Yeah, at 68 soon to be 69, I always say I'm really 58 because I lost ten years in misspent foolishness. The 1970's were fun but detrimental to all that could have been, especially the goodness of life. I believe it laid the foundation for todays progressives. Lazy, self centered people that are entitled to anything and everything. Children of the early boomers and beyond. We let the globalist take hold and sell us a bill of goods on the one world concept. I feel fortunate to have pulled out of it all in time to have a good, successful "wholesome" life but not without the scars. Thanks for your writing. Enjoy it very much.
That's a great description, Big. I was fortunate to survive them intact, too. So many of us were madly rushing towards an early grave. Live fast and leave a beautiful corpse, as John Belushi used to say, before he died so suspiciously, the night after calling Dick Gregory about getting some JFK assassination info to Mark Lane. Thanks!
I could not possibly agree more with your phrase, "detrimental to all that could have been". Most men from that time period seem to have wonderful memories of the seventies but many of us women do not. The young men were still full of testosterone that actually oozed out their pores during the day. I remember how they used to smell after exercising. Young men today do not have that smell. The testosterone is fading! I also remember that the virtually all of the young men back then had what we called "guns", meaning large biceps. Most appeared confident.
They were well proportioned and usually had really good musculature. They were filled with life and energy with no work to apply it to or at least not enough heavy physical work. My father's generation had applied that energy to farm work but here we were no longer on the farms but instead on the edge of the city in new suburbs with small yards (comparatively speaking) and there was not enough for them to do so they got into trouble. I did not like many of those young men--and I like most people. They could be very difficult and harsh. They were highly critical of those women who were not attractive enough for their taste even though some of them were as ugly as the proverbial mud fence. All of us young women from my school remember them being openly insulting about our appearance to our faces. They invented the word "scag" and applied it to any woman that they thought was beneath them. If they caught you looking at them, God forbid, they would say, "what are you looking at Scag?" and other such sweet conversation openers. I am kind to them today if I come across them because the advantage is now mine but I remember and so do all the girls that I went to school with. Perhaps our school was unusually cruel but I don't think so. I think it was the times. I think it was the last roar of the dominant white male at his worst. They were certainly detrimental to all that could have been good for most of us young ladies who were in high school during that time. They ruined our high school years. I loved the '80s but despised the 70s. I would never choose to go back in a million years.
The dominant White male at his worst also ruined it for introspective, art-loving, literature-loving males such as I was, and still am. I think that is why I went into karate, back when it was fearsome, and not for kids.
I left you an explanatory reply but I must have done something that caused it to disappear. Everyone experiences everything differently for various reasons. I am glad you enjoyed that time. I will say as I said in my earlier reply that I wiped out accidentally I suppose, that at our most recent reunion which was our 50th year we were unable to get a large chunk of the women to come because of the scarring memories that they have. Whenever I go to a gathering of my old classmates the subject invariably comes up and they talk about how mean our guys were. As I said they overflowed with testosterone and that is not a kind hormone. I know because I had to take it one time! LOL first time in my life that I thought I would take my husband to the ground over the remote control of the TV! H a h a! In Texas, football was king and jocks ruled—unkindly. I would never repeat the experience again. I'll be interested to see what other girls thought that I can tell you that it probably boils down to whether or not they were beautiful. Looks were everything for women in the 70s.
I saw plenty of that on display, too, JoJo. I explored the way the social hierarchy, which is built around sports like football and basketball, rules every high school in this country, in my book "Bullyocracy." Not sure if that's the case now. The transgenders might be in charge. Thanks!
That is precisely what drew me to your writings. You tell the truth about what's going on. I love that! Have you written anything about the large Evangelical churches with their enormous sanctuaries and too- numerous-to-count staff members? If you can direct me to it I would love to read it!
Not exactly that, but I did go over the outrageous fortunes of the televangelists, along with rabbis, pop advice givers, etc., in a chapter that was not included in "Survival of the Richest." You can find that, along with other deleted chapters from a few of my books, in my Substack archives. Thanks, JoJo!
I can’t imagine the stress. It’s funny (or not), but as I read this comment my mind flashed to Charlie’s Angels and Baywatch. How does any real person live up to that?
I'm glad you enjoyed that time.! I cannot say that all women feel the same as I and my friends do but I can tell you that in the school district that I was in as a student, the women seem to have experienced this almost universally. The '70s were a time in which looks-ism manifested itself. During my mother's time, a woman could be valued for having a kind and gentle personality and for being Adept at homemaking skills. Men looked for those qualities. By the time the 70s rolled around it seemed that looks were front and center. I'm always reminded that people experience life differently because of their perceptual field as an individual experiencing all the things in the scene in which they have been placed and because different people have been placed in different scenarios. Certainly beautiful women would have experienced it differently because they experience everything differently. I can tell you this: we just had our 50 year reunion for our high school graduating class and there were an enormous amount of female classmates that refused to come because of bad memories from that time. It seems that the experience was pervasive at least in our area in the state of Texas where football is King and the jocks could do whatever they wanted to do.
I can certainly agree that in the 70’s I had no clue how important domestic skills are. Or, for that matter, how important temperament and values are—in the long term. I feel like our society was being hollowed out or made more shallow over a long period. And I don’t think it was an accident.
I think it made a huge difference what part of the country you were in. Jojo's experience was 180 degrees different than mine. I'm sure Texas was as different from the West Coast, as to be almost a different planet (I recall the first time I drove across the entire state of Texas in 1980-west to east- it seemed like another world to me). The West Coast was very free. In fact, sadly, we were not able to appreciate just how free we were until now. The hippy culture dominated youth culture in Oregon, Washington and California. It was very egalitarian. Looks certainly had nothing to do with it. In fact, some of us used to joke about how ugly those hippy chicks were. Once they morphed into controlling harpies, and over-ran state government...we saw how ugly they were inside. Also, Oregon was a huge mecca for lesbians in the seventies (not a good thing) and all kinds of strange religious groups. The Rajneeshies even tried to take over the state; stole the Wasco county election by importing homeless people to vote, issued assassination edicts on state government officials (they came very close to killing the State Attorney Charles Turner) and poisoned a bunch of salad bars. It really was the wild, wild west (although that incident started in 1980- but here, the seventies lasted into the eighties).
All the young men I associated with did hard physical labor jobs; construction, landscaping, logging , commercial fishing, grave digging/cemetery work. They worked hard and made good money.
Here is the irony. Most of those hippies dropped back into society. They now totally dominate the governments of the three states I mentioned. They now work like hell to lock us down and destroy any freedom we have remaining. They have totally bought into globalism. Oregon was paradise in the seventies. It is now a rotten hellhole, circling the drain.
You have great insights and can tell real people from idk what to call them.
I hang with real people and we laugh our asses off every day we're together.
I believe though that those Rajneeshies were a government project, like the Manson family. One of my cousins went off to live with them, Rajneesh, not Charlie!. She was a sweet young lady. It reminds me to ask whatever happened to her?
Absolutely Rajneeshpurim was a psy-op. I still have an article from a tabloid from 1980 that headlines: Oregonians fear another Jonestown as cult buys property in Oregon desert. I knew people at that time living in Antelope, OR, the little Hamlet that the Rajneeshies went on to take over. So how was it, that a tabloid was able to forecast the terrible events to come...before the locals in Antelope even knew the old Big Muddy Ranch had been sold to that scumbag Rajneesh? And Leo Ryan's daughter becomes a member of this cult when her father, "assassinated" at Jonestown, is barely cold in his grave. Was Ryan really assassinated at Jonestown? I think both were psy-ops. The best bet is to assume all news stories are staged...until proven otherwise.
I have “family of family” that first loved Oregon, buy more recently ran screaming for the exit. It’s just sad for those who now want to leave but can’t, for whatever reason.
Ahh, how the memories have dimmed. A US News and World Report poll of historians in 1982 placed Nixon and Carter among the 10 Worst Presidents in US history.
Carter was groomed as Governor of Georgia to be President. (Another “unheard of” Governor from the South would be President too). Because he was unknown it was all the better. He was billed as the “Man from Plains” meaning the man from Plains, Georgia. A man of the people. Like one of us.
But he was fronted by the Establishment true and true. Carter is responsible for a lot of things.
When he was out here on the Left Coast he opposed the Briggs Initiative and that was the first "tick" toward this transgender madness that is going on today. Then he went back to Georgia and said he didn't, because he was a pious religious man.
Then he sandbagged the Shah of Iran and turned the country over to a killer who was called an Ayatollah, whatever that is. And we've had a problem over there ever since.
Then he sandbagged our good friend and former West Point grad Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua by turning that strategically placed country over to a bunch of commie rabble. That set off the first tick in the illegal immigration rampage and the trafficking of drugs, arms and people from the Castro Brothers throughout the years. I still don't think we know how many Cuban agents are partying in this country.
Now, I know that the Shah and Somoza were dictators. But at least they liked Americans.
