Timothy Leary was not only CIA but a West Pointer, U.S. Military Academy, as well. Strange background for an advocate of Acid. Some researchers claim Mark Lane was CIA as well. It would be hardly surprising in this world where nothing is as it seems. At the height of the "Cold War", General Motors built the largest heavy truck manufacturing plant in the world at the Kama River in the Soviet Union (which can readily be converted to make tanks and armored cars for the army) while Chase Manhattan bank maintained a major branch at One Karl Marx Square in Moscow. Capitalism was the mother bitch that spawned its straw man, bastard child, communism. Like that famous quote from the, "Godfather", only your friends (and by extension family members) will fuck you over because your enemies can't get close enough to you to do it. Most so-called alternative media is either co-opted by the System or was created by it originally. In all of the thousands of pages of Wikileaks revelations, Assange never mentions Israel even once. That screams of a Mossad operation. By the way, Rachel Maddow is one of the more obvious male to female transsexual androgynes. From head to toe, all biological male characteristics. "She" looks more like a man than a woman. Thank you, Don, for a hard biting stimulator.

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Thanks, Hereticdrummer!

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You're welcome, Don, be well!

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You forgot about the Ford "Tractor" Factory on Sakhalin Island, which the Japanese most conveniently neither bombed nor overran during the entire course of the WW2, which produced the bulk of the T-34 tanks for Russia. (They sure as hell were not being put together in Smolensk in 1941.)

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The Japanese betrayed their axis/alliance with Germany by not attacking the USSR from the east while Germany was doing it from the west. If they had, and Hitler had not been betrayed by fifth columnists within the Reich disrupting supply lines to his troops, World War Two would have had a much different and highly preferable ending.

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of course they did as the whole thing was theater. When the internet was young and it didn't occur to me that things would disappear I saw that a group of people had rounded up and found all of the surviving veterans from the u.s. army air force and brought them to France for a reunion with great meals and ambiance. At one point they distributed maps with no introduction. The navigators all recognized the maps as having been what they'd get before missions. They spoke of the blackened areas with the red x's showing spots that they'd better not accidentally drop bombs or there'd be hell to pay. The sponsors had looked up in the historical records what had been in these unbombable places. It was the Ford and General Motors factories and the factories where Rockefeller's proprietary process to transform coal into petrol was being used. What I understood is that the u.s. army wasn't allowed to bomb strategic targets. We all have the impression that the german army was so powerful, but it seems that the real truth is that the whole war was staged to accumulate power for its sponsors. Then hearing Rockefeller threatening every oil exporter that if they dared to sell any oil to the germans that they'd never sell any more oil anywhere, and everybody seeing/hearing this believing that Rockefeller was for peace! He was just, as usual, against competition. And for fooling everybody. And it seems the whole world swallowed it whole. I can't usually get anybody to listen to any of this, and as I said, I have no proof other than that it's so logical.

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To accumulate world-wide power while destroying the only movement that challenged and fought their evil system to the death, National Socialism. I recall that during the Vietnam War, both sides totally refrained from bombing at or shooting anywhere near the Goodrich Rubber plantations. It didn't matter on whose turf these plantations were or how close they were to the fighting. Like Gen. Smedley Butler said, war is a racket.

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So you're saying that National Socialism had something good going for it? And yet you agree that they were all cooperating together with the directors. I thought the reason that they all ganged up on the nazis was that Hitler (or whoever) started taking the privilege of making his own greenbacks without paying any homage to the psychopaths at the vatican and the city of london. It seemed he was man of the year until he stopped obeying the int'l bankers. Tell me what you like so much about national socialism? It didn't look any better to me than any of the other horrible crap going on elsewhere. I'm not talking about the facades, I'm talking about what was really going on, with every country being controlled by these bankers since long ago.

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I never said Hitler or his National Socialist government cooperated with any directors. He was their born enemy. One of the first things he did upon assuming the Chancellorship of the Reich (democratically, I might add), was to nationalize all of the Rothschild banks and put them at the service of the German people. So much for the canard that Hitler was a secret Rothschild agent. In just a few short years after ripping off the claws of the Talmudic beast from Germany's neck, he effectuated miracles making Germany the most prosperous, vibrant nation and culture on earth. That is why the Synarchy had to stop and destroy him and all he accomplished. The other nations of the world would have followed suit and liberated themselves from the poisonous clutches of the Demiurge's tribe.

