Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I consider that American, and rather western women, have become completely trained and brainwashed by a certain TRIBE with certain TENDENCIES. This tribe is very self-centered and only cares about riches and monies, etc.

What you talk about Don is very true in Japan from what I have heard and read. The Japanese women literally will only date rich men and they all fight over them, etc. Many average Japanese men are likely completely fine people, but average is not good enough to get a date over there (or whatever they call it as that word "date" is racist or sexist too).

Many American women think the same. You better make X amount of money, have a car this good, have this big of a house, have this kind of body, and well, I won't say the next one but you can figure it out. They think like this and they have this in their profiles on those "non-dating sites or hook up sites". I assume many of these women stay single into their mid-30's and then have a one-night stand with some rich guy and get pregnant and then raise that only child with no daddy.

For me, I have been dating recently myself. The major problem I see is the quality of these women. I, personally, refuse to date women with tattoos, or other potential behaviors that I can vett. I have written about this to one of your friends in the alt news world before; its all about impulse control. I look at the physical signs of no control like a pictures with all different hair colors, tattoos, etc. Then, its the actual personality behaviors also I look for. I try to figure this out right away because otherwise I am wasting my time. They are good at hiding things for several months too.

The other problem is those dam phones. They have every type of account there is. TikTard, Instashit, Tinderfaker probably, FaceofDeath,, and Twatter too. While you are out with her, she can stare at the 1,000 messages on all these sites from 1,000 different men. Its constant attention-whoring that you as the dude get to compete with. So, I have been on dates and I will tell her, put your phone away turn it off. If she doesn't do it, I walk the fukk out. Its all about wasting my time. I can go build something, design something, or even come here in your blog and write something useful (all of which are more worth my time than spending it with a bimbo).

I have also tried to vett out the vaccine scenario too. My best way is to ask them in a way that I want them to not know my stance on the shots. I will say, Are you vaccinated against Covid-19? You must do this up front before they can find out where you stand. The problem is is they lie so much. If they dig you, they will try to pick the correct answer you are looking for not what their actual status is. Have fun with this one if you didn't get those k*ke cocktails in you.

You will also notice they will make comments that "I am bored". Its as if they have to be entertained by you as if you must be James Bond, jumping out of planes and skydiving to another plane.....or you are boring. Yes, and if you do not entertain them, then you are boring and "where is my phone" at so I can check my 500 messages coming in. And if you aren't good at the texting game......you are in trouble too. Don't you fukkin' dare bore them with a text message like "How is your day"? Nope. That's boring and onto the next guy and his text. Will that one be more exciting for her? You bet. "How is your day" is probably deemed "gay" these days. That's just not appropriate to ask! You probably would be better off taking a picture of your junk and sending it to her than "How is your day"?

Nonetheless, Don, if this doesn't turn back around as you suggest; don't worry....its most likely the end of civilization as we know it and/or the transfer to a literal AI human bots at some point. Nothing to worry about. And, oh yeah, by the way, when some dudes see their Dad get raked in a divorce settlement (if that's even what those settlements are because its all favored to that female) they think twice about getting married. Hey, sure, take more than half of my lifetime possessions and monies, and can I pay child support as well? Hey, what a fukkin' deal man. Where can I sign up for that?

I will tell you. It is probably more dire than any of us think.....the future of dating, mingling, marriage, having children, etc. And, I write all this as I figure out what I will say this week when I break up with my short-term GF of a few months. I better let her down easy as they say. Because, Don, after all, she could smash her eye socket into the corner of a wall, call the Police, and I go to jail for well.........a pseudo abuse case.

Its all stacked against the man and until that changes back the other way......once again....have fun.

EDIT: And who the fukk put it in there heads, that they deserve millions in a bank account, a mansion, a Ferrari, a perfect figure, etc. ..........WTF? Total insanity and stupidity!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Thanks Don. Just digging into your work but already compelled to comment, Re:

the explosion of transgenderism.... a guarantee that the population numbers will decline.

our youngest daughter and several of their friends are convinced they are trans-men. as you can imagine it is a difficult pill to swallow.

recently, we had some lengthy conversation on this subject. briefly our daughter was complaining of the fact that some states now disallow gender treatment for minors.

my retort, was the along the lines that one must keep in mind that it takes a man and a woman to continue the human race. thus, for this reason and others, some caution is due.

they were unconvinced -- taking the stand that that planet cannot withstand the current population anyhow

in any event, my Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics book just arrived the other day and looking forward to reading it!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

That's a deliciously politically-incorrect piece you wrote there. Thanks for being brave and writing it. I have noticed the same thing in entertainment - it's okay to pick on, laugh at and humiliate men, but not so okay with women. I am glad you wrote about it. I think Hollywood is at the root of many of our problems. A good example is the actress who won Best Actress. Her speech focused on her being a woman, an Asian and, apparently not yet over the hill. Is it possible that she got the award because she was a good actress? I'd like to think that that is why she got the award ... because she is a good actress. These days, though, we can't be so sure about such things. Unfortunately.

