan Gayman? There are a lot of teachers of the word out there that have come to the understanding commonly referred to a Christian Identity. Those that identify with being Israelite decedents in their DNA. I have to admit...Courageous Lion is from my family crest. A rampant lion with the words Jus Meum Tuebor as our family motto. I identify with the lion of the tribe of Judah in many ways. I wear clothing continually with pictures of lions on them. Look up my family motto and you will find out that I have taken over the internet! LOL! Seriously, I am a LION of the tribe of Judah. No doubt in my mind. All coincidence aside.
I always thought it was sunburn because David had come in from watching sheep in the fields.
About those blue eyes...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/a-blue-eyed-baby-boy-in-a-manger
Everyone has a world view. Mine is Biblical Christianity. As I like to say to others "somebody will be right." Satan is roaring because he knows his time is short. The world is currently a cosmic madhouse, but I do have hope for the future. I've read the end of The Book. We win.
Decades ago Newt Gingrich said Palestine was a made-up country. I remember maps in my bible from Sunday school seven decades ago. Palestine was there. Jesus was Palestinian. It still looks like Israel is the made up country.
The first bible wasn't written until 100 years after the death of Jesus. Most people were still illiterate. There was lots of time and latitude to create elaborate fiction.
There are a few great and memorable passages in the bible worth remembering. They came from Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Corrupt leaders would have us believe that War is the default state of being. But now, as before, these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love; but the greatest of these is Love.
And, when you pray, to whomever you pray, ask for help in finding and doing something good each day.
Very nicely put, Bella. Zionists today use the same ridiculous argument that "there was no Palestine," when as you note maps clearly depicted it as being there under that name. Thanks!
When Lord Baltimore and the Catholics arrived in Maryland it was to escape persecution by the English Protestants and to be able to practice the Catholic faith freely. However, as more Protestants came to America and Catholic and Protestant tensions increased in England and America, Lord Baltimore fell out of favor from the Crown and the Protestants took over the colony, repealed the 'Act of Toleration' and resumed persecuting the Catholics. In nearby Virginia, Catholic religious practices were outlawed.
Fortunately, these were more political wars than actual wars. Historically, millions upon millions of men, women and children have been murdered over differing religious beliefs. Catholics killing Protestants, Protestants killing Catholics, Christian killing Muslims, Muslims killing Christians, Jew killing Muslims, Muslims killing Jews. Etc. Etc.
Now, it would be one thing if this was all ancient history. But it's not. This very same thing is happening today somewhere in this world in some way, shape or form. Both sides fully convinced they are 'fighting evil'.
Calling Christ 'The Prince Of Peace' just means the ingredients don't match what's on the label. Some of the most 'blood-thirsty' people I have known are devoutly religious.
Just today, many 'Evangelical' Christians are celebrating the exile of the 'illegal' immigrants, except maybe the Catholics. However, the Catholics have used millions upon millions of tax payer dollars through Catholic Charities and other avenues to provide food and shelter to these individuals. Many tax payers have no idea that this is how their money is being spent and wouldn't agree to it if given the opportunity.
Catholics will say Evangelicals 'aren't real Christians', and Evangelicals will say Catholics 'aren't real Christians'.
All for an entity for which there is zero evidence. None. Zero. No one in the history of humanity has been able to provide any real evidence of the existence of God.
Now I will retreat to my evil, conspiratorial, atheist lair, where I read 'Age of Reason' and books by Don Jeffries.
If there is one area where all of these religious schisms find common ground, it's their disdain for atheism. Why is that? (don't bother, I already know the answer)
Shadow, you have a right to your opinion. And I am grateful that you read my books. I think that creation proves a creator. Thanks.
Thomas Paine was no atheist. I think the obviousness of the creation around me negates the idea of no creator to the point that I will say that an atheist has more faith in that religion, which is what it is, than a typical Christian. Or a DIEST which is what Thomas Paine was. The Age of Reason has a lot of obvious well thought out points in it.
