When was a at the rank of Commander working in Navy Region Europe in London I was told that I would have to give up my Irish citizenship or lose my secret clearance (I had been a dual citizen for 20 years by that time -2003) So I cancelled my Irish passport and handed it in to the Navy admin - then one month later I went to the Irish embassy and got a new one. The Irish embassy told me that once you are a citizen you are always a citizen- they cared more about me than the US even after serving 22 years in the Navy - so how in the hell can these Senators and Congressmen have Israeli citizenship?

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Yes, those Irish are quite the threat to the national security of the USA. They might invoke St Patrick to rid the military of all the woke chaff, like Rachel Levine and her ilk. (On second though, why don't we give Rachel a Rifle and send her through the tunnels into Gaza?)

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Good question, Ursino.

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That opened up my eyes even more than my experience in the first Gulf War, where we had to carry around hazmat suits and injectables in case Saddam gassed us. What ended up killing many of my colleagues was the anthrax ‘vaccine’ they took. I was lucky enough to deploy very early (August 1990) to Bahrain so did not get jabbed.

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Oct 18, 2023
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Thanks for sharing that, Benedict.

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There's some guy with a radio show posted over at grizzom/mami's shit, Blackbird9 and I think he was in the NSA or had some kind of high level clearance and was doing training on IT and he noticed that there were all of these Israelis in there and he questioned whether they should be in there and ended up losing his job.

And in the book the Host and the Parasite by Greg Felton, Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski said that when she was at the Pentagon, Israelis would just walk in like they owned the place (normal protocol would have been for someone from a foreign nation to have an escort, but not them).

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Oct 18, 2023
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"My strong impression was that Israel has special access and permissions, even though it is not one of the 'Five Eyes' countries"

Yes, that would not surprise me. The US govt is completely infiltrated and controlled. I remember Kay Griggs talking about this at the State Dept (controlled by the Zionists) - if you have never listened to her, she had all sorts of info/insights because she was married to Col Griggs (she kind of knew how the military was controlled)

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Oct 18, 2023
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Oh, Kay Griggs is definitely worth a listen--her information is very unique, she has insider knowledge. It's been years since I listened to her, but I found it very well worth my time. You can find some of her info here, plus this is an excellent site for psyops and hidden history:


fwiw-I've been awake for years and hopped around listening to lots of different people.

And on this "It's a psychological hurdle, the more effort you put into a career, the more difficult it is to question its legitimacy"---Oh yes, I totally hear you on that-I have a PhD and I think that much of my education might have been brainwashing.

Here are some quotes you might appreciate:

“Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined... They are the gravest threat to our national security.” — Admiral Bobby Ray Inman Former Deputy Director of the CIA

"I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." - Thomas H. Moorer (1912 - 2004) Admiral, US Navy & Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on 24 August 1983

"Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers." — Captain Richard F. Kiepfer, Medical Corps, US Navy (retired), USS Liberty Survivor

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Thanks for the detailed explanation, Benedict. I have wondered for a long time how so many folks on the inside could keep silent . Your comment has answered some questions for me.

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Ben, where you messed up was calling Israel a foreign country. The Israelis running the US intelligence apparatus consider Israel the only legitimate country on earth.

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If the Palestinians want revenge blow up the UN. No American citizen had a say in the partition vote in 48 at Flushing NY. Now it has come back to bite us in the ass. These wars were none of my business but I fear they will be now. I recall the old saying “you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you”. Keep your head on a swivel and prepare accordingly

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Personally I think all most of the Palestinians want is to return to their homes and live in peace in the towns they grew up in. They could care less about the political structure or what flag flies over the police station. All they want is their olive groves, their fig trees, and their vegetable gardens. (And clean water, of course.)

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My Anti-Semitism is almost as big as my Carbon Footprint. Not quite, especially during the winter, when I have a nice outdoor fire every Sunday. But I'm working on it.