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Brilliant article. EVERYTHING you describe, is a jewish attack on white males, and by proxy formerly white, happy, wholesome nations. All of it. Countless proof-points we could show, but I will just wait for the widespread opprobrium from the masses who swear fealty to the jewish worship cults.

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This was great !!Don firebrand on this one!!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

We are truly living in hell...hope we survive and all meet up on the other side of reality. Until then, please keep up sharing reality!

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I haven't been to the movies in 15 years and haven't had a TV for seven, but some of the older examples you mention did bring back memories. I have friends both male and female who have given up on finding a mate and I don't blame them. They both are looking for a person who fits a time period that doesn't exist anymore. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Good observations Don.

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Powerful, Don. Thanks for your voice!.

In Reality Land, all of this madness is coming to a rapid end, IMO. With the mass psychosis and biowarfare unleashed upon us, we are within mere months of complete societal collapse in the US. When a few million more have dropped dead from their masks and vaxxx, when they are evicted from their homes, when there is no crust of bread to consume, when tanks are in our streets, then the insanity of Empire's End will disappear like mist in the Sun. That time is upon us...

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Some of those resting bitch faces are MTFs , further distorting what a real woman looks like. These poor children.

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On target, Don. Many words change meaning over the course of time. Tracing "girl" etymologically (and I'm going back some centuries), it originally referred to a pre-pubescent child of either gender. Gradually it came to mean just females and then young females. I've known women who would go into a rage if you called them a girl or even used the word in their presence. I've also known women who liked being called girls and considered it complementary as it made them feel young again. Several years ago there was an incident in California whereby two young females (late teens to early 20s) were in line behind a guy at a lunch truck. They got in a disputation over something and had words. It rapidly escalated to the point where the girls raised their fists and attacked the guy, throwing punches. Their punches did not affect him. However, his counter strikes definitely affected them. He threw just two, knocking them both not only down but out. Someone called the cops and the guy was arrested (the girls should have been too but were not). My point here is, those addle brained females obviously grew up watching Kosher Valley (Hollywood) flicks depicting petite girls and women whipping hapless men twice their size to parade rest with just a kick or a bunch. And like their mentally challenged fellow sheeple of the opposite sex, cannot distinguish screen fantasy from reality. They actually thought they could kick male ass at will but instead received a hard lesson in the facts of life. You can most assuredly multiply this incident by the thousands across the land. These females do not strut triumphant over the fallen bodies of the men they just dispatched hand to hand. On the contrary, they wind up in battered womens shelters or the emergency rooms of hospitals.

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Donald, I can't figure out why you continue to torture yourself by partaking of the pop-culture cesspit. I can't relate to any of your examples, because I have not been in a cinema in 43 years, and I junked the idiot box 32 years ago. Your examples may explain why they stopped making westerns...or do they still make woke westerns? The fifties/sixties westerns that I remember would be a difficult medium to insert wokeness into.

I often hear you say, that in the case of a national divorce, the crazy other fifty percent would not allow us to leave in peace....because they need us to have someone to cancel. That is exactly what happened when they learned of the: Men Going Their Own Way movement. All radical leftists melt down even thinking about young folks (and older folks too) liberating themselves from a toxic culture...that these cultural refugees never asked for...and they are publicly castigated for opting out. I feel really sorry for young men these days. If I was in their shoes, I think I'd chose to become a monk.

The only huge change in America that I think was for the better, is that pets are treated completely different than 40 years ago. As you have stated above, they've become replacements for children. This change in attitude towards dogs...especially, is like night and day. I got my first personal dog (a dalmatian) at age 19. I considered this dog my closest companion, and we traveled a great deal. I remember being treated like a kook, and enduring many very difficult situations, where I was even called a kook to my face, for doing things with my dog, that these days are routine activities for dog owners. Once I returned to my room after breakfasting at a Howard Jonhsons in Florida, to find my room padlocked and the police on the way, because the maid had spotted my dog. When I try to tell young people about this huge change that happened in my own adulthood, they flat out do not believe me.

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

And now you see the results of massive indoctrination. No government survives without indoctrinating its citizens with an endless feed of lies, rubbish and misconceptions.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Great write, thank you. How to understand it all? Are "we" minority? Or lame majority? Why are we so incapacitated? It has grown beyond absurdity.