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Oh you are so correct that WW2 was fake and ghey. You should read my analysis of Pearl Harbor. The US and Japan cooperated to sink a bunch of obsolete battleships to get the US in the war. MacArthur made sure the Japanese would have the Philippines so they could loot the Pacific rim and stash the gold there as seed money for CIA Black ops when the US returned.

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I'd like to read your analysis of Pearl Harbor. It's been a pleasure hearing from somebody who's not married to the idiocies of the day because somebody stole his brain. It's a clever plan they have, makes us want to cut off communication when that's what's called for. I'm thinking that cutting off communication is the thing once one's determined that a particular person is hopeless. I haven't seen that they come back from the brink, I hope it's possible. Need to find a way to test the waters without irritating them or myself. If you've got a link to somewhere where you've written things, please send.

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It's all on my Substack. Completely free and inflation proof.

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Oh, I totally agree. And if Pius XII would have effected the collegial consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady of Fatima in 1939, Operation Barbarossa would have been in bag. Not only would Hitler have won, but England and France would have joined him in ousting the Bolsheviks. Then Hitler would have presided over a Greater German Empire, stretching from Alsace and Lorraine to the Caspian Sea and including all the former lands of the Habsburgs and perhaps western Turkey. I can imagine the French Throne would have been restored, Irish missionaries would have gone to the four corners of the British Empire garnering converts, Portugal and Spain would have exposed the Freemasonic rot in the Vatican and Italy, and Charles Lindberg and Huey Long would have exposed and overthrown Roosevelt, cancelled the New Deal Socialism, while Fascism would have become the model for a revamped United States and England. And, of course, Father Charles Coughlin would have become Archbishop of Baltimore, and overseen the evisceration of all the pederasts from the Seats of Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and St Paul.

Japan would have remained a Far East power, while China and India gravitated into a Greater Christendom. It wold have been glorious.

I can dream, can't I?

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I'd like to hear your point of view regarding why Hitler became a drug addict. Maybe you could explain why that wouldn't have stopped him from becoming the great leader you think he could have been. It seems to me he was a figurehead, a post turtle, like Dubya.

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Whether Hitler was a drug addict I do not know. I suspect he was a megalomaniac groomed by the Banksters and promised a very cushy retirement in Patagonia once his mission was completed. I do not even know whether the guy in Patagonia was Hitler, or a double. As witnessed by the JFK assassination, the Banksters are expert at ringing the truth with circle after circle of lies, and the penetration of each successive circle adds to the confusion.

I certainly don't think of Hitler as a great leader any more than I think Churchill was a great leader. Hitler was just far more cleverly disguised, as Putin is today. They worked Hitler to galvanize the German populations of East Europe, the bulk of them profoundly Christian and with their heritage still intact, against the murderous Bolsheviks. They were so successful that for millions today, Hitler was the legend that almost saved Europe from socialism, and they practically worship him, as did his German contemporaries.

The Hitler myth, like the John Fitzgerald Kennedy myth, dies very hard. Neither of them were noble individuals, when you put them to the teleological microscope. Their faults were deep and legion.

I do tire of the nonsense that because I today regard Nazi Germany as being the lesser of two evils, and as having far better existential propaganda, that does not mean that I think Hitler was ST Francis and the Nazis were committed disciples. I am about as Pro-Nazi as I am Pro-Democrat or Pro-Abortion.


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It's a pleasure to see that there are people who know the difference between facts and opinions. It probably helps that we are in agreement. I'd like to change the subject, it's not every day I get to talk to somebody coherent.

Pathogenic virus particles.

I believe that the first two Nobel prizes related to pathogenic virus particles were 1946 Stanley, tobacco mosaic and 1954 Enders polio.

My reading of the protocols suggests to me that there was no control in Stanley's experiment.

In Enders experiment he himself wrote that he had the same result with the control as with the variable and that "that will need to be looked at again".

As far as I know, it never was looked at again.

I try to get people to look at this issue. I can't get anybody to look. Can I get your opinion?

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WW: The Soviet Union and the Imperial Japanese had a non-aggression pact. Japanese subs did not attack USA convoys going across the Pacific to supply Stalin's forces. Stalin would have lost without those American supplies.

After Hitler's Army was defeated and Hitler was dead, Truman begged Stalin to attack Japan's army in Manchuria. Stalin did attack and wiped out perhaps a million Japanese in Manchuria. Japan then surrendered.