All the organizations you mentioned- Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, Al-Quiada, are just so many branches of AL-CIAda. (I'll give Alex Jones that one.) In retrospect, a lot of those "terrorist acts", such as the hijacking of the Italian liner Oscar Romaro, were also sponsored by Al-CIAda. (And here we thought they were spying on the Soviets.)

What we have here is starting to look like the mother of all False Flags, with most of the "atrocities" being completely fake. (I saw a video of Israeli cops setting a car on fire, and also of Israeli cops arresting ISRAELI's protesting the reaction to the "attacks" being arrested and declared "terrorists".)

This is starting to look so much like the world in the days after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914. Everybody is watching the lights go out but the politicians are busy cheering for their side and labeling the opponents The Ultimate Evil. This would be comical except for what is at stake.

At this point I do not see anything standing in the way of what is going to be the biggest outpouring of misery since the Battle of Stalingrad. This is guaranteed to outrage the Muslim World, and maybe for once, False Flag Inc can just stand by and watch some real Muslim extremists do something stupid, like bomb a synagogue in Iran or Iraq

Or maybe somebody purchases some weapons from Ali Baba's Afghanistan War-Surplus Warehouse and heavily damages a US Aircraft Carrier.

Or maybe Al-CIAda, will have their subsidiaries in Lebanon and Syria attack Northern Israel.

My guess is that they are going to let this pot boil for awhile, while they get the world in the mood for WW3. (The Israeli Defense Force certainly seems to be leading that charge.)

And what are the chances that Al-CIAda has imported some "sleeper cells" across our Open Borders.

You have got to give the devils their due. The current situation is a Conspirator's wild, woolly dream. The political, tactical, and military angles are dizzying to contemplate.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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"What we have here is starting to look like the mother of all False Flags, with most of the "atrocities" being completely fake."

Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. If these people pulled off a hoax to justify the slaughter of 2 million people they are beyond psychopathic. It's a level of evil that's hard to wrap your head around.

I saw a video of an Israeli woman saying they came into her home and were nice to her and her kids, walked into the kitchen and asked to eat a banana. Another Israeli hostage called into the radio and said they treated him humanely, gave them drinks and calmed them down when they were nervous. And all of this made me wonder if some of the "Hamas" people running around were really just Mossad. (and Mossad/Israel controls Hamas anyway)

Also, someone noticed this:

"I also note that the peace concert near the border was moved from its original location in the south of Israel to close to the border just 2 days before the event and an eagle eyed observer pointed out that in all the photos and videos of the event not a single portaloo, generator or food truck was seen for 3,500 people."

I've never encountered such evil people before--they seem demonic and I don't really even use that word.

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What is really depressing is to see a significant portion of Americans clapping like trained seals over the "response" of Israel. Has it even occurred to them that the vast majority of those people in Gaza are completely innocent? This is like the cops shooting up a whole neighborhood to bag three crooks.

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Beyond sickening!! I'm absolutely repulsed by these people--especially the brainwashed, dumb as a box of rocks, Christian zios--they are absolutely blood-thirsty and believe everything the fake media says (except when it comes to their hero Trump). These "Christian" Zios are all for genocide of the Palestinians. No, it's never occurred to them that the vast majority of those people in Gaza are innocent--they believe the zionist propaganda that all Palestinians are terrorists.

Yes, beyond depressing.