I guess that as long as most people keep consuming " popular culture" and watch Oscars (haha) and a plethora of "culturally enriching" products, it would be naive to expect any change.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

I think the 1960s and everything that went along with it were the beginning of the end for society. Since then, we've created hyper-promiscuous, low self-esteem women and confused, angry, emasculated men. Women spend their fertile years racking up bodies, brunching, and leaving a piece of their soul with each encounter, coming out the other end oftentimes emotionally damaged and with reduced ability to pair bond. Then at some point, they try to disassociate from their past, claiming "it doesn't matter" after Mr. Marriage finds out about their dozens of past sexual partners and porn-level experimenting that was so freely handed out to exciting player types. It is at this point a part of him dies, realizing the woman of his dreams, whom he now lives a stable, vanilla life with, was so freely given away to so many other men.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Donald Jeffries

Have you folks discovered Golf?

I see none of these issues on the golf course.

It's easy for me to talk, I know,,, since I work at a golf course. We're in the sunshine on acres

of beautiful park-like nature every day, where people greet you with a smile and wave as they pass by and we can golf free as much as we want after work, every day, and twice on Sunday. People are happy, even the psychotic ones. (unless they get drunk)

No cell phones. No television. No traffic. No rudeness.

You can smoke, you can drink, you can swear, you can piss on a tree.

Come on, Springtime!

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This was a great article as always Mr. Jeffries, this certainly hits home with me especially. I'm even loving some of the comments down below some great stuff there as well!

One of the comments below by Ryan Wendland from March 14 perfectly describes the modern dating world. I too face this problem, 25 years old. I'm not rich, but I'm a hard worker, have a good build (do weight-lifting), run plenty with my foxhound, but can't get girl's attention for the life of me. Even on my best day, I have better interactions with the walls than girls my age. I get on great with older women, and have had "experiences" with such.

I got laid multiple times in my life so no I am not one of those incels or virgins. Not saying this to brag or put anyone down who is like this, I feel for them. But I had to be real tricky, and those lays were with 7 different women (slut types honestly). Not one was wife material. And the girlfriends I had as a teenager were just stupid but I figured that was because we were young and these girls will mature yes? Nope, seemed to only further decline in whatever little intelligence they had...

I'm also not MGTOW, logically that cannot last, men must grab life by the balls again someday and make these selfish narcissistic cunts (I don't care, that's what I'm calling them) see reality. How can we though as the technological society Theodore Kacyzinski and Jacques Ellul warned us about continues to tighten it's grips on our independence? This very technological future robs men of our primitive roles and allows a nihilistic way of life to flourish. Plus with the legal system pushing women to divorce rather than marriage til death, it has turned men into financial cows to be milked by women. Where marriage=Gun to the head and so men give into the tyrannical whims of their bitch-wives.

I understand as a man, you have to have some challenge with girls, but some of these girls make it almost impossible even just to have a conversation. They have no interest at all. I read a lot of books, I don't like sports at all, and I do not call myself a leftist or a conservative. I can never date a leftist long-term, or at all, they disgust me. However the girls on the right are no better socially. They are of course more attractive than those on the left, but seem uninterested in anything and have a shallow understanding of any subject you bring up. Plus when you initiate going the extra step they cower away from your action. In general, no one seems interested in companionship, love, and most importantly loyalty.

It has gotten only more difficult. Do you notice that many women seem incapable of social cues? They do not show much emotion, lack multiple facial expressions. Sure I can get them to laugh but that is it. They are impossible to read and as you said seem to have the attention span of nats.

People have been transformed into the ultimate consumers, the very thing George Carlin tried to warn us about through his comedy (in comedy no one hears your screams).

Sure everyone talks a good game about looking for love and not everything is about money or status but they're all full of shit. The culture and legal system enables this Malthusian wet-dream to no end, I do not believe there is a legal way out of this either. I'm not religious, was raised catholic, am not a pagan or an atheist either. But I sometimes wonder if men were to revert to the ancient ways with all it's faults maybe we could get out of this? If we continue down this path I only see submission, emasculation, and subservience to the pussy on the pedestal rather than symbiosis of male and female.

Fuck Men Go Their Own Way, more like go their own way into extinction? That just plays into the insanity. The only point I will take from this philosophy is not to have children with leftist, I am okay with them going away one day. I have witnessed so much insanity and destruction from leftist let those women dry up and sleep with their careers and degrees while they listen to NPR radio propagandize their puny brains with DEI bullshit and anti-white racism..

Men must grow a deep belief in themselves, and become as strong as the greatest devotee to Islam, or the greatest warriors of old. We must tap into that strength, and bring order back into our lives. We must not only accept our manhood, but embrace it or die!

Fuck the left for their depravity, and fuck the right for their lack of imagination. They're all bringing us down with them with their incapability to create solutions to these problems...

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