Actually, Donald, Israel is not "one of our favorite little countries" as made clear in Victor Davis Hanson today showing it's the Scarecrow and the Witch's villain, while the stumping freedom-fighter Zelensky is flown to battleground Pennsylvania to smear and slander the eevil Trump and Vance.

Benz just revived the truth of the years since 1948, that CIA has done seventy (70) coups--and who can forget Ukraine--where democracy has died and opposition parties are verboten--just like in Mr. Reelly-Reelly Evil Puteen's Reelly Eevil Empire.

You are quite right to echo the Founders' admonition re foreign entanglements. Trouble is, now so many foreigners are here entangling us--at our expense: 600,000 convicted criminals, 15,000 rapists, 13,000 murderers, all while Frankenstein and his Bride send billions to defend a border around the world.

The shrieking fairies of media make no mention of pertinent things. The Wise Authorities (Hillary Clinton and John Kerry--and Kamala and Walz) call for the end of the First Amendment. Which will be forthcoming along with the end of the second and fourth should the supply chain from Ballot Express be vouchsafed from port and rail strikes and the slaphappy application of DARPA's doppler twister ray.

Oh there must be good people among the decapitating baby burners swooping in by paraglider--but you and I know if they came to our street party they'd be on the barbie before you could say allawhothe[deleted] do you think you're messing with.

Are we not heartened that Slayer of Cornpop was "on the phone for a couple of hours" and the NeverCzarOfAnytown grimaced for fifteen minutes of Arizona photo op.

Most of us are under assault by inflation, invasion, crime and war on the little people, we freedom fighters paying the bill. I yield back the balance of my rant to the Bard of Bandwidth.

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Great commentary, Phil. I just want us out of the affairs of other nations. We have no business telling anyone what to do, considering the mess we've made of our own house. Thanks!

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This is so poetic. You do a great job on putting spin to what is just so fake and ghey. Don seems to like Thomas Massey. If that guy was for real, he would be calling out all the Satanic Pederasts he shakes hands with every day.

Yes, we are under assault. It is only by the Grace of God I am writing this. And it is only by the Grace of God I am not entirely shadowbanned and de-platformed.

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Massie said more than anyone else in Congress has ever said about Israel, WW. And his wife died shortly thereafter, of still undisclosed reasons. He doesn't seem to be backing down, either. Still calling out the corruption, boycotting Netanyahu's speech, etc. If he isn't legitimate, I'm not sure any politician ever has been.

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Massie is just a show, like Trump. Like Ron Paul, his job is to keep people in the game. The last politician I would argue was legitimate was Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy. And before that Louie McFadden of PA. If Massie is legitimate, he sure isn't worth much.

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if Massey calls out the jews he will also call out the pedophiles cause they run it

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Massey is just a shill. On James Barkers latest Knights of the Storm his guest called out Massey and nailed that critter to the wall. Massey is just a windbag full of hot air. but he has not supported one group who is really fighting for truth, nor used his political clout at the local caucus level. All the gems in Massey's file are covered with Bovine Excrement.

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massey told cucker carlson that every GOP person has an aipac babysitter. who ever would say that? I believe the jews killed his wife

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Massie has more patents than you do, for things you are too ignorant to invent.

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Maybe you should watch Massie's video Off The Grid and learn something about him besides the proper spelling of his name.

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You are afraid of how much smarter than you that he is.

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I love massie what makes you think I am against him

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Do you think DARPA or NOAA had anything to do with that horrendous hurricane and flooding?

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Absolutely. It's the Haarp/Chemtrail boyz, and they have been quite busy over the last ten days. But I will clue you in- if you get up real early, about an hour before sunrise, you can go out and see the real weather before they turn on their operation. The last ten days here in Pennsylvania it has been cloudy and damp- this after weeks of very dry weather. But every night- around ten oclock, it clears and the stars come out. They stay out until an hour before sunrise, and then the clouds roll in. This last day of Sept 2024 they overslept, apparently, and I got to watch the sun rise. But then the clouds... they did not roll in... they just formed.... you could watch them integrating. And then... two hours later... rain.

You always know when they are gearing up for an operation by just following Google Weather. Right before the operation, the ten day forcast will completely change. I watched mine go from days of partly cloudy to days of cloudy and rain showers- just like that. Same with "The Weather Channel". What a Cosmic Joke.