Atheism is not a religion:
I never said Thomas Paine was an atheist. However, I think if he were alive today he would be:
The concept 'creation proves the creator' has been debated ad nauseam, entire books have been written about it and attempting to disprove it, or conversely prove it, is pointless. Hear is the real answer: nobody really knows for sure. Opinions one way or the other are just that, opinions. Conclusions drawn from perceived 'evidence', or lack thereof.
Thank you for your reply.
Lord Baltimore was not exactly the kind of Catholic I hope to be. That being said, when it comes to the atheists out there, my fundamental question: if life is just a cosmic joke, then might as well be bestial and seek the easiest pleasures, because into nothingness we go. But obviously, even the sensual know that indulged sensuality ultimately results in boredom. Even Nanci Pelosi must get bored with Blue Bunny Ice Cream after she has imbibed five gallons of it, and even the most infatuated male will eventually get bored with the use of a gorgeous woman. So, therefore, it is obvious that Man was made for something higher.
Meanwhile, if God does not exist and all is the natural law, then explain the Tilma of Guadalupe, the Miracle of Luciano, the Shroud of Turin, and the Miracle of the Sun of October 1917 in Portugal.
Yes, the "Christians" do leave a lot to be desired, which explains why the world is in such a mess. But meanwhile, the Atheists did not exactly prevail in France in 1789 or Russia in 1917.
If you believe that there is an ultimate 'reality', then you believe in God.
Can anyone prove that there is an all-encompassing reality?
As far as religious persecution goes, people persecute others for many reasons and use
the age-old excuse that they must be persecuted for 'good' 'holy' reasons.
It's the psychological rationalization of all rationalizations used to cover-up their own guilt.
Often people don't even consciously realize that they are persecuting others for venal reasons, they usually have a 'holy' reason; which is anything but holy, aka whole.
Well Donald, you really put your head on the chopping block with this one...but thank you...you truly get it. It was the very thing you described at the beginning of your piece, that drove me away from religion and into darkness around age 11 or 12. Even as a child inconsistency really bothered me, and I knew that the Old Testament and the New Testament did not belong together. Thankfully, I started questioning my atheistic stand in my late twenties, and at age 30, I had my Paul-on-road-to-Damascus moment. I knocked, and the door was opened. Since that day I have never wavered, no matter how hard things became...and they did get very difficult.
Now with the internet there is no excuse for Christians to be ignorant. However, most don't want to know the Truth. Hebrew wasn't even a written language until a few centuries before Christ. Those stories in the Old Testament were actually written on stone tablets by the Sumerians. Abraham departed from Ur, a city-state in Sumaria, long before an ethnic tribe was worshipping Yahweh in the Levant.The story of Job is ancient even for the Old Testament. The Jews picked up those tales when they were captive, and wrote them down much, much later. Yahweh was a Canninite god of war, one of the 70 sons of El. Yes, some of the stories in the Old Testament are actual history, but garbled history. And yes, there are some beautiful passages like the 23rd Psalm...but there is no way to reconcile those two books, and it will drive you crazy if you try...so most Christians prefer to remain in ignorance and not upset themselves.
I often marvel at how awake atheists are able to deal with all of these End Times events. It must be a nightmare. We believers have unshakable foundation. There is no fear...just a lot of interest about how all the things we knew were coming, are playing out now. Of course, the scamdemic really revealed how many people were Christians in name only. As soon as things became uncomfortable, they folded. These fake Christians don't understand that the entire point of being a Christian IS suffering.
The letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius describes the physical Jesus just as he has always been portrayed. Yes, there were White people in the Holy land at that time...just as there are two ethnic groups of Whites that have been living in Pakistan for thousands of years. The entire history of Europe for the last 2000 years has been the history of White Christians...who along with the Islamic World (science and mathematics) built Western Civilization. Even some prominent atheists are looking around in dismay at our current culture and saying that maybe we do need some rules and regulations to keep order, even while saying they don't believe.
