Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

Bravo, Donald. Squatting is a version of the Leninist takeover of bourgeois apartments in Russian cities and the confiscation of farms under Stalin. Mao, too, beheaded landowners--our current president and his puppeteers are running on "Four Mao Years".

Very right of you to bring up the transsexual assault on existing institutions, marital, religious, binary gender tradition. Our very own Mighty Odd Oz declares tomorrow's Easter some kind of Golden Calf Recognition Day:

'Biden declares 2024 Easter Sunday date as 'Transgender Day of Visibility'

Awfully rich from one who is not visible before 10 AM or after 4 PM and forty percent of the working calendar.

Our American Cousin's version of the Klaus Schwab "You will own nothing and be happy". We're making such great progress in "fundamentally transforming" America into an Alinsky Animal Farm.

Violent criminals roam the streets and subways as choreographed "protestors" demand "Off Our Planet".

No matter how many times Judas betrays Christ, the stone keeps rolling away.

Anarcho-atheists with their trappings of ideology are the despotic tyrants they project upon citizens of the Republic.

The commissars have grabbed the wrong chalice and will fall as the leaves do fall come November.

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

If you believe in Jesus, believe that He is coming again and will right all wrongs and put an end to this demoniac madness.

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

I lived through the squatting-in-my-home routine in the early eighties. I changed the locks when they were out (against the law even then) but I won that one. Then a little black girl stole my stepson's bike. I found it behind a house and took it back. The black principal of her school called me on the phone and accused me of stealing it. I tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen because she was entitled to that bike. He backed off when I finally said, "All right. This conversation is over. I'm calling the police." My point? Some people have an astounding sense of entitlement, especially when their entitled peers encourage them. . . . People of all races and at all levels of life.

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

Once again - right on target. From even before the time of the moneychangers, a certain group with a "revolutionary spirit"( hat tip to E Michael Jones) has sowed discontent and division wherever they inhabit. None of this madness is by accident. It is part of the beastly system in which the great John the Revelator warned us about.

Have a blessed Easter. Christ is King!!

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Mar 30Β·edited Apr 2Liked by Donald Jeffries

I watched Doctor Zhivago this past week. It had been 20 years since the last time I saw it. I'm always so impressed by the quality of the film...but this time I had an additional feeling, missing from other viewings. It's impossible to watch that film after what has gone down in America 2.0 over the last 20 years, and not identify completely with Zhivago. The part that really got me, was when Zhivago returned home from serving in WWI, to find 13 other families sharing his family's home ...and these squatters had trashed his once elegant mansion.The female squatter who admonished Zhivago for his wrong-speech, could have been any 2024 crazed wokester (minus the blue hair and dark plastic specs). Everyone who can recognize the take down of America, should watch this film now. My only quibble was that there was no mention of Wall Street bankster Jews completely planning and executing the October Russian Revolution. I had to download Tubi to watch this film, so I looked at the other offerings. What a bunch of mindless, insipid, filthy garbage (except for the Man Who Would Be King, which I already have on dvd). Looks like I haven't missed a thing by not entering a cinema since 1980.

Donald, I LOVE the fact you still get an Easter basket! It reminds me of a conversation I had with a former boyfriend (now dead from the vax) 40 years ago (yes, I remember conversations from that long ago). I was laughingly telling him how my drinking buddy Debbie, had stumbled into the house drunk, passing her full Easter basket on her way to bed. My boyfriend (age 29) replied: "what's so funny about that, my mom still fills MY Easter basket!". It became a running joke for years. Thanks for reminding me. Anything from 30-40 years ago seems so quaint and sweet now, compared to the hell we are immersed in these days. My happy memories are now tinged with sadness , because almost everyone in them is dead. A blessed Easter to you and your family. For us Christians, Easter should be our main celebration.

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

It's not "homeless Americans" that are doing the squatting, from what I understand, but invading illegals, and throwing them out is probably already a hate crime because none of them would be white Americans so there's built-in racism there. Finally, a common misunderstanding of the Immaculate Conception (not to be confused w/ the Immaculate Reception of NFL fame) is the conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit. The dogma (I know that's a nasty word for most people, but it's correct here) taught by the Catholic Church refers to Mary's having been conceived without original sin. Jesus didn't have to worry about that as the Son of God. Just FYI and something for Easter dinner conversation (the feast of the Annunciation to Mary by Gabriel that she was to be the Mother of God was on March 25, BTW).

Happy Empty Tomb Day!

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Mar 30Β·edited Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

I have a question about squatting. Who pays all the bills associated with a home? Besides the mortgage or rent, there's electricity, gas, sewer, water, trash, taxes -and they add up quickly. From experience, I imagine invaders will turn up the heat, let the water run forever, chill with a/c cold enough to hang meat, clog and overflow the toilets, and keep the trash indoors. How about property maintenance? Does that fall back on the poor owner who will either have to pay, incur super fines + interest or the condemnation of their property?