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Yes, the Japanese had a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. That makes a lot of sense, considering the Soviets were aiding the Chinese in much the same way as General Chenault's Flying Tigers. It also makes lots of sense considering that the German's in 1941 were racing across Russia and the Japanese could have solved their oil problems by merely seizing the Trans-Siberian railroad, as they did so successfully in the 1905 war with Russia, and helped themselves to the refineries in the Caucasus. It's not like they were Germany's ally, after all. It would have spared them the inconveniences of Pearl Harbor and Singapore, and all that entailed.

Yes, Stalin did declare war on Japan, on August 7th, 1945, the day after the dropping of the first Atomic Bomb. (We'll suspend here how fake and ghey the Atomic bombs were- the point is that Japan was on the verge of surrender- the Imperial Palace was merely haggling over the Fine Print...) That was just in time for Stalin to get the whole of Sakhalin Island, the Kyrils, Half of Korea, and most of Manchuria. Not bad for hardly firing a shot.

(The fate of the Japanese in Manchuria is debatable. I don't think the Russian shot a million men. I don't even think they had a million bullets. From what I gather, the Japanese just deserted and melted into the Korean Population.)

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WW: Here's the Wikipedia link on the Soviet invasion of Manchuria:


I know Wiki is iffy but I've read other articles about the invasion. The Soviet troops showed no mercy to the Kwantung Army (which had been depleted with transfers of troops and weapons to Okinawa and the home islands.)

The Soviet troops raped, pillaged, and killed everything in their path.

The Japanese Army didn't have the troops to take the Trans-Siberian RR. They didn't have the troops to take Australia.

The supply lines to the Caucasus were too long for the Germans. They would have been longer for the Japanese over a one track RR over a thousand miles long.

War is about logistics.

If the Japanese hadn't surrendered immediately to the USA and Britain, Australia, NZ, etc., the Soviets would have taken Hokkaido and who knows what else.

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I think you are conflating two events.

I was talking early in the war- 1941, BEFORE the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

The Kwangtung army was always a Paper Tiger. The best Japanese Troops were committed to the Solomon Islands and the Burma Road.

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WW: Drachnifel has a good video out recently about Admiral Yamamoto. Drach explains the reasons for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor very well.


The Japanese needed oil because FDR cut off their oil supply along with the Dutch in Indonesia. FDR wanted the USA in the war.

Japan could have pulled its troops out of Manchuria and China but the military ran Japan just like in the USA today.

The oil in the Dutch East Indies was the easiest for Japan to reach and hold.

The Japanese wanted the Solomon Islands to use as a bomber base to cut the Australia to USA shipping lanes.

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I like hearing people who agree with me regarding the atom bomb. I concluded the same thing as you because of the physics. They talk about how everything has to be perfect, but then, after the metal case has broken, all bets are off. In spite of the instant precipitous drop in pressure and vast increase in volume, the microscopic particles somehow keep on finding each other to make more collisions. Total bullshit. The confirmation is that the only people who had enough access to confirm or deny would be the government, and they only ever lie.

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While I agree with you that the physics of the "Atom Bomb" is entirely fake and ghey (I have come to disbelieve in all the modern axioms of chemistry, for example, and think the periodic table is a crock. In experiments I did to troubleshoot a simple experiment where the test on the "pathological urine", did not work with the local reverse-osmosis water, in attempts to identify the culprit, I found that the laws of inorganic chemistry were largely a crock, and reagents were not behaving the way they were supposed to. Alkalinity and equilibrium are not so simple as many are led to believe. Consequently, I find the whole theory of "atoms and molecules" to be completely fake and ghey.) that does not necessarily imply that weapons of monstrous destructive power do not exist. Many think that the explosion in Tunguska in 1905 was produced by a "Tesla" weapon, and may have been a demonstration by the Russian branch of the kabal that they were taking leadership going forward. While I am adverse to straying into the land of the Nepthelim and Aliens from Planet Poptoid, one does find that the more one researches, the more one does not know concerning all the lies of the modern scientific pantheon. Yes, it is a very big club, and we ain't in it.

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yes, "they" probably have some skeery stuff, but they surely wouldn't let us know about it. I assume you're aware of Judy Woods analysis of 911 and her partiality to the Hutchison effect.

The atom bomb is clearly a hoax. Sounds like you're a chemist. Have you run into colleagues who've also encountered what you have described (periodic table hoax) and had the confidence in themselves to doubt the party line that comes to us from Rockefeller/Rothschild owned universities?