I appreciate your always informed comments, Kris. Thanks!
Somebody has to hold my Proverbial Beer while I set this one straight, because she has swallowed way too much of that strange brew compiled by Pius XII- or his cronies- in De Afflante Spiritu and Humani Generis, where the "Ancient Sacred Writers" are cobbling together Genesis from the Epic of Gilgamesh and associated claptrap, as well as Pius XII's antecedents, namely Channing and Bultmann, and all the other "transcendentalist" ilk. Hebrew wasn't a written language until a few centuries before Christ??? Now I'm sure Kris knows that the Sumerians wrote on their stone tablets in a very stylized type called cuneiform- of which Mandarin characters are a derivative- while the Egyptians used hieroglyphs, and it was Joseph, Great Grandson of Abraham- I know I will be corrected if I'm wrong, but genealogy was hardly a strong point. (I can't even spell the dang word!!)- who gave the world the first alphabet, to purge the written word of the occult of Remphan and all that phallic sludge, of which Satan was polluting language in anticipation of the Incarnate Word- what the Greeks termed the TheoLogos.
Meanwhile surely Kris knows that the Hippie Peacenik Jesus was just as much a production of the Tavistock Institute as the Beatles Yellow Submarine and Puff The Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul, and Mary. We know that the Kabbalists always give us false dichotomies and controlled opposition, it being their stock in trade. And just as they gave The Greatest Generation Pleasant Valley Sunday for their role in making the world safe for Standard Oil, British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell as they stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, so they were also going to infiltrate and control the inevitable rise of the opposition to its materialistic nihilism. And that was such a well orchestrated and deep operation that it totally overwhelmed Christianity, and Catholicism, with the strains of Kumbaya while we clapped in time and the guitars were strummed, and was perfectly timed with the release of Pope Paul VI's Abomination of Desolation in 1970. (Many of us are still getting the '70's out of our system.) In fact it was such a deep and successful operation, that the CIA would implement phase two, which was the entire Contra Operation under the Gipper where the CIA was importing drugs into LA for Freeway Ricky Ross to turn into Crack Cocaine, both to mullify the sheeple and direct monies for fun and profit, and provide subsequent cover for the "human trafficking" operations, but I digress as always.
Back on the farm, of course- and I speak from the Catholic perspective- the Intelligence Community gave us Archbishop Lefebvre and his SSPX, to control the inevitable resistance to the Abomination of Desolation. And the SSPX did its work well, having us argue about Feeneyites and Sedevacantism while meanwhile everything was burning to the ground, and locating the enemy in that fellow across the aisle. I know this is the proverbial Greek to most people but suffice to say the cabal had parallel ops in the Fundie movement and mainline Protestantism. They had all the bases covered.
Returning to the core issue, the unity between Old and New Testaments should be clear and obvious, as throughout the New the Old is Quoted, from Our Lord Jesus Christ referring to the Abomination of Desolation of Daniel the Prophet to St Paul's long metaphoric analogy of Ismael and Israel to the Galatians (which many contemporary Zionist Evangelicals need konked over the head with.) The genealogies in the gospels are as true as can be, linking Our Lord Jesus Christ to Adam and David, while meanwhile everything was fulfilled to the minutist letter, such as the soldiers casting lots for the garments as written in Psalm 21. (I think it's psalm 22 in the King James Version- the translators could not even count, but I digress.)
The Unity of Testaments is actually breathtaking, and the New would be an enigma were the least jot or tittle of the Old altered.
I am well aware of all the prophecies of the Advent of Christ Jesus in the OT...and yes, there were s handful of true prophets. However there were prophecies ofJesus in ancient America. I daresay if one did the research, one could find other such prophecies in obscure faiths in the far corners of the world. Anyway, we will find out the exact truth soon enough. We don't have long to wait.