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J.R nailed it... your stacks resound with unfortunate truths, if only the masses were aware, especially this one on dual citizens running what’s suppose to be sovereign America. Just a few days ago I asked my Florida resident sister, only one year in age difference, if she was aware of the numbers of unconstitutional dual citizens in the house, senate and running DC... she didn’t have a clue. I guess I’m not shocked... other than substack, albeit conversationally one sided, decades have gone by with few who could actually keep a circular conversation going vs hearing... “that’s a lie”... oh you’re one of those conspiracy nuts” you know all too well... , for me since Viet Nam, but none more excruciating than 9/11. Yes, shaking my head that there are still people who believe the absurd narratives. It’s lonely. You gave me a welcome smile mentioning Network, an all time favorite. I added Howard Beale’s prophetic rant to hundreds of comments over the years, https://youtu.be/ZwMVMbmQBug?si=VNx-3KXUCwi6OFl_.... True, I have yet to witness fellow Americans “giving a damn” like the Canadian Truckers convoy or the French Des Gilets Jaunes yellow vests movement... except for grand bellowing for the Trans and obvious Marxist movement all too obvious in the past several years.

I mentioned before to you that I was at Kent State on May 4, 1970. We were there over the weekend and stayed for the Monday rally. Our group was peaceful, but we were called “Terrorists” by then Governor James Rhodes. Other than those of us that met from several different Ohio campuses, few cared or wouldn’t talk about our concerns. Little has changed. Similarly, if we talk about current events opposing the narrative, we are antisemites... Thank you... for your writings Donald.

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My favorite part of Network was where Howard Beale was lectured by the Network Executive. Truer words were never spoken: "The World is a BUSINESS, Mr Beale." The only thing missing from Network was the Pot-Bellied Moloch into whose fiery innards they toss newborn babies so that the Snake God rewards their endeavors.

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I appreciate the kind words, and also you sharing your own experiences, Maureen. Thanks!

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Thank you for pointing out the dual citizenship traitors in our Government and corporate mega billionaires. It’s been a dirty little secret for decades. Drives me crazy. I knew we were kindred spirits when I signed on without you.

Shame of the poor fellow who gave up his Irish citizenship but then again look at the Emerald Isle today. The left has ruined it also.

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Thanks, Dennis!

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Actually, I think Congress, at this point, is populated by clowns. Those people would not know how to be traitors. They probably do not even know what the word means. The only thing they know how to do is follow the voting instructions and imbibe their favorite brand of ice cream.

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True, but someone is writing these long bills and acts (like the Cares Act or NDAA)

including details down to the nano-minutia size. Normal people can't decipher these laws. I too doubt that congress can decipher what they are voting for, so who's running the country and to what end? I don't even think it is just a business anymore. It's more dystopian than that. I'm afraid that the hidden powers may be planning to eliminate the

whole damn citizen/civilian class. Everything they have been doing lately points to this.

AI and robotics can replace ordinary workers, so why not eliminate them? Senior citizens

and families are a burden to the technocracy. Children can be spawned in incubators to the required specifications. The entire consumer economy can be replaced by a form of military requisition system. After one's usefulness has peaked, then it's time to report to the extermination chamber. Even the will can be artificially implanted, e.g. the will to work.

("I want to work at the tank-factory. That's all I want to do. I need very little sleep.")

We unfortunately have many extreme examples of this system in history; Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's China.... etc. International trade can be converted to a single global currencyless corporate system of exchange. From what I read of the NDAA it seems

that civilians and their property can all be converted into war assets (or liabilities as the case may be).

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Pol Pot's Cambodia and Mao's China were Bankster Beta Tests, and I wholeheartedly agree. The only function the "useless eaters" have left is as a sacrifice to Moloch.

I fear that history is rapidly heading to a climax. What we see in Gaza is just the latest Beta Test. Will humanity watch deer-eyed as 2 million innocent people are brutally slaughtered, with many even cheering it on?

Our Lady of Fatima said that "various nations will be annihilated". The USA is probably close to the top of that list.