Important people who once shook hands with Carter ended up badly. The Shah was given a steady diet of cancer and died in exile in Egypt. Somoza wrote a book about Carter's shenanigans called "Nicaragua Betrayed" and for his troubles he was blasted full of some 25 bullet holes and had his car blown up with a bazooka in Paraguay where he was in exile. Paraguay is a long ways away from Nicaragua. And poor Anwar Sadat. He was just trying to help his country Egypt crawl out of a hole when he was aerated in public by a bunch of fanatical maniacs, if that's what they were.
And why are we still talking about the Panama Canal? Jimmy Carter.
I could go on but perhaps Carter's greatest contribution to the downfall of "Murrica" as Don likes to say is his signing of the Bayh-Dole Act, sponsored by senators Birch Bayh of Indiana (Democrat) and Bob Dole of Kansas (Republican). The ramifications of this act would become evident in the 2020s as it solidified the relationship between medical science researchers and Big Pharma along with researchers at the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health. So don't forget to take your clot shot and remember to thank Jimmy Carter.
They looked pretty natural when we saw them waving to our small crowd gathered on the bank of the Mississippi river as they took a paddlewheeler down river.
My friend yelled out, Happy birthday, Rozlyn! Jimmy and she waved at us and thanked us as they steamed past Wabasha. Nowadays, the security situation would
prevent such open contact with the public. Just one of the reasons I loved the 70s.
It wasn't a total police-state dystopia yet,,, unless you got caught with a joint.
Your article is a real trip down memory lane. I didn't like disco music either being a rock and roll chick and I clearly remember the local radio stations we had, playing Import Night on Tuesdays. I lived for that old green radio with the dials on it, one my parents had, one they let me use. Such great tunes! It was an interesting time to be young and alive to me. We all thought we'd be young forever.
Jimmy Carter was a real piece of work with his oil shortage scare. Looking back, what a joke. And admitting he had impure thoughts? What was the purpose of making that public? As far as Carter's longevity, perhaps he drank the blood of young children much like Hitlery Clinton.
The bars were fun to go to, me and a pack of friends every Saturday night. People talked to each other and danced. They weren't sitting on their bar chairs looking at their cell phones. There were no "dating websites".
When I finally moved out (best choice of my life), I moved closer to work so I could walk (didn't have a car until age 23), so there were plenty of places to hang out nearby. If I wanted to go shopping, I'd hop on a bus and go or figure out which buses to take to my destination. I didn't worry about getting raped or mugged back then. I even daringly hitched a few times, in stupid desperation.
Who could have predicted what life would have turned out to be. I honestly miss the simpler days when the tension seemed to be a lot less. But here we are, still alive and kicking, for better or for worse.
I was a real party girl back in the day, Don, once I met with old grade school friends and started to taste freedom. It was a break from a depressing and strict youth while being stuck out in the boondocks without a vehicle.
Once when my father's old beat up Chevy wagon wouldn't start on an extremely cold day, I started to walk to work which would have taken me all day. Whatever possessed me to even try such a stupid thing is beyond me, but I felt I had to get to work (no buses out my way). So I started walking in my maxi coat and high heels. I didn't get too far before a kind older gentlemen gave me a ride. Luckily, he was an executive that worked at a nearby GE location. Yes, I certainly made it to work on time. Talk about having a really good Guardian Angel by my side. In many instances too.
I actually mostly liked disco and I have fond memories of bell bottoms, hipsters, wild and free living as a teenager during that decade. Reality came all too soon in the next decade, with family obligations and struggling to make ends meet. It's been mostly downhill since then, as aging ungracefully takes it's toll. Thanks for the "trippin'" down memory lane!
I loved bell bottoms and wide legged pants, and I wear mostly bootcut jeans. My memories of the 70s and 80s are of women dressing more classy taking better care of how they looked - thin, makeup, clothing, nice hair, and no tats! I can't believe how most look like they just rolled out of bed. Its a disgrace. I don't leave the house looking like that. Yes, getting older doesn't have a lot of grace, but I try to look decent wherever I go. Every time I look in the mirror I see my mother and it makes me want to vomit. Unfortunately, we can't turn the clock back.
Yes. As my much older sister likes to say, everyone can do something to look a little better. Very few seem to care to do that nowadays. Young women in the flower of youth are works of art. And we've lost much of this generation of them to obesity, tattoos, slovenly clothing, etc. Thanks, Fran.
People like to believe they look so classy not even understanding the meaning of the word. Even in the way they speak and language they use. One of my nephews, in his mid-30s, refused to take care of his once beautiful teeth. He now wears a bridge and implants which must have been painful. The other one has a big tattoo across his chest, that which looks like he's a gangbanger. Why anyone wants to intentionally destroy their bodies is beyond me. The "cool" way of life we once thought we were part of has so drastically changed.
Well, Fran, some of us were farm boys who didn't have nice clothes, except for church and weddings. We were lucky to get most of the cow shi*t washed off our arms when we washed our hair in the sink. I guess I was a smelly hippy too.
In defense of hippies, they were counter-culture. They were the antithesis of establishment yuppies,,, well at least until they became yuppies. I know John Barbour hated Jesus Christ Superstar, but I really liked. I thought Yvonne (disco) Elliman was a perfect Mary Magdalene.
You and Fran make a good point. The hippies that kept it "real" were essentially off the grid. The communes they started were something right-wing survivalists talk about now. That's what ideally would need to happen for us to overcome this tyranny. If enough of us started our own little communities, based on barter or perhaps a new form of currency, if we all just unplugged from the rotten system, then maybe we'd have a chance. That's kind of what hippie communes were, although perhaps free sex was stressed a lot more. Thanks!
I grew up out in farm country. Never met any farm boys, but if I had a choice now, I'd hook up with one fast. Of course, he'd have to be a real man if you know what I mean.
My beginnings were that of coming from a very large family where we didn't wear the latest fashions so I know where you are coming from. Not until we started working part time to full time did that change. My parents didn't have the money to grant all our wishes.
My grandpa had a small farm in SE Ohio and I loved going there. It was peaceful. I had relatives that owned two big acres where there were horses from a neighbor in the back. Loved visiting them too.
Because of working conditions, I had no choice but to move into the Big City. It was convenient and gave me the ability to spread my wings without all the rules and regulations. An opportunity to grow up and learn how to support one's self.
Looking back at hippies, they were doing the right thing if they weren't growing fields of MJ, but living off the land. Many folks are going back to the basics which is a good thing. I am totally anti-establishment. Can't stand those thieves and murderers who claim they are there to benefit us, and totally rob of us of our earnings for illegitimate reasons which make no sense. I am also very anti-war.
Fran, I have tell you that I love all your comments and look forward to reading many more. As far as being a real man goes, JoJo was talking about the testosterone oozing out of the pores of young guys back then.
That was true. Once I caught a young lady smelling my T-shirt I had taken off after track practice. I laughed at her and she said, she just loves the smell of it. That cracked me up. Maybe we could have auctioned off our smelly t-shirts. it never occurred to me. But sex was mostly off the table. Girls were very proper and sex meant a marriage proposal. I could write a book about frustration. Maybe what Don was referring to as "meaningless sex" in the 70s was about viewing a Penthouse magazine.... or more likely a
If someone was smelling my dirty clothes, I'd find that kinda creepy. The testosterone and estrogen was a lot stronger back in the day before human bodies became so polluted with toxins. I was lucky and wore pretty good perfume, so that was always an attraction. Nothing better than a good smelling man and one who brushes his teeth.
Yes, Scott, there was a lot more looking at Penthouse and Playboy than drunk one night stands. I'm jealous- I never caught a girl smelling my t-shirt. Thanks.
Fran, maybe you remember the jeans store chain, Cheap Joe's Jeans. They sold a T-shirt with the Motto, "Disco Sucks". I loved their jeans, which were as durable as Levis or Lees and cost half as much as those brands. Cheap Joe's died out in the mid '80s.
We didn't have shops like that here in Wisconsin, not that I remember. Yes, Disco Sucked. My friends and I would frequent some of those types of bars, but I didn't like that kind of music at all. I do remember how the women would wear dresses, all fancied up. We wore t-shirts and jeans, so men would pass us over. lol
Compared to what folks wear today, especially the men? I don't want to look at some slob's underware. Leave that to the imagination that which there is none these days.
Thanks Donald. I can relate to much of what you wrote.
After living through the JFK assassination and everything that followed, I think JEC was a thorough-going Globalist/Illuminist puppet like all the "Presidents" after 1963. Whether it was always the case since 1787 would make for an interesting discussion.
There is persuasive circumstantial evidence that 1776 (Adam Weishaupt founded Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment project and substitute for Christianity [Illuminists worship Satan] as the controlling worldview or cosmology) was the beginning of the end of civilization, about to culminate in the final OWG/NWO under the Antichrist whose appearance on the world stage must be imminent.
I wrote about Weishaupt and the Illuminati in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963," aka. Weishaupt and his outfit were a very real group, not a figment of some "conspiracy theorist's" imagination. Both Washington and Jefferson commented on them. It is reasonable speculation that the unseen rulers above it all today are in fact the Illuminati. Thanks.
I always thought that it was unexpected for a Georgia peanut farmer to be a globalist, and still wonder how that happened. It must have been the schools he went to and people he associated with.
Maybe he read a lot from Weishaupt and Albert Pike?