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The geoengineers alter the weather at will.

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Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert


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I thought my wife and I were the only ones noticing this. Now I have confirmation that we are not nuts! I wonder where it ends. I keep remembering the old line. " It's not wise to mess with mother nature. " To that I add another one. 'pay back's a bitch!".

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No, you are definitely not nuts. The weathermen are either a bunch of ignoramuses reading a script or in on it.

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The satellites that are used to create and steer hurricanes were designed and built using grants from DARPA.

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Zelensky should be denied entry into any country that knows that his term as president of the Ukraine ended last May. He is nothing but a pretender to legitimate power.

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Reading the comments makes me sad and angry with so called Christians throwing insults at you like “Jew hater.” I can tell you don’t hate anybody, Donald and neither do I. I can’t even listen to zio-Christians screaming “Kill Them All.” It sends a terrible chill down the spine and a realization that some people don’t have the faintest idea of what “love thy neighbor” actually means in practice. Thank you, Don. We love you, man. Bravo on this piece!

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I appreciate hearing that, Mel. We all hate. It's a human emotion. But it's irrational to hate an entire group. As a young 1970s radical, we on the Left then used to call that "generalization" or "stereotyping." This is an emotional issue. I expect some blowback. I just hope people realize I'm approaching things as honestly as I can. Thanks!

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You’re right, Don. I can think of people I loathe- dick Cheney is one! Bill Gates and Fauci are two more. But I don’t hate whole groups, you’re correct; it is irrational. Tiny Medea Benjamin is fighting daily to end the genocide in Gaza, for instance. I love that woman. She keeps shouting out in her gentle voice as security carries her out of venues sideways! I always smile when I see her fighting the good fight.

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you might like. https://lucasgage.substack.com/p/where-art-thou-good-jew/ but probably not. not that anything is up to us.

I hope some of my bully boomer cousins are jews, it would explain a thing or two.

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agree and liked Don's comment it's irrational to hate an entire group. Except a Jew does not identify as a singular person but identifies as as a group. if you hate one Jew you automatically hate all jews. that's their rule not mine. non-jews do not understand this. lucas gage had to find his out the hard way for the simple reason, he never knew one jew personally very well for any length of time. had he, he would have realized that if you know one jew, you know them all and can actually by their own rules, judge the entire group.

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Blaming Israel is useless - it's like blaming termites for being termites and they won't listen to you anyways.

Here's the real question: How long will the millions of American and most of Western churchianity keep pretending to worship Jesus while actually serving DaSynagogue of Satan?

Think not? And before you jump out of your self-righteous pew or pulpit, read the evidence - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Churchianity+synagogue+satan&m=1 - all of them!

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I just want us to withdraw from the world in terms of our foreign interventionism, Crush. Blame no one. And get our own house in order. Thanks!

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How do you stop foreign interventionism when those foreign interventionists rule us and make the decisions to intervene? Name a single institution in this country not ruled by them! They used to do so silently in the background - now that they have full control, it's out in the open - and who's calling them out?

Here we are! Am I discouraged? Not even close - they're literally preparing their repeat of 70 AD! As someone commented today on Unz - "Operation Titus"!

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Hey Donald, very few have any idea how that little Joo stronghold even got started.

Darby and Schofield con men wrote that corrupt bible and sold it to the gullible evangelicals who are still pushing that chosen people bullshit. They now own this nation. And that Zio scumbag Brian Mast who has his suit pants tailored to Bermuda shorts so you will never miss that he’s a double amputee from an Afgani IED screw up. We get it Mr. Humility asshole.

Thanks for speaking the truth again Don.

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All I know is Christianity certainly seems different now than when I was a Catholic child attending mass. Thanks, Dennis!

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Oct 1Edited

Finally someone speaks out on this! Amillineal vs Darby 1860’s BS . I’m embarrassed to call myself an evangelical anymore. And many whom I admire, like Charlie Kirk, buy into it hook, line and sinker. You are the first I see to address it! God bless you. Not all Christian’s are dispensational……..Catholics, for example, never have been. Reformed Christians are not dispensational. They don’t buy into the Darby BS.

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Very few are awake to the clever connection. Thanks for being one.

