3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoAuthor

There are no coincidences in politics.

Now, I just received an email from Substack that they are tracking all of the articles that I read. It shows how many stacks and words that I read! This is so creepy that I may need to get out of here, even though I will miss all of you so much.

Has anyone else received that same or similar email from Substack?

It came from no-reply@substack.com, which is even more suspicious.

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No; it very well may be trolls; the Elohim Worship Cult doesn't like Substack because it won't censor anti-YisraHELL comments.

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That's probably true, depending on which stacks you are subscribed to?

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I use Protonmail so maybe such things get blocked? I subscribe to a few anti-you-know who Stacks, so it can't be that.

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No worries! They are collating data to help you understand your audience. See?

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It's creepy for me, since I'm not a publisher.

It would be good tracking data to have if I was a publisher, but it looks like subscribers are spied on the same as publishers.

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You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, **the Matrix** is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss. - Cypher, The Matrix

Since you are already making popcorn I'll recommend re-watching 'The Matrix' also. Like '1984', it's turning out to be a documentary as well.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

They live

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We're all out of bubblegum.

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Yep, it certainly has an impact on us. Thanks, Shadow.

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And instead of the matrix you got to live underground in Zion, a shithole if ever there was one!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Do you mean the candidates are fake or the race is fake or both? I don't use the microwave any more for my popcorn. I just place the bag on my router or smart phone.

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It's hard to find anything or anyone that isn't fake, Crixcyon. Thanks.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

I don't fit in anywhere, either. The Left is insane, but Trump will be the #1 Israel-supporter.

At one point I drinking a lot of wine, but I realized that this was just another way to hide from all this.

But if Trump does not win, I am through with the whole process. I might look into becoming some kind of master of occult forces, or a dream-interpreter . . . I will have had enough of bourgeoisie obedience.

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I hear you, James. If Trump wins, at least we can be entertained. Thanks.

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I am a dream analyst, astrologer, metaphysician and I have to say that my perspective makes this crazy scene full of dimension and meaningful storytelling. I don't think realism is real any more, anyway. You can't fix ugly, but you can tell its story with a twist, just for fun, like Don just did!!

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1 hr agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

That is good--to get some separation from all this and then to look at it as a story, and a humorous one at that. Good on both Don and you. I am trying to get there. And people who follow what is called, "the occult" are not crazy. It is valid. I am attracted to it.

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" the insane “Woke” Left, the mainstream media, and high profile Democrats themselves, are telling Trump to “tone down” his rhetoric."

The left always accuses the right of doing what the left is doing. And then, while continuing to do it, the left says the right must stop doing it and apologize.

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Yep. Classic deflection, Rightful. Thanks.

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Accusations are actual confessions!

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Donald, a lot of people get caught up on the "is it real or is it fake." It does not matter, whether real or fake, "people still act and react to it." Whether real or fake, the public is being "presented with" a horrific picture, to wit, "Violence will be used against political opponents." That is scary. That means the "other team" has no policies or positions that can propel them to the top. Their ascent is by treachery. Now if in fact fake, then flip that. The appearance of violence will be used to sway voters. Either way, it is disturbing. Stay tuned my man, the show ain't over............Peace

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Great point, Jean. Whether it's fake or not, they are at war with the people. Thanks.

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They are absolutely. Gird yourself. :)

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I totally agree with you Jean. Violence is the norm now for even politicians. They don't like what you have to say or represent, you're permanently removed. What gets me is how they constantly spew "democracy" and accuse others of exactly what they are doing. What a joke!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

It's such a bummer to be a Minnesotan. Hilarious description of Tim & Gwen's antics, thank you! Another fine article in these crazy times.

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I feel for you, Retired. Thanks!