Yes, something very, VERY strange happened during the very short reign of Celestine V towards the end of the 13th Century. He was apparently about to divulge where all the bodies were, and his secretary, who became his successor on the Chair of Peter, put that all to rest right quick.
Records of his papacy are very VERY scant, to say the least.
I am doing some massive research on the Fratacelli and the Antonia-Scallotti. I think I'm on to something. Readers of my substack will be the first to know.
I suspect that Carter may have been infected with that globalist mind disorder while he was in the Navy. He must have been already deranged to have gone into state level politics after his stint.
If they ever decide to repent and publicly confess to crimes, and incriminate other career evil ones, then someone just pushes a button and they get an instant aneurism. The elites take out insurance policies like that; certainly sexual
Perhaps, there is certainly something they have like a spell. then again, the banality of evil, how covid went down. It could all be explained by careers, tech, money, debt, licensing of professions that take years of investment, and brainwashing in general, and what they do to effective whistleblowers . Implants should show up on scans. Then again, what Blood Testing lab is spilling the beans on the clots shots.
If they now have exploding pagers, it seems likely that they can give an aneurism to say someone who is in the club, but may be aged and possibly could get dementia and just start talking to people. That's the angle I'm looking at, since these people don't confess as a rule
. Joan Collins, Anne Heche, and
quite a few others died when they started to make revelations public, but they didn't have the black eye implant.
I agree with you Scott...except Rivers death was faked. She has been caught on camera since her "death". Jews get special treatment. Just a faked death is enough to scare someone back in line.
I know someone who got the jab who has an aneurism in the brain (I suspect there will be more, operation or not). In any case, we are never going to be told the inconvenient truths about anything. But the system is very very tight , and successful, so far.
The plan has been unfolding for 2000 years. Yes, the Antichrist is here. I agree with Mel Gibson about who it is. I came to that conclusion long before I heard Gibson had come to the same conclusion. I have not set foot in a cinema since 1980. Movies and movie stars just don't make it onto my radar screen.
Interested readers may compare what is contained in that article with any person they think might be a candidate for the AC, who I do think is about to be revealed on the world stage.
I know even Substack is being monitored. I don't want to bring problems for your stack. On Yandex, search: Mel Gibson Antichrist. You will get plenty of results. Don't bother with any other search engines. It is hidden now on the others. There had to be a faked death in 2022, and then another faked illness (which I believe will progress to another faked death very soon) to get the two people out of the way that were/are standing in the way of upward movement. The NWO does not kill off those of a certain level. It's an easy thing for those two people to retire from public life when they have made it clear to the media that they much prefer quiet country life.
Well, the two candidates that a search with a standard browser turn up seem unlikely. Walken and Charles. Some say Gibson said this about ("more cowbell") actor Christopher Walken.
However, if you listen to the interview, Gibson was describing a meeting, on a rooftop, with Walken, in which Walken seemed very scary to him. Gibson says that he looks one direction and sees a red 666 on the horizon, turns the other direction and sees Walken. "Walken is the antichrist." It seems a metaphoric description of an emotional moment, not an assertion. The whole interview is laced with such colorful descriptives, as he discusses his encounter with Hollywood and its lurking evils, until he learned to come to terms with it.
The other candidate may be the one you, Kris, have in mind - Prince William. But no original quote nor interview showed up, although there were multiple references to it by others. After the ambiguous comment on Walken, I'd want to see the exact quote.
The closest to a direct reference was iMDB, which listed the religious podcast "Redesigning Destiny," citing Rihanna & Mel Gibson in Feb 2024. Otherwise the iMDB format is blank, with no further information or link. Maybe someone else with better search skills than me can find that podcast or the quote.
Prince Williiam appears no Machiavellian prince. Too prosaic in temperament, without the subtlety or ambition to raise a cult around himself or command the world.
The Bible does open the possibility of multiple antichrists.
Can't think of Walken without picturing Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood off Catalina island. Apparently she was always afraid of water.
Maybe that was a premonition. Anyway she starred in a movie called Meteor with Sean Connery and Brian Keith. I was surprised to see them speaking Russian. Keith could speak it pretty well, but Natalie was perfectly fluent, which impressed me. Most of the time Hollywood
fakes the languages and ethnicities -eg. using whites to play Indians and so on.... or like Tom Cruise playing a Japanese Samurai. yeck.
I've gotten to know Natalie's sister Lana Wood a bit, Scott. She's been on my podcast a few times, talking about the suspicious death of her sister. She also gave me an exclusive, naming Kirk Douglas as the man who raped a then 16 year old Natalie. Thanks.
Yandex is an awesome search engine. Mel Gibson is some sort of Jewish Mole like Malachi Martin, and the British Crown, while it produces great names for Battleships, will never produce the Antichrist.
The Antichrist will come from the tribe of Dan, and probably somewhere from the Crimean Peninsula. He also gets mortally wounded and then lives.
At any rate, I am looking for his Public Debut Super Bowl Sunday 2026.
Diana was a Jew on both sides. James Goldsmith was her real father. Jemima Goldsmith could pass for her twin. The young lad almost died of a head wound back in the eighties. If memory serves, doctors at the time said he should have died. I'm not going to write anymore on this subject because I don't want to bring any more negative attention to this Substack...but there is a lot more for those who care to dig. Sorry I brought up Gibson. If I had not mentioned a celebrity, no one would have bothered to respond.
I did as you suggested. The person Mel Gibson allegedly identified as the AC does not fit the criteria found in scripture and tradition (Mel, being a traditional Catholic, should know that). See the above link for a detailed treatment on the topic of the AC.
Considering that the American Revolution was allegedly over taxing breakfast beverages and post-it notes, while today the Sheeple consent to having their lives taxed out of existence, if people have not figured out the history we were taught in school was entirely fake and ghey, they never will.
With all respect, Don, it's all one big puppet show. All Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals, and everything and everyone in between all answer to the same bosses. The ones that have hook noses and beady eyes with rodent like features. "Their countenance doth give them away." The 2011 book, "Murder From Within" by Fred T. Newcomb tagged LBJ with JFK's murder. LBJ also gave that infamous college graduation speech extolling weather modification beaming, "He who controls the weather will control the world!" The droughts, flash floods, super storms, unbearable heat, artificial, chemical snow with ice nucleated, flash freezing temperatures, all geoengineered by the Controllers to destroy life support systems, killing millions to drastically reduce the world's population bear ugly testimony to that arch criminal's words. Thank you, Don, for a very stimulating article.
Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was a biological Jew. The Jesuits are just one component, albeit a very powerful one, of the Hebraic Synarchy that rules this tormented earth.
"biological Jew"? Do you mean a real Jew, a descendant of Judah, the son of Jacob/ Israel? The vast majority (>90%) were killed during the Jewish revolts between 70 CE and 135 CE, basically a genocide. Very few genetic Jews exist today. The modern Joo is of Eastern European/ Khazarian descent.
Sephardics jews, at least a tad semitic, are 10% of the roughly 15 million jews in the world. I suspect they run the Khazarian Mafia (from London, they owned the Bank since the getgo.)
You must be referring to the billionaire Sephardic Jews, like the Grandees. A different type of Yid altogether. I understand that many of them possess Anglo features and can pass physically for Aryans.
I meant the vast majority of Jews in the world today. Yes, they are of Khazarian/Pecheneg ancestry. The Sephardic Jews in the Middle East are genetically akin to the Arabs. The Khazar Jews lord it all over the Sephardim.
There were no Jesuits around when Nubuchadnezzer was running Babylonia and the Jooish bureaucrats were running his finances. At least King Cyrus had enough sense to let the Jews go back to Palestine. As a consequence, Persia is still around.
Enjoyable article. I was a young kid(pre-teen) during the 70's but my foundation was built during this decade. To this very day I despise disco, rap, hippie culture, and crappy politicians! Happy New Year!
Like a lot of commenters here your historical remembrances are very similar to mine. It centers on the 70's. I too am a dropout but of a very small little college that was sinking fast and about out of business when I entered but I left it to pursue my wife to the big state university. My time of failure at the failing college were as you described in the article as not having any cares except location of the next party. I was in a hell raising fraternity that was animal house like and had a graduation rate of less than 10%. I was a kid raised in a strict manner and never got to see the world or have many friends. When I went to college I was able to reset and instead of being a shy kid I could actively engage with people and girls and they responded positively to me-this was a new thing! My world was great for that short time and I always think of it as epitomized by the 'Framptom comes alive' Album. When I think of that I can't think badly of the 70s, disco demolition night at Comiskey park was great but so was the disco parties at the frat house with girls from the nearby mostly female college attending. They had no interest in listening to rock or pink floyd-they wanted to get down and boogie. Don't get me wrong, I would not change getting married and having kids, they are the greatest thing but it is a lot more fun being irresponsible than responsible. I thought life was over when Reagan got elected and was fearful for my new wife and kids and me getting blown up by his apparent openness to nuclear war. It was the beginning of my stupid conviction that we could solve things by electing the right politicians. I enjoyed your article and the reminiscences it inspired.
I appreciate you sharing that, Richard. I too was able to suppress my distaste for disco if I was dancing with a cute girl. The reality is that, during the mid-1970s, that was the only music played in bars and many parties. Thanks!
