I know how you feel, Donald. I found myself walking away from my biological family, a few days ago. I only have 2 friends in my community, that have refused to be brainwashed. One is a native, who has been helping me out with legal loopholes. There is also a ranching family up, north that are old, trusted friends, for whom I have been helping out with knowledge given to me my native friend, as well as technical info on how to beat the 5g network. Take care. It is only going to get worse, before it gets better. My end will come in one of the camps, that were set up during Pierre Trudreau's time, way back when. I will go down for refusing the swab, and the serum. So be it.

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Excellent effort once again. I admire your ability in writing. I, unfortunately, don't have any. I agree completely with your messages and I'm also a conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxer. Thank you.

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So often you put into words my thoughts. I especially agree about the way young people talk. For me it is as irritating as fingernails on a chalkboard. It used to be only young women, but now it is all young people, and even some middle aged women have adopted this obnoxious speech pattern.

At the end of 2009 I had a Christmas job at the local airport loading UPS airplanes. A mother and daughter worked with me. The daughter was 19. After a few days I couldn't get over how DIFFERENT this girl was. She spoke normal, and was absolutely free of sarcasm. She was bright and cheerful, and the first to step forward for difficult tasks. I had been trying to figure out way she was so different from other young folks, when I got my answer the last day of work. Her mother told me that her daughter had been homeschooled and not allowed to watch TV. It suddenly computed for me. I have not been to a cinema in 41 years, and have not watched TV for 30 years. I told the mother she had given her daughter the most precious gift a parent can give their child: a mind free of propaganda.

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My heart feels a pitter patter glimmer of hope when I see these fed up soccer moms show up at the school board meetings and rip these idiot tryrants who try to mask our children.. I love it. and no they don't end their words with lilting intonations....

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