One thing we do know now, is that there was human sacrifice going on in the Jerusalem Temple for at least a few hundred years before Christ. There are written accounts by Greek travelers to the Levant of barely escaping capture, and even one account of a prospective victim being freed by rescuers from inside the Temple. There was even a guide book for Greek travelers to The Holy Land with advice about how not to become a Temple victim . Jerusalem was no backwater. That part of the world had a great deal of coming and going of diverse ethnic groups from far and wide.
We don't have long to wait. You got that one right. Unfortunately, the Sheeple only see the Superstructure of this massive Dreadnought most of which lurks beneath the fog. They see the beautiful bridge and the massive smokestacks and the aft structure but these are only as so many unassociated islands that are connected to a hull with massive gun turrets and torpedoes that are going to tear apart- have already torn apart- the Barque of Peter and left the Apostolic Tradition adrift amid the flotsam and jetsam strewn across the sea of humanity. Their Orange Messiah will do wonderful things. After all, who needs a Federal Reserve when Elon Musk is on the cusp of turning Twiiter into a Central Bank whose currency will be "Apps" and "QR Codes" for the fungible transfer of goods made in the slave factories, or fake foods processed in their centralized agricultural hell?
St Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles, right before he was stoned, was in the process of esoterically excoriating the Sanhedrin for their somber ceremonies, and gave the whole history of how their ancestors polluted the True Salvation History, which comes to us through Moses and the Prophets, with their Phallic Worship from before Noah's Flood. From Aaron who set up the Golden Calf, to Solomon who consorted with Hiram to "build God a house" which Stephen condemns, and on down the line, he condemns their Talmudic worship, of which your accounts from the Greeks gives testimony. He even mentions the Star of Rempham. Only in the last few days have I seen this account in an entirely new light.
That same Solomon though also had great Wisdom, and wrote: "And they shall fear high things, and they shall be afraid in the way, the almond tree shall flourish, the locust shall be made fat, and the caper tree shall be destroyed: because man shall go into the house of his eternity, and the mourners shall go round about in the street. Before the silver cord be broken, and the golden fillet shrink back, and the pitcher be crushed at the fountain, and the wheel be broken upon the cistern. And the dust return into its earth, from whence it was, and the spirit return to God, who gave it. Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, and all things are vanity." Here he speaks of the Finality of Death, and excoriates all this gnostic crap that, for example, Jeff Berwick and Max Igan push, along with the New Agers.
Our Lady gave us three great gifts, beginning with her Prophecy of La Salette (which tragically was so distorted by the evil Pius IX and the Cardinal Primate of France that it is practically useless now to those having not great discernment) and that "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist", a phrase that gives the Ultramontanes apoplexy and makes them gnash their teeth. Then, at Lourdes, she tells an illiterate child "I am the Immaculate Conception" and so confounds an intelligent but dimwitted pastor that the whole world sees how great this Humble Creature of God is, and then there was Fatima, which Our Lady insisted that St Sr Lucia keep secret so that the evil Cardinal Belo primate of Portugal- ironic high heads of the church are called primates, they certainly are monkeys and apes!- and Benedict XV could not wreck it as they did La Salette. And St Sr Lucia was able, despite every Freemasonic and Kabalistic intrigue, was the faithful Apostle and Evangelist of Our Lady of Fatima and even gave us the "3rd Secret" in her epic interview with Fr Augustine Fuentes on 26th December- the very feast of ST Stephen, how God is poetic!- 1957. Every one serious about their salvation should read and be intimately familiar with that interview, for those of the School of Mary see here the Grand Convergence of the last thousand years since the Great Schism of 1054, which mortally wounded- were it possible- the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of East and West, and Our Lady of Fatima, through the Collegial Consecration of Russia- inheritor of the Seat of Orthodoxy with its noxious heresy of Ceasaro-Papism, which infects all the world today in the Grand Socialist State of the Coming Antichrist- wants to unite Orthodoxy and the Latins that Holy Mother Church might again breathe through both lungs, as it were.