In Oregon, all the live music was at hippy bars or cowboy bars. Disco didn't take hold too much out here. I went to both. Hippy Bluegrass bands were a big thing. As my late best friend used to say about the Rock Creek Tavern: "seventy pairs of cowboy boots stomping on the hardwood floor makes a lot of noise." We did love to dance.
Don what do you think? Jan1 2024 nine foot tall aliens spotted in a mall in Miami. Massive UFO sightings all year culminating in the “drone” sightings in November and December. Now on January 1 we have two attacks supposedly carried out by service members who both served at Fort Bragg. Is Fort Bragg turning out Manchurian Candidates? I don’t look forward to this year.
I didn't hear about the 9 foot aliens, Gregory. The drones seem to have vanished, or at least the reporting on them has stopped. The attacks are kind of standard false flag fare. Yes, they always keep it interesting. Thanks.
Well, I wouldn't be welcome anywhere by today's Left, Lee. As a youth, I wouldn't have been offended to be called a Marxist. Reading "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen turned me on to a whole new world. The JBS, the One World Government agenda. Reading Antony Sutton opened my eyes to the fallacy of "enemies." They're all in it together. But I never lost my admiration for Huey Long and populism. Thanks.
What you said! LoL! Do I know you? You could have been standing next to me for the entire decade. You described my life right down to the songwriting. I have been a gigging musician since around 73. It was a decade of drug-filled self-delusion for me. When I sobered up in 89, I had less to atone for than I thought I did because after taking inventory, I realized I did nothing. That's the 70s in a nutshell. Nothing. It's the second phase of the numbing and dumbing of America. But what do I know? I'm a guy from Queens.
Carter may have been anointed by the globalists -- I wasn't following things from that angle at the time -- but I believed then and still do that his evangelical Christianity, which he wore on his sleeve, was the key factor in his emergence from the Democratic pack in the '76 primaries. In my view his election was of a piece with Nixon's in '68 and '72 and Reagan's in '80. All were a reaction against the demolition of American culture in the '60s and '70s.
The man certainly met the moment in 1976. Millions of erstwhile hedonists -- SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK-AND-ROLL, PARTY; the '70s were actually what the '60s were thought to be -- were coming to the same conclusion you have in retrospect about the lifestyles of the time. They were looking for a safe port in the storm of unbridled licentiousness, some black and white answers, and in their millions they retreated into Christianity, usually of the non-denominational, evangelical variety. In 1976 Tom Wolfe published Mauve Gloves and Mad Men Clutter and Vine, in which he coined the term "me decade," calling attention to a way of life that had devolved into complete self-absorption and self-gratification, even among those who had survived the free-wheeling hedonism. I believe he also had an essay in the book about the "Jesus people."
Votes for Nixon were just a vote for the orderliness and normality of the Eisenhower years, but by 1976 voters looked deep inside and believed they were living with a profound spiritual sickness. Ergo, Jimmy Carter.
I remember the terminally unfunny Al Franken doing a very silly little monologue sketch of the "me generation" on SNL. The studio audience didn't seem to like it, or Al for that matter, all that much.
Another book emblematic of the decade was the one Carter reputedly drew on for his "malaise" speech, The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch, an academic. Old Jimmy got the spiritual sickness part right, speaking in '79, but his habitual virtue signaling made him miss the opportunity presented shortly thereafter by some big, bright-lights nationalism to lift people out of the doldrums, at least temporarily. The '80s begin with "the miracle on ice," the U.S. hockey team defeating the mighty Soviet Union in the winter Olympics. So what does Mr. Purity do next? Instead of capitalizing on the nationalist momentum, he pulls the U.S. out of the Moscow summer Olympics that year -- over Afghanistan, i.e., next to nothing. When moral posturizing is allowed to suppress something real and vibrant like athletic competition you know the posturing party is on his way to history's scrap heap; to be replaced by an enthusiastic flag waver.
Well, in all fairness, let’s not forget his fireside chats in a cardigan sweater and those solar panels on the White House roof. Back then we were supposed to be headed into another ice age, but that got turned around pretty quick. Ronny put the kibosh on all that nonsense immediately after taking office. Speaking of the alleged looming climate disaster, an examination of the last 400 million years of temperature and CO2 data clearly demonstrates that we’re still in the historical basement on both counts, and CO2 is more of a lagging indicator than a precursor anyway. Many extreme swings up and down long before people and fossil fuels ever entered the picture. Though how we can be sure of anything so far in the past requires another leap of faith, but it’s the best science can tell us at present.
I can’t say I miss disco, or John Travolta. But I’m still stayin’ alive in ’25
I miss the Ice Age. It was supposed to begin in 1979, with that long snowy winter. Then we got a new president and a new pope, and the world went down the toilet.
Early 70s... playing basketball, football, track and field. Union District Champs. Heroes are O.J., Bubba Smith and Joe Namath. See 11 Angry Men in the Oakland Coliseum. Also Charley O and the Angry A's. Hot Pants Day, Mustache Day, 5 cent beer nights, Charlie O and the Bay Bombers, Rick Barry and the Warriors at the Cow Palace, Roy Shire and Big Time Wrestling at the Cow Palace (who's Vince McMahon?), John Brodie and the Gold Rush at Kezar Stadium (not Candlestick) in the Haight Ashbury. American Pie and It's Too Late Baby.
High your back. The Mexicans own the east rest rooms and the Jocks own the west. Why Can't We Be Friends? Hate homework, only want to play sports and meet girls. Girls are proper.
College...Girls are promiscuous...hmm. Cliques are gone. Tower Boston album More Than A Feeling...big white kid says to me, "I thought you guys only liked Disco?" I'm white. Maybe you don't like the "Wave" at baseball games either.
Odd/Even Days...Malathion spraying to kill Med Fly...Governor Moonbeam's lunacy. Thinks he's cool because he dates Linda Rondstadt.
Epitaph: we were freer. We bought beer and the cops took it away from us, not arrested us. We got into huge fights and helped the other guy up. No one was ever stabbed or shot. We toilet papered houses, no drive-by.
Protestations Jimmy Carter was a "good man" strike me as grossly exaggerated. Maybe if we go by the moral standards of the typical American politician. I like to aim a little higher than that.
Carter knew that his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzeziński, had forged an alliance with jihadis rebelling against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. When the Soviets reacted as Zbig expected, by invading Afghanistan and precipitating an "international crisis," he moved to reinstate the draft. I still remember the NO FODDER FOR CARTER placards dotting campus.
Carter also refused to rule out a nuclear strike if the Soviets wound up invading the oil fields of the Middle East. Because Arab oil is "our" oil. (Whereas everything on the U.S. side of the border belongs to everybody else.)
And who can forget the herbicide paraquat, which drug warriors sprayed on marijuana plants? When a reporter pointed out that this noble measure to protect America's youth actually served to poison America's youth, the President responded with something along the lines of "it's important to remember that smoking marijuana is illegal."
Surely, some politicians are better than others. With a handful of notable exceptions, very few are "good."
I would agree, Tony. I wouldn't call Carter "good." I mentioned a few good things he did, and more of the bad things he did. He just looks good in comparison to the awful presidents that came after him. Thanks.
Yeah, at 68 soon to be 69, I always say I'm really 58 because I lost ten years in misspent foolishness. The 1970's were fun but detrimental to all that could have been, especially the goodness of life. I believe it laid the foundation for todays progressives. Lazy, self centered people that are entitled to anything and everything. Children of the early boomers and beyond. We let the globalist take hold and sell us a bill of goods on the one world concept. I feel fortunate to have pulled out of it all in time to have a good, successful "wholesome" life but not without the scars. Thanks for your writing. Enjoy it very much.
That's a great description, Big. I was fortunate to survive them intact, too. So many of us were madly rushing towards an early grave. Live fast and leave a beautiful corpse, as John Belushi used to say, before he died so suspiciously, the night after calling Dick Gregory about getting some JFK assassination info to Mark Lane. Thanks!
DJ, you would have been the greatest to party with!
I think we would do it all over again if we could live back in the 70s
Hell, I lost twenty years in misspent foolishness, instead of 66 I can say I'm 46.
I could not possibly agree more with your phrase, "detrimental to all that could have been". Most men from that time period seem to have wonderful memories of the seventies but many of us women do not. The young men were still full of testosterone that actually oozed out their pores during the day. I remember how they used to smell after exercising. Young men today do not have that smell. The testosterone is fading! I also remember that the virtually all of the young men back then had what we called "guns", meaning large biceps. Most appeared confident.
They were well proportioned and usually had really good musculature. They were filled with life and energy with no work to apply it to or at least not enough heavy physical work. My father's generation had applied that energy to farm work but here we were no longer on the farms but instead on the edge of the city in new suburbs with small yards (comparatively speaking) and there was not enough for them to do so they got into trouble. I did not like many of those young men--and I like most people. They could be very difficult and harsh. They were highly critical of those women who were not attractive enough for their taste even though some of them were as ugly as the proverbial mud fence. All of us young women from my school remember them being openly insulting about our appearance to our faces. They invented the word "scag" and applied it to any woman that they thought was beneath them. If they caught you looking at them, God forbid, they would say, "what are you looking at Scag?" and other such sweet conversation openers. I am kind to them today if I come across them because the advantage is now mine but I remember and so do all the girls that I went to school with. Perhaps our school was unusually cruel but I don't think so. I think it was the times. I think it was the last roar of the dominant white male at his worst. They were certainly detrimental to all that could have been good for most of us young ladies who were in high school during that time. They ruined our high school years. I loved the '80s but despised the 70s. I would never choose to go back in a million years.