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The Israeli genocide in Gaza has flushed out a lot of alternative media people who are supporters of Zionism or owned by the Jewish Lobby. People like Conrad Black, Jordan Peterson, Robert Kennedy Jr. and alternative media such as Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times and Rebel News. And then there are those who are silent in the face of the Gaza genocide such as Tucker, Naomi Wolfe, etc. In fact, the Gaza genocide provides a good litmus test for anyone claiming to be endowed with basic humanity and morality. The banksters planned and funded the Bolshevik coup d’état and the rise of Hitler as documented by Anthony Sutton.

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Leary was also at one time a baby, strange background, eh?

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So were we all. That has absolutely nothing to do with the anomaly of a West Pointer and CIA asset becoming an Acid head and major LSD promoter.

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Wise words, Don. There is strength in numbers and many hands make for light work. Far too often, a movement can become divided over a single nuance like "no planes" on 9/11 or the shape of the Earth. rendering an other wise effective grouping useless. But in regard to Tuckers meteoric rise as an H.L Mencken for the 21st Century, while I find myself agreeing with him 98% of the time, my spidey senses are screaming op. Not just a small op, but an over reaching Trumpenstein level op, which I feel he is a major player in. It's become a messainic cult with Trump as Orange Jeebis, Flynn as John the Baptist, Jones as the John the Revelator and Tucker as Paul of Tarsus. When you mentioned that Trump was the dividing line in the truth community, I agree and it should be. There is no way any self respecting conspiracy theorist could support, much less promote Trumpenstein unless something else is going on.

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Thanks, Andrew!

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Didn’t Musk state that the new Twitter is free speech but not free reach.

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The term from the WEF member CEO is there is a difference between "lawful and awful" speech. What I have noticed is that unless you are a chosen one, where every post you make is blistered across the feed, you very rarely get any traction. I have 3k followers and while I have gotten up to 6k likes on one reply to the chosen, my individual tweets are lucky to get 100 views in a day. It's a rigged game for sure.

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You are over the target. Yeah- Elon Musk takes Twitter, and loosens the censorship, the Carlson is fired by Fox, and instantly gets a platform on Twitter. I know a Grand Convergence when I see one. That is why the Putin interview is MASSIVE propaganda.

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A pet peeve of mine. Normal John or Jane Does show little interest in meeting with or helping each other. They're too obsessed with Mr. Big Shot or Ms. Celebrity on their screens. They get really excited about winning their approval indirectly, but don't give a rip about flesh and blood "nobodies" they could really have meals or conversations with.

Everyone looks to a billionaire celebrity for inspiration and leadership. They don't give a rip about character or integrity as long as he's "up there." Not the honest, hardworking, loyal, kindhearted bricklayer who lives next door. This is a problem for the right and the left.

If anything--from what we've seen--we should be less trustful of the super-rich who are well known in "public circles." We should treat any offers from them with healthy skepticism and questions. Instead, I see populists throwing themselves at their feet and groveling at the first complement or insult to the other elitists.

As populists why do we keep looking to hot shots from the ranks of the elitists for all of our leadership? Why do we simp so hard for the Swamp?

Aren't there any John Doe mechanics, janitors, truckers or farmers--men of courage and integrity--who can lead us?

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Great points, RE. I suggested before that people try to start local John Doe clubs. It would be very hard to form one in my very blue county. Thanks!

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LOLZ, move to NW Missouri, We would have you a home and a John Doe club where you would fit right in.

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Yes there are John Doe Farmers who can lead us. But first we must lead ourselves, so to speak. You finger a pattern I have noticed for a long time. In the old days my peer would criticize who I would vote for by saying "That guy is not electable". In other words, you have to go for the best looking celebrity politician in the Glue Factory, and vote for him, and hold your nose and hope he will do something right. This is what the Pro-Lifers did for years.

How did that work out??

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The masses are asses and they are like the herd huddled together to keep warm . Americans have had 23 years to connect the 911 dots to realize there were no "terrorists". Like the sinking of the "Titanic" insurance job that also eliminated any resistance to the Federal Reserve Act, more than one purpose with the media cleaning up any slop. Two huge plane wrecks without any plane parts and two huge buildings turned to dust (like a TV movie cough, cough) with the purpose of starting a war and be an insurance job with the media covering the slop. Who to believe? The information is out there , use some common sense, grow some balls and realize that anything going on we will not benefit from. Read the plan fools!

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You are insulting Jackasses everywhere by comparing them to the American Sheeple. Even a Jackass will run off the coyotes and the jackals.

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I agree with White Wolf that this was just a disinformation interview. I don't trust Tucker Carlson. Sure he, like Trump and other popular liars, tell you some truth, but OMIT the whole Truth, eg., 9/11, C19 fraud.

