There are no coincidences in politics.

Now, I just received an email from Substack that they are tracking all of the articles that I read. It shows how many stacks and words that I read! This is so creepy that I may need to get out of here, even though I will miss all of you so much.

Has anyone else received that same or similar email from Substack?

It came from no-reply@substack.com, which is even more suspicious.

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Last week I received several notices from SubStack "Comment is banned." Maybe a trial run by SS...so, in advance of the real thing, goodbye to all, we've had a good run, it's been fun, thanks for the memories.

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Wow. That's shocking to hear. I certainly hope Substack doesn't turn to the dark side, as the big social media platforms did. Thanks, DogsLife.

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It looks like they are definitely using AI, and not in a good way.

We already know they collect our data, which is their product, but how they use that data product is the creepy part.

When they tell me how many words I have read this week, it creeps me out. They obviously also analyzed and categorized it too.

That's too much information for them or me!

Paranoia is only paranoia if you are wrong about it!

I don't think I'm wrong on this one, since we know they can't be trusted...

Technology will always be abused by abusers.

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All my email notices from SS were terminated a couple months ago

Not sure why --- I don't side or rant for either party

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What happened is that when you blocked someone from your Stack who also had a Stack- say it was JoeBlow@substack.com - then you blocked every email ending in the Domain name of substack including yourself. Go to your email page, go to Settings, then go to Privacy, then review all the emails you have blocked. When you blocked them you also blocked their Domain - such as SuzyQ@gmail..com. You blocked all emails from Gmail. Scroll thru list of those blocked and delete those with a Domain you want to receive emails from. Then you have to contact your internet provider to clear your email account so you can receive emails from gmail again. Capish?

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No, that IS creepy, but I do get messages to become a member when I already am of just two substacks. Support@substack is who you write to but they never write back; also creepy. I trust NO ONE that has anything to do with government or social media for two things. Years ago I became enamored with Walden Pond as I grew up in the country from age 9 to 18. Then college and then the big city. I have learned a lot about "things" as all of us have by experience, travel, etc., and most of it is very disappointing. We are regressing to caveman era it seems. Anyone else notice the downtrend?Walden Pond is calling me once again. I need to buy a solar generator, dig a well and I'm off to peace.

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No; it very well may be trolls; the Elohim Worship Cult doesn't like Substack because it won't censor anti-YisraHELL comments.

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That's probably true, depending on which stacks you are subscribed to?

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I use Protonmail so maybe such things get blocked? I subscribe to a few anti-you-know who Stacks, so it can't be that.

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As soon as you are on the internet you are being tracked and recorded. If you want to get away from it all build a shack somewhere north of Timbucktu, with a very, very deep well.

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We're not completely "safe" anywhere in the world now. There's more unsafe and less unsafe. Anything on the internet ranks as most unsafe.

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You are right about that, Brother.

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Yes it's awfully creepy. They know everything we do on every device and every site. Literally everything we read, type, download and scroll through.

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Yeah, it's actually the AI infiltration that creeps me out more than the spying.

Especially, when it's used for data collection and targeted selective marketing.

We know that our data is the product, but how it is used is the creepy part!

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No worries! They are collating data to help you understand your audience. See?

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It's creepy for me, since I'm not a publisher.

It would be good tracking data to have if I was a publisher, but it looks like subscribers are spied on the same as publishers.

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got one too

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Did it seem a bit creepy to you too?

Counting the number of words I read?

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Agreed, disturbing trend. I was freaked the 1st time when my wife was searching for something on line and I had ads pop up on my computer. I don't do any social media.

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No one is safe on any social media platform, it seems.

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just got the same notice today. stated how many words I have read. or letters. i didn't pay enough attention to it but it was weird.

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Creepy AI spying is everywhere now.

Even in places it was not before.

No wonder no one uses their real name online, and VPNs.

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I got some notice that Google is going to post our/your name to everything you have on Google so time to go to another or just toss computers in the trash. Internet hs been destructive in many ways, think "anti-social media" etc.

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I've been on Substack awhile. I read a few, but I'm also a publisher: ScottSense. It's at plainsenseandsanity.substack.com. I haven't received one of those e-mails people here describe - nothing close ('course, that doesn't mean anything). I do get occasional e-mails with my stats: New subscribers, views...