Meanwhile we must not be like St Augustine, who read scriptures polluted by the Gnostics- though unknowingly- and came to the conclusion that Heaven and Earth was not created in seven days, but seven epochs, giving fodder to the "evolutionists" and their "Big Bang Theory". We must not be like Fr Charles Coughlin, truly a great mind, who nonetheless foundered because he conflated Salvation History with the Masonic Pantheon of the American "Founding Fathers" Washington Jefferson Madison and later Lincoln, and so was reduced to impotence by Cardinal Pacelli and Joe Kennedy. We must not be like Fr Leonard Feeney, another great mind but alas a Jesuit and confused by pernicious thinking, who also foundered because he was not of the School of Our Lady. It is imperative we be students of the School of Our Lady of Fatima and recite five decades of the rosary every day and be of the Apostolic Tradition. Our very souls depend upon it. "Who is She that cometh forth as the Mourning Rising... Terrible as an Army in battle array."
"But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people..." (Daniel Chapter 12, verse 1)
"And the temple of God was opened in heaven: and the ark of his testament was seen in his temple, and there were lightnings, and voices, and an earthquake, and great hail... And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars:" [Apocalypse Chapter 11 verse 19 and Chapter 12 verse 1- the unfortunate division destroys the unity of these two verses... Satan is everywhere despicable!!]
These Verses are all fulfilled by Our Lady of Fatima. Like all authentic prophecy, the more it approaches its time and fulfillment, the more it emerges from obscurity and into the light.
Let us not be like the Inhabitants of Jerusalem as Our Lord Jesus Christ was being led to be crucified. Let us see the time of Our Visitation!!
Well, we agree about Gnostics. Gnosticism was the original Satanism...it was there in The Garden. Disobey God and get "knowledge"...but the bargain always turns out to be a bust. Humans keep making that same bad bargain over and over again.
And on the subject of St. Stephen, one of our most beloved and traditional Christmas carols does not feature shepherds or stables...but the saintly king driven to leave his comfortable fireside on the feast of the first martyr, to deliver aid to a freezing peasant. Hard to believe in this day and age, but saintly kings really were a thing.
Yes, while the Medieval Kings, and even their post-"Reformation" Postcedants, have been unduly romanticized, there were indeed a few good eggs in the bunch, like good King Wenceslas, and King Louis, and Queen Elizabeth of Hungary. (But not Queen Izabella, I hasten to add, who was, I am convinced, a Marranno, and initiated the inquisition to purge Spain of the saints which, alas, were some 50,000 or less in number, but I digress...)
Regards in the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
"apoplectic that Christians like me still envision him as a blue eyed White man."
Jesus Christ was absolutely a white man. The Jews today have their ancestry tied back to the regions around Ukraine, not to ancient Israel.
King David was described as "ruddy" in appearance. This means he was of pale skin and was able to become ruddy, or red, or blushing. People of darker skin colors don't "blush." The ancient north Kingdom of Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians around 700 BC and those Israelites eventually migrated north and become what was known at the time as the Scythian people which, I have heard, is another way of saying the name Isaac, though I cannot confirm that. The Scythian people eventually migrated into Northern Europe, Britannia and Scandinavia. Those northern peoples were white skinned and blue eyed.
Even if the modern day Jew is descended directly from the tribe of Judah there have been 2000 + years since the sacking of Jerusalem by the Babylonians to interbreed ancient "Jus" until today the tribe of Judah has been scattered and saturated it almost no longer exists.
Joseph was Christ's step father but his mother was mortal blood and of Israelite blood. Ancient Israelites were white. Christ was white.
Ancient Egyptians were also white. The mummy of one of the Rameses had red hair. Ancient Egyptians were known to kill black people who ventured into their cities or territories. Where were the ancient Israelites hanging out before Moses? Oh yeah, Egypt.
Now for some teachings you are not accustomed to. Everywhere we go, we see pictures or statues or stained glass representations of Jesus. They all show a white man with long light hair. The information we are given regarding his original race and culture have been skewed in my opinion. He was a Hebrew, a descendant of the tribe of Judah. May I remind you that Israel is found in the middle east.