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hamas and hezbollah walk into a bar....then israel bombs it

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Lol. Well said, SPQR70AD.

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knock knock, who's there, Israel, Israel who? BOOM!

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Dear Donald

Isn’t the Taliban running Afghanistan now, after we senselessly spent all those years there?


Some extremely evil people were making hundreds of billions of US Dollars each year we were there, on the opium alone, while yearly, tens of thousands of Americans were dying of heroin overdoses.


I will publish tomorrow.


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I meant senseless from the viewpoint of the American people, Mark. Thanks!

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The Invasion of Afghanistan was a real boon for the Opium Trade, but apparently the Russians can now command a bigger market share?

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With what; krokodil?

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Well said , Donald. I too tend to tune out all the "terrorist" BS. I remember back in the late nineties (I still had an idiot box, but I only watched news-it was before the internet for me- and I had to get fake news from somewhere) and one couldn't turn on news without seeing Osama's mug. I knew even then that he was being groomed for some role as public enemy number one. It's a pretty open secret that Trumpenstein is a crypto-Jew... although the alt-media doesn't talk much about it.

I just heard today what Kerry said about the First Amendment...and I was a bit shocked that the globalists are being so open about their plans...not even lip-service to the Constitution anymore.

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Thanks, Kris!

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"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" David Ben-Gurion - Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp12

"We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff.

“There are a few hundred thousand Negroes but that is a matter of no significance.” The British authorities to Chaim Weizman on the subject of the Palestinians prior to 1948.

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I appreciate you sharing that, Howard. As you probably know, at the time of his assassination, JFK had been engaging in a bitter exchange with Ben-Gurion over Israel developing nuclear weapons. Thanks!

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Absolutely. Have read back and forth letters that were published. Then succeeded by the USS Liberty cover-upper, most friend-to-Israel president ever before Trump (according to Israeli authorities at the time). Interesting how both of them are not, by criteria generally used, ... Jewish.

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Right On! America first should be on everybody's mind but the controllers aren't American (Israel citizens) ,what a tragedy and they govern. Govern-to control Ment-mind If you ever get the truth about all those organizations you might be able to start peeling that onion lol.

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Thanks, James.

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"Charity begins at home." is such a pearl of wisdom. Funny how all of our so called Western Democracies are pouring billions into Ukraine and Israel while our homeless encampments grow in leaps and bounds. Funny how most if not all of those homeless people were actually born here. Which leads to the question of who is actually running our countries because it sure as Hell isn't the offspring of those who built up Western Civilization.. What a pile of shit!

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It's the most natural sentiment in the world. And yet no politician is willing to jump on such a winning slogan? Donald Trump's "America First" was demonized out of existence. Thanks, Peter!

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I am with you on this Donald. We have way too many endemic problems right here on this land. What rubs me wrong is the wholesale deaths that are becoming normalized. It's plain ole land grabbing for wealth, masquerading as "self defense" and most dangerously, "religion." Our legislators are on full board. that should terrify everyone. The bigger question, "when is it going to be our turn?" I mean, in the movies the evil doers use the people, and then they turn on them too. They openly call for it.


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Thanks, Jean-Baptiste!

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Donald, you must have put yourself in a deep sleep writing this article 😂😂

And, what about “Al-Cicada”?

There’re not very big, but they sure make a lot of noise!

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Lol. I didn't consider "Al-Cicada," Marago. Are they the terrorists of the insect kingdom? They do make a lot of noise. Thanks!

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When they multiply, they also eat a lot. They are mightier than Jewish Space Lasers. All in Gods good time...

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Khazars called Lazars with Lazers

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Another spot on article! I highly recommend everyone read Mein Kampf. History is a complete lie. Adolf Hitler was a good man and a great leader. All of his warnings about the jews have come true. The official holocaust narrative is very easy to disprove. The jews lie like we breathe. Read Hitler's speeches. You can find them online. Go to Yandex.com as a search engine. The National Socialists were the good guys. The rest of the world was tricked into teaming up against them. We murdered our racial kin only to be flooded by third world immigrants. The jews did this. Watch the documentary Europa: The Last Battle. The jews represent a satanic force in this world. Never trust a jew.