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Yes, the same exact thing happened to me as well where Substack sent me a record of where they are tracking what I’m reading, how many words I’ve read, etc. Just last week. I didn’t realize this was a thing.

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Yep, I received it. Weird

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trump v. deepstate, rahs all 'round...?

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The Simpsons TV show predicted Trump would be president in 2O16 in the year 2000. . Trump started the Warp speed death Vaxx

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He responded to that on an interview with Sheryl Atkinson this past week.

He was pressured to get the vaxx out, but from everything he said leading up to that, he wasn't going to mandate it. He was going to open everything up, imo. He was saying there were things that worked, if you remember. It was Buden that rolled out the vaxx and locked down and forced mandates. All people remember is Warp speed.

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Yep, he's the Big Vaxx-Daddy...

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if you go to this page, several people say they were not in the same blackrock commercials, go check out comments. Here is one:

Chris Bowley



Sep 16

Dutch, the latest assassin wasn't in a Black Rock commercial, it was for a totally different organization, I believe based in Ukraine.

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In viewing comments here, readers may enjoy ScottSense: plainsenseandsanity.substack.com

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You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, **the Matrix** is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss. - Cypher, The Matrix

Since you are already making popcorn I'll recommend re-watching 'The Matrix' also. Like '1984', it's turning out to be a documentary as well.

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They live

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We're all out of bubblegum.

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Yep, it certainly has an impact on us. Thanks, Shadow.

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Yup, 1984, Brave New World, and Player Piano were all Spoiler ALerts.

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And instead of the matrix you got to live underground in Zion, a shithole if ever there was one!

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AND...Zion was controlled opposition that the Matrix purposefully allowed to exist to give the people a "hope" of escape, when in reality...no escape was possible.

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Right, along with the Oracle.

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Do you mean the candidates are fake or the race is fake or both? I don't use the microwave any more for my popcorn. I just place the bag on my router or smart phone.

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It's hard to find anything or anyone that isn't fake, Crixcyon. Thanks.

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I'll bet the Hot Air coming from both Presidential Candidates would make a Great Air Popper.

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Donald, a lot of people get caught up on the "is it real or is it fake." It does not matter, whether real or fake, "people still act and react to it." Whether real or fake, the public is being "presented with" a horrific picture, to wit, "Violence will be used against political opponents." That is scary. That means the "other team" has no policies or positions that can propel them to the top. Their ascent is by treachery. Now if in fact fake, then flip that. The appearance of violence will be used to sway voters. Either way, it is disturbing. Stay tuned my man, the show ain't over............Peace

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Great point, Jean. Whether it's fake or not, they are at war with the people. Thanks.

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They are absolutely. Gird yourself. :)

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The People still reacting to the News Cycle are hopelessly stuck on Stupid. God help them.

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Indeed. It is quite desperate. I mean, the people of the land have been so broken, so beat down emotionally, financially, and spiritually, that they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. They keep, as programmed, running towards "the flame," not realizing the detriment.

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Like moths to those bug zappers. I can't believe how people are so close minded. Even to look at other possibilities and think that one may be quite wrong. Most people don't believe in God or their Guardian Angel, going against better judgement just to follow the crowd to get along. Its the Youth of today that are most totally gone. Sticking to social media and the BS that MSM spits out. But alas, I know plenty of older folks who don't want to listen or cannot and will not face reality.

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They cannot face it because deep down they know the reality is too horrific for them to face. They disconnect from reality and dwell within fantasy land.


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This is exactly the definition of my biological family. We had the same parents, but most of them I do not connect with them in any way, shape or form. They think I am too far out there. lol

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Same here. My family went from being functional hillbillies to complete urban trainwrecks.

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See comment above...

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I would argue that us "Boomers" did it to ourselves. Nothing like being on Suspended Adolescence until you are forty. Heck, I see men over 60 wearing shorts, barhopping, driving convertibles, and overall acting like 5th Graders. The only thing they live for is the big game on Sunday. We have been our own worst enemies, to our spiritual and physical detriment. (Older people should realize you don't need as much food as when young and growing. Then maybe they would stop looking like stand-ins for Jabba the Hutt.)