This is everything, everywhere, all at once. Didn't a movie of that title win Best Picture or something? Must have been a horror flick, cause this new world we're entering sure is.

His tomb is empty. Come soon Lord Jesus!

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

Happy Easter to you, Donald, and to your family.

I love everything you have shared here, with both truth, humor, and β€œpause and reflect”.

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

Your article got me thinking again God help me. You touched on a number of issues in your article, but the main focus of the squatters really does bother me. I don’t see how any government body could authorize his rights when the rifle owner is there and will documented. There is something going on just beyond this stupid philosophy or law that supports it. I don’t know where this originated and who is backing it.

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Parthenogenesis is the ability to reproduce sans sexual intercourse but it is currently confined to the insect world. Allegedly, it was once the province of the gods. The great Gnostic and scriptural scholar, Marcion, who was responsible for the division of the Bible into the Old and New Testaments, said the God of Jesus Christ is not the god of the Old Testament. I can't fathom how anyone can read the Old Testament, scrutinizing the vindictive, viciousness of that anthropomorphic psychotic deity, and not agree with Marcion. All of this monstrous, criminal perversity coming from the top makes total sense when you realize the U.S. is occupied and controlled by a cabal hell bent on destroying it and obliterating the race that created it. Dickens in "Oliver Twist" had it down: "The law is an ass." Only two basic things make a people free, the right to own property and the right to choose. Both of these are rapidly being consigned to the Orwellian memory hole. I think the Controllers are pushing harder and harder, probing for a backlash from the masses they are screwing 6 ways to Sunday. Obviously none yet and I wonder what it will take. I've seen in my experience just as many wives covet other men, single and married, as the men covet them. Coveting is a two way street and does not discriminate. Hail to the U.S., the world's largest open air lunatic asylum. This cut like a knife, Don, thank you.

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Mar 30Β·edited Mar 31Liked by Donald Jeffries

how about biden making Easter sunday tranny recognition day? I look at all the articles well meaning guys on the right publish and I say there only one thing they should expose every article is jewish power.it even relates to this article about the invasion. there is not one thing wrong going on that cant be traced to jewish power. with the genocide going on in Gaza this will be the only time the window will be open. a lot of guys have taken the challenge but more are needed. the jews power to order the whole world to do what they say on Gaza has to be confronted. nothing is as important

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Saw a lady bug today. Had to look closely in disbelief. An Easter miracle. Most insects disappearing with the chemtrails I suppose. Even my spell check has chemtrails now.

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails." Corinthians 1:13.

We are returning to the time of the gangs of New York created by the oligarchs.


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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

I wonder if the crazy squatter reports we see in Mediam are currently just latest crisis actor manipulation/production for predictive programming & demoralization of the masses (of defiant β€œnormies” who the kult thinks need to get over expecting nice sane Christian moral society), as they keep pushing Marxism..and on down the slope into totalitarian control asylum world. It wouldn’t be the first time.

That, and all the rest of what non-kult people identify as madness comes courtesy of global satanic secret society β€œelites” who are by many accounts tragically insane possessed covert malignant narcissists and masters of gaslighting mindfkry.

For more on that look up β€œactor-based-reality” and β€œmkultra trauma programming & satanic ritual abuse” …

Defecting Survivors claim public schools & other institutions have been programming young kids this way for several decades. They estimate now 20+ million β€œwaiting-to-be-triggered-into-mayhem” programmed ppl in the US alone all to help bring in the β€œGreat Reset”. iykyk.

God bless your faith in Jesus, Don.

He truly is the Only Hope.

Happy Resurrection Day 🎚️

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

Why do we need more laws to protect home owners from squatters? This makes no sense to me, ever. Just more BS and angst put upon true American Citizens. I am not a snowbird, so I can only imagine how these people that move to Florida in the winter will get the surprise of their lives next year. Do politicians care? Hell No! Can you squat in any of their homes? Hell No!

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Mar 30Liked by Donald Jeffries

This is a fairly long one, and I have only scanned it.

But I wonder if you have heard: Easter Sunday is Transgender Visibility Day, China Joe has proclaimed it so.

Also, the dearth of " Mental Health Care" is a great blessing to the USA.

It's GradeA Nazi Horror and it's practice should be punished with life in prison without possibilty of parole, at Hard Labor.

And the same for sales and distribution of the most horrifically insidious drugs on the planet, Psychiatric " Medications".

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Mar 31Liked by Donald Jeffries

Most excellent observations. Amen! Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.

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