Tucker disingenuously kept asking Putin why HE doesn't end the conflict in Ukraine, "just call Biden up", after Putin repeatedly explained about NATO and U.S. aggression that caused it. Which is true. This was obvious disinfo/propaganda for American Sheeple to believe Putin started the conflict, therefore Putin could end it.

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." MT 7:20 Fruits include how much truth you share and obvious lies. Tucker is a limited hangout. Trump is an overt liar. Once people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.

How much fruit of the poisoned tree, 10s of millions from pharmakeia has Tucker received as a press-titute with Faux Snooze? For that matter, how much has Trump received from those wizards, witches and sorcerers?

The biggest problem American sheeple have is they've forgotten or fear to be angry. They’ve been so feminized or emasculated, or fearful to be, much less express anger, they just move along, nothing happening here...we don't want to offend anyone...just be a good, compliant and obedient sheep.

Forgiveness is fine for those who confess their sins. But I doubt Trump or Carlson, or most who've become popular, rich or powerful through deception and/or greed, ever will.

"Castles made of sand fall into the sea...eventually." Jimi Hendrix

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Always tell the truth, regardless of consequences.

1PE 3:14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;

1PE 3:17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

1PE 4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

1PE 4:19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator

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I try to always tell the truth, Mark. Thanks.

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I don't doubt that. Love the sinner, but hate the sin. But don't expect any of the liars/cult leaders to become our savior. We've only One.

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While I tend to not trust Carlson or any of the mainstream alternative types. I could argue that his type is necessary to pull the deep seated sheep from their trance, what elevation of the mountain they can handle/climb is up to them, just saying something positive on this subject.

That being said, I can’t stand the stupid sheep that give any of these grifters any time at all, unless for research or your career. The odds are their lying their asses off every time their lips move….

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I get it, Eveohtse. Most of my readers probably agree with you. Thanks.

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The Sheeple have a lot of waking up to do. People like Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones can bring them up a bit, but unless they do research the shills will leave them more confused than ever, or acting on a false narrative.

Be careful out there.

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E-h: No. The "deep seated sheep" will never be woken from their trance. They like their trance. They don't want to wake up.

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"Trust is a rare commodity in today's world." DJ speaks the truth.

So how does one live in a world of little trust? How does one have a family that thrives in a world of little trust? How do the rich and powerful do it?

Family is how.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc. marry well and have children. The children are educated and trained to run the family business. The children are also taught to only trust family and to continue the family by marrying well, having children, ...etc.

Look at poor families and middle class families. They struggle to pay day to day expenses. Their kids go to government schools and cheap day care. They don't have a chance of creating a wealthy dynasty.

Elon Musk is new money and a lot of it. Musk has many children and married well. He knows what he has to do.

Jeff Bezos is also new money and a lot of it. Did Bezos marry well? NO. Children? Bezos is a fool.

I am very careful about who I trust. As for marriage and family with children well raised. I'm a failure. I'm a fool.

Education, hard work, exercise, eating right...I can and did do that but the family part is the most important. Without a good family it all goes all a-glimmering.

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Those who can navigate through all the family dysfunction know exactly what's really important, Timmy. Thanks!

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Some great thoughts that all fighting for Liberty could use thinking on. I look at myself and all I have changed over the last 40+ years. Much of it due to listening to people i didn't necessarily agree with. Having been schooled in and competed in debate as well as majoring in history, it has given me the training to dig deeper and analyze. I think Tucker is doing some great things for Liberty. Is he perfect? Probably not. He is here with the rest of us after all. If Angels can fall from grace, can Demons not ascend? The Supreme Spirit commonly referred to as God gave us free will and the mandate to pursue Truth if we wanted to grow in Harmony with the same. We need to remember that when trying to make judgement. Great piece! Thanks!

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I appreciate the kind words, Celt. Thanks!

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Hi, Don. First comment on your great treatises. No one writes saner stuff than you.

What got me to comment was reading that "maybe Miles Mathis will read this and conclude that I am a Jew." I laughed long and hard. I read his articles mostly for entertainment and I find that genealogy stuff of his not too believable. After reading enough of his work I was coming to the eerie conclusion that only Miles and I were not Jews, lol.