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Years ago Jack Bernstein wrote, "An American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel." He said in a restaurant there, they had a section in a back corner that Sephardic Jews had to go and eat in, segregated from the majority Ashkenazim Jews. Kind of like the Jim Crow South in the U.S. Bernstein went to a table in the Sephardic section to talk to someone he knew. Immediately a burly Israeli cop came over to him and said, "Get away from these Kooshim." (Kooshim is basically synonymous with nigger). Bernstein ignored him and the cop slammed his billy club on the table in front of him snarling, "I said move!" He got the message and quickly left that table and section. Bernstein, an Ashkenazim Jew, who claimed he was discriminated against and harassed in Israel because he had a Sephardic wife, was allegedly "capped" by the Mossad. And countless fools still think being a Jew is just a matter of religion. Funny how the Jews financed and politically organized (The NAACP was founded by Jews) the end to racial segregation in America to spearhead miscegenation here, yet practice severe racial segregation in their, "Promised Land". Being that the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are based on pretty much the same syncretism, it is odd how historically they've been at each others' throats. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was deliberately set up to be that way. Why should anything be reserved for American Citizens, who are in reality subject/slaves in a kosher fiefdom with less rights, privileges, and benefits than any featherless biped mongrel who slithers across the border? Consider that the Donmeh, crypto-Jews in Turkey, at the top tier there, and by extension the Middle East, who outwardly converted to Islam while secretly practicing their racial religion of Judaism, could well have infiltrated the ruling class of Saudi Arabia. Ironically then, it is not a stretch to say Saudi Arabia controls Hollywood. This is a favorite tactic of the, Chozen Pipple, as evinced by the Marranos in Spain and Portugal during the 15th & 16th centuries. However in the Jew-nited States, such surreptitious deceptions are totally unnecessary. They own the turf, lock, stock, and barrel. Thank you, Don, for an outstanding and poignant article.

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It's great you bring up Bernstein, Hereticdrummer. The Spotlight (which became the American Free Press, which I write regularly for) covered Bernstein quite a bit. Thanks!

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You're welcome, Don. I was one of the original Spotlight subscribers in the early 1970s. I liked the Spotlight much more than AFP, it was much more radical. AFP has declined into conservatism (what the Hell is there to conserve?). Be that as it may, I've also been and continue to be an AFP subscriber since its inception. It still has some excellent stuff in it, most notably yours. Be well.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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The Saudis are crypto-Jews. Lots of info online

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Crypto-Jews, Overt Jews, Jew wannabes, and goyim who might as well be Jews. Truly, this is a Judaic world. The Devil has bequeathed it unto them, his children.

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Yes, their "god" is Satan. They pretty much admit this in the Talmud. Yahweh was a Canninite god of war, one of the 70 sons of El. They got many of their Old Testament stories from their captivity. Many of those "Bible" stories were first written in Sumerian texts (Book of Job, the flood etc.). Hebrew wasn't even a written language until a few centuries before Christ. Those of us awake to the J question know, Jews copy what others create...often times "jewing" the creator out of their rightful proceeds.

For us Christians, if we lack a historical perspective, we will be lead horribly, horribly astray. To me, the Old Testament is a sort of history text, with many errors...but the New Testament is clear, no BS, teachings to live by.

Zionist Christians as a rule are ignorant and unquestioning. I'm sure there are the rare birds who really want to know TRUTH, but most do not want their comfort level disturbed. These are the ones to whom Jesus will say: "Depart from me, I never knew you".

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Excellent commentary, Kris. In the late 70s, an elderly gentleman named Walter White interviewed Benjamin Freedman, a very prominent Jew in the U.S. at that time. Freedman was a pariah to his fellow tribesmen because he insisted that the Jews of today did not descend from the Israelites of the Bible and have no relation to them. Further, he gave the shocking revelation that the god the Jews worship is Satan. Even a cursory reading of the Old Testament clearly shows that god, Yahweh, Jehovah, Yaldabaoth etc. to be a tribal, anthropomorphic, bloodthirsty sadist and psychopath. Definitely an asura. The Cathars had it right. In no way is that god, the God of Jesus Christ.

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What drove me away from Christianity as a child...was that I just could not reconcile the Old Testiment with the New Testiment. Had the internet been around then, in a few days I could have found the information that later took me years and years to find on my own. So much pain could have been avoided. That is why I can't understand people who have access to the greatest store of information ever available in one place...but they chose not to look.