The dominant White male at his worst also ruined it for introspective, art-loving, literature-loving males such as I was, and still am. I think that is why I went into karate, back when it was fearsome, and not for kids.
It seemed much different--and better--to me. I'd be very curious to know whether most women remember the decade as you do.
I left you an explanatory reply but I must have done something that caused it to disappear. Everyone experiences everything differently for various reasons. I am glad you enjoyed that time. I will say as I said in my earlier reply that I wiped out accidentally I suppose, that at our most recent reunion which was our 50th year we were unable to get a large chunk of the women to come because of the scarring memories that they have. Whenever I go to a gathering of my old classmates the subject invariably comes up and they talk about how mean our guys were. As I said they overflowed with testosterone and that is not a kind hormone. I know because I had to take it one time! LOL first time in my life that I thought I would take my husband to the ground over the remote control of the TV! H a h a! In Texas, football was king and jocks ruled—unkindly. I would never repeat the experience again. I'll be interested to see what other girls thought that I can tell you that it probably boils down to whether or not they were beautiful. Looks were everything for women in the 70s.
I saw plenty of that on display, too, JoJo. I explored the way the social hierarchy, which is built around sports like football and basketball, rules every high school in this country, in my book "Bullyocracy." Not sure if that's the case now. The transgenders might be in charge. Thanks!
That is precisely what drew me to your writings. You tell the truth about what's going on. I love that! Have you written anything about the large Evangelical churches with their enormous sanctuaries and too- numerous-to-count staff members? If you can direct me to it I would love to read it!
Not exactly that, but I did go over the outrageous fortunes of the televangelists, along with rabbis, pop advice givers, etc., in a chapter that was not included in "Survival of the Richest." You can find that, along with other deleted chapters from a few of my books, in my Substack archives. Thanks, JoJo!
I can’t imagine the stress. It’s funny (or not), but as I read this comment my mind flashed to Charlie’s Angels and Baywatch. How does any real person live up to that?
I'm glad you enjoyed that time.! I cannot say that all women feel the same as I and my friends do but I can tell you that in the school district that I was in as a student, the women seem to have experienced this almost universally. The '70s were a time in which looks-ism manifested itself. During my mother's time, a woman could be valued for having a kind and gentle personality and for being Adept at homemaking skills. Men looked for those qualities. By the time the 70s rolled around it seemed that looks were front and center. I'm always reminded that people experience life differently because of their perceptual field as an individual experiencing all the things in the scene in which they have been placed and because different people have been placed in different scenarios. Certainly beautiful women would have experienced it differently because they experience everything differently. I can tell you this: we just had our 50 year reunion for our high school graduating class and there were an enormous amount of female classmates that refused to come because of bad memories from that time. It seems that the experience was pervasive at least in our area in the state of Texas where football is King and the jocks could do whatever they wanted to do.
I can certainly agree that in the 70’s I had no clue how important domestic skills are. Or, for that matter, how important temperament and values are—in the long term. I feel like our society was being hollowed out or made more shallow over a long period. And I don’t think it was an accident.
I think it made a huge difference what part of the country you were in. Jojo's experience was 180 degrees different than mine. I'm sure Texas was as different from the West Coast, as to be almost a different planet (I recall the first time I drove across the entire state of Texas in 1980-west to east- it seemed like another world to me). The West Coast was very free. In fact, sadly, we were not able to appreciate just how free we were until now. The hippy culture dominated youth culture in Oregon, Washington and California. It was very egalitarian. Looks certainly had nothing to do with it. In fact, some of us used to joke about how ugly those hippy chicks were. Once they morphed into controlling harpies, and over-ran state government...we saw how ugly they were inside. Also, Oregon was a huge mecca for lesbians in the seventies (not a good thing) and all kinds of strange religious groups. The Rajneeshies even tried to take over the state; stole the Wasco county election by importing homeless people to vote, issued assassination edicts on state government officials (they came very close to killing the State Attorney Charles Turner) and poisoned a bunch of salad bars. It really was the wild, wild west (although that incident started in 1980- but here, the seventies lasted into the eighties).
All the young men I associated with did hard physical labor jobs; construction, landscaping, logging , commercial fishing, grave digging/cemetery work. They worked hard and made good money.
Here is the irony. Most of those hippies dropped back into society. They now totally dominate the governments of the three states I mentioned. They now work like hell to lock us down and destroy any freedom we have remaining. They have totally bought into globalism. Oregon was paradise in the seventies. It is now a rotten hellhole, circling the drain.
You have great insights and can tell real people from idk what to call them.
I hang with real people and we laugh our asses off every day we're together.
I believe though that those Rajneeshies were a government project, like the Manson family. One of my cousins went off to live with them, Rajneesh, not Charlie!. She was a sweet young lady. It reminds me to ask whatever happened to her?
Absolutely Rajneeshpurim was a psy-op. I still have an article from a tabloid from 1980 that headlines: Oregonians fear another Jonestown as cult buys property in Oregon desert. I knew people at that time living in Antelope, OR, the little Hamlet that the Rajneeshies went on to take over. So how was it, that a tabloid was able to forecast the terrible events to come...before the locals in Antelope even knew the old Big Muddy Ranch had been sold to that scumbag Rajneesh? And Leo Ryan's daughter becomes a member of this cult when her father, "assassinated" at Jonestown, is barely cold in his grave. Was Ryan really assassinated at Jonestown? I think both were psy-ops. The best bet is to assume all news stories are staged...until proven otherwise.
I have “family of family” that first loved Oregon, buy more recently ran screaming for the exit. It’s just sad for those who now want to leave but can’t, for whatever reason.
It took me almost 30 years to get past the 1970's. it was quite the decade.
If I could name it, it would be "The Decade of the White Man's Demise, the White Man as the World's Fool."
Ahh, how the memories have dimmed. A US News and World Report poll of historians in 1982 placed Nixon and Carter among the 10 Worst Presidents in US history.
Carter was groomed as Governor of Georgia to be President. (Another “unheard of” Governor from the South would be President too). Because he was unknown it was all the better. He was billed as the “Man from Plains” meaning the man from Plains, Georgia. A man of the people. Like one of us.
But he was fronted by the Establishment true and true. Carter is responsible for a lot of things.
When he was out here on the Left Coast he opposed the Briggs Initiative and that was the first "tick" toward this transgender madness that is going on today. Then he went back to Georgia and said he didn't, because he was a pious religious man.
Then he sandbagged the Shah of Iran and turned the country over to a killer who was called an Ayatollah, whatever that is. And we've had a problem over there ever since.
Then he sandbagged our good friend and former West Point grad Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua by turning that strategically placed country over to a bunch of commie rabble. That set off the first tick in the illegal immigration rampage and the trafficking of drugs, arms and people from the Castro Brothers throughout the years. I still don't think we know how many Cuban agents are partying in this country.
Now, I know that the Shah and Somoza were dictators. But at least they liked Americans.
Important people who once shook hands with Carter ended up badly. The Shah was given a steady diet of cancer and died in exile in Egypt. Somoza wrote a book about Carter's shenanigans called "Nicaragua Betrayed" and for his troubles he was blasted full of some 25 bullet holes and had his car blown up with a bazooka in Paraguay where he was in exile. Paraguay is a long ways away from Nicaragua. And poor Anwar Sadat. He was just trying to help his country Egypt crawl out of a hole when he was aerated in public by a bunch of fanatical maniacs, if that's what they were.
And why are we still talking about the Panama Canal? Jimmy Carter.
I could go on but perhaps Carter's greatest contribution to the downfall of "Murrica" as Don likes to say is his signing of the Bayh-Dole Act, sponsored by senators Birch Bayh of Indiana (Democrat) and Bob Dole of Kansas (Republican). The ramifications of this act would become evident in the 2020s as it solidified the relationship between medical science researchers and Big Pharma along with researchers at the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health. So don't forget to take your clot shot and remember to thank Jimmy Carter.
I appreciate the informed perspective, Brian. Thanks!
Jimmy Carter was just a puppet. But he was a much better actor than Clinton or Biden.
They looked pretty natural when we saw them waving to our small crowd gathered on the bank of the Mississippi river as they took a paddlewheeler down river.
My friend yelled out, Happy birthday, Rozlyn! Jimmy and she waved at us and thanked us as they steamed past Wabasha. Nowadays, the security situation would
prevent such open contact with the public. Just one of the reasons I loved the 70s.
It wasn't a total police-state dystopia yet,,, unless you got caught with a joint.
Your article is a real trip down memory lane. I didn't like disco music either being a rock and roll chick and I clearly remember the local radio stations we had, playing Import Night on Tuesdays. I lived for that old green radio with the dials on it, one my parents had, one they let me use. Such great tunes! It was an interesting time to be young and alive to me. We all thought we'd be young forever.