He really stretches credulity and too many times builds on one certainty after another, never imagining that the first certainty might be built on a house of cards. "Look at this guy's schnoz; you know what he is!" He uses too many mental gymnastics to make everything fit. The funny thing about Mathis is that there was a time when he didn't mention Jews at all in his writings and at a certain point, that's all he does mention. All these people being close cousins up to no good. I don't even know most of my second cousins. Hell, I'm an eighth cousin once removed of John Wayne. Probably half the people reading this are closer to him than that. I do, however, find some of his writing an enjoyable read.

Lastly, there is some website he uses to find addresses and relatives of people he's researching. I don't feel like going through his articles to find the name of it, but it even lists a person's race and income, in addition to everything else. Has anyone here ever looked themselves up on that website he refers to so much? I'm listed as middle eastern Jewish. Lol. That is news to me. One of my brothers did that 23andme ancestry research on my parents (I would have never done that). Came back ZERO Ashkenazi Jew or any other kind.

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I appreciate the kind words, Dee. Yes, Mathis is interesting. Thanks!

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When it comes to genealogy, we are all 4th cousins 4 times removed. I guess that makes us all Jews now, seeing how those suckers like to intermarry. (See the Old Testament, Book of Joshua).

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I saw a "debate" between Timothy Leary and G. Gordon Liddy decades ago at Shoreline Community College north of Seattle. The give and take between Leary and Liddy was hilarious. They were both great performers who even dressed for their parts. Liddy wore a brown suit and his short hair. Leary wore Vietnam fatigues and a Banzai headband holding his long white hair.

The discussion between the two about the FBI raid of Leary's house and property was very funny. Drugs and young men and women everywhere in the house and around the pool.

They both pretended to dislike each other and debate but it was a Laurel & Hardy sketch.

Great entertainment.

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Liddy had a pretty entertaining radio show, Timmy. Thanks.

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Liddy was a natural performer. I think he honed his act while in prison.

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I think Liddy would have looked better in Fatigues. But long hair and a bandana just wasn't his style.

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WW: Liddy was the Boy Scout who took one for the team and went to prison for the Watergate break-in. Liddy was an artillery officer in the Army in Korea. He joined the FBI. The guy was as straight as they come.

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I am not so sure. Liddy doubtlessly knew where a lot of the proverbial bodies were. To keep him quiet, they gave him a lucrative radio contract.

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WW: I never heard his radio show. Donald Jeffries says it was pretty good. At least Liddy had some compensation for doing the dirty work and the time in prison for the DC gang.

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It's not about getting along, it is about facing reality with courage. I believe Carlson, Alex Jones, David Icke and most in the alt-news are controlled opposition. The take-down of America 2.0 has been planned at least since the War of Northern Aggression. Since 2016, that plan has been on warp-speed. (((They))) have stopped hiding everything. The job of the controlled opposition is to bring this thing to it's fiery conclusion. Alt-media now has more impact on about half of the country, than the MSM does. (((They))) knew this was coming, they planned for it. Its working out exactly as planned. One simply does not get a public platform like those I mentioned unless they are bought and paid for. Donald, did you see the news that just came out, how the Biden administration met with Amazon to block books (like yours) that called-out the scamdemic?

I found an online article that supports my conclusion that the take-down of America is this year. The conspiracy world is so cluttered with newbies now, I have to carefully vet what I read... there's only so much time. The article was gold to me, because the author actually had more info on what's going down than I did (which I find rare). It was about the "death" of Queen Elizabeth II. The author believes she was ritually murdered, while I believe it was faked, and she lives on peacefully at Balmoral (her favorite place on earth). The author explained that 2022 was year Zero in (((their))) calendar of what they believe to be the 2000 year Satanic Great Age. The old queen had to go. He missed the Queen's official birthday picture (April 21st 2022) which tipped me off ...her standing between two white horses (Celtic symbol for death), but he had picked up on the fact that Charles has to be jockeyed onto, and off the throne, quickly...to make way for the major player, who is Prince William. Like me, he thought the Queen looked hale and hearty in her last photograph, just days before her death. The important info that I learned from the article, was that, the day of her "death" Sirius was observed rising over Balmoral at sunrise, for the first time in 2022. The Dog Star is very important in Satanic rituals. When I heard Charles has been diagnosed with cancer, I knew this was part of that plan. My differences with the author is that the royal deaths are faked, not sacrifices. I do appreciate getting a timeline, though. It supports my contention that (((they))) will pull the plug on America 2.0 this year. The sold-out alt-news players...are merely the cheerleading squad.

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I actually wrote an article about Biden working with Amazon to censor books, which will appear in the next issue of American Free Press. Thanks, Kris!