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True, but one must be a discerning soul and able to sort the wheat from the chaff. Aside from being a storehouse of great information, the internet is simultaneously an electronic sewer pipe of shills, trolls, disinfo agents, and the pseudo intellectuals of the cognoscenti. Ultimately, it is in the hands of, and controlled by our blood enemies. However, even at this late date, it is still a formidable weapon we can use against them.

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rabbi dov zakheim was comptroller of the pentagram and looted 2 trillion sending it to pissrael

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Nobody even knows. We've basically been taken over by the Zionist. And those Christian zionist conservatives have no clue--they still believe the official 9/11 BS fairy tale and fall for all the psyops.

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I always love hearing from a commentator that whoever is President at that moment is "Leader of the Free World". Are you kidding me? What world are they referring to?

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Dr. Ron Paul explained on the floor of the House, in 2009, that Hamas was created and funded by Israel and the US to get rid of Arafat and the PLO and wasn't shut down when those goals were accomplished because there were other uses for them. If Hamas were defunded, it would go away. Nothing a terrorist has ever done has risen to starving 2.3 million innocent Palestinians of water, food, medicine, electricity, and physical freedom.

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Good point, Vonu. There don't appear to be any Ron Pauls in Congress now. Thanks!

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And the Rand Paul in the Senate seems to have different fish to fry,

Dr. Ron Paul is keeping himself busy with being a " Distinguished Counselor to the Mises Institute," and running the RonPaul Institute, whose articles frequently appear on lewrockwell.com

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Interesting tidbit about David White's son. Donald, you are the king of vintage television trivia.

I'm sure you've heard of Operation Northwoods...the US military's plan from the early 1960s that involved massive false flags (using ships, planes and bombs) targeted at US cities and being blamed on Cuba. All those fake Cuban hijackings were to prep Americans to believe the story. For some strange reason, they shelved this project until 2001, and substituted Arabs for the villains. The propaganda went so far as to have the ending of the film : The Out-Of -Towners, (1970) feature a plane highjacked to Cuba..

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Good points, Kris. I talk about Operation Northwoods quite a bit. It shows that even in 1962, they were willing to fake- "hoax" if you will- incidents to achieve their desired results. Thanks!

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Did you ever listen to audios with Rebeka Roth? She wrote a couple of books on 9/11 and was a lead flight assistant (stewardess?). She talked about the early hijackings and said they were CIA and that the reason for them was to make a case for having fly by wire technology in the planes, basically saying look we're having so many hijackings but if you let us install this fly by wire technology then we can take control of the plane in such circumstances. I think she said one airline did not cooperate. I always suspected they used that fly by wire technology to take over planes and crash them as assassinations. I think there was a suspicious one in Namibia. And then there was a more recent one, somewhere in the Alps and they kind of came up with a strange story, like it was the co-pilot who locked the real pilot out and then deliberately crashed the plane.

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Sandra, you are full of great info! I'd love to interview Rebeka Roth. Would you happen to have her contact info? Thanks!

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Oh, no, I listened to her years ago--she did tons of interviews. I think Fetzer probably interviewed her, Maybe he would know.

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No, but thank you for the tip. I will have to look her up.

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The attack on the music festival in Las Vegas has never been explained. Some mysterious gambler guy decides to start shooting country music fans across the street from his luxury suite in the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

And then the cop in charge back then in Las Vegas moved to Maui and became head of the PD there just in time for the Lahaiana/Maui Fires.

Gee whillikers! Golly gosh!

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I'll be looking into that in the fourth edition of Hidden History. Thanks, Timmy!