Jimmy Carter was a real piece of work with his oil shortage scare. Looking back, what a joke. And admitting he had impure thoughts? What was the purpose of making that public? As far as Carter's longevity, perhaps he drank the blood of young children much like Hitlery Clinton.
The bars were fun to go to, me and a pack of friends every Saturday night. People talked to each other and danced. They weren't sitting on their bar chairs looking at their cell phones. There were no "dating websites".
When I finally moved out (best choice of my life), I moved closer to work so I could walk (didn't have a car until age 23), so there were plenty of places to hang out nearby. If I wanted to go shopping, I'd hop on a bus and go or figure out which buses to take to my destination. I didn't worry about getting raped or mugged back then. I even daringly hitched a few times, in stupid desperation.
Who could have predicted what life would have turned out to be. I honestly miss the simpler days when the tension seemed to be a lot less. But here we are, still alive and kicking, for better or for worse.
It sounds like it would have been fun to hang out with you, Fran. Thanks!
I was a real party girl back in the day, Don, once I met with old grade school friends and started to taste freedom. It was a break from a depressing and strict youth while being stuck out in the boondocks without a vehicle.
Once when my father's old beat up Chevy wagon wouldn't start on an extremely cold day, I started to walk to work which would have taken me all day. Whatever possessed me to even try such a stupid thing is beyond me, but I felt I had to get to work (no buses out my way). So I started walking in my maxi coat and high heels. I didn't get too far before a kind older gentlemen gave me a ride. Luckily, he was an executive that worked at a nearby GE location. Yes, I certainly made it to work on time. Talk about having a really good Guardian Angel by my side. In many instances too.
I actually mostly liked disco and I have fond memories of bell bottoms, hipsters, wild and free living as a teenager during that decade. Reality came all too soon in the next decade, with family obligations and struggling to make ends meet. It's been mostly downhill since then, as aging ungracefully takes it's toll. Thanks for the "trippin'" down memory lane!
I loved bell bottoms and wide legged pants, and I wear mostly bootcut jeans. My memories of the 70s and 80s are of women dressing more classy taking better care of how they looked - thin, makeup, clothing, nice hair, and no tats! I can't believe how most look like they just rolled out of bed. Its a disgrace. I don't leave the house looking like that. Yes, getting older doesn't have a lot of grace, but I try to look decent wherever I go. Every time I look in the mirror I see my mother and it makes me want to vomit. Unfortunately, we can't turn the clock back.
Yes. As my much older sister likes to say, everyone can do something to look a little better. Very few seem to care to do that nowadays. Young women in the flower of youth are works of art. And we've lost much of this generation of them to obesity, tattoos, slovenly clothing, etc. Thanks, Fran.
People like to believe they look so classy not even understanding the meaning of the word. Even in the way they speak and language they use. One of my nephews, in his mid-30s, refused to take care of his once beautiful teeth. He now wears a bridge and implants which must have been painful. The other one has a big tattoo across his chest, that which looks like he's a gangbanger. Why anyone wants to intentionally destroy their bodies is beyond me. The "cool" way of life we once thought we were part of has so drastically changed.
Well, Fran, some of us were farm boys who didn't have nice clothes, except for church and weddings. We were lucky to get most of the cow shi*t washed off our arms when we washed our hair in the sink. I guess I was a smelly hippy too.
In defense of hippies, they were counter-culture. They were the antithesis of establishment yuppies,,, well at least until they became yuppies. I know John Barbour hated Jesus Christ Superstar, but I really liked. I thought Yvonne (disco) Elliman was a perfect Mary Magdalene.
You and Fran make a good point. The hippies that kept it "real" were essentially off the grid. The communes they started were something right-wing survivalists talk about now. That's what ideally would need to happen for us to overcome this tyranny. If enough of us started our own little communities, based on barter or perhaps a new form of currency, if we all just unplugged from the rotten system, then maybe we'd have a chance. That's kind of what hippie communes were, although perhaps free sex was stressed a lot more. Thanks!
I know you're going to watch the early Superbowl,,,, Vikings vs Detroit.
Who do you like? I figure you for Vikings, since you like underdogs, and our receivers and QB are stellar!
I grew up out in farm country. Never met any farm boys, but if I had a choice now, I'd hook up with one fast. Of course, he'd have to be a real man if you know what I mean.
My beginnings were that of coming from a very large family where we didn't wear the latest fashions so I know where you are coming from. Not until we started working part time to full time did that change. My parents didn't have the money to grant all our wishes.
My grandpa had a small farm in SE Ohio and I loved going there. It was peaceful. I had relatives that owned two big acres where there were horses from a neighbor in the back. Loved visiting them too.
Because of working conditions, I had no choice but to move into the Big City. It was convenient and gave me the ability to spread my wings without all the rules and regulations. An opportunity to grow up and learn how to support one's self.
Looking back at hippies, they were doing the right thing if they weren't growing fields of MJ, but living off the land. Many folks are going back to the basics which is a good thing. I am totally anti-establishment. Can't stand those thieves and murderers who claim they are there to benefit us, and totally rob of us of our earnings for illegitimate reasons which make no sense. I am also very anti-war.
Fran, I have tell you that I love all your comments and look forward to reading many more. As far as being a real man goes, JoJo was talking about the testosterone oozing out of the pores of young guys back then.
That was true. Once I caught a young lady smelling my T-shirt I had taken off after track practice. I laughed at her and she said, she just loves the smell of it. That cracked me up. Maybe we could have auctioned off our smelly t-shirts. it never occurred to me. But sex was mostly off the table. Girls were very proper and sex meant a marriage proposal. I could write a book about frustration. Maybe what Don was referring to as "meaningless sex" in the 70s was about viewing a Penthouse magazine.... or more likely a
Sears catalogue.
If someone was smelling my dirty clothes, I'd find that kinda creepy. The testosterone and estrogen was a lot stronger back in the day before human bodies became so polluted with toxins. I was lucky and wore pretty good perfume, so that was always an attraction. Nothing better than a good smelling man and one who brushes his teeth.
There was no frustration that I was aware of on the West Coast. I think we would have been better off with a little frustration.
Yes, Scott, there was a lot more looking at Penthouse and Playboy than drunk one night stands. I'm jealous- I never caught a girl smelling my t-shirt. Thanks.
Yup. We were going to run out of oil by 1983, and beer shortly after that.
LOL - Carter was a real putz, like most of them are. I wish my father was still alive, the conversations would could have now.
Fran, maybe you remember the jeans store chain, Cheap Joe's Jeans. They sold a T-shirt with the Motto, "Disco Sucks". I loved their jeans, which were as durable as Levis or Lees and cost half as much as those brands. Cheap Joe's died out in the mid '80s.
We didn't have shops like that here in Wisconsin, not that I remember. Yes, Disco Sucked. My friends and I would frequent some of those types of bars, but I didn't like that kind of music at all. I do remember how the women would wear dresses, all fancied up. We wore t-shirts and jeans, so men would pass us over. lol
Hey, Fran, those tight 70s jeans were quite memorable to some of us. Thanks.
Compared to what folks wear today, especially the men? I don't want to look at some slob's underware. Leave that to the imagination that which there is none these days.
Thanks Donald. I can relate to much of what you wrote.
After living through the JFK assassination and everything that followed, I think JEC was a thorough-going Globalist/Illuminist puppet like all the "Presidents" after 1963. Whether it was always the case since 1787 would make for an interesting discussion.
There is persuasive circumstantial evidence that 1776 (Adam Weishaupt founded Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment project and substitute for Christianity [Illuminists worship Satan] as the controlling worldview or cosmology) was the beginning of the end of civilization, about to culminate in the final OWG/NWO under the Antichrist whose appearance on the world stage must be imminent.
I wrote about Weishaupt and the Illuminati in "Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963," aka. Weishaupt and his outfit were a very real group, not a figment of some "conspiracy theorist's" imagination. Both Washington and Jefferson commented on them. It is reasonable speculation that the unseen rulers above it all today are in fact the Illuminati. Thanks.
I always thought that it was unexpected for a Georgia peanut farmer to be a globalist, and still wonder how that happened. It must have been the schools he went to and people he associated with.
Maybe he read a lot from Weishaupt and Albert Pike?
synchronicity,. well, strikes again. (thru
(Weishaupt was outed when a lightning bolt struck him or a courier, and documents revealed).
I believe it was the courier, if memory serves...but it goes back way before Weishaupt.
Yes, something very, VERY strange happened during the very short reign of Celestine V towards the end of the 13th Century. He was apparently about to divulge where all the bodies were, and his secretary, who became his successor on the Chair of Peter, put that all to rest right quick.
Records of his papacy are very VERY scant, to say the least.
I am doing some massive research on the Fratacelli and the Antonia-Scallotti. I think I'm on to something. Readers of my substack will be the first to know.
I suspect that Carter may have been infected with that globalist mind disorder while he was in the Navy. He must have been already deranged to have gone into state level politics after his stint.
Which to me is another jewish operation and just one secret society thing that the cat got out of the bag.