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You could be right. Last November there were very strange signs in the heavens, a red dawn similar to what occurred on January 25th, 1938. And just months after that, the big events that directly led to WW2 started occurring.

A similar timeline points to May of this year.

The great False Flag of October 7th occurred just 6 days before the last apparition of Fatima October 13th.

So will something occur May 20th, Six days after the first apparition of Fatima?

Stay tuned.

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"... but can’t we all just get along, people?"

You used the wrong word at the end of the question!

Replace it with the right one "sheeple" and the answer naturally can be only one.

"But we shouldn’t turn away a potential comrade (not to sound like a commie), exclusively because of his background, or what he once said or did. " with this one I couldn't be more distant.

Actions are the only things that matter. Unbalanced actions are a sign of an unbalanced animal and we must not favor such type of engagement.

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Actually, I think people is the operative word there, voza0db. I would expect sheeple to get along with dissenters. I want those who are "awake" to any significant degree to come together. Thanks.

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The place to come together is under the Mantle of Our Lady of Fatima. May she be with us in the very dark days that lie ahead, the sum of all evils.

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You have learned nothing from OPERATION COVIDIUS... Maybe next time.

Be well.

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I wrote the only book which tells the whole truth about COVID, which I call The Greatest Psyop in the History of the World, voza. "Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World" is the most shadow banned book in the world. Barnes & Noble recently just removed it from their web site without explanation. I think I've learned quite a lot, and I share the extensive research I conducted in the book.

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I do know that... But you still fail to see (or you prefer not to reveal) the fundamental flaw of the herds of modern moron slaves. You can use the word "sheeple". Fits perfectly well. This is what really matters.

In the end when They (Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires) deploy another "???demic" the herds will behave in the exact same way, because they will still be COWARD & MEEK.

Most of those that were awake, and are awake, already saw Reality for what it is. Pretending it isn't so won't do neither us nor them any good.

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We are quibbling over semantics here, voza. I mention the Sheeple regularly. I wrote a Substack specifically about them not that long ago. My book details that herd mentality. I think blind obedience is a better way to describe it than cowardice. Thanks.

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Allowing oneself to be injected with an experimental toxic spew just to be able to engage in air travels or go into a restaurant is not "blind obedience".

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this might piss off the great JR, but I caught a guest mentioning the term COVID in october 2019. the CDC says it only declared COV-19 in Feb 2020. oooh it makes me wonder. rense_100419_hr1 00:45:46,160 --> 00:45:56,240 "I don't know, slightly higher than the temperature, yeah, that's what COVID said, I don't . " he meant to say the CDC said, but I checked several times and he said COVID. I would be interested if you had a date on when the term was first used. maybe as that guest was a virologist he had inside info, but in October of 2019? that is worse than the BBC reporter lady who was saying that WTC 7 came down, before it came down. anyhow I am sure that Erica smells better. lols (I am doing subtitles with a whisperai program, seems to be working well enough, takes an hour to do an hour roughly.) not sure what the AI is also doing on my computer, but that is the chance we take.

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I know people who refuse to vote and then do nothing but complain about who is in power. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Voting is giving your opinion on a politician and yes, it is easy yo be disappointed. But, at least you have the right to complain if you gave your opinion regardless of whether you were right or wrong. Personally I have never belonged to any political party or organization with the exception of a trade union when I was in my late teens and early twenties. The reason is simple. I reserve the right to agree or disagree with anyone regardless of their affiliations. My mind and my opinions are mine and mine alone. All we can hope for in this life is to try to stand by our honour and principles to the best of our ability until our time on the earth is done. Most if not all of us will fail to do this at least part of the time. It is part of being human. Maniacs like the members of the WEF with their self styled perfection have every intention of taking this away from us. Remember, to err is human and by some strange twist some of us learn from these mistakes. That is what makes us human and that is why they are so determined to take independent thought away from us.

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Several people have said, (probably mostly nonvoters), that nonvoters are the only ones who really have a right to complain. Their opinion was None Of The Above.

They won't play the politics game since it is a losing game.

If None Of The Above was a choice on the ballot, everyone would vote!

However, if voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it. I think that was from Mark Twain.

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But at least you must express your opinion by going out and casting a ballot. If enough people could be convinced to get out and vote for "none of the above" it would still express an opinion of the candidates rather than the apathetic person who can't even get up of his or her ass and at least show up. If the "none of the above" votes were then publicized it might help people to realize the sham that is our electoral system. Visible protest is a very effective way of getting your message out and by the way I have voted for "none of the above a few times in my life. At least on those times I went out and let my thoughts be known. Any thoughts?