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Ha, when I moved from Minnesota to SoCal in the 80s I thought, "California would be perfect if it had Minnesota's government and work ethic." Unfortunately, it went the other way and became as bad as California, especially the gov't. How did that happen? Someone should write THAT story!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks Don just got your new book in the mail today, I'm a believer and follower of Jesus Christ,a Monarchist,He is my King Revelation 19:16 and I'm a Constitutionalist who loves life liberty and freedom and I know every aspect is corupt.im our system,yet so many liberals, conservatives and Christians I know still think our vote counts at the federal level,it's sad,they can't connect the dots,lots of deception delusion and propaganda,God bless. Psalm 33:12 Acts 5:29 Titus 2:13 John 3:16 2 Timothy 1:7 Psalm 9:17 Psalm 118:6-9 Jeremiah 17:5-7 Psalm 97:10 Romans 6:23 Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:5. Blessings

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You know I'm a believer, too, Manny. Thanks!

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37 mins agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Tim Walz and his wife must be on some kind of psychotropic drugs. I've never heard anyone speak like he does with his outer space ideologies. Us regular folks would be committed immediately. Maybe Gwen needs to get a job at a tire shop. She can snort all the burning rubber she wants to.

Don Lemon is another piece of bad art. I'm sure he'll say anything for a buck. And to feel "loved". I can only guess that his white honey just isn't enough.

Bill Maher has been in one long orgasmic drooling fantasy about Hillary Clinton. He is one of the most nauseating people to open his mouth. An ugly little man who I think should come out the closet.

As far as that shooter, who knows. But that dude is weird. At least they didn't blow out his brains. We'll see soon enough how quickly this incident gets buried. I do at times listen to Dan Bongino and he said the perimeter of that golf course should have been secured. Yes, how did he know Trump was going to be there? Someone leaked that information.

As far as Trump being pro-Israel, aren't most politicians owned by AIPAC? My own Senator Ron Johnson is in full support of Israel.

I'm like you, Don. I wanted Ross Perot to win, not Slick Willy. I also voted for Ron Paul in 2012. Not really for either party, but the DemonRats are and never will be on my radar. Not after they murdered two of their own.

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Good points, Fran. Thanks!

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Thanks for making me laugh hard. And thank you for seeing around corners. That's a cool skill.

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Thanks, Jewell!

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Damn good column, Don! I really enjoy your Stack. So Cynthia McKinney is a friend, eh? Has you and she ever discussed Robert David Steele's death? Like all such things, I'm suspicious, but very little was even said about it. Just wondering.

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I appreciate that, Aelred. Cynthia is always traveling, so don't get to communicate with her much. I've interviewed her a few times, she wrote a blurb for my book, and asked me to write one for her book. We've never discussed Steele. Thanks.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Excellent article. Indeed, the Deep State has almost total control.

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Thanks, Realist!

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Dear Donald

Why stage a shooting, and then stop reporting on it? Bingo.

I will publish tomorrow, Friday September 20, 2024, on EarthNewspaper.com

And also add to:

Trump Assassination Attempt

Hundreds of posts have been published.

Page is updated daily with pertinent articles, news, photos, quotes and videos.

by Mark R. Elsis


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Thanks, Mark!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Awesome, blessings bud

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Thanks, Manny!

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Regarding his picture, I would only add that he has his sunglasses in the 'risky business' position, either putting them on or taking them off. This makes no sense, this isn't a 'photo op'. Or is it? Also, left to right no shades, then him partial shades, then shades. He's in the middle, 'transitioning'. Also, notice the cop on the left has 'sheriff', and the one on the right, his 'mike' is covering over 'her' in sheriff. could be nothing, but this is typical example of coded comms, uncertain what to make of it all. He's probably an undercover cop. Once you start looking at things like this, you can't stop.

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Great observations, Shadow. Guess I was distracted by his man boobs lol. It is hard not to just think everything is fake. Thanks.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Donald Jeffries

Can't wait until you do DaPagerCaper - https://rubino.substack.com/p/art-of-the-collapse-october-2024 - John Rubino sent this out today.

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Thanks for sharing, Crush!

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