According to the OT, the original Hebrews, Jacob and Joseph, did not need to travel far to arrive in Egypt. I believe that they had further to go on the trip back than to arrive in Egypt. Egypt, of course is in the north part of Africa. Whereas many Egyptians are light skinned, as are many Israelis, back then, the pure race was likely quite dark.
In the likenesses on engravings and art that survived the centuries, Egyptian caricatures and representations of their people looked like they were of the same facial characteristics as Africans of Negro race. Moses was mistaken for an Egyptian by the Midianites (Exodus 2:17-19), so it could very well be that the original Hebrews were dark-skinned. After all, they were slaves.
In addition, there is no description of any Hebrew being light-skinned in the Bible, but the Song of Solomon describes a woman (whom many scholars testify represents the nation of Hebrews), as being dark-skinned in chapter one, verses five and six. And in the book Revelation, in chapter one, it is written that Jesus has hair like wool, and in chapters one and two, he has feet like bronze. That all does not sound like a Caucasian to me.
When most people see a painting of Jesus that identifies him as being negro, the comment is invariably, that they have painted him to look like African American by a black man, and that it is race-motivated. These paintings are only found in churches whose majority are black, and whites will never concede that Jesus may have been black without all kinds of evidence; but will they ever feel the need to prove his whiteness?
I appreciate what you're saying, Michael. It's just that some of us are weary of everything fitting into the same narrative. Cleopatra was actually Black. So was Beethoven. All the great inventors. It's not that important to me that Jesus was White. He shouldn't be politicized. God should beyond racial considerations. Thanks.
And perhaps that is the answer to the question. Does it really matter what the color of Christ's skin was? Not really. What should matter are his teachings, the examples of his life and doing our best to adhere to his teachings and have faith in his words.
Look at my other comments. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, bad values, contradicting concepts, spells, and outright lies. IT was composed by pharisee josephus for the Roman empire to impose a slave and submissive mentality on Rome's citizens.
I cannot and will not argue with any of your excellent and insightful points as, frankly speaking, I don't know for sure. I'm merely postulating my theories and thoughts. Nobody knows for sure because, well, none of us were living back then and there aren't any photographs to prove one thing over another. We all know that people migrate. People move. If one group of people leave one place another enters. To assume that because a race of people existed in a certain place and therefore must still exist in the same place is, well, foolish. Especially after 2000 years have passed. Groups of people migrate. Wars, famine, pestilence cause people to migrate. People mix, interbreed. Races change. Racial ethnicities today cannot be the same as they were 2000 years ago unless the people were wholly isolated from the rest of the world like the Australian Aborigine, who, by the way is vanishing as a race due to.....interbreeding with caucasian white people.
I also never said Christ or the ancient Israelites were "caucasian." I said white. I'm not an anthropologist but I'm deducing that just because one is white doesn't make them caucasian. I have met a few white Mexicans during my trips to Mexico. Are they caucasian? What about Persian people? Some Japanese people have very fair skin. Many people from India are dark skinned but have caucasoid features. Perhaps the Hebrews were white which is why the dark skinned Egyptians enslaved them for 400 years before Moses came along.
I did, however, find your "teachings" to be enlightening and interesting. Thank you for posting.
Look at the scriptures as well. Funny how calling JEsus being white is not considering the race of him but calling him black is. My book goes much deeper into debunking the bible, mostly using scripture, it is simple easy straightforward and obviously on target
Does it not make sense that a book that talks of rewards for blind obedience, the representatives of which constantly tells you that you are to worship and give money to its leaders, and get in return great rewards (after you die), could be seen as manipulative?