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I totally agree with you Jean. Violence is the norm now for even politicians. They don't like what you have to say or represent, you're permanently removed. What gets me is how they constantly spew "democracy" and accuse others of exactly what they are doing. What a joke!

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It is called, "projection." "I will project everything evil that I am doing ON YOU. "This is the entire "get down." Politics is a front for evil.

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Agreed, it's a classic revolutionary tactic. It remains to be seen if they can pull it off or not. Will the kulaks protest or acquiesce?

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It gets "pulled off" either way. It's a uni-party, triangulating against the people. Nobody wins, "House rules."

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" the insane “Woke” Left, the mainstream media, and high profile Democrats themselves, are telling Trump to “tone down” his rhetoric."

The left always accuses the right of doing what the left is doing. And then, while continuing to do it, the left says the right must stop doing it and apologize.

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Yep. Classic deflection, Rightful. Thanks.

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If Trump "Toned down his rhetoric" any further, he would sound like Gerald Ford.

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I love this. Trump has actually become very Presidential-sounding, not that anyone is allowed to hear him. (Although anyone can sound Presidential compared with whatever it is that Harris is supposed to be at the moment. Candace Owens does a great mimicry of Harris doing her standup routine before Latinos. )

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Clowns to the Left and Clowns to the Right volleyed and thundered, while into the Valley of the Polls rode the Six Hundred (Voters).

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It's not insane, it's devilish.

But Potiphar's Wife Complex (Gen. 39) is nothing new, neither do its advocates ever have to apologize.

That goes for not only our white senile Presidential version, but also light brown VP version, the dark chocolate WH press secretary version, never mind the rest of those mouthing the typical Lib Progressive Bolshevik New World Order Main Stream Moron Media Dementia Party line.

It needs to be called out and resisted, but that in part is what propaganda is all about. Overwhelm any objections rather than persuade.

The Stupid Party has some real problems, but the Wicked Party is beyond the pale.


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Accusations are actual confessions!

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Tim Walz and his wife must be on some kind of psychotropic drugs. I've never heard anyone speak like he does with his outer space ideologies. Us regular folks would be committed immediately. Maybe Gwen needs to get a job at a tire shop. She can snort all the burning rubber she wants to.

Don Lemon is another piece of bad art. I'm sure he'll say anything for a buck. And to feel "loved". I can only guess that his white honey just isn't enough.

Bill Maher has been in one long orgasmic drooling fantasy about Hillary Clinton. He is one of the most nauseating people to open his mouth. An ugly little man who I think should come out the closet.

As far as that shooter, who knows. But that dude is weird. At least they didn't blow out his brains. We'll see soon enough how quickly this incident gets buried. I do at times listen to Dan Bongino and he said the perimeter of that golf course should have been secured. Yes, how did he know Trump was going to be there? Someone leaked that information.

As far as Trump being pro-Israel, aren't most politicians owned by AIPAC? My own Senator Ron Johnson is in full support of Israel.

I'm like you, Don. I wanted Ross Perot to win, not Slick Willy. I also voted for Ron Paul in 2012. Not really for either party, but the DemonRats are and never will be on my radar. Not after they murdered two of their own.

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Good points, Fran. Thanks!

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I listen to David Knight on Rumble sometimes. You ever think of getting on a podcast with him? He is for neither party. He does bring up good points, things to think about.

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Don has been on David Knight before. It is how I learned about him.

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I'm guessing that the Would-Be-Golf-Course-Shooter was probably coached at Maralago shortly before being placed on site. So of course he knew DQ Chump would be doing Links that day.

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It's such a bummer to be a Minnesotan. Hilarious description of Tim & Gwen's antics, thank you! Another fine article in these crazy times.

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I feel for you, Retired. Thanks!

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Ha, when I moved from Minnesota to SoCal in the 80s I thought, "California would be perfect if it had Minnesota's government and work ethic." Unfortunately, it went the other way and became as bad as California, especially the gov't. How did that happen? Someone should write THAT story!