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That's why none of the above is rarely an option on any ballots. That would force a new election with new candidates which is the last thing they want to do.

So my choice is almost always the independent underdog like Ron Paul or other past independent candidates as a protest vote. It works for me and my conscience is clear!

Imagine if enough people actually voted for that 3rd party independent to get them elected.

That would send a loud and clear message to the other 2 dying parties, wouldn't it?

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Unfortunately in Canada the independents are usually worse than the mainstreams. If I was in the U.S. Mr. Paul would be my choice.

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Fortunately for the US, the independents are usually better than the others, but unfortunately most voters still don't get that, and continue reelecting the same old 2 party crap.

Statistically, US incumbents get reelected 93% of the time shows that most US voters are clueless. As elsewhere too.

I can't imagine any Canadian independent worse than Trudope, and I don't know what the reelection rate there is. It's probably as high or higher than here.

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After over fifty years of voting I still can't figure out Canadian voters. If the average voters here had gunpowder for brains they wouldn't even be able to blow their noses. All a guy can do is keep trying to show people the corruption and arrogance of government but most don't even want to know.

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Donald, another person who had trouble contacting Terry Reed was Michael Ruppert who, like Jeffrey Epstein, killed himself. What. Reed pointed out William P. Barr was George H.W. Bush's cutout in the Nicaraguan caper dba "Robert Johnson"--Barr of course would join the other Deep State goblins in harrying the do-dangerous Donald Trump. Daniel Ortega also showered with his [step] daughter. It is just as dangerous for Americans to consider that Vladimir Putin operates out of national self-interest and the principles of realpolitik while Biden fronts for a dark matter of America Last goblins of barricade Bolshevism. And speaking of running your opposition, John Brennan voted for Gus Hall and as chief of station in Riyadh may have converted. We may judge the danger of the revelation by the level of ferocity of the counterattack it stimulates. Derangement rains down on Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson--and perhaps the author of Hidden History. There is a secret society which jealously guards it power--and it ain't the Masons. Keep nailing theses to the cathedral door with that Ramset Cobra Danny Glover used in Lethal Weapon 2. The uneventful life ends in a three-bedroom coffin--and the unexamined life is not worth living.

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Thanks, Phil!

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I understand where you're coming from. These days, its hard to trust what anyone has to say. I'll give Tucker credit for going over to Russia to talk with the Big Guy and at least hold a half way intelligent and coherent conversation without constant mumbling. I wonder how our CIA even let him touch ground over there. But it really rankled Hillary and that made me laugh. She has to be the most bitter person ever. I grew up with a lot of mistrust and found very few to trust over the years. Sometimes I'd have to set someone up just to see if they'd even lie to me. As far as the JFK assassination, we'll never know as most of those people who did know the truth are now dead. Like anything, those that know, somehow mysteriously die. Or they end up on a hit list.

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Thanks, Fran!

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Oh, but you're falling for it. C'mon- Tucker and Hillary are probably going to get together in a few weeks and take a hot bath with Trump, Obama, Epstein, and maybe the Queen of England and Osama Bin Lauden. It's all one big club, and they play us for chumps.

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I'm not falling for anything, so don't try and put thoughts in my head, please. Hillary doesn't like a lot of people who don't agree with her. The hatred shows clearly on her face.

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Hillary is a great actor.

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To some, but anyone with two brain cells can see how Evil she really is. I doubt that is faked.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, Hillary is as evil as the day is long. But so are the people she is targeting. This is all a Cosmic Clown Show, and the sooner we all realize that, the better. The sad truth is we have no heroes in the political arena, the dicasteries, the halls of academia, or the halls of business. We are cast forth upon a moral desolation that has not been seen since the days Abraham walked the face of the Earth.

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I won't argue with that! And the list seems to grow bigger by the moment. My own Senator, Ron Johnson sure has swung around for support to Ukraine and Israel. I've blasted him on Rumble, telling him he is our EMPLOYEE and most corporations would FIRE staff that performed their duties negligently. Most of those crooks talk out both sides of their mouths. I can picture a snake for a tongue in many of them.

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I was never a big Tucker fan, but his most recent work has been both important and courageous.

In America we are so used to the quickie sound-bite interview - Tucker’s new show/style lets the discussion unfold - much more interesting and informative - it’s why podcasts are replacing network news.

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He is unquestionably smooth and polished, Unsteady. Thanks!

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You need to read my substacks on the CIA Shill and the KGB Mole.

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