A god that ensures military victories and wealth for obedience to, and worship and honor given to its leaders, who follow blindly the guidance of a spiritual being. In the OT, kings were lifted up by prophets and warriors who obeyed and listened to God’s directions. The welfare of kingdoms and whole nations rested on the obedience of the leaders to this controlling God. Listen to me, and you have victory and wealth. Could this not be a way to wield evil plans? Does it not wreak of manipulation and exploitation? Could not some teachings in the New Testament be taken as directions to make a faith of people who are following it to be good slaves, a people who obey as a result of following a prophet who they are told is god, and who it is shown to have teachings that lead towards a people who are easily controlled and oppressed?
Just entertain the possibility as I make the concept more visible and unfold as you read the pages. First, let me show some scriptures that were possibly inserted to make a population manageable. POSSIBLY??!!??!!??
➢ Rom 13:1 ISV Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
13:2 so that whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
13:3 For the authorities are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to live without being afraid of the authorities? Then do what is right, and you will receive their approval.
13:4 For they are God's servants, working for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Indeed, they are God's servants to administer punishment to anyone who does wrong.
13:5 Therefore, it is necessary for you to be acquiescent to the authorities, not only for the sake of God's punishment, but also for the sake of your own conscience.
13:6 This is also why you pay taxes. For rulers are God's servants faithfully devoting themselves to their work.
13:7 Pay everyone whatever you owe them—taxes to whom taxes are due, tolls to whom tolls are due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.
There are some very suspicious characteristics here that need to be addressed. The Apostle Paul supposedly wrote this. He spent literally years incarcerated by the Romans. Yes, they did protect him from the Jews to some extent. But if his god was so powerful, why did he need the protection of unbelievers?
The truth of the matter is that the ruling powers are not good, are not out for the good of people, and do indeed enforce evil laws, and don’t often enforce the good laws. Powers and rulers in this world are put in place for the sole purpose of protecting the interests of those who are really in power and who are wealthy.
If the law was really so good, why was Jesus executed? Why does the New Testament recall for us the beheading of John the baptizer and the execution of James? Why then, was Peter put in chains? The Bible records that they were all imprisoned for their faith.
In the Old Testament, Daniel, Joseph, and Jeremiah were all imprisoned unjustly. Since when have rulers been good? Should we really think it to be a positive thing that we are forced to pay taxes for an evil government to be able to exercise evil doings? If these government employees serve God, I don’t want to be associated with that god.
Good analysis, Cankerpuss. Thanks!
You are quite right to see the Gods depicted as completely different from the Old Testament to the New. They aren’t the same at all.
After some research, I found that Yahweh was the local god of the Jews 2500 years or so ago. Just like Baal or Ra and all the others. Parochial local gods whose “chosen people” must obey him or else. Plague, famine and death if you don’t. The god depicted in Deuteronomy and much of the Old Testament, is a murderous, selfish, blood thirsty god that demands his people’s obedience above all else. Especially when it comes to destroying others Yahweh has a problem with. Read for yourself what the god of the Old Testament commands his people to do, and how he promises to put them above all others for being so blood thirsty. This isn’t anti-semitic thought, although saying things like this immediately taints me, although it’s all over the Old Testament otherwise know as the Torah to Jews. Look it up. It was years later that the vengeful, destroyer of peoples Yahweh miraculously became the Creator of the Universe benevolent God he never was in the Old Testament. Yahweh became equal to the Loving God known to Christianity through His Incarnation Jesus, thus making those of us not “chosen” what exactly? Look to the Old Testament as to how the non chosen should be treated.
The New Testament is entirely different because of the source of it is. The New Testament is based on God becoming Incarnate and what He Taught while Alive and Active in the world. Real God went among the masses, taught and feed them while healing the sick and raising the dead. For three years! Jesus was God Incarnate who chose and still choses all who Follow Him by one’s own free will (No one is ever forced to become a Believer,) essentially, giving up one’s self. That’s why the God in the New Testament is entirely different, because it’s based on the Christ’s Teachings of selfless love as Demonstrated by Him. The New Testament or Christianity if you will, is based on the teachings of an Incarnation. Real God. God mad Flesh. Color me anti-semitic if you must, but the god of the Old Testament is anything but the God Incarnate we know in Jesus.