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Ryan Wesley Routh has been arrested by the FBI 71 times. (Weapons charges, drugs, burglary, assault) . He travels freely to Ukraine and is funded by left wing Dem NGOs. Obviously, he's working FOR the FBI/Boys in Langley. Leftists believe Trump shot himself yet ignore the dead body lying in the "Butler Bleachers". We live in a sick world of stupid ,woke/DEI people.

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Check his Wallet- he probably has a CIA Credit Card.

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I missed the 71 FBI arrests.

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great article Don. in 2015 on twitter, people like Don Lemon would actually respond to tweets. I kinda wished i would have screen shot his reply to one of mine to him but i didn't. there was some "republican" woman on his show and i tweeted at him she was a complete phony, a fraud, etc., and his reply to me was, "relax, don't you know this is all just entertainment?" how i wish i saved that tweet. he was telling the truth.

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Interesting, Kyra. Sometimes they slip up and tell a little truth. Thanks!

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Man Boobs Matter, would make a good t-shirt , but you would, if they were worn properly, only see the top part of it.

We can thank God, or Trump somehow, that these were not the hairy man boobs, the stuff of nightmares, like mine.

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and real or fake, even the manboobs, they will milk it for all it is worth.

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could even be promoting a new form of crossdressing.


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put another nickle in , in the nippleodeon (cue Dolly normal tits on a small body Parton)... all I need is jusic, jusic, jusic

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I don't fit in anywhere, either. The Left is insane, but Trump will be the #1 Israel-supporter.

At one point I drinking a lot of wine, but I realized that this was just another way to hide from all this.

But if Trump does not win, I am through with the whole process. I might look into becoming some kind of master of occult forces, or a dream-interpreter . . . I will have had enough of bourgeoisie obedience.

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I hear you, James. If Trump wins, at least we can be entertained. Thanks.

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Keep that Popcorn coming no matter who wins. This is going to be quite the show.

Some prognosticate that if Trump wins we get ZOG to the 3rd power and the Noahide Laws. Oh what joy.

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I am a dream analyst, astrologer, metaphysician and I have to say that my perspective makes this crazy scene full of dimension and meaningful storytelling. I don't think realism is real any more, anyway. You can't fix ugly, but you can tell its story with a twist, just for fun, like Don just did!!

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That is good--to get some separation from all this and then to look at it as a story, and a humorous one at that. Good on both Don and you. I am trying to get there. And people who follow what is called, "the occult" are not crazy. It is valid. I am attracted to it.

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The Left is openly evil. The Right is quietly evil and gets less done but with less hassle.

Trump is supposed to be an outsider against globalism. Why would he suddenly turn Republican after being a Democrat all his life? Why would he oppose the rich and powerful he's always wanted to gain favor with? Why does his status as a celebrity billionaire qualify him to be a representative of us poor honest working-class Joes? If Trump is so clever in defeating the Deep State why has he repeatedly urged us to inject bioweapons into our arms? "Trump shots" is the term he used.

I ask these questions and Trump's fanbase say I just have TDS. About as bad as the Covidians four years ago. Different kinds of crazy.

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Great points RE. Great questions.

But does the right get less done?

9/11 psy op, Patriot act, normalization of living in an Orwellian police state, destruction of entire nations for the greater Israel project, global germ terror psy op, normalization of biomedical police state, nationwide house arrest, forced injections with literal bioweapons, unknown trillions of printed dollars currency debasement, otherwise known as impoverishing working people, the elimination of small business and the middle class?

All of this happened under the right, as it's called. Bush and Trump were the vaunted r team heroes, the conservative champions of American goodness that purportedly won the fake wrestling show elections and were the purported masters in charge that oversaw this (short) list of human entrapment, enslavement and destruction schemes.

The r team gets less done? For who? It seems to me they achieve fantastic results, for Satan.

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Bush turned out to be a frat-boy dunce, and Trump . . . well, I feel like he was cheated out of his first term, so I hope he wins, but I may regret it. Where are the creative people? Creative people, tempered by reality, who also know what it is to sweat in the hot sun laying roofing or bricks, etc.