( the Black Eye was not lost on me, 100 years old or not. Ageing is bilateral.Like foreign relations should be. )
My theory is that they receive an implant.
If they ever decide to repent and publicly confess to crimes, and incriminate other career evil ones, then someone just pushes a button and they get an instant aneurism. The elites take out insurance policies like that; certainly sexual
blackmail, but probably far worse films.
Perhaps, there is certainly something they have like a spell. then again, the banality of evil, how covid went down. It could all be explained by careers, tech, money, debt, licensing of professions that take years of investment, and brainwashing in general, and what they do to effective whistleblowers . Implants should show up on scans. Then again, what Blood Testing lab is spilling the beans on the clots shots.
But what else explains the bruise?
If they now have exploding pagers, it seems likely that they can give an aneurism to say someone who is in the club, but may be aged and possibly could get dementia and just start talking to people. That's the angle I'm looking at, since these people don't confess as a rule
. Joan Collins, Anne Heche, and
quite a few others died when they started to make revelations public, but they didn't have the black eye implant.
I agree with you Scott...except Rivers death was faked. She has been caught on camera since her "death". Jews get special treatment. Just a faked death is enough to scare someone back in line.
I know someone who got the jab who has an aneurism in the brain (I suspect there will be more, operation or not). In any case, we are never going to be told the inconvenient truths about anything. But the system is very very tight , and successful, so far.
I meant Joan Rivers, talking about Big Mike, of course.
The plan has been unfolding for 2000 years. Yes, the Antichrist is here. I agree with Mel Gibson about who it is. I came to that conclusion long before I heard Gibson had come to the same conclusion. I have not set foot in a cinema since 1980. Movies and movie stars just don't make it onto my radar screen.
I must have missed this, Kris. Who does Mel think it is? Thanks.
Apparently, I missed it also, despite the fact that I have written extensively on this subject. For a detailed treatment of the topic see, What/Who is the Antichrist? at,
Interested readers may compare what is contained in that article with any person they think might be a candidate for the AC, who I do think is about to be revealed on the world stage.
I know even Substack is being monitored. I don't want to bring problems for your stack. On Yandex, search: Mel Gibson Antichrist. You will get plenty of results. Don't bother with any other search engines. It is hidden now on the others. There had to be a faked death in 2022, and then another faked illness (which I believe will progress to another faked death very soon) to get the two people out of the way that were/are standing in the way of upward movement. The NWO does not kill off those of a certain level. It's an easy thing for those two people to retire from public life when they have made it clear to the media that they much prefer quiet country life.
Well, the two candidates that a search with a standard browser turn up seem unlikely. Walken and Charles. Some say Gibson said this about ("more cowbell") actor Christopher Walken.
However, if you listen to the interview, Gibson was describing a meeting, on a rooftop, with Walken, in which Walken seemed very scary to him. Gibson says that he looks one direction and sees a red 666 on the horizon, turns the other direction and sees Walken. "Walken is the antichrist." It seems a metaphoric description of an emotional moment, not an assertion. The whole interview is laced with such colorful descriptives, as he discusses his encounter with Hollywood and its lurking evils, until he learned to come to terms with it.
The other candidate may be the one you, Kris, have in mind - Prince William. But no original quote nor interview showed up, although there were multiple references to it by others. After the ambiguous comment on Walken, I'd want to see the exact quote.
The closest to a direct reference was iMDB, which listed the religious podcast "Redesigning Destiny," citing Rihanna & Mel Gibson in Feb 2024. Otherwise the iMDB format is blank, with no further information or link. Maybe someone else with better search skills than me can find that podcast or the quote.
Prince Williiam appears no Machiavellian prince. Too prosaic in temperament, without the subtlety or ambition to raise a cult around himself or command the world.
The Bible does open the possibility of multiple antichrists.
Can't think of Walken without picturing Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood off Catalina island. Apparently she was always afraid of water.
Maybe that was a premonition. Anyway she starred in a movie called Meteor with Sean Connery and Brian Keith. I was surprised to see them speaking Russian. Keith could speak it pretty well, but Natalie was perfectly fluent, which impressed me. Most of the time Hollywood
fakes the languages and ethnicities -eg. using whites to play Indians and so on.... or like Tom Cruise playing a Japanese Samurai. yeck.
I've gotten to know Natalie's sister Lana Wood a bit, Scott. She's been on my podcast a few times, talking about the suspicious death of her sister. She also gave me an exclusive, naming Kirk Douglas as the man who raped a then 16 year old Natalie. Thanks.
Yes, Walken has always seemed incredibly creepy to me, Aryenis. Thanks!
Other good candidates are the pope, anti-pope and black pope.
All of them are much better candidates than Prince William?
Yandex is an awesome search engine. Mel Gibson is some sort of Jewish Mole like Malachi Martin, and the British Crown, while it produces great names for Battleships, will never produce the Antichrist.
The Antichrist will come from the tribe of Dan, and probably somewhere from the Crimean Peninsula. He also gets mortally wounded and then lives.
At any rate, I am looking for his Public Debut Super Bowl Sunday 2026.
Diana was a Jew on both sides. James Goldsmith was her real father. Jemima Goldsmith could pass for her twin. The young lad almost died of a head wound back in the eighties. If memory serves, doctors at the time said he should have died. I'm not going to write anymore on this subject because I don't want to bring any more negative attention to this Substack...but there is a lot more for those who care to dig. Sorry I brought up Gibson. If I had not mentioned a celebrity, no one would have bothered to respond.
I did as you suggested. The person Mel Gibson allegedly identified as the AC does not fit the criteria found in scripture and tradition (Mel, being a traditional Catholic, should know that). See the above link for a detailed treatment on the topic of the AC.
I read and liked your very good article, especially the 30 point list.
As I was reading through that 30 point list, I couldn't help to notice that DJT meets most (20/30), but not all of those 30 points.
It's still unknown who meets all 30 points so far.
Great article!
Thank you.
Considering that the American Revolution was allegedly over taxing breakfast beverages and post-it notes, while today the Sheeple consent to having their lives taxed out of existence, if people have not figured out the history we were taught in school was entirely fake and ghey, they never will.
With all respect, Don, it's all one big puppet show. All Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals, and everything and everyone in between all answer to the same bosses. The ones that have hook noses and beady eyes with rodent like features. "Their countenance doth give them away." The 2011 book, "Murder From Within" by Fred T. Newcomb tagged LBJ with JFK's murder. LBJ also gave that infamous college graduation speech extolling weather modification beaming, "He who controls the weather will control the world!" The droughts, flash floods, super storms, unbearable heat, artificial, chemical snow with ice nucleated, flash freezing temperatures, all geoengineered by the Controllers to destroy life support systems, killing millions to drastically reduce the world's population bear ugly testimony to that arch criminal's words. Thank you, Don, for a very stimulating article.
Thanks, Hereticdrummer!
You're welcome, Don, Happy New Year to you and yours.
Same to you, my friend.
Actually, the Joos are a cover for the damage wrought by the Jesuits, you could accurately say they are into the world destruction together.
Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was a biological Jew. The Jesuits are just one component, albeit a very powerful one, of the Hebraic Synarchy that rules this tormented earth.
"biological Jew"? Do you mean a real Jew, a descendant of Judah, the son of Jacob/ Israel? The vast majority (>90%) were killed during the Jewish revolts between 70 CE and 135 CE, basically a genocide. Very few genetic Jews exist today. The modern Joo is of Eastern European/ Khazarian descent.
Sephardics jews, at least a tad semitic, are 10% of the roughly 15 million jews in the world. I suspect they run the Khazarian Mafia (from London, they owned the Bank since the getgo.)
You must be referring to the billionaire Sephardic Jews, like the Grandees. A different type of Yid altogether. I understand that many of them possess Anglo features and can pass physically for Aryans.
I meant the vast majority of Jews in the world today. Yes, they are of Khazarian/Pecheneg ancestry. The Sephardic Jews in the Middle East are genetically akin to the Arabs. The Khazar Jews lord it all over the Sephardim.
Well said Heretic...and it has been going on for 2000 years.
Thank you, Kris.
There were no Jesuits around when Nubuchadnezzer was running Babylonia and the Jooish bureaucrats were running his finances. At least King Cyrus had enough sense to let the Jews go back to Palestine. As a consequence, Persia is still around.
the Jesuit Oath (apart from pledging never to be the Pope, oops)...
seems more Talmudic to my than anything else, except the Talmud
Thank you, hadn't seen that one before.
Enjoyable article. I was a young kid(pre-teen) during the 70's but my foundation was built during this decade. To this very day I despise disco, rap, hippie culture, and crappy politicians! Happy New Year!
Thanks Don
Thanks, Robert!