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Sane Progressive (Debbie Lusignan RIP- she's a nurse, so she can spot the medical fakery, believes it was a hoax)

Sane Progressive Shows How Las Vegas Shooting Was Staged Rig https://www.bitchute.com/video/WvfPeoCi61Ul/

Sane Progressive Las Vegas Coverage | Archive https://www.bitchute.com/video/GynQfIcuqkMD/

(Debbie's work on the psyop/hoaxes was so good that the govt went after her-she called people in a panic, told them to take down mirrors of her work, and she disappeared off the internet and now apparently dead)

And here are reports from two doctors, as shared by Paul Craig Roberts

Military Surgeon Says Videos of Las Vegas Gunshot Victims Are Fake https://www.unz.com/proberts/military-surgeon-says-videos-of-las-vegas-gunshot-victims-are-fake/

This doctor agrees with the military surgeon and makes additional points:

An American Trauma Surgeon Reponds


And here's Jim Fetzer's presentation:


And fwiw Russ Winter at winterwatch.net has a great eye for psyops, hoaxes, etc and has posts on Las Vegas in his archives.

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I love Sane Progressive! Can't figure out how to contact her. Thanks!

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She died last Dec. I'm still not sure what happened, but it sounded suspicious. I haven't been able to figure it out, She disappeared for a while (I saw comments online saying she was frantically contacting people, telling them to take down mirrors of her work- so I assumed the govt threatened her). Then she disappeared for a while--completely gone from the internet. But she popped up again during covid as "Nurse Rose" and then something happened. This guy knew her:


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Wow. She didn't seem that old. Very interesting. Thanks, Sandra!

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No she wasn't --I think something happened to her. I think her death was suspicious.

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Sandra: My Dad, brother, and I stayed in the Four Seasons Hotel atop the Mandalay Bay Hotel the weekend after the Las Vegas Massacre. We could see the broken windows (now covered in plywood) of the supposed shooter's room. We could also see the bloodstains on the asphalt across the Strip at the site of the concert. The stage was still set up along with the other side buildings including the Porta-Potties.

Our driver was parked along the east side of the concert venue across the street from the Catholic Church.

The windows of the cars in front and behind our driver's limo were shot out. Our driver thought he was going to die.

The shootings were real. The victims are real. What caused the death and destruction is up for debate.

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Thanks for the links. I hadn’t heard of Sane Progressive yet but I look forward to listening to her!

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Oh, she's definitely the best on these psyops and hoaxes. She did other ones as well, but her work was scrubbed off the internet. The only one left is Las Vegas. Jim Fetzer used to be my favorite for breaking down these psyops until I found Sane Progressive/Debbie Lusignan. What I really like about her is that because she's a nurse, she can study the photos in the media of the "victims" in the hospital and she is able to IMMEDIATELY spot the medical fakery (she knows what they should be hooked up to and what the wounds would look like). She's extremely bright. I keep hoping that someone will find her other videos (I think she did Parkland too).

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I am trying to find the book of the Israeli defector who wrote the the Mossad paid off a Palestinian to commit the atrocities on the Akile Lauro passanger ship and to claim it was for Palestinian liberation, I don't think it was Voctor Ostrovskij, does anyybody know?

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The main Israeli whistleblowers I know of are Ostrovsky and Mordecai Vanunu, who I think is still in prison. Thanks, Lasse!

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I think it was this guy--(just happen to have it because I've been dropping this all over substack today):

Ari Ben-Menashe on Israeli Black Operations


Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli military intelligence operative, revealed how Israel used proceeds from secret arms sales to Iran to finance black operations and false flag terrorism.

Book: Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network (Ari Ben-Menashe, 1992)

Quote: “The slush fund helped finance the intelligence community’s “black” operations around the world. These included funding Israeli-controlled “Palestinian terrorists” who would commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution, but were actually pulling them off, usually unwittingly, as part of the Israeli propaganda machine.” (Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, 1992, chapter 8)

Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism


the Achille Lauro affair. Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, p. 122:

An example is the case of the “Palestinian” attack on the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985. That was, in fact, an Israeli “black” propaganda operation to show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were.