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Thanks Don just got your new book in the mail today, I'm a believer and follower of Jesus Christ,a Monarchist,He is my King Revelation 19:16 and I'm a Constitutionalist who loves life liberty and freedom and I know every aspect is corupt.im our system,yet so many liberals, conservatives and Christians I know still think our vote counts at the federal level,it's sad,they can't connect the dots,lots of deception delusion and propaganda,God bless. Psalm 33:12 Acts 5:29 Titus 2:13 John 3:16 2 Timothy 1:7 Psalm 9:17 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7 Psalm 97:10 Romans 6:23 Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:5. Blessings

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You know I'm a believer, too, Manny. Thanks!

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Jeremiah 16:5-7 works much better for me: "For thus saith the Lord: Enter not into the house of feasting, neither go thou to mourn, nor to comfort them: because I have taken away my peace from this people, saith the Lord, my mercy and commiserations. Both the great and the little shall die in this land: they shall not be buried nor lamented, and men shall not cut themselves, nor make themselves bald for them."

Bye bye Miss American Pie.

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it is almost mandatory these days, and anything with the word man, and not derogatory, is fine by me.

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Good article Don. I too am waiting for a 3rd party to represent the core of America. Ron Paul was , and probably is, the last time I voted. I quit voting the lesser of two evils, that's like enabling a broken system. They know now that after 2020 that Americans are cowards and will kowtow to whatever our overlords are dealing.

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Thanks, James!

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You might check Dr. Shiva an independent candidate for president. His platform is Truth - Freedom - Health. He is a naturalized citizen from Bombay.

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Well-written, but too reality-based to be anything but depressing. I once almost voted for Reagan on the theory that no one I voted for ever one, but so terirfied of Reagan, I voted for Carter - and he lost. Thus proving how powerful my vote is. Maybe I should vote for Harris. The list of assassination attempts by the CIA on Castro is funny to read and of course they never succeeded. Which isn't to say that they aren't malevolent as well as lethal. I'm thinking of writing in dead Gadaffi for president. When he took power, Libya was the poorest country in Africa and the majority of people lived in tents. He promised to provide decent housing for all and he kept his word. We need someone like that here to get the increasing number of Americans living in tents into decent housing. We could get a psychic medium to call up his spirit, which of course is no longer Libyan but universal - which tops global. When reality sucks, maybe it's best to just make it up - at least until people wake up and fire the lot - just as our founding fathers did with their tyrants.

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Qadaffi (I always insist on using the original spelling, until they inexplicably started using a "G" or a "K" as the first letter) looks pretty good at this point, dubbydove. Thanks!

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I never know how to spell his name, but I will from now on spell his name with a Q. He's one of my few remaining "heroes". Please don't disillusion me.

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Yes. To this day in his very long life, Donald Trump has Never had a bullet anywhere near his ear.

This IS all scripted with very little to be real.

We are being forced to vote for Trump. Every action by the Dems seems to push people to Trump.

What does this mean?

Trump is the "Solution" in the Hegelian Dialectic. And it won't be good for the Constitution or us. I'm telling you that this man will be the guy that brings about the Noahide Laws. There are a few of the "rights" that must be done away with for this to happen. That will be Trump's job. Bring around Maga to destroying the 1st and then 2nd Amendments (the left is already on board).

THIS is the play coming. Prepare.

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At this point, I don't discount anything, Abuse. We never know what the next act will be in the Trumpenstein Project. Thanks!

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I'm a political junkie too, Donald. I was 16 in 1976, and even though I couldn't vote I was very interested in that election. Never got anywhere near liberals or Democrats, though. I voted for Ed Clark in my first presidential election in 1980 (Libertarian Party). Trump was my first main party vote for president, ever. Yep, its like an addiction.

The only question about the latest would-be assassin is...is he in on the Trumpenstein Project...or is he an MK-Ultra zombie? I vote for the latter. What we are seeing is a mind-control narrative that the Orange Savoir is fighting against all odds for The People. Meanwhile the zombified normies are being assured the Kackler will win. When she doesn't...heads will explode and cities will burn. I do all my own landscaping, including pruning. I have a three year old pile of limbs that I plan to burn on election night. Its illegal to have a bonfire in my neighborhood, but if anyone is paying attention... I'll just blame the blaze on the rioters. Also, its Guy Fawkes night...so I could blame it on a rouge Limey.

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Great observations, Kris. Thanks!

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