Like a lot of commenters here your historical remembrances are very similar to mine. It centers on the 70's. I too am a dropout but of a very small little college that was sinking fast and about out of business when I entered but I left it to pursue my wife to the big state university. My time of failure at the failing college were as you described in the article as not having any cares except location of the next party. I was in a hell raising fraternity that was animal house like and had a graduation rate of less than 10%. I was a kid raised in a strict manner and never got to see the world or have many friends. When I went to college I was able to reset and instead of being a shy kid I could actively engage with people and girls and they responded positively to me-this was a new thing! My world was great for that short time and I always think of it as epitomized by the 'Framptom comes alive' Album. When I think of that I can't think badly of the 70s, disco demolition night at Comiskey park was great but so was the disco parties at the frat house with girls from the nearby mostly female college attending. They had no interest in listening to rock or pink floyd-they wanted to get down and boogie. Don't get me wrong, I would not change getting married and having kids, they are the greatest thing but it is a lot more fun being irresponsible than responsible. I thought life was over when Reagan got elected and was fearful for my new wife and kids and me getting blown up by his apparent openness to nuclear war. It was the beginning of my stupid conviction that we could solve things by electing the right politicians. I enjoyed your article and the reminiscences it inspired.
I appreciate you sharing that, Richard. I too was able to suppress my distaste for disco if I was dancing with a cute girl. The reality is that, during the mid-1970s, that was the only music played in bars and many parties. Thanks!
In Oregon, all the live music was at hippy bars or cowboy bars. Disco didn't take hold too much out here. I went to both. Hippy Bluegrass bands were a big thing. As my late best friend used to say about the Rock Creek Tavern: "seventy pairs of cowboy boots stomping on the hardwood floor makes a lot of noise." We did love to dance.
One of the few bright spots of the twentieth century was that disco died an early death, despite the desperate attempts of some of the record labels.
The only thing that distinguishes a discotek from the pit of hell is the discotek has fluffy wall to wall carpet.
Don what do you think? Jan1 2024 nine foot tall aliens spotted in a mall in Miami. Massive UFO sightings all year culminating in the “drone” sightings in November and December. Now on January 1 we have two attacks supposedly carried out by service members who both served at Fort Bragg. Is Fort Bragg turning out Manchurian Candidates? I don’t look forward to this year.
I didn't hear about the 9 foot aliens, Gregory. The drones seem to have vanished, or at least the reporting on them has stopped. The attacks are kind of standard false flag fare. Yes, they always keep it interesting. Thanks.
Ft. Bragg is known as a spook/spy training base, among other things.
Another reason that it is very significant that those 2 characters were both there.
Damn Donald, you're farther left than I realized, you're in Marxist Communism territory.
Well, I wouldn't be welcome anywhere by today's Left, Lee. As a youth, I wouldn't have been offended to be called a Marxist. Reading "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen turned me on to a whole new world. The JBS, the One World Government agenda. Reading Antony Sutton opened my eyes to the fallacy of "enemies." They're all in it together. But I never lost my admiration for Huey Long and populism. Thanks.
I know NFL football is fake and ghey, but who do you like in the Minnesota vs Detroit game Sunday night, Don?
I too lived in the moment back in the 70s. I’d like to live only in the moment now.
What you said! LoL! Do I know you? You could have been standing next to me for the entire decade. You described my life right down to the songwriting. I have been a gigging musician since around 73. It was a decade of drug-filled self-delusion for me. When I sobered up in 89, I had less to atone for than I thought I did because after taking inventory, I realized I did nothing. That's the 70s in a nutshell. Nothing. It's the second phase of the numbing and dumbing of America. But what do I know? I'm a guy from Queens.
I'm sure there were plenty of us, Bhap. Thanks!
Carter may have been anointed by the globalists -- I wasn't following things from that angle at the time -- but I believed then and still do that his evangelical Christianity, which he wore on his sleeve, was the key factor in his emergence from the Democratic pack in the '76 primaries. In my view his election was of a piece with Nixon's in '68 and '72 and Reagan's in '80. All were a reaction against the demolition of American culture in the '60s and '70s.
The man certainly met the moment in 1976. Millions of erstwhile hedonists -- SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK-AND-ROLL, PARTY; the '70s were actually what the '60s were thought to be -- were coming to the same conclusion you have in retrospect about the lifestyles of the time. They were looking for a safe port in the storm of unbridled licentiousness, some black and white answers, and in their millions they retreated into Christianity, usually of the non-denominational, evangelical variety. In 1976 Tom Wolfe published Mauve Gloves and Mad Men Clutter and Vine, in which he coined the term "me decade," calling attention to a way of life that had devolved into complete self-absorption and self-gratification, even among those who had survived the free-wheeling hedonism. I believe he also had an essay in the book about the "Jesus people."
Votes for Nixon were just a vote for the orderliness and normality of the Eisenhower years, but by 1976 voters looked deep inside and believed they were living with a profound spiritual sickness. Ergo, Jimmy Carter.
Great analysis, Gordon. I should have mentioned the "me decade." Studio 54. Thanks!
I remember the terminally unfunny Al Franken doing a very silly little monologue sketch of the "me generation" on SNL. The studio audience didn't seem to like it, or Al for that matter, all that much.
Another book emblematic of the decade was the one Carter reputedly drew on for his "malaise" speech, The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch, an academic. Old Jimmy got the spiritual sickness part right, speaking in '79, but his habitual virtue signaling made him miss the opportunity presented shortly thereafter by some big, bright-lights nationalism to lift people out of the doldrums, at least temporarily. The '80s begin with "the miracle on ice," the U.S. hockey team defeating the mighty Soviet Union in the winter Olympics. So what does Mr. Purity do next? Instead of capitalizing on the nationalist momentum, he pulls the U.S. out of the Moscow summer Olympics that year -- over Afghanistan, i.e., next to nothing. When moral posturizing is allowed to suppress something real and vibrant like athletic competition you know the posturing party is on his way to history's scrap heap; to be replaced by an enthusiastic flag waver.
Well, in all fairness, let’s not forget his fireside chats in a cardigan sweater and those solar panels on the White House roof. Back then we were supposed to be headed into another ice age, but that got turned around pretty quick. Ronny put the kibosh on all that nonsense immediately after taking office. Speaking of the alleged looming climate disaster, an examination of the last 400 million years of temperature and CO2 data clearly demonstrates that we’re still in the historical basement on both counts, and CO2 is more of a lagging indicator than a precursor anyway. Many extreme swings up and down long before people and fossil fuels ever entered the picture. Though how we can be sure of anything so far in the past requires another leap of faith, but it’s the best science can tell us at present.
I can’t say I miss disco, or John Travolta. But I’m still stayin’ alive in ’25
Good points, Izzy. Thanks!
I miss the Ice Age. It was supposed to begin in 1979, with that long snowy winter. Then we got a new president and a new pope, and the world went down the toilet.
Izzy- love stay n alive in 25!
Ahh the coming of age time. Also a blur.
Early 70s... playing basketball, football, track and field. Union District Champs. Heroes are O.J., Bubba Smith and Joe Namath. See 11 Angry Men in the Oakland Coliseum. Also Charley O and the Angry A's. Hot Pants Day, Mustache Day, 5 cent beer nights, Charlie O and the Bay Bombers, Rick Barry and the Warriors at the Cow Palace, Roy Shire and Big Time Wrestling at the Cow Palace (who's Vince McMahon?), John Brodie and the Gold Rush at Kezar Stadium (not Candlestick) in the Haight Ashbury. American Pie and It's Too Late Baby.
High your back. The Mexicans own the east rest rooms and the Jocks own the west. Why Can't We Be Friends? Hate homework, only want to play sports and meet girls. Girls are proper.
College...Girls are promiscuous...hmm. Cliques are gone. Tower Boston album More Than A Feeling...big white kid says to me, "I thought you guys only liked Disco?" I'm white. Maybe you don't like the "Wave" at baseball games either.
Odd/Even Days...Malathion spraying to kill Med Fly...Governor Moonbeam's lunacy. Thinks he's cool because he dates Linda Rondstadt.
Epitaph: we were freer. We bought beer and the cops took it away from us, not arrested us. We got into huge fights and helped the other guy up. No one was ever stabbed or shot. We toilet papered houses, no drive-by.
Yes, a great time to grow up.
Wonderfully colorful description, Brian. Thanks!
Protestations Jimmy Carter was a "good man" strike me as grossly exaggerated. Maybe if we go by the moral standards of the typical American politician. I like to aim a little higher than that.
Carter knew that his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzeziński, had forged an alliance with jihadis rebelling against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. When the Soviets reacted as Zbig expected, by invading Afghanistan and precipitating an "international crisis," he moved to reinstate the draft. I still remember the NO FODDER FOR CARTER placards dotting campus.
Carter also refused to rule out a nuclear strike if the Soviets wound up invading the oil fields of the Middle East. Because Arab oil is "our" oil. (Whereas everything on the U.S. side of the border belongs to everybody else.)
And who can forget the herbicide paraquat, which drug warriors sprayed on marijuana plants? When a reporter pointed out that this noble measure to protect America's youth actually served to poison America's youth, the President responded with something along the lines of "it's important to remember that smoking marijuana is illegal."
Surely, some politicians are better than others. With a handful of notable exceptions, very few are "good."
I would agree, Tony. I wouldn't call Carter "good." I mentioned a few good things he did, and more of the bad things he did. He just looks good in comparison to the awful presidents that came after him. Thanks.
I agree, Donald. Jimmy Carter looks great in retrospect.
64 years old shortly, at least I could dance to disco.
I danced to plenty of disco, too, Mike. You had no choice in nightclubs back then. And I loved to dance. Thanks.