The operation worked like this: Eitan passed instructions to Radi that it was time for the Palestinians to make an attack and do something cruel, though no specifics were laid out. Radi passed orders on to Abu’l Abbas, who, to follow such orders, was receiving millions from Israeli intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas then gathered a team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked on an elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, killed him, and threw his body overboard. They made their point. But for Israel it was the best kind of anti-Palestinian propaganda


Interestingly, as I said, I've dropped this all over substack today and I know there were jewish commenters who read it. But none said anything. I guess I was hoping for a "OMG, I had no idea." But nothing. So maybe they don't care.

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Good grief I heard that name today from Max Igan. He has a Bitchute site called "The Crowhouse" and he mentioned it in the course of his two hour video.

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Oh yeah, Max is great. I'm still listening. It's so depressing. Everyone is so brainwashed., Those christian zionists are the worst!!

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Victor Suvorov?

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Thank you for this article. For all the reasons you state, I am now convinced that I am an Auntie Shem-ite. I have been wobbling since 1985 when Ernst Zundel was put on trial for denying the Holocaust™ (or is it Hollow-co$t?) and his defense lawyer made mincemeat out of the prosecution witnesses, which included Raul Hilberg and the man who started it all, serial liar Rudolf Vrba. David Irving, disclosing in 1988, that British war records show that the gas chamber narrative was generated by the British psychological warfare unit almost got me there, but this article has finally done it. Now I can openly wonder how Israeli intelligence, who knows when the Hamas (created by Mossad) leader goes for a dump, didn't know that an operation with extensive, sophisticated logistics was going to happen. Once again, thanks for the article.

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Thanks, Curmedgeon!

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Was Rudolph Vrba interviewed in the BBC series "The World at War"? I think it was the episode titled "Genocide". He allegedly escaped from Auschwitz and then travelled to Hungary to warn the Jews about the death camps. A fantastic story in my opinion.

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Found this interesting article featuring some info on Vrba.

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Yes Donald,I went to college and finished when I was 21,then started working with a permanent position forever from the government with a very good salary, so my life was solved. After a year working I knew I didn't like it that life style and I always was interested about living outside the system,so I left the system and was living in communes first in Spain ,afterwards in Mexico in a commune in the Sonora desert,and then I moved to the States and for 15 years I was living in all type of communes there,rural,spiritual,urbans and believe me ,it was a very ,very interesting experience,I could write many books about it. But after I divorced I came back to Spain to live in the system again . It was very frustrating to come back to live in society,but that's another story too.I miss those times living in communes, my ex husband didn't,that's the reason I didn't stayed permanently living in a commune in the States and after divorce I decided to come back to my country. But I learned a VIP lesson,that we all can live togethers in harmony,people from all type of backgrounds,ages,nacionalities etc. At The urban commune in NYC there were Jews,Muslims,a guy from Iran was a friend of mine,Europeans,Africans ,etc and we were all living wonderfully togethers. So peace is possible if we forget about politics and differences and focus in our heart with solidarity. Blessings for you Donald 🤗

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Well, you certainly kept the old spirit of those who originally opted to live in communes- you want everyone to live in harmony, and desire peace. I do, too. Thanks, Kiran!

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And the Christian Zionist movement is feeding/protecting all of this madness. Yael from the Fellowship of Christians and Jews, which pleads for Christians to give money to "God's Chosen People," was right there with a desperate commercial after Oct. 7th. You'd think all the millionaire/billionaire Jewish people you listed in your article, might toss a little change their way. But no, we've got to keep the Christian lobby caring about "God's Chosen People," even though the Bible explicitly says it isn't the Jews. It is Christians.

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Brave commentary. You really put the “spotlight” on this issue of zionist dual citizenship. These people are traitors to the Republic. They should be hung.

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Thanks, Skanderbeer!

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