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The real Hitler is probably unknowable at this point, Jake. Of all the "foreign hobgoblins" H.L. Mencken wrote about, Hitler is in his own class. To even call him human can bring on insane vitriol, as half-Jew Oliver Stone discovered several years ago. Certainly it is impossible to trust anything that the mainstream media and the court historians have said about him, because they lie about everything. I hope you read the book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler," by Antony Sutton, who also wrote "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" and "Wall Street and FDR." I'm not sure there are ever any good guys, especially in wars where millions die senselessly. You are right about the bloodletting of mostly White young males, in both World Wars, which combined with the dramatic plunge in White birth rates over the last generation especially, has firmly placed Caucasions on the endangered species list. Thanks.

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I must respectfully disagree about the real Hitler being unknowable. His speeches are readily available, I’ve read hundreds of them. He explains all of his choices and actions and desires in painstaking detail. Hitler did everything possible to avoid a war. His actions and beliefs were 100% justified. The International Jew by Henry Ford is another excellent resource. Thanks for the book recommendations, my friend!

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Jake what is your opinion of historian David Irving? His work seems solid to me.

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David Irving is a brilliant historian. I highly recommend all of his books, many of which can be accessed for free on his website. He still pulls his punches on the truth concerning Hitler and the holocaust, but his work uncovering Soviet archives more than makes up for it. I would recommend Irving’s research only once a solid foundation of National Socialism truth has been achieved though. Dr. Thomas Dalton translated Mein Kampf and has several other books translating speeches that can give you a solid footing before venturing out into supplementary resources. My advice is always to start with first hand accounts. You can find 1000+ page PDFs containing all of Hitler’s speeches online. Read the man in his own words. He was in the public eye for 25 years. I also have a 12-part series beginning with World War One on my Substack where I gathered about 1200 quotes, grouped them by topic, and arranged them semi-chronologically. I highly recommend it if you want to know what Hitler was truly about. Thanks for your question!

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I'm less interested in Hitler specifically. More just that era. It goes without saying at this point that the establishment history of the entire 20th century is false, with its narrative of the National Socialists being the ultimate embodiment of evil being a central component.

Thank you for the recommendations. I'll check them out.

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You bet! If you want to understand that era better, I definitely recommend my series of quotes. It begins with “World War One” and reads like one continuous story, but from multiple perspectives of people at that time.

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One look at the kisser of Menacing Bagel (Menachem Begin) leaves no doubt that you are viewing a son of Satan. "Their countenance doth give them away". Its-a-lie (Israel) is chock full of such sub-human creatures. The earth is their turf, given to them by daddy Demiurge as a Hanukah gift. That's why they can commit mass murder and genocide with impunity. They are the Chozen Pipple. Some posit that the U.S. really controls Israel, not the other way around, using the evil sandbox as their, "Aircraft Carrier" in the Middle East. As the Jews control the U.S., and quite obviously Jews control Israel, I say, what difference does it make? Regardless of which set of Jews are calling the shots, the rest of us serfs get it where the sun don't shine. It will take nothing less than Ragnarok to dislodge the unadulterated nefarious and malicious forces reigning over this planet. When it hits the point of impact, it will make the carnage and slaughter of World War Two seen like a bitch slap tussle between two girl scout troops. Thank you, Don, for this gut wrenching, blood pressure raising, masterpiece.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You're welcome, Don, and thanks again. Keep going for the Beast's jugular vein.

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Shame, shame, Donald, you must be antisemitic writing such verified facts. Still don't understand why people still don't get it. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Spot on as usual. Trump will pour more billions into Israel and Kameltoe will do the same plus even more into the You-Krane with plenty of spillage into the various EU, NATO, WEF, IMF coffers. Either way, we lose. America is already lost. We cannot MAGA because we are controlled by so many outside forces that elections and the Federal government are just a shell front for the corrupt blood suckers draining this natural resource well dry. Our once white, Christian culture has been replaced by P Diddy and his merry band of Hollywood perverts. Rap and Hip Hop garbage flood our young peoples brains into tortured spasms and we just let it go. I'm getting too old to care but I cannot stop caring. What to do? Maybe move further north. I have found most garbage people like warmer climates. May I can freeze them out. Keep pushing buttons. You are appreciated.

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Thanks, Big!

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How far north??

No garbage in NY or Chicago and they’re not warmer climes…

More north would be Canada-fornia, good luck there.

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